Maintenance for the week of September 16:
• [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 16, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) – 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Can anyone from ZOS confirm why crafting node scaling was introduced?

  • TerraDewBerry
    DaveMoeDee wrote: »
    My question is why even introduce a battle leveled zone to begin with.

    Because people shouldn't have to level to v16 to play DLC.

    Exactly! My main character is only level 41, and if I had to level to v16 to play DLC, I simply would not buy that DLC until I hit v16, and would probably be pretty unhappy about having to wait to play that content as well.

    I think it's perfect the way it is. I'm almost always a solo player, and I love the scaling content that I can do as I please, when I want to do it!
  • Rune_Relic

    Could we have a preference switch instead in the settings ?
    Thanks :)

    Anything that can be exploited will be exploited
  • helediron
    But answer me this, honestly please. Why did you level so many toons to be crafters? What is the point? And you can not include "to farm mats" because I'm rather certain that it was done, on the majority of occasions, prior to the change.
    On first account i originally widened crafting to multiple characters to be able to craft all professions. That was early game, and there was a real shortage of crafters. It speeded up trait learning, and six learns them way much faster than one. Nirn fever required multiple crafters, even mule crafters to pass on quickly the newest traits. This was all pre-IC, even pre-Craglorn. Later i have consolidated the crafts to two main crafters. But on trials my every toon can still quick-craft whatever guild may require.

    The last set of crafters i made after Orsinium, that is, after scaling was introduced. I had the account before as mules. I made them for multiple reasons, and they are on same platform, hirelings, writs, two-tiered writs, storage, for tasks offloaded from main player characters, new class-race combinations, alts to other alliances, making them look good (first account all males, second all females), and my main account was already maxed on pretty everything. They retained WB dailies, but lately they have started to do them. I also like questing, and it was awhile since i did them at low levels. Uh, they DO farming too, and they don't require your permission for it.

    I know we have different play styles, mine could be called power-playing. I can see easily your reasoning. I just keep it as a small thing. Have you now considered Michael Schroeder's proposal? It is quite close to what has gathered support on this and older threads.

    On hiatus. PC,EU,AD - crafting completionist - @helediron 900+ cp, @helestor 1000+ cp, @helestar 800+ cp, @helester 700+ cp - Dragonborn Z Suomikilta, Harrods, Master Crafter. - Blog - Crafthouse: all stations, all munduses, all dummies, open to everyone
  • NeillMcAttack
    My thoughts on the official statement are..... mixed. And I feel I fully understand the system proposed.

    It would, of course, be a very welcome change. I wouldn't feel playing my alts to be as great a hindrance to my overall progression as I do now in these zones.

    I also feel, as someone previously mentioned, it does add more value to crafting, but without it being such that it becomes almost a necessity to have it on every alt and every player in order to enjoy the scaled zones the same way one enjoyed the normal zones. Which is how I honestly felt it was going.

    A player, crafter or not, must have reasonable access to mats of his or her level in zones of the new fresh content. And I'm glad that the Devs see it as such.

    But it's very hard to give any serious praise for the proposed change right now, as it does nothing for me and the payed DLC I have sitting untouched on my console. Because realistically speaking, it wasn't exactly an oversight, well, maybe it was prior to the Orsinium PTS, but that is over FOUR months ago. And by the time we see it addressed we will have the removal of VR's and who knows what possible level of oversight we may have to deal with, and the subsequent wait for a fix......

    Anyway, you may not think it, but i am INCREDIBLY grateful for the response. It does put my mind somewhat at ease.
    Edited by NeillMcAttack on March 24, 2016 11:55PM
    PC EU - NoCP PvP, is real PvP
    Tiidehunter Nord StamDK EP PvP Main
    Legion Commander Tresdin Stamplar DC PvE Main
    Sephirith Altmer MagPlar EP Gondar the Bounty Hunter Khajiit StamBlade DC
    The Dirge Redguard StamNecro EP Disruptor Stormcrafter Nord StamSorc AD
    Lone Druid Bosmer Stam Warden EP Necro-Phos Argonian MagBlade AD
    @ McAttack in game
    Played since beta, and then on console at release, until the game became unplayable on console.
  • Dagonthir
    MSchroeder wrote: »
    We introduced scaled crafting resource nodes with the intent of making sure anyone could find useful crafting materials when they went to a scaled zone, such as Orsinium or Hew’s Bane.
    Let us know what you think of this proposed change! We’re hoping to use the PTS of a major Update to test this, too, so you’ll have a chance to sound off then as well.

    Thank you so much for the response! I am very grateful!

    I think that that system would absolutely be an improvement over what it currently is. I'd appreciate getting useful nodes at least some of the time. This is a big deal to me since I have crafting spread out over 3 characters that I like to rotate between.

    I'd still prefer if it just scaled to whichever of the two types was higher - ie. character level or crafting passive. I don't really see how that would cause a problem for new players. They have 14 levels before they out-level the first tier of materials, so that's plenty of time to level their crafting to the second tier just by deconning gear they find. Then once they reach level 15, they can just put one point into the craft and do that tier. Or if they want to plan ahead, then they can level their crafting up prior to level 15 and put the point in then, and begin getting materials for their upcoming levels. Or if a high level character with low crafting passives went there, then they could get material that they could give to someone else to craft gear for them with. I would assume that if they're high level with low passives, then they probably don't want to craft on that character anyways (maybe they craft on a different character) so having mats they can craft with isn't important. So I think doing it that way would meet the intent of the mechanic to make sure anyone could find useful crafting materials when they went to a scaled zone. And by scaling it to whichever is higher, it allows people that have low level master crafters to farm nodes that are consistently the max level, which is what I think they'd want. Plus I think this would be easier to understand than having two different types of scaling nodes.

    If you do decide to implement such a change, then I might suggest holding it off on going live until the Dark Brotherhood expansion comes out in order to spread out competition for nodes over a larger area. I'd be willing to wait until then if it makes transitioning easier.
  • KanedaSyndrome
    MSchroeder wrote: »

    Other suggestions :smile:

    Perhaps consider making nodes random, with percentages based upon craft skill level / skillpoints spent in the craft's "level skill".

    Feels weird that crafting mats are the same all over the zone. Artificial.

    KanedaSyndrome's Suggestions For Game Improvements
    The Fortuitous Collapse of the Wave Equation
    The Best Plans Require No Action
  • IcyDeadPeople
    Crafting node scaling is a great new feature, as this is the only way players without the DLC can get V16 mats for free.

    Only problem is the rubedo hide is still not dropping at all, but all the other V16 mats are easily available in Cyrodiil for anyone, based on the level of materials you can use.
    Edited by IcyDeadPeople on March 25, 2016 1:11AM
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Everyone keeps focusing on the new player. This messes over crafters who actually put points into their crafting. Now why would anyone buy top tier mats when they can with no effort other than leveling up get the mats? Can I have a refund on the points I spent then? Since I followed the rules and now you are changing them because people are too lazy to spend 10 points and a few days leveling the craft.

    Those people currently pay people like me who decided to make the effort. Now I might as well get all those points back I spent on my characters other than the crafting alts. This is ridiculous the people who run this game would cave to such a request.
  • Dagonthir
    That's because the new player is the one who the change was really originally meant to accommodate. It wasn't really meant to allow the more "hardcore" crafters to get materials no one else could get. That was just a side effect that benefited those players. But people like me who did crafting with multiple characters ended up being in a situation where we got some high level nodes and some low level nodes in the new zones, and that was not the intent. We just want to harvest nodes while we're out questing. For us, the rules changed with the scaling because suddenly we could no longer harvest on-level nodes in each of the crafting skills anymore. Having the rules change on you isn't very fun.

    Those of us who don't like the current system aren't too lazy to put the effort in. Everyone single one of us has worked on crafting and maxed out our crafting skills. We just don't want to have to do it for every character we want to play in the new zones. And we never needed to before the scaling came out, which is why it felt like having the carpet pulled out from under us. We built our characters around the previous rules, and that's fair.

    ESO is not a typical MMORPG. It is an online Elder Scrolls game. And they've made a good point about letting players play the way they want, which is why they allowed everyone to harvest all nodes without needing tools in the first place. It's because that design is consistent with Elder Scrolls, even though it is not consistent with other MMORPGs. To me, the way ESO breaks away from the traditional MMORPG rules is what makes it the best MMORPG out there.
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    All I keep hearing is I want to do something I havent earned the right to do. Ive already stated my opposition to it. All this does is screw over crafters for people who want everything handed to them.

    If they do make this change I expect a free respec on all my characters except the crafters with stuff researched. I spent the time and points to max out my crafting so I didnt have to switch characters when harvesting. Ive done it on 4 characters now. I better get a respec for free if those points are now foolishly spent because people dont want to invest time in a MMO anymore. Instant gratification is the norm I guess.
    Edited by jamesharv2005ub17_ESO on March 25, 2016 2:17AM
  • Dagonthir
    Well it wouldn't be a total waste - you can still get free mats from hirelings.
    Edited by Dagonthir on March 25, 2016 2:42AM
  • Elsonso
    MSchroeder wrote: »
    However, since then, we’ve been monitoring feedback on scaled resources, and we’re actually looking at changing them slightly in the future. Currently, scaled nodes are based solely on your crafting passives; in the future, we’re looking at changing them to be split between your crafting passives, or your character level.

    The advantage to zone-based resources in a game like this is that players can always go to a zone to get the resource from that zone. This currently allows the game to provide everything from iron to voidstone to any character that can get to the zone, no matter what they have in crafting passives. The top tier resources are only available for those people who are qualified to get it.

    No matter what scaling system is put into place, I am in favor of an overall system where all of the resources are available to a single character, if they know where to find them and can get to that location, no matter what they have in crafting passives. This includes the top tier resources.

    The reasons for this are simple. First, not everyone wants to run around and farm resources for clothing, blacksmithing, and woodworking. If they can buy them in the guild stores, they should be in the guild stores, and I want to be one of the people who puts that resource for sale. Being able to farm at all levels of a skill allows me to sell all levels of the resources for that skill. Right now, this is not a big issue, it could be if more tiers and passives are added, or if unscaled zones turn into scaled zones.

    Second, when I am leveling a crafter, I often start collecting materials for the next tier before I get to the tier so that I can move into it easier. I already have stock at hand. I could not collect rubedite before putting a point into the passive because there was no rubedite in the game to collect.

    This is to make the case for a third type of character, that which provides crafting resources to people who do not feel like farming them, and the ease at which they can get a wide variety of resources from different tiers in different skills. For these roles, character level and skill passives are irrelevant in terms of the resource nodes, once any zone access barriers are surmounted. In some manner, the resource at each tier should be available to any character that can get to the nodes providing them.
    MSchroeder wrote: »
    Let us know what you think of this proposed change! We’re hoping to use the PTS of a major Update to test this, too, so you’ll have a chance to sound off then as well.

    As for scaling, I actually just prefer the simple crafting passive method over a mix of this and character level. In an environment where there is a mix, I think the better split would be crafting passive and crafting level.

    The crafting passive relates to what the character can produce, and is a reasonable measure for scaling.

    The crafting level relates to what the character could produce. Since they are not actually doing crafting, it is completely reasonable to be able to collect raw resources at the crafting level, even if they cannot actually use it. This still allows up and coming crafters who have not put that point into the skill line to be able to get the next level of resource. I should note that crafting level does not always match up with character level, at least not in my experience, and I frequently achieved a crafting level before I was able to get a skill point to use in that skill.

    While I understand that the character level method will provide resources for people who do not have any interest in crafting, at the gear level that they need, I really have to say that this is why the resources need to be available to all characters, somewhere in the game. This is not the case today, which is why this problem is coming up. People cannot get top tier resources who need them and do not have crafting skills. This is absolutely not a problem with the lower tier resources, and it should not be a problem with the top tier, either.

    Since it might be harder to find a place in the game that is not a scaled zone where people can always go to get top tier resources, I suggest having three levels of resource nodes in scaled zones.

    1. crafting passive
    2. crafting level
    3. character level
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • mistermutiny89
    When this was introduced I put the work in and got all eight characters up to max for equipment and enchanting. I haven't leveled all alchemy on my characters but I'm using the current system to my advantage to collect water that would have been much harder to farm without the current system in place.

    Keep it how it is. That's my vote.

    If you don't have the points in the crafting line to use top tier stuff you shouldn't be farming it until such time as you do.
    Edited by mistermutiny89 on March 25, 2016 3:36AM
    Guild Leader : Defenders Of Miley
    XB1 EU
    EP | VR16 Breton NB -mistermutiny
    AD | VR16 Dunmer DK - Grigori
    AD | VR16 Altmer Sorcerer - Isvoleet
    AD | VR16 Imperial DK - Leonidas
    AD | VR16 Bosmer NB - Hood
    AD | VR16 Breton Templar - Dante
    AD | VR16 Redguard Sorcerer - Raiden
    AD | VR7 Khajiit Templar - Ike'ilyew
    DC | 160 Breton NB - Vergil

    "Hmmm... Very convincing.. Does the illusion apply to.. Everywhere? Perhaps this one should have a moment alone in private to double check" - Razum'Dar
  • acw37162
    MSchroeder wrote: »
    We introduced scaled crafting resource nodes with the intent of making sure anyone could find useful crafting materials when they went to a scaled zone, such as Orsinium or Hew’s Bane.

    However, since then, we’ve been monitoring feedback on scaled resources, and we’re actually looking at changing them slightly in the future. Currently, scaled nodes are based solely on your crafting passives; in the future, we’re looking at changing them to be split between your crafting passives, or your character level. We’re hoping that this helps both those characters who are leveling up naturally, and high-level characters who never craft, while still making sure that everyone can find the materials they need for both “the best you can craft” and “the best you can wear”. This seems a good opportunity to open up discussion of this potential change, and see what you all think of it.

    Please remember that this is only something we’re considering right now; this is not a set-in-stone plan.

    To provide an example of how this would work, let me introduce four characters.
    Alice has never crafted a day in her life, but has reached VR 16.
    Bob is a crafting alt – he’s got Metalworking maxed out, but isn’t even high-enough level to weapon swap.
    Charlie is hardcore. Not only is he VR 16, but he’s also got all of his crafting passives purchased.
    Deborah is still leveling up, both in combat and in crafting. She’s just unlocked Rank 6 of Metalworking (meaning that she can now craft Calcinium equipment), but hasn’t quite made it to VR 1 yet (so she’s only able to wear gear made from Ebony).

    The four adventurers crest a hill, and see two ore nodes. The one on the left is based on crafting passives, while the one on the right is based on character level.
    Alice sees an Iron node on the left, and a Rubedite node on the right.
    Bob sees a Rubedite node on the left, and an Iron node on the right.
    Charlie sees both nodes as Rubedite.
    Deborah sees a Calcinium node on the left, and an Ebony node on the right. If she were to get to VR 1 and return (and her friends hadn’t mined those resource nodes), she’d see two Calcinium nodes instead.

    Once the nodes have been mined, when they respawn, they’ll randomly be selected to either base themselves off of crafting passives, or off of character level.

    Let us know what you think of this proposed change! We’re hoping to use the PTS of a major Update to test this, too, so you’ll have a chance to sound off then as well.

    Don't just like it love it.

    Bringing up an Alt that I have no intention of spending a single point into crafting it's a pain the arse to put together material to craft new gear as she levels.

    This would help tremendously.

    It would also be nice if you could toggle it or choose if you want zones to spawn material at your crafting level or your cabachter level in your AI.
  • starkerealm
    Everyone keeps focusing on the new player. This messes over crafters who actually put points into their crafting. Now why would anyone buy top tier mats when they can with no effort other than leveling up get the mats? Can I have a refund on the points I spent then? Since I followed the rules and now you are changing them because people are too lazy to spend 10 points and a few days leveling the craft.

    Those people currently pay people like me who decided to make the effort. Now I might as well get all those points back I spent on my characters other than the crafting alts. This is ridiculous the people who run this game would cave to such a request.

    So, this would be a bad time to point out you can already get the tier 10 mats for free, without points spent, in Cyrodiil?
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Everyone keeps focusing on the new player. This messes over crafters who actually put points into their crafting. Now why would anyone buy top tier mats when they can with no effort other than leveling up get the mats? Can I have a refund on the points I spent then? Since I followed the rules and now you are changing them because people are too lazy to spend 10 points and a few days leveling the craft.

    Those people currently pay people like me who decided to make the effort. Now I might as well get all those points back I spent on my characters other than the crafting alts. This is ridiculous the people who run this game would cave to such a request.

    So, this would be a bad time to point out you can already get the tier 10 mats for free, without points spent, in Cyrodiil?

    Then why are people whining about wanting to farm mats in Orsinium and TG? Take a wild guess? They want to be able to farm mats not only with no effort whatsoever into crafting but in safety where they cant be killed. As it is now I wasted 10 points on 4 characters. I want that back if I no longer need to spend it.

    Just amazing people saying they cant be bothered to put any time or effort into the game but want to reap all the rewards just like people who do.
    Edited by jamesharv2005ub17_ESO on March 25, 2016 4:24AM
  • starkerealm
    Everyone keeps focusing on the new player. This messes over crafters who actually put points into their crafting. Now why would anyone buy top tier mats when they can with no effort other than leveling up get the mats? Can I have a refund on the points I spent then? Since I followed the rules and now you are changing them because people are too lazy to spend 10 points and a few days leveling the craft.

    Those people currently pay people like me who decided to make the effort. Now I might as well get all those points back I spent on my characters other than the crafting alts. This is ridiculous the people who run this game would cave to such a request.

    So, this would be a bad time to point out you can already get the tier 10 mats for free, without points spent, in Cyrodiil?

    Then why are people whining about wanting to farm mats in Orsinium and TG? Take a wild guess? They want to be able to farm mats not only with no effort whatsoever into crafting but in safety where they cant be killed.

    Oh, I know. Just sayin. Also, Azura's Star is awfully empty these days...
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Dagonthir wrote: »
    Well it wouldn't be a total waste - you can still get free mats from hirelings.

    You know you have to actually put points in to get hirelings on top of your points in the skill itself right? Makes me think if you dont know this basic fact you are just someone who has no crafters and wants mats to farm for no effort. I certainly hope the developers think about the kind of person pushing for this change and what their motives are.
  • staracino_ESO
    Crafting node scaling is a great new feature, as this is the only way players without the DLC can get V16 mats for free.

    Only problem is the rubedo hide is still not dropping at all, but all the other V16 mats are easily available in Cyrodiil for anyone, based on the level of materials you can use.

    You can get rubedo hide 20 at a time from Heavy sacks in cyrodiil. Check inside some of the delves to find them. They respawn fairly quick as well.
  • Sharee
    Nestor wrote: »
    I still think it would be better to just have them scale to Crafting Level or Character Level, which ever is higher. This way the new zones work just like every other zone in the game, we find the mats that our characters can use, and the crafters who farm can go out and farm the mats they are skilled to use.

    I agree with this. The only character that would not benefit from this setting of the four mentioned is the one who is actively leveling, but his crafting skill have overcome his player level(material-wise) - Deborah.

    If Deborah(who now find calcinium thanks to her crafting skill) finds herself in need of lower-level materials for actual crafting of own armor(needs ebony), she can hop over to the non-leveled zone for a short while to gather the lower-level mats - it's just a minor inconvenience as the mats needed to craft before rubedite can be gathered very fast - unlike a v16 finding half of their nodes as iron no matter where they go, which is a major inconvenience.

    (Just for the record, i have a v16 main with all crafts maxed so i can actually benefit from the current system because i have less competition, but everytime i play an alt i feel like i am wasting huge amount of resources - see that iron node, V16-alt? That could have been rubedite if you only played the main!)
    Edited by Sharee on March 25, 2016 8:08AM
  • I_killed_Vivec
    Can I also have it so that my non-crafter alts get VR16 materials from hirelings?

    Why should it matter that I haven't put skill points into crafting, I'm employing hirelings - they should be able to get materials at any level. That's a much stronger argument than saying an unlevelled farmer should have access to top level materials.

    It just doesn't make sense for a VR16 alt to receive entry level materials from hirelings!

    And can I get VR16 runes only when I take my VR16 master crafter into Wrothgar? None of those silly VR15 runes, please - they are below my VR level, they are below the level of all of my gear, they are below my crafting level.

    I should only see VR16 runes!

    And I'd like to see a sprinkling of Hakeijo runes too please :)

  • Dubhliam
    Nestor wrote: »
    Try as I may, I just can't fathom a logical reason anyone would be opposed to this scaling. It makes absolute and perfect sense.

    I am not opposed to the scaling. I am opposed to the scaling being only to one factor. Scale the nodes to either Crafting Level or Character level, which ever is higher, in the Adventure zones.

    Take writ for example.
    MSchroeder wrote: »
    We introduced scaled crafting resource nodes with the intent of making sure anyone could find useful crafting materials when they went to a scaled zone, such as Orsinium or Hew’s Bane.

    However, since then, we’ve been monitoring feedback on scaled resources, and we’re actually looking at changing them slightly in the future. Currently, scaled nodes are based solely on your crafting passives; in the future, we’re looking at changing them to be split between your crafting passives, or your character level. We’re hoping that this helps both those characters who are leveling up naturally, and high-level characters who never craft, while still making sure that everyone can find the materials they need for both “the best you can craft” and “the best you can wear”. This seems a good opportunity to open up discussion of this potential change, and see what you all think of it.

    Please remember that this is only something we’re considering right now; this is not a set-in-stone plan.

    To provide an example of how this would work, let me introduce four characters.
    Alice has never crafted a day in her life, but has reached VR 16.
    Bob is a crafting alt – he’s got Metalworking maxed out, but isn’t even high-enough level to weapon swap.
    Charlie is hardcore. Not only is he VR 16, but he’s also got all of his crafting passives purchased.
    Deborah is still leveling up, both in combat and in crafting. She’s just unlocked Rank 6 of Metalworking (meaning that she can now craft Calcinium equipment), but hasn’t quite made it to VR 1 yet (so she’s only able to wear gear made from Ebony).

    The four adventurers crest a hill, and see two ore nodes. The one on the left is based on crafting passives, while the one on the right is based on character level.
    Alice sees an Iron node on the left, and a Rubedite node on the right.
    Bob sees a Rubedite node on the left, and an Iron node on the right.
    Charlie sees both nodes as Rubedite.
    Deborah sees a Calcinium node on the left, and an Ebony node on the right. If she were to get to VR 1 and return (and her friends hadn’t mined those resource nodes), she’d see two Calcinium nodes instead.

    Once the nodes have been mined, when they respawn, they’ll randomly be selected to either base themselves off of crafting passives, or off of character level.

    Let us know what you think of this proposed change! We’re hoping to use the PTS of a major Update to test this, too, so you’ll have a chance to sound off then as well.

    Initially, I had a knee jerk reaction to this. But, the more I think about it, the better it sounds... with one caveat... that, honestly, might be slightly off topic. The comparative difficulty of obtaining leather. It sounds like this system would make leather even more annoying to obtain for everyone who has a crafting level and character level mismatch.

    The other thought that occurs is actually splitting the node payouts when there's a crafting tier/level mismatch. So that instead of it being one or the other, it's rolling the dice to produce two unrefined mats that are leveled and one (or two) that's craft tier matched.

    The logic for ore would be fairly straightforward. I'm not so sure about cloth or wood nodes, though.

    I actually very much like ZOS's suggestion, even thought I liked it very much how it was until now.
    This change would not come before update 2,4, so with VRs removed, there would be much less "mismatches" you keep talking about.

    Current max crafters would not lose anything, as most are probably above level 50 when reaching max craft.
    High level non crafters would be given a 50% chance of obtaining highest resource as opposed to current 0%.
    Edited by Dubhliam on March 25, 2016 9:34AM
    >>>Detailed Justice System Concept thread<<<
  • Ch4mpTW
    I absolutely love the new changes to crafting nodes being scaled. It makes me feel that much better for choosing to become a max crafter on my characters, and feels rewarding to go to places that were added via DLC. I hope they continue this in future updates.
  • Myxril
    Instead of farming mats in the proper non-scaled areas, people are demanding the devs change the nodes in the two - count that, two - scaled areas?
    If you're out farming materials to level crafting, then nodes scaling to your crafting passive fits perfectly into the function of an entire area scaling you up to meet the level of its mobs.
    If you're out farming material to make gear for your level, then here's an idea... go to the zones that are /for your actual level/ and you'll find tons of nodes with materials for gear used by characters of your level.

    This is not brain science or rocket surgery. This is a magnificent waste of developer time. Rather than fixing bugs, glitches, client crashing, audio muting, lag and fps spikes, they're going to be spending time on THIS because people can't take it upon themselves to just wayshrine into a zone proper for their level-based mats, because it's just /soooooooo unfaaaaaaair/ that the nodes scale to crafting passives in the two scaled zones.

    In other news, I still can't get enough AP to buy one of the 250k AP motif chapters in Cyrodiil because the server lags so horrifically due to zergs, which form because of aoe caps, that compound lag when everyone's proxy det'ing with impunity and making everybody blow up with VD, thus doubly compounding the compounded lag.
    But ohwait, I'm sorry, mentioning that makes me an entitled elitest PvP whiner baby crybutt that feels superior to and looks down their nose at PvE perfect creatures.

    My bad. Sorry for tainting this thread. For a moment I had this potato'd idea that there were other -actual- issues going on with this game that the devs should be focusing on.
    'Okay, the question is...(laughter)...the question is, we have Vicious Death sets with Prox Det that are doing double damage from last patch -- they're doing double damage -- and the CP system scales them even more. Prox Dets are doing over 20k, okay? That's before Vicious Death does 15, m'kay? We're talking like 30k+. Okay.
    "So, what about the stamina?" Okay. Um "The 2-handed execute skill--" I'm s--I'm sorry. What? The 2-Handed execute? What?! What am I gonna f***ing do?! Am I gonna execute a f***ing zerg with a 2-Handed slice?!'
    --Fengrush, ESO Live Review 1:08:18

    'He's lucky Im not a part of the company because I would simply ban or delete his account or even make the RNG or his damage ridiculously to stress him out even more.'
    --mb10, regarding Fengrush
  • Bartdude
    if your going to allow chars to pick up mats based on there char lvl you may as well remove crafting lvl. lets just appease the "I want it for nothing crowd!"
    "No *** lady! does it sound like I'm ordering pizza?"
  • Slurg
    The proposed change is more alt-friendly, as in it encourages players to take more characters into the new zones to play because they can find mats at their character level whether they are a crafter or not. Having more reasons to take more characters into the new zones sells more DLCs.

    I would suggest that the split not be 50/50 though. Please consider making it 75% crafting level/ 25% character level or something like that. That way everyone can find some mats at their level but crafters still get the bulk of the high level mats.
    Happy All the Holidays To You and Yours!
    Remembering better days of less RNG in all the things.
  • Spearshard
    How does collecting mats based on char level make anyone entitled? If people want to max out crafting on every toon, great for you, I maxed it out on one and he can craft anything I need. If I go to a scaled as a lvl 16, why am I lazy and entitled to want to gather pertinent mats as I come across them while I quest, bank them and use them on my crafter to make appropriate armor for that toon? Explain how having the ability to shape metal ingots into swords, or leather into clothing somehow magically morphs something in the world into something else? How does that make sense? Your ability to use something is mutually exclusive from items you find in world. And as many have pointed out if we were just entitled brats wanting to farm mats to sell, we could do that elsewhere. We are simply pointing out a flaw in a system, there is no reason why I or anyone else can't choose to spend our time in wrothgar, or cyrodiil and find mats that are pertinent for that toon. If you take a step back from this and really think about it objectively, ones ability to shape something has nothing to do with what you can run across or the quality of leather, etc. It just doesn't make sense. Scaling nodes is fantastic. Take someone who only pvp's. Let's say he doesn't want to craft. But based on his level, nodes have been scaled, as he or she goes about cyrodiil they've gathered resources, they can ask for the services of someone who does craft. Be honest, we see this all the time in chat "lf crafter to make x, have mats." The argument that we don't deserve mats because we haven't earned them is rediculous, "there'should be a penalty," come on guys, if you don't have a dedicated crafters then you can't use the mats anyway, at least personally they cant, that's where crafting skill comes in, just like it always had. And it makes way more sense. But you have to dedicate the time to learn how to use them. That is what crafting skill is. If you want to argue skill points being used for gathering resources, put a passive in the crafting tree pertaining specifically to resource quality.
    Edited by Spearshard on March 25, 2016 12:16PM
  • Refuse2GrowUp
    Dagonthir wrote: »
    I guess I'm just curious so I can form my own opinion of how well it addresses that. I think the reason you state is obvious, and I also think it's why they did it. But it had the, presumably unintentional, side effect of harming the experience for veteran players. Since I have a master crafter, I'd rather get on-level nodes when I play my alts rather than getting nodes they can craft with because they don't need to craft - that's what I have a master crafter for.

    Anyhow, I don't want to discuss it here. I have my own opinions of the scaling and have discussed it elsewhere. All I was really hoping to get from this thread was an explanation from the devs, mainly out of curiosity.

    Doesn't really matter. You can easily get enough skill points to invest in the artisan skills...especially now that silver and gold are unlocked.

    Whether the reason is to help all levels pf players in a scaled area, create incentive for playing content on alts to have the skill points and skill levels, and/or to add an extra layer of counter botting...who knows and who really cares. It is what it is, it is not a bad thing for most players, and requesting an 'official' stance so that you can formulate an opinion doesn't seem very prudent
    PS4 NA Server

    CP160 DK Firemage
    CP160 StamSorc
    CP160 Templar Healer
    CP160 Stam NB
    CP160 Magica Sorc
    Cp160 Stamplar
    CP160 Magicka NB
    CP160 DK Tank
    CP160 Stam DK
    CP160 Mag Templar
    CP160 Blazing Shield Templar

    EP Loyalist
  • Refuse2GrowUp
    MSchroeder wrote: »
    We introduced scaled crafting resource nodes with the intent of making sure anyone could find useful crafting materials when they went to a scaled zone, such as Orsinium or Hew’s Bane.

    However, since then, we’ve been monitoring feedback on scaled resources, and we’re actually looking at changing them slightly in the future. Currently, scaled nodes are based solely on your crafting passives; in the future, we’re looking at changing them to be split between your crafting passives, or your character level. We’re hoping that this helps both those characters who are leveling up naturally, and high-level characters who never craft, while still making sure that everyone can find the materials they need for both “the best you can craft” and “the best you can wear”. This seems a good opportunity to open up discussion of this potential change, and see what you all think of it.

    Please remember that this is only something we’re considering right now; this is not a set-in-stone plan.

    To provide an example of how this would work, let me introduce four characters.
    Alice has never crafted a day in her life, but has reached VR 16.
    Bob is a crafting alt – he’s got Metalworking maxed out, but isn’t even high-enough level to weapon swap.
    Charlie is hardcore. Not only is he VR 16, but he’s also got all of his crafting passives purchased.
    Deborah is still leveling up, both in combat and in crafting. She’s just unlocked Rank 6 of Metalworking (meaning that she can now craft Calcinium equipment), but hasn’t quite made it to VR 1 yet (so she’s only able to wear gear made from Ebony).

    The four adventurers crest a hill, and see two ore nodes. The one on the left is based on crafting passives, while the one on the right is based on character level.
    Alice sees an Iron node on the left, and a Rubedite node on the right.
    Bob sees a Rubedite node on the left, and an Iron node on the right.
    Charlie sees both nodes as Rubedite.
    Deborah sees a Calcinium node on the left, and an Ebony node on the right. If she were to get to VR 1 and return (and her friends hadn’t mined those resource nodes), she’d see two Calcinium nodes instead.

    Once the nodes have been mined, when they respawn, they’ll randomly be selected to either base themselves off of crafting passives, or off of character level.

    Let us know what you think of this proposed change! We’re hoping to use the PTS of a major Update to test this, too, so you’ll have a chance to sound off then as well.

    I like it. Good compromise
    PS4 NA Server

    CP160 DK Firemage
    CP160 StamSorc
    CP160 Templar Healer
    CP160 Stam NB
    CP160 Magica Sorc
    Cp160 Stamplar
    CP160 Magicka NB
    CP160 DK Tank
    CP160 Stam DK
    CP160 Mag Templar
    CP160 Blazing Shield Templar

    EP Loyalist
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    See the slippery slope dev. You already have people now now not only wanting to harvest mats with no points but also get materials from hirelings now at no cost. Next people will expect you to make research across all characters. Then they will say "Why should I have to level crafting at all? Let everyone make everything without needing to level crafting!". Then motifs will become a thing why should I have to find motifs.

    Please do not do this change. It just rewards laziness and makes the users think now you will cave to all requests. If you want to craft which includes gathering then level up crafting. Otherwise dont complain.

    Remember also of course people will be for this change. They always want something for nothing. It is not good for the health of the game to constantly give in to these kind of requests. The vocal minority who doesnt like this change is ruining it for the majority who think its a great idea. These forums dont represent the playerbase.
    Edited by jamesharv2005ub17_ESO on March 25, 2016 12:31PM
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