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Official Feedback Thread for Templars

  • Zheg
    Minno wrote: »
    With DLC fast approaching, I must suggest we close this thread and get ready to test live servers. It makes no sense to waste energy when we must let ZOS work to pull the DLC into the launch phase. Thank you @ZOS_GinaBruno and rest of ZOS for the thread creation and at very least listening to the few points made early on!

    Please let's remain constructive in the next thread and keep the verbal abuse to a minimum (myself included).

    Templars hold fast, keep up the critique and keep it civil; keep the fire going.

    Not to be a total jerk, but what, exactly, are we thanking them for? It was one of about a dozen token feedback threads that were created, and one of ones that didn't even get a response, even though this one pretty much has more posts than all of the others combined.

    I know Gina is reading this thread, but I also know that she's not allowed to respond in here because just like the other hot button issues of yesteryears, ZOS thinks it's more constructive to let the topic be ignored and hopefully die out than actually address it. So no, I won't be thanking them, not for their pathetic balance work, nor for their misguided approach to engaging the community.
  • Minno
    Zheg wrote: »
    Minno wrote: »
    With DLC fast approaching, I must suggest we close this thread and get ready to test live servers. It makes no sense to waste energy when we must let ZOS work to pull the DLC into the launch phase. Thank you @ZOS_GinaBruno and rest of ZOS for the thread creation and at very least listening to the few points made early on!

    Please let's remain constructive in the next thread and keep the verbal abuse to a minimum (myself included).

    Templars hold fast, keep up the critique and keep it civil; keep the fire going.

    Not to be a total jerk, but what, exactly, are we thanking them for? It was one of about a dozen token feedback threads that were created, and one of ones that didn't even get a response, even though this one pretty much has more posts than all of the others combined.

    I know Gina is reading this thread, but I also know that she's not allowed to respond in here because just like the other hot button issues of yesteryears, ZOS thinks it's more constructive to let the topic be ignored and hopefully die out than actually address it. So no, I won't be thanking them, not for their pathetic balance work, nor for their misguided approach to engaging the community.

    Pathetic or not, it was still work. Actions as result from dissatisfaction comes from the collective action of how we purchase future content.

    Not to mention we did sign the following TOS agreement (bold portions related):

    "ZeniMax may patch, update, or modify a Service at any time with or without notice to You. Notwithstanding the foregoing, ZeniMax has no obligation to make available any patches, updates or modifications or correct any errors or defects in the Services. ZeniMax makes no guarantees about the persistence or availability of any user names or other personas at any time and assumes no liability for lost or deleted Account data. Except as prohibited by applicable law and subject to the Statutory Obligations (as defined in Section 1), You agree that ZeniMax will not be liable for any interruption of the Services, delay or failure to perform, any loss of Content (including, but not limited to, User-Generated Content and Downloadable Content), and/or Account data (including, but not limited to, Character data) resulting from any causes whatsoever. ZeniMax reserves the right to offer new Services, change and/or discontinue certain Services at any time in its sole discretion."

    So while it wasn't the patch we wanted, it was still a patch that fellow humans stressed over. And for that I thank them.

    With that said, aside from a few weeks to a month of testing the new DLC, I will be using my energy elsewhere. Really nothing we can do except acknowledge the above sentiments, accept them or move on.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Zheg
    Minno wrote: »

    So while it wasn't the patch we wanted, it was still a patch that fellow humans stressed over. And for that I thank them.

    With that said, aside from a few weeks to a month of testing the new DLC, I will be using my energy elsewhere. Really nothing we can do except acknowledge the above sentiments, accept them or move on.

    They may go through effort while in the bathroom as well, and net the same result, that doesn't mean they should be thanked for said efforts.

    Agreed on the last part though, there's nothing to be done at this point but either give up or continue to complain because it's cathartic.
    Edited by Zheg on March 1, 2016 6:59PM
  • SemiD4rkness
    Zheg wrote: »
    Minno wrote: »
    With DLC fast approaching, I must suggest we close this thread and get ready to test live servers. It makes no sense to waste energy when we must let ZOS work to pull the DLC into the launch phase. Thank you @ZOS_GinaBruno and rest of ZOS for the thread creation and at very least listening to the few points made early on!

    Please let's remain constructive in the next thread and keep the verbal abuse to a minimum (myself included).

    Templars hold fast, keep up the critique and keep it civil; keep the fire going.

    Not to be a total jerk, but what, exactly, are we thanking them for? It was one of about a dozen token feedback threads that were created, and one of ones that didn't even get a response, even though this one pretty much has more posts than all of the others combined.

    I know Gina is reading this thread, but I also know that she's not allowed to respond in here because just like the other hot button issues of yesteryears, ZOS thinks it's more constructive to let the topic be ignored and hopefully die out than actually address it. So no, I won't be thanking them, not for their pathetic balance work, nor for their misguided approach to engaging the community.

    Agreed, people say thanks for literally nothing.
  • SemiD4rkness
    The core of my guild has moved to a new game that shall not be named, but shall be playable to the all on the third.

    Im gonna go give her a whirl, ill check in next dlc and see if zeni is ready make the last few, but Crucial changes for this class =)

    and on this time away, I wont be paying my sub, as I wont be paying towards a game that doesnt listen to their community =D


    Im just waiting for nightblader ( :D ) to release and migrate from ESO. Exact same reason for me, @Wrobel can keep his playground for himself.
  • Minno
    Zheg wrote: »
    Minno wrote: »

    So while it wasn't the patch we wanted, it was still a patch that fellow humans stressed over. And for that I thank them.

    With that said, aside from a few weeks to a month of testing the new DLC, I will be using my energy elsewhere. Really nothing we can do except acknowledge the above sentiments, accept them or move on.

    They may go through effort while in the bathroom as well, and net the same result, that doesn't mean they should be thanked for said efforts.

    Agreed on the last part though, there's nothing to be done at this point but either give up or continue to complain because it's cathartic.

    We don't know how they work so insinuating the same result can be done from the bathroom is insulting. Though it is clear lots of issues are escaping through what should be a viable quality control net.

    Main point is, despite us trying to be respectful to their work environment and efforts to keep abuse out of it, we all agree either accept the efforts or support a game that aligns with how we want to play.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • nagarjunna
    The sad thing here is that ZOS plan of non-communication is backfiring majorly! A failure to be responsive to people who play a game is the major cause of games packing up and dying!

    Even in this thread more and more people are giving up and moving on. That hits ZOS right in their bottom line!

    @nagarjunna- PC / NA / AD / DC
    Zazarakel - Max CP Magicka Templar
    Tartys - Max CP Stamina Nightblade
    Temelechus - Max CP Magicka Sorcerer
    Assaku - Max CP Stamina DragonKnight
    Truthforge - Sub 50 Stamina Templar
    Yang Wudi Sub 50 Stamina Sorceror [DC]
    Shou Chung Sub 50 Magicka DragonKnight
    Chen Tuan Sun 50 Magicka Nightblade
  • Husan
    I'll just leave this here again.. (from february 2015(!!!))
    Once the dust settles a bit from this change of direction, you should expect to see increased participation from the developers. They would love to chime into constructive threads and provide some feedback!
  • Minno
    nagarjunna wrote: »
    The sad thing here is that ZOS plan of non-communication is backfiring majorly! A failure to be responsive to people who play a game is the major cause of games packing up and dying!

    Even in this thread more and more people are giving up and moving on. That hits ZOS right in their bottom line!

    Normally I agree, especially in a business setting. But based on the TOS, technically they don't owe us any responses or fixes regarding their intellectual property.

    While it's great to offer our suggestions, especially when they ask us, I have to now remind the community its best to save your energy enjoying the game as is or purchase a new game.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Joy_Division
    I will *not* thank ZoS for its continued lack of transparency and degradation of ESO.
  • AfkNinja
    They created this feedback thread. Why would I thank them for 72 pages of being ignored? They wanted feedback, they got it. TONS OF IT. Fantastic feedback by the best Templar's in our community. They chose to respond to that with nothing. I really do not understand these devs. What kind of dev asks for feedback then ignores it?

    Why is it every class and issue when complained about gets almost immediate fixes but the Templar's are ignored? Blows my mind. We even give them the solutions they are asking for, not OP solutions either, and what do we have to show for it? Nothing. We get a pat on the head and a "keep it civil.". NB's get a response and fix within 4 pages. Don't tell me not to be pissed about that. The least they could have done is a /lurk post, we don't even get that basic consideration.
  • Fruitdog
    I guess the best I can do is thank ZOS for not deleting the class. Good job on that, guys.
  • TRoclodyte
    Fruitdog wrote: »
    I guess the best I can do is thank ZOS for not deleting the class. Good job on that, guys.

    They should just do it and be done with it.

    ZOS: From this day, we promise: NEVER any more templar nerfs! Mark our words!
    *deletes the class*
  • danno8
    Minno wrote: »
    nagarjunna wrote: »
    The sad thing here is that ZOS plan of non-communication is backfiring majorly! A failure to be responsive to people who play a game is the major cause of games packing up and dying!

    Even in this thread more and more people are giving up and moving on. That hits ZOS right in their bottom line!

    Normally I agree, especially in a business setting. But based on the TOS, technically they don't owe us any responses or fixes regarding their intellectual property.

    While it's great to offer our suggestions, especially when they ask us, I have to now remind the community its best to save your energy enjoying the game as is or purchase a new game.

    So "speak with your wallet"?

    Advice I will be taking with TG for sure.

    Here is some more feedback for ZoS though. If you ask for input from your community, but you already have a preconceived idea of how things are going to be, maybe preface the thread with "While you are free to leave feedback, please note that the changes we have made are complete, and there will not be any discussion on our behalf regarding said changes."

    Could have saved everyone a bunch of time.
  • puffy99
    well at least I got dark flare I think.... :-)
    yesterday in chillrend the spam in the keep defense by the flags was epic..
    heres hoping dark flare sneaks in...
  • dodgehopper_ESO
    Minno wrote: »
    nagarjunna wrote: »
    The sad thing here is that ZOS plan of non-communication is backfiring majorly! A failure to be responsive to people who play a game is the major cause of games packing up and dying!

    Even in this thread more and more people are giving up and moving on. That hits ZOS right in their bottom line!

    Normally I agree, especially in a business setting. But based on the TOS, technically they don't owe us any responses or fixes regarding their intellectual property.

    While it's great to offer our suggestions, especially when they ask us, I have to now remind the community its best to save your energy enjoying the game as is or purchase a new game.

    I can be grumpy, and I can still ignore the game, I'm just finding myself doing it in novel ways. My templars for instance have become primarily pve story-mode. I'll save the pvp for real classes until they get their act together.
    US/AD - Dodge Hopper - Vet Imperial Templar | US/AD - Goj-ei-Raj - Vet Argonian Nightblade
    US/AD - Arondonimo - Vet Altmer Sorcerer | US/AD - Azumarax - Vet Dunmer Dragon Knight
    US/AD - Barkan al-Sheharesh - Vet Redguard Dragon Knight | US/AD - Aelus Vortavoriil - Vet Altmer Templar
    US/AD - Shirari Qa'Dar - Vet Khajiit Nightblade | US/AD - Ndvari Mzunchvolenthumz - Vet Bosmer Nightblade
    US/EP - Yngmar - Vet Nord Dragon Knight | US/EP - Reloth Ur Fyr - Vet Dunmer Sorcerer
    US/DC - Muiredeach - Vet Breton Sorcerer | US/DC - Nachtrabe - Vet Orc Nightblade
    EU/DC - Dragol gro-Unglak - Vet Orc Dragon Knight | EU/DC - Targan al-Barkan - Vet Redguard Templar
    EU/DC - Wuthmir - Vet Nord Sorcerer | EU/DC - Kosh Ragotoro - Vet Khajiit Nightblade
    <And plenty more>
  • dodgehopper_ESO
    AfkNinja wrote: »
    They created this feedback thread. Why would I thank them for 72 pages of being ignored? They wanted feedback, they got it. TONS OF IT. Fantastic feedback by the best Templar's in our community. They chose to respond to that with nothing. I really do not understand these devs. What kind of dev asks for feedback then ignores it?

    Why is it every class and issue when complained about gets almost immediate fixes but the Templar's are ignored? Blows my mind. We even give them the solutions they are asking for, not OP solutions either, and what do we have to show for it? Nothing. We get a pat on the head and a "keep it civil.". NB's get a response and fix within 4 pages. Don't tell me not to be pissed about that. The least they could have done is a /lurk post, we don't even get that basic consideration.

    I haven't posted in a number of days but I agree with this sentiment. Its actually why I haven't posted. I'm finding that I'm getting increasingly irritated that they haven't communicated with us, either in their stream, forums, this feedback thread, or anywhere. Maybe they are somewhat taken aback by the agitation of the community and they're a bit dumbfounded. I'm going to quote/paraphrase myself from another thread I posted on today. It was a discussion about Templar Resource Management, and in it someone was talking about Toppling Charge as an option for the class mobility.

    "Its even more infuriating when you see just how effective and smooth skills like Ambush run. I love Ambush as a skill but I do not love Toppling Charge as a skill, though I desperately want to. People are also angry about this skill because we've been told it is 'fixed' roughly every other major patch since the game went live. I think the only definition of 'fixed' being used is the same one we use for stray dogs and cats: Neutered - just like the Templar class."

    This is my complaint about the Templar class and all the 'balancing' we've had since beta. Almost every 'FIXING' feels like a 'NEUTERING' of the class. I'm tired of every other class feeling elegant, and templar class feeling awkward and goofy. Lets compare the classes to birds. Dragon Knights are the eagles, swooping in for the kill with powerful talons. Sorcerers would be the Peregrine Falcons, raptors who swoop in at 90 miles per hour with a swift kill. Nightblades are the Owls, diving out of the shadows to kill their prey. Templars are the Doves, pecking around on the ground for worms and hoping to God some raptor doesn't come in and eat their eggs...
    US/AD - Dodge Hopper - Vet Imperial Templar | US/AD - Goj-ei-Raj - Vet Argonian Nightblade
    US/AD - Arondonimo - Vet Altmer Sorcerer | US/AD - Azumarax - Vet Dunmer Dragon Knight
    US/AD - Barkan al-Sheharesh - Vet Redguard Dragon Knight | US/AD - Aelus Vortavoriil - Vet Altmer Templar
    US/AD - Shirari Qa'Dar - Vet Khajiit Nightblade | US/AD - Ndvari Mzunchvolenthumz - Vet Bosmer Nightblade
    US/EP - Yngmar - Vet Nord Dragon Knight | US/EP - Reloth Ur Fyr - Vet Dunmer Sorcerer
    US/DC - Muiredeach - Vet Breton Sorcerer | US/DC - Nachtrabe - Vet Orc Nightblade
    EU/DC - Dragol gro-Unglak - Vet Orc Dragon Knight | EU/DC - Targan al-Barkan - Vet Redguard Templar
    EU/DC - Wuthmir - Vet Nord Sorcerer | EU/DC - Kosh Ragotoro - Vet Khajiit Nightblade
    <And plenty more>
  • technohic
    The core of my guild has moved to a new game that shall not be named, but shall be playable to the all on the third.

    Im gonna go give her a whirl, ill check in next dlc and see if zeni is ready make the last few, but Crucial changes for this class =)

    and on this time away, I wont be paying my sub, as I wont be paying towards a game that doesnt listen to their community =D


    I've been having a blast on a game that fully releases the 3rd. Animation cancelling done right
  • timidobserver
    Husan wrote: »
    I'll just leave this here again.. (from february 2015(!!!))
    Once the dust settles a bit from this change of direction, you should expect to see increased participation from the developers. They would love to chime into constructive threads and provide some feedback!

    There isn't really anything for them to say in this thread. With regard to the dlc, other than a few ninja bugs and nerfs that will go in with the last patch that doesn' t go on the pts per usual, the Templar balancing is done and over with for now. Quit, reroll, or deal with it.
    Edited by timidobserver on March 1, 2016 9:00PM
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • skarvika
    Fruitdog wrote: »
    I guess the best I can do is thank ZOS for not deleting the class. Good job on that, guys.
    I'd prefer they do that honestly. Give us a class change token we have to use when we log in.
    ZOS should just give up the whole "Play the way you want to play" farce they've been running on since launch and just admit that ESO is your typical linear 'holy trinity' class based MMO; you've got the rogue (NB), mage (Sorc) and warrior (DK).
    Templars are useless and playing templar is a waste of time.
    I hate saying that.
    QQing is a full time job
  • BalticBlues
    Fruitdog wrote: »
    I guess the best I can do is thank ZOS for not deleting the class. Good job on that, guys.
    skarvika wrote: »
    I'd prefer they do that honestly. Give us a class change token we have to use when we log in.
    ZOS should just give up the whole "Play the way you want to play" farce they've been running on since launch and just admit that ESO is your typical linear 'holy trinity' class based MMO; you've got the rogue (NB), mage (Sorc) and warrior (DK).
    Templars are useless and playing templar is a waste of time. I hate saying that.
    You took the work out of my mouth. In all other companies it would be a matter of fairness to
    offer customers another product if the sold product is broken and useless beyond repair.

  • SeptimusDova
    As I look at this mega thread I see many names from our last one. Sadly I also miss many names. Where is AbraxusX? This minuet with ZOS has turned into the ouroboros dance.

    Thank Zos nahh. Thank my fellow Templars for the discourse and lively conversation. The heated passion in which we have fought the battle. Our solidarity for the common good of all Templars. This is who I thank.Not some corporation who hides behind TOS for no other reason than self protection.

    The good that came out of this thread goes beyond our class.

    And you mofos got me into composing classical pieces again. Kudos you did what the missus couldnt.

    and yolo swagon

    I still have that honor the dead gif you made from last year It's our cover now!!!
    Edited by SeptimusDova on March 1, 2016 9:52PM
  • AfkNinja
    As I look at this mega thread I see many names from our last one. Sadly I also miss many names. Where is AbraxusX? This minuet with ZOS has turned into the ouroboros dance.

    Thank Zos nahh. Thank my fellow Templars for the discourse and lively conversation. The heated passion in which we have fought the battle. Our solidarity for the common good of all Templars. This is who I thank.Not some corporation who hides behind TOS for no other reason than self protection.

    The good that came out of this thread goes beyond our class.

    And you mofos got me into composing classical pieces again. Kudos you did what the missus couldnt.

    and yolo swagon

    I still have that honor the dead gif you made from last year It's our cover now!!!

    Templar #yoloSWAGON

    At least we have eachother....
  • SeptimusDova
    True AfkNinja so true. Looks like I may end up stacking regen to the ceiling to heal peeps now. Deconning all that gold stuff is going to hurt.
  • Husan
    Husan wrote: »
    I'll just leave this here again.. (from february 2015(!!!))
    Once the dust settles a bit from this change of direction, you should expect to see increased participation from the developers. They would love to chime into constructive threads and provide some feedback!

    There isn't really anything for them to say in this thread. With regard to the dlc, other than a few ninja bugs and nerfs that will go in with the last patch that doesn' t go on the pts per usual, the Templar balancing is done and over with for now. Quit, reroll, or deal with it.

    How about the four threads asking whether we will get free skill resets or not? I mean, a simple yes/no would suffice and they can't even chime in on that.

    I realize the templar balancing is done for now. I also realize that @Wrobel has his ideas of what a templar should be and this entire thread is irrelevant because he will go through with his planned changes no matter what the feedback is. That's a fact and you are true there really isn't anything for them to say in this thread anymore. I already mentioned it in this thread already. If you are a templar, be happy with what you are getting and wait for further changes in Dark Brotherhood. If you are not satisfied, roll an alt or play another game meanwhile. This thread has no point, the entire purpose of it was just to help find what bugs are still in game, and most of those actually are getting fixes. There will be no feedback taken from this thread for balancing purposes. If that is what you are expecting, you are wasting your time. I don't even know why I'm still posting here myself, especially since I haven't launched ESO in about a week :D.
  • SeptimusDova
    I was here for morale support, Esprit De Corps and Joy's Sammiches.
  • Razorback174
    Husan wrote: »
    There will be no feedback taken from this thread for balancing purposes. If that is what you are expecting, you are wasting your time.

    Then why on God's green earth is this thread called "Official Feedback Thread for Templars?!!"

    I think the part that really kills me is the absolute silence on ZOS' part. There are over 70 pages in this thread, with many meaningful and well-thought out posts. That alone warrants some type of response, does it not? Yet we have received nothing but silence. Not even a simple acknowledgement! And some folk want to actually thank them for this? I don't understand it. As a customer, this is horrendous service. Blatantly (and in some cases flippantly) ignoring your customers is not a good business practice. They will take their business elsewhere.

    I know of many who already have...
    Edited by Razorback174 on March 2, 2016 12:15AM
  • nagarjunna
    I think the part that really kills me is the absolute silence on ZOS' part. There are over 70 pages in this thread, with many meaningful and well-thought out posts. That alone warrants some type of response, does it not? Yet we have received nothing but silence. Not even a simple acknowledgement! And some folk want to actually thank them for this? I don't understand it. As a customer, this is horrendous service. Blatantly (and in some cases flippantly) ignoring your customers is not a good business practice. They will take their business elsewhere.

    I know of many who already have...

    I most heartily agree with your sentiment here!
    @nagarjunna- PC / NA / AD / DC
    Zazarakel - Max CP Magicka Templar
    Tartys - Max CP Stamina Nightblade
    Temelechus - Max CP Magicka Sorcerer
    Assaku - Max CP Stamina DragonKnight
    Truthforge - Sub 50 Stamina Templar
    Yang Wudi Sub 50 Stamina Sorceror [DC]
    Shou Chung Sub 50 Magicka DragonKnight
    Chen Tuan Sun 50 Magicka Nightblade
  • timidobserver
    Husan wrote: »
    Husan wrote: »
    I'll just leave this here again.. (from february 2015(!!!))
    Once the dust settles a bit from this change of direction, you should expect to see increased participation from the developers. They would love to chime into constructive threads and provide some feedback!

    There isn't really anything for them to say in this thread. With regard to the dlc, other than a few ninja bugs and nerfs that will go in with the last patch that doesn' t go on the pts per usual, the Templar balancing is done and over with for now. Quit, reroll, or deal with it.

    How about the four threads asking whether we will get free skill resets or not? I mean, a simple yes/no would suffice and they can't even chime in on that.

    I realize the templar balancing is done for now. I also realize that @Wrobel has his ideas of what a templar should be and this entire thread is irrelevant because he will go through with his planned changes no matter what the feedback is. That's a fact and you are true there really isn't anything for them to say in this thread anymore. I already mentioned it in this thread already. If you are a templar, be happy with what you are getting and wait for further changes in Dark Brotherhood. If you are not satisfied, roll an alt or play another game meanwhile. This thread has no point, the entire purpose of it was just to help find what bugs are still in game, and most of those actually are getting fixes. There will be no feedback taken from this thread for balancing purposes. If that is what you are expecting, you are wasting your time. I don't even know why I'm still posting here myself, especially since I haven't launched ESO in about a week :D.

    Meh, class balance doesn't make or break the game for me. I am extremely disappointed by the nerf to buff ratio we have going on this update. Counting the indirect nerfs like the change to Rapid Manuever, the direct nerfs to our class, and the ninja nerfs like channeled focus, we took a staggering amount of nerfs this DLC. Though, at the end of the day, I'll be fine and make it work.

    Though you are right that it would be awesome if they acknowledged that the thread exists. It makes me wonder why they made it.
    Edited by timidobserver on March 2, 2016 1:24AM
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • SeptimusDova
    perhaps to focus us, canalize us, and prevent us from running amok in other areas on the board and causing a deafening ruckus.
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