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Can anyone from ZOS confirm why crafting node scaling was introduced?

I've googled this, and looked around the forum, but I can't find anything really "official" for why the crafting node scaling was added to the battle leveled zones. The closest thing I've found is the 2.2.4 patch notes (ie. the Wrothgar release). It seems to me it was added so that lower level characters could go there and get materials they could craft with, and I think there have been unintended side effects which are good for some people and bad for some people. Anyways, just wondering, could someone from ZOS put up a simple explanation for what the real goal of this mechanic is?
  • idk
    Why and official?

    Probably not going to get the answer you what but the real answer is fairly obvious. Since the characters level in t is logical the crafting nodes have to scale to the character in some way. Having it scale to the characters crafting level is the best way to do that.

    It would be silly having a new player just starting out and cannot get any matts to craft with because everything is for gear 60 levels above him/her.

    Edit: to answer the probable reply, I have 4 v16 characters and all of them can harvest v16 level matts. It's easy to accomplish, but a choice to do this or not.
    Edited by idk on March 23, 2016 6:08PM
  • Dagonthir
    Yeah, I doubt I'll get an answer, but figured I'd try. I've seen lots of reasons thrown out by various players, so I was just hoping to gain insight into the dev's thinking.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno , @ZOS_JessicaFolsom , can you either of you provide an answer?
  • idk
    Do the details really matter since it is obvious it's due accommodating players at different crafting levels.
  • Dagonthir
    I guess I'm just curious so I can form my own opinion of how well it addresses that. I think the reason you state is obvious, and I also think it's why they did it. But it had the, presumably unintentional, side effect of harming the experience for veteran players. Since I have a master crafter, I'd rather get on-level nodes when I play my alts rather than getting nodes they can craft with because they don't need to craft - that's what I have a master crafter for.

    Anyhow, I don't want to discuss it here. I have my own opinions of the scaling and have discussed it elsewhere. All I was really hoping to get from this thread was an explanation from the devs, mainly out of curiosity.
  • WalkingLegacy
    It's pretty obvious and pretty sure they said it on an ESO live.

    Low level and new players have their mats scaled to their skill level.

  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    They did it only in the areas where the level scales. Orsinium and now TG. If you go to the older zones you get the right level mats. They did this so people playing in the new areas can get the right mats for their crafting level.
  • NeillMcAttack
    The choice to scale them off crafting level over character level makes no sense considering that the entire base game was scaled to zone level to coincide with character level.
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  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    The choice to scale them off crafting level over character level makes no sense considering that the entire base game was scaled to zone level to coincide with character level.

    It does make sense tho. If you are a level 3 character who goes to orsinium you dont want to find top tier mats. You want mats you can use to level your character's crafting up.
  • Dagonthir
    The choice to scale them off crafting level over character level makes no sense considering that the entire base game was scaled to zone level to coincide with character level.

    I agree with this, which is mainly why I mostly don't think they addressed the issue real well (the "obvious answer" as most people are saying). Which is why I kind of wanted to hear from devs, to find out if there are other reasons that factored into the decision besides just allowing low level to players to find materials they could craft with. Since most people have dedicated crafters, I don't really feel like scaling to a specific character's crafting ability was a good choice.
  • NewBlacksmurf
    Because adding DLC that "everyone" can participate in requires it.

    Imagine if a majority of the population purchased DLC only to find out that if they dont' have XYZ passives they cannot participate in the nodes or can only for a limited time.

    This was the best decision and it works just fine as we have 80% of the rest of the game for node specific farming.
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • phaneub17_ESO
    It also works for those of us who don't have access to DLC content, but have 10/10 crafting points. I can get the Ruby Ore, Wood, and Cloth from Cyrodiil; leather scraps on the other hand I have to rely on hireling mail.
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    What is annoying to me is all I find these days is ruby ash but i need nightwood for the daily writs. So I usually end up buying nightwood heh.
  • BoloBoffin
    What is annoying to me is all I find these days is ruby ash but i need nightwood for the daily writs. So I usually end up buying nightwood heh.

    You can always go to the normal zones to harvest nightwood. I practically trip over that stuff now in the right zones.
    Been there, got the Molag Bal polymorph.
  • Elsonso
    I am pretty sure that the answer is right in the OP, so if they don't answer, that is probably it.

    "it was added so that lower level characters could go there and get materials they could craft with"

    I do not think there are any "unintended" side effects. Maybe they will chime in and answer that one.
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  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    BoloBoffin wrote: »
    What is annoying to me is all I find these days is ruby ash but i need nightwood for the daily writs. So I usually end up buying nightwood heh.

    You can always go to the normal zones to harvest nightwood. I practically trip over that stuff now in the right zones.

    Well true yes. I only use nightwood for writs so its easier for me to just sell the ruby ash and use that money to buy nightwood. A good point tho for the OP. You can still harvest all but the top tier from the normal zones.
  • Xendyn
    What is annoying to me is all I find these days is ruby ash but i need nightwood for the daily writs. So I usually end up buying nightwood heh.

    Crag is good for that and also probably whichever your last couple of alliance vet zones are.
    Lag is ruinin' my 'mershun!
    A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.
    There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance - Socrates
    Member of the Old Guard, keepers of the game's history

  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Xendyn wrote: »
    What is annoying to me is all I find these days is ruby ash but i need nightwood for the daily writs. So I usually end up buying nightwood heh.

    Crag is good for that and also probably whichever your last couple of alliance vet zones are.

    Craglorn I got to fight 1000 other people for nodes lol. Im exaggerating but there are a ton of people in craglorn 24/7 harvesting nodes for nirncrux.
    Edited by jamesharv2005ub17_ESO on March 23, 2016 8:17PM
  • idk
    The choice to scale them off crafting level over character level makes no sense considering that the entire base game was scaled to zone level to coincide with character level.

    It makes absolute sense. In a zone that scales to the character level it is ONLY LOGICAL to have the crafting nodes scale to the characters crafting level.

    It would be silly to do it otherwise.
  • Xendyn
    Xendyn wrote: »
    What is annoying to me is all I find these days is ruby ash but i need nightwood for the daily writs. So I usually end up buying nightwood heh.

    Crag is good for that and also probably whichever your last couple of alliance vet zones are.

    Craglorn I got to fight 1000 other people for nodes lol. Im exaggerating but there are a ton of people in craglorn 24/7 harvesting nodes for nirncrux.

    Yeh I can see that lol. I'm AD so I go to Rivenspire actually for Void stuff. Try those vet zones then.
    Lag is ruinin' my 'mershun!
    A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.
    There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance - Socrates
    Member of the Old Guard, keepers of the game's history

  • Callous2208
    Try as I may, I just can't fathom a logical reason anyone would be opposed to this scaling. It makes absolute and perfect sense.
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Try as I may, I just can't fathom a logical reason anyone would be opposed to this scaling. It makes absolute and perfect sense.

    He wants to farm top tier mats on a character he hasnt leveled his crafting. Before what stopped you from doing this was the fact either you couldnt even go to that area or the mobs would instantly kill you. With level scaling but not node scaling people would have level 3 chars just out of the tutorial farming the mats nonstop in the new zones because there would be no danger to them.
  • Nestor
    Try as I may, I just can't fathom a logical reason anyone would be opposed to this scaling. It makes absolute and perfect sense.

    I am not opposed to the scaling. I am opposed to the scaling being only to one factor. Scale the nodes to either Crafting Level or Character level, which ever is higher, in the Adventure zones.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Spearshard
    It doesn't make sense, not in the least. Why would I want to waste time resources and even gold leveling crafting on alts just so that as I level I can gather mats pertinent to his level. It's makes wan more sense to scale it to player levels. I'm not saying the whole zone should just drop v16 mats. But if they have the ability to change mats for each player based on your crafting level, they can have steel appear for a lvl 16 toon and carcinium for a v1. It makes more sense than making you log in on your crafting toon and run around gathering mats. Sure it may be great for those who play their crafters and don't lose anything but it's a pain for those who have dedicated crafters for solely that reason.
  • Pirhana7_ESO
    Spearshard wrote: »
    It doesn't make sense, not in the least. Why would I want to waste time resources and even gold leveling crafting on alts just so that as I level I can gather mats pertinent to his level. It's makes wan more sense to scale it to player levels. I'm not saying the whole zone should just drop v16 mats. But if they have the ability to change mats for each player based on your crafting level, they can have steel appear for a lvl 16 toon and carcinium for a v1. It makes more sense than making you log in on your crafting toon and run around gathering mats. Sure it may be great for those who play their crafters and don't lose anything but it's a pain for those who have dedicated crafters for solely that reason.

    Because they looked at the problem they had with Cyrodiil. They wanted people who like the open PVP world play to use Cyrodiil as an alternate way of leveling up away from the main world. The idea was you could go to CYrodiil and play your character and PVE with the watch your back feel. the excitement of PVP happening at any time from enemy players. The PROBLEM was people tried to do this but mainly stopped because they could aquire crafting material they needed at their level. They only got useless high level drops. This is why the change was made.
  • helediron
    Oh noes, not another thread about scaling nodes!
    On hiatus. PC,EU,AD - crafting completionist - @helediron 900+ cp, @helestor 1000+ cp, @helestar 800+ cp, @helester 700+ cp - Dragonborn Z Suomikilta, Harrods, Master Crafter. - Blog - Crafthouse: all stations, all munduses, all dummies, open to everyone
  • johu31
    Why wasn't this a thing when orsinium came out?

    Edited by johu31 on March 23, 2016 9:32PM
  • GreenGhostMan
    I think they should have made Orsinium a static level for upper levels. It seems a lot of people go to Orsinium before completing the main story and are then unchallenged and bored when they go back (also don't get as much XP). I understand it was most likely a marketing decision to attract new players...oh well.
    Alozar [] AD [] vet7 High Elf Templar
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  • Spearshard
    Spearshard wrote: »
    It doesn't make sense, not in the least. Why would I want to waste time resources and even gold leveling crafting on alts just so that as I level I can gather mats pertinent to his level. It's makes wan more sense to scale it to player levels. I'm not saying the whole zone should just drop v16 mats. But if they have the ability to change mats for each player based on your crafting level, they can have steel appear for a lvl 16 toon and carcinium for a v1. It makes more sense than making you log in on your crafting toon and run around gathering mats. Sure it may be great for those who play their crafters and don't lose anything but it's a pain for those who have dedicated crafters for solely that reason.

    Because they looked at the problem they had with Cyrodiil. They wanted people who like the open PVP world play to use Cyrodiil as an alternate way of leveling up away from the main world. The idea was you could go to CYrodiil and play your character and PVE with the watch your back feel. the excitement of PVP happening at any time from enemy players. The PROBLEM was people tried to do this but mainly stopped because they could aquire crafting material they needed at their level. They only got useless high level drops. This is why the change was made.

    Clearly you didn't read what I said. I said the change to it scaling off crafting level was dumb instead of your level range. I.e. as a level 16 in wrothgar you'll find steel and hide, or as a lvl 26 dwarves steel (or whatever the equivalent), or as v15 ruby ash, etc. I never said just have it top tier across the board. That also is dumb and excludes players. This change excludes players unless they grind crafting on every toon, which is a pain in the arse. This just comes across as pointless padding to the game.
  • Forestd16b14_ESO
    My question is why even introduce a battle leveled zone to begin with.
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    The reason it doesnt scale to your level is because your crafting level and your character's XP level are two totally different things. Your characters level as far as XP has nothing to do with your crafting level.
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