Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23


  • Derra
    Xsorus wrote: »
    I feel like some people are just whining for the sake of whining at this point.

    Right now you get stunned for basically a bit where you can't move or do anything when being hit by Gap Closers.

    Going to a snare is a 1000x better then this... and yet..you still have people whining..Which pretty much means they don't want there to be anything at all on the Gap Closer..Which was tried..and simply did not work well at all.

    So its a Snare basically....which is better then the current option.

    This is a separate issue of course compared to Ambush..which flat out needs a Min range attached to it.

    If the stun/silence component gets removed a snare is indeed a great qol improvement compared to what we have now.

    However if the snare is anywhere close to a second it´s going to impair moveability for every class but sorc even more than it is now and will be just another step in making anything but sorc and ganking nonvaible in smallscale cyro. It´s a double edged sword.
    If you gain the ability to fight but loose even more of your already gutted mobility there is not much to look forward too.

    The biggest hit smallscale took were the mobility nerfs for everyone in patch 1.7 (and the reduced dmg to the point where anyone can just outtank an opponent he´s aware of again).
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • Alucardo
    Etaniel wrote: »
    @Wrobel I seriously hope you are joking about this snare.

    Rooting/silenced/snared? It's all the same : a spammable cc ability that you can't break free from / purge / dodge.

    There is nothing more annoying than losing control over your character, or having non responsive skills/abilities. That's why you have CC immunity in this game, and skills that immunize you from soft cc like rooting/snaring.

    The only acceptable fix for this would be to have the charge animation be dynamic and adjust while travelling. Yeah, it's not a lazy fix and it's probably hard to pull off technically.

    But that's it, either you start working on this fix so that we have skills that work in a logical manner, or you tell us up front that you are not capable of such a fix, and act accordingly : change all charges so they act like a regular stun say 1.5 seconds and allow for cc breaking, while only providing a gap close on immune targets.

    And if you intend to keep a cc on charges, you've got to nerf them somehow. A gap closer's goal should be to gap close, not to deal ridiculous damage (looking at you crit rush). gap close + unavoidable CC + good damage is incredibly strong.

  • BuggeX
    Wrobel wrote: »
    It's not our intention that players get locked in placed when being spammed with charge style abilities, but we also want these abilities to feel responsive and be able to hit their target. We're currently testing a fix where instead of being immobile for .5 seconds you will instead have a strong snare applied for slightly longer.

    This fix should ensure that you have time to hit targets with charge abilities, but also gives the defender some opportunity to disengage when 1 or multiple players are using charge attacks against them. This fix will go live with the Thieves Guild update. We'd love to hear feedback both from players using charge abilities and being charged on the PTS.

    wouldnt it be easyer if all gap closer, exept ambush/Lotus - take flight/Dragon leap, wouldnt require a target and just rush X Forward, if the Animation does a collition with a target the gap closer will stop and dmg/effect is done to the target.

    so somthing like streak
    Edited by BuggeX on December 17, 2015 12:26PM
  • Ishammael
    Etaniel wrote: »
    @Wrobel I seriously hope you are joking about this snare.

    Rooting/silenced/snared? It's all the same : a spammable cc ability that you can't break free from / purge / dodge.

    There is nothing more annoying than losing control over your character, or having non responsive skills/abilities. That's why you have CC immunity in this game, and skills that immunize you from soft cc like rooting/snaring.

    The only acceptable fix for this would be to have the charge animation be dynamic and adjust while travelling. Yeah, it's not a lazy fix and it's probably hard to pull off technically.

    But that's it, either you start working on this fix so that we have skills that work in a logical manner, or you tell us up front that you are not capable of such a fix, and act accordingly : change all charges so they act like a regular stun say 1.5 seconds and allow for cc breaking, while only providing a gap close on immune targets.

    And if you intend to keep a cc on charges, you've got to nerf them somehow. A gap closer's goal should be to gap close, not to deal ridiculous damage (looking at you crit rush). gap close + unavoidable CC + good damage is incredibly strong.

    Agree w/ Etaniel.
  • Poxheart
    This nonsense has made its way to the non-vet campaign as well. There have been a few times this week where I've seen & experienced enemy NBs doing nothing but spam Ambush to keep opponents rooted in place.
    Unsubbed and no longer playing, but still checking the Alliance War forum for the lulz.

    Pox Dragon Knight
    Poxheart Nightblade
    The Murder Hobo Dragon Knight - Blackwater Blade
    Knights of the WhiteWolf
  • danno8
    Lucky28 wrote: »
    JaJaLuka wrote: »
    Wrobel wrote: »
    It's not our intention that players get locked in placed when being spammed with charge style abilities, but we also want these abilities to feel responsive and be able to hit their target. We're currently testing a fix where instead of being immobile for .5 seconds you will instead have a strong snare applied for slightly longer.

    Would this "strong snare" be the same type as those that can be removed by abilities like Rapid Maneuver? What happens if you try use a gap-closer on someone with snare immunity? Does the attack miss?

    A better question is why they should always hit. Other things have chances to miss and can be negated by certain skills.

    This is true. i would like my c-frags to always hit, but we don't always get what we want.

    C-frags and other ranged skills do heat seek though, unless you dodge or move out of range. Why not make charges heat-seek as well, unless you dodge or move out of range?
  • Cathexis
    They've really gotta put a minimum range on that skill like every other gap closer.
    Tome of Alteration Magic I - Reality is an Ancient Dwemer Construct: Everything You Need to Know About FPS

    Tome of Alteration Magic II - The Manual of the Deceiver: A Beginner's Guide to Thieving

    Ultrawide ESO Adventure Screenshots - 7680 x 1080 Resolution
  • Starshadw
    Etaniel wrote: »
    @Wrobel I seriously hope you are joking about this snare.

    Rooting/silenced/snared? It's all the same : a spammable cc ability that you can't break free from / purge / dodge.

    There is nothing more annoying than losing control over your character, or having non responsive skills/abilities. That's why you have CC immunity in this game, and skills that immunize you from soft cc like rooting/snaring.


    If only we actually had CC immunity. That would be a frabjous day, indeed.

    We desperately need mechanics that work, on a reliable basis.

    Starshadw wrote: »
    Etaniel wrote: »
    @Wrobel I seriously hope you are joking about this snare.

    Rooting/silenced/snared? It's all the same : a spammable cc ability that you can't break free from / purge / dodge.

    There is nothing more annoying than losing control over your character, or having non responsive skills/abilities. That's why you have CC immunity in this game, and skills that immunize you from soft cc like rooting/snaring.

    We desperately need mechanics that work, on a reliable basis.


    Its so simple, but it is just that - the mechanics need to work. And fixes need to happen sooner than 4 months at a time. You cant retain people in PvP leaving in such broken mechanics in increments 4 months at a time.

    Hate to say it, but new games are on the horizon, and a lot of guilds that left/still playing ESO are already poised to make a go at black desert it seems. ESO can only hope its just not good and they come back, but will they come back if mechanics are complete garbage? Who knows.
  • _Chaos
    Lets fix things but hold off on implementation until we release new content.

    Because it's not like we'll be fixing new content issues at time of release or anything.
    Seriously, do they have any idea what level loading is?

    You guys should be rolling out incremental fixes so that we can evaluate them instead of dumping all of the changes at once and going into def con 4.
  • Soulac
    1) Using Maneuver granting me immunity
    2) Try to run away from enemies
    3) Get rekt by charge spam

    Sometimes I´m snared an maneuver doesn´t even grant me speed or removes the snares; wonderful how i wasted 5.5k stamina like 5 times in a row.

    More slows! Thanks I guess.. ._.
    R.I.P Dawnbreaker / Auriel´s Bow
    Member of the Arena Guild and the overpowered Banana Squad.
    Nathaerizh aka Cat - Nightblade V16 - EU

    - Meow -
  • ZOS_Wrobel
    Currently gap closers apply a -100% movement speed debuff for .5 seconds. This snare cannot be avoided or reduced by any abilities, so it locks your character in place. It works this way because we want charges to reliably hit enemies. It means if 2 players are casting Ambush on a target every half second, they will not be able to move. This is too strong of a lockdown and we would like to relax it, while still making charge abilities get to the target.

    To accomplish this, we'll be reducing the snare to -60% and increase the duration to .75 seconds. This will make it feel more responsive as a person being charged because you can still control your character instead of getting stuck in place. With the change you can move slightly further with 1 person charging you, and much further if multiple enemies are charging you. Note that these values aren’t final and we will be adjusting based on PTS feedback.
    Edited by ZOS_GinaBruno on December 17, 2015 5:18PM
    Lead Combat Designer
    Eric Wrobel
    Staff Post
  • timidobserver
    Wrobel wrote: »
    Currently gap closers apply a -100% movement speed debuff for .5 seconds. This snare cannot be avoided or reduced by any abilities, so it locks your character in place. It works this way because we want charges to reliably hit enemies. It means if 2 players are casting Ambush on a target every half second, they will not be able to move. This is too strong of a lockdown and we would like to relax it, while still making charge abilities get to the target.

    To accomplish this, we'll be reducing the snare to -60% and increase the duration to .75 seconds. This will make it feel more responsive as a person being charged because you can still control your character instead of getting stuck in place. With the change you can move slightly further with 1 person charging you, and much further if multiple enemies are charging you. Note that these values aren’t final and we will be adjusting based on PTS feedback.

    I do not agree with the logic entirely. The snare on charges is fine, but it should not override abilities that remove or reduce snares.
    Edited by timidobserver on December 17, 2015 5:43PM
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • GreenSoup2HoT

    Ambush specifically is said to Immobilize target's for 1 full second. This is different then the half second 100% movement speed debuff.

    Is Ambush going to get a different description because of these changes?


    Flash through the shadows and ambush enemy for 11 Physical Damage , stunning them for 1.5 seconds.
    Also grants you Empower, increasing damage of your next attack by 20%.
    If the target is a player, they are immobilized for 1 second instead of being stunned.

    It means if 2 players are casting Ambush on a target every half second, they will not be able to move.
    With Ambushes current description. It would only require 1 ambush per second to completely lock your opponent from moving.

    Edited by GreenSoup2HoT on December 17, 2015 5:31PM
    PS4 NA DC
  • Sypher
    Wrobel wrote: »
    Currently gap closers apply a -100% movement speed debuff for .5 seconds. This snare cannot be avoided or reduced by any abilities, so it locks your character in place. It works this way because we want charges to reliably hit enemies. It means if 2 players are casting Ambush on a target every half second, they will not be able to move. This is too strong of a lockdown and we would like to relax it, while still making charge abilities get to the target.

    To accomplish this, we'll be reducing the snare to -60% and increase the duration to .75 seconds. This will make it feel more responsive as a person being charged because you can still control your character instead of getting stuck in place. With the change you can move slightly further with 1 person charging you, and much further if multiple enemies are charging you. Note that these values aren’t final and we will be adjusting based on PTS feedback.

    Thanks for the reply Wrobel and I'll be sure to test this out on the PTS and see how it feels.

    Few Question, is it possible to make gap closers act as projectiles and follow the target until a connection is made? or will that create too many issues.

    Currently, "Dragon Leap" doesn't have that half a second root which causes it to miss against targets who are very mobile (If they walk away from it, it will not damage them, even if they were the one targeted by it. Will that be looked at?

    Again, thanks for the response. Any hints as to when the PTS will be available to us?
    DC Dragonknight 'Sypher - AD Nightblade Sypher Ali - AD Sorcerer Sypher Sensei - EP Sorcerer Sypharian - DC Templar Ali Sypher

    Youtube: www.youtube.com/SypherPK
    Twitch: www.twitch.tv/SypherPK
  • Lorkhan
    Wrobel wrote: »
    Currently gap closers apply a -100% movement speed debuff for .5 seconds. This snare cannot be avoided or reduced by any abilities, so it locks your character in place. It works this way because we want charges to reliably hit enemies. It means if 2 players are casting Ambush on a target every half second, they will not be able to move. This is too strong of a lockdown and we would like to relax it, while still making charge abilities get to the target.

    To accomplish this, we'll be reducing the snare to -60% and increase the duration to .75 seconds. This will make it feel more responsive as a person being charged because you can still control your character instead of getting stuck in place. With the change you can move slightly further with 1 person charging you, and much further if multiple enemies are charging you. Note that these values aren’t final and we will be adjusting based on PTS feedback.

    cant you reduce the duration?
    Edited by Lorkhan on December 17, 2015 5:37PM
  • Poxheart
    The ESO player base will find a way to exploit this proposed change, too.
    Unsubbed and no longer playing, but still checking the Alliance War forum for the lulz.

    Pox Dragon Knight
    Poxheart Nightblade
    The Murder Hobo Dragon Knight - Blackwater Blade
    Knights of the WhiteWolf
  • Ishammael
    Wrobel wrote: »
    Currently gap closers apply a -100% movement speed debuff for .5 seconds. This snare cannot be avoided or reduced by any abilities, so it locks your character in place. It works this way because we want charges to reliably hit enemies. It means if 2 players are casting Ambush on a target every half second, they will not be able to move. This is too strong of a lockdown and we would like to relax it, while still making charge abilities get to the target.

    To accomplish this, we'll be reducing the snare to -60% and increase the duration to .75 seconds. This will make it feel more responsive as a person being charged because you can still control your character instead of getting stuck in place. With the change you can move slightly further with 1 person charging you, and much further if multiple enemies are charging you. Note that these values aren’t final and we will be adjusting based on PTS feedback.

    Thanks for the response. Be sure that we will be investigating this thoroughly on PTS (ETA?!).
    The mini-stun on gap-closers is #2 on list of PvP issues for many players (behind #1 lag).
  • Manoekin

    Ambush specifically is said to Immobilize target's for 1 full second. This is different then the half second 100% movement speed debuff.

    Is Ambush going to get a different description because of these changes?


    Flash through the shadows and ambush enemy for 11 Physical Damage , stunning them for 1.5 seconds.
    Also grants you Empower, increasing damage of your next attack by 20%.
    If the target is a player, they are immobilized for 1 second instead of being stunned.

    It means if 2 players are casting Ambush on a target every half second, they will not be able to move.
    With Ambushes current description. It would only require 1 ambush per second to completely lock your opponent from moving.

    You're confused by the terms being used I think. What everyone is complaining about is what @Wrobel posted, that charges have a 100% snare built into them that is completely unavoidable aside from dodge rolling. That's not to be confused with Ambush's immobilize which should work as any other snare/root in the game where you can again dodge/purge it, or not be affected by it if you have rapid maneuver up. There's two different snares/roots when talking about Ambush.
    Sypher wrote: »
    Wrobel wrote: »
    Currently gap closers apply a -100% movement speed debuff for .5 seconds. This snare cannot be avoided or reduced by any abilities, so it locks your character in place. It works this way because we want charges to reliably hit enemies. It means if 2 players are casting Ambush on a target every half second, they will not be able to move. This is too strong of a lockdown and we would like to relax it, while still making charge abilities get to the target.

    To accomplish this, we'll be reducing the snare to -60% and increase the duration to .75 seconds. This will make it feel more responsive as a person being charged because you can still control your character instead of getting stuck in place. With the change you can move slightly further with 1 person charging you, and much further if multiple enemies are charging you. Note that these values aren’t final and we will be adjusting based on PTS feedback.

    Thanks for the reply Wrobel and I'll be sure to test this out on the PTS and see how it feels.

    Few Question, is it possible to make gap closers act as projectiles and follow the target until a connection is made? or will that create too many issues.

    Currently, "Dragon Leap" doesn't have that half a second root which causes it to miss against targets who are very mobile (If they walk away from it, it will not damage them, even if they were the one targeted by it. Will that be looked at?

    Again, thanks for the response. Any hints as to when the PTS will be available to us?

    I want to at least see video of a dev test because I want to know what happens if you charge a person with reflect up or if you have eclipse on you. Obviously if it's possible the moves would be unable to be reflected. I would just want to see what if :tongue:
    Manoekin wrote: »

    Ambush specifically is said to Immobilize target's for 1 full second. This is different then the half second 100% movement speed debuff.

    Is Ambush going to get a different description because of these changes?


    Flash through the shadows and ambush enemy for 11 Physical Damage , stunning them for 1.5 seconds.
    Also grants you Empower, increasing damage of your next attack by 20%.
    If the target is a player, they are immobilized for 1 second instead of being stunned.

    It means if 2 players are casting Ambush on a target every half second, they will not be able to move.
    With Ambushes current description. It would only require 1 ambush per second to completely lock your opponent from moving.

    You're confused by the terms being used I think. What everyone is complaining about is what @Wrobel posted, that charges have a 100% snare built into them that is completely unavoidable aside from dodge rolling. That's not to be confused with Ambush's immobilize which should work as any other snare/root in the game where you can again dodge/purge it, or not be affected by it if you have rapid maneuver up. There's two different snares/roots when talking about Ambush.
    Sypher wrote: »
    Wrobel wrote: »
    Currently gap closers apply a -100% movement speed debuff for .5 seconds. This snare cannot be avoided or reduced by any abilities, so it locks your character in place. It works this way because we want charges to reliably hit enemies. It means if 2 players are casting Ambush on a target every half second, they will not be able to move. This is too strong of a lockdown and we would like to relax it, while still making charge abilities get to the target.

    To accomplish this, we'll be reducing the snare to -60% and increase the duration to .75 seconds. This will make it feel more responsive as a person being charged because you can still control your character instead of getting stuck in place. With the change you can move slightly further with 1 person charging you, and much further if multiple enemies are charging you. Note that these values aren’t final and we will be adjusting based on PTS feedback.

    Thanks for the reply Wrobel and I'll be sure to test this out on the PTS and see how it feels.

    Few Question, is it possible to make gap closers act as projectiles and follow the target until a connection is made? or will that create too many issues.

    Currently, "Dragon Leap" doesn't have that half a second root which causes it to miss against targets who are very mobile (If they walk away from it, it will not damage them, even if they were the one targeted by it. Will that be looked at?

    Again, thanks for the response. Any hints as to when the PTS will be available to us?

    I want to at least see video of a dev test because I want to know what happens if you charge a person with reflect up or if you have eclipse on you. Obviously if it's possible the moves would be unable to be reflected. I would just want to see what if :tongue:

    I want to see a dev test of them making a character invulnerable and feeling how immersive it is while a handful of players pound gap closers into you endlessly.
  • manny254
    Manoekin wrote: »

    Ambush specifically is said to Immobilize target's for 1 full second. This is different then the half second 100% movement speed debuff.

    Is Ambush going to get a different description because of these changes?


    Flash through the shadows and ambush enemy for 11 Physical Damage , stunning them for 1.5 seconds.
    Also grants you Empower, increasing damage of your next attack by 20%.
    If the target is a player, they are immobilized for 1 second instead of being stunned.

    It means if 2 players are casting Ambush on a target every half second, they will not be able to move.
    With Ambushes current description. It would only require 1 ambush per second to completely lock your opponent from moving.

    You're confused by the terms being used I think. What everyone is complaining about is what @Wrobel posted, that charges have a 100% snare built into them that is completely unavoidable aside from dodge rolling. That's not to be confused with Ambush's immobilize which should work as any other snare/root in the game where you can again dodge/purge it, or not be affected by it if you have rapid maneuver up. There's two different snares/roots when talking about Ambush.
    Sypher wrote: »
    Wrobel wrote: »
    Currently gap closers apply a -100% movement speed debuff for .5 seconds. This snare cannot be avoided or reduced by any abilities, so it locks your character in place. It works this way because we want charges to reliably hit enemies. It means if 2 players are casting Ambush on a target every half second, they will not be able to move. This is too strong of a lockdown and we would like to relax it, while still making charge abilities get to the target.

    To accomplish this, we'll be reducing the snare to -60% and increase the duration to .75 seconds. This will make it feel more responsive as a person being charged because you can still control your character instead of getting stuck in place. With the change you can move slightly further with 1 person charging you, and much further if multiple enemies are charging you. Note that these values aren’t final and we will be adjusting based on PTS feedback.

    Thanks for the reply Wrobel and I'll be sure to test this out on the PTS and see how it feels.

    Few Question, is it possible to make gap closers act as projectiles and follow the target until a connection is made? or will that create too many issues.

    Currently, "Dragon Leap" doesn't have that half a second root which causes it to miss against targets who are very mobile (If they walk away from it, it will not damage them, even if they were the one targeted by it. Will that be looked at?

    Again, thanks for the response. Any hints as to when the PTS will be available to us?

    I want to at least see video of a dev test because I want to know what happens if you charge a person with reflect up or if you have eclipse on you. Obviously if it's possible the moves would be unable to be reflected. I would just want to see what if :tongue:

    Actually you can't even dodge lotus fan as it is an AoE magic skill.
    - Mojican
  • Zohr
    I want to at least see video of a dev test because I want to know what happens if you charge a person with reflect up or if you have eclipse on you. Obviously if it's possible the moves would be unable to be reflected. I would just want to see what if :tongue: [/quote]

    I would imagine something like this.

    The Zohr-Father - DC Templar
    Zohritos - AD Nightblade
  • _Chaos
    There's been more @Wrobel replies in this thread than the AOE Caps discussion thread.

    I do have to ask the question.. Why?
  • Manoekin
    manny254 wrote: »
    Manoekin wrote: »

    Ambush specifically is said to Immobilize target's for 1 full second. This is different then the half second 100% movement speed debuff.

    Is Ambush going to get a different description because of these changes?


    Flash through the shadows and ambush enemy for 11 Physical Damage , stunning them for 1.5 seconds.
    Also grants you Empower, increasing damage of your next attack by 20%.
    If the target is a player, they are immobilized for 1 second instead of being stunned.

    It means if 2 players are casting Ambush on a target every half second, they will not be able to move.
    With Ambushes current description. It would only require 1 ambush per second to completely lock your opponent from moving.

    You're confused by the terms being used I think. What everyone is complaining about is what @Wrobel posted, that charges have a 100% snare built into them that is completely unavoidable aside from dodge rolling. That's not to be confused with Ambush's immobilize which should work as any other snare/root in the game where you can again dodge/purge it, or not be affected by it if you have rapid maneuver up. There's two different snares/roots when talking about Ambush.
    Sypher wrote: »
    Wrobel wrote: »
    Currently gap closers apply a -100% movement speed debuff for .5 seconds. This snare cannot be avoided or reduced by any abilities, so it locks your character in place. It works this way because we want charges to reliably hit enemies. It means if 2 players are casting Ambush on a target every half second, they will not be able to move. This is too strong of a lockdown and we would like to relax it, while still making charge abilities get to the target.

    To accomplish this, we'll be reducing the snare to -60% and increase the duration to .75 seconds. This will make it feel more responsive as a person being charged because you can still control your character instead of getting stuck in place. With the change you can move slightly further with 1 person charging you, and much further if multiple enemies are charging you. Note that these values aren’t final and we will be adjusting based on PTS feedback.

    Thanks for the reply Wrobel and I'll be sure to test this out on the PTS and see how it feels.

    Few Question, is it possible to make gap closers act as projectiles and follow the target until a connection is made? or will that create too many issues.

    Currently, "Dragon Leap" doesn't have that half a second root which causes it to miss against targets who are very mobile (If they walk away from it, it will not damage them, even if they were the one targeted by it. Will that be looked at?

    Again, thanks for the response. Any hints as to when the PTS will be available to us?

    I want to at least see video of a dev test because I want to know what happens if you charge a person with reflect up or if you have eclipse on you. Obviously if it's possible the moves would be unable to be reflected. I would just want to see what if :tongue:

    Actually you can't even dodge lotus fan as it is an AoE magic skill.

    Yeah that's technically working as intended though I don't think it should be that way. Same as Dark Flare going through cloak even if the cast hasn't finished because it's AOE and cloak only stops single target stuff.
  • CtrlAltDlt
    @Wrobel will the proposed gap closer snare ignore snare immunity skills like shuffle's and rapid maneuvers?
    PC NA - jeazzy

    stamblade outnumbered pvp vol 1. youtu.be/h1ONYfpAJJ8
    Stamblade outbumbered pvp vol 2. No cheese youtu.be/rN4_aRVMvWw
  • Sypher
    Manoekin wrote: »
    manny254 wrote: »
    Manoekin wrote: »

    Ambush specifically is said to Immobilize target's for 1 full second. This is different then the half second 100% movement speed debuff.

    Is Ambush going to get a different description because of these changes?


    Flash through the shadows and ambush enemy for 11 Physical Damage , stunning them for 1.5 seconds.
    Also grants you Empower, increasing damage of your next attack by 20%.
    If the target is a player, they are immobilized for 1 second instead of being stunned.

    It means if 2 players are casting Ambush on a target every half second, they will not be able to move.
    With Ambushes current description. It would only require 1 ambush per second to completely lock your opponent from moving.

    You're confused by the terms being used I think. What everyone is complaining about is what @Wrobel posted, that charges have a 100% snare built into them that is completely unavoidable aside from dodge rolling. That's not to be confused with Ambush's immobilize which should work as any other snare/root in the game where you can again dodge/purge it, or not be affected by it if you have rapid maneuver up. There's two different snares/roots when talking about Ambush.
    Sypher wrote: »
    Wrobel wrote: »
    Currently gap closers apply a -100% movement speed debuff for .5 seconds. This snare cannot be avoided or reduced by any abilities, so it locks your character in place. It works this way because we want charges to reliably hit enemies. It means if 2 players are casting Ambush on a target every half second, they will not be able to move. This is too strong of a lockdown and we would like to relax it, while still making charge abilities get to the target.

    To accomplish this, we'll be reducing the snare to -60% and increase the duration to .75 seconds. This will make it feel more responsive as a person being charged because you can still control your character instead of getting stuck in place. With the change you can move slightly further with 1 person charging you, and much further if multiple enemies are charging you. Note that these values aren’t final and we will be adjusting based on PTS feedback.

    Thanks for the reply Wrobel and I'll be sure to test this out on the PTS and see how it feels.

    Few Question, is it possible to make gap closers act as projectiles and follow the target until a connection is made? or will that create too many issues.

    Currently, "Dragon Leap" doesn't have that half a second root which causes it to miss against targets who are very mobile (If they walk away from it, it will not damage them, even if they were the one targeted by it. Will that be looked at?

    Again, thanks for the response. Any hints as to when the PTS will be available to us?

    I want to at least see video of a dev test because I want to know what happens if you charge a person with reflect up or if you have eclipse on you. Obviously if it's possible the moves would be unable to be reflected. I would just want to see what if :tongue:

    Actually you can't even dodge lotus fan as it is an AoE magic skill.

    Yeah that's technically working as intended though I don't think it should be that way. Same as Dark Flare going through cloak even if the cast hasn't finished because it's AOE and cloak only stops single target stuff.

    My problem with lotus fan is only the snare effect is an AOE. The Damage effect is single target. Yet you can't dodge it. Same goes with toppling charge. Both need to be dodgeable.
    DC Dragonknight 'Sypher - AD Nightblade Sypher Ali - AD Sorcerer Sypher Sensei - EP Sorcerer Sypharian - DC Templar Ali Sypher

    Youtube: www.youtube.com/SypherPK
    Twitch: www.twitch.tv/SypherPK
  • LegendsNeverDie
    Soul Shriven
    Wrobel wrote: »
    It works this way because we want charges to reliably hit enemies.
    Why should a skill basically be a guaranteed hit because it applies a cc before it even lands?

    Kinda defeats the purpose of having a game where you can block and dodge roll....
    Edited by LegendsNeverDie on December 17, 2015 8:02PM
  • frozywozy
    Nifty2g wrote: »
    Wrobel wrote: »
    you will instead have a strong snare applied for slightly longer.
    I hope whoever gets on TG PTS gets this removed, it's already Elder Snares this will probably be even damn worse when/if a purge/purify cooldown is introduced.

    Fixing one problem by adding an almost more annoying problem is not the way to go ZOS team @Worbel

    By strong snare I assume you are making it the same as the stranglers on round 3, 80% move speed reduction a better idea would be to put a cooldown on immobilize :p

    I'm sorry but have you guys even thought about this? It makes gap closing spam even worse, a purify cooldown while spamming a gap closer on you with a strong snare is quite possibly even worse than it already is, that offers probably 0 survival.

    I personally don't get where you came to conclusion that players will be given the opportunity to disengage when 1 or multiple players are using charge abilities on you with a strong snare which will quite possibly stack with each other. Please just add a cooldown to the immobilize and call it at that, that's the only fix you need to do.

    Wrobel said that the snare would be ONLY slightly longer than the mini-stun. In other words, this mean that by the time you cast efficient purge to remove the snare, it will most likely be gone already. This solution is to make your character more responsive to other abilities when you're in a defensive postion. No biggie.

    @Wrobel - Any thoughts about adding a minimum range on Ambush like other gap closers?
    Frozn - Stamdk - AR50
    Frosted - Magplar - AR50
    Frodn - Magden - AR50
    Warmed - Magblade - AR50
    Mmfrozy - Magsorc - AR44
    Necrozn - Magcro - AR32
    PvP Group Builds

    “Small minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, and great minds discuss ideas.” -Eleanor Roosevelt
    • Fix Volendrung (spawn location - weapon white on the map causing the wielder to keep it forever - usable with emperorship)
    • Remove / Change CPs System, remove current CP/noCP campaigns and introduce one 30days with lock, one with no locks
    • Fix crashes when approaching a keep under attack because of bad / wrong rendering prioritization system
    • Change emperorship to value faction score points and not alliance points - see this and this
    • Fix long loading screens (mostly caused by players joining group out of rendering range)
    • Add 2 more quickslots to the wheel or add a different wheel for sieges weaponry only
    • Fix Balista Bolts not dealing damage on walls or doors if deployed at a certain place
    • Release bigger battlegrounds with 8 to 16 players per team and only two teams
    • Fix the permanent block animation - see examples : link1 link2 link3 link4 link5
    • Gives players 10 minutes to get back into Cyrodiil after relogging / crashing
    • Add a function to ignore the Claiming system of useless rewards
    • Improve the Mailing System / Rewards of the Worthy stacking
    • Assign specific group sizes to specific campaigns (24-16-8)
    • Make forward camps impossible to place near objectives
    • Make snares only available from ground effects abilities
    • Change emperorship to last minimum 24hours
    • Fix body sliding after cc breaking too quickly
    • Remove Block Casting through Battle Spirit
    • Fix the speed drop while jumping - see video
    • Fix loading screens when keeps upgrade
    • Fix Rams going crazy (spinning around)
    • Bring back dynamic ulti regeneration
    • Fix speed bug (abilities locked)
    • Introduce dynamic population
    • Lower population cap by 20%
    • Add Snare Immunity potions
    • Bring resurrection sickness
    • Fix character desync
    • Fix cc breaking bug
    • Fix gap closer bug
    • Fix health desync
    • Fix combat bug
    • Fix streak bug
    • Fix server lag
  • Manoekin
    Sypher wrote: »
    Manoekin wrote: »
    manny254 wrote: »
    Manoekin wrote: »

    Ambush specifically is said to Immobilize target's for 1 full second. This is different then the half second 100% movement speed debuff.

    Is Ambush going to get a different description because of these changes?


    Flash through the shadows and ambush enemy for 11 Physical Damage , stunning them for 1.5 seconds.
    Also grants you Empower, increasing damage of your next attack by 20%.
    If the target is a player, they are immobilized for 1 second instead of being stunned.

    It means if 2 players are casting Ambush on a target every half second, they will not be able to move.
    With Ambushes current description. It would only require 1 ambush per second to completely lock your opponent from moving.

    You're confused by the terms being used I think. What everyone is complaining about is what @Wrobel posted, that charges have a 100% snare built into them that is completely unavoidable aside from dodge rolling. That's not to be confused with Ambush's immobilize which should work as any other snare/root in the game where you can again dodge/purge it, or not be affected by it if you have rapid maneuver up. There's two different snares/roots when talking about Ambush.
    Sypher wrote: »
    Wrobel wrote: »
    Currently gap closers apply a -100% movement speed debuff for .5 seconds. This snare cannot be avoided or reduced by any abilities, so it locks your character in place. It works this way because we want charges to reliably hit enemies. It means if 2 players are casting Ambush on a target every half second, they will not be able to move. This is too strong of a lockdown and we would like to relax it, while still making charge abilities get to the target.

    To accomplish this, we'll be reducing the snare to -60% and increase the duration to .75 seconds. This will make it feel more responsive as a person being charged because you can still control your character instead of getting stuck in place. With the change you can move slightly further with 1 person charging you, and much further if multiple enemies are charging you. Note that these values aren’t final and we will be adjusting based on PTS feedback.

    Thanks for the reply Wrobel and I'll be sure to test this out on the PTS and see how it feels.

    Few Question, is it possible to make gap closers act as projectiles and follow the target until a connection is made? or will that create too many issues.

    Currently, "Dragon Leap" doesn't have that half a second root which causes it to miss against targets who are very mobile (If they walk away from it, it will not damage them, even if they were the one targeted by it. Will that be looked at?

    Again, thanks for the response. Any hints as to when the PTS will be available to us?

    I want to at least see video of a dev test because I want to know what happens if you charge a person with reflect up or if you have eclipse on you. Obviously if it's possible the moves would be unable to be reflected. I would just want to see what if :tongue:

    Actually you can't even dodge lotus fan as it is an AoE magic skill.

    Yeah that's technically working as intended though I don't think it should be that way. Same as Dark Flare going through cloak even if the cast hasn't finished because it's AOE and cloak only stops single target stuff.

    My problem with lotus fan is only the snare effect is an AOE. The Damage effect is single target. Yet you can't dodge it. Same goes with toppling charge. Both need to be dodgeable.

    Completely agree. Secondary effects should not be change the classification of a skill. They should be dependent on the skill hitting the target as it normally would.
  • Starshadw
    Wrobel wrote: »
    Currently gap closers apply a -100% movement speed debuff for .5 seconds. This snare cannot be avoided or reduced by any abilities, so it locks your character in place. It works this way because we want charges to reliably hit enemies. It means if 2 players are casting Ambush on a target every half second, they will not be able to move. This is too strong of a lockdown and we would like to relax it, while still making charge abilities get to the target.

    To accomplish this, we'll be reducing the snare to -60% and increase the duration to .75 seconds. This will make it feel more responsive as a person being charged because you can still control your character instead of getting stuck in place. With the change you can move slightly further with 1 person charging you, and much further if multiple enemies are charging you. Note that these values aren’t final and we will be adjusting based on PTS feedback.

    I beg of you, please stop tweaking skills until you have the base mechanics working properly. There's simply no way to accurately judge whether skill changes are needed so long as the base mechanics aren't reliable.

    CC immunity is NOT working properly. Again and again, players have posted about being perma-feared/stunlocked/knocked down. Players have also posted about break-free not functioning, even with the character having the requisite stamina needed.

    PLEASE, stop changing skills and focus on fixing these mechanics first. Because we have no way to know whether the issues being talked about here are actual issues, or just a result of the base mechanics not functioning the way they are supposed to.
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