It's not something they can just "reconsider"; it would require dev time and resources beyond that which is available for this DLC window. Both Gina and Rich Lambert have said that cross-faction play will be implemented through an ongoing process, and that the Group Finder is just the first stage.Please reconsider this! I have many cross-faction friends and it'd be great to be able to group up with the character's we're actively playing at the time rather than on various alts.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Not at this time, though it is something we're exploring for the future. With this implementation, cross-faction play is only available through the Grouping Tools.
We are aware of that bug, but just haven't gotten it fixed yet.
Basically, the Pinion used to have (well, still has on Live) an interaction time of one second before it would activate and the boss would put his focus on you. In this update, we'll be reducing that time.
I have a question about the new Wrothgar public dungeons. We all know in the past it's been a major pain to go into a public group dungeon and find the boss has already been cleared. Then you get to wait 20 minutes for it to respawn again. Now consider the new public dungeons where everyone in Tamriel will be running around farming, killing everything in sight. How are you going to handle this ZOS?
The Akaviri style has only ever been available through PvP. (It's one of the Rewards for the Worthy or End of Campaign rewards, I think.)jakeedmundson wrote: »Not happy that Akaviri style/mat can only be obtained from siege merchants via AP[/b]. Give us another way to get it outside of AP...
Agreed.... A lot of people don't do any pvp... (I have many friends on ps4 and very few of them do pvp - elder scrolls games have never been that way anyway)
The Akaviri style has only ever been available through PvP. (It's one of the Rewards for the Worthy or End of Campaign rewards, I think.)
However, not having a method of continuing progress in the game, and making everyone equally powerful, are counter intuitive to a true MMO environment. Also, I can bet that many of you posting on here that support the capped CP, will change your minds in a few months when you approach the cap, and come to realize that all the PVE you do is pretty much now worthless since the XP you earn will do next to nothing.
LostRedden wrote: »
When are you going to fix guild banks? Honestly, it's been what, almost a month now that we've got IC on PS4, and it came with a ton of bugs, but I can live with most of them. The long loading screens, fine, I can live with that, but please fix the guild banks. The video above will show you what's wrong with them.
Please, ZOS, please fix them.
I look forward to the Orsinium content, I look forward to future expansions, I play to pay, and will continue to pay to play, but damnit, I'm getting a bit frustrated with the guild banks being broken, so please fix them. Please?
Please... PLEASE rethink the CP cap entirely.
The whole CP system was created with it's own diminishing returns and scalability. Why ... WHY do you insist on adding a hard-cap to the only value that many players see as their only post-story pve benefit?
CP do not need a cap - they just need attention!
PLEASE rethink the cap - all you REALLY need to do is to use the tools it already has built into it. All it really needs is a heavier-handed DR system and the tweaks to the scale / speed at which they can be earned. Implement the scale changes you already have, weaken the values received for points spent across the board, and make the DR more stringent.
The problem with the level cap is that you have pretty much stuck it to some of your most dedicated players. You need to increase the diminishing returns, not completely strip players of their accomplishments. This implementation was poorly done by ZOS. Many people support this change because it helps them. The problem is you could have helped them without COMPLETELY eliminating what others have accomplished. Will ZOS be issuing a refund for XP scrolls purchased?
On consoles the power gap is significantly larger than PC when it comes down to CP. But a CP cap AND a catch up system will ruin the character progression idea of this game. I fear it will also promote even more zerging (if possible) because solo and small group players will most deffinently not be strong enough to take out a group of mindless light attacking archers and steel tornados.
This will appeal to casual players alot more thought. You know the ones that do not truely support the game but play every now and then so subbing isnt worth it. But I guess they outnumbered (zerging) the hardcore players on the forums and complained the most. I bet they still wont sub thought and you wil end up losing subs overall by alienating your hardcore players.
I have less than 200 cp and feel this is stupid. When this driops i will probably unsub.
Please... PLEASE rethink the CP cap entirely.
The whole CP system was created with it's own diminishing returns and scalability. Why ... WHY do you insist on adding a hard-cap to the only value that many players see as their only post-story pve benefit?
CP do not need a cap - they just need attention!
PLEASE rethink the cap - all you REALLY need to do is to use the tools it already has built into it. All it really needs is a heavier-handed DR system and the tweaks to the scale / speed at which they can be earned. Implement the scale changes you already have, weaken the values received for points spent across the board, and make the DR more stringent.
The problem with the level cap is that you have pretty much stuck it to some of your most dedicated players. You need to increase the diminishing returns, not completely strip players of their accomplishments. This implementation was poorly done by ZOS. Many people support this change because it helps them. The problem is you could have helped them without COMPLETELY eliminating what others have accomplished. Will ZOS be issuing a refund for XP scrolls purchased?
On consoles the power gap is significantly larger than PC when it comes down to CP. But a CP cap AND a catch up system will ruin the character progression idea of this game. I fear it will also promote even more zerging (if possible) because solo and small group players will most deffinently not be strong enough to take out a group of mindless light attacking archers and steel tornados.
This will appeal to casual players alot more thought. You know the ones that do not truely support the game but play every now and then so subbing isnt worth it. But I guess they outnumbered (zerging) the hardcore players on the forums and complained the most. I bet they still wont sub thought and you wil end up losing subs overall by alienating your hardcore players.
I have less than 200 cp and feel this is stupid. When this driops i will probably unsub.
@ZOS_GinaBruno, So on my V1 Alt Master Crafter, I will be getting V16 mats and V16 hide from animals. But on my V16 main (which I use to gather mats) I will be getting all LVL 1 mats since I don't have any skill points to put into crafting.
Basically what your saying is I need to level all my crafting on all my alts to get useful mats. I feel sorry for those people that skipped content on alts and grinded them to V16 and have very limited skill points! No useful mats for you!
Would make more since if you looted stuff in your LVL range and not based on your crafting level. This would help ensure that "Everyone gets mats that are useful to their character!"
Why are you waiting for a new DLC to fix known issues in Imperial City? We have already paid for it and would have thought that those fixes should be put into the current live version?
CP Cap should be 900, why have the spend 300 CP in each tree Achievement if we cant even do it?
Tonnopesceb16_ESO wrote: »Mmmmm no trials? are you guys planning to loose even the pve'rs ?
aialghannam_ESO wrote: »Sadly, they haven't reverted back the "no stamina regen while blocking" disaster. Hopefully, they will soon.
Heven't played much eso since they made tanking so boring with that mistake of an update.
if this patch goes live. im done with the game. and im going to move onto something else to play.. pretty much what sums it up is. if u are a casual this patch is for u. if not then all your hard work put into it already over 500 cp well your fcked till the patch after this. no thanks. i dislike a game were your progress is blocked due to crybaby casuals.. if u invest time into the game then u should be more powereful. plz reconcider zos.
@ZOS_GinaBruno can you please be more clear on the bolded section. Will item level affect damage/armor of items while battle leveled now?
For instance... will a lvl 34 sword be stronger than a lvl 32 sword?
If so, will the scaling mentioned in the italics scale say... a golden lvl 10 weapon to be of equal power to a golden lvl 48 weapon?
It's great that you are allowing items to matter now but please please please think of how this will effect the majority of players who can not afford to have new golden armor made every few levels.
If ZOS wanted a cap on CP, they should have stated this when they instated the system to begin with. Many people have spent time powering up their characters, and are now stripped of the hours, days, weeks of time they have put into the game. This very dissapointing, and extremely discouraging to the most loyal fans of the game.
Why not just create a campaign that limits CP, and have some campaigns with CP caps and some without them??? Doesn't that seem like the most logical solution?
I'm really not understanding the Champion System. It seemed that it was created to allow for further character progression at post-story game - with the understanding that instituting such a system would create the opportunity for a wide power gap between the people that grind / play the most - and the people that don't grind or simply don't play as often. There is no way this could not have been considered from the outset as you will always have people wanting to min-max for the highest possible stats given the chance to do so.
If the intent of the Champion System is to allow for greater build diversity - which I think is a good idea, then why not just give everyone 1800 CP straight away - keeping that number as the final cap out of the possible 3600 spendable points? This way there are choices to be made with tradeoffs. If there's a cap that is slowly raised, combined with a catch-up mechanic, you will effectively have lots of people in roughly the same ballpark of points - so why even bother doing that? Also, thinking about the long-term - when the cap reaches its inevitable final destination of 3600 points - everyone just gets to max-out the system? Is this just some really, really long winding road back to patch 1.5?
maybe make it so the CP cap isn't active in PVE have the CP cap just for pvp area's... add a tab where u can set your pvp CP and a tab for PVE CP then every now and then increase the limit for the PVP tree as time progresses.. so when I enter cyrodil it auto activates my PVP CP tree. I know that what I want for pvp as far as champion points go is different than what I want in PVE.
just a thought
and maybe the champion point cap is also active in any PVE events with rankings like trials and such
Khivas_Carrick wrote: »So we can dye our shields now, but still not our weapons?
God damn it lol
The reason I and many other players spent time grinding CP, is because ZOS set up a system that promoted it with the champion point system. A system that allowed for further end game progression of ones character. So yes, they are stripping us from what we have earned under a system they promoted. It is a violation of fiduciary trust and loyalty to their most diehard fans.
There are plenty of other ways to change the system to make it more equitable for the casual player aside from stripping us from what we have earned. You could have one cp capped monthly campiagn (the rest should still be uncapped), and/or reduce the amount of XP needed for the first few hundred CP.
However, not having a method of continuing progress in the game, and making everyone equally powerful, are counter intuitive to a true MMO environment. Also, I can bet that many of you posting on here that support the capped CP, will change your minds in a few months when you approach the cap, and come to realize that all the PVE you do is pretty much now worthless since the XP you earn will do next to nothing.
^^^^This, a billion times this!!!!! My exact thoughts while reading these notes. So your going to post fixes for stuff that is currently broken that we have to PAY for...AGAIN? WTH is wrong with you ZoS? Stuff that can be used as exploits over the next month cause you can't release the fixes now? This is like a new all-time low for this company. Seriously. It's really bad customer relations on an epic scale.
It is not the method of accomplishment that matters in this instance, it's the accomplishment. The accomplishment being CP. Do I agree that you should get so much XP from grinding? No, but that was the environment. It's like a boss saying, if you do x (work/grind) you will get y (CP/bonus). People were given an expectation by ZOS. Now ZOS is saying they wont give people their bonus. Its irrelevant if the person was flipping burgers and doesn't deserve a huge bonus, or starts a multi-million dollar company and does deserve the bonus.
If people had spent a ton of time getting VR14/16 gear and then VR18 was introduced, thats fine. The work people did becomes irrelevant. But in that case, people knew that eventually ZOS would come out with VR18 gear. In this instance, people were just playing within the system and they expected to be able to keep the CP - that's way they did it. They dedicated themselves to the game and are now having that taken away.
You need to understand, I fully agree that CP needs to be balanced. The system is way too powerful. BUT.. you should not be completely nullifying the work (i.e. accomplishment) that people have gained. You can accomplish balancing CP power in a different way.. (e.g. make the system less powerful and increase the diminishing returns). You can also, for example, immediately give new VR1's a 100 CP.
You are also losing the idea of constant progression. I find it fun to know that I am constantly progressing - even if it's very very small.
It would have been fine to introduce the system with a cap. But you can't put a cap after people have put in the work. It's like taking someone's bonus away. Not cool. There are other solutions.
It's a shame that nightblades are not being nerfed...
Alexandrious wrote: »
I didnt say 1500 did I? I said 1000+, and seen plenty of them, its honestly not that hard to get for the really hardcore who stuck with the game and utilized the early exploits and mistakes ZoS made to amass alot of CP before things got fixed and changed.
And I got more skill than you kiddo. If Sypher is taking on 6+ people "with ease" with just 300 odd CP, than hes obviously exploiting something thats horribly OP and unbalanced right now to go along with the animation macro cancelling problem.
Please dont B.S a 16+ year mmo veteran >.> No amount of skill can allow 1 player to take on 6 different players and beat them all at once when they could be of varying Lvs, CP, and skill themselves unless exploitation of badly designed skills, and mechanical issues *Animation Cancelling with macros* is used. I hope he at least showed in his videos how much CP he has, if he didnt, he may be B.Sing about the CP amount he has. That just pretty much flat out says their is something very wrong with the game, giving people more reason to quit or stay away from ESO.
Deal with the CP nerf, it was needed. Now they gotta fix animation cancelling and the Nightblade, then the game will be going in the right direction, instead of losing more and more players due to bad game design.
But please child, dont ever wave the "Skill" flag in a game like this, its not skill, its just knowledge of what to exploit and abuse to succeed. The game is far too unbalanced and broken at this time to be able to measure much in "skill".
Man, heh, was funny your post though, very funny, and very ignorant, gonna go out and grab some water and other drinks whew, throats dry from the laughing. Kids these days...hehe. Oh and
Nuff said.
jakeedmundson wrote: »Not happy that Akaviri style/mat can only be obtained from siege merchants via AP[/b]. Give us another way to get it outside of AP...
Agreed.... A lot of people don't do any pvp... (I have many friends on ps4 and very few of them do pvp - elder scrolls games have never been that way anyway)
It's very frustrating to be FORCED to do pvp to earn some of the best gear. This includes the IC DLC. (it wouldn't be so bad if everything didn't cost 250k AP)
I understand that this patch is meant to be more "solo friendly"... but i guess i have to wait and see.
It seems like the order of things in this game is...
1. do pve and dungeons until you get into vet ranks using crafted gear.
2. focus more on pvp for certain gear (ap rewards and chests)
3. go back to do dungeons with the good pvp gear so you can get the good pve gear to complete a build.
I know they want people to get into all options of the game... but i (like many others) have zero interest in pvp.
Please make more post-story content available for the non-pvp crowd.
u can group with complete strangers in another alliance but not with your friends? /slowclap well done
TRoclodyte wrote: »I think motif materials should be revisited. I don't even mind that Akaviri style will cost more than 4 millions AP, or that glass motif takes so long to grind through writs (ok, maybe I mind a bit).
But why do the stones to craft them have to be so expensive?
If I successfully gathered 4,3 millions AP for the Akaviri style, I shouldn't have to grind 50,000 AP every time I want to craft one single piece.
If I successfully acquired all the glass motif, I shouldn't have to look for 15 treasure chests, hoping to get 10 malachite shards, just to craft one piece.
If I successfully learned the dwemer motif, I shouldn't have to grind dwemer ruins to get 10 scraps just to craft one piece.
IMHO, this is ridiculous. I love making myself different looking gear even if I won't use them in combat, just to parade them around or roleplay with. Why do all new styles have to be made from gathering 10 "something"?
Akaviri style should require only one piece, and maybe increase its price to 10k AP since 5k is pretty low.
Glass style should require only one malachite shard.
Dwemer style should require only one dwemer scrap.
And I'm not talking about Xyvkin because I did not see what it takes to craft it, but seeing the thrend here, I'm thinking it's similar.
It may be just me, but I think better gear should be harder to obtain, not different looking gear.
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »You'd be surprised how much people care about cosmetics. This is also a good sinkhole for those with tons of AP and nothing to spend it on.
[*] Running around naked in Cyrodiil is no longer advisable. Lower-level player characters will be given bonus stats to help make up for the lack of optimized gear, skills, and passive abilities. The bonus will scale to your level, so lower-level player characters will receive a larger bonus.[/list][/list]
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Crown Store
- The Crown Store will now able to display Limited Time Offers.
- Announcements for featured Crown Store items will now display upon login, and will only reappear when the featured section has changed if the prompt is dismissed.
- Note: These will only appear once per account, not each time you log into a new character.
There is honestly no reason to add specific player finding to group tools though. If you know their username just invite them into a group by name. If they are on your friends list invite them from there.
tyler_spearsb14_ESO wrote: »
PLEASE do not do this, I understand you feel like you have to advertise to make more money, but this is going to ruin the immersion of the game, no one wants to be questing, or idling, or doing W/e and get a pop up that asks for money.
ThatNeonZebraAgain wrote: »
Not happy that Akaviri style/mat can only be obtained from siege merchants
Mhylton44142 wrote: »So if I don't have the ESO plus subscription, does that mean I will still get the base game patch (subtitles specifically)?
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
To both of the quotes above keep in mind the cap is temporary as per the catch-up system Zenimax is providing and that any additional CP earned above 501 is not lost. For those with more than 501 CP when they raise the cap you can spend those pretty much immediately once it is up to the new cap.
No one is meant to be able to effortlessly hold off a group of players by their self. Those that were and no longer can are simply suffering from power trip withdrawal.
To both of the quotes above keep in mind the cap is temporary as per the catch-up system Zenimax is providing and that any additional CP earned above 501 is not lost. For those with more than 501 CP when they raise the cap you can spend those pretty much immediately once it is up to the new cap.
No one is meant to be able to effortlessly hold off a group of players by their self. Those that were and no longer can are simply suffering from power trip withdrawal.
Actually it is still easy to get what you need. Since you are battle-leveled in Wrothgar and Cyrodiil enemies are not that big a deal and the Cloth, Ore, and Wood Nodes are not level-dependant but crafting level-dependant. As for hides, honestly Clothing is the easiest of the 3 to raise and it should not take too much time and effort to get your VR16 to 50 Clothing, and this of course is assuming being a low-level master crafter does not make the hides scale to your level instead of Clothing level. Either way, not a big deal in my book.
Keep in mind the fact that the Orsinium DLC is launching far sooner than a quarter after Imperial City and therefore does not really qualify as "waiting that long". If it was coming 3 months after instead of like 1 then they would likely release the fix at that 1-month time anyway.
You can always redistribute your points. It may cost 3k to do so each time but it isn't non-doable.
If you watch the Orsinium special from the 5th you will learn they do plan to add a trial in a later update.
They did it to balance out people endlessly blocking while casting, so it wasn't a mistake and I wouldn't expect them to take it back anytime ever if I were you.
Sounds more like you're the crybaby here and enjoy power trips. A prime example of why the cap is in place (the power trip that is lol). Nothing wrong with giving people time to catch up when so many people abuse rubberbanding and have PC transfer characters with large amounts of CP. Can't really speak for PC but those 2 reasons alone make the cap more than welcome to many on console.
It is likely that the bonus underleveled players get will make it so higher level gear are not stronger. If that statement I just made is correct then all that truly matters when battle-leveled is quality.
They do plan to add Cyrodiil Campaigns that ignore CP usage. When is when they can lol
Fixed, and yes they expected the Champion System to eventually require a catch-up mechanic be needed but didn't expect it to need it so soon. Also if they just "gave away" CPs it would defeat the purpose of the vertical progression it utilizes.
No this cap caters to PvEers as well to promote multiplayer ventures. Why bother grouping when someone has so many CPs they can solo everything in the game? Cyrodiil will get a campaign that ignores CP eventually as I stated on a previous quote but PvP isn't the only thing that needs the cap.
Zenimax stated in a previous ESO Live they have no plans to add Weapon Dying. Chances are they may never do it.
Power tripper much?
You have clearly misunderstood the point of patch notes.
Everytime a DLC is added to the game players that purchase said DLC or have an active ESO Plus membership gain access to the DLC area. However, the DLC purchase is not what adds the area and contents to the game for each player. When the DLC is added a base-game patch is downloaded by all players that installs what we see in these patch notes into our games. In short you get the fixes regardless of whether you buy the DLC or not.
However, this is a temporary cap and will be raised later on so you're hard-earned CP are not pointless.
Begone, troll.
Sounds like someone admits to being an abuser of exploits. Believe it or not skill is involved in this game and those that have to abuse exploits clearly have none.
'nuff said.
Fixed. There is no such thing as end-game in an MMORPG, you know.
There is honestly no reason to add specific player finding to group tools though. If you know their username just invite them into a group by name. If they are on your friends list invite them from there.
You'd be surprised how much people care about cosmetics. This is also a good sinkhole for those with tons of AP and nothing to spend it on.