Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 30:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
We will be performing maintenance for patch 10.2.2 on the PTS on Monday at 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC).

Official Feedback Thread for Sorcerers

  • bloodenragedb14_ESO
    fix stam sorc.

    the entire class, both magicka and stamina, just needs one massive buff or rework to be honest
  • Grao
    Seriously? Sorcs shields are even more OP now with the extra psychical damage mitigation from shield stacking the new DB annulment buff. I am sure the Sorcs 40k magicka from not having to run the impenetrable trait in PvP (due to shields not being able to be crittable; which is ridiculously OP) will be fine with the extra shield recasts. And don't even get me started on PvE; that is what healers are for. Besides, how many sorcs while engaged in combat in PvP only reapply shields every 6+ seconds LOL... If you are answered you do, then your class is OP. @ZOS_GinaBruno @Wrobel @ZOS_Finn

    Yes, nerf skills to the ground because of PvP and screw PvE. It sucks that ZoS shares your opinion on how to balance this game
  • Grao
    Seriously? Sorcs shields are even more OP now with the extra psychical damage mitigation from shield stacking the new DB annulment buff. I am sure the Sorcs 40k magicka from not having to run the impenetrable trait in PvP (due to shields not being able to be crittable; which is ridiculously OP) will be fine with the extra shield recasts. And don't even get me started on PvE; that is what healers are for. Besides, how many sorcs while engaged in combat in PvP only reapply shields every 6+ seconds LOL... If you are answered you do, then your class is OP. @ZOS_GinaBruno @Wrobel @ZOS_Finn
    aLi3nZ wrote: »
    It will be interesting if some of the elites can sustain their 20k sheilds with their harness Magika and hardened Ward stacking with these changes. I just look at the sheild which is the same as their health bar on live and as a Magika player I won't even bother trying to take them out.

    The big problem is with PVE

    i am a pve'er, pvp does not intrest me much, but im still getting my builds trashed because pvp'ers whine.

    There are hundreds of ways to fix the 'balancing' problems, and i use the term 'problem' lightly, as this is a class based mmo, and classes are not supposed to be reskins of the same thing, some classes are better at one role, while others are better at other roles, this war to make the classes perfectly balanced is disgusting to me, but i digress

    there are hundreds of ways to fix these problems so that the balances will not effect players in PVE, but for some reason, ZOS seems to not be doing them.

    Shield stacking, pretty simple fix is to only allow one shield to be active at a time, problem solved

    But nerfing the duration? to barely a fraction of what it was before?

    im disgusted, both with the devs and the people continually trying to justify it. There is no justification, pve is simply to big a part of the game for the pvp'ers to be the only ones that get their 'balancing' ways.

    Where there was once hope for the potential of this game as a mmo, there is only rage and indignation

    That is your problem, you don't PvP. You don't get blamed if you die due to shield stacking in PvE (you have healers to blame if you die in PvE)

    What you don't seem to understand or care about is that reducing the duration of Ward affects Sorcerer DPS, not just survivability in PvE. So no, we dying is not the healers fault.

    A simple explanation of the problem, Sorcerers have currently the lowest Magika and Stamina DPS among all the classes and to remain even slightly close to competitive, we are forced to spend no points in Health Attribute and invest all in Magika. That increases out damage and at least narrows the difference between our DPS and the DPS other classes are able to output.

    We are only able to survive this play style though, because refreshing Ward every 20 seconds isn't too taxing on our mana pool. With the duration reduction to 6 seconds though, that play style is impossible. Simple as that. Why is that a problem? Because the class is not getting a damage buff to compensate for this considerable loss. That is our complain. This nerf is very significant for PvE. I understand shield stacking is bad in PvP and I am fine with them nerfing Ward and the other shields as long as ZoS actually balances the damage we will be losing by either severely nerfing the other classes DPS or increasing Sorcerer's DPS.
  • Grao
    Seriously? Sorcs shields are even more OP now with the extra psychical damage mitigation from shield stacking the new DB annulment buff. I am sure the Sorcs 40k magicka from not having to run the impenetrable trait in PvP (due to shields not being able to be crittable; which is ridiculously OP) will be fine with the extra shield recasts. And don't even get me started on PvE; that is what healers are for. Besides, how many sorcs while engaged in combat in PvP only reapply shields every 6+ seconds LOL... If you are answered you do, then your class is OP. @ZOS_GinaBruno @Wrobel @ZOS_Finn
    aLi3nZ wrote: »
    It will be interesting if some of the elites can sustain their 20k sheilds with their harness Magika and hardened Ward stacking with these changes. I just look at the sheild which is the same as their health bar on live and as a Magika player I won't even bother trying to take them out.

    The big problem is with PVE

    i am a pve'er, pvp does not intrest me much, but im still getting my builds trashed because pvp'ers whine.

    There are hundreds of ways to fix the 'balancing' problems, and i use the term 'problem' lightly, as this is a class based mmo, and classes are not supposed to be reskins of the same thing, some classes are better at one role, while others are better at other roles, this war to make the classes perfectly balanced is disgusting to me, but i digress

    there are hundreds of ways to fix these problems so that the balances will not effect players in PVE, but for some reason, ZOS seems to not be doing them.

    Shield stacking, pretty simple fix is to only allow one shield to be active at a time, problem solved

    But nerfing the duration? to barely a fraction of what it was before?

    im disgusted, both with the devs and the people continually trying to justify it. There is no justification, pve is simply to big a part of the game for the pvp'ers to be the only ones that get their 'balancing' ways.

    Where there was once hope for the potential of this game as a mmo, there is only rage and indignation

    That is your problem, you don't PvP. You don't get blamed if you die due to shield stacking in PvE (you have healers to blame if you die in PvE)

    im not the only one with this problem, many others have voiced their opinion upon the duration nerf, many may have differing reasons, some the same, but my opinion is not invalidated simply because you assume something about myself

    Im mostly a solo'er, and ive been rolling with the same build more or less since early access. i count on the longer lasting shields to protect my pets, honestly if im getting attacked im doing something wrong in my mindset. i rely on my clanfear to pull aggro, my twilight to dps, i play support/dps. I count on those longer lasting shields to protect my pets from the telegraphed attacks. This build has served my purposes well in pve, i enjoy playing it. I do not want to be stuck in a cookie cutter build that i do not enjoy playing. Even now this build i use is weak dps, but it gets the job done, may take longer than some, but i enjoy it, because it is more or less how i played past tes games.

    however, now my builds are torched. the builds i have been playing are now rendered to a very fraction of their usefullness because you believe your's is the only playstyle worth balancing the game for.

    This attitude disgusts me

    There needs to be a middle ground found, where both pvp and pve are happy, HAPPY, with the changes, not just tolerate.

    Ill say this again, PVE is simply too large a part of the game to simply sweep under the rug here, and so long as there are people that will continue to try, ill be there to rip that rug off the floor

    Are you saying 6 second recasts are too high of a skill level for you? And what is your pet tanking that the mobs or bosses do not destroy the shields within 6 seconds? Your pets shouldn't be invincible.

    Just wow. LOL button, I miss you.
  • bloodenragedb14_ESO
    i love it when others explain something far better than i can before im done typing up my responses :3
  • NativeJoe
    i love it when others explain something far better than i can before im done typing up my responses :3

    Still read every response before I reply :wink: Otherwise there isn't any point to responding to any thread.
    650cp+ Sorcerer 100+ days /played
    Broken'Stick North American Server
  • NativeJoe
    Khaos_Bane wrote: »
    The pet mechanics/control in this game is so bad, I'm surprised ZOS has even gone down the road of encouraging more pets. They buff pets but the control you have over them is so limited that it makes them useless.

    How are they encouraging pet builds? They havn't given us a pet set since vr 12... unless ur talking about the *chance* on light attack stamina based proc sets. Assuming you can control the pets, The pets still do crap damage for taking 4 skill slots to even have them up...and not having cp effect them at all. Twilight still gets 1 shot in DB....

    And lets not ignore the elephant in the room. Proxy counts pets as a target...so if you have a pure pet build like I have and are sporting 5 pets + yourself...do the math... I am getting hit harder by proxy then a entire ZERG is on live.

    Pet builds do less dps then any other build (even healer templars pull off more dps then them WHILE HEALING!), Alot of bosses/icp banners and other things completely ignore the pets existence so they can't even be used as a flesh wall or to help tank/off tank ...

    Which is a whole lot of reasons to never touch a pet builds because they cost alot and require doing dungeons that aren't exactly on the metas "farm list" (AA, banished cells, etc)
    Edited by NativeJoe on May 2, 2016 12:31AM
    650cp+ Sorcerer 100+ days /played
    Broken'Stick North American Server
  • Grao
    NativeJoe wrote: »
    Khaos_Bane wrote: »
    The pet mechanics/control in this game is so bad, I'm surprised ZOS has even gone down the road of encouraging more pets. They buff pets but the control you have over them is so limited that it makes them useless.

    How are they encouraging pet builds? They havn't given us a pet set since vr 12... unless ur talking about the *chance* on light attack stamina based proc sets. Assuming you can control the pets, The pets still do crap damage for taking 4 skill slots to even have them up...and not having cp effect them at all. Twilight still gets 1 shot in DB....

    And lets not ignore the elephant in the room. Proxy counts pets as a target...so if you have a pure pet build like I have and are sporting 5 pets + yourself...do the math... I am getting hit harder by proxy then a entire ZERG is on live.

    Pet builds do less dps then any other build (even healer templars pull off more dps then them WHILE HEALING!), Alot of bosses/icp banners and other things completely ignore the pets existence so they can't even be used as a flesh wall or to help tank/off tank ...

    Which is a whole lot of reasons to never touch a pet builds because they cost alot and require doing dungeons that aren't exactly on the metas "farm list" (AA, banished cells, etc)

    They are buffing ever so slightly one of the passives in the summoning tree. Unfortunately that passive now only activates if you have a pet in your bar. Not that this will actually affect the build's damage.
    Edited by Grao on May 2, 2016 12:38AM
  • Yo_Donno
    It's probably none of my business to suggest how this should be done, but this is how the summon tree could be made appealing to me, as a PVE Sorc.

    To start, all summon abilities must be non-toggle. You may summon more than one of a certain creature, as specified at the end of the tooltips by {x}. Special abilities are activated by clicking the same key used to summon the creature, and applies to all of one type of creature.

    Keep in mind, all values are the V16 versions and should be scaled down accordingly. Values given are at a preset of 3000 Spell Damage, but should scale off Spell Damage OR Weapon Damage, depending on which is higher.

    All pets take on the same resistances, Spell/Weapon Damage, and Spell/Weapon Crit as their summoner. Damage is augmented by the appropriate Champion Point star.

    All Shock Damage should have a chance to proc disintegrate.


    Storm Atronach needs to last way longer to be a good option in PVP. They don't work well as tanks because a player in a 1v1 would probably be better off just ignoring it and waiting for it to wear off on its own, so we need a way to force someone to attack it. Leave the health the same, but increase the duration to something like a full minute so that another player is better off attacking it. Another option would be to make it last indefinitely, but lower the health.

    Summon a storm atronach at the target location. The atronach's arrival deals 8000 Shock Damage and stuns nearby enemies for 10 seconds. The atronach cannot move but attacks the nearest enemy. The atronach's heavy attack chains to nearby targets.

    An ally can activate charged Lightning giving both the ally and the atronach Major Berserk, increasing their damage by 25% for their next 3 attacks, as long as they are activated within 45 seconds. {1}

    Command the Powers of Oblivion to send a Daedric familiar to fight at your side. the Familiar's attacks deal 1500 Shock Damage. {3}

    Given the amount of summons allowed, I suggest a high Magicka cost to compensate.

    The familiar remains until killed or unsummoned.

    Storm-Calling Clannfear
    Magicka Cast. A tank summon. Command the powers of Oblivion to send a Clannfear to fight at your side. The Clannfear's attacks deal 1200 Shock Damage. Special Ability: Tail Swipe. Costs 1500 Magicka. The Clannfear performs a tail swipe, dealing 2500 Shock Damage to all nearby enemies. Attack takes 1 second and has a cool down of 1.5 seconds. Clannfear remains until killed or unsummoned. When the Clannfear is killed, restores 70% of your Magicka. (Rebate passive to augment this). {1}

    Storm-Calling Clannfear has half of the Max Health of its summoner.

    Angry Clannfear
    Stamina cast. A tank summon. Command the powers of Oblivion to send a Clannfear to fight at your side. The Clannfears attacks deal 1000 Physical Damage. Special Ability: Tail Swipe. Costs 1500 Stamina. The Clannfear performs a tail swipe, dealing 2300 Physical Damage to all nearby enemies. Attack takes 1 second and has a cool down of 1.5 seconds. Clannfear remains until killed or unsummoned. When the Clannfear is killed, restores 70% of your Stamina. (Rebate passive to augment this). {1}

    Daedric Curse
    Curse an enemy with a destructive rune, dealing 10,000 Shock Damage to the target and 5,000 Shock Damage to all nearby enemies. Takes 6 Seconds to apply damage. Your pets deal an additional 40% Damage to cursed targets. Primary target may not return to stealth for 2 seconds after taking damage from Daedric Curse.

    You may only have one Daedric Curse active at a time.

    Velocious Curse
    Magicka Cast. Curse an enemy with a destructive rune, dealing 10,000 Shock Damage to the target and 5,000 Shock Damage to all nearby enemies. Takes 3.5 Seconds to apply damage. Your pets deal an additional 40% Damage to cursed targets. Primary target may not return to stealth for 2 seconds after taking damage from Velocious Curse.

    You may only have 2 Velocious Curses active at a time.

    Daedric Blade
    Stamina Cast. Summon a Daedric Blade to follow the enemy and attacking a spinning motion, dealing 9,000 Physical Damage to the target and 4,500 Physical Damage to all nearby enemies. Takes 3.5 Seconds to apply damage. Your pets deal an additional 40% Damage to cursed targets. Primary target may not return to stealth for 2 seconds after taking damage from Velocious Curse.

    You may only have 2 Daedric Blades active at a time.

    Winged Twilight
    Call on Azura to send a winged twilight to fight at your side. The winged twilight's attacks deal 3500 Shock Damage.

    The Winged Twilight remains until killed or unsummoned, and has 35% of the summoner's Max Health. {1}

    Twilight Matriarch
    Magicka cast. Call on Azura to send a winged twilight to fight at your side. The twilight's attacks deal 4,000 Shock Damage, and occasionally creates a lightning globe that snares all enemies within the radius for 3 seconds, and deals 3,000 Shock Damage per second they are snared. Special Ability: Resource Restoration. The twilight channels its Magicka into you, healing you for 300 Health per second, and restoring 400 Magicka Per Second. This disables the twilight from doing damage, and Conjured Ward + Morphs only affect the twilight from half their value while in Restoration mode. The twilight ceases channeling only when its Special Ability is deactivated, or the twilight is desummoned or killed. {1}

    Twilight remains until killed or desummoned, and has 35% of the summoner's Max Health.

    Jaded Twilight
    Stamina cast. Call on Azura to send a winged twilight to fight at your side. The twilight's attacks deal 3,500 Physical Damage, and occasionally creates a purple globe that snares all enemies within the radius for 3 seconds, and deals 3,000 Physical Damage per second they are snared. Special Ability: Resource Restoration. The twilight channels its Magicka into you, healing you for 300 Health per second, and restoring 400 Stamina Per Second. This disables the twilight from doing damage, and Conjured Ward + Morphs only affect the twilight from half their value while in Restoration mode. The twilight ceases channeling only when its Special Ability is deactivated, or the twilight is desummoned or killed. {1}

    Twilight remains until killed or desummoned, and has 35% of the summoner's Max Health.

    Bound Armor
    Protect yourself with the power of Oblivion, creating a suit of Daedric mail that grants Major Resolve, increasing your Physical and Spell Resistance by 2000.

    Bound Armor remains until the player is killed.

    Bound Aegis
    Magicka Cast. Protect yourself with the power of Oblivion, creating a suit of Daedric mail that grants Major Resolve, increasing your Physical and Spell Resistance by 2000.

    Special Ability: Explode. Amor explodes, dealing 4000 Shock Damage to ally nearby enemies, but removing the armor buff. To regain the armor buff, Bound Aegis must be cast again. This effect has a cool down of 7 Seconds.

    Additionally, Bound Aegis increases your Max Magicka by 5%, and your Spell Damage by 130.

    Bound Armaments
    Stamina Cast. Protect yourself with the power of Oblivion, creating a suit of Daedric mail that grants Major Resolve, increasing your Physical and Spell Resistance by 2000.

    Special Ability: Negate. Negates 100% of the damage from the next attack that hits you, and grants immunity from any CC that the attack may have inflicted, but removing the armor buff. The regain the armor buff, Bound Armaments must be cast again.

    Additionally, Bound Armaments increases your Max Stamina by 5%, and your Weapon Damage by 130.

    Conjured Ward
    Conjure globes of Daedric Energy for protection, granting a damage shield for you and your pets that absorbs 10,000 damage for 20 seconds.

    Hardened Ward
    Conjure globes of Daedric Energy for protection, granting a damage shield for you and your pets that absorbs 10,000 damage for 20 seconds. Your own globe can absorb 35% more damage.

    Empowered Ward
    Conjure globes of Daedric Energy for protection, granting a damage shield for you and your pets that absorbs 10,000 damage for 20 seconds. While the ward is active, your summoned pets deal an additional 40% damage, except the Storm Atronach, which only receives a 15% Bonus.


    All passive numerical values are assumed to be at x/x possible upgrade.

    When one of your summoned creatures is killed, you are restored an additional 1000 Magicka or Stamina, depending on which Max Value is higher.

    Power Stone
    Reduces the cost of Ultimate Abilities by 15%.

    Daedric Protection
    Increases your Stamina and Magicka Recovery by 20% for 3 minutes after casting a Daedric Summoning ability.

    Expert Summoner
    Increases the strength of your summoned creatures, in addition to all buffs provided by Empowered Ward:

    Winged twilight deals 10% More Damage

    Familiar and Clannfear have 20% More health

    Storm Atronach's attack range is increased by 30%, and its duration is increased by 40%

    So these are the ideas that I have to revamp the summoning tree. I am definitely open to feedback so please feel free to get it off your chest, whatever it is.
    Edited by Yo_Donno on May 2, 2016 1:43AM
  • Grao
    Yo_Donno wrote: »
    It's probably none of my business to suggest how this should be done, but this is how the summon tree could be made appealing to me, as a PVE Sorc.

    To start, all summon abilities must be non-toggle. You may summon more than one of a certain creature, as specified at the end of the tooltips by {x}. Special abilities are activated by clicking the same key used to summon the creature, and applies to all of one type of creature.

    Keep in mind, all values are the V16 versions and should be scaled down accordingly. Values given are at a preset of 3000 Spell Damage, but should scale off Spell Damage OR Weapon Damage, depending on which is higher.

    All pets take on the same resistances, Spell/Weapon Damage, and Spell/Weapon Crit as their summoner. Damage is augmented by the appropriate Champion Point star.

    All Shock Damage should have a chance to proc disintegrate.


    Storm Atronach needs to last way longer to be a good option in PVP. They don't work well as tanks because a player in a 1v1 would probably be better off just ignoring it and waiting for it to wear off on its own, so we need a way to force someone to attack it. Leave the health the same, but increase the duration to something like a full minute so that another player is better off attacking it. Another option would be to make it last indefinitely, but lower the health.

    Summon a storm atronach at the target location. The atronach's arrival deals 8000 Shock Damage and stuns nearby enemies for 10 seconds. The atronach cannot move but attacks the nearest enemy. The atronach's heavy attack chains to nearby targets.

    An ally can activate charged Lightning giving both the ally and the atronach Major Berserk, increasing their damage by 25% for their next 3 attacks, as long as they are activated within 45 seconds. {1}

    Command the Powers of Oblivion to send a Daedric familiar to fight at your side. the Familiar's attacks deal 1500 Shock Damage. {3}

    Given the amount of summons allowed, I suggest a high Magicka cost to compensate.

    The familiar remains until killed or unsummoned.

    Storm-Calling Clannfear
    Magicka Cast. A tank summon. Command the powers of Oblivion to send a Clannfear to fight at your side. The Clannfear's attacks deal 1200 Shock Damage. Special Ability: Tail Swipe. Costs 1500 Magicka. The Clannfear performs a tail swipe, dealing 2500 Shock Damage to all nearby enemies. Attack takes 1 second and has a cool down of 1.5 seconds. Clannfear remains until killed or unsummoned. When the Clannfear is killed, restores 70% of your Magicka. (Rebate passive to augment this). {1}

    Storm-Calling Clannfear has half of the Max Health of its summoner.

    Angry Clannfear
    Stamina cast. A tank summon. Command the powers of Oblivion to send a Clannfear to fight at your side. The Clannfears attacks deal 1000 Physical Damage. Special Ability: Tail Swipe. Costs 1500 Stamina. The Clannfear performs a tail swipe, dealing 2300 Physical Damage to all nearby enemies. Attack takes 1 second and has a cool down of 1.5 seconds. Clannfear remains until killed or unsummoned. When the Clannfear is killed, restores 70% of your Stamina. (Rebate passive to augment this). {1}

    Daedric Curse
    Curse an enemy with a destructive rune, dealing 10,000 Shock Damage to the target and 5,000 Shock Damage to all nearby enemies. Takes 6 Seconds to apply damage. Your pets deal an additional 40% Damage to cursed targets. Primary target may not return to stealth for 2 seconds after taking damage from Daedric Curse.

    You may only have one Daedric Curse active at a time.

    Velocious Curse
    Magicka Cast. Curse an enemy with a destructive rune, dealing 10,000 Shock Damage to the target and 5,000 Shock Damage to all nearby enemies. Takes 3.5 Seconds to apply damage. Your pets deal an additional 40% Damage to cursed targets. Primary target may not return to stealth for 2 seconds after taking damage from Velocious Curse.

    You may only have 2 Velocious Curses active at a time.

    Daedric Blade
    Stamina Cast. Summon a Daedric Blade to follow the enemy and attacking a spinning motion, dealing 9,000 Physical Damage to the target and 4,500 Physical Damage to all nearby enemies. Takes 3.5 Seconds to apply damage. Your pets deal an additional 40% Damage to cursed targets. Primary target may not return to stealth for 2 seconds after taking damage from Velocious Curse.

    You may only have 2 Daedric Blades active at a time.

    Winged Twilight
    Call on Azura to send a winged twilight to fight at your side. The winged twilight's attacks deal 3500 Shock Damage.

    The Winged Twilight remains until killed or unsummoned, and has 35% of the summoner's Max Health. {1}

    Twilight Matriarch
    Magicka cast. Call on Azura to send a winged twilight to fight at your side. The twilight's attacks deal 4,000 Shock Damage, and occasionally creates a lightning globe that snares all enemies within the radius for 3 seconds, and deals 3,000 Shock Damage per second they are snared. Special Ability: Resource Restoration. The twilight channels its Magicka into you, healing you for 300 Health per second, and restoring 400 Magicka Per Second. This disables the twilight from doing damage, and Conjured Ward + Morphs only affect the twilight from half their value while in Restoration mode. The twilight ceases channeling only when its Special Ability is deactivated, or the twilight is desummoned or killed. {1}

    Twilight remains until killed or desummoned, and has 35% of the summoner's Max Health.

    Jaded Twilight
    Stamina cast. Call on Azura to send a winged twilight to fight at your side. The twilight's attacks deal 3,500 Physical Damage, and occasionally creates a purple globe that snares all enemies within the radius for 3 seconds, and deals 3,000 Physical Damage per second they are snared. Special Ability: Resource Restoration. The twilight channels its Magicka into you, healing you for 300 Health per second, and restoring 400 Stamina Per Second. This disables the twilight from doing damage, and Conjured Ward + Morphs only affect the twilight from half their value while in Restoration mode. The twilight ceases channeling only when its Special Ability is deactivated, or the twilight is desummoned or killed. {1}

    Twilight remains until killed or desummoned, and has 35% of the summoner's Max Health.

    Bound Armor
    Protect yourself with the power of Oblivion, creating a suit of Daedric mail that grants Major Resolve, increasing your Physical and Spell Resistance by 2000.

    Bound Armor remains until the player is killed.

    Bound Aegis
    Magicka Cast. Protect yourself with the power of Oblivion, creating a suit of Daedric mail that grants Major Resolve, increasing your Physical and Spell Resistance by 2000.

    Special Ability: Explode. Amor explodes, dealing 4000 Shock Damage to ally nearby enemies, but removing the armor buff. To regain the armor buff, Bound Aegis must be cast again. This effect has a cool down of 7 Seconds.

    Additionally, Bound Aegis increases your Max Magicka by 5%, and your Spell Damage by 130.

    Bound Armaments
    Stamina Cast. Protect yourself with the power of Oblivion, creating a suit of Daedric mail that grants Major Resolve, increasing your Physical and Spell Resistance by 2000.

    Special Ability: Negate. Negates 100% of the damage from the next attack that hits you, and grants immunity from any CC that the attack may have inflicted, but removing the armor buff. The regain the armor buff, Bound Armaments must be cast again.

    Additionally, Bound Armaments increases your Max Stamina by 5%, and your Weapon Damage by 130.

    Conjured Ward
    Conjure globes of Daedric Energy for protection, granting a damage shield for you and your pets that absorbs 10,000 damage for 20 seconds.

    Hardened Ward
    Conjure globes of Daedric Energy for protection, granting a damage shield for you and your pets that absorbs 10,000 damage for 20 seconds. Your own globe can absorb 35% more damage.

    Empowered Ward
    Conjure globes of Daedric Energy for protection, granting a damage shield for you and your pets that absorbs 10,000 damage for 20 seconds. While the ward is active, your summoned pets deal an additional 40% damage, except the Storm Atronach, which only receives a 15% Bonus.


    All passive numerical values are assumed to be at x/x possible upgrade.

    When one of your summoned creatures is killed, you are restored an additional 1000 Magicka or Stamina, depending on which Max Value is higher.

    Power Stone
    Reduces the cost of Ultimate Abilities by 15%.

    Daedric Protection
    Increases your Stamina and Magicka Recovery by 20% for 3 minutes after casting a Daedric Summoning ability.

    Expert Summoner
    Increases the strength of your summoned creatures, in addition to all buffs provided by Empowered Ward:

    Winged twilight deals 10% More Damage

    Familiar and Clannfear have 20% More health

    Storm Atronach's attack range is increased by 30%, and its duration is increased by 40%

    So these are the ideas that I have to revamp the summoning tree. I am definitely open to feedback so please feel free to get it off your chest, whatever it is.

    Bound Armor will not be made a non toggle as it increases your mana / stamina pools while active and it cannot be deactivated forcefully, similarly to Inner Light. I also don't believe this spell should be given an active, it is not necessary, I do believe correlation with the names should be more... Logical.

    Bound armor should give extra resistances.

    Bound Aegis should give even greater resistance, increase stamina pool and stamina regen. (It would mostly be for tanking and stam oriented DPS)

    Bound armaments should increase DPS / HPS and increase the summoner's mana pool.

    I think Curse should be removed from the tree and moved to Dark Magic. Daedric MInes should be moved to Summoning as they are daedric and summoned >.> Both skills could be slightly redesigned to better work with the passives.

  • Grao
    Edited by Grao on May 2, 2016 2:07AM
    Im mostly a solo'er, and ive been rolling with the same build more or less since early access. i count on the longer lasting shields to protect my pets, honestly if im getting attacked im doing something wrong in my mindset. i rely on my clanfear to pull aggro, my twilight to dps, i play support/dps. I count on those longer lasting shields to protect my pets from the telegraphed attacks. This build has served my purposes well in pve, i enjoy playing it. I do not want to be stuck in a cookie cutter build that i do not enjoy playing. Even now this build i use is weak dps, but it gets the job done, may take longer than some, but i enjoy it, because it is more or less how i played past tes games.

    however, now my builds are torched. the builds i have been playing are now rendered to a very fraction of their usefullness because you believe your's is the only playstyle worth balancing the game for.

    This attitude disgusts me

    There needs to be a middle ground found, where both pvp and pve are happy, HAPPY, with the changes, not just tolerate.

    Ill say this again, PVE is simply too large a part of the game to simply sweep under the rug here, and so long as there are people that will continue to try, ill be there to rip that rug off the floor

    Ok let me thread a difficult needle here.

    I too am a PVE player. No interest in PVP at all.

    So, PVP bitter griping drives me nuts since i believe the majority of players play far more PVE than PVP while the PVPers are more dedicated at lobbying.

    So, i can agree with your sentiments in many ways.


    To me one of the keystone elements of a living, breathing MMO is that it CHANGES and that means every so often the "build that works" shifts around, sometimes a lot. That usually means that the hyper-driven meta-max crows gets to be forced to rethink fairly often, but it ALSO means we all have to deal with changing realities and the fact that MY BUILD TODAY might not work tomorrow the same way.

    I FIND THAT WONDERFUL. I consider the challenge of Seeing the changes, Analyzing the new results, Changing my way of doing things for some characters and then Killing the enemies in new ways to be a key enjoyment element that keeps the game fun over the long haul. SACK is good for me.

    If i had a character that still did the same thing the same way for the same results now as it did a year ago, i would consider it a dead character, a stagnant one and yes, i deleted TWO veteran character bc that was the case and i did not see them as any fun. Replaced them with new ones.

    Already, in ESO now, I have my so-called "main", just my first, playing thru a very different shield-less configuration and leveling some previously under-used skills etc. its working out well so far but it is still early and i wont re-gear anyone until after Db drops so its not complete yet. But it is exciting.

    i also have two new characters in mind, waiting for slots and plan to totally ref-cus another, a VR16 and maybe one more.

    So, to me, "hey my current build got hit so i have to find something new" is part of the magic of a living mmo as opposed to a static rules game.

    If you haven't had to try seriously different builds in two years, you beat the curve and its possibly part of the reason skills are changing - so many saw them as THE ONLY BUILD.

    YMMV and while i agree with you about the PVP driving changes issue, I think the shield short duration idea is a good one, think it will playtest out to a little longer maybe but not much and i think thats just part of the mmo world we should all expect.

    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • Grao
    STEVIL wrote: »
    Im mostly a solo'er, and ive been rolling with the same build more or less since early access. i count on the longer lasting shields to protect my pets, honestly if im getting attacked im doing something wrong in my mindset. i rely on my clanfear to pull aggro, my twilight to dps, i play support/dps. I count on those longer lasting shields to protect my pets from the telegraphed attacks. This build has served my purposes well in pve, i enjoy playing it. I do not want to be stuck in a cookie cutter build that i do not enjoy playing. Even now this build i use is weak dps, but it gets the job done, may take longer than some, but i enjoy it, because it is more or less how i played past tes games.

    however, now my builds are torched. the builds i have been playing are now rendered to a very fraction of their usefullness because you believe your's is the only playstyle worth balancing the game for.

    This attitude disgusts me

    There needs to be a middle ground found, where both pvp and pve are happy, HAPPY, with the changes, not just tolerate.

    Ill say this again, PVE is simply too large a part of the game to simply sweep under the rug here, and so long as there are people that will continue to try, ill be there to rip that rug off the floor

    Ok let me thread a difficult needle here.

    I too am a PVE player. No interest in PVP at all.

    So, PVP bitter griping drives me nuts since i believe the majority of players play far more PVE than PVP while the PVPers are more dedicated at lobbying.

    So, i can agree with your sentiments in many ways.


    To me one of the keystone elements of a living, breathing MMO is that it CHANGES and that means every so often the "build that works" shifts around, sometimes a lot. That usually means that the hyper-driven meta-max crows gets to be forced to rethink fairly often, but it ALSO means we all have to deal with changing realities and the fact that MY BUILD TODAY might not work tomorrow the same way.

    I FIND THAT WONDERFUL. I consider the challenge of Seeing the changes, Analyzing the new results, Changing my way of doing things for some characters and then Killing the enemies in new ways to be a key enjoyment element that keeps the game fun over the long haul. SACK is good for me.

    If i had a character that still did the same thing the same way for the same results now as it did a year ago, i would consider it a dead character, a stagnant one and yes, i deleted TWO veteran character bc that was the case and i did not see them as any fun. Replaced them with new ones.

    Already, in ESO now, I have my so-called "main", just my first, playing thru a very different shield-less configuration and leveling some previously under-used skills etc. its working out well so far but it is still early and i wont re-gear anyone until after Db drops so its not complete yet. But it is exciting.

    i also have two new characters in mind, waiting for slots and plan to totally ref-cus another, a VR16 and maybe one more.

    So, to me, "hey my current build got hit so i have to find something new" is part of the magic of a living mmo as opposed to a static rules game.

    If you haven't had to try seriously different builds in two years, you beat the curve and its possibly part of the reason skills are changing - so many saw them as THE ONLY BUILD.

    YMMV and while i agree with you about the PVP driving changes issue, I think the shield short duration idea is a good one, think it will playtest out to a little longer maybe but not much and i think thats just part of the mmo world we should all expect.


    True, change is an element of MMOs and thus I am not against Zenimax changing spells, actually, I think there are a lot of spells in the Sorcerer's trees that need redesigning, such as Mines, Curse, Exchange (most useless skill in ESO), not to mention certain passives that affect very few of our spells.

    The problem we have with this current change is that it was a significant Nerf to pretty much every possible Sorcerer build. Magika DPS heavily rellies on the use of Ward to compensate for the attribute points we do not spend in health to have a competitive DPS. The same is likely true for Sorcerer healers if anyone actually plays that. Tanks heavily rely on Ward for survival... All those play styles are heavily nerfed by this change...

    And yet nearly nothing was given to the class to counter balance such a huge loss. Our DPS was not significantly increased, skills that are useless remain useless, certain passives were made even worse, certain skills that previously counted as DoTs no longer do, thus not being affected by the champion system. There is a lot of nerfing and nearly no buffing, that is not balancing, that is crushing and it is not the first time sorcerers go through this... It happens in every damn large patch.

    So, try to understand, the problem is not that there is change, the problem is that a class is being with every new patch, made less and less viable in every role. That, I am sorry... It is just unfair, not to mention, it does not happen in other MMOs. It just doesn't... Not like this.
  • bloodenragedb14_ESO
    Grao wrote: »
    STEVIL wrote: »
    Im mostly a solo'er, and ive been rolling with the same build more or less since early access. i count on the longer lasting shields to protect my pets, honestly if im getting attacked im doing something wrong in my mindset. i rely on my clanfear to pull aggro, my twilight to dps, i play support/dps. I count on those longer lasting shields to protect my pets from the telegraphed attacks. This build has served my purposes well in pve, i enjoy playing it. I do not want to be stuck in a cookie cutter build that i do not enjoy playing. Even now this build i use is weak dps, but it gets the job done, may take longer than some, but i enjoy it, because it is more or less how i played past tes games.

    however, now my builds are torched. the builds i have been playing are now rendered to a very fraction of their usefullness because you believe your's is the only playstyle worth balancing the game for.

    This attitude disgusts me

    There needs to be a middle ground found, where both pvp and pve are happy, HAPPY, with the changes, not just tolerate.

    Ill say this again, PVE is simply too large a part of the game to simply sweep under the rug here, and so long as there are people that will continue to try, ill be there to rip that rug off the floor

    Ok let me thread a difficult needle here.

    I too am a PVE player. No interest in PVP at all.

    So, PVP bitter griping drives me nuts since i believe the majority of players play far more PVE than PVP while the PVPers are more dedicated at lobbying.

    So, i can agree with your sentiments in many ways.


    To me one of the keystone elements of a living, breathing MMO is that it CHANGES and that means every so often the "build that works" shifts around, sometimes a lot. That usually means that the hyper-driven meta-max crows gets to be forced to rethink fairly often, but it ALSO means we all have to deal with changing realities and the fact that MY BUILD TODAY might not work tomorrow the same way.

    I FIND THAT WONDERFUL. I consider the challenge of Seeing the changes, Analyzing the new results, Changing my way of doing things for some characters and then Killing the enemies in new ways to be a key enjoyment element that keeps the game fun over the long haul. SACK is good for me.

    If i had a character that still did the same thing the same way for the same results now as it did a year ago, i would consider it a dead character, a stagnant one and yes, i deleted TWO veteran character bc that was the case and i did not see them as any fun. Replaced them with new ones.

    Already, in ESO now, I have my so-called "main", just my first, playing thru a very different shield-less configuration and leveling some previously under-used skills etc. its working out well so far but it is still early and i wont re-gear anyone until after Db drops so its not complete yet. But it is exciting.

    i also have two new characters in mind, waiting for slots and plan to totally ref-cus another, a VR16 and maybe one more.

    So, to me, "hey my current build got hit so i have to find something new" is part of the magic of a living mmo as opposed to a static rules game.

    If you haven't had to try seriously different builds in two years, you beat the curve and its possibly part of the reason skills are changing - so many saw them as THE ONLY BUILD.

    YMMV and while i agree with you about the PVP driving changes issue, I think the shield short duration idea is a good one, think it will playtest out to a little longer maybe but not much and i think thats just part of the mmo world we should all expect.


    True, change is an element of MMOs and thus I am not against Zenimax changing spells, actually, I think there are a lot of spells in the Sorcerer's trees that need redesigning, such as Mines, Curse, Exchange (most useless skill in ESO), not to mention certain passives that affect very few of our spells.

    The problem we have with this current change is that it was a significant Nerf to pretty much every possible Sorcerer build. Magika DPS heavily rellies on the use of Ward to compensate for the attribute points we do not spend in health to have a competitive DPS. The same is likely true for Sorcerer healers if anyone actually plays that. Tanks heavily rely on Ward for survival... All those play styles are heavily nerfed by this change...

    And yet nearly nothing was given to the class to counter balance such a huge loss. Our DPS was not significantly increased, skills that are useless remain useless, certain passives were made even worse, certain skills that previously counted as DoTs no longer do, thus not being affected by the champion system. There is a lot of nerfing and nearly no buffing, that is not balancing, that is crushing and it is not the first time sorcerers go through this... It happens in every damn large patch.

    So, try to understand, the problem is not that there is change, the problem is that a class is being with every new patch, made less and less viable in every role. That, I am sorry... It is just unfair, not to mention, it does not happen in other MMOs. It just doesn't... Not like this.

    I currently have 12 mmo's on my computer, i have deleted at least another 10 from having outgrown them or some such in the past.

    i honestly cannot remember the last time any of those mmo's changed a skill as drastically as eso changes their's so often.
  • DGolden94
    Soul Shriven
    For stamina sorcerers I would really like to see wind be the theme in storm calling and some other skills, it seems they are already going with wind for stam sorcs anyways with the hurricane morph to lightning form, a few other skills that i think could follow this wind/physical damage/bleed damage theme would be:
    1. mages wrath: physical damage execute
    2. liquid lightning: tornado instead that does physical damage
    3. power overload: now is wind, does physical damage
    4. ball of lightning: stam morph that is wind, and does physical damage
      • charged atronach: just like greater atronach but is a wind atronach that does physical damage

        just some things I thought would be cool for stam sorc, ZOS could perfect the ideas seeing as im not thinking balance wise, just giving suggestions, and for ppl that have concerns with changes, pls provide suggestions as well, threatening to quit the game or just ranting isn't going to make the game better and I LOVE this game, would like for it to stick around
  • DGolden94
    Soul Shriven
    DGolden94 wrote: »
    For stamina sorcerers I would really like to see wind be the theme in storm calling and some other skills, it seems they are already going with wind for stam sorcs anyways with the hurricane morph to lightning form, a few other skills that i think could follow this wind/physical damage/bleed damage theme would be:
    1. mages wrath: physical damage execute
    2. liquid lightning: tornado instead that does physical damage
    3. power overload: now is wind, does physical damage
    4. ball of lightning: stam morph that is wind, and does physical damage
      • charged atronach: just like greater atronach but is a wind atronach that does physical damage

        just some things I thought would be cool for stam sorc, ZOS could perfect the ideas seeing as im not thinking balance wise, just giving suggestions, and for ppl that have concerns with changes, pls provide suggestions as well, threatening to quit the game or just ranting isn't going to make the game better and I LOVE this game, would like for it to stick around

    also something should be done with storm calling passives to support these abilities not being shock damage anymore
  • Justice31st
    Grao wrote: »
    Seriously? Sorcs shields are even more OP now with the extra psychical damage mitigation from shield stacking the new DB annulment buff. I am sure the Sorcs 40k magicka from not having to run the impenetrable trait in PvP (due to shields not being able to be crittable; which is ridiculously OP) will be fine with the extra shield recasts. And don't even get me started on PvE; that is what healers are for. Besides, how many sorcs while engaged in combat in PvP only reapply shields every 6+ seconds LOL... If you are answered you do, then your class is OP. @ZOS_GinaBruno @Wrobel @ZOS_Finn

    Yes, nerf skills to the ground because of PvP and screw PvE. It sucks that ZoS shares your opinion on how to balance this game

    Sorc shields should of been nerfed along time ago. It is the most OP and unbalanced skill in the game.
    "The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you."
  • bloodenragedb14_ESO
    Grao wrote: »
    Seriously? Sorcs shields are even more OP now with the extra psychical damage mitigation from shield stacking the new DB annulment buff. I am sure the Sorcs 40k magicka from not having to run the impenetrable trait in PvP (due to shields not being able to be crittable; which is ridiculously OP) will be fine with the extra shield recasts. And don't even get me started on PvE; that is what healers are for. Besides, how many sorcs while engaged in combat in PvP only reapply shields every 6+ seconds LOL... If you are answered you do, then your class is OP. @ZOS_GinaBruno @Wrobel @ZOS_Finn

    Yes, nerf skills to the ground because of PvP and screw PvE. It sucks that ZoS shares your opinion on how to balance this game

    Sorc shields should of been nerfed along time ago. It is the most OP and unbalanced skill in the game.

    if everyone believed that, we would not be having this discussion
  • Yo_Donno
    Grao wrote: »
    Seriously? Sorcs shields are even more OP now with the extra psychical damage mitigation from shield stacking the new DB annulment buff. I am sure the Sorcs 40k magicka from not having to run the impenetrable trait in PvP (due to shields not being able to be crittable; which is ridiculously OP) will be fine with the extra shield recasts. And don't even get me started on PvE; that is what healers are for. Besides, how many sorcs while engaged in combat in PvP only reapply shields every 6+ seconds LOL... If you are answered you do, then your class is OP. @ZOS_GinaBruno @Wrobel @ZOS_Finn

    Yes, nerf skills to the ground because of PvP and screw PvE. It sucks that ZoS shares your opinion on how to balance this game

    Sorc shields should of been nerfed along time ago. It is the most OP and unbalanced skill in the game.

    The other day I found myself in a 1v1 with a Templar. It lasted for about 10 minutes, and consisted of me spamming Overload for 10-12k Per hit, and him with BoL, heavy attack, BoL heavy attack, so on and so forth until his friend got in here, caught me with no ultimate or mana left, knocked me down and: boom. dead sorc.

    They nerf healing in PVP because "it's too overpowered". That's what they did to shields too, but both abilities were left as they were in PVE.

    You can't be telling me that wards are the most overpowered thing when a Nightblade can cloak and run away in a tough situation, DragonKnights can reflect your own projectiles back at you, and Templars can exchange 2000 mana for 10,000 health, meaning they essentially have Health + (Mana * 5) Max health, but that's not as "overpowered" as a Sorc's wards. If you're complaining about how powerful a Sorc's wards are, then you must have pretty low DPS as you've never been able to bust through them. Fighting other Sorcs is usually a breeze: Drop shield > CC before they have a chance to recast > Burst > Dead Sorc.

    Oh and... how does not having to run impenetrable give a Sorc more mana? First, I don't think impenetrable is a huge part of everyone's armor- maybe 1 or 2 pieces. The rest, divines, giving them whatever buff they really want, with Sorcs is usually spell power. 40k Magicka is crazy. If you have 40k Magicka, you're built for Max mag, nothing else. No spell power, weapon power, Max Stam, Max Health, Crit, nothing. All your sets are devoted to Magicka. All your enchantments are devoted to Magicka. And what can it really do, without some extra stats to back it up? Frags with less than 2000 unbuffed spell power hits for like 2k. you can cast it almost infinite times with all that magicka, but it still takes time to activate so your enemy has more than enough time to heal 2k with rally or BoL or whatever.
    Edited by Yo_Donno on May 2, 2016 6:27AM
  • cosmic_niklas_93b16_ESO
    Seriously? Sorcs shields are even more OP now with the extra psychical damage mitigation from shield stacking the new DB annulment buff. I am sure the Sorcs 40k magicka from not having to run the impenetrable trait in PvP (due to shields not being able to be crittable; which is ridiculously OP) will be fine with the extra shield recasts. And don't even get me started on PvE; that is what healers are for. Besides, how many sorcs while engaged in combat in PvP only reapply shields every 6+ seconds LOL... If you are answered you do, then your class is OP. @ZOS_GinaBruno @Wrobel @ZOS_Finn

    Now instead every single class will be having shields instead on top of their other abilities. Yeah, not OP at all for all the other classes.....
    R.I.P. Daranth Spellborn
    VR16 Dunmer Sorcerer
    March 2014 - May 2016
    He was a skilled Crafter and a reliable Sorcerer;
    Then came the Dark Brotherhood

    Wrobel wrote: Surge is now more effective for tank characters.
    Because crit tanks are so good, LOL. xD
  • Dyride
    I'd bet their nerf is more related to the completion rate of vMSA for magicka sorcs rather than an actual change for PVP.

    If they were actually doing this as a PvP related change, they would have nerfed the size of the actual shield rather than just reduced the duration.

    That said, I think having Hardened at 8 secs and Empowered as 10 secs wouldn't be a bad compromise.
    NBrookus wrote: »
    Oh lordy, I just realized ZOS' grand scheme with the pet buffs and heavy armor nerfs... clanfears are supposed to tank dungeons and trials!

    Well, if they made Clannfear's Physical damage/health scale with Stamina and Wpn Damage like every other physical ability, then maybe we could.
    Edited by Dyride on May 2, 2016 8:12AM
    V Є H Є M Є И C Є

      Revenge of the Bear

      Revenge of the Hist
      Revenge of the Deer

      Remember the Great Burn of of the Blackwater War!

    1. cosmic_niklas_93b16_ESO
      Yo_Donno wrote: »
      It's probably none of my business to suggest how this should be done, but this is how the summon tree could be made appealing to me, as a PVE Sorc.

      To start, all summon abilities must be non-toggle. You may summon more than one of a certain creature, as specified at the end of the tooltips by {x}. Special abilities are activated by clicking the same key used to summon the creature, and applies to all of one type of creature.

      Keep in mind, all values are the V16 versions and should be scaled down accordingly. Values given are at a preset of 3000 Spell Damage, but should scale off Spell Damage OR Weapon Damage, depending on which is higher.

      All pets take on the same resistances, Spell/Weapon Damage, and Spell/Weapon Crit as their summoner. Damage is augmented by the appropriate Champion Point star.

      All Shock Damage should have a chance to proc disintegrate.


      Storm Atronach needs to last way longer to be a good option in PVP. They don't work well as tanks because a player in a 1v1 would probably be better off just ignoring it and waiting for it to wear off on its own, so we need a way to force someone to attack it. Leave the health the same, but increase the duration to something like a full minute so that another player is better off attacking it. Another option would be to make it last indefinitely, but lower the health.

      Summon a storm atronach at the target location. The atronach's arrival deals 8000 Shock Damage and stuns nearby enemies for 10 seconds. The atronach cannot move but attacks the nearest enemy. The atronach's heavy attack chains to nearby targets.

      An ally can activate charged Lightning giving both the ally and the atronach Major Berserk, increasing their damage by 25% for their next 3 attacks, as long as they are activated within 45 seconds. {1}

      Command the Powers of Oblivion to send a Daedric familiar to fight at your side. the Familiar's attacks deal 1500 Shock Damage. {3}

      Given the amount of summons allowed, I suggest a high Magicka cost to compensate.

      The familiar remains until killed or unsummoned.

      Storm-Calling Clannfear
      Magicka Cast. A tank summon. Command the powers of Oblivion to send a Clannfear to fight at your side. The Clannfear's attacks deal 1200 Shock Damage. Special Ability: Tail Swipe. Costs 1500 Magicka. The Clannfear performs a tail swipe, dealing 2500 Shock Damage to all nearby enemies. Attack takes 1 second and has a cool down of 1.5 seconds. Clannfear remains until killed or unsummoned. When the Clannfear is killed, restores 70% of your Magicka. (Rebate passive to augment this). {1}

      Storm-Calling Clannfear has half of the Max Health of its summoner.

      Angry Clannfear
      Stamina cast. A tank summon. Command the powers of Oblivion to send a Clannfear to fight at your side. The Clannfears attacks deal 1000 Physical Damage. Special Ability: Tail Swipe. Costs 1500 Stamina. The Clannfear performs a tail swipe, dealing 2300 Physical Damage to all nearby enemies. Attack takes 1 second and has a cool down of 1.5 seconds. Clannfear remains until killed or unsummoned. When the Clannfear is killed, restores 70% of your Stamina. (Rebate passive to augment this). {1}

      Daedric Curse
      Curse an enemy with a destructive rune, dealing 10,000 Shock Damage to the target and 5,000 Shock Damage to all nearby enemies. Takes 6 Seconds to apply damage. Your pets deal an additional 40% Damage to cursed targets. Primary target may not return to stealth for 2 seconds after taking damage from Daedric Curse.

      You may only have one Daedric Curse active at a time.

      Velocious Curse
      Magicka Cast. Curse an enemy with a destructive rune, dealing 10,000 Shock Damage to the target and 5,000 Shock Damage to all nearby enemies. Takes 3.5 Seconds to apply damage. Your pets deal an additional 40% Damage to cursed targets. Primary target may not return to stealth for 2 seconds after taking damage from Velocious Curse.

      You may only have 2 Velocious Curses active at a time.

      Daedric Blade
      Stamina Cast. Summon a Daedric Blade to follow the enemy and attacking a spinning motion, dealing 9,000 Physical Damage to the target and 4,500 Physical Damage to all nearby enemies. Takes 3.5 Seconds to apply damage. Your pets deal an additional 40% Damage to cursed targets. Primary target may not return to stealth for 2 seconds after taking damage from Velocious Curse.

      You may only have 2 Daedric Blades active at a time.

      Winged Twilight
      Call on Azura to send a winged twilight to fight at your side. The winged twilight's attacks deal 3500 Shock Damage.

      The Winged Twilight remains until killed or unsummoned, and has 35% of the summoner's Max Health. {1}

      Twilight Matriarch
      Magicka cast. Call on Azura to send a winged twilight to fight at your side. The twilight's attacks deal 4,000 Shock Damage, and occasionally creates a lightning globe that snares all enemies within the radius for 3 seconds, and deals 3,000 Shock Damage per second they are snared. Special Ability: Resource Restoration. The twilight channels its Magicka into you, healing you for 300 Health per second, and restoring 400 Magicka Per Second. This disables the twilight from doing damage, and Conjured Ward + Morphs only affect the twilight from half their value while in Restoration mode. The twilight ceases channeling only when its Special Ability is deactivated, or the twilight is desummoned or killed. {1}

      Twilight remains until killed or desummoned, and has 35% of the summoner's Max Health.

      Jaded Twilight
      Stamina cast. Call on Azura to send a winged twilight to fight at your side. The twilight's attacks deal 3,500 Physical Damage, and occasionally creates a purple globe that snares all enemies within the radius for 3 seconds, and deals 3,000 Physical Damage per second they are snared. Special Ability: Resource Restoration. The twilight channels its Magicka into you, healing you for 300 Health per second, and restoring 400 Stamina Per Second. This disables the twilight from doing damage, and Conjured Ward + Morphs only affect the twilight from half their value while in Restoration mode. The twilight ceases channeling only when its Special Ability is deactivated, or the twilight is desummoned or killed. {1}

      Twilight remains until killed or desummoned, and has 35% of the summoner's Max Health.

      Bound Armor
      Protect yourself with the power of Oblivion, creating a suit of Daedric mail that grants Major Resolve, increasing your Physical and Spell Resistance by 2000.

      Bound Armor remains until the player is killed.

      Bound Aegis
      Magicka Cast. Protect yourself with the power of Oblivion, creating a suit of Daedric mail that grants Major Resolve, increasing your Physical and Spell Resistance by 2000.

      Special Ability: Explode. Amor explodes, dealing 4000 Shock Damage to ally nearby enemies, but removing the armor buff. To regain the armor buff, Bound Aegis must be cast again. This effect has a cool down of 7 Seconds.

      Additionally, Bound Aegis increases your Max Magicka by 5%, and your Spell Damage by 130.

      Bound Armaments
      Stamina Cast. Protect yourself with the power of Oblivion, creating a suit of Daedric mail that grants Major Resolve, increasing your Physical and Spell Resistance by 2000.

      Special Ability: Negate. Negates 100% of the damage from the next attack that hits you, and grants immunity from any CC that the attack may have inflicted, but removing the armor buff. The regain the armor buff, Bound Armaments must be cast again.

      Additionally, Bound Armaments increases your Max Stamina by 5%, and your Weapon Damage by 130.

      Conjured Ward
      Conjure globes of Daedric Energy for protection, granting a damage shield for you and your pets that absorbs 10,000 damage for 20 seconds.

      Hardened Ward
      Conjure globes of Daedric Energy for protection, granting a damage shield for you and your pets that absorbs 10,000 damage for 20 seconds. Your own globe can absorb 35% more damage.

      Empowered Ward
      Conjure globes of Daedric Energy for protection, granting a damage shield for you and your pets that absorbs 10,000 damage for 20 seconds. While the ward is active, your summoned pets deal an additional 40% damage, except the Storm Atronach, which only receives a 15% Bonus.


      All passive numerical values are assumed to be at x/x possible upgrade.

      When one of your summoned creatures is killed, you are restored an additional 1000 Magicka or Stamina, depending on which Max Value is higher.

      Power Stone
      Reduces the cost of Ultimate Abilities by 15%.

      Daedric Protection
      Increases your Stamina and Magicka Recovery by 20% for 3 minutes after casting a Daedric Summoning ability.

      Expert Summoner
      Increases the strength of your summoned creatures, in addition to all buffs provided by Empowered Ward:

      Winged twilight deals 10% More Damage

      Familiar and Clannfear have 20% More health

      Storm Atronach's attack range is increased by 30%, and its duration is increased by 40%

      So these are the ideas that I have to revamp the summoning tree. I am definitely open to feedback so please feel free to get it off your chest, whatever it is.

      I do like a few of them, but I'd have to say I'd like the matriarch to heal like it does on live atm. It makes it kinda viable as a sorc emergency heal. Although I'd love for the clannfear to have a way to restore stamina or something for people. That is where sorcs are lacking right now as healers.
      R.I.P. Daranth Spellborn
      VR16 Dunmer Sorcerer
      March 2014 - May 2016
      He was a skilled Crafter and a reliable Sorcerer;
      Then came the Dark Brotherhood

      Wrobel wrote: Surge is now more effective for tank characters.
      Because crit tanks are so good, LOL. xD
    2. Dyride
      @Yo_Donno I've played a sorc since 1.3 and I think you have been living inside your class "bubble" too long.
      Yo_Donno wrote: »
      The other day I found myself in a 1v1 with a Templar. It lasted for about 10 minutes, and consisted of me spamming Overload for 10-12k Per hit, and him with BoL, heavy attack, BoL heavy attack, so on and so forth until his friend got in here, caught me with no ultimate or mana left, knocked me down and: boom. dead sorc.

      There is so much wrong with this anecdote, spamming Overload and just expecting people to roll over and die is not exactly balance. Many things such as CC and DoTs are usually incorporated into successful builds.

      However, I think in the Dark Brotherhood patch using poisons, Magicka may have access to heal debuffs which have been long overdue.
      Yo_Donno wrote: »
      You can't be telling me that wards are the most overpowered thing when a Nightblade can cloak and run away in a tough situation, DragonKnights can reflect your own projectiles back at you, and Templars can exchange 2000 mana for 10,000 health, meaning they essentially have Health + (Mana * 5) Max health, but that's not as "overpowered" as a Sorc's wards. If you're complaining about how powerful a Sorc's wards are, then you must have pretty low DPS as you've never been able to bust through them. Fighting other Sorcs is usually a breeze: Drop shield > CC before they have a chance to recast > Burst > Dead Sorc.

      Any Nightblade will honestly tell you they spam Cloak more than once when they actually have to use it for mitigation/escape exactly because it is unreliable, similar to a sorc recasting shields when spammed with DPS. You are also wildly underestimating the cost of Templar skills and healing capability.

      Magicka sorcs have the most reliable and easily stacked burst DPS of any magicka build, maybe Mag templar comes close with Dark Flare->Puncturing Sweeps->Radiant Destruction/DawnBreaker but sorcs have been very easy for a burst rotation that can all be executed at range.
      Yo_Donno wrote: »

      Oh and... how does not having to run impenetrable give a Sorc more mana? First, I don't think impenetrable is a huge part of everyone's armor- maybe 1 or 2 pieces. The rest, divines, giving them whatever buff they really want, with Sorcs is usually spell power. 40k Magicka is crazy. If you have 40k Magicka, you're built for Max mag, nothing else. No spell power, weapon power, Max Stam, Max Health, Crit, nothing. All your sets are devoted to Magicka. All your enchantments are devoted to Magicka. And what can it really do, without some extra stats to back it up? Frags with less than 2000 unbuffed spell power hits for like 2k. you can cast it almost infinite times with all that magicka, but it still takes time to activate so your enemy has more than enough time to heal 2k with rally or BoL or whatever.

      Infused is a trait and equals more magicka. Almost every decent PVP build (outside of Sorcs), expects 5 Impen if not more, I even try to run 7 Impen and 2500+ Crit resist on my stam builds.

      Max magicka PvP Sorc builds also typically run in the 44-46k range and these are for functional builds, not the one trick pony you imagine.

      In part, I fear these changes are too much for some people to overcome. But I know deep down as a player you can rise to the challenge.

      V Є H Є M Є И C Є

        Revenge of the Bear

        Revenge of the Hist
        Revenge of the Deer

        Remember the Great Burn of of the Blackwater War!

      1. Brrrofski
        Grao wrote: »
        Minalan wrote: »
        Grao wrote: »
        Absorption Field - It would be interesting to have this spell's heal correlate to how much damage it prevents, thus justifying the name.

        Suppression Field - This should be renamed and if the damage it does correlates to the damage it prevents, it would be very interesting.

        Bound Armor: This ability and its morphs no longer permanently change your appearance when they are toggled on; instead, they now only display a brief visual effect when toggled on.

        Instead of removing the visual, you could have made bound armor create a ghostly armor or maybe chest plate, bound aegis could make a ghostly shield and bound armaments could give the equipped weapon a special visual. It would be easier to keep track of the spell being active then.

        Conjured Ward: Reduced the duration of this ability and the Hardened Ward morph to 6 seconds from 20 seconds.
        Empowered Ward (Conjured Ward morph): Reduced the duration of this morph to 8 seconds from 20 seconds.

        That you are reducing the duration of a shield to less than a third of its original duration without changing its cost or buffing its power or giving it additional properties is ridiculous.

        Expert Summoner: Redesigned this passive ability so it now grants you 4/8% more maximum health whenever you have a Daedric Summoning pet active.
        This passive ability’s old bonuses are now baseline effects for your pets.

        And still this passive only affects three abilities of this spell tree. Why doesn't bound armor and ward count as summons if they are in the summoning tree?

        Thundering Presence (Lightning Form morph):
        Renamed this morph to Hurricane.
        Redesigned this morph so it now increases the size and damage of the periodic effect the longer it is active, increasing up to 225% more damage and up to 9 meters in size.
        This morph now deals Physical Damage instead of Shock Damage.

        Nice, now make the other morph the exact same but for magika users and I will be happy about this. Movement speed increase is really not that useful when we have better spells for that.

        Annulment: Reduced the duration of this ability and its morphs to 6 seconds from 20 seconds. In addition, this ability and its morphs now absorb all damage instead of just spell damage.
        Note: The Harness Magicka morph will continue to return Magicka only when spell damage is absorbed as a morph effect.

        Well, at least you gave this ability some additional power to compensate the heavy nerf to its duration. Why is it that Ward is not getting some buff to compensate its nerf again?

        Thaumaturge: Fixed an issue where this Champion ability was increasing the damage of various non-damage over time effects, such as Daedric Curse or Magicka Detonation.
        Known Issue: Currently, Thaumaturge is still increasing the tooltip values of those abilities. This will be fixed in a future PTS patch.

        Now, I know this is supposedly a bug, but yay, more nerfs to our DPS! Woot. Interesting thing is, you always knew this sorcerer abilities were activating this buff, we reported this when the champion system first came out! We were told that because this ability did take time to detonate it was counted as a DoT... Apparently you guys are going back on that, cool... Stealthy nerfs - Love those


        Rebate (Passive) - Still only affects 3 abilities out of 6 in the tree
        Expert Summoner - Wasn't Great, now it is useless, only works for pet builds.

        Dark Exchange - Seriously, when are you guys going to buff this? >.>
        Daedric Mines - Doesn't even belong in the Tree it is on. It is that bad it is on the wrong section >.> (It summons Daedric Mines and you have a spell tree called Daedric Summoning. Guess where this ability belongs!)
        Persistence (Passive) - If only we used the very few abilities affected by this passive.

        Overload - Ok, I know this ult is not useless, but I am putting it here cause I am not sure if ZoS ever bothered to fix the bug that keeps getting this spell stuck in heavy attack mode.

        Lighting Form - Cool ,you guys finally realized we want to use this as DPS increase, not as a shield... Now do the same for Magika sorcery. Speed buff has nothing on damage and range increase.

        Boundless storm is extremely useful with the speed buff. When a tank loses a boss, or half a dozen adds rush you, or you lose range on the healer, it lets you reposition quickly in a fight. It lasts about as long as you need it to.

        I am sorry, mostly what I am hearing in your post is "The speed buff is useful when you make mistakes". I think spells should be useful even if you don't make mistakes. There are better spells that give speed buffs, namely Rapid Maneuver.

        The speed buff is ALL a stam sorc has going for it. If they take it away it's dead. Every stam sorc will still use Boundless storm instead of hurricane.

        Also, why use half a stam bar on a sorc for a speed buff that you lose when engaging in combat?

        They ruined thundering presence. Nobody used it anyway, but it's even less desirable now.
      2. Grao
        Brrrofski wrote: »
        Grao wrote: »
        Minalan wrote: »
        Grao wrote: »
        Absorption Field - It would be interesting to have this spell's heal correlate to how much damage it prevents, thus justifying the name.

        Suppression Field - This should be renamed and if the damage it does correlates to the damage it prevents, it would be very interesting.

        Bound Armor: This ability and its morphs no longer permanently change your appearance when they are toggled on; instead, they now only display a brief visual effect when toggled on.

        Instead of removing the visual, you could have made bound armor create a ghostly armor or maybe chest plate, bound aegis could make a ghostly shield and bound armaments could give the equipped weapon a special visual. It would be easier to keep track of the spell being active then.

        Conjured Ward: Reduced the duration of this ability and the Hardened Ward morph to 6 seconds from 20 seconds.
        Empowered Ward (Conjured Ward morph): Reduced the duration of this morph to 8 seconds from 20 seconds.

        That you are reducing the duration of a shield to less than a third of its original duration without changing its cost or buffing its power or giving it additional properties is ridiculous.

        Expert Summoner: Redesigned this passive ability so it now grants you 4/8% more maximum health whenever you have a Daedric Summoning pet active.
        This passive ability’s old bonuses are now baseline effects for your pets.

        And still this passive only affects three abilities of this spell tree. Why doesn't bound armor and ward count as summons if they are in the summoning tree?

        Thundering Presence (Lightning Form morph):
        Renamed this morph to Hurricane.
        Redesigned this morph so it now increases the size and damage of the periodic effect the longer it is active, increasing up to 225% more damage and up to 9 meters in size.
        This morph now deals Physical Damage instead of Shock Damage.

        Nice, now make the other morph the exact same but for magika users and I will be happy about this. Movement speed increase is really not that useful when we have better spells for that.

        Annulment: Reduced the duration of this ability and its morphs to 6 seconds from 20 seconds. In addition, this ability and its morphs now absorb all damage instead of just spell damage.
        Note: The Harness Magicka morph will continue to return Magicka only when spell damage is absorbed as a morph effect.

        Well, at least you gave this ability some additional power to compensate the heavy nerf to its duration. Why is it that Ward is not getting some buff to compensate its nerf again?

        Thaumaturge: Fixed an issue where this Champion ability was increasing the damage of various non-damage over time effects, such as Daedric Curse or Magicka Detonation.
        Known Issue: Currently, Thaumaturge is still increasing the tooltip values of those abilities. This will be fixed in a future PTS patch.

        Now, I know this is supposedly a bug, but yay, more nerfs to our DPS! Woot. Interesting thing is, you always knew this sorcerer abilities were activating this buff, we reported this when the champion system first came out! We were told that because this ability did take time to detonate it was counted as a DoT... Apparently you guys are going back on that, cool... Stealthy nerfs - Love those


        Rebate (Passive) - Still only affects 3 abilities out of 6 in the tree
        Expert Summoner - Wasn't Great, now it is useless, only works for pet builds.

        Dark Exchange - Seriously, when are you guys going to buff this? >.>
        Daedric Mines - Doesn't even belong in the Tree it is on. It is that bad it is on the wrong section >.> (It summons Daedric Mines and you have a spell tree called Daedric Summoning. Guess where this ability belongs!)
        Persistence (Passive) - If only we used the very few abilities affected by this passive.

        Overload - Ok, I know this ult is not useless, but I am putting it here cause I am not sure if ZoS ever bothered to fix the bug that keeps getting this spell stuck in heavy attack mode.

        Lighting Form - Cool ,you guys finally realized we want to use this as DPS increase, not as a shield... Now do the same for Magika sorcery. Speed buff has nothing on damage and range increase.

        Boundless storm is extremely useful with the speed buff. When a tank loses a boss, or half a dozen adds rush you, or you lose range on the healer, it lets you reposition quickly in a fight. It lasts about as long as you need it to.

        I am sorry, mostly what I am hearing in your post is "The speed buff is useful when you make mistakes". I think spells should be useful even if you don't make mistakes. There are better spells that give speed buffs, namely Rapid Maneuver.

        The speed buff is ALL a stam sorc has going for it. If they take it away it's dead. Every stam sorc will still use Boundless storm instead of hurricane.

        Also, why use half a stam bar on a sorc for a speed buff that you lose when engaging in combat?

        They ruined thundering presence. Nobody used it anyway, but it's even less desirable now.

        If you are talking about PvP I understand what you are saying, but again. I was discussing PvE.

        If you were talking about PvE I have to ask you... Why do you need the speed buff? Whenever speed buffs are needed in the raid one or two people carry Maneuver in their bar and use it to benefit the entire raid... So.... No real need for a speed buff in PvE. On the other hand sorcerer sustained DPS really sucks... We could really use more DPS.
      3. Grao
        Grao wrote: »
        Seriously? Sorcs shields are even more OP now with the extra psychical damage mitigation from shield stacking the new DB annulment buff. I am sure the Sorcs 40k magicka from not having to run the impenetrable trait in PvP (due to shields not being able to be crittable; which is ridiculously OP) will be fine with the extra shield recasts. And don't even get me started on PvE; that is what healers are for. Besides, how many sorcs while engaged in combat in PvP only reapply shields every 6+ seconds LOL... If you are answered you do, then your class is OP. @ZOS_GinaBruno @Wrobel @ZOS_Finn

        Yes, nerf skills to the ground because of PvP and screw PvE. It sucks that ZoS shares your opinion on how to balance this game

        Sorc shields should of been nerfed along time ago. It is the most OP and unbalanced skill in the game.

        You really are funny... LOL Button for you again.

        Anyway, yes, Ward is a powerful spell... In PvP, if you don't know how to go around it, it sure can be frustrating, then again, reflective scales and many other skills from the more powerful classes are just as frustrating if not more... Alas, Zenimax hates sorcerers, always have, so we get the shaft again.

        As for in PvE, well, we are in an even worse situation as this nerf heavily affects pretty much every play style, but we were given no compensation at all for the loss. It is amazing balancing really.

        Edited to remove inflammatory commentary
        Edited by ZOS_DaryaK on May 3, 2016 2:30PM
      4. DangerMan
        In PvE, there were mainly two reasons to play a Magicka Sorc DPS - Hardened Ward and Overload.

        And you just took away one of those reasons... Prime example of PvE getting screwed for PvP.

        I know I won't be using my Sorc once this patch drops.. Can pull almost the same amount of damage on my Stam DK with way more utility and support for group..
        Flawless MagSorc DPS
        StamDK DPS
        MagTemp DPS
        StamSorc DPS
        MagDK DPS
        DK Tank
        MagNB PvP
        StamNB PvP

      5. Dreyloch
        Grao wrote: »
        Grao wrote: »
        Grao wrote: »
        Thelon wrote: »
        Grao wrote: »

        That is the pet command attack, it does not give you access to control the pet's active abilities. ESO, unlike other MMOs with summoned pets, allows for almost no control over the pet's attack patterns or positioning.

        You can command the pets to use their abilities (heal, damage, buff, etc) by pressing the same key used to summon them.

        What are you talking about? o.0 Pressing the summon button will release the pet summon >.>

        has it been a while since you played?

        clanfear has a activated heal, as does the twilight but its like mutagen, good heals ((like mutagen in the targeting part, not the heal part, it gives a pretty sizable insta heal))

        the scamp has a AOE attack

        the other twilight morph does more damage to enemies above 50percent health

        these are all activated now, rather than dismissing your pet, they become activated skills

        Oh, that is what he was going on about... Yeah, those are not the abilities we were discussing. >.>

        precisely, while somewhat better, they are still useless for the most part in my opinion, but that change was one step in the right direction

        It was a lame attempt to improve the pets at best...

        Alright, lets discuss how the pets could be in ESO without demanding a full rebuild of the two skills... And just so you know, it is not the first time or the second I post this.

        First of all, the pets can't be toggles. That is a must change and until ZoS hear us about this, pet builds will never work. How could it work? When you summon one of the pets it has a certain amount of energy (health) that may be a fixate value per level or relate directly to either the stamina or magika pools of the summoner. That is the pet's life and once it is gone it is gone, you have to re-summon it.

        Y + Left Click will remain the pet's command attack, it targets the pet to attack a certain mob. You will need two additional key bindings to control the pet's actives. Each activation of the active abilities consumes the pet's energy, thus shortening its life span, so managing that would be very important. Pets can not be affected by any sort of healing (And can only be shielded by the summoner's Ward)

        Unstable Familiar: No Active abilities, it auto attacks normally and does damage calculated as in live.

        Unstable Clannfear: Active ability: Tail Swipe / Taunt - By sacrificing part of its life / energy the clannfear tail swipes and taunts those enemies hit. Why would this be useful? Thinking of a tank build for sorcerers, it would allow the summoner to have the clannfear take the special ability hits from the boss instead of having to do it them selves. Besides that, clannfear auto attacks and does physical damage as currently. (Remove of the heal when the clannfear dies as that really doesn't make any sense lore wise)

        Volatile Familiar: Active ability: Volatile explosion - By exploding part of its energy / life, the volatile familiar stuns and damages creatures standing around it. A DPS option for AoE situations.

        Summon Winged Twilight: As in live, it auto attacks. No active ability.

        Summon Restoring Twilight: Active ability: Heal - Heals a target by a percentage of its own health / energy pool. A targeted heal ability.

        Summon Twilight Matriarch (May need renaming): Active ability: Single Target DPS of some sort that consumes the pet's energy / health.

        There, that should give an idea of what the pets could be without that much of a problem... But again all of this was suggested before.

        I bolded the part where ZoS will stop reading because this is something that currently can't be done on the console versions of the game. I'm sure the rest is all great and valid for PC, I just don't think they will persue this =/
        "The fear of Death, is often worse than death itself"
      6. Dreyloch
        Grao wrote: »
        Seriously? Sorcs shields are even more OP now with the extra psychical damage mitigation from shield stacking the new DB annulment buff. I am sure the Sorcs 40k magicka from not having to run the impenetrable trait in PvP (due to shields not being able to be crittable; which is ridiculously OP) will be fine with the extra shield recasts. And don't even get me started on PvE; that is what healers are for. Besides, how many sorcs while engaged in combat in PvP only reapply shields every 6+ seconds LOL... If you are answered you do, then your class is OP. @ZOS_GinaBruno @Wrobel @ZOS_Finn
        aLi3nZ wrote: »
        It will be interesting if some of the elites can sustain their 20k sheilds with their harness Magika and hardened Ward stacking with these changes. I just look at the sheild which is the same as their health bar on live and as a Magika player I won't even bother trying to take them out.

        The big problem is with PVE

        i am a pve'er, pvp does not intrest me much, but im still getting my builds trashed because pvp'ers whine.

        There are hundreds of ways to fix the 'balancing' problems, and i use the term 'problem' lightly, as this is a class based mmo, and classes are not supposed to be reskins of the same thing, some classes are better at one role, while others are better at other roles, this war to make the classes perfectly balanced is disgusting to me, but i digress

        there are hundreds of ways to fix these problems so that the balances will not effect players in PVE, but for some reason, ZOS seems to not be doing them.

        Shield stacking, pretty simple fix is to only allow one shield to be active at a time, problem solved

        But nerfing the duration? to barely a fraction of what it was before?

        im disgusted, both with the devs and the people continually trying to justify it. There is no justification, pve is simply to big a part of the game for the pvp'ers to be the only ones that get their 'balancing' ways.

        Where there was once hope for the potential of this game as a mmo, there is only rage and indignation

        That is your problem, you don't PvP. You don't get blamed if you die due to shield stacking in PvE (you have healers to blame if you die in PvE)

        What you don't seem to understand or care about is that reducing the duration of Ward affects Sorcerer DPS, not just survivability in PvE. So no, we dying is not the healers fault.

        A simple explanation of the problem, Sorcerers have currently the lowest Magika and Stamina DPS among all the classes and to remain even slightly close to competitive, we are forced to spend no points in Health Attribute and invest all in Magika. That increases out damage and at least narrows the difference between our DPS and the DPS other classes are able to output.

        We are only able to survive this play style though, because refreshing Ward every 20 seconds isn't too taxing on our mana pool. With the duration reduction to 6 seconds though, that play style is impossible. Simple as that. Why is that a problem? Because the class is not getting a damage buff to compensate for this considerable loss. That is our complain. This nerf is very significant for PvE. I understand shield stacking is bad in PvP and I am fine with them nerfing Ward and the other shields as long as ZoS actually balances the damage we will be losing by either severely nerfing the other classes DPS or increasing Sorcerer's DPS.

        Bolded part there is totally untrue and it's the same if you want to be a DPS stam DK, or magicka DK, or Stam NB etc etc. To get the most DPS of any class you have to go with little to no health. This is the same with PvE. We ALL need the biggest stam and magicka pools we can get away with unless your the tank.

        Edit: forgot to mention if your talking about PvE? OMFG, you get the FULL benefit of a damage shield as it is. Any and all damage shields in PvP are effectively cut in 1/2 because of battle spirit!! BTW, I do have a VR16 sorc and my main is a DK. I kill way more ppl in PvP with my sorc , have better survivability, ease of escape...Since TG came out many DK's dropped that toon altogther and started other classes. PvP melee DK is a joke right now, and they are nerfing wrecking blow in DB too. (which personally I just didn't like 2H abilites. But I digress.

        Let me pose this question. What if they (ZoS) increased the shield time to 10 or 12 seconds. But made them full effect for PvP? It could still be more of a panic button for PvP and not as bad for the DPS rotations of PvE? I could live with that. I also want to say I'm not trying to shout at you etc. Just think your a little off in this particular post.
        Edited by Dreyloch on May 2, 2016 6:23PM
        "The fear of Death, is often worse than death itself"
      7. Grao
        Dreyloch wrote: »
        Grao wrote: »
        Grao wrote: »
        Grao wrote: »
        Thelon wrote: »
        Grao wrote: »

        That is the pet command attack, it does not give you access to control the pet's active abilities. ESO, unlike other MMOs with summoned pets, allows for almost no control over the pet's attack patterns or positioning.

        You can command the pets to use their abilities (heal, damage, buff, etc) by pressing the same key used to summon them.

        What are you talking about? o.0 Pressing the summon button will release the pet summon >.>

        has it been a while since you played?

        clanfear has a activated heal, as does the twilight but its like mutagen, good heals ((like mutagen in the targeting part, not the heal part, it gives a pretty sizable insta heal))

        the scamp has a AOE attack

        the other twilight morph does more damage to enemies above 50percent health

        these are all activated now, rather than dismissing your pet, they become activated skills

        Oh, that is what he was going on about... Yeah, those are not the abilities we were discussing. >.>

        precisely, while somewhat better, they are still useless for the most part in my opinion, but that change was one step in the right direction

        It was a lame attempt to improve the pets at best...

        Alright, lets discuss how the pets could be in ESO without demanding a full rebuild of the two skills... And just so you know, it is not the first time or the second I post this.

        First of all, the pets can't be toggles. That is a must change and until ZoS hear us about this, pet builds will never work. How could it work? When you summon one of the pets it has a certain amount of energy (health) that may be a fixate value per level or relate directly to either the stamina or magika pools of the summoner. That is the pet's life and once it is gone it is gone, you have to re-summon it.

        Y + Left Click will remain the pet's command attack, it targets the pet to attack a certain mob. You will need two additional key bindings to control the pet's actives. Each activation of the active abilities consumes the pet's energy, thus shortening its life span, so managing that would be very important. Pets can not be affected by any sort of healing (And can only be shielded by the summoner's Ward)

        Unstable Familiar: No Active abilities, it auto attacks normally and does damage calculated as in live.

        Unstable Clannfear: Active ability: Tail Swipe / Taunt - By sacrificing part of its life / energy the clannfear tail swipes and taunts those enemies hit. Why would this be useful? Thinking of a tank build for sorcerers, it would allow the summoner to have the clannfear take the special ability hits from the boss instead of having to do it them selves. Besides that, clannfear auto attacks and does physical damage as currently. (Remove of the heal when the clannfear dies as that really doesn't make any sense lore wise)

        Volatile Familiar: Active ability: Volatile explosion - By exploding part of its energy / life, the volatile familiar stuns and damages creatures standing around it. A DPS option for AoE situations.

        Summon Winged Twilight: As in live, it auto attacks. No active ability.

        Summon Restoring Twilight: Active ability: Heal - Heals a target by a percentage of its own health / energy pool. A targeted heal ability.

        Summon Twilight Matriarch (May need renaming): Active ability: Single Target DPS of some sort that consumes the pet's energy / health.

        There, that should give an idea of what the pets could be without that much of a problem... But again all of this was suggested before.

        I bolded the part where ZoS will stop reading because this is something that currently can't be done on the console versions of the game. I'm sure the rest is all great and valid for PC, I just don't think they will persue this =/

        Ah, apparently new key binds wont be needed. I wasn't aware before that pressing the summon button when the pet is already present no longer de - summons them. So no need for extra keybindings.
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