Joy_Division wrote: »Your change would make this skill bad because it's designed as a support skill - other people are supposed to be contributing damage. With battle-spirit it would be pretty much impossible because it only stores a small portion to begin with.
The proposal would make the skill akin to what it was before this patch, when it was worthless and nobody used it
Meanwhile, curse explodes faster, requires nothing else, and will explode again.
Okay, so everyone contributes to damage, but lower the damage numbers? As you say, a support skill should not be doing more then an ultimate every 6 seconds.
Unsure how curse is relevant? You are comparing Sorcs "spammable"ish dps skill to a Templar burst / support skill? PotL does have a longer duration, but it is also guaranteed higher burst then curse in a xv1. No one (I've seen) uses the second explosion, it is totally useless, unsure of relevancy again.
Edit: I know the old version was terribad, and I want this skill to be useful, but in it's current form it becomes exponentially stronger when used in xv1. Stamplar was going to be my next grind project, I know this skill can be useful 1v1 or 1vx without being stupidly overpowered xv1.
RinaldoGandolphi wrote: »It's one of those skills that's also easily countersble with Efficent Purge.
RinaldoGandolphi wrote: »Changing the skill so it only works for the caster would make it useless. It's on of the few skills that's good for dealing with the "tape my right mouse button down" tanks.
It's one of those skills that's also easily countersble with Efficent Purge.
Both stamplar and magplar need this skill to stay as is especially for magplars that do not want to run the sword and board heal tank style.
POL is no more a Xv1 skill then Mages Fury, Beam, Soul Assault, or Impale
Joy_Division wrote: »It is stronger Xv1 - all skills are more dangerous in such cases
That's why I specifically said "exponentially* stronger". Instead of just getting hit my 2 snipe spammers, now their damage is copied for even more free burst. So PotL is a xv1 enabling tool, more so then anything else in the game (are all them poisons still stacking? Maybe not as bad as that).RinaldoGandolphi wrote: »POL is no more a Xv1 skill then Mages Fury, Beam, Soul Assault, or Impale
Come on Joy, you know burst is king for 95%+ effective build styles, that is not at all a valid point.Joy_Division wrote: »Just about every DoT or spammable skill in the game does more damage than an ultimate over the course of every 6 seconds. Should we nerf Reflective Light too?
Alternative proposal: What if it increased the damage done of all attacks by 18% for either 6 seconds or until the damage cap reached?
Does not effect dps, does not add burst larger then an ultimate.
Joy_Division wrote: »It is stronger Xv1 - all skills are more dangerous in such casesThat's why I specifically said "exponentially* stronger". Instead of just getting hit my 2 snipe spammers, now their damage is copied for even more free burst. So PotL is a xv1 enabling tool, more so then anything else in the game (are all them poisons still stacking? Maybe not as bad as that).RinaldoGandolphi wrote: »POL is no more a Xv1 skill then Mages Fury, Beam, Soul Assault, or Impale
*Mathematically it's probably not exponential, but you get the point, it's not an even progression based on number of players like other skills are, each player adds like 118% more damage or whatever.Come on Joy, you know burst is king for 95%+ effective build styles, that is not at all a valid point.Joy_Division wrote: »Just about every DoT or spammable skill in the game does more damage than an ultimate over the course of every 6 seconds. Should we nerf Reflective Light too?
I beg to differ curse is a relevant comparison.
1) Curse is NOT buffed by being in a xv1 situation like PotL is (see above). Sure they both have delayed damage component, I'll concede Curse has a higher dps, PotL having a higher burst is not necessarily a problem, but when that burst is guaranteed simply because you are outnumbered (on top of all the other incoming damage), the skill needs reworking.
2) I would 100% advocate for Curse being reverted back to a single 3.5sec explosion, I don't think anyone would care in the slightest if it was changed again. I agree it's an unneeded component.
That's a bit disingenuous when I specifically took time to add to my post to confirm I didn't literally mean ^2 but I didn't know the correct terminology for it. If each extra person in a fight adds an additional 100% damage, with PotL in the mix they add ~118% except saved up for a burst higher then all ultimates (except maybe Meteor on a MagSorc). I literally *'d exponential to clarify what I meant.Joy_Division wrote: »I don't agree with the point because you are being specious and misleading. You are just throwing out the word exponentially to exaggerate and are completely misusing the term. POTL is capped specifically so to eliminate the very abuses you are worrying about.
Now this is deliberately misleadingJoy_Division wrote: »You seem to have a problem with support skills of the type POTL is. I think your issue is how the skills works rather than how powerful it is...which is not a compelling reason to rework or rebalnce it...yet nerf templars.
arkansas_ESO wrote: »Not sure where the idea that POTL/Purifying Light is only overperforming in a group context came from; it's still very easy to pump out 6-7k POTLs when you're completely by yourself if you're running the right build.
The issue is that certain mechanics (ex. bleeds from skills like Blood Craze are unblockable and ignore armor resist values, Biting Jabs is undodgeable, etc.) allow you to bypass the intended counterplay of POTL, which is to block and dodge in the 6 seconds before it explodes to minimize the amount of damage it builds up, so that you can consistently pump out huge POTLs. At the same time, if you look at how hard POTL hits on builds that aren't running things like bleeds, it really isn't that threatening. If anything, it's kind of lackluster.
I'd rather see POTL and Purifying changed to work like Curse in that it's a flat value that scales with your max stamina/magicka and weapon/spell damage. This nerfs the overperforming builds while buffing the underperforming builds, and increases build diversity for Templar (atm you're shooting yourself in the foot unless you're running DW with bleeds on stamplar.)
Also, damage after time abilities shouldn't stack on targets in PVP, regardless of morph. This goes for Curse, POTL, and whatever ZOS might introduce in the future.
Joy_Division wrote: »Joy_Division wrote: »It is stronger Xv1 - all skills are more dangerous in such casesThat's why I specifically said "exponentially* stronger". Instead of just getting hit my 2 snipe spammers, now their damage is copied for even more free burst. So PotL is a xv1 enabling tool, more so then anything else in the game (are all them poisons still stacking? Maybe not as bad as that).RinaldoGandolphi wrote: »POL is no more a Xv1 skill then Mages Fury, Beam, Soul Assault, or Impale
*Mathematically it's probably not exponential, but you get the point, it's not an even progression based on number of players like other skills are, each player adds like 118% more damage or whatever.Come on Joy, you know burst is king for 95%+ effective build styles, that is not at all a valid point.Joy_Division wrote: »Just about every DoT or spammable skill in the game does more damage than an ultimate over the course of every 6 seconds. Should we nerf Reflective Light too?
I beg to differ curse is a relevant comparison.
1) Curse is NOT buffed by being in a xv1 situation like PotL is (see above). Sure they both have delayed damage component, I'll concede Curse has a higher dps, PotL having a higher burst is not necessarily a problem, but when that burst is guaranteed simply because you are outnumbered (on top of all the other incoming damage), the skill needs reworking.
2) I would 100% advocate for Curse being reverted back to a single 3.5sec explosion, I don't think anyone would care in the slightest if it was changed again. I agree it's an unneeded component.
I don't agree with the point because you are being specious and misleading. You are just throwing out the word exponentially to exaggerate and are completely misusing the term. POTL is capped specifically so to eliminate the very abuses you are worrying about.
And just because damage isn't burst doesn't mean is goes way or I deal with it without consuming resources and actions. If I am getting Xv1 and get hit with multiple poison injections and reflective lights and crushing shocks; I am going to have to stop what I am doing and consume resources to react.
You seem to have a problem with support skills of the type POTL is. I think your issue is how the skills works rather than how powerful it is...which is not a compelling reason to rework or rebalnce it. It doesn't matter to me if curse isn't buffed in an Xv1 situation. Curse has the same impact, does more DPS as you concede, and is even more noob friendly in that it does that damage without anything done by either the player or their allies. It is, in short, a better and easier skill to use, yet nerf templars. The skill does not need reworking because the game does not need to be balanced according to your preferred play-style. I play a templar and a sorcerer, and I would trade POTL for curse -
even the old Velocious version - and not think twice about it. The minor resistance debuffs are trivial loss in exchange for the faster explosion time and I'd live with a little less potential damage since I am guaranteed the high curse value no matter what, not to mention curse is an AOE.
I see nothing wrong with the idea the in a 4 person group, whoever is in charge can do more than simply say "target X" and instead use a skill that not only outlines X and makes it clear who should be attacked, but also is made more effective if her groupmates do just that. You and others may interpret this a Xv1 trash, but support skills such as this are a staple of fantasy games and make the game more interesting than having AvAvA battles just a bunch of individual duels.
Yet, another post where our truly and respected Lord of the Zerg Surfer Templar defend zergling tool just like he did with Radiant Destruction to make sure that the unavoidable and obvious nerf is delayed by 6 months or more. Again, this skill is overperforming, especially the stamina version because it applies 3 debuffs in a game where all debuffs are in the same category, making purging a real nightmare.
Yet, another post where our truly and respected Lord of the Zerg Surfer Templar defend zergling tool just like he did with Radiant Destruction to make sure that the unavoidable and obvious nerf is delayed by 6 months or more. Again, this skill is overperforming, especially the stamina version because it applies 3 debuffs in a game where all debuffs are in the same category, making purging a real nightmare.
And yet another post from you trying to nerf something that doesn't need nerfed. It's a never ending cycle.
Yet, another post where our truly and respected Lord of the Zerg Surfer Templar defend zergling tool just like he did with Radiant Destruction to make sure that the unavoidable and obvious nerf is delayed by 6 months or more. Again, this skill is overperforming, especially the stamina version because it applies 3 debuffs in a game where all debuffs are in the same category, making purging a real nightmare.
And yet another post from you trying to nerf something that doesn't need nerfed. It's a never ending cycle.
Wait, what's your alliance rank again?
Yet, another post where our truly and respected Lord of the Zerg Surfer Templar defend zergling tool just like he did with Radiant Destruction to make sure that the unavoidable and obvious nerf is delayed by 6 months or more. Again, this skill is overperforming, especially the stamina version because it applies 3 debuffs in a game where all debuffs are in the same category, making purging a real nightmare.
And yet another post from you trying to nerf something that doesn't need nerfed. It's a never ending cycle.
Wait, what's your alliance rank again?
? I think you're trying to say something, but .... ?
Yet, another post where our truly and respected Lord of the Zerg Surfer Templar defend zergling tool just like he did with Radiant Destruction to make sure that the unavoidable and obvious nerf is delayed by 6 months or more. Again, this skill is overperforming, especially the stamina version because it applies 3 debuffs in a game where all debuffs are in the same category, making purging a real nightmare.
And yet another post from you trying to nerf something that doesn't need nerfed. It's a never ending cycle.
Wait, what's your alliance rank again?
? I think you're trying to say something, but .... ?
Yeah I'm trying to say that I got Grand Overlord on my magicka templar in 8months and have a pretty fair understanding of the class mechanics to realize that Backlash is overperforming just like Radiant Destruction was.
Just make it blockable. Right now you can dodge roll the explosion which is absolutely ***. Remove the ability to dodge roll it (since it's an effect on you after all) and just make it blockable (which makes equally little sense but is better for balance).
Yet, another post where our truly and respected Lord of the Zerg Surfer Templar defend zergling tool just like he did with Radiant Destruction to make sure that the unavoidable and obvious nerf is delayed by 6 months or more. Again, this skill is overperforming, especially the stamina version because it applies 3 debuffs in a game where all debuffs are in the same category, making purging a real nightmare.
And yet another post from you trying to nerf something that doesn't need nerfed. It's a never ending cycle.
Wait, what's your alliance rank again?
? I think you're trying to say something, but .... ?
Yeah I'm trying to say that I got Grand Overlord on my magicka templar in 8months and have a pretty fair understanding of the class mechanics to realize that Backlash is overperforming just like Radiant Destruction was.
Okay this has to be the most stupid and irrelevant argument ever brought to a discussion.
Yet, another post where our truly and respected Lord of the Zerg Surfer Templar defend zergling tool just like he did with Radiant Destruction to make sure that the unavoidable and obvious nerf is delayed by 6 months or more. Again, this skill is overperforming, especially the stamina version because it applies 3 debuffs in a game where all debuffs are in the same category, making purging a real nightmare.
And yet another post from you trying to nerf something that doesn't need nerfed. It's a never ending cycle.
Wait, what's your alliance rank again?
Yet, another post where our truly and respected Lord of the Zerg Surfer Templar defend zergling tool just like he did with Radiant Destruction to make sure that the unavoidable and obvious nerf is delayed by 6 months or more. Again, this skill is overperforming, especially the stamina version because it applies 3 debuffs in a game where all debuffs are in the same category, making purging a real nightmare.
And yet another post from you trying to nerf something that doesn't need nerfed. It's a never ending cycle.
Wait, what's your alliance rank again?
Did you really just say that? That does not make any kind of sense as an argument. There are grand overlords that lack basic understanding of game mechanics. AR rank has no reflection on skill or even game knowledge for that matter.
Yet, another post where our truly and respected Lord of the Zerg Surfer Templar defend zergling tool just like he did with Radiant Destruction to make sure that the unavoidable and obvious nerf is delayed by 6 months or more. Again, this skill is overperforming, especially the stamina version because it applies 3 debuffs in a game where all debuffs are in the same category, making purging a real nightmare.
And yet another post from you trying to nerf something that doesn't need nerfed. It's a never ending cycle.
Wait, what's your alliance rank again?
Did you really just say that? That does not make any kind of sense as an argument. There are grand overlords that lack basic understanding of game mechanics. AR rank has no reflection on skill or even game knowledge for that matter.
I never said that an alliance rank reflects the skills. One doesn't need to have skills to understand that an ability is overperforming. The alliance rank simply demonstrates that I have spent alot of time playing the class and have the experience and the knowledges to share my opinion in this thread.
Just make it blockable. Right now you can dodge roll the explosion which is absolutely ***. Remove the ability to dodge roll it (since it's an effect on you after all) and just make it blockable (which makes equally little sense but is better for balance).
To be honest I would have preferred they buffer Stamplars in the area they actually need help: Rescource sustain, sustained damage (DPS) and worthwhile magicka utility besides Purify promoting build variety like the DK has - instead of giving us this gimmick burst ability which is either completely OP or useless depending on the scenario and player you play against.
That's a bit disingenuous when I specifically took time to add to my post to confirm I didn't literally mean ^2 but I didn't know the correct terminology for it. If each extra person in a fight adds an additional 100% damage, with PotL in the mix they add ~118% except saved up for a burst higher then all ultimates (except maybe Meteor on a MagSorc). I literally *'d exponential to clarify what I meant.Joy_Division wrote: »I don't agree with the point because you are being specious and misleading. You are just throwing out the word exponentially to exaggerate and are completely misusing the term. POTL is capped specifically so to eliminate the very abuses you are worrying about.Now this is deliberately misleadingJoy_Division wrote: »You seem to have a problem with support skills of the type POTL is. I think your issue is how the skills works rather than how powerful it is...which is not a compelling reason to rework or rebalnce it...yet nerf templars.. Two posts now you imply I'm on some of vendetta against Templars which simply isn't true, and no idea how you managed to extrapolate my posts here to having a problem with all support skills. I see a skill which I believe is fine and balanced in 1v1's, but significantly enables the zerg in xv1, and would like to see it rebalanced. It just happens to be a Templar skill which I understand is your native class, but honestly it is not personal.
• 1v1 it requires the caster to maintain pressure and high damage numbers for it to be effective - in my view balanced
• xv1 it goes above and beyond anything else (again, except maybe poisons if they are all still stacking) to enable the x by adding raw burst damage
Why is having issue with how a skill works not a compelling reason for rebalancing? To be perfectly clear, I think it is too powerful in xv1 scenarios, but this is exactly because of how it works. So rather then just call for a damage nerf I'm actually tying to work on the root cause, which is how the skill works significantly enabling xv1'ing more then anything else.
Edit: If I was to clarify the imbalance I see with this skill as succinctly as possible it would be this - a semi-spammable skill should not be doing damage higher then an ultimate without conditions attached to it.
• Frags: RNG
• Merciless Resolve: 4 light attacks
• PotL 1v1: requires sustained pressure careful use of ultimate
• PotL xv1: requires nothing
We want to see Backlash as a burst damage ability that you can use in solo PvE or PvP content. To accomplish this, we increased the amount of copied damage. This increase is higher in Cyrodiil to account for both Battle Spirit and the play styles of enemies; enemy players are much harder to hit with 5 seconds of unhindered attacks.
Making the damage unblockable ensures it behaves consistently when compared to Daedric Curse. Both those abilities are similar in functionality and how they thematically apply their damage. This also ensures that Backlash is not double penalized by block, since some of the damage it copies will likely be blocked or avoided by enemies seeking to minimize Backlash’s final attack. Hitting the maximum damage limit against another player now requires a significant amount of uninhibited damage from the Templar, and enemies will have more counterplay in reducing Backlash’s burst damage if they actively mitigate or avoid damage.
Changing Backlash’s final damage so it no longer critically strikes prevents the Templar from reaching the damage cap too easily with a high Critical Strike rating.
Yet, another post where our truly and respected Lord of the Zerg Surfer Templar defend zergling tool just like he did with Radiant Destruction to make sure that the unavoidable and obvious nerf is delayed by 6 months or more. Again, this skill is overperforming, especially the stamina version because it applies 3 debuffs in a game where all debuffs are in the same category, making purging a real nightmare.
And yet another post from you trying to nerf something that doesn't need nerfed. It's a never ending cycle.
Wait, what's your alliance rank again?
Did you really just say that? That does not make any kind of sense as an argument. There are grand overlords that lack basic understanding of game mechanics. AR rank has no reflection on skill or even game knowledge for that matter.
I never said that an alliance rank reflects the skills. One doesn't need to have skills to understand that an ability is overperforming. The alliance rank simply demonstrates that I have spent alot of time playing the class and have the experience and the knowledges to share my opinion in this thread.
So then why did you try to point out how fast you got the AR? Once again having that rank does not indicate any knowledge, and is not even guaranteed to show experience. You can get GO by repairing walls, and afk ing at a keep. So do not try to use it as an argument.