@Xantaria If a NB uses agony and if I do not break free I can be feared. Is it intended or not?
DeanTheCat wrote: »
Agony is a disorient rather then a stun. Disorients do not grant CC-Immunity when broken by damage. This means you can chain CC players with disorient effects. Disorients also ignore blocks and dodges.
- Agony
- Rune Prison
- Petrify
- Luminous Shards
Or people turning invisible in the middle of combat in PvP. This is not a NB cloaking either. It's a certain order of abilities people have set on a macro because any class can do it.
light attack weaving is fairly simple, just spam your left click as you are doing your normal rotation, medium takes a bit of timing, usually hold left click for a second before you hit your ability then release it as you hit your ability, rinse and repeat. again becomes muscle memory and works well when you play all of the classes.Bogdan_Kobzar wrote: »And this is typically the answer i and a bunch of us get.
No, not EVERYBODY can learn it. I've watched all of the NPD video's out there in tellie-tubbie land. I've spent the last 6 months trying to LEARN this so I can do more than non-stop get killed in Cyrodiil or the Imperial City.
The reality is there are MANY of us that can NOT animation cancel / light-medium-heavy attack weave.
that is one button called invisibility potion.
Please take the time before responding with a useless response:
Nobody is Macroing and I really hope people will stop believing this crap everybody screams as an excuse for getting killed by a superior player that is used to animation cancelling.
Macroing in this game is not used by good players because they know how unreliable it is. On their current potato megaservers there is no way to execute macros reliably. It also takes away your ability to react to stuff.
Bogdan_Kobzar wrote: »
Gee, i guess i ain't the only one experiencing this...Full health to DEAD in 0.7seconds
On my Stamplar, I can sometimes cast Remembrance multiple times in a row. It heals every time as well, it is just forgetting to use my ultimate.
While near the end of the animation I am usually spamming maneuver or purify for an escape, not 100% sure if this is causing it.
I have casted it 3 times In a row before while in fights. I do not think latency has anything to do with it.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Regarding the issue with Molag Kena proccing, we were incorrect that this was something we couldn't reproduce (blame Monday?). This has been bugged internally, and we're working on a fix for it. Sorry for the confusion!
The fact that Molag Kena can be procced while weaving is the only reason the 2pc-effect has it's use. Right now you get a 5-10% DPS increase at the cost of sustain. Imo that is a fair trade. But if you really have to do 2 consecutive light attacks every 6s this set is going to be useless. I understand that this is not how it was intended originally but making this set useless is no solution either. You can argue that it is OP the way it is right now but as long as it works with every weapon/skill-combination it is fair/balanced.
Every magic class is using this and some stamina classes. Its' not hard to sustain Molag Kena lol, throw elemental drain and done, even easier for a sorc using force pulse.
The fact that Molag Kena can be procced while weaving is the only reason the 2pc-effect has it's use. Right now you get a 5-10% DPS increase at the cost of sustain. Imo that is a fair trade. But if you really have to do 2 consecutive light attacks every 6s this set is going to be useless. I understand that this is not how it was intended originally but making this set useless is no solution either. You can argue that it is OP the way it is right now but as long as it works with every weapon/skill-combination it is fair/balanced.
Every magic class is using this and some stamina classes. Its' not hard to sustain Molag Kena lol, throw elemental drain and done, even easier for a sorc using force pulse.
it wont be useless, stop saying that. You are basically getting 645 spell damage / weapon damage for a 2pc right now, it is incredibly unbalanced and not designed how it was intended to be.
Elemental drain + medium weaving + Battle roar + potions + harness magicka + warhorn (increased magicka pool) + siphon spirit
It is not possible to sustain Kena forever. At least not for magicka DKs and NBs. And yes even when there is elemental drain and siphon spirit on boss.
And yes it is going to be useless for sustained DPS because doing 2 light attacks in a row for a 6s 5%-10% damage increase is not worth it. Dunno about any other use of the set. Has to be a very specific situation.
Elemental drain + medium weaving + Battle roar + potions + harness magicka
I can and have sustained this on my dragonknight with 800 regen throughout all of sanctum no problem.
As it stands right now magicka is far ahead of stamina (on average) in terms of overall dps, it creates an extreme unbalanced game play, the set is clearly broken as it isn't working as stated on it's tooltip. It was only a matter of time before it gets fixed. I personally wouldn't call this a nerf.
Every magic class is using this and some stamina classes. Its' not hard to sustain Molag Kena lol, throw elemental drain and done, even easier for a sorc using force pulse.
it wont be useless, stop saying that. You are basically getting 645 spell damage / weapon damage for a 2pc right now, it is incredibly unbalanced and not designed how it was intended to be.
Can we get Purifying Ritual "purifying off" crystal fragments added to the list?
Also Power Overload getting stuck in heavy attack or no attack when spamming light attacks too fast?
Also the being unable to use left click at all any more in the interface including block, break-free and using transitus?
I've done this aswell ... a lot in Sanctum for example. (You can use the Manti Knockup to get into textures above you aswell as use ravage health potions when you jump down the bridge for example to kill yourself before environment kills you to be able to resurrect down there.) But I'm wondering if this is a problem? Because you still need to DO something to get out of the map. (I know there are rare cases where you can get knocked into textures etc. But I guess they would have to rewrite their whole airblock interactions to fix this.) I Think exploring is a lovely thing and never considered it as a bug or exploit. I loved to do this in many games. It's just you checking out the textures with no gain for you and no harm done to anybody. Also It's a completely different issue from the other bugs. It's not affecting your everyday gameplay. Well I don't know. If people think that this is a real problem I'll put it on there.