The "leak" came out more than a week into the PTS cycle. ZOS had been working on these changes for months.
What about the fact that both the leak and the official announcement both explicitly stated that Lawrence left for family reasons?
Give it up, your claim is baseless.
The news that Lawrence was leaving came weeks into the PTS. ZOS knew about the changes way before that. If that was the reason he left he would have left earlier.
Besides, we know the reason he left was a family member moving away. You guys trying to spin this for your own agenda is absolutely disgusting.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »
It doesn't matter what tone you keep because ZOS isn't reading this thread.
In the current climate of non-disclosure agreements and employment termination contracts, who can really say for certain what happened behind the scenes. Official statements can be negotiated, or be required to be written a certain way. All we know for certain is that the letter posted on ZOS's website was approved by management, or it wouldn't be there. Interestingly, the main theme of Mr Schick's departure letter is that lore is decided by the player, and how it should fit into his or her own playstyle is up to them, and them alone.
However, we are not allowed to play our characters as we created them, to be the stealthy Bosmeri we are used to from the previous Elder Scrolls games. Somebody decided that after almost five years of playing as we wanted to, that none of that mattered, and instead it's become "Here's how you'll be playing your beloved characters from now on, so get used to it," even though the new changes have nothing to do with being stealthy, and aren't even of any use to most players.
It's pretty obvious he was just guessing about the possible reason and (at least) semi-joking.
Neither of those things are "disgusting" things to do.
You are severely overreacting, here.
ryzen_gamer_gal wrote: »could you please put one of those option icons on this thread so i can choose to block even seeing this thread in my list. thank you.
Implying that the previous loremaster left because of the racial passive changes is disgusting.
And implying that you know more about the situation than anyone else is arrogant. They have had every opportunity to have a discourse with us, but they choose to let us discuss and speculate on our own, so that's all we can really do.
But thanks for helping keep this thread alive! New people are seeing it every day and voicing their opinions as well.
ryzen_gamer_gal wrote: »could you please put one of those option icons on this thread so i can choose to block even seeing this thread in my list. thank you.
There was a totally valid official response as to why the previous loremaster left
@Jaraal @Ogou
Guys, seriously, the speculation about the loremaster doesn't belong in this thread and throwing insults at each other isn't helping us get stealth back either. It only undermines our quest for stealth as a whole and makes us seem petty. Let's not give them any reason to discount us as conspiracy theorists, no matter how tempting it may be or how many arrows point into the direction.
IronWooshu wrote: »Give them stealth detection back like Khajiit have but no 10% dmg from stealth... find a better way to PVP.
Yes that what we want from page one. No one here is looking for that 10%.
Cundu_Ertur wrote: »Each race stealth index averaged for all 3 games (rounded to nearest integer):
Bosmer 12
Khajiit 10
Dunmer 4
Argonian 3
Imperial 1
Redguard -1
Altmer -1
Nord -2
Breton -4
Orc -8
Cundu_Ertur wrote: »The results are clear. Bosmer and Khajiit have always been consistently the two most stealthy races since racial bonuses existed. However, it is equally clear that Bosmer have always held a slight edge between the two races. The current situation, where Khajiit are the ONLY race to have a meaningful advantage in stealthiness (keep in mind this is across all stealth skills not just sneak, though that certainly is a part) is both unique and wrong.
While some people (particularly in this thread) may see this as a completely valid analogy, others may think it is completely out of left field. But before I discuss it further, I'll need a second analogy, and this will be in the form of an archetypal test question format that we all came to know and despise in school:We felt that the passives for Breton and Altmer were too similar, but we wanted to preserve elements of magicka-based gameplay; so we assigned the only buffs to magicka and magicka recovery to the Bretons and removed all spellcasting abilities from the Altmer. Instead of spells, Altmer will now have the ability to detect and disable spells cast by other players. We are also moving Altmer and Bretons into the same alliance.
My second analogy is this: magicka is to a mage as sneaking is to a thief. It should be intuitively obvious to even the most casual observer that if I were to have made a Magey-ness index similar to the Stealthiness index I have listed above that Altmer and Breton would be numbers 1 and 2 (and I rather suspect but cannot prove that Argonians, Dunmer, and Imperials would round out the top 5). So to remove the ability to cast spells from one of the top spell-casting races is obviously nonsense. And to then put the magic and anti-magic races in the same alliance is just nonsense compounding nonsense and then exponentiating that nonsense by itself. It's the googolplex of nonsense. Would anyone argue that?Words are to a book as ________ are to a song.
Which word best fills in the blank?
a. composers
b. papers
c. turtles
d. notes
Cundu_Ertur: The archetype is not the role, however. Roles are more about actually doing things, like doing damage (DPS), absorbing damage (Tank), healing damage (Healer), or utility (buff/debuff, CC, out of combat things like finding/disarming traps, picking locks, diplomacy, etc).
One could argue that "thieving" is a role, not an archetype. In ESO this is especially true since there is no primary skill line for a "thief" class. The Nightblade -- which is near as you get to a Rogue archetype -- is probably the class one would choose if they wanted to play the most optimized "thief" (mostly because of its evasion skills).
Well, you could try to argue that, but the trope (which is very well established) is 'Fighter, Mage, Thief.' If you look at the tropes page, you can relate it to things as far back as Norse Mythology. The section on TES games is particularly extensive. If it makes you feel any better, you can say 'rogue' instead of 'thief' but really it's the same thing.Cundu_Ertur: "The archetype is not the role, however. Roles are more about actually doing things, like doing damage (DPS), absorbing damage (Tank), healing damage (Healer), or utility (buff/debuff, CC, out of combat things like finding/disarming traps, picking locks, diplomacy, etc). "
One could argue that "thieving" is a role, not an archetype. In ESO this is especially true since there is no primary skill line for a "thief" class. The Nightblade -- which is near as you get to a Rogue archetype -- is probably the class one would choose if they wanted to play the most optimized "thief" (mostly because of its evasion skills).