How about this....
magicka regen lowered while cloaked, if cloak is broken, restores magicka equal to the base cost.
Can i have magica back when someone uses a gapcloser when i´m streaking on my sorc?
Gap closer does not negate your streak. You still gain distance from every enemy that did not use a gap closer.
On the other hand, when one person breaks cloak, the NB becomes visible to every enemy around him.
ArvenAldmeri wrote: »
Yeah and that streaking person has for sure time to fight that player that used gap closer on him while the zerg is running towards him. Wrong argument.
Whether he has time to fight or not is besides the point. The sorc used bolt escape, the sorc got moved 15m forward. Bolt escape did exactly what it was supposed to do. No reason to refund anything.
Joy_Division wrote: »
You don't think "bolt escape" is supposed to move the sorcerer 15 meters away from a situation they'd rather not be in (i.e. attacking melee opponent)?
It does move them away from the situation. That the melee opponent uses gap closer happens after the bolt escape already did what it was supposed to do.
So, like cloak breaking, using a gap closer negates the major point of using the skill.
It does move them away from the situation. That the melee opponent uses gap closer happens after the bolt escape already did what it was supposed to do.
If we are going to refund the cost of any ability that works correctly due to what happens next, we might as well start refunding the cost of heals just because the bad guy damaged you again after you healed yourself.
Joy_Division wrote: »
Cloak does make you invisible. That your opponent did something (threw caltops, used a detect pot, etc.) after the cloak already did what it was supposed to do.
Cloak is not just supposed to make you invisible, it is supposed to make you invisible for 2.5 seconds. Just like bolt escape is not just supposed to move you forward, it is supposed to move you forward 15 meters.
An opponent can make cloak fail and not last the full 2.5 seconds. An opponent can not make the bolt escape fail and not move you the full 15 meters. Bolt escape always works as advertised, cloak does not. Therefore, they are not comparable.
Cloak is not just supposed to make you invisible, it is supposed to make you invisible for 2.5 seconds. Just like bolt escape is not just supposed to move you forward, it is supposed to move you forward 15 meters.
An opponent can make cloak fail and not last the full 2.5 seconds. An opponent can not make the bolt escape fail and not move you the full 15 meters. Bolt escape always works as advertised, cloak does not. Therefore, they are not comparable.
Why are you even making the comparison? Cloak is being spammed offensively, to remain untargetable and forever in a position of initiative. You are ridiculous.
Cloak is not just supposed to make you invisible, it is supposed to make you invisible for 2.5 seconds. Just like bolt escape is not just supposed to move you forward, it is supposed to move you forward 15 meters.
An opponent can make cloak fail and not last the full 2.5 seconds. An opponent can not make the bolt escape fail and not move you the full 15 meters. Bolt escape always works as advertised, cloak does not. Therefore, they are not comparable.
Why are you even making the comparison? Cloak is being spammed offensively, to remain untargetable and forever in a position of initiative. You are ridiculous.
Gap closer does not negate your streak. You still gain distance from every enemy that did not use a gap closer.
On the other hand, when one person breaks cloak, the NB becomes visible to every enemy around him.
Check the thread. The comparison came from Derra's suggestion(#632) that "if cloak cost is refunded in case it is broken, then bolt escape cost should be refunded if someone uses a gap closer on the sorc after he bolted". I am pointing out that unlike the broken cloak, the bolt escape did exactly what it was supposed to do, it did not 'fail' just because someone closed the distance later.
KundaliniHero wrote: »I think some of you babies who are whining about cloak being OP should create a NB character and actively PVP with them instead of coming in here looking for handouts.
Detect Potions, Radiant Magelight, Any form of AoE, Caltrops, Revealing Flare, Piercing Mark, NPCs, Roaming Bosses, Charge Attacks. It's your fault for not using the counters available, don't come to the forums and complain about an issue that only affects lazy individuals.
KundaliniHero wrote: »I think some of you babies who are whining about cloak being OP should create a NB character and actively PVP with them instead of coming in here looking for handouts.
Yep, they use it well but they don't 'spam' it.
You realize this "whining" is a direct response to ZoS Nerfing other classes and their skills, do you not?. Cloak was originally not OP. it has nothing to do with baddies just poor decisions on ZoS' part that have lead to an imbalance.
Can i have magica back when someone uses a gapcloser when i´m streaking on my sorc?
KundaliniHero wrote: »
it wasent OP in the past and its not OP now. If people are so butt hurt by nerfs that their only passive aggressive means of displaying their anger is whining on a forum than thats just plain sad. Because it aint about cloak and killing nightblades I do that just fine with both my sorcs and my dk, and Im not even that good.
GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »I'm just saying if Cloak get's nerfed in anyway. Roll Dodge need's to be rolled back to 25% per roll over 3 second's. Stamina builds need something.
DK and Templar's have Mist Form. Nb's have cloak. Sorc's have Bolt.
If cloak is nerfed at least giving us a little back in term's of roll dodge, this will help all the classes.