The problem with the level cap is that you have pretty much stuck it to some of your most dedicated players. You need to increase the diminishing returns, not completely strip players of their accomplishments. This implementation was poorly done by ZOS. Many people support this change because it helps them. The problem is you could have helped them without COMPLETELY eliminating what others have accomplished. Will ZOS be issuing a refund for XP scrolls purchased?
Gelassenheit wrote: »Is there some massive damage nerf that I am missing?
My puncturing sweeps have gone from 5.2k crits (in current live patch) down to 2.7k crits (in this iteration of the PTS) using the exact same gear & skill set ups. I've tested on a large variety of mobs, and I get the exact same results.
ThatNeonZebraAgain wrote: »
The problem with the level cap is that you have pretty much stuck it to some of your most dedicated players. You need to increase the diminishing returns, not completely strip players of their accomplishments. This implementation was poorly done by ZOS. Many people support this change because it helps them. The problem is you could have helped them without COMPLETELY eliminating what others have accomplished. Will ZOS be issuing a refund for XP scrolls purchased?
if this patch goes live. im done with the game. and im going to move onto something else to play.. pretty much what sums it up is. if u are a casual this patch is for u. if not then all your hard work put into it already over 500 cp well your fcked till the patch after this. no thanks. i dislike a game were your progress is blocked due to crybaby casuals.. if u invest time into the game then u should be more powereful. plz reconcider zos.
ThanatosLex wrote: »Nobody cares about the fact that someone was crying, but when players will disturb subscription, that's someone might be interested.
jakeedmundson wrote: »
I'm dropping my subscription this weekend.... IC is not worth it for anyone trying to solo play/small group play (2-4 friends). Once you get through the gold material... its either game over or start a new toon. I hate pvp (boring, repetitious) and dungeons get old and/or you can't beat the vet dungeons with no tank (i dropped tanking and can hardly find tanks on ps4) and you can't get the best gear if you don't pvp as well as run dungeons. I won't do pve and pvp... who the hell has time to go deep into both of these? jobless, single people i guess...
i hope they enjoy losing money because of this dlc. I can't be the only casual player dropping because of this update.
If you're dropping your sub because of IC, why have you posted this in the Orsinium patch notes thread? It sounds to me like Orsinium is exactly what you need to keep playing; it has the solo/small group play that IC doesn't, it has no PvP, there's no new vet dungeons.
Allyhoo811 wrote: »
As someone who is almost exclusively a PvE player, I am extremely happy to see a motif set that is obtained through PvP activities. I think that everyone's preferred gaming style should be rewarded at some point (especially when those rewards are tradable with others who dislike that particular playstyle). It may take us PvE players a little longer to get this particular motif, but PvP players seem to have gotten the short end of the stick as far as rewards go for awhile now (e.g., a lot of dungeon sets are bind on pickup instead of bind on equip, but PvP sets are tradable). I for one, hope that the devs continue to diversify how desirable items are obtained...It makes it so there is something for everyone.
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
To both of the quotes above keep in mind the cap is temporary as per the catch-up system Zenimax is providing and that any additional CP earned above 501 is not lost. For those with more than 501 CP when they raise the cap you can spend those pretty much immediately once it is up to the new cap.
No one is meant to be able to effortlessly hold off a group of players by their self. Those that were and no longer can are simply suffering from power trip withdrawal.
To both of the quotes above keep in mind the cap is temporary as per the catch-up system Zenimax is providing and that any additional CP earned above 501 is not lost. For those with more than 501 CP when they raise the cap you can spend those pretty much immediately once it is up to the new cap.
No one is meant to be able to effortlessly hold off a group of players by their self. Those that were and no longer can are simply suffering from power trip withdrawal.
Actually it is still easy to get what you need. Since you are battle-leveled in Wrothgar and Cyrodiil enemies are not that big a deal and the Cloth, Ore, and Wood Nodes are not level-dependant but crafting level-dependant. As for hides, honestly Clothing is the easiest of the 3 to raise and it should not take too much time and effort to get your VR16 to 50 Clothing, and this of course is assuming being a low-level master crafter does not make the hides scale to your level instead of Clothing level. Either way, not a big deal in my book.
Keep in mind the fact that the Orsinium DLC is launching far sooner than a quarter after Imperial City and therefore does not really qualify as "waiting that long". If it was coming 3 months after instead of like 1 then they would likely release the fix at that 1-month time anyway.
You can always redistribute your points. It may cost 3k to do so each time but it isn't non-doable.
If you watch the Orsinium special from the 5th you will learn they do plan to add a trial in a later update.
They did it to balance out people endlessly blocking while casting, so it wasn't a mistake and I wouldn't expect them to take it back anytime ever if I were you.
Sounds more like you're the crybaby here and enjoy power trips. A prime example of why the cap is in place (the power trip that is lol). Nothing wrong with giving people time to catch up when so many people abuse rubberbanding and have PC transfer characters with large amounts of CP. Can't really speak for PC but those 2 reasons alone make the cap more than welcome to many on console.
It is likely that the bonus underleveled players get will make it so higher level gear are not stronger. If that statement I just made is correct then all that truly matters when battle-leveled is quality.
They do plan to add Cyrodiil Campaigns that ignore CP usage. When is when they can lol
Fixed, and yes they expected the Champion System to eventually require a catch-up mechanic be needed but didn't expect it to need it so soon. Also if they just "gave away" CPs it would defeat the purpose of the vertical progression it utilizes.
No this cap caters to PvEers as well to promote multiplayer ventures. Why bother grouping when someone has so many CPs they can solo everything in the game? Cyrodiil will get a campaign that ignores CP eventually as I stated on a previous quote but PvP isn't the only thing that needs the cap.
Zenimax stated in a previous ESO Live they have no plans to add Weapon Dying. Chances are they may never do it.
Power tripper much?
You have clearly misunderstood the point of patch notes.
Everytime a DLC is added to the game players that purchase said DLC or have an active ESO Plus membership gain access to the DLC area. However, the DLC purchase is not what adds the area and contents to the game for each player. When the DLC is added a base-game patch is downloaded by all players that installs what we see in these patch notes into our games. In short you get the fixes regardless of whether you buy the DLC or not.
However, this is a temporary cap and will be raised later on so you're hard-earned CP are not pointless.
Begone, troll.
Sounds like someone admits to being an abuser of exploits. Believe it or not skill is involved in this game and those that have to abuse exploits clearly have none.
'nuff said.
Fixed. There is no such thing as end-game in an MMORPG, you know.
There is honestly no reason to add specific player finding to group tools though. If you know their username just invite them into a group by name. If they are on your friends list invite them from there.
You'd be surprised how much people care about cosmetics. This is also a good sinkhole for those with tons of AP and nothing to spend it on.
A few points.What about our missing Sorc "Beams" on PS4? Resto staff, force pulse, shock staff, atronach, fishing line... all MIA. I feel like significantly less of a bad @ss shooting enemies with imaginary beams. I hope you are gonna fix this glaring issue.
Also, the Tank Stamina debacle? Tanks can't regen stamina when blocking, and thus can't effectively tank? I was just about to start a new Tank build, but as of now, what's the point?
Lastly, when are you gonna fix the issue of trader bids showing up in the guild history? I've seen threads on here that are over a year old where the devs say they are aware of the problem and a solution will come shortly. Seems like an easy fix to give GM's control of the permissions that allow people to see the bank. As a GM myself, I am all for transparency, but this system is just turning guilds against each other and causing spies to infiltrate guilds with the motive of gathering intel about bidding.
Sorry for three negatives in a row, I just wanna finish on a positive note by pointing out that I love the game and all of the great DLC so far. I understand the game is an ongoing work in progress, and I just want to offer a bit of constructive criticism on how the game might be improved.
Even though I would have liked to see some balance changes, these seem like some good and welcomed changes. My favorite addition has to be the CP cap, 500 points sounds just right tbh.
Also: first!
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Imperial City
Item Sets
- Molag Kena: Fixed an issue where this item set’s ability was increasing the cost of Sprint, Roll Dodge, Sneak, and other mechanical effects instead of just normal skill abilities.