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Official Feedback Thread for Sorcerers

  • The_Great_Maldini
    NativeJoe wrote: »
    Maybe a better a balance to the decreased duration of Hardened would be to take away the 50% PvP reduction. Shortened duration but more potent.

    Yeah... it's more likly they're discussing more nerfs, perhaps cast times, making shields interruptible, crit-able, and adding them to major and minor system. But here's my suggestion. keep the nerfs... and make it also a purge. because I don't have time to purge, shield and attack.

    AMEN, brotha
  • Makkir
    NativeJoe wrote: »
    Makkir wrote: »
    @NativeJoe do you a link to your comment about every single poison being able to affect you from zergs? I am pretty sure I read that if someone else applies a poison to you it will override the first poison applied, which to me makes sense. Maybe I am wrong.

    Your comments about VMA, yeah I am well aware of what this DLC is doing to our PvE. I don't understand how difficult it is to leave our abilities alone and just add a simple code, for example to hardened ward, that reads "This duration is reduced to 6 seconds while in Cyrodiil." That way we can keep *** separate from PvE.

    Pts patch notes 2.4.2 highlighting the intentions:
    *In several cases, applying two different poisons to your target will result in the first poison being overwritten by the second poison. This is not intended, and all different poison types will be able to coexist on the same target in a future patch.

    The idea is that they can at best apply 20 or so different poisons to you if your just impossible to kill. Every poison will stack on top of the other. Basically it's the Zergs form of Proxy. Anyone dumb enough to try to come near a zerg will get tagged by poisons if not annilated. Also there are poisons which increase cost of if u wanted to ult bomb and *just had enough * to bomb em...sadly ur screwed. lol

    That seems extremely bias towards a stamina build that uses dual wield because could they have a different poison on each weapon? I was only on PTS once, and I can't recall if the poison slot was for both weapons or if you could use two.
  • Makkir
    I am also just likely to step out of Cyrodiil for a while and focus on other things then, things outside of ESO that is.

    This is such a gross change I can't begin to fathom the vision they are working towards.
  • bloodenragedb14_ESO
    ok, so, how and when did this become about poisons. while ill agree they are a balance nightmare, thats not what this thread is about.
  • NativeJoe
    Makkir wrote: »
    NativeJoe wrote: »
    Makkir wrote: »
    @NativeJoe do you a link to your comment about every single poison being able to affect you from zergs? I am pretty sure I read that if someone else applies a poison to you it will override the first poison applied, which to me makes sense. Maybe I am wrong.

    Your comments about VMA, yeah I am well aware of what this DLC is doing to our PvE. I don't understand how difficult it is to leave our abilities alone and just add a simple code, for example to hardened ward, that reads "This duration is reduced to 6 seconds while in Cyrodiil." That way we can keep *** separate from PvE.

    Pts patch notes 2.4.2 highlighting the intentions:
    *In several cases, applying two different poisons to your target will result in the first poison being overwritten by the second poison. This is not intended, and all different poison types will be able to coexist on the same target in a future patch.

    The idea is that they can at best apply 20 or so different poisons to you if your just impossible to kill. Every poison will stack on top of the other. Basically it's the Zergs form of Proxy. Anyone dumb enough to try to come near a zerg will get tagged by poisons if not annilated. Also there are poisons which increase cost of if u wanted to ult bomb and *just had enough * to bomb em...sadly ur screwed. lol

    That seems extremely bias towards a stamina build that uses dual wield because could they have a different poison on each weapon? I was only on PTS once, and I can't recall if the poison slot was for both weapons or if you could use two.

    Biased? oh no... The creator of poisons is an admittedly mains a NB tho!But help me out here... as the lead for crafting in general is there any evidence duel wield is superior to other set ups? What are the benefits of duel wield? more weapon and spell damage, more set bonuses and possible combinations... and now you can drop more poisons on your target.

    Sorcs are pretty much have had their staves nailed to their hands now in order to yeah....And previous to this patch... Sorcs WHERE the counter class to Nightblades. my kill counter proves this.

    and seemingly ... imo ... nightblades have been after sorc shields for a while now. Parabellum, the first proposed changes to shielding? well stamina NBs got shot down there...but magicka nbs now have hardened ward effectively I guess half the class finally won that battle. HOWEVER; with parabellum any NB can perma stealth and come in and out of combat with a really strong shield for hit and run tactics which would be very OP with poisons.

    I don't see any bias here.

    But I do see that sorcs are absolute NB food next patch because of the damage mitigation nerf. wandering from point a~B is going to be just asking to be 1~3 shot from stealth...and even a direct confrontation will be very difficult with fear and a 6 second shield. a 6 second shield may not seem bad... but it is a cut to potential dps...and if your fighting someone that can disengage to fully heal via stealth... it's a no win scenario.
    Edited by NativeJoe on May 25, 2016 10:23PM
    650cp+ Sorcerer 100+ days /played
    Broken'Stick North American Server
  • Lucky28
    Makkir wrote: »
    I am also just likely to step out of Cyrodiil for a while and focus on other things then, things outside of ESO that is.

    This is such a gross change I can't begin to fathom the vision they are working towards.

    that's pretty much the only option here as ZoS has simultaneously *** up PvE and PvP with the DB patch. i do have some games i had been wanting to play, planning on moving on to them when DB goes live as well.

    this patch is gonna be a disaster for many reasons. i really hope ZoS has enough sense to abort or at least postpone this patch as this patch may well cause irreparable damage to ESO.
    Edited by Lucky28 on May 25, 2016 10:33PM
  • NativeJoe
    ok, so, how and when did this become about poisons. while ill agree they are a balance nightmare, thats not what this thread is about.

    Read a few past posts lol before you post urself lol. Like atleast the last 2 pages :P ... anyway it's because @makkir asked about how the patch notes effect sorcs...and it's actually a rather large amount of things that are bringing about our hardship next patch. It's not 1 thing thats screwing us, it's a culmination of events... and poisons are part of that.
    650cp+ Sorcerer 100+ days /played
    Broken'Stick North American Server
  • Makkir
    NativeJoe wrote: »

    Biased? oh no... The creator of poisons is an admittedly mains a NB tho!But help me out here... as the lead for crafting in general is there any evidence duel wield is superior to other set ups? What are the benefits of duel wield? more weapon and spell damage, more set bonuses and possible combinations... and now you can drop more poisons on your target.

    Sorcs are pretty much have had their staves nailed to their hands now in order to yeah....And previous to this patch... Sorcs WHERE the counter class to Nightblades. my kill counter proves this.

    and seemingly ... imo ... nightblades have been after sorc shields for a while now. Parabellum, the first proposed changes to shielding? well stamina NBs got shot down there...but magicka nbs now have hardened ward effectively I guess half the class finally won that battle. HOWEVER; with parabellum any NB can perma stealth and come in and out of combat with a really strong shield for hit and run tactics which would be very OP with poisons.

    I don't see any bias here.

    But I do see that sorcs are absolute NB food next patch because of the damage mitigation nerf. wandering from point a~B is going to be just asking to be 1~3 shot from stealth...and even a direct confrontation will be very difficult with fear and a 6 second shield. a 6 second shield may not seem bad... but it is a cut to potential dps...and if your fighting someone that can disengage to fully heal via stealth... it's a no win scenario.

    So they need to make a change that annulement pulls you out of stealth, like hardened ward does. And fear, like in any other *** MMO needs to break on dmg...just like our def rune

    Because we get *** for crit/phy mitigation from passives, I was thinking we would have to to start running some impen gear and maybe boundless storm for extra padding...but doing that obviously is going to gimp our magicka pool/dps. I thought that could be compensated by running spell dmg enchants on your destro staff but then you're missing out on the poisons.

  • Justice31st
    ZOS, sorcerers need a bigger nerf than just a shorter duration of the most OP skill in the game. That is a joke since in PvP shields don't last longer than 10 seconds anyways. Shields need to be crittable, it is not fair that sorcerers do not have to be forced to use impen traited gear or CP since they can just spam shield stack hardened ward, so they get higher stats which gives them even stronger shield, and they get more CP allocation since they do not have to invest any points in crit resist. Also They have the strongest house in the game with their daedric mines, and also the strongest mobility with their streak. Please fix the problem. @Wrobel @ZOS_Finn @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_RichLambert

    Edit: And this is coming from someone who has a v16 Sorcerer.
    Edited by Justice31st on May 26, 2016 12:45AM
    "The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you."
  • Lucky28
    ZOS, sorcerers need a bigger nerf than just a shorter duration of the most OP skill in the game. That is a joke since in PvP shields don't last longer than 10 seconds anyways. Shields need to be crittable, it is not fair that sorcerers do not have to be forced to use impen traited gear or CP since they can just spam shield stack hardened ward, so they get higher stats and more CP allocation. Also They have the strongest house in the game with their daedric mines, and also the strongest mobility with their streak. Please fix the problem. @Wrobel @ZOS_Finn @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_RichLambert

    Edit: And this is coming from someone who has a v16 Sorcerer.

    I can fix the problem for you. it's called L2P
  • Valrien
    ZOS, sorcerers need a bigger nerf than just a shorter duration of the most OP skill in the game. That is a joke since in PvP shields don't last longer than 10 seconds anyways. Shields need to be crittable, it is not fair that sorcerers do not have to be forced to use impen traited gear or CP since they can just spam shield stack hardened ward, so they get higher stats which gives them even stronger shield, and they get more CP allocation since they do not have to invest any points in crit resist. Also They have the strongest house in the game with their daedric mines, and also the strongest mobility with their streak. Please fix the problem. @Wrobel @ZOS_Finn @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_RichLambert

    Edit: And this is coming from someone who has a v16 Sorcerer.

    I love that you edited that last bit as if it makes your opinion valid. Priceless.
    Valrien Dravic -- Level 50 Dunmeri Sorcerer (EP)
    Garahel Dravic -- Level 50 Bosmeri Nightblade (EP)
    Tamriel Unlimited was a mistake. One Tamriel was a bigger mistake
  • Ipslor
    ZOS, sorcerers need a bigger nerf than just a shorter duration of the most OP skill in the game...

    I main Sorcerer too and I think you're right there, but there is more that must be done to finally balance our class. Here are some ideas that might help.

    Summoning tree needs serious rework. Every summoned pet should slowly drain Sorc's magicka and health since they are Daedra. If Sorc dies due to health drain then... well he wasn't careful enough.
    Summoning Atronach should burn mana pool completely, its only fair since Atronach is so powerful.
    Shields must be limited by number of hits, like DK's wings. I think 2-3 hits should be fine. And yes, they should decrease maximum magicka because you're taking no damage while shield is active, this is OP and should be balanced.
    Bound Armor should be cast ability like shields with duration like 8-10 seconds and its magicka cost must be increased drastically. Constant Wards combined with Overload? Too OP.

    The Blood Magic passive must drain health too since it is Blood Magic. Like in Dragon Age, you get the idea.

    Sorcerers shouldn't have a 3rd skill bar because Overload is already too OP.

    Surge should decrease maximum magicka while active because Sorcerer must concentrate on maintaining it. It must not proc from Overload attacks since Overload is that OP.

    And finally to balance Overload... its cost must be increased and damage decreased since it hits like a truck, no other class have Ultimate that powerful. Also since it is called Overload that skill should have a small chance to completely burn your Magicka pool, like 25% per cast.

    I hope the combat team consider that and finally make Sorcerer class balanced and in line with other Magicka DD.
  • cpuScientist
    DDuke wrote: »
    Jar_Ek wrote: »
    @Yolokin_Swagonborn Whilst I agree many don't want to run pets, the impact of having the health buff on Aegis would be high and make more sense. However the simplest solution would be for Bound Armour to trigger the passive Daedric Protection along with Pets.

    Ehm... Bound Armor does trigger the Daedric Protection passive.

    For those complaining about magicka sorc DPS:

    The potential for high DPS is definitely already there - next patch you can do the same with overlol builds by slotting Elegance set from vSO (+20% dmg on overload light/heavy attacks)

    That's one of the best Sorc in the game doing ok deeps because all of the players are boosting him. By himself he would be nothing. That's not true for other classes.

    I moved my gear from my Sorc (who has higher max magicka and spell damage) to my Templar and went from 19k on my sorc to 24k on templar no group buffs no ultimates. My DK is at 24k and my NB at 23k. With just regular rotation. I even switched it up with my Templar and used dark flare got 22k. My DK used crushing and went down to 21k my NB I used suprise and got 23k.

    Then for giggles I said let me try my Stamplar got 19k. All of them beat my Sorc except my lowly stamplar who basically tied him.

    A Sorc is nothing without OVERLOAD. A skill I am sure many of us hate by now. I really hate OL. It grinds my gear that o have to left click left click left click left click left click left click left click left click left click left click left click left click left click left CLICK!!!!
    Edited by cpuScientist on May 26, 2016 3:56AM
  • Thelon
    Ipslor wrote: »
    ZOS, sorcerers need a bigger nerf than just a shorter duration of the most OP skill in the game...

    I main Sorcerer too and I think you're right there, but there is more that must be done to finally balance our class. Here are some ideas that might help.

    Summoning tree needs serious rework. Every summoned pet should slowly drain Sorc's magicka and health since they are Daedra. If Sorc dies due to health drain then... well he wasn't careful enough.
    Summoning Atronach should burn mana pool completely, its only fair since Atronach is so powerful.
    Shields must be limited by number of hits, like DK's wings. I think 2-3 hits should be fine. And yes, they should decrease maximum magicka because you're taking no damage while shield is active, this is OP and should be balanced.
    Bound Armor should be cast ability like shields with duration like 8-10 seconds and its magicka cost must be increased drastically. Constant Wards combined with Overload? Too OP.

    The Blood Magic passive must drain health too since it is Blood Magic. Like in Dragon Age, you get the idea.

    Sorcerers shouldn't have a 3rd skill bar because Overload is already too OP.

    Surge should decrease maximum magicka while active because Sorcerer must concentrate on maintaining it. It must not proc from Overload attacks since Overload is that OP.

    And finally to balance Overload... its cost must be increased and damage decreased since it hits like a truck, no other class have Ultimate that powerful. Also since it is called Overload that skill should have a small chance to completely burn your Magicka pool, like 25% per cast.

    I hope the combat team consider that and finally make Sorcerer class balanced and in line with other Magicka DD.

    dafak did I just read
  • NativeJoe
    Thelon wrote: »
    Ipslor wrote: »
    ZOS, sorcerers need a bigger nerf than just a shorter duration of the most OP skill in the game...

    I main Sorcerer too and I think you're right there, but there is more that must be done to finally balance our class. Here are some ideas that might help.

    Summoning tree needs serious rework. Every summoned pet should slowly drain Sorc's magicka and health since they are Daedra. If Sorc dies due to health drain then... well he wasn't careful enough.
    Summoning Atronach should burn mana pool completely, its only fair since Atronach is so powerful.
    Shields must be limited by number of hits, like DK's wings. I think 2-3 hits should be fine. And yes, they should decrease maximum magicka because you're taking no damage while shield is active, this is OP and should be balanced.
    Bound Armor should be cast ability like shields with duration like 8-10 seconds and its magicka cost must be increased drastically. Constant Wards combined with Overload? Too OP.

    The Blood Magic passive must drain health too since it is Blood Magic. Like in Dragon Age, you get the idea.

    Sorcerers shouldn't have a 3rd skill bar because Overload is already too OP.

    Surge should decrease maximum magicka while active because Sorcerer must concentrate on maintaining it. It must not proc from Overload attacks since Overload is that OP.

    And finally to balance Overload... its cost must be increased and damage decreased since it hits like a truck, no other class have Ultimate that powerful. Also since it is called Overload that skill should have a small chance to completely burn your Magicka pool, like 25% per cast.

    I hope the combat team consider that and finally make Sorcerer class balanced and in line with other Magicka DD.

    dafak did I just read

    Think their Zos employees responding to this thread like they promised. At the very least they're right on track with the line of thinking.
    650cp+ Sorcerer 100+ days /played
    Broken'Stick North American Server
  • cpuScientist
    Thelon wrote: »
    Ipslor wrote: »
    ZOS, sorcerers need a bigger nerf than just a shorter duration of the most OP skill in the game...

    I main Sorcerer too and I think you're right there, but there is more that must be done to finally balance our class. Here are some ideas that might help.

    Summoning tree needs serious rework. Every summoned pet should slowly drain Sorc's magicka and health since they are Daedra. If Sorc dies due to health drain then... well he wasn't careful enough.
    Summoning Atronach should burn mana pool completely, its only fair since Atronach is so powerful.
    Shields must be limited by number of hits, like DK's wings. I think 2-3 hits should be fine. And yes, they should decrease maximum magicka because you're taking no damage while shield is active, this is OP and should be balanced.
    Bound Armor should be cast ability like shields with duration like 8-10 seconds and its magicka cost must be increased drastically. Constant Wards combined with Overload? Too OP.

    The Blood Magic passive must drain health too since it is Blood Magic. Like in Dragon Age, you get the idea.

    Sorcerers shouldn't have a 3rd skill bar because Overload is already too OP.

    Surge should decrease maximum magicka while active because Sorcerer must concentrate on maintaining it. It must not proc from Overload attacks since Overload is that OP.

    And finally to balance Overload... its cost must be increased and damage decreased since it hits like a truck, no other class have Ultimate that powerful. Also since it is called Overload that skill should have a small chance to completely burn your Magicka pool, like 25% per cast.

    I hope the combat team consider that and finally make Sorcerer class balanced and in line with other Magicka DD.

    dafak did I just read

    You read a troll post. A much to heavy handed and obvious one.
  • cpuScientist
    NativeJoe wrote: »
    Thelon wrote: »
    Ipslor wrote: »
    ZOS, sorcerers need a bigger nerf than just a shorter duration of the most OP skill in the game...

    I main Sorcerer too and I think you're right there, but there is more that must be done to finally balance our class. Here are some ideas that might help.

    Summoning tree needs serious rework. Every summoned pet should slowly drain Sorc's magicka and health since they are Daedra. If Sorc dies due to health drain then... well he wasn't careful enough.
    Summoning Atronach should burn mana pool completely, its only fair since Atronach is so powerful.
    Shields must be limited by number of hits, like DK's wings. I think 2-3 hits should be fine. And yes, they should decrease maximum magicka because you're taking no damage while shield is active, this is OP and should be balanced.
    Bound Armor should be cast ability like shields with duration like 8-10 seconds and its magicka cost must be increased drastically. Constant Wards combined with Overload? Too OP.

    The Blood Magic passive must drain health too since it is Blood Magic. Like in Dragon Age, you get the idea.

    Sorcerers shouldn't have a 3rd skill bar because Overload is already too OP.

    Surge should decrease maximum magicka while active because Sorcerer must concentrate on maintaining it. It must not proc from Overload attacks since Overload is that OP.

    And finally to balance Overload... its cost must be increased and damage decreased since it hits like a truck, no other class have Ultimate that powerful. Also since it is called Overload that skill should have a small chance to completely burn your Magicka pool, like 25% per cast.

    I hope the combat team consider that and finally make Sorcerer class balanced and in line with other Magicka DD.

    dafak did I just read

    Think their Zos employees responding to this thread like they promised. At the very least they're right on track with the line of thinking.

    Very well could be. And this is their way of telling us there plans for the class. I would honestly not be surprised if some of that guys nonsense gets implemented.
  • NBrookus
    Makkir wrote: »
    NativeJoe wrote: »
    Makkir wrote: »
    @NativeJoe do you a link to your comment about every single poison being able to affect you from zergs? I am pretty sure I read that if someone else applies a poison to you it will override the first poison applied, which to me makes sense. Maybe I am wrong.

    Your comments about VMA, yeah I am well aware of what this DLC is doing to our PvE. I don't understand how difficult it is to leave our abilities alone and just add a simple code, for example to hardened ward, that reads "This duration is reduced to 6 seconds while in Cyrodiil." That way we can keep *** separate from PvE.

    Pts patch notes 2.4.2 highlighting the intentions:
    *In several cases, applying two different poisons to your target will result in the first poison being overwritten by the second poison. This is not intended, and all different poison types will be able to coexist on the same target in a future patch.

    The idea is that they can at best apply 20 or so different poisons to you if your just impossible to kill. Every poison will stack on top of the other. Basically it's the Zergs form of Proxy. Anyone dumb enough to try to come near a zerg will get tagged by poisons if not annilated. Also there are poisons which increase cost of if u wanted to ult bomb and *just had enough * to bomb em...sadly ur screwed. lol

    That seems extremely bias towards a stamina build that uses dual wield because could they have a different poison on each weapon? I was only on PTS once, and I can't recall if the poison slot was for both weapons or if you could use two.

    And poisons scale with Mighty at last check. Very stam biased.

    Poisons are per bar, so a DW bar only has one poison, but you could have one poison on bow and one on DW, for example.

    I'm gonna try to make my sorc work... I'm playing the new sorc meta now... but honestly why would I not just PvP with my bow gank NB or magplar? The former has a superior toolkit and gear options all around, and the latter has superior DPS and survivability despite some broken skill issues.
    Makkir wrote: »
    STEVIL wrote: »
    Makkir wrote: »
    holosoul wrote: »
    For example, if you ran DW lets say you gain 10% damage (an over-estimation)
    but then you can't apply a debuff that reduces your enemy's stamina regeneration and magicka regeneration by 60%

    Do you really think that is better?

    So you can't apply said poison with your resto staff then swap over to DW bar?

    Yes you can but shhhh... you are interrupting the rage.

    However, remember the OP poisons they are raging over will for YOUR examole they will bring up the only 20% proc cjance but for their examples it seems oft forgotten.

    Also keep in mind the dual enchant you have on main. Bar are trippled.

    @STEVIL can you clarify your last sentence for me?

    Also, I saw all the poisons and yes a lot of them look attractive but I don't think it's the end of the world. I think with certain builds and setups you can probably get by with normal enchants.

    In DB the vslue of all enchantments went up by3x to 4x.
    Poisons disable enchants.

    So poison on your staff bar and no poison on your dw bar means that bar has enchants there are bigger.
    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • Derra
    STEVIL wrote: »
    Makkir wrote: »
    STEVIL wrote: »
    Makkir wrote: »
    holosoul wrote: »
    For example, if you ran DW lets say you gain 10% damage (an over-estimation)
    but then you can't apply a debuff that reduces your enemy's stamina regeneration and magicka regeneration by 60%

    Do you really think that is better?

    So you can't apply said poison with your resto staff then swap over to DW bar?

    Yes you can but shhhh... you are interrupting the rage.

    However, remember the OP poisons they are raging over will for YOUR examole they will bring up the only 20% proc cjance but for their examples it seems oft forgotten.

    Also keep in mind the dual enchant you have on main. Bar are trippled.

    @STEVIL can you clarify your last sentence for me?

    Also, I saw all the poisons and yes a lot of them look attractive but I don't think it's the end of the world. I think with certain builds and setups you can probably get by with normal enchants.

    In DB the vslue of all enchantments went up by3x to 4x.
    Poisons disable enchants.

    So poison on your staff bar and no poison on your dw bar means that bar has enchants there are bigger.

    But they also increased the CD on enchants which basically makes those dmg increases void if you take more than 1 procc to kill your target.
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • cpuScientist
    Just switch the health from pets with the bound aegis magicka
  • cosmic_niklas_93b16_ESO
    ZOS, sorcerers need a bigger nerf than just a shorter duration of the most OP skill in the game. That is a joke since in PvP shields don't last longer than 10 seconds anyways. Shields need to be crittable, it is not fair that sorcerers do not have to be forced to use impen traited gear or CP since they can just spam shield stack hardened ward, so they get higher stats which gives them even stronger shield, and they get more CP allocation since they do not have to invest any points in crit resist. Also They have the strongest house in the game with their daedric mines, and also the strongest mobility with their streak. Please fix the problem. @Wrobel @ZOS_Finn @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_RichLambert

    Edit: And this is coming from someone who has a v16 Sorcerer.

    Yeah, if you got a problem with sorcs you just need to L2P, sorcs are the weakest class in DB.
    R.I.P. Daranth Spellborn
    VR16 Dunmer Sorcerer
    March 2014 - May 2016
    He was a skilled Crafter and a reliable Sorcerer;
    Then came the Dark Brotherhood

    Wrobel wrote: Surge is now more effective for tank characters.
    Because crit tanks are so good, LOL. xD
  • cpuScientist
    ZOS, sorcerers need a bigger nerf than just a shorter duration of the most OP skill in the game. That is a joke since in PvP shields don't last longer than 10 seconds anyways. Shields need to be crittable, it is not fair that sorcerers do not have to be forced to use impen traited gear or CP since they can just spam shield stack hardened ward, so they get higher stats which gives them even stronger shield, and they get more CP allocation since they do not have to invest any points in crit resist. Also They have the strongest house in the game with their daedric mines, and also the strongest mobility with their streak. Please fix the problem. @Wrobel @ZOS_Finn @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_RichLambert

    Edit: And this is coming from someone who has a v16 Sorcerer.

    Yeah, if you got a problem with sorcs you just need to L2P, sorcs are the weakest class in DB.

    Don't bother feeding them. Just ignore. Best thing you can do. I wish trollsbane was in ESO forums oh well....
  • YoloWizard
    I did not read all recent comments but had an idea of the argument here.

    Sorcerer is not bad AT ALL, it is actually very good and competitive. The only thing changed is it only got a bit harder to play but doing actual rotation and not just spam Overload. The only thing Sorc need is fixes and possibly slight adjustments thats all. Though I wouldn't mind spammable skill :tongue:


    And still can push it for much higher, I just need to improve and perfect my rotation
    Edited by YoloWizard on May 26, 2016 12:37PM

    World First Vet Maw Of Lorkhaj Clear
    World First Vet Halls of Fabrication Clear
    World First Vet Asylum Sanctorium +2 Clear

    World Record for All Trials Pre Thieves Guild Patch (YT)
  • cosmic_niklas_93b16_ESO
    YoloWizard wrote: »
    I did not read all recent comments but had an idea of the argument here.

    Sorcerer is not bad AT ALL, it is actually very good and competitive. The only thing changed is it only got a bit harder to play but doing actual rotation and not just spam Overload. The only thing Sorc need is fixes and possibly slight adjustments thats all. Though I wouldn't mind spammable skill :tongue:


    And still can push it for much higher, I just need to improve and perfect my rotation

    So you're basically doing around the same dps as all other classes while providing nothing for the group? Still wouldn't take a good sorc over a good player of any other class then. :)
    R.I.P. Daranth Spellborn
    VR16 Dunmer Sorcerer
    March 2014 - May 2016
    He was a skilled Crafter and a reliable Sorcerer;
    Then came the Dark Brotherhood

    Wrobel wrote: Surge is now more effective for tank characters.
    Because crit tanks are so good, LOL. xD
  • Fecius
    YoloWizard wrote: »
    I did not read all recent comments but had an idea of the argument here.

    Sorcerer is not bad AT ALL, it is actually very good and competitive. The only thing changed is it only got a bit harder to play but doing actual rotation and not just spam Overload. The only thing Sorc need is fixes and possibly slight adjustments thats all. Though I wouldn't mind spammable skill :tongue:


    And still can push it for much higher, I just need to improve and perfect my rotation

    I totally respect your effort as a Sorc for our class, but I will just place this link here with 44.5k DPS (thow it's stamina, but feel the power of numbers):

    As a player If i have no utility (NBs' heals or Veil, DKs' chains for example), I want to perform a good DPS even if I need tons of practice for it, but not below average as it is now. That's all.
    Edited by Fecius on May 26, 2016 1:14PM
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    - PvE Dunmer Magicka Sorcerer
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    - Under sun and sky Outlander, we greet you warmly!
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  • cpuScientist
    YoloWizard wrote: »
    I did not read all recent comments but had an idea of the argument here.

    Sorcerer is not bad AT ALL, it is actually very good and competitive. The only thing changed is it only got a bit harder to play but doing actual rotation and not just spam Overload. The only thing Sorc need is fixes and possibly slight adjustments thats all. Though I wouldn't mind spammable skill :tongue:


    And still can push it for much higher, I just need to improve and perfect my rotation

    That there is some Mighty fine DPS. Not quite equal to some other classes. Like Stam DK and what not, HOWEVER HOWEVER HOWEVER!!!! No dang utility whatsoever and still less DPS. Another Nova or Veil can save the group from alot of trouble during certain portions of that and most other fights. A DK is boosting everyone's fire damage along with the other utility they provide but that's a big one IMO (EVERY magicka class is running flame wall. That alone from a DK is huge.

    For the utility that Sorcs provide, for the minimal healing survivability they have. They really need to be doing BONKERS DPS. They need to be the ones with the top DPS in the game.

    Sorc is a class in flux not really sure what it is. It's a confusing class. Are we tanks? Are we Summoners? Glass cannons? Right now it all works out to Glass Pistols or liability.

    Sure take one for the tiny crit buff. But really that's it. And I maintain I'd rather carry along any other class instead for both their utility and higher DPS.

    We have to many conflicting faces. (We are the many faced class). Jack if all trades master of none. (Shoot barely a jack of some of those trades)
  • holosoul
    I'd rather be the top dps class with 0 survivability and escape tools.
    When I pick sorc in any game I'm not expecting to be sub-par DPS and I don't expect to survive face to face encounters. The latter might be impossible in the design of ESO since other classes get infinitely spammable long range gap closers, but that doesn't mean I'm OK with sacrificing my DPS just because "range"
  • cpuScientist
    Yet after all that I ask again nay I plead. Switch Bound aegis magicka with pet health passive. Make it that by just having a pet on your bar or don't i could care less. Just let us have an active pet over a static tri slot skill that does 1 thing. (The same bound aegis is had by NB with a passive, GET IT we have to give up 3 slots for something NB'S get PASSIVELY.)

    Just switch it so we can have pets have a real spot on our DPS rotation. If you hate pets and they wander off too much. Set them to passive. Hold y and right click. They will always be on you and go where you go. If you.stand in red they will if you get out so will they. Also give console players control of pets. It's absurd that they don't have that, pets are truly horrible without control. (Also tip for Sorcs switch the Y button with the C button for pet control make it 1000% EASIER.

    So once again, switch the magicka bound aegis with the health pet passive. This will help tanks and DPS alike.
    Yet after all that I ask again nay I plead. Switch Bound aegis magicka with pet health passive. Make it that by just having a pet on your bar or don't i could care less. Just let us have an active pet over a static tri slot skill that does 1 thing. (The same bound aegis is had by NB with a passive, GET IT we have to give up 3 slots for something NB'S get PASSIVELY.)

    Just switch it so we can have pets have a real spot on our DPS rotation. If you hate pets and they wander off too much. Set them to passive. Hold y and right click. They will always be on you and go where you go. If you.stand in red they will if you get out so will they. Also give console players control of pets. It's absurd that they don't have that, pets are truly horrible without control. (Also tip for Sorcs switch the Y button with the C button for pet control make it 1000% EASIER.

    So once again, switch the magicka bound aegis with the health pet passive. This will help tanks and DPS alike.

    My view of pets is that pets are killable buffs.

    In order to be very competitive for slots they need to be AS TOUGH TO KILL as THEY ARE WORTH KILLING.

    If the pet buffs health it is hard to see where mathematically its worth attacking them vs ignoring them and hitting thecaster.

    So, making part of pets buff "magica" which boosts the caster damage, shields, heal and sustain does not sound bad.

    Also thing you nneed more support oriented key-click for pets since their attack AI will make attack boosts for pets matginal at best.

    If each pet morph had one significant and differemt group support key-click in addition to a per active pet magica boost, some of the problem on many fronts would be addressed, imo.
    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

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