Ebony Wolf Pack: Werewolf 101 || Updated for Greymoor


Hey Ebony Wolf Pack and werewolf enthusiasts! Our guild has held seminars on werewolf builds in the past in order to make our members stronger. It has drastically improved our group gameplay and I believe that this knowledge should be shared with everyone. So I’m making this post as a recap of all we’ve gone over and more! Now it will be easier for you to build your werewolf character the way you want to! Hope you enjoy this “book” I’ve written for you and I hope it proves helpful!

Werewolf 101:

Werewolf is a stamina-based character build. The Werewolf Transformation fears enemies for 3 seconds after transforming, increases max stamina by 30% while transformed, and grants 15% stamina recovery while the ultimate is slotted. Their passives grant 30% increased movement speed, 50% increased stamina return from heavy attacks, 18% increased weapon damage, and 10,000 extra spell and physical resistance. You also gain 4 seconds on your timer by dealing damage every 5 seconds, and each werewolf and dire wolf in your group extends the timer by 20%, up to 80% max. There are two roles a werewolf can play: tank and dps. You just need to decide which wolf to feed.

1. Pick Your Role:

A tank werewolf is like a meat shield, meant to take abuse for the rest of the pack. High health, resistances, and good resource management are the keys for tanks. If you’re looking to build a tank, you should have heavy armor, tri-stat food, Hakeijo glyphs, and I would also recommend tri-stat or lingering health potions. In werewolf form, your resistances should be capped at 33k. Also make sure you have plenty of all of your resources. I always keep at least 15-20k magicka for healing and currently have 40k health.

A dps werewolf, of course, focuses more on damage. Dps will need to stack weapon damage, weapon crit, stamina, and stamina recovery. Medium armor, food consumables, and tri-stat or buff potions will give the werewolf more utility and help to maximize your damage output. The most important thing for dps werewolves to learn and practice is good situational awareness. Understanding how much damage you can take, how much you can heal for and how often, what you can and can’t stand in, and what moves will kill you will make you a stronger, more survivable dps werewolf.

2. Establish Your Build


There are many sets, either crafted, drop, or monster, that would work for werewolf. And each would be good in different circumstances. The tank sets would be good for damage reduction, healing, and sustain while the dps sets are good for damage and mobility. Since there are a lot of sets to choose from, I won’t explain what each one does. But I will, however, break them down into tank and dps sets.


Tank: Coldharbour’s Favorite, Daedric Trickery, Death’s Wind, Fortified Brass, Noble’s Conquest, Nocturnal’s Favor, Orgnum’s Scales, Whitestrake’s Retribution, Willow’s Path

Dps: Ancient Dragonguard, Ashen Grip, Clever Alchemist, Coldharbour’s Favorite, Dragon’s Appetite, Eternal Hunt, Hunding’s Rage, Kvatch Gladiator, Mechanical Acuity, Might of the Lost Legion, Morkuldin, New Moon Acolyte, Shacklebreaker, Stuhn’s Favor, Twice Born Star


Tank: Beekeeper’s Gear, Black Rose, Brands of Imperium, Dragon’s Defilement, Ebon Armory, Eternal Vigor, Grace of Gloom, Green Pact (requires food consumables), Haven of Ursus, Healer’s Tenacity, Impregnable (PvP only), Ironblood, Leeching Plate, Plague Doctor, Tormentor, Warrior-Poet

Dps: Aegis Caller, Armor of Truth, Arms of Relequin, Azureblight Reaper, Battlefield Acrobat, Berserking Warrior, Blood Moon (recommended for PvE only), Blooddrinker, Bone Pirate’s Tatters (requires drink consumables), Deadly Strike, Defiler, Dragonguard Elite, Draugr Hulk, Dro’Zakar’s Claws, Gryphon’s Ferocity, Imperial Physique (Imperial City use only), Leviathan, Quick Serpent, Salvation, Savage Werewolf, Sheer Venom, Spriggan’s Thorns, Strength of the Automaton, Titanborn Strength, Twice-Fanged Serpent, Viper’s Sting, Warrior’s Fury

Support: Hircine’s Vineer


Domihaus, Earthgore, Engine Guardian, Grundwulf, Mighty Chudan, Molag Kena, Scourge Harvester, Selene, Sellistrix, Sentinal of Rkugamz, Shadowrend, Slimecraw, Stonekeeper, Stormfist, Symphony of Blades, Thurvokun, Troll King, Valkyn Skoria, Velidreth

It will take some trial and error to find the right balance between damage, survivability, and sustain. Be sure to use the UESP ESO build editor to develope your build and test different sets. I’ll leave a link here: http://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Special:EsoBuildEditor

Armor, jewelry, and weapons:

Once you know the sets you will use, you need to know what traits and enchantments are best. If you’re a tank, I recommend putting infused on your heavy helm, chest, and legs for the highest enchantment value and reinforced or divines on the other smaller pieces. I would also recommend enchanting armor with prismatic glyphs to maximize your resources. As for dps, I would still recommend infused on the three larger pieces and divines on the smallest pieces. You could also put divines on all pieces to strengthen your mundus stone further or you could even run well fitted for more dodge roll capabilities. I personally, though, like the infused and divines combo. Of course, if you’re a PvP build, impenetrable is still the best trait. Dps werewolves may also consider enchanting armor with prismatic glyphs for more resources, or they can go for straight stamina for higher damage output.

Jewelry drops in three traits but can be transmuted into one of nine traits. For werewolf tanks, healthy, infused, and triune are great traits. For werewolf dps, robust, infused, swift, and bloodthirsty are good to use. For enchantments, tanks may want to use a mix of health, health recovery, or stamina recovery as some examples. For dps wolves, balance between stamina recovery and weapon damage glyphs. However, if using infused, it would be better to use an odd enchantment such as reduced potion cooldown as the stat increase would be so minimal.

Everyone has two skill bars to use. That means you can choose up to two weapon skill trees to fight with. But some weapons are better than others where the werewolf is involved. The stamina weapon trees are two handed, dual wield, one hand and shield, and bow. All of these would be good on the werewolf’s back bar, but to get the best damage, dual wield or two handed can be used on the werewolf bar. It doesn’t matter which type of weapon you use since werewolf claws technically count as wielding fists. Therefore you will get no benefit whether you wield swords, daggers, axes, or maces.

If you choose to use dual wield, keep in mind that both enchantments are halved. So you have to choose between using two enchantments at half their value or only one enchantment with full value on a two hander. For dual wield, your main hand should have nirnhoned with a weapon damage glyph and your off hand infused with any other enchantment. You may use a stamina steal glyph for sustain or even a magicka steal glyph since werewolves have no way to get magicka back aside from recoveries and potions. If using a two hander, trait with nirnhoned and enchant with a weapon damage glyph.

Champion points:


The Warrior constellations are all about defense. The Thief constellations are about sustain. And the Mage constellations are about damage. In all points you commit, they must compliment your build. If you’re built for crit, go for more crit chance/damage. If you’re built for recoveries, you’ll need to put a lot of points into Arcane, Mooncalf, and Healthy. If you have damage shields, you’ll want to put points into Bastion. Werewolves will benefit from specific constellations as well. So let’s start with the Warrior.

The Lady will be the most important Warrior constellation for werewolves because Hardy reduces your damage taken from poison. The highest percentage reduction you can get from this is 15%, but there are jump points in the Champion system (see the link above). The points you put into any percentage based constellation will only count on whole percentages, not partials. So for a constellation like Hardy that only gives a max of 15%, putting 75 in will give you 14%. But the next 24 points won’t really change your stats until 100 points are committed to give 15%. So instead of wasting 25 points just to get one more percentage, leave Hardy at 75 and divide 49 points between Elemental Defender and Thick Skinned. Putting 120 points in this constellation also unlocks Unchained, which reduces the cost of your next stamina ability by 80% for 3 seconds after breaking free.

In the Lord, it really depends on your specific build what you should put your points into. Everyone should have at least 10 points in this constellation to get Field Physician, which reduces the damage received while resurrecting another player by 15%. I suggest Quick Recovery, as it will increase the healing received from healers as well as strengthen your own heals. If you’re a heavy armor user, Heavy Armor Focus is another good one. Just remember not to overcap your resistances. If you plan on putting a lot of points in this constellation, getting 75 unlocks Revival, which absorbs 10230 damage for 5 seconds after your are resurrected by another player.

The Steed is going to help the medium armor users and the PvPers. If you use medium armor, you can increase both your physical and spell resistance here with Medium Armor Focus and Spell Shield. Putting 30 points in this constellation will unlock Phase, which increases your resistances by 660 for 3 seconds after dodge rolling. It’s not much but you might as well get some benefit. And if you are going to PvP, crit resistance is very important. So put some points into Resistant if you plan on going to Cyrodiil often.

Now let’s look at the Thief. You will definitely want to put 120 points into the Lover constellation. 30 points unlocks Synergizer, which grants 2 ultimate any time you active a synergy while in combat. Putting 120 points into this constellation unlocks Wind Running, which increases all types of your movement speed by 2%. It also increases health and magicka regeneration by 10% while sprinting. So as I’ve said before, resource management is very important for werewolf builds. The more stats you get back from recoveries and heavy attacks, the better. So you’ll want to put 75 points into Tenacity for heavy attack returns. You’ll also want to put 75 points into Mooncalf for stamina recovery. If you’re a recovery based build, you’ll want to put points into Arcanist and Healthy as well.

There isn’t much of use in the Tower constellation in terms of passives. But everyone can benefit from the reduced cost of break free that Warlord gives. You’ll want to put about half of your remaining points into this skill. The other half can be applied into two choices in the Shadow constellation: Tumbling and Shadow Ward. If you’re a heavy armor user, you’ll benefit more from blocking than you would dodge roll so Shadow Ward is better. Medium armor already reduces the cost of dodge roll for each piece of medium armor so Tumbling would be a better fit. Again, there isn’t much of use for passives in the Shadow other than Merchant Favored, which reduces the cost of armor repairs by 10%. This is unlocked by committing 30 points to this constellation.

And finally, the Mage. The Ritual is going to be a werewolf’s biggest damage dealing constellation. All choices in this constellation are usable in werewolf form. Precise Strikes works best for higher weapon crit builds and Piercing will increase overall damage. Mighty increases the effectiveness of your disease damage like with a werewolf’s Infectious Claws. Putting 75 points in Mighty will increase the damage by 14%. Thaumaturge will increase the effectiveness of damage over time abilities. This also includes Infectious Claws and werewolf bleeds. Putting 48 points in this will increase your DoTs by 18%. And what’s better is that all the passives in this constellation are beneficial to werewolf. Opportunist, unlocked at rank 10, increases the damage of your next physical attack by 15% after you interrupt a target. Perfect Strike, rank 30, increases your weapon critical rating by 12%. Exploiter, rank 75, increases your damage against off balance enemies by 10%. And with Last Stand at rank 120, you gain Major Heroism, which grants 18 ultimate over 8 seconds, when you fall below 20% health. This can only occur once every 20 seconds. The last one may not help in werewolf form, but it’ll help when building ultimate to transform.

In the Atronach constellation, the Master-At-Arms skill increases the damage of your direct damage attacks. You could put 56 points into Master-At-Arms to get 20% increased damage with direct attacks. To tell what is considered a direct attack, make damage numbers active in your options menu. Any damage numbers that appear white are considered direct damage and the orange numbers are considered DoTs. Physical Weapon Expert, which increases your damage done with light and heavy attacks for two handed, one hand and shield, dual wield, and bow, also works for werewolf light and heavy attacks. Since most of your Mage points would go into the Ritual constellation, the only two passive you will receive is Retaliation, which increases the damage of your next light attack by 30% after blocking a heavy attack, and Riposte; which has a 15% chance to deal physical damage when you block a melee attack. This can only happen once every 5 seconds.

In the Apprentice constellation, the only skill that really benefits a werewolf is Blessed, which increases the effectiveness by any healing done. So put at least 30 points into this skill. Putting 30 points into this constellation unlocks Spell Precision, which increases your spell critical rating by 12%. Spell crit is pretty important for werewolves since your heal is magicka based. The higher your spell crit, the higher your chances to crit your heal!

3. Learn your rotation

When playing as a werewolf, or any class, it is important to develope and learn a rotation with the skills you have on hand. While most players can have 10 abilities and 2 ultimates at any time, werewolves are limited to 5 moves and no ultimate, since werewolf is your ultimate. So you’ll have to make the most of them. Let’s talk about the moves, their morphs, and how to use them in your rotation.

Skills and morphs:

As I’ve mentioned at the beginning, the Werewolf Transformation fears enemies for 3 seconds after transforming, increases max stamina by 30% while transformed, and grants 15% stamina recovery while the ultimate is slotted. The ultimate can be morphed into either the Pack Leader or Berserker. Pack Leader takes 10% less damage, summons two dire wolves, and grants you and nearby allies Minor Courage, increasing your spell and weapon damage by 129. The Berserker’s light attacks apply a bleed for 4 seconds and their heavy attacks deal 50% splash damage. The Pack Leader morph will be better for tanks and the Berserker will be better for dps.

Pounce is a werewolf’s gap closer. Activating Pounce again within 5 seconds casts Carnage, which applies a bleed for 10 seconds. The bleed will deal up to 450% more damage to enemies under 100% health. It’s morphs are Brutal Pounce and Feral Pounce. Brutal Pounce deals additional damage to nearby enemies and Brutal Carnage is now a conal attack. Activating Brutal Carnage increases your weapon damage by 85 per enemy hit, up to 6 times. Feral Pounce adds 4 seconds to your timer, and casting either Feral Pounce or Feral Carnage will restore stamina. Dps may want to choose Brutal Pounce, but if you struggle with maintaining werewolf form, Feral Pounce is a good choice.

Hircine’s Bounty is your heal, restoring health based on your max health. Using the heal while at full health will restore 3000 stamina instead. You also gain Major Brutality while the ability is slotted, increasing your weapon damage by 20%. The heal can be morphed into Hircine’s Rage or Hircine’s Fortitude. Hircine’s Rage heals for 45% of your max health, and casting at full health will also grant Major Berserk for 6 seconds, increasing your damage done by 25%, but you’ll also take 23% more damage. Hircine’s Fortitude heals for 60% of your max health, also increasing your health and stamina recovery by 2% of the healing caused for 6 seconds, up to a max of 666. Hircine’s Rage is technically better for dps, but the increased damage taken may not be worth the Major Berserk. Hircine’s Fortitude will be better for tanks and will also work well for dps.

Roar will fear up to 6 enemies for 4 seconds, setting them off balance for 7 seconds. While slotted, you also gain Major Savagery, increasing your weapon critical rating by 2191. Ferocious Roar increases the speed of your heavy attacks by 33% for 10 seconds after casting. This will allow you to get more heavy attacks in for off balance double resource return. Deafening Roar will apply Major Fracture and Minor Maim to feared enemies for 10 seconds, reducing their physical resistance by 5280 and their damage done by 15%. Either morph would be good for either role. Tanks may want to pick Deafening Roar to keep bosses fractured. But any werewolf that struggles with resources would benefit from Ferocious Roar and the double resource return from off balance heavy attacks.

Piercing Howl is your main attack, a projectile howl that does 10% more damage to enemies who are facing you. Howl of Despair adds the Feeding Frenzy synergy, which grants Empower for 5 seconds, increasing the damage done with light attacks by 40%. The other morph, Howl of Agony, deals 25% more damage to enemies who are feared or facing you. Howl of Agony is going to be better for dps werewolves, but it is a good idea for one wolf, possibly a tank, to run Howl of Despair to increase everyone’s light attack damage.

Infectious Claws is a cone AoE damage over time ability, dealing disease damage to all enemies hit for 10 seconds. Claws of Anguish applies Major Defile on enemies that are hit for 4 seconds, reducing their healing received and health recovery by 30%. This skill will wreak havoc in PvP against enemy players but would have no benefit in PvE. Claws of Life will heal you for 100% of the damage over time done from this move. It’s a great way to get a constant trickle of health back from your enemies in PvE and in PvP. I personally would choose Claws of Life over Anguish because it would be useful in all content, but I can see how powerful the other morph would be in PvP.

Werewolf rotation:

If you choose to run the Hircine’s Rage morph, use it to buff your damage but do so sparingly in order to keep from taking too much damage. Aside from that, start your rotation with Brutal Pounce, then recast to apply the Brutal Carnage bleed. If you have Deafening Roar, use that next to fracture the target. Follow that with a light attack to apply your bleed dot and animation cancel with Claws of Life. Then fall into your rotation of weaving 2 light attacks with Howl of Agony for your main damage output. If you’re running the Bloodmoon set, remember to switch to light attacks only when you see your Bloodmoon stacks and proc. Reapply Brutal Carnage, bleeds, and Claws of Life as they wear off. Once the target’s health is low, keep Brutal Carnage and all dots up and animation cancel 1 light attack with Howl of Agony repeatedly. Continue this strategy until target is dead. If you have Ferocious Roar, use it and heavy attack to keep your resources topped.

If you are actually tanking as a werewolf using the Tormentor set, then the important thing to do is to save your stamina for blocking and dodge rolling. You will be a kite tank. So start off by using Pounce (either morph will work), then recast to activate Carnage. Follow that up with Deafening Roar to fracture the target and then apply your Claws of Life dot. Now use Howl of Despair to give your group the Feeding Frenzy synergy and fall into a light or heavy attack focused rotation. Reapply your Pounce taunt, Carnage, fracture, and dot when it wears off and throw out Feeding Frenzy when needed. Block and heal when you need to and dodge roll the heavy hitting attacks and one shots. If you need more stamina, use Deafening Roar and heavy attack for double resource return.

And there you have it! This will help you build your werewolf character. Duel often to learn how to fight each class and challenge the Maelstrom Arena to make yourself a stronger player. So go build your werewolf and have fun!
Edited by CrazyWolf712 on May 25, 2020 12:37AM
  • RouDeR
    Good job for the efford put in to this guide , however you missed some of the most important PvP Werewolf sets that Long term WW players like me utilities very well .
    Iron Blood This is the Strongest set for close combat like Battlegrounds and IC . The 75% uptime on the Major Protection is outstanding.
    Beekepers on a Khajit NB or ORC is Insanely strong when combined with sevent Legion -you will be looking at flat 3300 Health Recovery.
    Desert Rose +Impregnable those two sets are the top tier for Soloing as a Wolf in Cyrodiil .

    I will provide some videos later with different PvP sets combination in Action.
  • CrazyWolf712
    RouDeR wrote: »
    Good job for the efford put in to this guide , however you missed some of the most important PvP Werewolf sets that Long term WW players like me utilities very well .
    Iron Blood This is the Strongest set for close combat like Battlegrounds and IC . The 75% uptime on the Major Protection is outstanding.
    Beekepers on a Khajit NB or ORC is Insanely strong when combined with sevent Legion -you will be looking at flat 3300 Health Recovery.
    Desert Rose +Impregnable those two sets are the top tier for Soloing as a Wolf in Cyrodiil .

    I will provide some videos later with different PvP sets combination in Action.

    Thanks for the input. I know I didn’t include every set. Not sure why I left Beekeepers out but it was a lot of sets to sift through. Would love to see those videos posted here. Anything that can help the greater werewolf population!
  • Ertthewolf
    Great guide! This should help our current members and just werewolves in general. My fav set up is still Salvation, Shackle Breaker and Mighty Chudan. All the tankiness of heavy but with medium and no proc sets.
  • CrazyWolf712
    Ertthewolf wrote: »
    Great guide! This should help our current members and just werewolves in general. My fav set up is still Salvation, Shackle Breaker and Mighty Chudan. All the tankiness of heavy but with medium and no proc sets.

    Lol! Yep! I included it as an example to follow in the sets tab.
  • Chrlynsch
    Holy Werewolf tips Batman!
    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • RouDeR
    Iron Blood + Impreg + Earthgore
    BEEKEPERS + Morkuldin or Reactive (build video + PvP gameplay in the end)
    Desert Rose + Impreg + Pirate Skeleton
    SOLO vs ZERG
  • Tasear
    How are you keeping aggro as a werewolf tank?
    Edited by Tasear on December 9, 2017 8:48AM
  • CrazyWolf712
    Tasear wrote: »
    How are you keeping aggro as a werewolf tank?

    Usually if you attack first and don’t get stunned, you’ll hold aggro unless someone does more damage than you. But when I say tank, I mean a character who is built like a tank. Werewolves don’t have a taunt which doesn’t really matter as you’ll only need a tank for very few dungeons in the game.
  • Qbiken
    Why haven´t I read this guide before, it´s amazing :D. Especially the CP part, having some trouble with that atm:/
  • Qbiken
    Another monster helmet set I´ve found really good usage of is actually Shadowrend (didn´t see I being mentioned in the thread). It gives magicka recovery which is nice since our heal costs a lot of magicka and minor maim debuff on our enemies, which significantly helps our survivability. Also looks cool af when it procs
  • Xvorg

    Great guide @CrazyWolf712

    Just a couple of questions, do you include Ravager in the list of DPS sets that could work on WW? Currently I'm using it and it seems quite strong.

    Another thing I was thinking about is the sprinting problem. As WW you need to sprint a lot, so, wouldn't Drakstride help to decrease that cost?

    My current set up for a NB WW is S/B with Ravager (full heavy), Night mother's embrace and slimecraw, but Embrace's 5 pieces bonus on stealth doesn't help that much, so I'm looking now at Darkstride and Fiords. Having S/B helps a lot to build decent mitigation (in human form I sit on 18K).
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • Qbiken
    Xvorg wrote: »

    Great guide @CrazyWolf712

    Just a couple of questions, do you include Ravager in the list of DPS sets that could work on WW? Currently I'm using it and it seems quite strong.

    Another thing I was thinking about is the sprinting problem. As WW you need to sprint a lot, so, wouldn't Drakstride help to decrease that cost?

    My current set up for a NB WW is S/B with Ravager (full heavy), Night mother's embrace and slimecraw, but Embrace's 5 pieces bonus on stealth doesn't help that much, so I'm looking now at Darkstride and Fiords. Having S/B helps a lot to build decent mitigation (in human form I sit on 18K).

    See Prisoner´s Rags set

    (2 items) Adds 1096 Max Stamina
    (3 items) Adds 129 Stamina Recovery
    (4 items) Adds 129 Stamina Recovery
    (5 items) Reduces the cost of Sprint by 50%. While Sprinting, restore 1000 Magicka every 1 second.

    One thing I would like to comment on as well: Weapon passives doesn´t carries over to Werewolf form, so your SnB won´t be useful once you´ve transformed.
    Edited by Qbiken on December 15, 2017 2:32PM
  • Xvorg
    Qbiken wrote: »

    See Prisoner´s Rags set

    (2 items) Adds 1096 Max Stamina
    (3 items) Adds 129 Stamina Recovery
    (4 items) Adds 129 Stamina Recovery
    (5 items) Reduces the cost of Sprint by 50%. While Sprinting, restore 1000 Magicka every 1 second.

    One thing I would like to comment on as well: Weapon passives doesn´t carries over to Werewolf form, so your SnB won´t be useful once you´ve transformed.

    The resistance you have in base form doesn't go with you once you transform? That's a problem. I tought the shield counted for base mitigation =(

    I see Prisoner's is a good set too and has great stam recover
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • Qbiken
    Xvorg wrote: »

    The resistance you have in base form doesn't go with you once you transform? That's a problem. I tought the shield counted for base mitigation =(

    I see Prisoner's is a good set too and has great stam recover

    Weapon passives doesn´t carry over. The trait and armor raiting you´ve on the shield will carry over. Enchants will carry over and poisons will also be used in WW-form. The resistance you´ve in human form will carry over:)
  • Xvorg
    Qbiken wrote: »

    Weapon passives doesn´t carry over. The trait and armor raiting you´ve on the shield will carry over. Enchants will carry over and poisons will also be used in WW-form. The resistance you´ve in human form will carry over:)

    Ok, so the extra 3K spell res and armor will carry over.

    It is a hard decision... I mean, I use S/B mainly to build Ulti (heroic slash) while trying to stay alive in human form, but the DW extra dmg seems quite apealing
    Edited by Xvorg on December 15, 2017 2:52PM
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • CrazyWolf712
    Xvorg wrote: »

    Ok, so the extra 3K spell res and armor will carry over.

    It is a hard decision... I mean, I use S/B mainly to build Ulti (heroic slash) while trying to stay alive in human form, but the DW extra dmg seems quite apealing

    Yes, when I have my sword and shield on my off bar, my weapon damage is about 1700. When I transform in dual wield and buff up, my damage can reach about 3000 and my resistances are capped thanks to the 9966 resistances when in werewolf form. My khajiit’s damage went up to 4000 and Chudan keeps her resistances capped even in medium.

    Prisoners rags is a great mobility set to use for werewolf. Haven’t looked at Ravager myself. But definitely check out the prisoners rags set.
  • ScardyFox
    This is a great thread, I hope it stays alive a long long time. Personally, for me, I am having a really hard time which mix of sets to use. Right now im leaning towards shacklebreaker with seventh legion or Shackle with Bone Pirate's Tatters. Or Mechanical Acuity and some such to really utilize the iceheart monster set.

    What are some of the sets you guys are using and why? I really am lost on what to focus my farming efforts on.
  • Qbiken
    ScardyFox wrote: »
    This is a great thread, I hope it stays alive a long long time. Personally, for me, I am having a really hard time which mix of sets to use. Right now im leaning towards shacklebreaker with seventh legion or Shackle with Bone Pirate's Tatters. Or Mechanical Acuity and some such to really utilize the iceheart monster set.

    What are some of the sets you guys are using and why? I really am lost on what to focus my farming efforts on.

    I´m using this setup on both my stamplar and stamsorc:

    5 Pelinial (4 Body, 1 Nirnhooned sword)
    5 Prisoner (3 Jewels, 1 body, 1 Infused Sword)
    Monster helmet: Shadowrend/Earthgore/Trollking or Kena
    Asylum 2hander backbar, or Master Bow
    On stamsorc I can sprint for an eternity since I can use dark deal to get stamina back and then sprint for a few seconds to get that magicka back. On my stamplar it´s nice to be able to use ritual and BoL more often to keep you alive and cleansing dots.

    One thing I´ve come to a conclusion with is that WW needs to be in group to really be successful. Sure it can work and I´ve seen a few videos with people 1vX as WW. But they really shine in smallscale where they won´t be focused down easily.
  • CrazyWolf712
    ScardyFox wrote: »
    This is a great thread, I hope it stays alive a long long time. Personally, for me, I am having a really hard time which mix of sets to use. Right now im leaning towards shacklebreaker with seventh legion or Shackle with Bone Pirate's Tatters. Or Mechanical Acuity and some such to really utilize the iceheart monster set.

    What are some of the sets you guys are using and why? I really am lost on what to focus my farming efforts on.

    Shacklebreaker and Seventh Legion would do well together! Our Flawless werewolf guild leader has used Shacklebreaker for a long time and has tested out Seventh Legion. He prefers another set as opposed to that one but Shacklebreaker is one of his.
  • ScardyFox

    Shacklebreaker and Seventh Legion would do well together! Our Flawless werewolf guild leader has used Shacklebreaker for a long time and has tested out Seventh Legion. He prefers another set as opposed to that one but Shacklebreaker is one of his.

    Oh? Whats the other set he likes instead of Seventh?

    @Qbiken - thanks for that, I actually pointed this out to my misses since she is a stamplar werewolf.

  • DocFrost72
    Awesome thread, but now I want to go make a werewolf pvp toon... GRR
    Edited by DocFrost72 on December 17, 2017 11:36PM
  • IlCanis_LupuslI
    Im usually alone as a Ww on Xbox eu, ad.... Not many people run ww. Im kinda intrigued about the deadrik trickery set in combination With salvation. Or pelinials apitude. Oh yes does earthgore proc with the claws of life /hircines rage???
    Cp 1490
    Khajiit Night blade Healer(BiS for cuteness)-Flawless Conquerer Grand Overlord
    Khajiit Stamsorc Werewolf, Flawless Conquerer (1st attempt ww form during the entire dungeon) main
    Khajiit(Master Race) Templar Healer, Flawless Conquerer
    Khajiit Stam dk, Flawless conquerer, 2nd attempt
    Werewolf Veteran player, Since Wrathstone-DLC "Raid-Wolf", 50k dps with fracture, Pvp Healer.
  • Qbiken
    Im usually alone as a Ww on Xbox eu, ad.... Not many people run ww. Im kinda intrigued about the deadrik trickery set in combination With salvation. Or pelinials apitude. Oh yes does earthgore proc with the claws of life /hircines rage???

    (2 items) Adds 1206 Maximum Health
    (3 items) Adds 1096 Maximum Stamina
    (4 items) Adds 1096 Maximum Magicka
    (5 items) While in combat you gain one of 5 random Major Buffs for 10 seconds every 20 seconds. Eligible buffs are Expedition, Protection, Mending, Heroism, or Vitality.´

    If it weren´t for the long cooldown of Deadric Trickery I would consider the set a good one. And since you can´t gain ultimate in WW-form major Heroism becomes "bad buff" while you´re transformed. The other buffs the set gives you have some sort of usage.

    (2 items) Adds 1096 Max Stamina
    (3 items) Adds 129 Stamina Recovery
    (4 items) Adds 1096 Max Stamina
    (5 items) Reduces cost of Werewolf Transformation ability by 33%. While in Werewolf form Weapon Damage is increased by 150

    I think the extra weapon-damage the set gives you is a little low and could be raised to maybe 200/250. When the wrath passive was removed WW-builds took a big hit, especially if you were using a Pelinial build since your main healing ability scales very well with spell-damage. A buff to this set would be a nice way to "compensate" for that.

    Earthgore does indeed proc from "Claws of Life", assumed that the conditions to proc Earthgore is made.
  • IlCanis_LupuslI
    Hmmm thx, how does Scourge Harvester compare to Earth gore self heal wise??? I've tried Scourge, was nice liked it, heard earthgore is pretty strong but unlile scourge it has a cool down, advice???
    Cp 1490
    Khajiit Night blade Healer(BiS for cuteness)-Flawless Conquerer Grand Overlord
    Khajiit Stamsorc Werewolf, Flawless Conquerer (1st attempt ww form during the entire dungeon) main
    Khajiit(Master Race) Templar Healer, Flawless Conquerer
    Khajiit Stam dk, Flawless conquerer, 2nd attempt
    Werewolf Veteran player, Since Wrathstone-DLC "Raid-Wolf", 50k dps with fracture, Pvp Healer.
  • IlCanis_LupuslI
    And any idea how one is supposed to fight the dodgerollspamming, permacloaking---> poisoninjektionspamming---> ambush incap stam blade??? As a Werwolf??? Thats the only class i really have probkems fighting :-(
    Cp 1490
    Khajiit Night blade Healer(BiS for cuteness)-Flawless Conquerer Grand Overlord
    Khajiit Stamsorc Werewolf, Flawless Conquerer (1st attempt ww form during the entire dungeon) main
    Khajiit(Master Race) Templar Healer, Flawless Conquerer
    Khajiit Stam dk, Flawless conquerer, 2nd attempt
    Werewolf Veteran player, Since Wrathstone-DLC "Raid-Wolf", 50k dps with fracture, Pvp Healer.
  • Qbiken
    Hmmm thx, how does Scourge Harvester compare to Earth gore self heal wise??? I've tried Scourge, was nice liked it, heard earthgore is pretty strong but unlile scourge it has a cool down, advice???

    This is what I prefer:

    - Earthgore
    - Molag Kena
    - Trollking

    - Trollking + Lingering health potions
    - Malubeth + Immovable potions
    - Shadowrend

    Using the correct potions is in my opinion essential for playing WW.
    And any idea how one is supposed to fight the dodgerollspamming, permacloaking---> poisoninjektionspamming---> ambush incap stam blade??? As a Werwolf??? Thats the only class i really have probkems fighting :-(

    Those builds are the main weakness of playing WW. If you have detection potions at hand you could us them. Best way I´ve found to deal with those are to play very offensive and try to apply my DoTs (Claw of Anguish + Light attack bleed). And if you get a chance to fear them you´ll have a small window burst them down. For these encounters Shadowrend is a great tool since it will lower their damage output by 15%.
    Edited by Qbiken on December 18, 2017 10:56AM
  • Sharee
    And any idea how one is supposed to fight the dodgerollspamming, permacloaking---> poisoninjektionspamming---> ambush incap stam blade??? As a Werwolf??? Thats the only class i really have probkems fighting :-(

    Transform next to him(if you are DK like me, it also heals you up), and immediately howl+light attack while he is still feared from the transform. Pop detection/CCimmunity potion.He breaks free and hits cloak. Claws+LA. He realizes cloak does not work, and starts dodge rolling. Continue light attacking(its free, his dodge rolls are not). The DOTs from claws and LA(and possibly axebleed)should counteract vigor. If he starts gaining distance, leap. After 7 seconds, fear and howl. If hes still alive after that you probably won't kill him.
  • IlCanis_LupuslI
    Yeah i always have a great repertua of potions on me. Immovable+health or immovable+ stamina+expedition or immovable+magica??? Which one?? I don't think trollking would be good wh me cause as a wood elf stamblade i only have a 10% bonus on health recovery or am I wrong there???
    Cp 1490
    Khajiit Night blade Healer(BiS for cuteness)-Flawless Conquerer Grand Overlord
    Khajiit Stamsorc Werewolf, Flawless Conquerer (1st attempt ww form during the entire dungeon) main
    Khajiit(Master Race) Templar Healer, Flawless Conquerer
    Khajiit Stam dk, Flawless conquerer, 2nd attempt
    Werewolf Veteran player, Since Wrathstone-DLC "Raid-Wolf", 50k dps with fracture, Pvp Healer.
  • Sharee
    Yeah i always have a great repertua of potions on me. Immovable+health or immovable+ stamina+expedition or immovable+magica??? Which one?? I don't think trollking would be good wh me cause as a wood elf stamblade i only have a 10% bonus on health recovery or am I wrong there???

    Immovable+detection against a NB. For moster set i prefer two pieces from different sets that both give resistance as their 1-piece bonus, for example pirate skeleton together with lord warden. You get resistance like heavy armor even wearing 5 medium.
  • IlCanis_LupuslI
    Yeah but the thing i like about heavy is the costitution passive(magica return =very helpfull as Ww) and the healing received passive(+8%) not really the resistances.
    Cp 1490
    Khajiit Night blade Healer(BiS for cuteness)-Flawless Conquerer Grand Overlord
    Khajiit Stamsorc Werewolf, Flawless Conquerer (1st attempt ww form during the entire dungeon) main
    Khajiit(Master Race) Templar Healer, Flawless Conquerer
    Khajiit Stam dk, Flawless conquerer, 2nd attempt
    Werewolf Veteran player, Since Wrathstone-DLC "Raid-Wolf", 50k dps with fracture, Pvp Healer.
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