Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 30:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
We will be performing maintenance for patch 10.2.2 on the PTS on Monday at 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC).

Sorcs and Favoritism

  • Edziu
    kikkehs wrote: »
    I love how 99% of this thread is NBs screaming that sorcs is stronger than them. Why not ask for buffs for your own class instead of asking for nerfs for another?

    as I wrote to someone else....revert those nerf and buff what is worst will be fine but sorc need to be toned down because of his op...just look on pve....ZO$ is nerfink everything because of power creep so ffs why sorc wasnt ever touched while nb which is now on bottom got additional nerf? can you explain me it? especially it while ZO$ tones power creep down why they didnt toned sorc which now overperforming everyone?
  • Merlin13KAGL
    BohnT wrote: »
    Vosital wrote: »
    Sorcs have non-existent sustain. With the PTS patch, their sustain requirements put them in a position to rely upon healers to a degree that can no longer be sustained. Healers have less sustain to meet the demands of a Sorc. Sorcs got hurt by this patch - A LOT. Just because we didn't have a section with our abilities listed on the patch notes, doesn't mean we got hit the worst. Templars on the PTS are honestly right where Sorcs are right now on the live server, but as I said before, healers aren't in a position to really sustain the DPS needs of Sorcs and now Templars. (DK's are just about there, too.)

    You understand that class balance is relative, right? ALL the classes in the game have to deal with the sustain issues. But you need to understand:

    1. Sorcs are already the best PvP class right now
    2. Other classes got direct nerfs on top of the sustain issues
    3. Other classes already have terrible sustain (DKs in particular), and post-patch will be unplayable. Meanwhile Sorcs have amazing tools to sustain in comparison, so it is not as much of a problem.

    Again, because all of you Sorc mains don't seem to understand: Class balance is all relative. Obviously the nerfs to light armor and removal of Magician effect you, they affect everyone.
    Really? What non-weapon passive, race-passive, armor-passive "amazing tools to sustain" would those be? I count Dark Exachange (which has counters and won't work if that pool is empty...)
    Neighbor wrote: »
    Lord_Hev wrote: »
    I even tried 50k magic in NO CP, they just do not scale high without being amplified by bastion, as they should. That is the whole point of having the bastion tree.

    Bastion shouldn't exist. There is no reason for shields to be so massive in the first place.

    I love how it is the norm in this game to have a shield that is the size of your healthbar. As if that is how it is supposed to be. Look at any competitive game and you will notice how careful they are to make shields too overbearing.

    Shields should be supplemental. Not some temporary (or in this game, permanent) thing that turns you into a monster with 2x the effective health.
    Bastion exists and high shields exist because if you're in 5 LA, the other guy generally has 2x, sometimes 3x the mitigation you do. I notice no one takes issue with that.

    Yes because sorcs ignore this additional mitigation with light armor passive and sharp.
    And all other classes also have only one class defining resource restoring ability and all of those got nerfed into the ground.
    And the counterplay to dark deal is laughable you have to interrupt a sorc that can easily streak 2 times and cast dark deal without any chance to interrupt him and even if you interrupted him he has no punishment for it he can simply use dark deal again until your stam for bashing and sprinting has run dry
    • LA passive bypasses ~8% armor, hardly the entirety of the AC added by medium or heavy.
    • Light armor (with the passive mentioned above) is available to any class - not just Sorc.
    • Sharpened trait is also available to any class, not just Sorc. On a 5 pc LA Sorc, sharpened removes half the effective armor, vs 25% for medium, or a pathetic 12% for heavy.
    • Dark deal requires stamina, right? If only there were poisons or other methods of burning a Sorc's stam pool...
    • All other classes also have a class heal that does not require critical damage to function.
    • Almost forgot this one: 2 streaks (additional cost, btw, so even more damage to the pool trying to be restored) cover a distance less than the typical ranged interrupt and certainly less than most gap closers.

    So, @BohnT , I'll ask it again: What non-weapon passive, race-passive, armor-passive "amazing tools to sustain" would those be? I still only count Dark Exchange (which has counters and won't work if that pool is empty...)
    Edited by Merlin13KAGL on April 24, 2017 6:18PM
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • Edziu
    [*] Light armor (with the passive mentioned above) is available to any class - not just Sorc.

    as I know now only sorcs are running in light armor in pvp lol, even more and still more magblades is rerolling into heavy armor because of pathetic not working cloak with many counters
  • visionality
    Lol - sorc-hate-tread by non-sorc-players. Grow up, guys, and git gud. That's what sorc-players did when shields were nerfed. The bad ones left and looked for easier-to-play classes, the good ones improved. That's why they kill you.
  • Minalan
    Dracane wrote: »
    Dracane wrote: »
    Folks complain about Sorc damage, but 22k Frags is nothing...my Mag DK can land one shot 30k hits on people...I have one hit KO cp 600 mag Sorcs for 30k.

    Elemental drain will allow me to hit heavy armor builds for 20-25k depending.

    I have kept this build to myself but it will be even more powerful next patch. Sorcs are not the end all be all bogey man folks think. They are in a good place, Dark deal/conversion needs changed but other then that they are probably fine with real pros and cons

    Please enlighten me, how you reach a 22k frag hit in Cyrodiil, while the tooltip itself is barely 22k.
    And I highly doubt, you have around 60k magicka and over 3k spell damage, which only results in my frags hitting for around 10k crit if at all.

    Dual Wield ;) 58k Magicka + Dual wield allows you to reach those numbers. But it obviously has very easy hard counters. And you have to sacrifice lots of things on your bars for Inner Light and Aegis.

    Not possible though. Please don't count your hits on light armor 0 Cp enemies. Records are nice, but rarely realistic.
    The values I have toyed around with are higher and never even came close to the numbers you guys are kicking around here.

    It requires empower as well, full elfborn, and a huge max mag stack.
    KingJ wrote: »
    Witar wrote: »
    you still have 15 - 20K shield
    You can have shield just as big at any other mag class in 7 light.
    Yes but only sorcs can stack 2 15-20k shields.

    My shields are 10K and 12K respectively in Cyro.

    Please tell me where to get two 20K shields?

    The hyperbole in this thread is absolutely insane.
    Edited by Minalan on April 24, 2017 6:25PM
  • Derra
    Derra wrote: »
    actosh wrote: »
    Well, Dark Deal is overperforming and fits in no way to their new mentality of ressource management.

    easy darkdeal fix: everything stays as is but the resource return happens over the course of 470 mag/stam per second over 10s instead of 4670 at once.

    If only Siphoning Strikes was this good...


    siphoning strikes gives ~ 370 main resource and 1300 health per light attack? It also only has to be cast every 20s.
    it has higher health return per cast and offers more resources per cast than dark deal would in this scenario.

    I don´t think they would be that far apart balancing wise when looking at pve sustain vs dps. Double the casts are considerable. As for pvp: Dark deal would still come with the risk of being interrupted (and i think it should charge resources when interrupted still).
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • Edziu
    Derra wrote: »
    Derra wrote: »
    actosh wrote: »
    Well, Dark Deal is overperforming and fits in no way to their new mentality of ressource management.

    easy darkdeal fix: everything stays as is but the resource return happens over the course of 470 mag/stam per second over 10s instead of 4670 at once.

    If only Siphoning Strikes was this good...


    siphoning strikes gives ~ 370 main resource and 1300 health per light attack? It also only has to be cast every 20s.
    it has higher health return per cast and offers more resources per cast than dark deal would in this scenario.

    I don´t think they would be that far apart balancing wise when looking at pve sustain vs dps. Double the casts are considerable. As for pvp: Dark deal would still come with the risk of being interrupted (and i think it should charge resources when interrupted still).

    to restore this pathetic amount of resources and health you need for first hit your enemy with light attack which is very hard in pvp and gl to hit more than 5 times light attack on your enemy withing 20 seconds while you need to stay often in defense etc, preparing for combo, you will be happy if you hit atleast those 5 times in this time lol
  • Stamden
    Annnnnnnnnnnnnd Sorcs, shields, pirate skeleton, or lich were not changed. Sigh..
    PC NA

    ~Currently taking a break from the game until my DK can become something more than just a crafter~
  • KingJ
    Minalan wrote: »
    Dracane wrote: »
    Dracane wrote: »
    Folks complain about Sorc damage, but 22k Frags is nothing...my Mag DK can land one shot 30k hits on people...I have one hit KO cp 600 mag Sorcs for 30k.

    Elemental drain will allow me to hit heavy armor builds for 20-25k depending.

    I have kept this build to myself but it will be even more powerful next patch. Sorcs are not the end all be all bogey man folks think. They are in a good place, Dark deal/conversion needs changed but other then that they are probably fine with real pros and cons

    Please enlighten me, how you reach a 22k frag hit in Cyrodiil, while the tooltip itself is barely 22k.
    And I highly doubt, you have around 60k magicka and over 3k spell damage, which only results in my frags hitting for around 10k crit if at all.

    Dual Wield ;) 58k Magicka + Dual wield allows you to reach those numbers. But it obviously has very easy hard counters. And you have to sacrifice lots of things on your bars for Inner Light and Aegis.

    Not possible though. Please don't count your hits on light armor 0 Cp enemies. Records are nice, but rarely realistic.
    The values I have toyed around with are higher and never even came close to the numbers you guys are kicking around here.

    It requires empower as well, full elfborn, and a huge max mag stack.
    KingJ wrote: »
    Witar wrote: »
    you still have 15 - 20K shield
    You can have shield just as big at any other mag class in 7 light.
    Yes but only sorcs can stack 2 15-20k shields.

    My shields are 10K and 12K respectively in Cyro.

    Please tell me where to get two 20K shields?

    The hyperbole in this thread is absolutely insane.
    I was using that commenter numbers which is true sorcs are the only class who can stack 2 magic scaling shields.That Poster said in 7 light you can have a 15k-20k damage shield just like a sorc.My comment is still true sorc is the only class which can stack 2 15k-20k shields.

    Its not hyperbole its using that poster numbers and its a fact only sorcs can stack 2 high damage shields show me a magic dk with a two 10k and 12k shield to stack?
  • Lord_Hev
    KingJ wrote: »
    Minalan wrote: »
    Dracane wrote: »
    Dracane wrote: »
    Folks complain about Sorc damage, but 22k Frags is nothing...my Mag DK can land one shot 30k hits on people...I have one hit KO cp 600 mag Sorcs for 30k.

    Elemental drain will allow me to hit heavy armor builds for 20-25k depending.

    I have kept this build to myself but it will be even more powerful next patch. Sorcs are not the end all be all bogey man folks think. They are in a good place, Dark deal/conversion needs changed but other then that they are probably fine with real pros and cons

    Please enlighten me, how you reach a 22k frag hit in Cyrodiil, while the tooltip itself is barely 22k.
    And I highly doubt, you have around 60k magicka and over 3k spell damage, which only results in my frags hitting for around 10k crit if at all.

    Dual Wield ;) 58k Magicka + Dual wield allows you to reach those numbers. But it obviously has very easy hard counters. And you have to sacrifice lots of things on your bars for Inner Light and Aegis.

    Not possible though. Please don't count your hits on light armor 0 Cp enemies. Records are nice, but rarely realistic.
    The values I have toyed around with are higher and never even came close to the numbers you guys are kicking around here.

    It requires empower as well, full elfborn, and a huge max mag stack.
    KingJ wrote: »
    Witar wrote: »
    you still have 15 - 20K shield
    You can have shield just as big at any other mag class in 7 light.
    Yes but only sorcs can stack 2 15-20k shields.

    My shields are 10K and 12K respectively in Cyro.

    Please tell me where to get two 20K shields?

    The hyperbole in this thread is absolutely insane.
    I was using that commenter numbers which is true sorcs are the only class who can stack 2 magic scaling shields.That Poster said in 7 light you can have a 15k-20k damage shield just like a sorc.My comment is still true sorc is the only class which can stack 2 15k-20k shields.

    Its not hyperbole its using that poster numbers and its a fact only sorcs can stack 2 high damage shields show me a magic dk with a two 10k and 12k shield to stack?

    That poster is wrong.

    at 58k magic, hardened ward reaches 17k. Harness magic on the other hand only reaches 12k. Dampen would hit around 14 - 15k but would be incredibly un-sustainable.

    The only sorc builds sustaining 58k magic shield stacks are pet builds(which will suffer tremendous resource strain if they are shield stacking without harness magic morph. So still, one 17k ward, and one 12k harness magic). On my build(non-pet max magic DW), I have to settle for 53k magic max on my shield stack bar due to skill slot and utility limitations. This is with the max grand total of 8 1/2 magic bonus stacking without resorting to 5pc necropotence buff and a active pet. This is strict mathematical possibility. Sorcs are not running around with 2 "15 - 20k" shields without being Emperor or running around IC with Imperial Physique.
    Edited by Lord_Hev on April 24, 2017 8:12PM
    Qaevir/Qaevira Av Morilye/Molag
    Tri-Faction @Lord_Hevnoraak ingame
    PC NA
  • Firerock2
    BohnT wrote: »
    Vosital wrote: »
    Sorcs have non-existent sustain. With the PTS patch, their sustain requirements put them in a position to rely upon healers to a degree that can no longer be sustained. Healers have less sustain to meet the demands of a Sorc. Sorcs got hurt by this patch - A LOT. Just because we didn't have a section with our abilities listed on the patch notes, doesn't mean we got hit the worst. Templars on the PTS are honestly right where Sorcs are right now on the live server, but as I said before, healers aren't in a position to really sustain the DPS needs of Sorcs and now Templars. (DK's are just about there, too.)

    You understand that class balance is relative, right? ALL the classes in the game have to deal with the sustain issues. But you need to understand:

    1. Sorcs are already the best PvP class right now
    2. Other classes got direct nerfs on top of the sustain issues
    3. Other classes already have terrible sustain (DKs in particular), and post-patch will be unplayable. Meanwhile Sorcs have amazing tools to sustain in comparison, so it is not as much of a problem.

    Again, because all of you Sorc mains don't seem to understand: Class balance is all relative. Obviously the nerfs to light armor and removal of Magician effect you, they affect everyone.
    Really? What non-weapon passive, race-passive, armor-passive "amazing tools to sustain" would those be? I count Dark Exachange (which has counters and won't work if that pool is empty...)
    Neighbor wrote: »
    Lord_Hev wrote: »
    I even tried 50k magic in NO CP, they just do not scale high without being amplified by bastion, as they should. That is the whole point of having the bastion tree.

    Bastion shouldn't exist. There is no reason for shields to be so massive in the first place.

    I love how it is the norm in this game to have a shield that is the size of your healthbar. As if that is how it is supposed to be. Look at any competitive game and you will notice how careful they are to make shields too overbearing.

    Shields should be supplemental. Not some temporary (or in this game, permanent) thing that turns you into a monster with 2x the effective health.
    Bastion exists and high shields exist because if you're in 5 LA, the other guy generally has 2x, sometimes 3x the mitigation you do. I notice no one takes issue with that.

    Yes because sorcs ignore this additional mitigation with light armor passive and sharp.
    And all other classes also have only one class defining resource restoring ability and all of those got nerfed into the ground.
    And the counterplay to dark deal is laughable you have to interrupt a sorc that can easily streak 2 times and cast dark deal without any chance to interrupt him and even if you interrupted him he has no punishment for it he can simply use dark deal again until your stam for bashing and sprinting has run dry
    • LA passive bypasses ~8% armor, hardly the entirety of the AC added by medium or heavy.
    • Light armor (with the passive mentioned above) is available to any class - not just Sorc.
    • Sharpened trait is also available to any class, not just Sorc. On a 5 pc LA Sorc, sharpened removes half the effective armor, vs 25% for medium, or a pathetic 12% for heavy.
    • Dark deal requires stamina, right? If only there were poisons or other methods of burning a Sorc's stam pool...
    • All other classes also have a class heal that does not require critical damage to function.
    • Almost forgot this one: 2 streaks (additional cost, btw, so even more damage to the pool trying to be restored) cover a distance less than the typical ranged interrupt and certainly less than most gap closers.

    So, @BohnT , I'll ask it again: What non-weapon passive, race-passive, armor-passive "amazing tools to sustain" would those be? I still only count Dark Exchange (which has counters and won't work if that pool is empty...)

    Power Stone: Reduces ult cost by 15%
    Deadric Protection: Increases Stam/Health recovery by 20%
    Unholy Knowledge: Reduces Stam/Magicka skill cost by 5%
    Capacitor: Increases Magicka recovery by 10%

    He's probably talking about those passives. Temps/DKs don't have that many resources passives. That 20% to stam recovery is really ridiculous.
    Lol - sorc-hate-tread by non-sorc-players. Grow up, guys, and git gud. That's what sorc-players did when shields were nerfed. The bad ones left and looked for easier-to-play classes, the good ones improved. That's why they kill you.

    That shield nerf was hardly a nerf. Its laughable that you would even compare that to whats in the Morrowind patch.

    Keep defending your OP class plz, I like comedy
    Edited by Firerock2 on April 24, 2017 8:14PM
  • Kilandros
    And, as of 3.1, since Shards and Orbs will only return your highest stat-pool resource, Sorcs are really the only class with reliable stamina return thanks to Dark Deal. Lol at this balance, just lol.
    Kilandros - Dragonknight / Grand Overlord
    Deimos - Templar / Grand Warlord
    Sias - Sorcerer / Prefect
    Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.

  • Vosital
    I'll give them the benefit of the doubt on this 3.0.1 and go along with the idea that they didn't have enough time to make changes.

    But really in the back of my mind I know that they just aren't going to nerf Sorcs, and Battlegrounds is going to be such garbage because of it.
  • Stamden
    Mag Sorcs are getting discussed the most, and for good reason. They are complete monsters in PvP right now and desperately need to be changed.

    But I would like to also point some attention to Stam Sorcs too. They can sustain stamina way better than any other stamina setup. Pre-Morrowind, Stam DK had a lot of unique stengths, Stam NB had awesome resource management, and Stamplar was quite strong as well.

    After the PTS changes, Stam Sorc outclasses every other stam setup significantly. The main proponent of this is Dark Deal. All other classes got their resource management destroyed, but this insanely stong skill still exists in the form that it does.
    PC NA

    ~Currently taking a break from the game until my DK can become something more than just a crafter~
  • KingJ
    Lord_Hev wrote: »
    KingJ wrote: »
    Minalan wrote: »
    Dracane wrote: »
    Dracane wrote: »
    Folks complain about Sorc damage, but 22k Frags is nothing...my Mag DK can land one shot 30k hits on people...I have one hit KO cp 600 mag Sorcs for 30k.

    Elemental drain will allow me to hit heavy armor builds for 20-25k depending.

    I have kept this build to myself but it will be even more powerful next patch. Sorcs are not the end all be all bogey man folks think. They are in a good place, Dark deal/conversion needs changed but other then that they are probably fine with real pros and cons

    Please enlighten me, how you reach a 22k frag hit in Cyrodiil, while the tooltip itself is barely 22k.
    And I highly doubt, you have around 60k magicka and over 3k spell damage, which only results in my frags hitting for around 10k crit if at all.

    Dual Wield ;) 58k Magicka + Dual wield allows you to reach those numbers. But it obviously has very easy hard counters. And you have to sacrifice lots of things on your bars for Inner Light and Aegis.

    Not possible though. Please don't count your hits on light armor 0 Cp enemies. Records are nice, but rarely realistic.
    The values I have toyed around with are higher and never even came close to the numbers you guys are kicking around here.

    It requires empower as well, full elfborn, and a huge max mag stack.
    KingJ wrote: »
    Witar wrote: »
    you still have 15 - 20K shield
    You can have shield just as big at any other mag class in 7 light.
    Yes but only sorcs can stack 2 15-20k shields.

    My shields are 10K and 12K respectively in Cyro.

    Please tell me where to get two 20K shields?

    The hyperbole in this thread is absolutely insane.
    I was using that commenter numbers which is true sorcs are the only class who can stack 2 magic scaling shields.That Poster said in 7 light you can have a 15k-20k damage shield just like a sorc.My comment is still true sorc is the only class which can stack 2 15k-20k shields.

    Its not hyperbole its using that poster numbers and its a fact only sorcs can stack 2 high damage shields show me a magic dk with a two 10k and 12k shield to stack?

    That poster is wrong.

    at 58k magic, hardened ward reaches 17k. Harness magic on the other hand only reaches 12k. Dampen would hit around 14 - 15k but would be incredibly un-sustainable.

    The only sorc builds sustaining 58k magic shield stacks are pet builds(which will suffer tremendous resource strain if they are shield stacking without harness magic morph. So still, one 17k ward, and one 12k harness magic). On my build(non-pet max magic DW), I have to settle for 53k magic max on my shield stack bar due to skill slot and utility limitations. This is with the max grand total of 8 1/2 magic bonus stacking without resorting to 5pc necropotence buff and a active pet. This is strict mathematical possibility. Sorcs are not running around with 2 "15 - 20k" shields without being Emperor or running around IC with Imperial Physique.
    Fair enough.
  • Vosital
    Edziu wrote: »
    [*] Light armor (with the passive mentioned above) is available to any class - not just Sorc.

    as I know now only sorcs are running in light armor in pvp lol, even more and still more magblades is rerolling into heavy armor because of pathetic not working cloak with many counters

    Seriously. Light armor is actually amazing. It gives access to Harness which is one of the strongest skills in the game, and will only get better now that regen is more important.

    Meanwhile, Mag DK's and Templars are forced to run heavy in PvP. With the massive constitution nerf, they are even more screwed. Sorcs are really the only ones that can effectively use light armor and it is one of the many reasons why they are so insane in Morrowind.
  • CyrusArya
    Dark Deal didn't get nerfed like the rest because it can be interrupted unlike the rest.

    On a side note, seeing how vehemently some of you guys are campaigning for sorc nerfs really makes me wonder how much you get rekt by this class. If yall want some tips on how to not get rekt by sorcs, feel free to send me a mail or tell in game and I can provide some tips.

    I just don't see the disconnect. I have literally 0 trouble with sorcs, except for the top players of the class and thats due to their ability as players not the class. Yet I read these forums and see so much whining and crying. Makes me pretty confident that the issue with sorcs is that bad players have no idea how to play against the class and would rather resort to begging for nerfs than learning to play.
    A R Y A
    The K-Hole ~ Phałanx
    My PvP Videos
  • Xvorg
    CyrusArya wrote: »
    Dark Deal didn't get nerfed like the rest because it can be interrupted unlike the rest.

    On a side note, seeing how vehemently some of you guys are campaigning for sorc nerfs really makes me wonder how much you get rekt by this class. If yall want some tips on how to not get rekt by sorcs, feel free to send me a mail or tell in game and I can provide some tips.

    I just don't see the disconnect. I have literally 0 trouble with sorcs, except for the top players of the class and thats due to their ability as players not the class. Yet I read these forums and see so much whining and crying. Makes me pretty confident that the issue with sorcs is that bad players have no idea how to play against the class and would rather resort to begging for nerfs than learning to play.

    It also has a heal associated. I dont't think the interrupt is the reason why it wasn't nerfed.

    ZoS should make it non interruptable but on par to the other skills, because a 2H sorc can easily kill a target, cast dark deal and get a lot of stam back in a couple seconds
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • Kilandros
    CyrusArya wrote: »
    Dark Deal didn't get nerfed like the rest because it can be interrupted unlike the rest.

    On a side note, seeing how vehemently some of you guys are campaigning for sorc nerfs really makes me wonder how much you get rekt by this class. If yall want some tips on how to not get rekt by sorcs, feel free to send me a mail or tell in game and I can provide some tips.

    I just don't see the disconnect. I have literally 0 trouble with sorcs, except for the top players of the class and thats due to their ability as players not the class. Yet I read these forums and see so much whining and crying. Makes me pretty confident that the issue with sorcs is that bad players have no idea how to play against the class and would rather resort to begging for nerfs than learning to play.

    Are you even on the pts?

    There's pretty much universal agreement by players on the pts that sorc is overperforming lol

    It's the plebs on this forum who arent actually testing making stupid claims that sorc is balanced.
    Edited by Kilandros on April 25, 2017 9:21PM
    Kilandros - Dragonknight / Grand Overlord
    Deimos - Templar / Grand Warlord
    Sias - Sorcerer / Prefect
    Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.

  • CyrusArya
    Kilandros wrote: »

    Are you even on the pts?

    There's pretty much universal agreement by players on the pts that sorc is overperforming lol

    It's the plebs on this forum who arent actually testing making stupid claims that sorc is balanced.

    Ive been on the pts for about 2 or 3 hours or so but seen what I needed to. Ill test more and maybe my opinion will change. But Sorc without pirate skeleton is just fine from what I've seen. If this community wasn't as reactionary and eager to jump on bandwagons as it is, maybe universal agreement might mean something to me.

    Tell you what though, you got a sorc as your avatar. Why dont you come duel my stamplar and we can see how much sorc over performs. You can even wear pirate skeleton if you want.
    A R Y A
    The K-Hole ~ Phałanx
    My PvP Videos
  • Kilandros
    CyrusArya wrote: »

    Tell you what though, you got a sorc as your avatar. Why dont you come duel my stamplar and we can see how much sorc over performs. You can even wear pirate skeleton if you want.

    lol, thank you for this gem
    Kilandros - Dragonknight / Grand Overlord
    Deimos - Templar / Grand Warlord
    Sias - Sorcerer / Prefect
    Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.

  • Izaki
    Jawasa wrote: »
    Haha i Love the sorc players that try to downplay shield stack after the nerfs. My no CP sorc shield stack for days with no problem atm and still have 2,4 k spell dmg so in bg's next patch all i need to do is change one of My spell dmg glyphs to cost reduction.

    It can allready stand a fair chance against every other build in azura now. So with every1 els getting hit with nerfs it's gonna be even easier. So this is Def what i will bring in morrowind if pts dont change anything els.

    Yeah. No-CP isn't CP. The base costs for all abilities are VERY different in the two scenarios. The more CP you spend the higher your abilites cost. We're talking here 630 spent CP worth of difference in cost between no-CP skill cost and CP skill cost.
    @ Izaki #PCEU
    #FrenchKiss #GoneFor2YearsAndMyGuildDoesn'tRaidAnymore
  • Drishtan

    Have you ever tried it???




    How do you stop it if you cant see it in time to stop it???

    Dark Deal needs to be changed to a 2.2 sec cast time and reduce the heal to 8k and the stam return to 2k. Problem fixed.
  • Drishtan
    I mean it the only time I can interrupt that skill is if im spamming bash as a magic toon. Well guess what I can only bash a few time then guess what i cant break free if i get cced.

    FIX DARK DEAL NOW! Increase cast time to 2.2 sec minimum!!!
  • Drishtan

    Oh wait thats right sorc are favored and dont get nerfs...Zos what are u doing???
  • Xvorg
    Drishtan wrote: »

    Have you ever tried it???




    How do you stop it if you cant see it in time to stop it???

    Dark Deal needs to be changed to a 2.2 sec cast time and reduce the heal to 8k and the stam return to 2k. Problem fixed.

    Sorcs logic:

    Use venom arrow or crushing shock...

    Sorcs don't give *** about this game
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • Drishtan

    Please Comment on Why Sorcs have not been touched!

    Thank you very much!
  • Stamden
    Drishtan wrote: »

    Have you ever tried it???




    How do you stop it if you cant see it in time to stop it???

    Dark Deal needs to be changed to a 2.2 sec cast time and reduce the heal to 8k and the stam return to 2k. Problem fixed.

    Woah there, you want to give Sorcs counterplay? You want fair and balanced gameplay that leads to a better PvP experience?

    Are you out of your mind?
    PC NA

    ~Currently taking a break from the game until my DK can become something more than just a crafter~
  • Izaki
    Drishtan wrote: »
    I mean it the only time I can interrupt that skill is if im spamming bash as a magic toon. Well guess what I can only bash a few time then guess what i cant break free if i get cced.

    FIX DARK DEAL NOW! Increase cast time to 2.2 sec minimum!!!

    That's not "fixing" that's rendering a skill useless. The only way to prevent the "spam" of Dark Deal is making the resource return happen over several seconds after casting. So the heal happens instantly after the channel, but the resource is restored over 3 or 4 seconds (keeping the same resource return as its no longer spammable). Dark Deal should totally have a more obvious animation, but it still has counterplay unlike any other class specific resource return mechanic in the game (Battle Roar and Helping Hands don't have counters, neither does Repentance or Channeled Focus, neither do Siphoning Attacks, all of which have been unnecessarily nerfed).

    Also the heal is already 8k.

    Also stop writing in caps you look like a child. If you seriously think that without providing any arguments/evidence to support your claim and writing in cap is going to get you a dev response, you're very wrong.

    Sometimes I'm wondering whether some people prioritize getting other classes nerfed or whether they prioritize reverting the nerfs to their own classes... Seems like the former.
    Edited by Izaki on April 26, 2017 12:33PM
    @ Izaki #PCEU
    #FrenchKiss #GoneFor2YearsAndMyGuildDoesn'tRaidAnymore
  • Vosital
    Sometimes I'm wondering whether some people prioritize getting other classes nerfed or whether they prioritize reverting the nerfs to their own classes... Seems like the former.

    It's both, but nerfs to Sorcs are as important if not more important. Because:

    1. Sorcs are already overtuned in Homestead and are the strongest PvP class. They need nerfs regardless of what happens in the rest of this patch.
    2. Some of the resource management nerfs actually make sense and can be healthy for the game. The problem is, when they only nerf 3/4 class there becomes a great disbalance. Especially when the one class they don't nerf is already the strongest.
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