ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Housing
Housing Editor
- Fixed an issue that prevented certain very thin furnishings, like carpets, from being selected in the Housing Editor when placed in the home.
- Improved the categorization of several furnishings within the Housing Editor.
- Previewing the “Argonian Drum, Ceremonial” furnishing in the Home Editor now correctly displays the drum instead of just showing your character.
- The rotation interface in the Housing Editor can no longer be obscured by nearby objects.
- Fixed an issue that prevented you from canceling the placement of an item if you had a full inventory.
SydneyGrey wrote: »I may be the only one here, but ...
Was the Housing Editor easy to use?
I can't find any Housing Editor.
Did you run into any issues using the Editor?
What Editor?
Do you have any other general feedback?
It is not easy to figure out how to place items in the home. At least it wasn't easy for me. I don't see any Housing Editor, and can't place the items directly from my inventory or collections menus, which is what you would expect to be able to do. Perhaps you can make the update a little more user-friendly in terms of telling people how to find the housing editor?
And now I feel like an idiot, so I'll go now. LOL.
I think this update will be amazing, though. Really looking forward to it coming out on the live servers.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Housing
Housing Editor
- Fixed an issue that prevented certain very thin furnishings, like carpets, from being selected in the Housing Editor when placed in the home.
- Improved the categorization of several furnishings within the Housing Editor.
- Previewing the “Argonian Drum, Ceremonial” furnishing in the Home Editor now correctly displays the drum instead of just showing your character.
- The rotation interface in the Housing Editor can no longer be obscured by nearby objects.
- Fixed an issue that prevented you from canceling the placement of an item if you had a full inventory.
So basically no change, your throwing it into live with this useless system. I was considering buying a house out of the crown store, but now I'm seriously reconsidering since I wont be able to build anything that looks halfway decent. Or maybe that was your plain; give us a useless system so people would be forced to buy the pre decorated versions from the crown store so they don't look like a two year old was placing the furniture. You guys didn't even attempt to fix the horrid interface. This is why you get so many negative comments around here. You put in new changes and systems then don't bother to fix and finish them before moving on to the next thing, which adds even more new problems onto the pile that you never end up fixing. But of course since the housing editor isn't pvp, you guys just don't care about it.
It would be really nice if there were steps we could buy and place. There's a lot of places I'd like to add stairs to houses and although you can do it with the various blocks (or other objects like crates, chairs, trays etc.) that means you have to jump up each one instead of your character running smoothly up them.
It would also drastically reduce the number of items required, allowing me more actual furnishings.ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Housing
Housing Editor
- Fixed an issue that prevented certain very thin furnishings, like carpets, from being selected in the Housing Editor when placed in the home.
- Improved the categorization of several furnishings within the Housing Editor.
- Previewing the “Argonian Drum, Ceremonial” furnishing in the Home Editor now correctly displays the drum instead of just showing your character.
- The rotation interface in the Housing Editor can no longer be obscured by nearby objects.
- Fixed an issue that prevented you from canceling the placement of an item if you had a full inventory.
So basically no change, your throwing it into live with this useless system. I was considering buying a house out of the crown store, but now I'm seriously reconsidering since I wont be able to build anything that looks halfway decent. Or maybe that was your plain; give us a useless system so people would be forced to buy the pre decorated versions from the crown store so they don't look like a two year old was placing the furniture. You guys didn't even attempt to fix the horrid interface. This is why you get so many negative comments around here. You put in new changes and systems then don't bother to fix and finish them before moving on to the next thing, which adds even more new problems onto the pile that you never end up fixing. But of course since the housing editor isn't pvp, you guys just don't care about it.
I'm surprised you think the system is useless. I've found it really good and after a little bit of experimentation easy to use and I've heard the same from lots of other people.
There are some "tricks" that make it easier, like remembering you can turn collision off (shortcut is T, can't remember now what the option is called) or turning walk on which makes small movements easier to do. But in general I haven't had any issues with it, except the bug where aligning a tapestry to a vertical surface places it horizontally - meaning you need to align it to the floor in front of where you want it and then place it manually.
I think the only option I'd add that I haven't found is the ability to slide things left and right as well as forwards and back.
Truthsnark wrote: »We need to be able to see on mouse-over in the Housing Editor what the name of the item is. I shouldn't have to pick something up, put it in my inventory, open Browse, find it in the inventory menu, then read the name AND THEN replace it back exactly how I had it, to know what I'm looking at in the Editor. Stuff already lights up on mouse-over, and there's plenty of room in the action bar at the bottom of the screen to show what the name of the item is, can this be done? It would take good chunk of clunk out of the editor. [Edited - my developer husband tells me I should never assume something is easy without knowing exactly how things are linked together behind the scenes so this portion of the message is rescinded but nonetheless the rest of it stands]
SydneyGrey wrote: »BUG: (Well, more like a minor oversight)
When you open the Housing Editor, the Pride King Lion mount appears listed under the "wolves" category.
Elephant42 wrote: »Taternater wrote: »I set down my assistants in my house outside Rawl'ka. I went to IC to attune the crafting stations that my template character automatically got. When I got back my assistants weren't placed anymore.
Also, the furniture vendor in Hollow City sells furniture that require achievements that template characters don't have which makes testing them impossible with said characters.
I could place my banker in the house but could not interact with it. After leaving the house and re-entering the banker was still there but still could not interact with it.
Leaving the house, summoning and interacting with the banker in the wild and then re-entering the house had the banker no longer there. I did this twice with the same result each time. I did not test just summoning the banker in the wild but not using it. Will do that next time I log on.
Please, either let the "pets" be summoned inside houses or fix it so that they work and persist inside houses.
Large items like the wedding curtains are impossible to place because the camera is stuck staring at the left ground item. Hello? This is a hanging item! At the very least, let me look up and see where the pole is!