@Soulac Be careful what you wish cause ZOS can fix it and change the formula to be only additive and not multiplicative and at the end we will have less regen values.ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
We are aware of that bug, but just haven't gotten it fixed yet.
Isn't this exactly what they're doing? If you're v16, but your blacksmith is only lvl 1, you won't be able to craft with the v16 mats anyway, until you level up your blacksmith and spend the skill points to be able to use those materials.
@ZOS_GinaBruno, So on my V1 Alt Master Crafter, I will be getting V16 mats and V16 hide from animals. But on my V16 main (which I use to gather mats) I will be getting all LVL 1 mats since I don't have any skill points to put into crafting.
Basically what your saying is I need to level all my crafting on all my alts to get useful mats. I feel sorry for those people that skipped content on alts and grinded them to V16 and have very limited skill points! No useful mats for you!
Would make more since if you looted stuff in your LVL range and not based on your crafting level. This would help ensure that "Everyone gets mats that are useful to their character!"
Please... PLEASE rethink the CP cap entirely.
The whole CP system was created with it's own diminishing returns and scalability. Why ... WHY do you insist on adding a hard-cap to the only value that many players see as their only end-game pve benefit?
CP do not need a cap - they just need attention!
PLEASE rethink the cap - all you REALLY need to do is to use the tools it already has built into it. All it really needs is a heavier-handed DR system and the tweaks to the scale / speed at which they can be earned. Implement the scale changes you already have, weaken the values received for points spent across the board, and make the DR more stringent.
Why are you waiting for a new DLC to fix known issues in Imperial City? We have already paid for it and would have thought that those fixes should be put into the current live version?
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »[*] There are four Sigils that will aid you with your battles in the arena. To use a Sigil, simply walk near it and the Synergy prompt will appear. Press your Synergy key, and the Sigil will be activated. Sigils will re-spawn between each round within an arena, so liberal use is encouraged. These Sigils include:
- Sigil of Haste: Grants increased resource regeneration and the Major Expedition buff.
- Sigil of Healing: Grants you a powerful heal over time.
- Sigil of Defense: Grants damage reduction to all attacks, and reflects physical and spell ranged attacks.
- Sigil of Power: Grants increased weapon power.
On consoles the power gap is significantly larger than PC when it comes down to CP. But a CP cap AND a catch up system will ruin the character progression idea of this game. I fear it will also promote even more zerging (if possible) because solo and small group players will most deffinently not be strong enough to take out a group of mindless light attacking archers and steel tornados.
This will appeal to casual players alot more thought. You know the ones that do not truely support the game but play every now and then so subbing isnt worth it. But I guess they outnumbered (zerging) the hardcore players on the forums and complained the most. I bet they still wont sub thought and you wil end up losing subs overall by alienating your hardcore players.
I have less than 200 cp and feel this is stupid. When this driops i will probably unsub.
Alexandrious wrote: »
Why? Cuz its kinda B.S when someone with 1000+ CP waltzes around and with a skip and a hop, tanks 5-10 players all wailing on him and his health never goes down, then when he gets tired, he just runs away and cannot be stopped at all.
Some would dispute that running around the Scar in Craglorn with an OP Sorc build for hours on end, or using one of the mny XP exploits amount to an accomplishment.
There's only a few guys out there with 1k+ CP. Institute a cap on an entire progression system because of like 3-4 people? LOL. Get some PVP friends and focus them down. Or don't engage if you feel you'll get rekt by them.
Also you sure you're not talking about an emperor?
Basically what your saying is I need to level all my crafting on all my alts to get useful mats. I feel sorry for those people that skipped content on alts and grinded them to V16 and have very limited skill points! No useful mats for you!
Would make more since if you looted stuff in your LVL range and not based on your crafting level. This would help ensure that "Everyone gets mats that are useful to their character!"
Alexandrious wrote: »
if this patch goes live. im done with the game. and im going to move onto something else to play.. pretty much what sums it up is. if u are a casual this patch is for u. if not then all your hard work put into it already over 500 cp well your fcked till the patch after this. no thanks. i dislike a game were your progress is blocked due to crybaby casuals.. if u invest time into the game then u should be more powereful. plz reconcider zos.
Er he's right, only 2 people have hit 1500cp in the gsme, and less than 6 had over 1k. That's from ZOS themselves
Also how do you think they earn this many cp's ? By grinding and working on their character right? Well guess what, that means they haven't actually been in pvp as they've been grinding in pve!
Also look at players like sypher, he has 300 odd cp and there's videos of him taking down 6+ people with ease . Don't blame cp's for your lack of skill
Please reconsider this! I have many cross-faction friends and it'd be great to be able to group up with the character's we're actively playing at the time rather than on various alts.ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Not at this time, though it is something we're exploring for the future. With this implementation, cross-faction play is only available through the Grouping Tools.
^^^^This, a billion times this!!!!! My exact thoughts while reading these notes. So your going to post fixes for stuff that is currently broken that we have to PAY for...AGAIN? WTH is wrong with you ZoS? Stuff that can be used as exploits over the next month cause you can't release the fixes now? This is like a new all-time low for this company. Seriously. It's really bad customer relations on an epic scale.
Alexandrious wrote: »
I didnt say 1500 did I? I said 1000+, and seen plenty of them, its honestly not that hard to get for the really hardcore who stuck with the game and utilized the early exploits and mistakes ZoS made to amass alot of CP before things got fixed and changed.
And I got more skill than you kiddo. If Sypher is taking on 6+ people "with ease" with just 300 odd CP, than hes obviously exploiting something thats horribly OP and unbalanced right now to go along with the animation macro cancelling problem.
Please dont B.S a 16+ year mmo veteran >.> No amount of skill can allow 1 player to take on 6 different players and beat them all at once when they could be of varying Lvs, CP, and skill themselves unless exploitation of badly designed skills, and mechanical issues *Animation Cancelling with macros* is used. I hope he at least showed in his videos how much CP he has, if he didnt, he may be B.Sing about the CP amount he has. That just pretty much flat out says their is something very wrong with the game, giving people more reason to quit or stay away from ESO.
Deal with the CP nerf, it was needed. Now they gotta fix animation cancelling and the Nightblade, then the game will be going in the right direction, instead of losing more and more players due to bad game design.
But please child, dont ever wave the "Skill" flag in a game like this, its not skill, its just knowledge of what to exploit and abuse to succeed. The game is far too unbalanced and broken at this time to be able to measure much in "skill".
Man, heh, was funny your post though, very funny, and very ignorant, gonna go out and grab some water and other drinks whew, throats dry from the laughing. Kids these days...hehe. Oh and
Nuff said.
1.5 was the best thing that ever happened to this game and ever will happen. These current changes are a modified version of 1.5 and I'm curious to test it. It showed strategy and skill are greater than farming out Champion Points for bad players to be rewarded for things they shouldn't this is a bad game model to follow.if this patch goes live. im done with the game. and im going to move onto something else to play.. pretty much what sums it up is. if u are a casual this patch is for u. if not then all your hard work put into it already over 500 cp well your fcked till the patch after this. no thanks. i dislike a game were your progress is blocked due to crybaby casuals.. if u invest time into the game then u should be more powereful. plz reconcider zos.