Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 30:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
We will be performing maintenance for patch 10.2.2 on the PTS on Monday at 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC).

Official Feedback Thread for Enchanting

  • Megalex1
    Guys with this new change, the chance to get v16 glyphs will remain that same as it is now, and the price of all other runes will drop.

    This is an awesome change, it has to go thru
  • GlassHalfFull
    I still don't see any reason for this change, nothing was broken, yet the change itself was broken and now gets a fix. While the fix is far better then the change, I feel they should just keep runes the way they were and work on fixing things that have been broke for a while.

    I also think they should change all nodes, in which only part of the contents were removed, to expire sooner than they do now so they have full contents again.
    Curiosity is the cure for boredom, there is no cure for curiosity.
  • Caroloces
    The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that a forced "take all or take nothing" rule for spawned stuff like this needs to be implemented. Along with forced auto-loot for harvest nodes at least.

    Why not put a mechanic in the game in which any element that is broached by a player, whether it be a node or chest or whatever, would simply disappear as if it were fully looted? I pick up most stuff myself, including lockpicks, Tas, and fishing bait, but I understand it when players don't want to pick up junk. If there was a concern that the player's friends might want to partake of whatever was in the element, then put a 15-second timer on it before the disappearance occurs.

    Then it would respawn as normal.

    BTW, Thanks, ZOS, for restoring the potency runes to a harvestable state. Of course, like many players in this thread, I did like the colored lights at night. It's like finding fireflies when you're a kid on a summer night. Don't let the magic fade, please!
  • Elsonso
    Caroloces wrote: »
    The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that a forced "take all or take nothing" rule for spawned stuff like this needs to be implemented. Along with forced auto-loot for harvest nodes at least.

    Why not put a mechanic in the game in which any element that is broached by a player, whether it be a node or chest or whatever, would simply disappear as if it were fully looted?

    They do this. They just need to shorten the lifespan to around a minute. It is 10 minutes for troves. It is not that long for runes, at least not the last time I checked.
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Divinius
    Caroloces wrote: »
    The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that a forced "take all or take nothing" rule for spawned stuff like this needs to be implemented. Along with forced auto-loot for harvest nodes at least.

    Why not put a mechanic in the game in which any element that is broached by a player, whether it be a node or chest or whatever, would simply disappear as if it were fully looted?

    They do this. They just need to shorten the lifespan to around a minute. It is 10 minutes for troves. It is not that long for runes, at least not the last time I checked.

    I intentionally looted all but the Tas from a couple of nodes on the PTS when I did my test, just to see how long they stayed after I interacted with them. I didn't have all night to wait, but they were still there 5-6 minutes later. Even if they do eventually time out, that's far too long. It should be less than 1 minute, like 30 seconds maybe.
  • MasterSpatula
    Divinius wrote: »

    The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that a forced "take all or take nothing" rule for spawned stuff like this needs to be implemented. Along with forced auto-loot for harvest nodes at least.

    Agreed. I don't think they should auto-loot on click like some people do, but I do think that the only choices should be "Loot All" and "Exit."
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • LadyLethalla
    I'm going to weigh in with my 2c here... and yes, I've seen the official responses. So I just want to add my voice to those screaming "No!"

    My NB is currently a levl 18 enchanter. I never bothered with that skill line before, since glyph creation was terribly confusing to a beginner... and I never applied glyphs to anything before as I was just using dropped sets. Now, though, since I've come back to this character, I've learned how glyph creation works and what works best on which items. So yes, I am trying to level up Enchanting now.

    However, as so many people have pointed out here @ZOS_GinaBruno (and yes, I read almost all of the posts), the issue with levelling this skill is how damn long it takes. *Not* with harvesting. I've only been seriously harvesting runes for 2-3 weeks and I have a lot of every kind. I don't have a buddy to help me get to Master, and nowhere near enough gold to buy crafted glyphs off the Traders. I bought one off an enchanter as a decon test last night and it gave such a miniscule amount of insp it was laughable. And while I like the idea of being able to buy a particular rune I need instead of searching for it for days, I don't want to be forced to do so because there is no other option.

    The cynic in me says, like others have suggested, that the move is to monetarise the runes on the Crown Store... but if that's the case then shame on ZOS.

    IF you truly want greater participation in enchanting then please fix the drop rates, and give us more inspiration for con/decon and writs, and give us back glyphs for decon of armour and weapons - even allow us to unenchant and get the glyph back before we apply a new one. PLEASE don't change what wasn't broken.
    x-TallyCat-x // PC EU DC - For the Covenant! // ESO Platinum trophy - 16th May 2017.
    Melbourne Australia - the land of Potato Internet.WTB ESO OCEANIC SERVER
  • PlagueMonk
    This is the official feedback thread for Enchanting. We’ve removed the Potency Runestones from nodes, and put them on the Enchanting vendors instead. Specific feedback that the team is looking for includes the following:
    • Is it easy to tell where to get these now?
    • Does it feel easier to start from scratch to make a rune?
    • How does it feel to put lower-level enchants on higher-level gear?
    • Do you have any other general feedback?

    Quite simply put this change is bull****. Why? Because it is now the only profession that costs MONEY to level. As a player who leveled enchanting while leveling my first toon I was ALWAYS cash poor so if I had to pay to level it along with myself (and everything else like bank slots, bag slots, mount slots, new equipment, etc) it would never of happened.

    You say the goal is to foster and enhance enchanting leveling? Well I can tell you right now you are going to drive more people AWAY from trying this profession. So fail imho.

    You want this to work? Just offer the runes on vendors as an OPTION. So you can still harvest them but if you are 2 short you can now just go buy them rather than frantically run around either looking for one on vendors or harvesting.

    This is the simplest and best answer imho (After reading many of the posts in this thread this POV appears to be a nearly unambitious one)

    Whomever thought this was a good idea needs to NOT be making game altering decisions anymore since this clearly demonstrates they are out of touch with how the game plays
    Edited by PlagueMonk on April 29, 2016 1:10AM
  • maboleth
    ^ They said they would keep the potency rune in the wild. There will be a 1/3 chance to get it.
  • PlagueMonk
    maboleth wrote: »
    ^ They said they would keep the potency rune in the wild. There will be a 1/3 chance to get it.

    Hummm, I haven't read that. If true they REALLY need to put that at in the OP.

    And how is that gonna work? 2/3rd of the time I get jack****?

    The fact remains, WHY are they still making it difficult to obtain them for free? There should be a FREE viable path otherwise you are still paying to level = making enchanting HARDER to level which is the EXACT OPPOSITE of their supposed intended reason for doing this.
  • Epona222
    PlagueMonk wrote: »
    maboleth wrote: »
    ^ They said they would keep the potency rune in the wild. There will be a 1/3 chance to get it.

    Hummm, I haven't read that. If true they REALLY need to put that at in the OP.

    And how is that gonna work? 2/3rd of the time I get jack****?

    The fact remains, WHY are they still making it difficult to obtain them for free? There should be a FREE viable path otherwise you are still paying to level = making enchanting HARDER to level which is the EXACT OPPOSITE of their supposed intended reason for doing this.

    You have a 1/3 chance to get a potency rune on live, because all rune types can spawn at all rune nodes, with a 1/3 chance of each type of node.
    Edited by Epona222 on April 29, 2016 2:13AM
    GM - Ghost Sea Trading Co - NA PC

    Epona was a Romano-Celtic goddess dating back to around 1800 to 2000 years before computer games were invented.
  • PlagueMonk
    Epona222 wrote: »
    PlagueMonk wrote: »
    maboleth wrote: »
    ^ They said they would keep the potency rune in the wild. There will be a 1/3 chance to get it.

    Hummm, I haven't read that. If true they REALLY need to put that at in the OP.

    And how is that gonna work? 2/3rd of the time I get jack****?

    The fact remains, WHY are they still making it difficult to obtain them for free? There should be a FREE viable path otherwise you are still paying to level = making enchanting HARDER to level which is the EXACT OPPOSITE of their supposed intended reason for doing this.

    You have a 1/3 chance to get a potency rune on live, because all rune types can spawn at all rune nodes, with a 1/3 chance of each type of node.

    you are talking about if a spot will spawn a type of rune, which is not how the other post made it sound.

    So does this mean they have already completely recanted their proposal?
  • Epona222
    PlagueMonk wrote: »
    Epona222 wrote: »
    PlagueMonk wrote: »
    maboleth wrote: »
    ^ They said they would keep the potency rune in the wild. There will be a 1/3 chance to get it.

    Hummm, I haven't read that. If true they REALLY need to put that at in the OP.

    And how is that gonna work? 2/3rd of the time I get jack****?

    The fact remains, WHY are they still making it difficult to obtain them for free? There should be a FREE viable path otherwise you are still paying to level = making enchanting HARDER to level which is the EXACT OPPOSITE of their supposed intended reason for doing this.

    You have a 1/3 chance to get a potency rune on live, because all rune types can spawn at all rune nodes, with a 1/3 chance of each type of node.

    you are talking about if a spot will spawn a type of rune, which is not how the other post made it sound.

    So does this mean they have already completely recanted their proposal?

    Part way recanted, they have said they will try out a system in a PTS update where the new runestones will have 1/3 chance of containing a potency rune.

    I'm still confused as to why they felt they needed to change it from the current node system at all, but at least that would give the same chance at a potency rune as there is currently.
    GM - Ghost Sea Trading Co - NA PC

    Epona was a Romano-Celtic goddess dating back to around 1800 to 2000 years before computer games were invented.
  • NewBlacksmurf
    Divinius wrote: »
    Hey guys, thanks for your ongoing feedback on the enchanting changes.

    We’re definitely listening and appreciate the concern regarding the inability to harvest potency runestones. As a result, we’re planning on trying a modification to the existing runestone harvest loot table so it will always provide an essence and aspect as it does now, but it will also provide a 1/3rd chance at a potency instead of a chance of a bonus aspect runestone . The potency runestones will continue to be offered by vendors to give you the option of buying instead of harvesting as desired.

    This change will be implemented in an upcoming PTS update, and we will continue to monitor feedback and metrics.

    1/3 chance.....

    Gina, we are saying or giving feedback to restore the harvest ability. Originally it was 100% chance to get a potency rune based on the potent node. Please offer at least offer with this 1/3 chance that a harvest will produce all three 50% of the time on any harvest.

    Once again, everyone seems to be missing the math here. I blame the fact that console users can't log into the PTS to see how it actually works, and are therefore getting confused.

    Before (or currently on live), it was indeed 100% chance of getting a potency rune when harvesting a potency node, but it was only a 1/3 chance that any given node would spawn as a potency node. Hence, it has always been a 1/3 chance of a potency rune, when you look at all nodes together.

    In the DB update, ALL nodes will be the same. They will ALL give one aspect, and one essence. One third of them will also give one potency, so the potency runes will have the same chance as before. It's just that all runes also give the other two types as well. So compared to the old way (current live) we will be getting the same number of potency runes, but 3 times as many aspect and essence runes.

    We can look at it another way... Pretend you take the system we have now on live, where each node can spawn as one of the three types of runes. Now, say you do this:
    If it's an Aspect Node, it will always give you the aspect rune, plus a bonus essence rune.
    If it's an Essence Node, it will always give you the essence rune, plus a bonus aspect rune.
    If it's a Potency Node, it will always give you the potency rune, plus a bonus aspect AND essence rune.

    That's essentially the exact same thing as what we will have. Only difference is that you won't be able to tell from the color of the node what's in it. :)

    The point is, now that they are allowing potency runes to be harvestable again, they are the same as they were. We just get more aspect and essence runes than we did before.

    So yes, we get fewer potency than we get aspect and essence, but it's NOT because we are getting less potency, it's because we are getting MORE of the other two. Make sense?
    Cut the exp needed to progress enchanting by 75% on creation and 75% of breaking down glyphs.
    This. Well, I'd word it as "increase the inspiration gained by 3x or 4x for creating and extracting glyphs" but yeah, same idea.

    FYI. I have both PC and Xbox accounts thus my dig. I can see it just like anyone else on PTS.

    I'm expressing my displeasure

    When I'm on, I go to node and on Xbox one there are three types of noses. When I go to a potency node, there is an 100% chance to get a potency rune.

    You're applying the logic that I disagree with.

    You're saying there is a 1/3rd chance of a pot via new nodes.
    I'm saying this change is now a 0% chance of a pot node and a 1/3 RNG of maybe getting a pot rune per node but it's not a 1/3 change overall of getting a pot rune.

    Before the change RNG was 100% among the pool of pot runes based on enchanting passive level in scaled zones and specific pot tier in other normal, silver, gold and Craglorn.

    You're saying the new node has a 1/3 chance of giving a pot rune with another the two others needed.
    I'm saying its 1/3rd of a chance to have a 1/3 chance of getting a pot rune at all. If you're looking for pot runes, you don't gather other runes unless you just want to. Your chances for a pot rune today are 100% tho, it just may not be the one you want but it's OK cause what I don't want, another player may so I can sale or trade. Now its find it or buy from NPC. That destroys the entire market.

    You're saying today there are three types of nodes on live and one with this change
    I agree with this but by this change the existing three node types will provide 3 times as many aspect and essence runes but 1/3 of 1/3 of pot runes.

    thats not the same at all. It's far less but just better than none.

    For anyone leveling enchanting we all know the way to level up is gather runes (3) and the first time, make those with "?" On them. From there find at least one with a "?"
    Then trade those to another player so you can DE each other's glyphs to level up.
    Other than that, you can farm mobs until you get glyphs

    Results of the changes drastically impacts what:
    -creating glyphs (it now costs to make them)
    -obtaining pot runes either by de or gathering is already low but now lower this getting ppl to buy

    The chance to obtain pot runes if you're going to do this should be as follows @ZOS_GinaBruno
    All new nodes in DB update will always give:
    -two runes 100% of the time at the enchanting passive or character level (if in scaled) or NPC level otherwise if not in scaled zone
    -pot rune has a 75% chance (not 1/3 of 1/3) and no doubles of any other runes.
    -(if not the above) then the exp to create and de any glyph whether it's it's or another player need to be raised by 100%

    So here.
    If we are all grabbing these new nodes, each of us has a 1/3 of a 1/3 chance for reach node but it's RNG too so it's possible that some will almost never get a pot rune this spending more time gathering. If there are more ppl gathering cause they can't find it, everyone's chances continue to get smaller and smaller.

    This is worse.
    Just make the pot free for trade of 2 of the other runes or something.
    Edited by NewBlacksmurf on April 29, 2016 3:23AM
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • BlueViolet
    I don't have a buddy to help me get to Master, and nowhere near enough gold to buy crafted glyphs off the Traders. I bought one off an enchanter as a decon test last night and it gave such a miniscule amount of insp it was laughable.

    The glyphs sold in stores wont give you anything worthwhile at all.
    I spent 18k of my last 20k last night to level up my enchanting to 50 before this unpleasant change goes through. I say unpleasant, because collecting runes wont be the same any longer :(

    If you PM me a character name or some kind of in-game mail info, I'll send you a bunch of high level runes to decon next time I log in :)
    EU / NA / PC
  • MissBizz
    BlueViolet wrote: »
    I don't have a buddy to help me get to Master, and nowhere near enough gold to buy crafted glyphs off the Traders. I bought one off an enchanter as a decon test last night and it gave such a miniscule amount of insp it was laughable.

    The glyphs sold in stores wont give you anything worthwhile at all.
    I spent 18k of my last 20k last night to level up my enchanting to 50 before this unpleasant change goes through. I say unpleasant, because collecting runes wont be the same any longer :(

    If you PM me a character name or some kind of in-game mail info, I'll send you a bunch of high level runes to decon next time I log in :)

    You can also level up 2 characters at the same time. Looted glyphs give the most IP (when comparing white glyphs). Glyphs made by another player OR just a different character, give the same amount of IP. Unless of course they changed this (again), although I participated in a test of this I believe after IC released.
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • Epona222
    MissBizz wrote: »
    BlueViolet wrote: »
    I don't have a buddy to help me get to Master, and nowhere near enough gold to buy crafted glyphs off the Traders. I bought one off an enchanter as a decon test last night and it gave such a miniscule amount of insp it was laughable.

    The glyphs sold in stores wont give you anything worthwhile at all.
    I spent 18k of my last 20k last night to level up my enchanting to 50 before this unpleasant change goes through. I say unpleasant, because collecting runes wont be the same any longer :(

    If you PM me a character name or some kind of in-game mail info, I'll send you a bunch of high level runes to decon next time I log in :)

    You can also level up 2 characters at the same time. Looted glyphs give the most IP (when comparing white glyphs). Glyphs made by another player OR just a different character, give the same amount of IP. Unless of course they changed this (again), although I participated in a test of this I believe after IC released.

    Agree with that, I leveled up the 8 characters on my account in pairs (because I wanted all of them to be able to harvest the highest level potency runes in scaled zones :# )- one making glyphs and another deconning, then the 2nd character making glyphs and passing them back to the first to decon. I got most of my characters to 50 in enchanting that way, I used green glyphs up to level 30, blue to level 45, and purple to level 50.
    GM - Ghost Sea Trading Co - NA PC

    Epona was a Romano-Celtic goddess dating back to around 1800 to 2000 years before computer games were invented.
  • BlueViolet
    MissBizz wrote: »
    You can also level up 2 characters at the same time. Looted glyphs give the most IP (when comparing white glyphs). Glyphs made by another player OR just a different character, give the same amount of IP. Unless of course they changed this (again), although I participated in a test of this I believe after IC released.

    I didn't know that about two characters ! I always read that glyphs needed to be made by another player to give maximum inspiration, with looted or dropped glyphs giving the next best.

    Thanks for pointing that out !
    EU / NA / PC
  • jmgrant44ub17_ESO
    This thread is to long to read every post but one of the common themes I see is “why are you doing this”. I am not a life long MMO player but I have been in sale for many years and I can see what is happening here.

    Yes you will be able to buy the runes from the in game vendors ( by the way this is not very Elder Scrolls like) but how long before they will be in the crown store? If it's not obvious by now ZOS is continuing to build the pay wall brick by brick. The number one issue for new players is not having enough gold. Think about when you first started with no gold and no guild to help you out. The new players will spend the money (crowns) to feel more apart of the community rather than slowly working and grinding to get enough gold to buy what you need.

    Look at what they did to the mount system and that is the prototype for everything going forward. Since they started offering mounts in the crown store they have not added any new mounts to the base game. New runes will come out and they will cost a ton of in game gold or (wait for it...) you can buy five mimic rune for only 500 crowns.

    So this is probably less of developers decision and more of the suits going “make us more money”. Remember a source of in game gold for you can be a source of real money for ZOS.
    Edited by jmgrant44ub17_ESO on April 29, 2016 4:24PM
  • Elsonso

    I think the point that is being made here is that, today, on Live, any resource node for runes can have one of three spawns, Aspect, Essence, or Potency. That means that on any random encounter with a rune node, there is a 1 in 3 chance that it will be a Potency node. Yes, there is a 100% chance of getting a Potency rune from a Potency rune node, but there is only a 33% chance that you will come across a Potency rune node. That is assuming that the three types of nodes have equal probability, which is not proven.

    I am currently assuming that, on PTS, there are the same number of rune nodes in the world, and that they will spawn in the same numbers as rune nodes today on Live. I have no information to suggest otherwise, and ZOS is not telling us if they changed this. Heck, they probably wouldn't know if they changed this, given the number of unintentional changes they have.

    On PTS there is only one type of rune resource node, and we will see it 100% of the time. Today, this means the node will give 1 Aspect, 1 Essence, and a chance for a second Aspect rune. I do not know what the chance is for the second Aspect rune. What they are proposing is that, instead of the chance for a second Aspect rune, there will be a 1/3rd chance for a Potency rune.

    "As a result, we’re planning on trying a modification to the existing runestone harvest loot table so it will always provide an essence and aspect as it does now, but it will also provide a 1/3rd chance at a potency instead of a chance of a bonus aspect runestone ."

    So, on Live, as you harvest runes, any given random rune resource node will give you a 1/3rd chance at one of Aspect, Essence, or Potency. You will still only see the nodes in those probabilities. Again, I assume equal probabilities.

    Currently, on PTS, as you harvest runes, any given rune resource node will give you 1 Aspect and 1 Essence.

    Proposed on PTS, as you harvest runes, any given rune resource node will give you 1 Aspect, 1 Essence, and 1/3rd chance for Potency.

    Again, we are assuming the same number of rune resource nodes spawning over the same amount of time as Live in the same locations.

    The net is, assuming that the placement and spawn rate of the nodes are the same, that farming every rune node you come across will result in the same number of Potency runes, compared to Live.

    Also note that this assumes that you are the FIRST player to come across these nodes. Due to cherry picking, I expect to see a lot of nodes with Ta and a random Essence rune, and a few nodes with just Essence runes in them, because people are farming the better Aspect and Potency runes. This game does have a problem with cherry picking resource nodes, and they seem disinterested in making changes to address that problem.

    As I see it, the main changes to note are this:

    1. The drop rate for Aspect and Essence will increase, if the placement and spawn frequency remain the same
    2. When approaching a node, you do not know whether the node will have a Potency rune in it, as you do today. Potency runes are still dependent on RNG, but the outcome of the RNG is not known in advance
    3. The proposed change does slightly nerf the Aspect drop rate due to not getting a chance at a second Aspect rune.

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • TerraDewBerry
    Although the discussion about the upcoming enchanting changes have been at times heated, I think they have been overall productive because out of the discussion has come some very good ideas (I'm looking at you "combine Tas to make higher level runes"), of what might make enchanting more appealing for more people to level.

    I've been trying to think about what would have made enchanting a little more bearable to level as well, and I can't remember if anyone else has mentioned this idea, but if they have, I'll mention it again... it occurred to me this morning that enchanting needs a white intricate glyph as a random reward for enchanting writs. I realize the green glyph that you get for writs is supposed to do that, but I really think the XP you get from it is just not significant enough, and an intricate glyph is needed to really occasionally give the leveling process a real boost.
  • Divinius
    3. The proposed change does slightly nerf the Aspect drop rate due to not getting a chance at a second Aspect rune.
    Just to clarify, it slightly nerfs the Aspect drop rate from what's currently on the PTS. It's still 3x better than what's currently on the live servers.

    And yes, assuming they haven't changed the number or frequency of node spawns (which from what I can tell, they haven't) then the drop rates for potency runes will be exactly the same as they are currently on live. The only difference is that you now can't tell based on color what the runes will be.

    As potency runes go, it's equivalent to them taking what's currently on live, and not changing anything other then just making all rune nodes the same color, regardless of what's actually in them, instead of announcing with a color what's in them.

    Except, it's even better than that, because they are adding extra runes to all the nodes.
  • Elsonso
    Divinius wrote: »
    3. The proposed change does slightly nerf the Aspect drop rate due to not getting a chance at a second Aspect rune.
    Just to clarify, it slightly nerfs the Aspect drop rate from what's currently on the PTS. It's still 3x better than what's currently on the live servers.

    Yes, thanks for the clarification. That is the meaning I intended.
    Divinius wrote: »
    And yes, assuming they haven't changed the number or frequency of node spawns (which from what I can tell, they haven't) then the drop rates for potency runes will be exactly the same as they are currently on live. The only difference is that you now can't tell based on color what the runes will be.

    As potency runes go, it's equivalent to them taking what's currently on live, and not changing anything other then just making all rune nodes the same color, regardless of what's actually in them, instead of announcing with a color what's in them.

    Except, it's even better than that, because they are adding extra runes to all the nodes.

    The extra Aspect and Essence runes make me think that they may have reduced the number of nodes, or the spawn rate, but have not told us. They generally do not tell us when they change these things, if they change these things.
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • bunnytrix
    If they had no plans to put them on the crown store then the response from Gina would have included " we have no plans to sell potency runes on the crown store."

    ZOS can we get a confirmation that you do or do not intend to sell these runes on the crown store? Bit of open honest communication here ?
    That would serve to allay most of our fears.
    If the problem is that people have a hard time finding potency runes of the right level, how about if they are made additive?

    So LvL10jora.PNG + LvL 20Jera.PNG = LvL 30odra.PNG

    Suddenly it's a lot easier to get what you need. IF that's actually the problem ZoS is trying to solve.

    Suddenly high level chars are scavenging runes from low level areas and that has to be totally beneficial for low level folks wanting resources... totally.
    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • NewBlacksmurf

    I think the point that is being made here is that, today, on Live, any resource node for runes can have one of three spawns, Aspect, Essence, or Potency. That means that on any random encounter with a rune node, there is a 1 in 3 chance that it will be a Potency node. Yes, there is a 100% chance of getting a Potency rune from a Potency rune node, but there is only a 33% chance that you will come across a Potency rune node. That is assuming that the three types of nodes have equal probability, which is not proven.

    I am currently assuming that, on PTS, there are the same number of rune nodes in the world, and that they will spawn in the same numbers as rune nodes today on Live. I have no information to suggest otherwise, and ZOS is not telling us if they changed this. Heck, they probably wouldn't know if they changed this, given the number of unintentional changes they have.

    On PTS there is only one type of rune resource node, and we will see it 100% of the time. Today, this means the node will give 1 Aspect, 1 Essence, and a chance for a second Aspect rune. I do not know what the chance is for the second Aspect rune. What they are proposing is that, instead of the chance for a second Aspect rune, there will be a 1/3rd chance for a Potency rune.

    "As a result, we’re planning on trying a modification to the existing runestone harvest loot table so it will always provide an essence and aspect as it does now, but it will also provide a 1/3rd chance at a potency instead of a chance of a bonus aspect runestone ."

    So, on Live, as you harvest runes, any given random rune resource node will give you a 1/3rd chance at one of Aspect, Essence, or Potency. You will still only see the nodes in those probabilities. Again, I assume equal probabilities.

    Currently, on PTS, as you harvest runes, any given rune resource node will give you 1 Aspect and 1 Essence.

    Proposed on PTS, as you harvest runes, any given rune resource node will give you 1 Aspect, 1 Essence, and 1/3rd chance for Potency.

    Again, we are assuming the same number of rune resource nodes spawning over the same amount of time as Live in the same locations.

    The net is, assuming that the placement and spawn rate of the nodes are the same, that farming every rune node you come across will result in the same number of Potency runes, compared to Live.

    Also note that this assumes that you are the FIRST player to come across these nodes. Due to cherry picking, I expect to see a lot of nodes with Ta and a random Essence rune, and a few nodes with just Essence runes in them, because people are farming the better Aspect and Potency runes. This game does have a problem with cherry picking resource nodes, and they seem disinterested in making changes to address that problem.

    As I see it, the main changes to note are this:

    1. The drop rate for Aspect and Essence will increase, if the placement and spawn frequency remain the same
    2. When approaching a node, you do not know whether the node will have a Potency rune in it, as you do today. Potency runes are still dependent on RNG, but the outcome of the RNG is not known in advance
    3. The proposed change does slightly nerf the Aspect drop rate due to not getting a chance at a second Aspect rune.

    OK...lets say there are the same number of nodes as there is no evidence otherwise.
    -On live today....lets use one zone has 100 nodes.

    -ZOS is saying those 100 nodes have a chance to create a essence, aspect or potency node. - True
    -While playing, and gathering runes, if I need a potency rune or any of the three, I see on my screen "X" rune node and I go to it and gather the rune with an 100% chance to obtain a rune of that type. RNG also plays in so that I have a chance of a higher rune either by my passive skills or the zone. I assume nothing changes there on that last part.

    -It matters not if out of 100 nodes only 10 or even 50 are one of three rune type because its random. Out of 100 nodes, the exact chance that any of those being 1 of three rune types is not exactly 1/3rd. Its random but the random node is 100% either potency rune, aspect or essence when harvested but you need all three for a glyph.

    1. The drop rate for aspect and essence will neither increase or decrease because today live randomly create one of those two notes as well as a third. The change is it takes less time to gather two of the three so the amount of time to harvest is decreased for those two only by a % relative to the availability generated by RNG.
    2. While the amount of time was decreased initially, now the change requires that we harvest all nodes instead of just the ones we want because we don't know the probability of obtaining a potency rune and the table is large so we should harvest all nodes instead of just certain nodes. This works against the decrease because you have to harvest all nodes instead of just the ones you want so gathering is a wash as far as time spent or time is increased exponentially if you're hunting for potency runes due to these changes.

    *The time it will take to level up is exponentially increased with time gathering, cost in gold and all this with no benefit to skill line exp rate changes.
    3. The reduction of the probability of a 2nd aspect is of no value because you have to have all three to create one glyph.

    In short, this change as is with adjustments....and what I'm giving feedback on is specifically this:

    -The probability of harvesting a potency rune now is not 1/3rd of what exists on live. You have a 1/3rd chance of finding a node that will possibly produce a potency node but the large table of potency runes in this RNG produces less of a desired result because you have removed the chances of solely gathering the potency node and reduced the changes of gathering a pot rune even with the changes because its up against another aspect rune chance.
    -The time reduction is non-existent because you either have to gather more nodes exponentially go achieve the same rate prior to changes OR you have to spend a lot more time doing things to farm a lot of gold.[/b]

    How to get back to normal and use the change.
    -All nodes should produce a min of all three runes 100% of the time.
    -Of those harvested, there should be a 33% chance that you receive a potency, aspect, and essence at the top of (either your character level and passive if in a scaled zone, AND/OR done by zone NPC levels)
    -If not any of the two above...then lessen the cost of pot runes from NPCs and increase the exp gain of the skill line for crafting and DE the glyphs due to the lessened chance of obtaining all three and increased cost relative to either time or gold.

    This takes us to a better place ...not what we have on PTS>

    (this may be off cause I believe more runes were added)
    Essence runes - 19
    Aspect Runes - 5
    Potency Runes - 28 or *30 (14 additive and 14 subtractive) maybe 15/15

    Potency runes Level ranges:
    -Level 1—10 (1 add / 1 sub for each level range)
    -Level 5—15
    -Level 10—20
    -Level 15—25
    -Level 20—30
    -Level 25—35
    -Level 30—40
    -Level 35—45
    -Level 40—50
    -Level VR1—VR3
    -Level VR3—VR5
    -Level VR5—VR7
    -Level VR7—VR9
    -Level VR10—VR14
    -Level VR15—VR16

    ESO Levels by zone:
    Aldmeri Dominion:

    Khenarthi’s Roost – level 1-5
    Auridon – 1-15
    Grahtwood – 16-23
    Greenshade – 25-30
    Malabal Tor – 31-37
    Reaper’s March – 38-43


    Stros M’Kai – 1-4
    Betnikh – 4-5
    Glenumbra – 3-15
    Stormhaven – 16-23
    Rivenspire – 25-30
    Alik’r Desert – 31-37
    Bangkorai – 37-43


    Bleakrock Isle – 1-3
    Bal Foyen – 3-6
    Stonefalls – 1-15
    Deshaan – 16-24
    Shadowfen – 25-30
    Eastmarch – 35-40
    The Rift – 41-48

    *factor in VR but its been removed so I won't....using same logic tho as nodes are progressive by zone.
    Edited by NewBlacksmurf on April 29, 2016 2:05PM
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • Altairien
    @ZOS_GinaBruno I'd like confirmation of the "1/3rd chance" to ensure it means what it appears to mean:
    As a result, we’re planning on trying a modification to the existing runestone harvest loot table so it will always provide an essence and aspect as it does now, but it will also provide a 1/3rd chance at a potency instead of a chance of a bonus aspect runestone.
    This could be interpreted as:
    • Essence + Aspect + Potency@33% chance (chance of additional Aspect is removed entirely from loot table), or
    • Essence + Aspect + bonus rune@unknown% chance. If granted, bonus rune would be Aspect@67% or Potency@33%.
    Also please confirm that Plentiful Harvest(CP) will give us 2 separate chances at that bonus rune instead of a second chance only if a bonus rune is initially granted.
    Edited by Altairien on April 29, 2016 2:34PM
  • Twilix01
    bunnytrix wrote: »
    If they had no plans to put them on the crown store then the response from Gina would have included " we have no plans to sell potency runes on the crown store."

    ZOS can we get a confirmation that you do or do not intend to sell these runes on the crown store? Bit of open honest communication here ?
    That would serve to allay most of our fears.

    I don't think they will. I mean, look at V16 gear requirements, taking an absurd and arbitrary number of materials for one piece, yet ZOS hasn't made any move to put them in the crown store, not even datamining has shown any hint of this.
  • Nestor
    Last night I was looking at my inventory on my Enchanter. I have Essences coming out of my ears. No one buys them when I list them for cheap prices on the guild stores. I am not sure that having both an Essence and an Aspect drop in one Node is going to be of benefit to me. Currently, I ignore Essence Nodes in the wild, I just don't need any. I will just end up filling up my crafting bags with Essences I don't need, and no one will buy.

    So, now I say, just leave the Harvest part of the Enchanting Craft alone. 3 Types of Nodes, and a random chance for one of the types to spawn, just like they have it now on Live. Then I can choose to Farm what I want. Go ahead and add the Potencies to the game Merchants, as those were always the ones that were harder to get
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Elsonso
    Nestor wrote: »
    Last night I was looking at my inventory on my Enchanter. I have Essences coming out of my ears. No one buys them when I list them for cheap prices on the guild stores. I am not sure that having both an Essence and an Aspect drop in one Node is going to be of benefit to me. Currently, I ignore Essence Nodes in the wild, I just don't need any. I will just end up filling up my crafting bags with Essences I don't need, and no one will buy.

    So, now I say, just leave the Harvest part of the Enchanting Craft alone. 3 Types of Nodes, and a random chance for one of the types to spawn, just like they have it now on Live. Then I can choose to Farm what I want. Go ahead and add the Potencies to the game Merchants, as those were always the ones that were harder to get

    Honestly, from whet I see and hear, the enchanting farming is pretty good and does not need to be changed. I wish they would just add the potency to the merchants and leave the rest of the system alone.
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
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