Actually all description of this ability is wrong all damage isn't reduced by 75%, damage from some abilities isn't even reduced by 50%.
While active, you are also vulnerable to control effects and healing magic. More correct description.
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »
Hmm not really, it doesn't.
Your point is that your should be able to get the set outside of PvP , without using AP as currency. If that was the case then nobody would buy it from PvP sellers, therefore AP would remain as useless a currency as it is now and there would be no Gold<->AP exchange like there was in 1.6.
I really really don't understand this argument. I'm a PvPer and I have to farm PvE dungeons for undaunted helmets and zombies in IC for dark ethers like crazy! Yet the minute some reward is hidden behind some actual PvP, y'all go bananas.
They absolutely should throw people with AP a bone. It's a game currency they have been collecting for over a year and ZOS suddenly decided with the last update, that it should be worth nothing. Imagine having 3-4m gold in your account and tomorrow you find you can't buy anything of value with it. That's what happened.
For the love of god, just suck it up and either do some pvp or buy the motif. it's not useful gear, it's just a stylistic thing And stop requesting that all rewards in the game are provided by mindlessly killing mobs which apparently is the way you prefer to spend your time in ESO. Other forms of play need to yield material rewards too.
PsychoKRATOS1 wrote: »
I guess that's just your opinion/experience. Avoided lots of damage from the patrolling horrors about an hour ago. Stupid maitenance :P but then again I'm on console now, no mods to check what damage I do/am dealt. Or how much is mitigated.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
Battle Leveling Updates
Instead of every battle leveled character having the exact same stats, you will now be able to mold a battle leveled character however you choose.
- Battle leveling now takes into account how you have allocated your attribute points.
- Items matter!
- Having stronger items means your battle leveled stats will be stronger. For example, equipping a purple level 34 sword will give more damage than a green level 34 sword.
- Running around naked in Cyrodiil is no longer advisable. Lower-level player characters will be given bonus stats to help make up for the lack of optimized gear, skills, and passive abilities. The bonus will scale to your level, so lower-level player characters will receive a larger bonus.
@ZOS_GinaBruno, So on my V1 Alt Master Crafter, I will be getting V16 mats and V16 hide from animals. But on my V16 main (which I use to gather mats) I will be getting all LVL 1 mats since I don't have any skill points to put into crafting.
Basically what your saying is I need to level all my crafting on all my alts to get useful mats. I feel sorry for those people that skipped content on alts and grinded them to V16 and have very limited skill points! No useful mats for you!
Would make more since if you looted stuff in your LVL range and not based on your crafting level. This would help ensure that "Everyone gets mats that are useful to their character!"
anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »
Does anyone understand what that means / implies in terms of strategy for that boss and could take a few minutes to explain ? I don't figure it out...
When you have players who have so many Champion Points that they can solo one of the 12 player trials then it's definitely time to put CP caps in place.
Not at this time, though it is something we're exploring for the future. With this implementation, cross-faction play is only available through the Grouping Tools.Elephant42 wrote: »@ZOS_GinaBruno
Another question on the new grouping mechanics. Will it be possible to cross-faction group with specific players. For instance being able to group with specific guild mates from differing factions?
It's not clear from the patch notes whether this is possible - the way I read it appears that using the old grouping methods will not allow cross-faction.
We are aware of that bug, but just haven't gotten it fixed yet.
I want to know this aswell, did not see any fix for it in the notes. Are you guys aware of this bug?
Basically, the Pinion used to have (well, still has on Live) an interaction time of one second before it would activate and the boss would put his focus on you. In this update, we'll be reducing that time.anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »
Does anyone understand what that means / implies in terms of strategy for that boss and could take a few minutes to explain ? I don't figure it out...
I should have specified that it's in PvP. Lethal arrow 8k without mist and 5k with mist that's definitely not 75%. I have used jabs against mistform and damage is only slightly less same with sweeps. I don't remember is it was Surprise attack while in mist got 4-5k damage and that would be 20k damage without 75% dmg mitigation + no Undeath passive. Doesn't seem legit.
There are lot more abilities that aren't mitigated by 75%.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Not at this time, though it is something we're exploring for the future. With this implementation, cross-faction play is only available through the Grouping Tools.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Not at this time, though it is something we're exploring for the future. With this implementation, cross-faction play is only available through the Grouping Tools.
We are aware of that bug, but just haven't gotten it fixed yet.
Basically, the Pinion used to have (well, still has on Live) an interaction time of one second before it would activate and the boss would put his focus on you. In this update, we'll be reducing that time.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Alik’r Desert
- Sentinel: Lady Zibeh the banker no longer has a defunct store option when you’re speaking with her.
ThatNeonZebraAgain wrote: »
Not happy that Akaviri style/mat can only be obtained from siege merchants via AP. Give us another way to get it outside of AP, such as from Cyrodiil bosses or delves. Also, why not in Craglorn? That is where the style is already available in some gear sets...
if this patch goes live. im done with the game. and im going to move onto something else to play.. pretty much what sums it up is. if u are a casual this patch is for u. if not then all your hard work put into it already over 500 cp well your fcked till the patch after this. no thanks. i dislike a game were your progress is blocked due to crybaby casuals.. if u invest time into the game then u should be more powereful. plz reconcider zos.
Nobody asked for this to be "fixed". It's a huge convenience to have a vendor in the bank. Takes a little bit of legwork out of clearing my bags of loot. I wish all bankers had a store option!
If ZOS wanted a cap on CP, they should have instated this when they instated the system to begin with. Many people have spent time powering up their characters, and are now stripped of the hours, days, weeks of time they have put into the game. This very dissapointing, and extremely discouraging to the most loyal fans of the game.
Why not just create a campaign that limits CP, and have some campaigns with CP caps and some without them??? Doesn't that seem like the most logical solution?
ThatNeonZebraAgain wrote: »Not happy that Akaviri style/mat can only be obtained from siege merchants via AP. Give us another way to get it outside of AP, such as from Cyrodiil bosses or delves. Also, why not in Craglorn? That is where the style is already available in some gear sets...
Tillalarrien wrote: »
U are joking right? U know that ALL sets/motifs for now are mainly possible to get only through PVE? Why should pveers be able to get every single item or style their way..
I like that it will be PvP based, there should be more things like it. - I have to PVE to get many many items in the game, and I am a PvPer. I dont understand why PvEers should be privileged and just get handed all things they desire in PvE.
If I have to PvE for majority of items, I really cant see anything bad if you will have to PvP for some others. And we r talking just cosmetics here, and you are already complaining... I would like to see more good sets only purchasable with AP in the future too.
And if you dont want to PvP then bad luck, but even then you will just have to wait a bit and items will appear in guild stores, so even if you stick to PvE you will still be able to own them in the end..