MartiniDaniels wrote: »ESO for me is like a country where my toons live and "combat team" is like corrupted government who cares about only their own business (PVP balance).
Well stated. They clearly aren't invested in the player experience.... only how they can balance deathmatch numbers on a spreadsheet. Most players don't PvP, so they are only trying to appease a small segment of the population, at the expense of the majority.
I kind of get how the loremaster doesn't want to make waves with his friends on the combat team, but I'm really curious how this made it past the marketing team. One would think they would want the maximum number of happy players. But I guess they get paid to sign off on whatever crosses their desk. We just happen to be the ones that have to think about it every time we see our once great Bosmer characters (or plastic surgery enhanced Bosmer that now looks like a Khajiit) at the log in screen.
MartiniDaniels wrote: »There is brightest example such as Bioware. They were making best RPGs with Dragon Age:Origins and Mass Effect 2 as some pinnacle of art and success and then some smart-backside from EA decided to enforce coop in Mass Effect 3 and remade all game to be like Call of Duty.. results well-known -> Bioware is dead.
Cundu_Ertur wrote: »
I think what hurt ME3 the most was the dumbed down ending that didn't fit the rest of the story. Up until "Mr. Marauder Shields" it wasn't bad and seemed to be going to a satisfying conclusion. I think some exec somewhere was like, "derrrrrr, whutwhuzzat," so they dumbed it down way too much. I actually liked the co-op mode at times, but there were times where it did feel cash grabby. So long as you kept your wallet away most of the time it wasn't too bad. Even then they could have survived, until they handed off the IP to another bunch who had no clue what they were doing. Andromeda did more damage to Bioware than any other thing.
Cundu_Ertur wrote: »Any relevant news from E3?
Cundu_Ertur wrote: »Any relevant news from E3?
Cundu_Ertur wrote: »Any relevant news from E3?
Cundu_Ertur wrote: »Any relevant news from E3?
Cundu_Ertur wrote: »
I had watched the stream; my meaning was more if anyone had actually gone there and talked to someone like you had a few months back in Boston.
Who else cringed every time the stream broke into the "Hey, we're gamers too and we appreciate your feedback" agitprop? LOL yeah, right. 76 pages and all we got is a box full of nothin'.
edit to add: not to mention the several threads in PTS when the changes first showed up in PTS-land, and Character Mechanics before that when they were first previewed.
MartiniDaniels wrote: »
Nope. Cats and dragons. And more dragons! And even more dragons!
maybe they make special bosmer DLC, where we can hunt and eat well --- you know - #justbosmerthings.
maybe they make special bosmer DLC, where we can hunt and eat well --- you know - #justbosmerthings.
Alucardmike wrote: »
There are not many regions left...
Only a falinesti DLC could work, but it would be to much for the engine, I think...
It gets even more juicy at 8:47 about the rite of theft. Sadly the forest coupling is not mentioned, but then again we haven't really seen it in any of the games (possibly because it's impossible to implement).Bosmer are also known for being very quick, nimble and agile and more specifically, very stealthy and also natural born archers.
Oh would you look at that. FudgeMuppet made a video on Bosmer. And what does he say at 5:07 ? It gets even more juicy at 8:47 about the rite of theft. Sadly the forest coupling is not mentioned, but then again we haven't really seen it in any of the games (possibly because it's impossible to implement).
If you are wondering why this is relevant, well FudgeMuppet is a TES lore channel but focusing more on Skyrim and TESVI speculations. Although he uses ESO lore for some of his videos (sometimes even letting it shine through when it's not making much sense), it's pretty clear he doesn't play the game. So he's pretty much an outside view unaffected by the balance decisions taken by ZOS and ESO's patch history. If he can recognize that Woodelfs are stealthy and we can recognize that Woodelfs are stealthy, then why can't ZOS?
Edit: How do you make the thumbnail and video appear in here and not just the URL?