Maintenance for the week of September 16:
• [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 16, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) – 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Can anyone from ZOS confirm why crafting node scaling was introduced?

  • NeillMcAttack

    Without some kind of change to the current system, what we have is the majority of max level material locked behind a passive ability which is supposed to be optional. At which point, in order to reach endgame, crafting becomes mandatory. That is the real slippery slope. When a skill that is intended to be optional, becomes a necessity.

    And no, forcing someone into a zone to run around in circles to collect materials is not a natural means of progression.

    Your arguments are really not looking at the big picture for a couple of reasons. The first is that you are basically rallying to make crafting mandatory in order to compete, or even participate in end game activities. At which point crafting loses all value and you in turn actually end up with more competition for your materials, or of course, a smaller player base.

    Secondly, if high level mats are only to be acquired by max level crafters, your economy literally falls apart, crafters are not only required to craft the gear, but to farm it too?!? Stuff becomes real expensive, real fast, for those without the "optional passives". This kind of standard would actually require a massive overhaul of how gold within the economy is distributed where crafters, who would have infinite amounts of it, and non-crafters, if they still exist at this point, are forced to give every bit of it to crafters.

    And that's all besides the point. You never made the choice to level crafting so that you could exclusively farm the highest level mats. You did it so that you could use the refined mats to craft gear. It's simple as that. It is in fact you who is asking for something you didn't work for. Your reward is the crafting not the gathering, stop getting the two mixed up.
    PC EU - NoCP PvP, is real PvP
    Tiidehunter Nord StamDK EP PvP Main
    Legion Commander Tresdin Stamplar DC PvE Main
    Sephirith Altmer MagPlar EP Gondar the Bounty Hunter Khajiit StamBlade DC
    The Dirge Redguard StamNecro EP Disruptor Stormcrafter Nord StamSorc AD
    Lone Druid Bosmer Stam Warden EP Necro-Phos Argonian MagBlade AD
    @ McAttack in game
    Played since beta, and then on console at release, until the game became unplayable on console.
  • olsborg
    MSchroeder wrote: »
    We introduced scaled crafting resource nodes with the intent of making sure anyone could find useful crafting materials when they went to a scaled zone, such as Orsinium or Hew’s Bane.

    However, since then, we’ve been monitoring feedback on scaled resources, and we’re actually looking at changing them slightly in the future. Currently, scaled nodes are based solely on your crafting passives; in the future, we’re looking at changing them to be split between your crafting passives, or your character level. We’re hoping that this helps both those characters who are leveling up naturally, and high-level characters who never craft, while still making sure that everyone can find the materials they need for both “the best you can craft” and “the best you can wear”. This seems a good opportunity to open up discussion of this potential change, and see what you all think of it.

    Please remember that this is only something we’re considering right now; this is not a set-in-stone plan.

    To provide an example of how this would work, let me introduce four characters.
    Alice has never crafted a day in her life, but has reached VR 16.
    Bob is a crafting alt – he’s got Metalworking maxed out, but isn’t even high-enough level to weapon swap.
    Charlie is hardcore. Not only is he VR 16, but he’s also got all of his crafting passives purchased.
    Deborah is still leveling up, both in combat and in crafting. She’s just unlocked Rank 6 of Metalworking (meaning that she can now craft Calcinium equipment), but hasn’t quite made it to VR 1 yet (so she’s only able to wear gear made from Ebony).

    The four adventurers crest a hill, and see two ore nodes. The one on the left is based on crafting passives, while the one on the right is based on character level.
    Alice sees an Iron node on the left, and a Rubedite node on the right.
    Bob sees a Rubedite node on the left, and an Iron node on the right.
    Charlie sees both nodes as Rubedite.
    Deborah sees a Calcinium node on the left, and an Ebony node on the right. If she were to get to VR 1 and return (and her friends hadn’t mined those resource nodes), she’d see two Calcinium nodes instead.

    Once the nodes have been mined, when they respawn, they’ll randomly be selected to either base themselves off of crafting passives, or off of character level.

    Let us know what you think of this proposed change! We’re hoping to use the PTS of a major Update to test this, too, so you’ll have a chance to sound off then as well.

    This sounds like a good change imo, make it happen please. I have 2 vr16 chars, one is also my crafter, the other has done no crafting, whenever I want to gather some resources I have to use my crafter-vr16 character, wich is a bit of a dissapointment atm.

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    If you want to craft then the passive is not optional. You must put points into it if you want to craft. How you can say its somehow optional is mind boggling. You arent forced to farm anything. Too lazy to work crafting yourself you can buy from me. You can go to cyrodill. Tons of options for you. If you want to gather yourself in the new zones then ya you have to put 10 whole points into the skill. Nothing has changed for you you can still farm mats in cyrodill without putitng any effort into crafting.
    Edited by jamesharv2005ub17_ESO on March 25, 2016 1:59PM
  • vamp_emily
    Why is it when I do dungeons, armor drops are scaled to my level? I don't understand.

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    Why is it when I do dungeons, armor drops are scaled to my level? I don't understand.

    No offense but this isnt the topic. prob best to start your own thread so this one doesnt get sidetracked.
  • Dubhliam
    a skill that is intended to be optional, becomes a necessity.
    make crafting mandatory in order to compete, or even participate in end game activities.

    I'm sorry, where did you get the idea that farming mats is the only way to progress and/or earn gold in the game?

    Don't get me wrong, I like the proposed suggestion by ZOS, but your ranting is just over the top.

    You can go PvP all day long, get new PvP sets to wear and/or sell. Or steal all day. You can then buy mats or gear from vendors or crafters directly.
    See? You can compete and participate in end game activities. And no, it is not a necessity. It is your choice.

    Want to earn more? Cough up the skill points! Not even the Hirelings are for free.
    Edited by Dubhliam on March 25, 2016 2:26PM
    >>>Detailed Justice System Concept thread<<<
  • Dagonthir
    Just want to point out that no one is asking for free hirelings - such a request would be ridiculous. My comment about the hirelings was just to point that if you had 4 master crafters and they changed the scaling system, then you could keep points invested in those 4 master crafters and pickup the hirelings so you get free materials. Thus the time some people have spent leveling up crafting on multiple characters doesn't have to be "wasted" if the system ever changed. I'm currently working on leveling up my alts to do crafting since I have to conform to what the rules are now, but if they change the rules later I still intend to keep whatever crafting skills I've leveled up by then leveled up so that I can get mats from the hirelings.
  • dlepi24
    For me personally, it's been another reason why I'm playing the game less and less. My first character I ever created at PC launch was a Templar healer and I didn't care for it too much. I was glad that I could take all those skill points I had accumulated and turned that character to a max crafter in everything. I have enough skill points to get all the crafting things, but that's about it. I can't take any passives or skills because I don't have enough points and I don't have the time to go gather every skyshard in the game. I never had a problem with this because I could take my geared max level characters to a certain zone and gather materials for my crafter without worries of being killed. This is getting worse every patch, though. Now, I have to buy the mats from market places or tip toe around zones on my crafter who has two abilities on his bar to gather the mats. I can't even craft in the Mercenary style because I have yet to get a single crafting material drop in the 300 dungeons I've ran since that update. I have every motif learned on my crafter but I can't complete the dungeons on him unless I ask 3 others to carry me. I can't even learn the motifs on my other characters who can solo the dungeons because I have to level my crafting skills to level 50 AGAIN on another character just to get the crafting materials. At the end of the day it's just crafting and I haven't even bothered to play this sinking ship in weeks so it really doesn't matter. Just thought I'd throw out why these changes have been pretty negative towards me personally.
  • Callous2208
    dlepi24 wrote: »
    For me personally, it's been another reason why I'm playing the game less and less. My first character I ever created at PC launch was a Templar healer and I didn't care for it too much. I was glad that I could take all those skill points I had accumulated and turned that character to a max crafter in everything. I have enough skill points to get all the crafting things, but that's about it. I can't take any passives or skills because I don't have enough points and I don't have the time to go gather every skyshard in the game. I never had a problem with this because I could take my geared max level characters to a certain zone and gather materials for my crafter without worries of being killed. This is getting worse every patch, though. Now, I have to buy the mats from market places or tip toe around zones on my crafter who has two abilities on his bar to gather the mats. I can't even craft in the Mercenary style because I have yet to get a single crafting material drop in the 300 dungeons I've ran since that update. I have every motif learned on my crafter but I can't complete the dungeons on him unless I ask 3 others to carry me. I can't even learn the motifs on my other characters who can solo the dungeons because I have to level my crafting skills to level 50 AGAIN on another character just to get the crafting materials. At the end of the day it's just crafting and I haven't even bothered to play this sinking ship in weeks so it really doesn't matter. Just thought I'd throw out why these changes have been pretty negative towards me personally.

    Some of this didn't make sense friend. Your crafter is battle levelled and will be fine farming nodes in the new zones. Especially Hews where the enemy mobs are sparsely populated. You can learn outlaw motifs on your characters without levelling their crafting skills to 50. In fact you must have at least 1 learned for a chance at a Laurel drop in the dungeons. You can also deconn a merc item someone has made and get the laurel. I believe the full motif and laurels are also on the crown store. This was a long post of odd bits of incorrect information, just to say you don't like the game anymore.

    Edit: Re-read what you wrote...none of it made sense.
    Edited by Callous2208 on March 25, 2016 3:21PM
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    dlepi24 wrote: »
    For me personally, it's been another reason why I'm playing the game less and less. My first character I ever created at PC launch was a Templar healer and I didn't care for it too much. I was glad that I could take all those skill points I had accumulated and turned that character to a max crafter in everything. I have enough skill points to get all the crafting things, but that's about it. I can't take any passives or skills because I don't have enough points and I don't have the time to go gather every skyshard in the game. I never had a problem with this because I could take my geared max level characters to a certain zone and gather materials for my crafter without worries of being killed. This is getting worse every patch, though. Now, I have to buy the mats from market places or tip toe around zones on my crafter who has two abilities on his bar to gather the mats. I can't even craft in the Mercenary style because I have yet to get a single crafting material drop in the 300 dungeons I've ran since that update. I have every motif learned on my crafter but I can't complete the dungeons on him unless I ask 3 others to carry me. I can't even learn the motifs on my other characters who can solo the dungeons because I have to level my crafting skills to level 50 AGAIN on another character just to get the crafting materials. At the end of the day it's just crafting and I haven't even bothered to play this sinking ship in weeks so it really doesn't matter. Just thought I'd throw out why these changes have been pretty negative towards me personally.

    You dont have to complete dungeons on your crafter to get motifs. The zone battle levels you so I dont know why you couldnt gather mats if you have the 50 points. If a level 3 with no gear can survive your crafter with gear surely can.
  • dlepi24
    dlepi24 wrote: »
    For me personally, it's been another reason why I'm playing the game less and less. My first character I ever created at PC launch was a Templar healer and I didn't care for it too much. I was glad that I could take all those skill points I had accumulated and turned that character to a max crafter in everything. I have enough skill points to get all the crafting things, but that's about it. I can't take any passives or skills because I don't have enough points and I don't have the time to go gather every skyshard in the game. I never had a problem with this because I could take my geared max level characters to a certain zone and gather materials for my crafter without worries of being killed. This is getting worse every patch, though. Now, I have to buy the mats from market places or tip toe around zones on my crafter who has two abilities on his bar to gather the mats. I can't even craft in the Mercenary style because I have yet to get a single crafting material drop in the 300 dungeons I've ran since that update. I have every motif learned on my crafter but I can't complete the dungeons on him unless I ask 3 others to carry me. I can't even learn the motifs on my other characters who can solo the dungeons because I have to level my crafting skills to level 50 AGAIN on another character just to get the crafting materials. At the end of the day it's just crafting and I haven't even bothered to play this sinking ship in weeks so it really doesn't matter. Just thought I'd throw out why these changes have been pretty negative towards me personally.

    Some of this didn't make sense friend. Your crafter is battle levelled and will be fine farming nodes in the new zones. Especially Hews where the enemy mobs are sparsely populated. You can learn outlaw motifs on your characters without levelling their crafting skills to 50. In fact you must have at least 1 learned for a chance at a Laurel drop in the dungeons. You can also deconn a merc item someone has made and get the laurel. I believe the full motif and laurels are also on the crown store. This was a long post of odd bits of incorrect information, just to say you don't like the game anymore.

    No. You're wrong. If you don't know what you're talking about you probably shouldn't bother to chime in. You have to have maxed crafting to learn a merc motif. I'm not going to max my crafting on another character who is able to complete the dungeons because I already have a crafter that's worked fine for me since launch. Therefore, I can't get laurels unless I learn crafting on another character or go and get every skyshard in the game so I can complete dungeons on my max crafter. I'm not going to level another crafter because I already have one. Go into a battle leveled zone as a VR 3 without any passives and only rapids on your bar and let me know how it goes. I'll give you a hint. It's easier on my other characters that actually have skills on their bar. You're also talking about outlaw motifs which I never mentioned. That would imply that I actually played the game once in the past month and actually wasted my money on a terrible DLC where you can hide in baskets for fun. Enjoy your basket, Callous2208.

    Also, your advice is to have people create merc items so I can decon it or buy it with real money? Really? That sure sounds like a good fix.
  • sirrmattus
    Seems very random and it would cripple the resource rates.
    Ebonheart Pact - North American Server
  • Callous2208
    dlepi24 wrote: »
    dlepi24 wrote: »
    For me personally, it's been another reason why I'm playing the game less and less. My first character I ever created at PC launch was a Templar healer and I didn't care for it too much. I was glad that I could take all those skill points I had accumulated and turned that character to a max crafter in everything. I have enough skill points to get all the crafting things, but that's about it. I can't take any passives or skills because I don't have enough points and I don't have the time to go gather every skyshard in the game. I never had a problem with this because I could take my geared max level characters to a certain zone and gather materials for my crafter without worries of being killed. This is getting worse every patch, though. Now, I have to buy the mats from market places or tip toe around zones on my crafter who has two abilities on his bar to gather the mats. I can't even craft in the Mercenary style because I have yet to get a single crafting material drop in the 300 dungeons I've ran since that update. I have every motif learned on my crafter but I can't complete the dungeons on him unless I ask 3 others to carry me. I can't even learn the motifs on my other characters who can solo the dungeons because I have to level my crafting skills to level 50 AGAIN on another character just to get the crafting materials. At the end of the day it's just crafting and I haven't even bothered to play this sinking ship in weeks so it really doesn't matter. Just thought I'd throw out why these changes have been pretty negative towards me personally.

    Some of this didn't make sense friend. Your crafter is battle levelled and will be fine farming nodes in the new zones. Especially Hews where the enemy mobs are sparsely populated. You can learn outlaw motifs on your characters without levelling their crafting skills to 50. In fact you must have at least 1 learned for a chance at a Laurel drop in the dungeons. You can also deconn a merc item someone has made and get the laurel. I believe the full motif and laurels are also on the crown store. This was a long post of odd bits of incorrect information, just to say you don't like the game anymore.

    No. You're wrong. If you don't know what you're talking about you probably shouldn't bother to chime in. You have to have maxed crafting to learn a merc motif. I'm not going to max my crafting on another character who is able to complete the dungeons because I already have a crafter that's worked fine for me since launch. Therefore, I can't get laurels unless I learn crafting on another character or go and get every skyshard in the game so I can complete dungeons on my max crafter. I'm not going to level another crafter because I already have one. Go into a battle leveled zone as a VR 3 without any passives and only rapids on your bar and let me know how it goes. I'll give you a hint. It's easier on my other characters that actually have skills on their bar. You're also talking about outlaw motifs which I never mentioned. That would imply that I actually played the game once in the past month and actually wasted my money on a terrible DLC where you can hide in baskets for fun. Enjoy your basket, Callous2208.

    Also, your advice is to have people create merc items so I can decon it or buy it with real money? Really? That sure sounds like a good fix.

    I miswrote, I meant merc when I said outlaw. I honestly didn't realize you had to be maxed in crafting to learn merc motifs. As to your other points, you failed, the game did not fail you. A v3 with only crafting skills? That cant collect mats where a naked level 3 can? Get out of here with that nonsense. Go start an I quit thread, you have no business in this one. I'll go hide in my basket now.

    Edit Again: Found it. Guess I never noticed since my main is maxed in all armor/wep related crafts.
    Edited by Callous2208 on March 25, 2016 4:08PM
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    dlepi24 wrote: »
    dlepi24 wrote: »
    For me personally, it's been another reason why I'm playing the game less and less. My first character I ever created at PC launch was a Templar healer and I didn't care for it too much. I was glad that I could take all those skill points I had accumulated and turned that character to a max crafter in everything. I have enough skill points to get all the crafting things, but that's about it. I can't take any passives or skills because I don't have enough points and I don't have the time to go gather every skyshard in the game. I never had a problem with this because I could take my geared max level characters to a certain zone and gather materials for my crafter without worries of being killed. This is getting worse every patch, though. Now, I have to buy the mats from market places or tip toe around zones on my crafter who has two abilities on his bar to gather the mats. I can't even craft in the Mercenary style because I have yet to get a single crafting material drop in the 300 dungeons I've ran since that update. I have every motif learned on my crafter but I can't complete the dungeons on him unless I ask 3 others to carry me. I can't even learn the motifs on my other characters who can solo the dungeons because I have to level my crafting skills to level 50 AGAIN on another character just to get the crafting materials. At the end of the day it's just crafting and I haven't even bothered to play this sinking ship in weeks so it really doesn't matter. Just thought I'd throw out why these changes have been pretty negative towards me personally.

    Some of this didn't make sense friend. Your crafter is battle levelled and will be fine farming nodes in the new zones. Especially Hews where the enemy mobs are sparsely populated. You can learn outlaw motifs on your characters without levelling their crafting skills to 50. In fact you must have at least 1 learned for a chance at a Laurel drop in the dungeons. You can also deconn a merc item someone has made and get the laurel. I believe the full motif and laurels are also on the crown store. This was a long post of odd bits of incorrect information, just to say you don't like the game anymore.

    No. You're wrong. If you don't know what you're talking about you probably shouldn't bother to chime in. You have to have maxed crafting to learn a merc motif. I'm not going to max my crafting on another character who is able to complete the dungeons because I already have a crafter that's worked fine for me since launch. Therefore, I can't get laurels unless I learn crafting on another character or go and get every skyshard in the game so I can complete dungeons on my max crafter. I'm not going to level another crafter because I already have one. Go into a battle leveled zone as a VR 3 without any passives and only rapids on your bar and let me know how it goes. I'll give you a hint. It's easier on my other characters that actually have skills on their bar. You're also talking about outlaw motifs which I never mentioned. That would imply that I actually played the game once in the past month and actually wasted my money on a terrible DLC where you can hide in baskets for fun. Enjoy your basket, Callous2208.

    Also, your advice is to have people create merc items so I can decon it or buy it with real money? Really? That sure sounds like a good fix.

    I miswrote, I meant merc when I said outlaw. I honestly didn't realize you had to be maxed in crafting to learn merc motifs. As to your other points, you failed, the game did not fail you. A v3 with only crafting skills? That cant collect mats where a naked level 3 can? Get out of here with that nonsense. Go start an I quit thread, you have no business in this one. I'll go hide in my basket now.

    Edit: Am I being trolled here or did this change? I thought you only needed 9 in a craft to learn the motif pages.

    I think they did change it but who learns motifs on a character they only use to gather mats? Doesnt seem relevant to the conversation I dont get why he brought it up. I leveled up to 50 and put the 10 points into the skill so I can gather. I certainly am not researching again and learning motifs again on the guy. I use my other crafter for that.
  • Ghost-Shot
    MSchroeder wrote: »
    We introduced scaled crafting resource nodes with the intent of making sure anyone could find useful crafting materials when they went to a scaled zone, such as Orsinium or Hew’s Bane.

    However, since then, we’ve been monitoring feedback on scaled resources, and we’re actually looking at changing them slightly in the future. Currently, scaled nodes are based solely on your crafting passives; in the future, we’re looking at changing them to be split between your crafting passives, or your character level. We’re hoping that this helps both those characters who are leveling up naturally, and high-level characters who never craft, while still making sure that everyone can find the materials they need for both “the best you can craft” and “the best you can wear”. This seems a good opportunity to open up discussion of this potential change, and see what you all think of it.

    Please remember that this is only something we’re considering right now; this is not a set-in-stone plan.

    To provide an example of how this would work, let me introduce four characters.
    Alice has never crafted a day in her life, but has reached VR 16.
    Bob is a crafting alt – he’s got Metalworking maxed out, but isn’t even high-enough level to weapon swap.
    Charlie is hardcore. Not only is he VR 16, but he’s also got all of his crafting passives purchased.
    Deborah is still leveling up, both in combat and in crafting. She’s just unlocked Rank 6 of Metalworking (meaning that she can now craft Calcinium equipment), but hasn’t quite made it to VR 1 yet (so she’s only able to wear gear made from Ebony).

    The four adventurers crest a hill, and see two ore nodes. The one on the left is based on crafting passives, while the one on the right is based on character level.
    Alice sees an Iron node on the left, and a Rubedite node on the right.
    Bob sees a Rubedite node on the left, and an Iron node on the right.
    Charlie sees both nodes as Rubedite.
    Deborah sees a Calcinium node on the left, and an Ebony node on the right. If she were to get to VR 1 and return (and her friends hadn’t mined those resource nodes), she’d see two Calcinium nodes instead.

    Once the nodes have been mined, when they respawn, they’ll randomly be selected to either base themselves off of crafting passives, or off of character level.

    Let us know what you think of this proposed change! We’re hoping to use the PTS of a major Update to test this, too, so you’ll have a chance to sound off then as well.

    Thank you for the info, would love to see more responses like this from @ZOS_BrianWheeler and @Wrobel
  • Katahdin
    MSchroeder wrote: »
    We introduced scaled crafting resource nodes with the intent of making sure anyone could find useful crafting materials when they went to a scaled zone, such as Orsinium or Hew’s Bane.

    However, since then, we’ve been monitoring feedback on scaled resources, and we’re actually looking at changing them slightly in the future. Currently, scaled nodes are based solely on your crafting passives; in the future, we’re looking at changing them to be split between your crafting passives, or your character level. We’re hoping that this helps both those characters who are leveling up naturally, and high-level characters who never craft, while still making sure that everyone can find the materials they need for both “the best you can craft” and “the best you can wear”. This seems a good opportunity to open up discussion of this potential change, and see what you all think of it.

    Please remember that this is only something we’re considering right now; this is not a set-in-stone plan.

    To provide an example of how this would work, let me introduce four characters.
    Alice has never crafted a day in her life, but has reached VR 16.
    Bob is a crafting alt – he’s got Metalworking maxed out, but isn’t even high-enough level to weapon swap.
    Charlie is hardcore. Not only is he VR 16, but he’s also got all of his crafting passives purchased.
    Deborah is still leveling up, both in combat and in crafting. She’s just unlocked Rank 6 of Metalworking (meaning that she can now craft Calcinium equipment), but hasn’t quite made it to VR 1 yet (so she’s only able to wear gear made from Ebony).

    The four adventurers crest a hill, and see two ore nodes. The one on the left is based on crafting passives, while the one on the right is based on character level.
    Alice sees an Iron node on the left, and a Rubedite node on the right.
    Bob sees a Rubedite node on the left, and an Iron node on the right.
    Charlie sees both nodes as Rubedite.
    Deborah sees a Calcinium node on the left, and an Ebony node on the right. If she were to get to VR 1 and return (and her friends hadn’t mined those resource nodes), she’d see two Calcinium nodes instead.

    Once the nodes have been mined, when they respawn, they’ll randomly be selected to either base themselves off of crafting passives, or off of character level.

    Let us know what you think of this proposed change! We’re hoping to use the PTS of a major Update to test this, too, so you’ll have a chance to sound off then as well.

    As long as I can still get v16 mats with any level character with maxed crafting, I am fine. I didn't spend all the time and effort to level crafting on my level 25 to get high iron ore in the dlc zones and Cyrodiil. I can go to the level appropriate zones for that mat if I need it.
    Beta tester November 2013
  • KaleidoscopeEyz
    I don't know why but I LOVE IT! I had running Caldwell's Silver and mining calcinium and galatite when I'm a VR11 crafting in void. Same things with runes. Purple potency runes become useless. I wish everywhere was battle leveled. Hell, I wish the entire game was battle leveled.
  • Katahdin
    Nestor wrote: »
    MSchroeder wrote: »

    Once the nodes have been mined, when they respawn, they’ll randomly be selected to either base themselves off of crafting passives, or off of character level.

    Let us know what you think of this proposed change! We’re hoping to use the PTS of a major Update to test this, too, so you’ll have a chance to sound off then as well.

    It would really depend on the "random" factor that is applied. If 90% of the time it goes to Crafting Level, then that would not be good at all.

    I still think it would be better to just have them scale to Crafting Level or Character Level, which ever is higher. This way the new zones work just like every other zone in the game, we find the mats that our characters can use, and the crafters who farm can go out and farm the mats they are skilled to use.

    What you can't do is make this change game wide, only in the new scaled zones. Of course, if they make the existing Silver and Gold zones also Battle Scale, then it would have to be a random, as in 50/50 chance as to what we see to Farm. Otherwise, you would really be forcing people to level crafting on all their characters not just for the end game mats, but all mats.

    Exactly, if I want to go to Auridon and farm iron on my v16 max crafter, I should be able to. I still find harvesting lower level mats worthwhile besides getting mats for my lower level alts if I need them.
    Edited by Katahdin on March 25, 2016 4:38PM
    Beta tester November 2013
  • Taleof2Cities
    "I already leveled my main to V16. My Alts should be able to start out at V16 and receive all the perks ... since I am done leveling and don't have fun grinding levels."

    What is the difference between this statement and the proposed change?

    Edited by Taleof2Cities on March 25, 2016 4:46PM
  • vamp_emily
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    Why is it when I do dungeons, armor drops are scaled to my level? I don't understand.

    No offense but this isnt the topic. prob best to start your own thread so this one doesnt get sidetracked.

    Smiles, apparently you didn't see my sarcasm.

    So I am assuming people are wanting to farm high level crafting nodes when they haven't leveled their crafting skills? Shame on you, go level your skills and then go farm what you want.

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    I still say leave it like it is. No reason to go through some massive change like this when to be frank most people like it the way it is. You devs are going to upset a lot of people to cater to the 5 or 6 on the forums who are very vocal for this change. There are 1000s of crafters who have done the "work" (ya I know its a game). I certainly hope they also know just because a few players want something for nothing doesnt mean they should get it.

    I bet if you asked if everyone wanted free end game gear they would all say yes too. Doesnt mean thats healthy for the game.
  • Eshelmen
    helediron wrote: »
    Oh noes, not another thread about scaling nodes!

    Hey look! Another member not reading the context of the OPS post.

    PC and PS4 EP only player
  • NeillMcAttack


    But if you want to be able to farm the necessary mats for gear of your level while questing in these zones, the passive is not optional. It is required! Now imagine down the line, we have 5 zones like this, new players come in, quest exclusively in these zones, never take any interest in crafting and suddenly he is level 50 and has learned about crafted sets. He then finds out that he must go somewhere else, run around in circles and he gets fed up and quits.

    This is a real situation. It absolutely happens, I know people that quit destiny because running around in circles was required for progress. There is a reason it is supposed to be something that can be done naturally as part of regular questing, and it's the same reason that these games' are normally designed for it. Developers understand this.

    Statements like, "then go there and farm mats" or "log off that character and on to another one" have zero relevance to the conversation. Because as I mentioned, forcing people to play "mat farmers online", or limiting there enjoyment by forcing them into repetitive power levelling will finish this game faster than letting people play the characters they want, the way they always have.

    And this is why @jamesharv2005ub17_ESO that your assumptions of this change being nothing more than pandering makes you look very naive. You think there aren't devs out there payed huge amounts of money to insure that progress is steady and natural?! Wake up.
    PC EU - NoCP PvP, is real PvP
    Tiidehunter Nord StamDK EP PvP Main
    Legion Commander Tresdin Stamplar DC PvE Main
    Sephirith Altmer MagPlar EP Gondar the Bounty Hunter Khajiit StamBlade DC
    The Dirge Redguard StamNecro EP Disruptor Stormcrafter Nord StamSorc AD
    Lone Druid Bosmer Stam Warden EP Necro-Phos Argonian MagBlade AD
    @ McAttack in game
    Played since beta, and then on console at release, until the game became unplayable on console.
  • KramUzibra
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    vamp_emily wrote: »
    Why is it when I do dungeons, armor drops are scaled to my level? I don't understand.

    No offense but this isnt the topic. prob best to start your own thread so this one doesnt get sidetracked.

    Smiles, apparently you didn't see my sarcasm.

    So I am assuming people are wanting to farm high level crafting nodes when they haven't leveled their crafting skills? Shame on you, go level your skills and then go farm what you want.

    Im a crafter and I make armor for many a players. Players at vet 16 that provide the required mats for the requested armor I'll charge an extremely low price since they did most of the leg work. Players that do not provide the required mats get charged full price of the mats and others materials plus cost of crafting. Since it's so expensive most can't afford it and ask where can they go to farm vet 16 mats. Generally speaking I just tell them to level the desired craft and go to orcinium. I find it a little unfair that these players that do not wish to level a craft are basically forced to if they want a certain type of armor. Also if iv mistaken and there is in fact a place to farm vet 16 mats without leveled craftin please help so I can tell my potential clients.
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    The fact is if you want to farm top tier mats then spend the time like everyone else does. This is not some game breaker for anyone. Not even the op says he will quit over it. Its just the typical people who always want a shortcut. Sometimes just like in life you have to put the time in to reap the rewards.

    There is also nothing stopping you from farming those mats in cyrodill on any of your characters.
    Edited by jamesharv2005ub17_ESO on March 25, 2016 6:47PM
  • NewBlacksmurf

    Without some kind of change to the current system, what we have is the majority of max level material locked behind a passive ability which is supposed to be optional. At which point, in order to reach endgame, crafting becomes mandatory. That is the real slippery slope. When a skill that is intended to be optional, becomes a necessity.

    And no, forcing someone into a zone to run around in circles to collect materials is not a natural means of progression.

    Your arguments are really not looking at the big picture for a couple of reasons. The first is that you are basically rallying to make crafting mandatory in order to compete, or even participate in end game activities. At which point crafting loses all value and you in turn actually end up with more competition for your materials, or of course, a smaller player base.

    Secondly, if high level mats are only to be acquired by max level crafters, your economy literally falls apart, crafters are not only required to craft the gear, but to farm it too?!? Stuff becomes real expensive, real fast, for those without the "optional passives". This kind of standard would actually require a massive overhaul of how gold within the economy is distributed where crafters, who would have infinite amounts of it, and non-crafters, if they still exist at this point, are forced to give every bit of it to crafters.

    And that's all besides the point. You never made the choice to level crafting so that you could exclusively farm the highest level mats. You did it so that you could use the refined mats to craft gear. It's simple as that. It is in fact you who is asking for something you didn't work for. Your reward is the crafting not the gathering, stop getting the two mixed up.

    High end mats are not locked behind crafting tho...thats the thing you and others are overlooking.
    If nothing changes or if the proposed change occurs in the ZOS doesnt change that the best way to gather high end mats are from breaking down loot. There are ppl who literally run in circles in places only picking up specific loot for breaking down or refining. Crafting levels are not required for either.

    There should and has to be significant advantage to using skills and building out crafting. If you're going to get the same stuff as me with no passive skill points then why would anyone use those passives for mats?

    Stuff is suppose to become real expensive as thats the whole point of crafting, guild stores and the bid process of traders.
    Not attacking you personally but a lot of feedback on this forum is asking for a lot of things for the least amount of input.

    In my opinion, that is detrimental to the economy as devaluing the passive skills and increasing the drop rate of materials will drastically lower the buy/sale and eventually end up where everyone has to craft their own stuff because the price will be so low that its not worth the hassle to gather mats, travel to a set crafting place, improve, travel to enchanting place, enchant and then travel to trade.....because if I have all the stuff, then what the value of the crafter?
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • NeillMcAttack
    The fact is if you want to farm top tier mats then spend the time like everyone else does. This is not some game breaker for anyone. Not even the op says he will quit over it. Its just the typical people who always want a shortcut. Sometimes just like in life you have to put the time in to reap the rewards.

    There is also nothing stopping you from farming those mats in cyrodill on any of your characters.

    After this I'm done, spent too much time hear yesterday trying to help people see it from a different perspective. Well, not today, today is friday.

    You just keep saying the same thing over and over, you refuse to see it from any other angle other than, "well, i spent time leveling a craft and this change suited me, so, happy days, screw natural progression, screw people with alts and no access to relevant mats, screw people that would rather play something else than be forced to run circles in Cyro, screw the devs for pandering to a system that suits lazy good for nothings, screw anyone that doesn't craft, they should have to buy from me".

    And once again I shall repeat myself, and for the last time. You never leveled crafting for the ability to farm higher level mats, besides writ rewards, surveys and refinement chance, nodes were never a reward for it. You leveled it to be able to craft with refined mats. Well guess what? You can craft. Isn't it rewarding enough!?
    PC EU - NoCP PvP, is real PvP
    Tiidehunter Nord StamDK EP PvP Main
    Legion Commander Tresdin Stamplar DC PvE Main
    Sephirith Altmer MagPlar EP Gondar the Bounty Hunter Khajiit StamBlade DC
    The Dirge Redguard StamNecro EP Disruptor Stormcrafter Nord StamSorc AD
    Lone Druid Bosmer Stam Warden EP Necro-Phos Argonian MagBlade AD
    @ McAttack in game
    Played since beta, and then on console at release, until the game became unplayable on console.
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Again if you want top tier mats there are areas for you to farm them in. Go to cyrodill farm mats till you cant anymore. The new areas tho you would need to put points into crafting. Sorry but thats the breaks. You cant expect crafters who put time and effort into crafting to be told our time and effort was for nothing. All because Johnny doesnt feel like leveling crafting but wants to reap the benefits of it.
  • Callous2208

    You just keep saying the same thing over and over, you refuse to see it from any other angle...

    Lol. So basically you're saying he's doing the same thing you are doing but from a different perspective so it's wrong. Nice.

  • snorlockb16_ESO
    Again if you want top tier mats there are areas for you to farm them in. Go to cyrodill farm mats till you cant anymore. The new areas tho you would need to put points into crafting. Sorry but thats the breaks. You cant expect crafters who put time and effort into crafting to be told our time and effort was for nothing. All because Johnny doesnt feel like leveling crafting but wants to reap the benefits of it.

    This ^
    If the DLC was the ONLY zone you could play, then this would be a problem, but it is really no big deal to find the zone that yields the mats you need (if you have the right character level to kill the bears.)

    If my character is level 5-15 there is no problem getting the right mats in Wrothgar or HB. If my character has crafting equal to their level, it is not a problem.

    The inconvenience comes if you are only going to farm DLC and your crafter is v16 with crafting maxed, but your alt is level 16- vet 14, but hasn't got the skill points to put into crafting. This will happen if you skip a lot of content and grind your way up and haven't gotten the quest skill points, or even found many skyshards. In this case your alt will not be able to get the mats no matter how much deconning you do. You would have to reset the skill points on your high level crafter to find those mats.

    However you could also just go to a trader and buy the mats, or steal a bunch of stuff at your level and decon it. A level 20 alt will steal things made of steel.

    On the whole I see the inconvenience, but it's not like there is no other way to do it.
    Edited by snorlockb16_ESO on March 25, 2016 7:30PM
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