Who knew ESO had a training dummy? I didn't until recently, only to find out it's being removed from the game (stealth like).
I find this completely unacceptable and want everyone to band together and let ZOS know we want change.
While I respect people's willingness to play solo and enjoy their game, it shouldn't come at the cost of other people's fun and enjoyment either. Some people like me and many others LOVE testing DPS. I'm not the best at it nor anywhere close but constantly seeking improvement in this game combats is what keeps me coming back, its definitely not Cyrodiil lag.
PLEASE if you agree with this, leave a comment even /sign, share on Facebook, Twitter, the public bathroom at Seven Eleven anywhere. We need either this back in the game or an alternative solution for solo DPS testing.
I'm tired of dragging 3 friends to Blood Spawn for hours at a time, help me ZOS you're my only hope.
(PS I'm willing to pay crowns for this time of thing in game, I don't care just give me something similar or put it back)
Edited by Deltia on May 25, 2016 3:04PM In-game
@deltiasgaming |
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"It's a good day to be alive"