As it has been mentioned numerous times over the course of 2018, I am just gonna suggest this:
How will it appeal to the community if ESO had a Cyrodiil Campaign that supported the complete PvE aspect of the game with a twist?
most of you may know Cyrodiil has always been a Pvp thing since Day 1, I can Agree 100%, but with how the rest of the community has been reacting with the Performance In PvP in the Cyrodiilic campaigns, what other options are there to consider aside from improving PvP and the game as a whole with some sort of graphics slider to sacrifice quality over enhanced performance. but here's the thing.
Idea for PvE type Cyrodiil:
- you will not be able to fight other players in any way, just NPC's.
- the NPC's will be stronger than before to compensate as well as a slight NPC increase near keeps, resource nodes, etc based on that nodes level.
- Alliance point gains should/will be reduced by 40% or at least downright halved.
- Assault/Support Skill line XP gains will remain marginally the same.
- The 6 main keeps required for a player to become emperor will each have a powerful keep Boss (Equivalent to a Base Veteran Dungeon Boss) that must be slain in order to capture a keep.
the plus side to this is that players may not have to worry as much about performance but as an old proverbial saying goes:
Solve one problem, and another shall rise to take it's place.
If you see me anywhere. Know that I am sitting back with a bag of popcorn, watching as ESO burns the goodwill of its player base with practices that only disrespects the players time like it did to me and many others...
If a game does not respect your time, best thing to do is move on from it and find something else.
Suggestion: Create a PvE Cyrodiil. 437 votes
Maybe. (Comment advised but optional.)
Maybe not. (comment advised.)