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  • Gnortranermara
    Sharee wrote: »
    And to that, i say - sload is meh. About halfway beween the really strong and the really weak DOTS i commonly get hit by. Poison injection, burning embers, bleeds, yada yada - sload is nothing special compared to the majority, damage-wise.

    I agree. In the very post you replied to I clearly stated "the problem with Sload's is not the damage." The damage numbers are trivial in a 1v1 situation.
    Sharee wrote: »
    The only reason why sload is so controversial is the fact it bypasses shields. Otherwise, noone would even bat an eyelash.

    Wrong. As I just told you, I don't even run shields in PvP and I see the problem. The reason it's a problem is that it bypasses EVERYTHING -- all kinds of damage mitigation. It's okay for normal resistible damage to stack because the player has ample options to build in ways that allow them to survive greater quantities of that kind of damage. When it comes to resistible damage, you always have the option to run more resistances or more defensive buffs or more shields or more whatever to survive getting hit by multiple people. Conversely, there is no counterplay to getting gang-Sloaded by multiple players.

    We can easily prove what's happening here: I don't run shields or Sload's, therefore I have no bias. If your claim was true that Sload-stacking isn't really a problem because these other sets (Viper, to use your example) are just as good, then you wouldn't be defending Sload's. You'd just run Viper. But you don't. You know Sload's is imbalanced and you know why and you don't want to lose your easy win button. This bias is crystal clear in every Sload defender's arguments. You got a nice new toy and you don't want to lose it, and I get that, but broken mechanics are terrible for the health of the game and fixing them is more important than whatever personal benefit Sload-users will be losing.
    Sharee wrote: »
    No, i mean for a character without shields. My stam DK could not care less whether the 800/tick he is getting hit by comes from sload or from burning embers, poison injection, whatever.

    That's because your stam DK has not invested in mitigation strategies and paid the price of doing so. People who have chosen to invest in mitigation do care that their investments are rendered worthless when something that bypasses them can be stacked. Bypassing them with a modest damage proc set is fine, but stacking that bypass is not.
    Edited by Gnortranermara on July 15, 2018 10:16AM
  • ezio45
    Sharee wrote: »
    pieratsos wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    ezio45 wrote: »
    Also I cant believe I need to say this but unmitigated damage should not stack.

    A shielded character with multiple sloads on it isn't any worse off than an unshielded character with multiple normal dots on it, so i don't see why the former should not stack when with the latter stacking is fine.

    You dont see the difference between normal dmg and oblivion dmg?

    For a character without shields, there is no practical difference between being affected by a normal DOT and an oblivion DOT.

    Not true, oblivion dmg isnt effected but champion points of blocking either, less they scale down the dmg on it but in most cases it ends up being higher. For example the dmg proc for proc of caluurion is outclasses by sloads over the same time frame. It also isnt effected by battle spirit, so the dmg isnt halfed
  • ezio45
    Sharee wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    If my stamina DK can be affected by multiple vipers ticking for ~800 each, i don't see why a sorc should not be affected by multiple sloads ticking for ~800 each.

    Having a shield does not make one special.

    The difference is that Sload's is irresistible. There's nothing whatsoever you can do about it but die if too much gets stacked onto you. Resistible damage is categorically different from a design perspective. One can choose to invest in resistance strategies to mitigate it. It takes MUCH more of that kind of damage for death to become inevitable. Making those mitigation investments (shields or armor or defensive buffs or CP or whatever) comes at a cost, making it balanced and acceptable that such damage can stack. You can either acknowledge the objective difference or you can play denial games. The facts won't change: these two things are different and nobody benefits from pretending that they are the same when they obviously aren't.

    So distilled down, your argument is that sload's damage can not be lessened by investing into resistance.

    To this, i reply: Sload hits for roughly the same as viper *after* resistances have been taken into account for viper.
    In other words, the "resistance" to sload is already built-in into the base damage of the ability.

    The important thing is not whether you can reduce sload's damage or not, the important thing is how does its damage compare to other DOTs that your character will commonly be hit by in PvP. If it does not do significantly more damage, then it does not really matter whether it is "irresistible" or not - it is not any more threatening than your average "resistible" dot.

    And to that, i say - sload is meh. About halfway beween the really strong and the really weak DOTS i commonly get hit by. Poison injection, burning embers, bleeds, yada yada - sload is nothing special compared to the majority, damage-wise. The only reason why sload is so controversial is the fact it bypasses shields. Otherwise, noone would even bat an eyelash.

    actually viper is like 200 dmg less than sloads per tic. so in the same time frame, I did 12 seconds because both cooldowns work into it evenly, thats 3 viper procs or 2 sloads procs in a row. Viper is only 83.3% as effective as sloads, assuming you you get viper to proc 3 times in a row because it only procs on melee dmg where sloads can just proc from anything
  • Sharee
    ezio45 wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    pieratsos wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    ezio45 wrote: »
    Also I cant believe I need to say this but unmitigated damage should not stack.

    A shielded character with multiple sloads on it isn't any worse off than an unshielded character with multiple normal dots on it, so i don't see why the former should not stack when with the latter stacking is fine.

    You dont see the difference between normal dmg and oblivion dmg?

    For a character without shields, there is no practical difference between being affected by a normal DOT and an oblivion DOT.

    Not true, oblivion dmg isnt effected but champion points of blocking either, less they scale down the dmg on it but in most cases it ends up being higher. For example the dmg proc for proc of caluurion is outclasses by sloads over the same time frame. It also isnt effected by battle spirit, so the dmg isnt halfed


    Do you know why battle spirit exists? It is because trial bosses require such insane damage output to defeat that if you let this into PvP, players would be instagibbing each other. So you need to reduce their damage in PvP to a more manageable level. That's what battle spirit does.

    Oblivion damage on the other hand is primarily a PvP thing. Since it is not used to defeat trial bosses, its damage does not need to be huge, and then reduced for PvP - it can be set to the desired PvP value to begin with. That's why it is not affected by battle spirit: there is no need.
  • ezio45
    Sharee wrote: »
    ezio45 wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    pieratsos wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    ezio45 wrote: »
    Also I cant believe I need to say this but unmitigated damage should not stack.

    A shielded character with multiple sloads on it isn't any worse off than an unshielded character with multiple normal dots on it, so i don't see why the former should not stack when with the latter stacking is fine.

    You dont see the difference between normal dmg and oblivion dmg?

    For a character without shields, there is no practical difference between being affected by a normal DOT and an oblivion DOT.

    Not true, oblivion dmg isnt effected but champion points of blocking either, less they scale down the dmg on it but in most cases it ends up being higher. For example the dmg proc for proc of caluurion is outclasses by sloads over the same time frame. It also isnt effected by battle spirit, so the dmg isnt halfed


    Do you know why battle spirit exists? It is because trial bosses require such insane damage output to defeat that if you let this into PvP, players would be instagibbing each other. So you need to reduce their damage in PvP to a more manageable level. That's what battle spirit does.

    Oblivion damage on the other hand is primarily a PvP thing. Since it is not used to defeat trial bosses, its damage does not need to be huge, and then reduced for PvP - it can be set to the desired PvP value to begin with. That's why it is not affected by battle spirit: there is no need.

    Im aware of that lol Thats why i said they scale it down

    Still tho, if you take into consideration battle spirit, resistance, and champion points viper hits for less than sloads in the same time frame. If you go with each set only procing once its worse with viper coming it at 54% of the damage sloads can do.

    This is why isnt not ok for sloads to stack and it needs a longer cooldown. If you have the came amount of sloads and viper on you at the same time, sloads is going to be about 2k higher per every additional instance of it. As for why it needs a longer cooldown, like I already said its easier to proc than viper, with any damage from the player having a chance to proc sloads, off any little tic of anything. Opposed to viper which you need to be doing melee damage to the enemy. Viper has limitations that make procing it alot harder that sloads, viper cant proc on any dot placed on the enemy, it can only be applied by being in melee range and ACTIVELY attacking that target.
    Edited by ezio45 on July 15, 2018 11:19AM
  • Sharee
    I agree. In the very post you replied to I clearly stated "the problem with Sload's is not the damage.
    Wrong. As I just told you, I don't even run shields in PvP and I see the problem. The reason it's a problem is that it bypasses EVERYTHING -- all kinds of damage mitigation.

    You say the problem with sload is not damage. Then you say the problem is that you can not reduce said damage. If the damage is not a problem, then you do not need to reduce it, thus the fact it can not be reduced is meaningless.
  • Sharee
    ezio45 wrote: »

    Still tho, if you take into consideration battle spirit, resistance, and champion points viper hits for less than sloads in the same time frame. If you go with each set only procing once its worse with viper coming it at 54% of the damage sloads can do.

    Sure - if we conveniently ignore the fact that you need only one hit to proc viper reliably, but multiple hits to proc sload(which means the fight can last several seconds without a sload proc). Also, if we ignore the fact that sload is a hybrid set, and thus has bonuses that do nothing for damage dealing (it gives magicka to stamina toons etc.), which means your character's other abilities will do less dmage on average if you wear sload instead of viper.

    PvP is not a lab environment where you can cherry pick one element and "omg look it is more powerful".

  • ezio45
    Sharee wrote: »
    I agree. In the very post you replied to I clearly stated "the problem with Sload's is not the damage.
    Wrong. As I just told you, I don't even run shields in PvP and I see the problem. The reason it's a problem is that it bypasses EVERYTHING -- all kinds of damage mitigation.

    You say the problem with sload is not damage. Then you say the problem is that you can not reduce said damage. If the damage is not a problem, then you do not need to reduce it, thus the fact it can not be reduced is meaningless.

    no they damage is fine in a single instance of sloads, the problem that have is when multiple sloads are applied to the same person because the damage of starts adding up more than sets, like viper, that can be resisted. Sloads doing more dmg that say viper in a single instance is fine and 2k difference between them isnt noticeable but then you get more the extra starts adding up. Even tho the one viper is close to one sload, 2 sloads starts to equal the same amount at 3.5 vipers and it keeps building
  • Sharee
    ezio45 wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    I agree. In the very post you replied to I clearly stated "the problem with Sload's is not the damage.
    Wrong. As I just told you, I don't even run shields in PvP and I see the problem. The reason it's a problem is that it bypasses EVERYTHING -- all kinds of damage mitigation.

    You say the problem with sload is not damage. Then you say the problem is that you can not reduce said damage. If the damage is not a problem, then you do not need to reduce it, thus the fact it can not be reduced is meaningless.

    no they damage is fine in a single instance of sloads, the problem that have is when multiple sloads are applied to the same person because the damage of starts adding up more than sets, like viper, that can be resisted. Sloads doing more dmg that say viper in a single instance is fine and 2k difference between them isnt noticeable but then you get more the extra starts adding up. Even tho the one viper is close to one sload, 2 sloads starts to equal the same amount at 3.5 vipers and it keeps building

    There are DOTs in PvP that do more damage than sload.

    And another thing: Since sload does always the same damage, a PvP dev does not have to wonder whether he overlooked some wild combo that would make the set overpowered (like, say, elf bane does with zaan) - he knows exactly how much the DOT will tick for, everytime.

    Thus, you could say oblivion damage is a kind of measuring stick for developer intentions. It tells you "this is how much damage the devs want DOTs to tick for in PvP".

    I'd say you would have a better case if you plead with the devs to increase viper damage, than to decrease sload's.
  • ezio45
    Sharee wrote: »
    ezio45 wrote: »

    Still tho, if you take into consideration battle spirit, resistance, and champion points viper hits for less than sloads in the same time frame. If you go with each set only procing once its worse with viper coming it at 54% of the damage sloads can do.

    Sure - if we conveniently ignore the fact that you need only one hit to proc viper reliably, but multiple hits to proc sload(which means the fight can last several seconds without a sload proc). Also, if we ignore the fact that sload is a hybrid set, and thus has bonuses that do nothing for damage dealing (it gives magicka to stamina toons etc.), which means your character's other abilities will do less dmage on average if you wear sload instead of viper.

    PvP is not a lab environment where you can cherry pick one element and "omg look it is more powerful".

    yes but sloads can proc on anything is my point, everything you have applied to the target increases the chance that it can proc to a point where its almost a guarantee. Also its not like them replacing the mag on sloads would matter. Stam isnt like mag were stacking it is better for damage. If your on stam you want more weapon dmg vs stacking max stam because they dont have as many multipliers for stam. If you did a 4 pc viper or a 4 pc sloads you would get more weapon dmg with the sloads. the only thing you would loose out on is weap crit which doesnt matter for pvp because everyone has Impen of shields. sloads is probably better because in addition to the same stam pool increase as viper it has a weapon dmg bonus too. your trading 2 useless bonuses for 1
  • Sharee
    ezio45 wrote: »
    If your on stam you want more weapon dmg vs stacking max stam because they dont have as many multipliers for stam.

    Nonetheless, sload's first bonus gives you neither.
  • ezio45
    Sharee wrote: »
    ezio45 wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    I agree. In the very post you replied to I clearly stated "the problem with Sload's is not the damage.
    Wrong. As I just told you, I don't even run shields in PvP and I see the problem. The reason it's a problem is that it bypasses EVERYTHING -- all kinds of damage mitigation.

    You say the problem with sload is not damage. Then you say the problem is that you can not reduce said damage. If the damage is not a problem, then you do not need to reduce it, thus the fact it can not be reduced is meaningless.

    no they damage is fine in a single instance of sloads, the problem that have is when multiple sloads are applied to the same person because the damage of starts adding up more than sets, like viper, that can be resisted. Sloads doing more dmg that say viper in a single instance is fine and 2k difference between them isnt noticeable but then you get more the extra starts adding up. Even tho the one viper is close to one sload, 2 sloads starts to equal the same amount at 3.5 vipers and it keeps building

    There are DOTs in PvP that do more damage than sload.

    And another thing: Since sload does always the same damage, a PvP dev does not have to wonder whether he overlooked some wild combo that would make the set overpowered (like, say, elf bane does with zaan) - he knows exactly how much the DOT will tick for, everytime.

    Thus, you could say oblivion damage is a kind of measuring stick for developer intentions. It tells you "this is how much damage the devs want DOTs to tick for in PvP".

    I'd say you would have a better case if you plead with the devs to increase viper damage, than to decrease sload's.

    yes but none of those dots are from sets, with the exception of zaan. There abilities and ultimates. They dont passivle go off while you do other things
  • ezio45
    Sharee wrote: »
    ezio45 wrote: »
    If your on stam you want more weapon dmg vs stacking max stam because they dont have as many multipliers for stam.

    Nonetheless, sload's first bonus gives you neither.

    and like i said your trading 2 bonuses that dont benefit you for 1

    the first and third bonus on viper give you neither weapon dmg or stam either
    Edited by ezio45 on July 15, 2018 12:00PM
  • Sharee
    ezio45 wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    ezio45 wrote: »
    If your on stam you want more weapon dmg vs stacking max stam because they dont have as many multipliers for stam.

    Nonetheless, sload's first bonus gives you neither.

    and like i said your trading 2 bonuses that dont benefit you for 1

    the first and third bonus on viper give you neither weapon dmg or stam either

    Crit still increases the average damage you do in PvP.
  • Meld777
    Story Time

    I am a PvE player. I haven't PvP'd for 1 - 2 years. With the event coming up, I decided to make a PvP build. So I just went for what everyone is crying about: Sloads + Caluurion + Zaan. Alternatively, Durok's instead of Calu.

    Then, to practice, I went to the dueling area and, over the next 6 hours or so, got my ass handed to me. None of the professional PvPers wear Sloads. It's bad. Lich and Axiom or Shacklebreaker are a lot better. With that, I was actually able to hold my ground and win duels. Also, if any of the professional PvPers would've worn Sloads, I would've rekt them hard.

    Seriously, this set is such garbage. It doesn't provide you with any means to hold your ground in PvP and ditch out sufficient burst at the same time. Whoever is crying about it probably won't dodge my Assassin's Will bow either. Why not cry about that?
    Maelstrom Arena Champion | Undaunted | Fighters Guild Victor

    Level 50 Magicka NB | CP160+

    nAA | vCoH1 HM | nSO | nCoA2 | nDSA | nMA | vVoM

    PC EU
  • technohic
    Meld777 wrote: »
    Story Time

    I am a PvE player. I haven't PvP'd for 1 - 2 years. With the event coming up, I decided to make a PvP build. So I just went for what everyone is crying about: Sloads + Caluurion + Zaan. Alternatively, Durok's instead of Calu.

    Then, to practice, I went to the dueling area and, over the next 6 hours or so, got my ass handed to me. None of the professional PvPers wear Sloads. It's bad. Lich and Axiom or Shacklebreaker are a lot better. With that, I was actually able to hold my ground and win duels. Also, if any of the professional PvPers would've worn Sloads, I would've rekt them hard.

    Seriously, this set is such garbage. It doesn't provide you with any means to hold your ground in PvP and ditch out sufficient burst at the same time. Whoever is crying about it probably won't dodge my Assassin's Will bow either. Why not cry about that?

    What happens is you get in zerg vs Zerg , especially if the event ever happens; and you have a bunch of people spamming it from range. It’s not a matter of an outnumbered situation that people say “well, you should die” It’s a matter of large fights with lots of opportunity to have it stacked up.

    I never believe anyone when they say they never see it in their death recap unless they sit their spamming purge as they die because eventually you get the focus players and even stuff that is weak, will piggy back on the damage of what really killed you. The screenshots with pure Sloads in the recap however; tell me someone was panicking and just spamming shields until they died.
  • Sharee
    technohic wrote: »
    Meld777 wrote: »
    Story Time

    I am a PvE player. I haven't PvP'd for 1 - 2 years. With the event coming up, I decided to make a PvP build. So I just went for what everyone is crying about: Sloads + Caluurion + Zaan. Alternatively, Durok's instead of Calu.

    Then, to practice, I went to the dueling area and, over the next 6 hours or so, got my ass handed to me. None of the professional PvPers wear Sloads. It's bad. Lich and Axiom or Shacklebreaker are a lot better. With that, I was actually able to hold my ground and win duels. Also, if any of the professional PvPers would've worn Sloads, I would've rekt them hard.

    Seriously, this set is such garbage. It doesn't provide you with any means to hold your ground in PvP and ditch out sufficient burst at the same time. Whoever is crying about it probably won't dodge my Assassin's Will bow either. Why not cry about that?

    What happens is you get in zerg vs Zerg , especially if the event ever happens; and you have a bunch of people spamming it from range.

    Get the people in your zerg to heal you?

    Edited by Sharee on July 15, 2018 12:55PM
  • Gnortranermara
    Sharee wrote: »
    You say the problem with sload is not damage. Then you say the problem is that you can not reduce said damage. If the damage is not a problem, then you do not need to reduce it, thus the fact it can not be reduced is meaningless.

    So you didn't learn how multiplication works in elementary school?

    Not a problem * multiple people stacking it = a problem
    Edited by Gnortranermara on July 15, 2018 1:21PM
  • Sharee
    Sharee wrote: »
    You say the problem with sload is not damage. Then you say the problem is that you can not reduce said damage. If the damage is not a problem, then you do not need to reduce it, thus the fact it can not be reduced is meaningless.

    So you didn't learn how multiplication works in elementary school?

    Not a problem * multiple people = a problem

    Multiple people attacking you is a problem sload or no sload. You won't survive six axebleeds on you any easier than six sloads.
  • The_Protagonist
    Quite interesting to see that a certain part of the ESO community decide by themselves who is good and who is a scrub. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I find that this thing about sloads is dragging a little too long now. If someone wears sloads they are a scrub, if someone wore viper back in 1T, they were a scrub.

    It makes me wonder, that these 'good' players are no different to new players who were not used to dying and complaining.

    If we go by the standards of these 'good' players, then we should never have any deaths in PvP, and all we will see is players heavy attacking each other for all eternity.

    To be honest it is sickening to see these repeated sloads threads. Please stop.
  • pieratsos
    Sharee wrote: »
    pieratsos wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    ezio45 wrote: »
    Also I cant believe I need to say this but unmitigated damage should not stack.

    A shielded character with multiple sloads on it isn't any worse off than an unshielded character with multiple normal dots on it, so i don't see why the former should not stack when with the latter stacking is fine.

    You dont see the difference between normal dmg and oblivion dmg?

    For a character without shields, there is no practical difference between being affected by a normal DOT and an oblivion DOT.

    There is no practical difference between a dot that ignores all resistances, mitigations, block etc and normal dot? Are you serious now?
  • Extinct_Solo_Player
    pieratsos wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    pieratsos wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    ezio45 wrote: »
    Also I cant believe I need to say this but unmitigated damage should not stack.

    A shielded character with multiple sloads on it isn't any worse off than an unshielded character with multiple normal dots on it, so i don't see why the former should not stack when with the latter stacking is fine.

    You dont see the difference between normal dmg and oblivion dmg?

    For a character without shields, there is no practical difference between being affected by a normal DOT and an oblivion DOT.

    There is no practical difference between a dot that ignores all resistances, mitigations, block etc and normal dot? Are you serious now?

    People will go to any extent to defend this broken set.
  • Rianai
    Quite interesting to see that a certain part of the ESO community decide by themselves who is good and who is a scrub. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I find that this thing about sloads is dragging a little too long now. If someone wears sloads they are a scrub, if someone wore viper back in 1T, they were a scrub.

    It makes me wonder, that these 'good' players are no different to new players who were not used to dying and complaining.

    If we go by the standards of these 'good' players, then we should never have any deaths in PvP, and all we will see is players heavy attacking each other for all eternity.

    To be honest it is sickening to see these repeated sloads threads. Please stop.

    I know plenty of good players who use Sloads. But they are fully aware about how strong the set is (that's why they use it after all) and not trying to downplay or defend it.
  • Sharee
    pieratsos wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    pieratsos wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    ezio45 wrote: »
    Also I cant believe I need to say this but unmitigated damage should not stack.

    A shielded character with multiple sloads on it isn't any worse off than an unshielded character with multiple normal dots on it, so i don't see why the former should not stack when with the latter stacking is fine.

    You dont see the difference between normal dmg and oblivion dmg?

    For a character without shields, there is no practical difference between being affected by a normal DOT and an oblivion DOT.

    There is no practical difference between a dot that ignores all resistances, mitigations, block etc and normal dot? Are you serious now?

    From a practical standpoint, how i deal with sload is no different from how i deal with any other DOT.
    So yes, there is no practical difference for my stam DK whether he is affected by sload DOT, or just any other type of DOT.

    As for the "but it ignores all resistances!!!" mantra: remember it also ignores most damage buffs. In the end, it does not matter what it ignores or not, the only important thing is how much damage it does. And in that department, sload is nothing special.
    Edited by Sharee on July 15, 2018 4:30PM
  • Rianai
    Other DoT proc sets usually hit me for significantly less, while also being easier to avoid. And i'm not even playing a very tanky build. So not, it is not the same as other sets ...
  • ZarkingFrued
    how many of these threads you going to make?

    as many as it takes for his sorc to be unkillable 1v1 again

    You must use Sloads lol.
  • ZarkingFrued
    This set has destroyed the ESO PvP experience. You literally dont need to have any skill now, just Sloads for the win. When everyone immediately switches to a new set as soon as it comes out and keeps it there is a reason. Everyone in PVP shouldnt be running the same set out of hundreds of sets. It's because its ridiculously broken ZOS.
  • pieratsos
    Sharee wrote: »
    pieratsos wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    pieratsos wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    ezio45 wrote: »
    Also I cant believe I need to say this but unmitigated damage should not stack.

    A shielded character with multiple sloads on it isn't any worse off than an unshielded character with multiple normal dots on it, so i don't see why the former should not stack when with the latter stacking is fine.

    You dont see the difference between normal dmg and oblivion dmg?

    For a character without shields, there is no practical difference between being affected by a normal DOT and an oblivion DOT.

    There is no practical difference between a dot that ignores all resistances, mitigations, block etc and normal dot? Are you serious now?

    From a practical standpoint, how i deal with sload is no different from how i deal with any other DOT.
    So yes, there is no practical difference for my stam DK whether he is affected by sload DOT, or just any other type of DOT.

    As for the "but it ignores all resistances!!!" mantra: remember it also ignores most damage buffs. In the end, it does not matter what it ignores or not, the only important thing is how much damage it does. And in that department, sload is nothing special.

    There is absolutely a huge difference between the two. Im sorry but PVP is as not as black and white as you think it is. Just because both do dmg it doesnt make them the same.

    P.S. The fact that it ignores dmg buffs and doesnt scale with stats is actually what makes it even worse. Its the same concept as other procs. How can you still fail to realize that even after years of PVP being plagued with procs. It literally means that you dont even have to spec for dmg allowing even full tanks to just turtle up and put high pressure on people with sloads and defiles.

    Also as far as how much dmg it does you do realise that it beats every other proc set dot by miles in terms of dmg right?
    Edited by pieratsos on July 15, 2018 6:07PM
  • maboleth
    Meld777 wrote: »
    Story Time

    I am a PvE player. I haven't PvP'd for 1 - 2 years. With the event coming up, I decided to make a PvP build. So I just went for what everyone is crying about: Sloads + Caluurion + Zaan. Alternatively, Durok's instead of Calu.

    Then, to practice, I went to the dueling area and, over the next 6 hours or so, got my ass handed to me. None of the professional PvPers wear Sloads. It's bad. Lich and Axiom or Shacklebreaker are a lot better. With that, I was actually able to hold my ground and win duels. Also, if any of the professional PvPers would've worn Sloads, I would've rekt them hard.

    Seriously, this set is such garbage. It doesn't provide you with any means to hold your ground in PvP and ditch out sufficient burst at the same time. Whoever is crying about it probably won't dodge my Assassin's Will bow either. Why not cry about that?

    Did you try Battlegrounds? Try it then post your story time. What you said is maybe valid in duels, but not in close, small ranged fights with same players playing matches.
  • Gilvoth
    Sharee wrote: »
    BohnT wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    Galarthor wrote: »
    Sharee wrote: »
    Kinda like shields, eh? Except reversed, of course - those are useless in only one situation, OP in all others.

    If that kind of design is no issue for you, then please give us similar sets for other classes. That is: sets that completely wreck that class within 10 secs by only spamming light attacks.

    You are aware that any competent sorc will kill your light attack spamming behind twice over in the same time period, yes?

    "Completely wreck" indeed...

    You just don't have any idea what you are talking about.
    You aren't using the most stupid opponent there is someone who should never ever be a threat to an exceptional player yet this set gives everyone, even a 65k health tank the opportunity to apply 3.5k oblivion dps on an enemy that is actively defending himself with the tools his class is build around.

    "He should never be a threat". And why, exactly, should he not be a threat?

    Gotta love these "rules" players invent for themselves and then get mad when others don't follow them.

    well said, all truth.
    that is exactly what is happening here.
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