Maintenance for the week of September 16:
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• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Can anyone from ZOS confirm why crafting node scaling was introduced?

  • NeillMcAttack
    Wait, wait, wait. If the argument here is that you're utilizing a crafting alt, and now your v16 can't pick up top tier mats because he doesn't have a craft skill leveled...then why don't you just go to the same "scaled," zone with your crafting alt and pick up the mats?

    Because that is not the argument here. He wants to be able to casually play through the new content on the character of his choosing and still progress that character by natural means the way he always did. Nodes scaled to level so that he is not harvesting material that is of no use to that character due to the chars level.
    PC EU - NoCP PvP, is real PvP
    Tiidehunter Nord StamDK EP PvP Main
    Legion Commander Tresdin Stamplar DC PvE Main
    Sephirith Altmer MagPlar EP Gondar the Bounty Hunter Khajiit StamBlade DC
    The Dirge Redguard StamNecro EP Disruptor Stormcrafter Nord StamSorc AD
    Lone Druid Bosmer Stam Warden EP Necro-Phos Argonian MagBlade AD
    @ McAttack in game
    Played since beta, and then on console at release, until the game became unplayable on console.
  • Xendyn
    helediron wrote: »
    Xendyn wrote: »
    helediron wrote: »
    Having said that, ZOS could add secondary scaling to character level. Nodes would scale to crafting skill or character level, whichever is higher. That would not hurt anybody. It would be simple to implement and solves issue with vr16 "can't craft" toons.

    Why not do both? It seems simple enough to add a secondary check and would solve it for everyone.
    "Nodes would scale to crafting skill or character level, whichever is higher". Ain't that both?

    Yes, I was agreeing with you and emphazsizing it :)
    Lag is ruinin' my 'mershun!
    A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.
    There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance - Socrates
    Member of the Old Guard, keepers of the game's history

  • Callous2208
    Wait, wait, wait. If the argument here is that you're utilizing a crafting alt, and now your v16 can't pick up top tier mats because he doesn't have a craft skill leveled...then why don't you just go to the same "scaled," zone with your crafting alt and pick up the mats?

    Because that is not the argument here. He wants to be able to casually play through the new content on the character of his choosing and still progress that character by natural means the way he always did. Nodes scaled to level so that he is not harvesting material that is of no use to that character due to the chars level.

    Progress what exactly? Character level or crafting skill? Nodes scaled to level are still of no use to a character without crafting skills. What would it matter if he showed up to Hew's Bane and saw all rubedite, if the toon had no skill in crafting? What would he progress in this way?
  • I_killed_Vivec
    I'm honestly goin to have a brain aneurysm reading through all the narrow minded comments here.


    Just because people don't agree doesn't make them narrow minded (or are you narrow minded for not agreeing with them?).

    I'm more and more convinced that the bleats of "It's so unfair..." only go to show that ZoS got it right.

    Your decisions (skill point allocation, CP allocation, choice of gear, etc.) should have consequences.

    I fully stand by my comments and especially my reasoning for them. You have literally proven my point of the narrow minded comment in fact by attacking the tiniest portion of my statement that doesn't even relate to the discussion. Perhaps I should thank you because now even that part of my statement rings true.

    Your view is "I want" and anything else in "narrow minded".

    The counter is "There should be consequences for your decisions" and you continue to ignore that.

    You want a capability without putting skill points into it... apart from bleating "I want", can you tell us why you should have this?

    Apart from "I want" :)

  • NeillMcAttack
    He would have the material needed to create gear of the characters level. Be that by having a guild mate craft it or send it to his crafting alt. it's the same way it always was before the scaling.
    Edited by NeillMcAttack on March 24, 2016 2:51PM
    PC EU - NoCP PvP, is real PvP
    Tiidehunter Nord StamDK EP PvP Main
    Legion Commander Tresdin Stamplar DC PvE Main
    Sephirith Altmer MagPlar EP Gondar the Bounty Hunter Khajiit StamBlade DC
    The Dirge Redguard StamNecro EP Disruptor Stormcrafter Nord StamSorc AD
    Lone Druid Bosmer Stam Warden EP Necro-Phos Argonian MagBlade AD
    @ McAttack in game
    Played since beta, and then on console at release, until the game became unplayable on console.
  • Callous2208
    He would have the material needed to create gear of the characters level. Be that by having a guild mate craft it or send it to his crafting alt. it's the same way it always was before the scaling.

    Then why would he not just take that crafting alt through the zone and scoop up mats? It is scaled for all levels. I kind of get what people are saying, but still don't think it's an issue. It would seem some people are just a tad bit upset now that their is actually a bonus tied into having points in crafting skill trees.
  • Vulsahdaal

    Also, the dedicated low level crafter argument is nonsense. Because again, you are claiming that in order for me to be able to effeciently farm the mats needed to progress my alt, I should be required to NOT PLAY THAT CHARACTER, which is the reason for this entire discussion. I want to play and progress my alts the same way I always did. How can you not see that?

    I been reading your posts, and I still dont understand the issue. I have almost all crafts maxed (enchanting is at level 35, but that ones a pita to level) spread out on 5 characters. 1 character is a blacksmith, another a clothier and so on..
    So far, I am not having any issues with this scaling situation?
    My blacksmith or clothier can craft much above their own levels, but also can still craft armor for themselves, as well as for my woodworker and enchanter who are a bit below them in level. So there is no problem there, and I dont feel any need to start leveling blacksmithing in my enchanter or clothing in my woodworker, which is fine because I wouldnt want to do this anyway. To me, its pointless if I already have a character in that craft.
    As far as mats for their own, or even lower level characters armor, I am still working my way through the stockpiles I stored that were gathered by all my characters as they wandered Tamriel from the beginning, as well as mats I picked up at guild stores along the way that I found at a 'cant pass up' sale price.
    If these stock piles start to drop low, I can send a character to a zone where the mats of the level I need are available, or send my crafter to a scaled zone for higher level mats, or again, theres always the guild stores..
    But these are all common knowledge, so I suspect there is a point you are trying to make that I am not seeing, or havent run into yet. Perhaps if you can give a specific example would help?
    Edited by Vulsahdaal on March 24, 2016 3:21PM
  • ral
    "Can we get max mats with 0 skill points into crafting " is what the title for this discussion should be.
  • Dagonthir
    Can anyone from ZOS please answer the original post? Pretty please?
  • Callous2208
    Dagonthir wrote: »
    Can anyone from ZOS please answer the original post? Pretty please?

    What are you really trying to do here with this thread? I feel like you're a smart enough individual to realize why they did this, when you read about the change prior to Orsinium, and used critical thinking skills to come to a logical conclusion from there. Several people have parroted this reason in countless posts throughout the thread. Your desire for it to change and hidden intention to start a flame war about it is evident. Do us a favor and stop hiding behind this false reasoning of, "I just wanted ZoS to tell me why?" It's childish and no one is buying it.
  • NeillMcAttack

    Since you asked nicely, certainly. Now I know this doesn't effect you and many others who already, gladly, have numerous max level crafters. Wether they specialize or do it all. Wether your reasoning for it was decided before or after the 'game changed' with scaling off of crafting level. It doesn't matter because it doesn't bother you. And the previous system didn't bother anybody I should add.

    But now I am bothered, because I am either;
    1. Forced to level crafting again on another character. Which, logically speaking, isn't needed, or at least never was before. Or
    2. I am forced to change my character in order to acquire, through farming, the materials I need to improve a different character.

    Yes there are other means of acquiring mats. But I have never needed to rely on that as the zones I have been questing in have had the necessary materials for my characters level.

    I want back, my playstyle that I enjoyed previous to the changes. As right now, playing on my alts just gives me a feeling of wasted time, or just inefficient use of my play time.

    And to reference my first paragraph, just because the changes may suit other people that have many max level alts, or simply max 'crafting level' alts, or solely play on one character, doesn't mean that their point off view is even valid or fair to those of us that enjoyed and supported the old system.
    PC EU - NoCP PvP, is real PvP
    Tiidehunter Nord StamDK EP PvP Main
    Legion Commander Tresdin Stamplar DC PvE Main
    Sephirith Altmer MagPlar EP Gondar the Bounty Hunter Khajiit StamBlade DC
    The Dirge Redguard StamNecro EP Disruptor Stormcrafter Nord StamSorc AD
    Lone Druid Bosmer Stam Warden EP Necro-Phos Argonian MagBlade AD
    @ McAttack in game
    Played since beta, and then on console at release, until the game became unplayable on console.
  • Callous2208

    Since you asked nicely, certainly. Now I know this doesn't effect you and many others who already, gladly, have numerous max level crafters. Wether they specialize or do it all. Wether your reasoning for it was decided before or after the 'game changed' with scaling off of crafting level. It doesn't matter because it doesn't bother you. And the previous system didn't bother anybody I should add.

    But now I am bothered, because I am either;
    1. Forced to level crafting again on another character. Which, logically speaking, isn't needed, or at least never was before. Or
    2. I am forced to change my character in order to acquire, through farming, the materials I need to improve a different character.

    Yes there are other means of acquiring mats. But I have never needed to rely on that as the zones I have been questing in have had the necessary materials for my characters level.

    I want back, my playstyle that I enjoyed previous to the changes. As right now, playing on my alts just gives me a feeling of wasted time, or just inefficient use of my play time.

    And to reference my first paragraph, just because the changes may suit other people that have many max level alts, or simply max 'crafting level' alts, or solely play on one character, doesn't mean that their point off view is even valid or fair to those of us that enjoyed and supported the old system.

    In summary, the system that suited you before is the way it should have remained, regardless of how many people benefit from and enjoy the new system. And as for your last paragraph, those of us who support and enjoy the new system, shouldn't comment as our point of view is not valid. Well then. Guess I'll just shut up and head to Hew's or Wrothgar and grab some of those sweet, sweet v16 mats.
  • NeillMcAttack

    Since you asked nicely, certainly. Now I know this doesn't effect you and many others who already, gladly, have numerous max level crafters. Wether they specialize or do it all. Wether your reasoning for it was decided before or after the 'game changed' with scaling off of crafting level. It doesn't matter because it doesn't bother you. And the previous system didn't bother anybody I should add.

    But now I am bothered, because I am either;
    1. Forced to level crafting again on another character. Which, logically speaking, isn't needed, or at least never was before. Or
    2. I am forced to change my character in order to acquire, through farming, the materials I need to improve a different character.

    Yes there are other means of acquiring mats. But I have never needed to rely on that as the zones I have been questing in have had the necessary materials for my characters level.

    I want back, my playstyle that I enjoyed previous to the changes. As right now, playing on my alts just gives me a feeling of wasted time, or just inefficient use of my play time.

    And to reference my first paragraph, just because the changes may suit other people that have many max level alts, or simply max 'crafting level' alts, or solely play on one character, doesn't mean that their point off view is even valid or fair to those of us that enjoyed and supported the old system.

    In summary, the system that suited you before is the way it should have remained, regardless of how many people benefit from and enjoy the new system. And as for your last paragraph, those of us who support and enjoy the new system, shouldn't comment as our point of view is not valid. Well then. Guess I'll just shut up and head to Hew's or Wrothgar and grab some of those sweet, sweet v16 mats.

    Your elitist attitude is showing mate. Did the ability for non crafters to farm mats appropriate to thier level bother you previous to this change?
    PC EU - NoCP PvP, is real PvP
    Tiidehunter Nord StamDK EP PvP Main
    Legion Commander Tresdin Stamplar DC PvE Main
    Sephirith Altmer MagPlar EP Gondar the Bounty Hunter Khajiit StamBlade DC
    The Dirge Redguard StamNecro EP Disruptor Stormcrafter Nord StamSorc AD
    Lone Druid Bosmer Stam Warden EP Necro-Phos Argonian MagBlade AD
    @ McAttack in game
    Played since beta, and then on console at release, until the game became unplayable on console.
  • Brrrofski
    I like how it works.

    Getting them up are easy (except enchanting). I got alchemy from 4 to 50 in 15 minutes the other night. Plus 40 skill points are pretty easy to get.

    I have 8 toons and have no problem with it
  • Callous2208

    Since you asked nicely, certainly. Now I know this doesn't effect you and many others who already, gladly, have numerous max level crafters. Wether they specialize or do it all. Wether your reasoning for it was decided before or after the 'game changed' with scaling off of crafting level. It doesn't matter because it doesn't bother you. And the previous system didn't bother anybody I should add.

    But now I am bothered, because I am either;
    1. Forced to level crafting again on another character. Which, logically speaking, isn't needed, or at least never was before. Or
    2. I am forced to change my character in order to acquire, through farming, the materials I need to improve a different character.

    Yes there are other means of acquiring mats. But I have never needed to rely on that as the zones I have been questing in have had the necessary materials for my characters level.

    I want back, my playstyle that I enjoyed previous to the changes. As right now, playing on my alts just gives me a feeling of wasted time, or just inefficient use of my play time.

    And to reference my first paragraph, just because the changes may suit other people that have many max level alts, or simply max 'crafting level' alts, or solely play on one character, doesn't mean that their point off view is even valid or fair to those of us that enjoyed and supported the old system.

    In summary, the system that suited you before is the way it should have remained, regardless of how many people benefit from and enjoy the new system. And as for your last paragraph, those of us who support and enjoy the new system, shouldn't comment as our point of view is not valid. Well then. Guess I'll just shut up and head to Hew's or Wrothgar and grab some of those sweet, sweet v16 mats.

    Your elitist attitude is showing mate. Did the ability for non crafters to farm mats appropriate to thier level bother you previous to this change?

    No it did not. And still doesn't as they have not changed that in the other zones. You have misused the term elitist I'm afraid. Surely it cannot apply to someone who is just rolling happily along with these minor changes, as opposed to crying for things to return to the way they were because it suited ME. I'm also not the one disregarding the opinion of those who like the system by calling their view "invalid." You have put your entire foot in your mouth now friend. Any point you try to make from here on out should be immediately disregarded by all.
  • NeillMcAttack
    And it's not like I'm not a crafter. I did my time. I can craft anything. I

    Since you asked nicely, certainly. Now I know this doesn't effect you and many others who already, gladly, have numerous max level crafters. Wether they specialize or do it all. Wether your reasoning for it was decided before or after the 'game changed' with scaling off of crafting level. It doesn't matter because it doesn't bother you. And the previous system didn't bother anybody I should add.

    But now I am bothered, because I am either;
    1. Forced to level crafting again on another character. Which, logically speaking, isn't needed, or at least never was before. Or
    2. I am forced to change my character in order to acquire, through farming, the materials I need to improve a different character.

    Yes there are other means of acquiring mats. But I have never needed to rely on that as the zones I have been questing in have had the necessary materials for my characters level.

    I want back, my playstyle that I enjoyed previous to the changes. As right now, playing on my alts just gives me a feeling of wasted time, or just inefficient use of my play time.

    And to reference my first paragraph, just because the changes may suit other people that have many max level alts, or simply max 'crafting level' alts, or solely play on one character, doesn't mean that their point off view is even valid or fair to those of us that enjoyed and supported the old system.

    In summary, the system that suited you before is the way it should have remained, regardless of how many people benefit from and enjoy the new system. And as for your last paragraph, those of us who support and enjoy the new system, shouldn't comment as our point of view is not valid. Well then. Guess I'll just shut up and head to Hew's or Wrothgar and grab some of those sweet, sweet v16 mats.

    Your elitist attitude is showing mate. Did the ability for non crafters to farm mats appropriate to thier level bother you previous to this change?

    No it did not. And still doesn't as they have not changed that in the other zones. You have misused the term elitist I'm afraid. Surely it cannot apply to someone who is just rolling happily along with these minor changes, as opposed to crying for things to return to the way they were because it suited ME. I'm also not the one disregarding the opinion of those who like the system by calling their view "invalid." You have put your entire foot in your mouth now friend. Any point you try to make from here on out should be immediately disregarded by all.

    Except that it's not just me, and the fact that the previous system suited everyone. And also of course that, situationally, these are not 'minor' changes. It's quite significant with regards the economy. Also people's desire for independence in ones ability to farm mats can be game breaking. Sure, let's disregard legitimate concerns!!
    PC EU - NoCP PvP, is real PvP
    Tiidehunter Nord StamDK EP PvP Main
    Legion Commander Tresdin Stamplar DC PvE Main
    Sephirith Altmer MagPlar EP Gondar the Bounty Hunter Khajiit StamBlade DC
    The Dirge Redguard StamNecro EP Disruptor Stormcrafter Nord StamSorc AD
    Lone Druid Bosmer Stam Warden EP Necro-Phos Argonian MagBlade AD
    @ McAttack in game
    Played since beta, and then on console at release, until the game became unplayable on console.
  • Callous2208
    And it's not like I'm not a crafter. I did my time. I can craft anything. I

    Since you asked nicely, certainly. Now I know this doesn't effect you and many others who already, gladly, have numerous max level crafters. Wether they specialize or do it all. Wether your reasoning for it was decided before or after the 'game changed' with scaling off of crafting level. It doesn't matter because it doesn't bother you. And the previous system didn't bother anybody I should add.

    But now I am bothered, because I am either;
    1. Forced to level crafting again on another character. Which, logically speaking, isn't needed, or at least never was before. Or
    2. I am forced to change my character in order to acquire, through farming, the materials I need to improve a different character.

    Yes there are other means of acquiring mats. But I have never needed to rely on that as the zones I have been questing in have had the necessary materials for my characters level.

    I want back, my playstyle that I enjoyed previous to the changes. As right now, playing on my alts just gives me a feeling of wasted time, or just inefficient use of my play time.

    And to reference my first paragraph, just because the changes may suit other people that have many max level alts, or simply max 'crafting level' alts, or solely play on one character, doesn't mean that their point off view is even valid or fair to those of us that enjoyed and supported the old system.

    In summary, the system that suited you before is the way it should have remained, regardless of how many people benefit from and enjoy the new system. And as for your last paragraph, those of us who support and enjoy the new system, shouldn't comment as our point of view is not valid. Well then. Guess I'll just shut up and head to Hew's or Wrothgar and grab some of those sweet, sweet v16 mats.

    Your elitist attitude is showing mate. Did the ability for non crafters to farm mats appropriate to thier level bother you previous to this change?

    No it did not. And still doesn't as they have not changed that in the other zones. You have misused the term elitist I'm afraid. Surely it cannot apply to someone who is just rolling happily along with these minor changes, as opposed to crying for things to return to the way they were because it suited ME. I'm also not the one disregarding the opinion of those who like the system by calling their view "invalid." You have put your entire foot in your mouth now friend. Any point you try to make from here on out should be immediately disregarded by all.

    Except that it's not just me, and the fact that the previous system suited everyone. And also of course that, situationally, these are not 'minor' changes. It's quite significant with regards the economy. Also people's desire for independence in ones ability to farm mats can be game breaking. Sure, let's disregard legitimate concerns!!

    Did it suit those that wanted to play through the new scaled zones and still find appropriate level mats to continue developing that skill? Your independence was never lost, skill up those lines and join us, or use your crafting alts. I feel your line about the economy is most likely the real hangup here. You're upset that you can't easily skim through the new zones on your non crafting main, scooping up mats to plop down on the trader. Otherwise you would see this to be a non issue and invest the points, or collect on your crafting alt.
  • NeillMcAttack
    Please don't make assumptions about me, I rarely sell matts, I'm a hoarder.

    And your point about appropriate mats for characters is self defeating, and I have addressed it already, what about when the character's crafting level is over his current actual level. He then can't find mats without leaving that zone. So it isn't a natural progression, it's far from it. This is why we always had it relative to char level. It makes more sense!!!!!
    Edited by NeillMcAttack on March 24, 2016 5:43PM
    PC EU - NoCP PvP, is real PvP
    Tiidehunter Nord StamDK EP PvP Main
    Legion Commander Tresdin Stamplar DC PvE Main
    Sephirith Altmer MagPlar EP Gondar the Bounty Hunter Khajiit StamBlade DC
    The Dirge Redguard StamNecro EP Disruptor Stormcrafter Nord StamSorc AD
    Lone Druid Bosmer Stam Warden EP Necro-Phos Argonian MagBlade AD
    @ McAttack in game
    Played since beta, and then on console at release, until the game became unplayable on console.
  • NewBlacksmurf
    Dagonthir wrote: »
    Hey guys, I started this thread because I was hoping to get a response from the devs to see if they'd provide any additional insight that other players haven't already brought up. I think that having this discussion would make more sense in the other thread since we don't really need more than one thread.

    As for this thread, it would be ideal if the devs could answer the original post and then lock the thread.

    Not to be rude or short but the basic response to your question was given on ESO live and within PTS patches prior to the Orsinium release on PC

    I did want to direct you to an older PTS feedback thread which may answer your questions specifically.
    Here -

    There are PTS patch notes too but not sure if that is what you're asking for...This thread specifically addresses the topic from a lot of community feedback

    Vid to Orsinium ESO Live show.... updated timetamp (jump to 27:00)
    Edited by NewBlacksmurf on March 24, 2016 5:57PM
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • Katahdin
    I like it the way it is. I dont want it dependant on character level.

    I have a level 25 character that is max crafting so I can get the max level mats with it in those zones if I want to play that character. I can then play that character and gather as i go along and get XP at the same time. If I want lower level mats I go to the lower zones.

    I have 1 V16 that is my master crafter and he stores my mats. I don't want to have to do dedicated farming runs for mats because I find that boring. I am a hoarder and have never had to go and gather mats to make armor for any of my low level alts because I am always gathering as I play, wherever I am. In fact I've had to sell tons of mats because I gave so many.

    When they proposed the change, I was like "ugh I'm gona have to level all my characters if I want to get those mats." Ive been doing it by deconning stuff from my higher level characters. I finished 5 and almost done the 6th. It wasnt nearly as bad as it seemed and went fairly quick as long as I had the higher level stuff to decon. Do some delve runs, you'll have tons of stuff to decon.
    Edited by Katahdin on March 24, 2016 6:03PM
    Beta tester November 2013
  • Callous2208
    Please don't make assumptions about me, I rarely sell matts, I'm a hoarder.

    And your point about appropriate mats for characters is self defeating, and I have addressed it already, what about when the character's crafting level is over his current actual level. He then can't find mats without leaving that zone. So it isn't a natural progression, it's far from it. This is why we always had it relative to char level. It makes more sense!!!!!

    You're not being honest here and it's getting old. How many times have you found your characters crafting level so far over his actual level that this was an issue? If you did, then more than likely it was a crafting alt, and natural progression is thrown out the window. You also seem to be forgetting that these new zones don't follow the original level flow of the game. If they did, all sub v16 characters would be locked out and we'd have a much bigger community outcry than this minor change has brought about.
  • idk
    Spearshard wrote: »
    It doesn't make sense, not in the least. Why would I want to waste time resources and even gold leveling crafting on alts just so that as I level I can gather mats pertinent to his level. It's makes wan more sense to scale it to player levels. I'm not saying the whole zone should just drop v16 mats. But if they have the ability to change mats for each player based on your crafting level, they can have steel appear for a lvl 16 toon and carcinium for a v1. It makes more sense than making you log in on your crafting toon and run around gathering mats. Sure it may be great for those who play their crafters and don't lose anything but it's a pain for those who have dedicated crafters for solely that reason.

    It does not take much time and takes zero resources and absolutely no gold to level wood, metal and cloth crafting. I did it in a mere few weeks on 3 characters, just doing it as I could.

    Additionally, logic is to link the level of the nodes to the crafting level since they are crafting nodes.

    Logic ftw.
    Edited by idk on March 24, 2016 6:19PM
  • Dagonthir
    Not to be rude or short but the basic response to your question was given on ESO live and within PTS patches prior to the Orsinium release on PC

    I did want to direct you to an older PTS feedback thread which may answer your questions specifically.
    Here -

    There are PTS patch notes too but not sure if that is what you're asking for...This thread specifically addresses the topic from a lot of community feedback

    Vid to Orsinium ESO Live show.... updated timetamp (jump to 27:00)

    It wasn't rude or short. Thanks for the video link, I'll check it out later when I get home.

    I was just wondering if there was some other reason for doing the scaling other than to let low level players get resource nodes they could craft with. I mainly wonder because it seems like that could have been accomplished by scaling to player level instead of crafting level since scaling to crafting level kind of hurts playing alts in the new zones since a lot of us didn't do crafting on our alts prior to Orsinium. So I was really just wondering if there was more to it than that.
  • NewBlacksmurf
    Dagonthir wrote: »
    Not to be rude or short but the basic response to your question was given on ESO live and within PTS patches prior to the Orsinium release on PC

    I did want to direct you to an older PTS feedback thread which may answer your questions specifically.
    Here -

    There are PTS patch notes too but not sure if that is what you're asking for...This thread specifically addresses the topic from a lot of community feedback

    Vid to Orsinium ESO Live show.... updated timetamp (jump to 27:00)

    It wasn't rude or short. Thanks for the video link, I'll check it out later when I get home.

    I was just wondering if there was some other reason for doing the scaling other than to let low level players get resource nodes they could craft with. I mainly wonder because it seems like that could have been accomplished by scaling to player level instead of crafting level since scaling to crafting level kind of hurts playing alts in the new zones since a lot of us didn't do crafting on our alts prior to Orsinium. So I was really just wondering if there was more to it than that.

    They answer there quick and short.
    -The players level isn't what would contribute to crafting. They wanted all DLC to allow anyone from level 3 - VR16 to play there but also regardless of each crafting tier, they wanted each player to have a meaningful experience for all interactions.

    Seems achieved as using player levels would lock so many players out of doing any crafting unless they went back to old zones and those were already overcrowded as discussed waaay back in 2014
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • ozmorgudduth
  • NeillMcAttack
    Dagonthir wrote: »
    Hey guys, I started this thread because I was hoping to get a response from the devs to see if they'd provide any additional insight that other players haven't already brought up. I think that having this discussion would make more sense in the other thread since we don't really need more than one thread.

    As for this thread, it would be ideal if the devs could answer the original post and then lock the thread.

    Not to be rude or short but the basic response to your question was given on ESO live and within PTS patches prior to the Orsinium release on PC

    I did want to direct you to an older PTS feedback thread which may answer your questions specifically.
    Here -

    There are PTS patch notes too but not sure if that is what you're asking for...This thread specifically addresses the topic from a lot of community feedback

    Vid to Orsinium ESO Live show.... updated timetamp (jump to 27:00)

    Firstly, excellent post.

    But unfortunately Matts quote of "this way mats are relevant to the player" isn't entirely true. They are relevant to what he can craft with, not what is relevant in terms of gear created. Which is what scaling to player level would have achieved.

    Also that thread is packed with players making the same case we are making here, down to every detail! The fact that it completely changes the game two and a half years in, that it feels like padding, that the previous system was fine, etc. etc. And the calls go ignored. This is sad news. It tells me they are aware that this system isn't alt friendly but are happy with it.

    I guess this is a wasted effort.
    PC EU - NoCP PvP, is real PvP
    Tiidehunter Nord StamDK EP PvP Main
    Legion Commander Tresdin Stamplar DC PvE Main
    Sephirith Altmer MagPlar EP Gondar the Bounty Hunter Khajiit StamBlade DC
    The Dirge Redguard StamNecro EP Disruptor Stormcrafter Nord StamSorc AD
    Lone Druid Bosmer Stam Warden EP Necro-Phos Argonian MagBlade AD
    @ McAttack in game
    Played since beta, and then on console at release, until the game became unplayable on console.
  • NeillMcAttack
    Please don't make assumptions about me, I rarely sell matts, I'm a hoarder.

    And your point about appropriate mats for characters is self defeating, and I have addressed it already, what about when the character's crafting level is over his current actual level. He then can't find mats without leaving that zone. So it isn't a natural progression, it's far from it. This is why we always had it relative to char level. It makes more sense!!!!!

    You're not being honest here and it's getting old. How many times have you found your characters crafting level so far over his actual level that this was an issue? If you did, then more than likely it was a crafting alt, and natural progression is thrown out the window. You also seem to be forgetting that these new zones don't follow the original level flow of the game. If they did, all sub v16 characters would be locked out and we'd have a much bigger community outcry than this minor change has brought about.

    Excuse me. I'm being completely honest. How about you be honest and tell me why you think this system is better than than scaling to character level??

    On my main as I levelled him naturally deconstructing I could craft numerous levels above his from the very early levels. I'm certain anyone that did the same will tell you the same. And of course it was never an issue hence the point of this thread.

    And again, battle leveling is fine still if people can only farm nodes of their level.
    PC EU - NoCP PvP, is real PvP
    Tiidehunter Nord StamDK EP PvP Main
    Legion Commander Tresdin Stamplar DC PvE Main
    Sephirith Altmer MagPlar EP Gondar the Bounty Hunter Khajiit StamBlade DC
    The Dirge Redguard StamNecro EP Disruptor Stormcrafter Nord StamSorc AD
    Lone Druid Bosmer Stam Warden EP Necro-Phos Argonian MagBlade AD
    @ McAttack in game
    Played since beta, and then on console at release, until the game became unplayable on console.
  • teladoy
    Since ZOS only new DLC with new content to sell, they need it to do it in some way that any player of any level can enjoy the expansion.

    So the only way is do everything scaled.

    The problem appears when you have one character that is a crafter and the rest you didn't level up crafting.

    In my case I just rage quit of the game, I cancel my stupid premium account and practically I stoped playing since I got disconnected from the game continuosly, I can't enjoy nothing of cyrodiil and sadly the game suck more than some dlc before.
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Cant believe this is still going on. Fact is nodes will scale with your crafting level in new areas. Deal with it. Nothing else you can do. Its not about new players either. Lots of older players have alts.
    Edited by jamesharv2005ub17_ESO on March 24, 2016 7:51PM
  • Callous2208
    Please don't make assumptions about me, I rarely sell matts, I'm a hoarder.

    And your point about appropriate mats for characters is self defeating, and I have addressed it already, what about when the character's crafting level is over his current actual level. He then can't find mats without leaving that zone. So it isn't a natural progression, it's far from it. This is why we always had it relative to char level. It makes more sense!!!!!

    You're not being honest here and it's getting old. How many times have you found your characters crafting level so far over his actual level that this was an issue? If you did, then more than likely it was a crafting alt, and natural progression is thrown out the window. You also seem to be forgetting that these new zones don't follow the original level flow of the game. If they did, all sub v16 characters would be locked out and we'd have a much bigger community outcry than this minor change has brought about.

    Excuse me. I'm being completely honest. How about you be honest and tell me why you think this system is better than than scaling to character level??

    On my main as I levelled him naturally deconstructing I could craft numerous levels above his from the very early levels. I'm certain anyone that did the same will tell you the same. And of course it was never an issue hence the point of this thread.

    And again, battle leveling is fine still if people can only farm nodes of their level.

    Now you're just contradicting yourself because for whatever reason you can't accept this minor change. All of the zones prior to the dlc, are still the same. Go nuts. But now, if a player decides to start a new characters adventure in Hew's or Wrothgar, they can delight in the fact that the nodes will scale with their crafting progression. If you have a low level crafting alt, rejoice, v16 mats are compiled in a zone, tailor made to your level, no matter how high or low. If you craft on your v16, guess what, mats are still there for the taking, along with v16 mobs and drops. Everybody wins. And on a side note, with this system you're not competing with Joe non crafter who spends all day farming high tier mats to sell back to you the crafter at astronomical prices, beating you to every node. This system is solid.
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