Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
We will be performing maintenance for patch 10.1.0 on the PTS on Monday at 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC).

Official Feedback Thread for Templars

  • Jakhajay
    puffy99 wrote: »
    All ESO subscribes should come with the 3 little piggies storybook signed by Wrobel or maybe a virtual brick house..

    Best thing would be to have the Sorc and DK together in the brick house, the NB in the stick house, and the Templar in the burning down straw house, and the BIG Bad Wolf has Wrobel's face
    Sh'ira - One Eyed Tihm - Do'Mazar - Dar'Sol - Hazzahn - J'darr Sun-Arrow - Bishabi -J'manna - Narim Tollana - Abijah-Ra - Idhassi-Ko - Kajhe the Salty - Ti'lani - Sabhan-Dar - Palamai
    JakhajayAlt: Azala-Do - Saahni the Ohmes - S'aolla of the Darks - Zashima-La Ako'Zhajiit - Lo'Mai-Dro - Taheh-Do - Hrrula - Hatamira - Da'lai

    Shield Anvil - Trake's Talons
    Knight Praefect - Knights of the Steel Claw

    All Khajiit, All the time!
    For Elsweyr and her people!
  • staracino_ESO
    Restoring Aura is mostly useless. A simple change would be to have it give Minor Vitality when activated, while keeping the same slotted bonus it has already.

    If you wanted to do more with the skill:
    Restoring Aura - This and its morphs will still provide all of the minor stat buffs while slotted, as it does now.

    Base - Applies Minor Vitality to allies in a 12 meter radius for 15 seconds. Allies can activate a synergy to grant them all of the passive minor stat restore buffs that the Templar gets for 15 seconds.

    Radiant Aura - Keeps Minor Vitality, keep the synergy, and grants a damage shield to allies similar to Obsidian Shield, with 100% bonus to caster.

    Repentance - Same as it is now, but also restore magicka for corpses. The amount of stamina and magicka restored per corpse should probably be lower than it is currently, but health should stay the same. It should not be castable if there are no useable corpses nearby. No longer offers synergy.

    This will now serve as a sort of "rubbing alcohol" that a Templar applies before starting their healing. It preps them to receive bigger heals, and the Radiant morph will give them a small buffer to keep them alive until the real healing starts. A synergy that offers the option to get some minor stat restore buffs will be useful utility. Repentance should offer all stats back because of the unique requirement of fresh corpses, and to fit in with more build types.
  • Soris
    Edited by Soris on February 26, 2016 6:49AM
    Welkynd [Templar/AD/EU]
  • Soris
    Solar Barrage: Insert draw essence here but make it restore stamina instead of magicka. Pretty please.
    Welkynd [Templar/AD/EU]
  • Cinbri
    Soris wrote: »
    Solar Barrage: Insert draw essence here but make it restore stamina instead of magicka. Pretty please.

    too homoginized :p
    Edited by Cinbri on February 26, 2016 7:45AM
  • Lettigall
    Found picture of Wrobel with templar!!!
    Some men just want to watch the world burn... I just want a cold beer!
  • Nifty2g
    Wrobels face when he reads this thread
  • Tankqull
    skarvika wrote: »
    How do we know ZOS isn't taking notes and having fixes scheduled for later patches? Sooner is better than later of course, but they might have a big wad of fixes ready for a couple patches down the line.

    becasue they didn´t for 2 years why should they accidently start now?
    spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused

    Sallington wrote: »
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"

  • Nick1620
    sorrow :'( i think Wrobel and Gina didnt even read what we wrote here. sorrow sorrow grief
  • EgoRush
    Ffastyl wrote: »
    There are several basic tools every class should have available from class abilities. These are Major Resolve, Major Ward, Major Mending, Major Evasion, Major Defile, Major Brutality, Major Sorcery, Minor Maim, Major Breach and Major Fracture. Players can choose any combination of weapon and class abilities to attain these de/buffs for use, including combinations with only weapon abilities and only class abilities.

    Templars have:
    • Major Resolve
    • Major Ward
    • Major Mending
    • Major Defile

    Dragonknights have:
    • Major Resolve
    • Major Ward
    • Major Mending
    • Major Defile
    • Major Fracture
    • Major Brutality
    • Major Sorcery
    • Minor Maim

    Nightblades have:
    • Major Resolve
    • Major Ward
    • Major Evasion
    • Major Defile
    • Major Fracture
    • Major Breach
    • Major Brutality
    • Major Sorcery
    • Minor Maim
    • Major Vitality

    Sorcerers have:
    • Major Resolve
    • Major Ward
    • Major Brutality
    • Major Sorcery

    This was insightful, but you're missing Minor Fracture and Minor Breach for Templar. We are the only method to get Minor Breach in the game. Minor Fracture can only be obtained from other classes by using a bow. The problem is that the class skill to give these debuffs is Power of the Light - the stamina morph of Backlash. A skill rarely, if ever, used in the game.

    EDIT: AND you're missing the Erosion buff that is specific to Sorcerer's from using Negate. Yet another useful buff hidden in a useless skill. You may be missing more, but they are the only ones to memory.
    Edited by EgoRush on February 26, 2016 1:52PM
    Server: EU Pact
    Guild: Hodor (PvE -, Chimaira (PvE)
    Character: Oriantha (Templar Healer), Zelda's Inferno (Dragonknight Tank), The Lumen Sage (Stamina Sorcerer DD), The Umbra Witch (Magicka Nightblade DD), Flirts-With-Boys (Stamina Nightblade DD), Oriantha Ellesidil (Magicka Sorcerer DD/healer), Wariantha (Magicka Warden in the making)

    Current vMA score (Templar): Pending return to game
    World Record for all trials pre-Thieves Guild
    World first V16 Maw of Lorkhaj clear
    World first V16 Maw of Lorkhaj speed run clear
    Returning to the game for Morrowind
  • BalticBlues
    Nick1620 wrote: »
    sorrow :'( i think Wrobel and Gina didnt even read what we wrote here. sorrow sorrow grief
    Gina is such a competent community person,
    she certainly tries to follow the discussions.

    Eric is certainly too busy coding, the DLC deadlines are much too tight.
    However, I hope Gina let's him how Templars are heartbroken about their new "place in the sun"...


    Edited by BalticBlues on February 26, 2016 2:50PM
  • Ffastyl
    EgoRush wrote: »
    Ffastyl wrote: »
    There are several basic tools every class should have available from class abilities. These are Major Resolve, Major Ward, Major Mending, Major Evasion, Major Defile, Major Brutality, Major Sorcery, Minor Maim, Major Breach and Major Fracture. Players can choose any combination of weapon and class abilities to attain these de/buffs for use, including combinations with only weapon abilities and only class abilities.

    Templars have:
    • Major Resolve
    • Major Ward
    • Major Mending
    • Major Defile

    Dragonknights have:
    • Major Resolve
    • Major Ward
    • Major Mending
    • Major Defile
    • Major Fracture
    • Major Brutality
    • Major Sorcery
    • Minor Maim

    Nightblades have:
    • Major Resolve
    • Major Ward
    • Major Evasion
    • Major Defile
    • Major Fracture
    • Major Breach
    • Major Brutality
    • Major Sorcery
    • Minor Maim
    • Major Vitality

    Sorcerers have:
    • Major Resolve
    • Major Ward
    • Major Brutality
    • Major Sorcery

    This was insightful, but you're missing Minor Fracture and Minor Breach for Templar. We are the only method to get Minor Breach in the game. Minor Fracture can only be obtained from other classes by using a bow. The problem is that the class skill to give these debuffs is Power of the Light - the stamina morph of Backlash. A skill rarely, if ever, used in the game.

    EDIT: AND you're missing the Erosion buff that is specific to Sorcerer's from using Negate. Yet another useful buff hidden in a useless skill. You may be missing more, but they are the only ones to memory.

    Many buffs and debuffs were purposefully omitted from this list, such as Minor/Major Prophecy, Minor/Major Savagery, Minor Ward, Minor Resolve, Empower, etc. The de/buffs listed are those I see should be universal, either due to their prevalence (Major Resolve/Ward) or necessity (Major Defile). In my career as a tank, I know how necessary Major Resolve, Major Ward, Minor Maim and Major Evasion are, and the usefulness of acquiring those buffs from Magicka over Stamina; Major Brutality and Major Sorcery are seen as necessary for any offensive setup; Major Defile is a currently inaccessible and necessary counter to burst healing, and Major Fracture and Major Breach are not only capable of replacing Major Brutality/Sorcery but are counters to Major Resolve and Major Ward. Major Mending, as has been stated by others, may not be a part of the basic toolset even though it counters Major Defile because healing without it is already so strong.

    These are the de/buffs every class should have on demand access to. Other de/buffs such as Minor Fracture/Breach and Minor Erosion are parts that distinguish the classes from one another by being only accessible to that class.
    "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it."

    PC NA
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Ffastyl - Level 50 Templar
    Arturus Amitis - Level 50 Nightblade
    Sulac the Wanderer - Level 50 Dragonknight
    Arcturus Leland - Level 50 Sorcerer
    Azrog rus-Oliphet - Level 50 Templar
    Tienc - Level 50 Warden
    Aldmeri Dominion
    Ashen Willow Knight - Level 50 Templar
    Champion Rank 938

    Check out:
    Old vs New Intro Cinematics

    "My strength is that I have no weaknesses. My weakness is that I have no strengths."
    Member since May 4th, 2014.
  • AfkNinja
    Radburn wrote: »
    Husan wrote: »
    Radburn wrote: »
    Husan wrote: »
    Yeah, dark flare -> javelin -> radiant destruction is a strong combo on live already. Now 12% more damage on dark flare, more range on javelin and undodgeable radiant destruction = GG. Glass cannon magicka templar is gonna hit hard. BUT it's STILL gonna have exactly the same problems we had before. No mobility, weak passives, a lot of useless skills, and those that are usable are usually with cast times. To be honest, dark flare did not need a damage buff. I'd rather see it go away and have buffs elsewhere. I really don't see why the damage of dark flare was increased. Its damage is insane already on live. Same with the nova synergy. That damage straight one shots some people on live, and they are increasing it furter? Madness. Meanwhile, the actual issues we had with the skills are unadressed (mainly the skill being waaaay to expensive, especially considering across the board ultimate cost decreases for other classes, and the skill just not being worth it without someone using the synergy). We get the buffs on all the wrong places. We didn't ask for those buffs, we don't want those buffs, we don't need those buffs. But we got them. Just like we got the purifying ritual fix. That's gonna be the real killer of templar survivability. It's going to be fun watching glass templars shatter (get the pun? :wink: ) trying to go full offensive like sorcs do.

    I've had success using Mist Form which tends to buy me time to re-position and throw down some heals right after. Of course you won't survive a dedicated burst from a good NB, or an onslaught from multiple people but I have got out of some really tough situations using mistform, terrain and heals. The best part is if its a melee class and you suddenly start jabbing them. You can go from defense to offense very quickly, something we were lacking and tended to get us killed.

    I haven't had much luck with mistform after the change to gap closers rooting you in place. There was just no way to escape anyone spamming a gap closer on you. No magicka regen, and the skill not actually reducing 75% of the damage taken along with tab target makes for a very weak skill. I don't know which one of these things has the biggest influence, but this skill changed from a very good, must-have skill for a vamp templar to a very weak skill people usually only slot to get the vampire passives on the second bar (and use ulti on the other one). I used mist form back in the day on a stamina templar as a magicka dump and I loved it. Now however, I wouldn't recommend it.

    It is definitely weaker, and I won't lie, about a week ago I nearly dropped Vampire. The change to expedition will make it even less desirable, dropping the speed to 30%. The bottom line is it's all we have in terms of mobility as a magicka build and it can work in some scenarios.

    I used to spam it until I got away, now it's more of an ability I use when I transition from bar 1 ranged to bar 2 healing. It tends to give me time to assess whats going on and either come out of mist form, heal and go offensive or continue to evade + heal and hold on long enough that help arrives or I die.

    Just use quick cloak. Dual wield gives the highest spell damage anyway. I dropped vamp for WW when they broke Elusive Mist. It's just not worth the one shot risk anymore.
    Edited by AfkNinja on February 26, 2016 3:36PM
  • Cinbri
    I hope they nerfed lags as hard as templars.
  • Khivas_Carrick
    Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop!
  • Wreuntzylla
    He plays on console. The damage is so much slower there he may actually have a point in that context.
  • Khivas_Carrick
    Yo, double post, but an idea just hit me; what if the reason we keep getting nerfed is because ZoS goes off of Console Data and what not and not us PC dudes? lol Like, seriously now, things are slower there, right? What if the Hold Your House thing actually works there because nobody thinks to move the hell out the way? XD
    Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop!
  • Ffastyl
    Same issues PC had after launch: Population is primarily inexperienced. After a year, the majority shifts to experienced players and issues will align across platforms. The only thing a controller cannot do as well as mouse & keyboard is snap pivoting. And controller will always have a one-up on keyboard for freedom of movement (joystick vs wasd).

    PC will always have a year of experience over console due to the release date delays and with a lack of third parties to get certified by, PC also gets Updates and patches several weeks prior to console. So, I would not say ESO on console is slower, but rather the population has less experience.
    "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it."

    PC NA
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Ffastyl - Level 50 Templar
    Arturus Amitis - Level 50 Nightblade
    Sulac the Wanderer - Level 50 Dragonknight
    Arcturus Leland - Level 50 Sorcerer
    Azrog rus-Oliphet - Level 50 Templar
    Tienc - Level 50 Warden
    Aldmeri Dominion
    Ashen Willow Knight - Level 50 Templar
    Champion Rank 938

    Check out:
    Old vs New Intro Cinematics

    "My strength is that I have no weaknesses. My weakness is that I have no strengths."
    Member since May 4th, 2014.
  • AriBoh
    Yo, double post, but an idea just hit me; what if the reason we keep getting nerfed is because ZoS goes off of Console Data and what not and not us PC dudes? lol Like, seriously now, things are slower there, right? What if the Hold Your House thing actually works there because nobody thinks to move the hell out the way? XD

    I'm on console now, my house is made of discarded tissue just the same as PC.
    Agreed. Whoever came up with the design should be shot in the foot and only admitted to hospital when he manages to find 3 other people willing to maim themselves the same way in order to accompany him.

    ZOS_AmeliaR admin
    Ultimately, any method of entering an enemy keep without breaking down the door is considered an exploit. Thanks for checking!

    "I used to be a healer once, but then I took a Wrobel to the knee"
  • staracino_ESO
    You guys may not like this, but I think Puncturing Sweeps is the primary reason we are always seen as viable. It does decent damage AND it heals? Templars are absolute masters of PvE! I am joking, of course, but you cannot ignore that a magicka Templar can solo just about anything in IC sewers by using only Sweeps. Since solo PvE content is what the majority of all players (think 1-50 experience) see the most, Templars are often viewed as dominant in that area.
    I know they nerfed the healing by ~5%, but that really will not amount to much in all but the most fringe-worthy cases. I am not advocating for more nerfs to it, but I think someone, somewhere is caught up on only certain aspects of the game, and not the entire package.
    Also, spamming Sweeps is really boring.
  • Ffastyl
    I do my best to not use Biting Jabs because it is such a spammable and boring skill. Weaving Pierce Armor, Heroic Slash, Reverberating Bash, light attacks, heavy attacks and bashes together is a lot more fun but admittedly less effective than Biting Jabs spam.
    "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it."

    PC NA
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Ffastyl - Level 50 Templar
    Arturus Amitis - Level 50 Nightblade
    Sulac the Wanderer - Level 50 Dragonknight
    Arcturus Leland - Level 50 Sorcerer
    Azrog rus-Oliphet - Level 50 Templar
    Tienc - Level 50 Warden
    Aldmeri Dominion
    Ashen Willow Knight - Level 50 Templar
    Champion Rank 938

    Check out:
    Old vs New Intro Cinematics

    "My strength is that I have no weaknesses. My weakness is that I have no strengths."
    Member since May 4th, 2014.
  • Husan
    Ffastyl wrote: »
    I do my best to not use Biting Jabs because it is such a spammable and boring skill. Weaving Pierce Armor, Heroic Slash, Reverberating Bash, light attacks, heavy attacks and bashes together is a lot more fun but admittedly less effective than Biting Jabs spam.

    And any other class (yes even a stamina sorc) does it better.
  • skarvika
    Tankqull wrote: »
    skarvika wrote: »
    How do we know ZOS isn't taking notes and having fixes scheduled for later patches? Sooner is better than later of course, but they might have a big wad of fixes ready for a couple patches down the line.

    becasue they didn´t for 2 years why should they accidently start now?
    Well, I mean...I can hope...
    ArgoCye wrote: »
    [Quoted Content Removed]
    Ah yes, the old "I'm part of the very small percentile that is doing ok with the class, which means there's no issues with the class and you all suck" argument. Now if you excuse me, I'm going back to hiding in my house instead of participating in open world PVP like every other class gets to.
    Edited by [Deleted User] on February 26, 2016 8:41PM
    QQing is a full time job
  • acw37162
    If people in here would like to debate the significance or contributions of certain streamers, please make a thread and tag them.

    I quit counting at twenty plus posts regarding either Fengrush or Sypher which you can only draw a very tenuous link to the purpose of this thread at best.

    Why would a developer take this thread serious if reoughky three pages of it are bickering about how happy someone is or isn't with breath of life changes.

    I'm as bummed as anyone about Templar direction but it's damn sure not Syphers
    Ffastyl wrote: »
    Same issues PC had after launch: Population is primarily inexperienced. After a year, the majority shifts to experienced players and issues will align across platforms. The only thing a controller cannot do as well as mouse & keyboard is snap pivoting. And controller will always have a one-up on keyboard for freedom of movement (joystick vs wasd).

    PC will always have a year of experience over console due to the release date delays and with a lack of third parties to get certified by, PC also gets Updates and patches several weeks prior to console. So, I would not say ESO on console is slower, but rather the population has less experience.

    And weapon swap and tab targeting

    The default setup for controllers is crap and on console PS4, you need to remap inputs which you can't do in game.

    Which means your using the PlayStation featur, which is nice it's possible but effects everything you do with your controller not just ESO.
  • Neoauspex
    This the longest I've seen this thread go without a post. What'd they say on ESO live... "All Templar commentary will be answered with nerfs"?
  • technohic
    acw37162 wrote: »
    If people in here would like to debate the significance or contributions of certain streamers, please make a thread and tag them.

    I quit counting at twenty plus posts regarding either Fengrush or Sypher which you can only draw a very tenuous link to the purpose of this thread at best.

    Why would a developer take this thread serious if reoughky three pages of it are bickering about how happy someone is or isn't with breath of life changes.

    I'm as bummed as anyone about Templar direction but it's damn sure not Syphers
    Ffastyl wrote: »
    Same issues PC had after launch: Population is primarily inexperienced. After a year, the majority shifts to experienced players and issues will align across platforms. The only thing a controller cannot do as well as mouse & keyboard is snap pivoting. And controller will always have a one-up on keyboard for freedom of movement (joystick vs wasd).

    PC will always have a year of experience over console due to the release date delays and with a lack of third parties to get certified by, PC also gets Updates and patches several weeks prior to console. So, I would not say ESO on console is slower, but rather the population has less experience.

    And weapon swap and tab targeting

    The default setup for controllers is crap and on console PS4, you need to remap inputs which you can't do in game.

    Which means your using the PlayStation featur, which is nice it's possible but effects everything you do with your controller not just ESO.

    BOL had to be toned down to take a step forward. We just didn't take that big of step. Damage is nice, but with no mobility and one of the worse shields in game, its all mute for PvP. Need defense or escape. Some classes have both. We have neither.
  • Alferino
    Please ZOS, give templars some mobility! Magicka templars really hurt and even stamina templars... NB's have cloak, Sorc's have streak, DK's dont really have much mobility but they do have the ability to be fairly tanky pretty easily... templars have... hmm, nothing really, mag has heals but they still have no mobility at all... and stam has nothing, BOL is utter useless on a stamplar (witch mind you, even tho streak and cloak is magicka, they can still use it and actually make a difference on getting away) a templar has nothing to get away, Speedy mist was great for its mobility but yous took that away and yous now continue to make the class slower and slower...
  • bubblebuttboss
    for 2 years I've asked for a forums account and today I've finally received one.

    I've played since early release as a Templar, until 1 month ago it was my ONLY max level toon, needless to say i know this class very well. I've been top 10 in all of your content that I was around for (I missed out on the DSA/SO days) I tried VMA with 100 cp and non min maxed traited gear and couldnt pass round 6, I came back a month later and beat it in 6 hours with 400 cp. after 2 more clears I attained the three weapons with perfect traits that i wanted and walked away from it (nothing like beating your head against one shot mechanics by yourself for a couple hours eh guys? they sure do know how to make fun content) I've ran with some of the best PvP guilds AD has had to offer, and some of the best players we offer as well.

    zeni, I played this game until the release of DSA, and then left until IC DLC hit.During my time away, while not logging on once I payed my sub because I knew you guys were going to do the right thing, you would balance the classes. upon my return I saw the husk of what my templar once was. I immediately unsubbed, and will not sub again until you..."git gud"

    some of you know me as Briza'vierna, the rest of you have never heard of me, and really dont care.

    I've been following this thread closely, and now that i'm finally able to give my feedback...I feel like its pointless, but here I go.

    1. Dark flare - the 12% increase is needed given how easily this is interrupted, anyone with a heartbeat wont get hit by this 1v1, in larger battles it will be devastating. This will be my go to for ganking now. It will find a place on my bar once this hits live...thank you?
    2. Sweeps / jabs - The snare was needed a year ago, I'd like to thank zeni for this change. I'd like to reinforce what everyone else is saying though, how incredibly hard it is to hit all 4 strikes (or any) in pvp. the snare should apply on ANY hit, to balance this. The heal nerf was NOT needed, I know you THINK Im going to toppling charge in, drop my ritual, drop my rune, and then start spamming the sweep, but that just shows how out of touch you guys are with this class. you guys think that because our sweeps are going to hit harder that we are going to get healed more than intended. Put on your helmet, im about to blow your mind and I dont want you making a mess. everyone else is going to hit harder as well (maybe not stamina, but i could get 100% heal return and still not be able to stand toe to toe with a good player) we NEED the heals. you want less BoL spam?easy fix. As for PvE..who cares? honestly your most addicted players are all in cyrodiil, thats why we bought the game, and I know it doesnt fit your business model anymore...but it sure in hells aint our fault that you guys messed up as bad as you did.
    3. Eclipse - you guys might not know this, but we used to run this. Ran it all day. loved a 1.5 years ago. with the current changes, all you've done is given us more reasons to not run it. you took a perfectly useless skill, and deleted it. =D gj. NOW, as for the other morph...wut? no man. just no. a toned down curse that takes more time to go off? im sorry..are you trying to make me roll a sorc? I could maybe see this working with an inevitble det, curse, shards, bat attacks...but even then its like..."are you guys stretched so thin of ideas that you are trying to homogenize us?" I know like 30 templars on this thread that could totally give you a few...for free.
    4. Radiant destruction - Nerf incoming, as the stamina builds tears fill the office of zenimax. This skill will be the first to be nerfed once it hits live, mark my words. I'm already getting 22-26k ticks with it in pvp. I would like to mention that shields REALLY mess with how this skill works, when a target is at 10% health and pops a shield i am not able to hit over 10k, when it should be hitting for 20.
    5. Toppling charge - you guys REALLY need to step up your game and fix this skill, its pathetic and you guys should be ashamed of yourselves. honestly, pull your socks up. RIP toppling charge on perma dodge fakkers.
    6. Aurora javelin - Once again, this change was needed years ago, though still I cant see it being good for anything but ganking...after all...I want them to come into my house..right? the damage is sub par at best, the travel time is pitiful, and my lord the cost of it..bleh.
    7. Crescent sweep - I have not been able to test this skill on my main, so I reserve judgment on damage, but If templars are having a hard time hitting a single strike on their 8m cone spammable...what makes you think a 6 meter range on an ULTI is justifiable? honestly now, give me one good reason that this skill isn't 10m like dawnbreaker. You know what, forget it, outside of dueling and ganking (if the damage is good) this will remain part of the 2/3 of skills we have that we simply wont slot.
    8. Nova - sick.
    9. Breath of life - it is very clear to me that templars were literally built on this skill, I bet breath of life was on paper before templars were. The change to this skill comes at a very odd time, a few months after streamers (which you've admitted to balancing your game around) were complaining that they could not kill a target being healed by several people. Now in my eyes this is working as intended, every game is like this, you simply cant kill a target that is being healed by multiple people. what shocked me about the change was that it wasnt nearly as bad as I thought....I mean one less target healed? pfft. ok? ill take an amped dark flare, radiant god mode (soon to be nerfed), and major mending for that any day of the week. so yeah. we see eye to eye on this, BoL is more templar than a templar is templar. thanks for not reducing the healing, because honestly if you did i'd have just rerolled a sorc, or invested my money elsewhere.
    10. Purifying ritual - I love this major mending change, I think its going to be great in pve....aaaaand pretty much useless in pvp(because lets face it, no templar worth their salt is throwing on a resto staff unless they are buffing their group with SPC). Im not stoked that i cant use it as a defensive skill though, it was pretty bread and butter for me to basically negate ranged attacks. To be fair though it wasnt even slightly op, or broken because i wasnt doing anything else if i was focusing on negating incoming damage. I was literally doing nothing.
    11. Rune focus - Easily the largest nerf to templars since the removal of blinding flashes, this skill was how we remained mobile and juiced up. It might have been broken, but it was broken because someone at zeni had a brain. clearly he/she no longer works there. you guys are well aware that we are one of the most cost intensive classes in this game, you guys are well aware that we have zero, and I mean ZERO sustain built into our kit. This means Templars are forced to run regen stat armor, the atronach, or regen food. you are dictating how i build my templar in a competitive environment, but ill get to that later.
    12. all and all - you've gutted our defenses in favor of a more sorc like playing experience, through my testing on pts my damage is much higher on everything...guess I should just roll a sorc, I mean..they have everything we do, but all of it functions, they have regen, cost reduction, mobility, more defense, higher stats...wait..why am i even playing a templar? oh right. so i can give stamina back to my team. In pve thats cool. like i said earlier though, no one cares. you marketed this game for pvp. thats why most of us are here. if my ability to give stamina back to my team is the reason you wont make us competitive...take it away, or give it to everyone.


    1. Templars need mobility. its as simple as that. we are sitting ducks on the battlefield in pve, and pvp.

    I've watched what zeni has to say about templars and how you want us to be played, the idea is enticing, I can really dig it. yeah. "this my house bizzznatch, you walk up in here and you're going to be in a world of pain, and im going to be in a world of healing! HAVE AT YE!" As I said I can really get behind this...until I turn my brain on.

    mobility is everything in this game, in pvp its what lets you get away, its what allows you to LoS, its what allows you to position yourself to gain a tactical advantage, its what allows you to dodge the zerg, its what allows you to double back on an intended target, its what allows you to get out of the aoe, its what allows you to hide, its what allows you to ambush, its what allows you to use terrain, IT IS LIFE. as a magicka templar I ran rapid maneuvers on my back bar. even when playing solo. thats how important mobility is. need I say more? (I guess I could explain myself, but any templar that did likewise in conjunction with purifying ritual knows what Im talking about.)

    2. Templars need sustain. its as simple as that. we are sitting ducks on the battlefield in pve, and pvp.

    lets face it. we have none built in, the best one can hope for is that he was able to see the future and rolled a Altmer, this is even more true with the PTS changes. We literally have nothing to sustain ourselves, are we to be forced to use resto staff? you guys want to shift us away from being a primary healer, but have not addressed the issues that prevent that, how do you expect us to cast the most expensive skills in the game without sustain? In order for me to pull the same numbers as anyone (except well played stamina dks, they always win) I need my rune, Siphon spirit, elemental drain, and pots on cool down. even then I will run out of mana if the fight endures. we all know there's one thing templars excel at when it comes to pve dps, and thats the execute phase, im fairly certain no class even comes close to us during that...but am i supposed to just spam resto heavy's until then? who the heck wants to bring a templar to new raids if they are a crutch?

    now lets talk pvp sustain, the only thing we can do is hit potions, and use rune focus. no passives. no return through skills.

    see how small that was? thats how much sustain we have when talking about sustain. we cant even sustain a conversation about sustain.

    3. The house of templar

    this play style with our current kit is impossible, i would literally have to take my current level of skill and throw it out the window to play like you envision us doing. I would have to unlearn everything I have about this class to downgrade my self into such a play style. In order for you vision of play to come to fruit you need to implement defenses in our house. 1.5k heal every 2 seconds, and 4k resist is not a house that anyone is scared to come in. A deadric minefield? I have BoL and I wont even come close to those.

    3a) lets say im fighting a sorc. Im sitting in my house. what ranged attacks do I have that can kill him? well lets see I can spam javelin, but ill be out of mana in about 10 casts. that wont work. how about dark flare? it hits like a truck, thats perfect...except I wont be able to get a single cast off. not one. so im left with vampires bane slow moving projectile with a hefty dot, but no impact damage really. k well I lost against the sorc.

    3b) lets say im fighting a magicka DK, this mother is breaking into my house like a swat team, he doesnt care. now ill admit I almost always beat mag dks, I've dropped the best of the best time after time. Im not dropping my ritual for heals though, im cleansing his dots, and im not dropping my rune to sit in, im dropping it for sustain. im constantly chasing and harrasing him, never staying in my house, never letting up, never stopping.

    3c) lets say im fighting a proxy tether, er, i mean nightblade. It doesnt matter. I cant defend my house, this man has just intruded and no pun intended, *** me before i could break the tether. all the house did was let him know i was there, and that he was able.

    3d) lets say im fighting ANY stamina class. I'm free AP, my house is now theirs.

    all im saying is that a stationary templar is a dead templar, beyond that though we have these terrible sustain issues, and you expect us to drop our rune 5 times more often than we currently do, and drop our ritual EVERY time we move. What is wrong with you guys? WE HAVE SUSTAIN ISSUES! why make it worse, while directly nerfing our already nerfed sustain issues? I cannot for the life of me wrap my head around this.

    so lets wrap this up, the changes to the classes damage was all good and long overdue, the changes to our defense, and our sustain are the biggest nerfs templars have seen since beta. With the changes to the other classes, particularly sorcs, there is no reason other than shards, and repentence, to run a templar.

    good day =)
    Edited by bubblebuttboss on February 27, 2016 7:42AM
  • Tonycheung
    One question: does anyone in the development team play templar? Because we players surely don't feel that. Sorc is soon going to be domaint in every aspect, do you devs know?
  • Joy_Division
    Briza !

    Stop writing good and insightful sense. ZoS doesn't want to read it :cry:
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