They are considered DOTS :'DDD
I main a stamina build, and I fail to see the issue of Molag Kena. Maybe I'm biased as I have one of every class in the game on console, but Kena would be garbage if you couldn't weave. It's been proven MULTIPLE times that kena is ONLY worth it if you don't have to do 2 consecutive light attacks. The list of garbage sets that Zennimax has put out is ridiculous,, so do you guys really want one of the few good ones to be nerfed? The only way to sustain a full rotation with Kena is to have about 300ish CP while drain and siphon spirit are always on the boss. I have been sustaining Kena on my magic builds since about 300 CP, but people in my guild with 230ish or less have trouble sustaining with drain and siphon up.
My point is, this "bug" isn't really an issue, but more of something ZoS needs to clarify and expand to every skill. Something like "doing 2 light attacks within 2.5 seconds/3 seconds will activate Overkill..." This way, stamina builds wouldn't find the need to complain about it, since most of these complaints are stam build mains from what I've seen.
So why does it only work with some skills? does not work with any dualwield abilities for example-
Exactly my point. I think it should work like this, but for all abilities in the game, as long as you meet the 2.5/3 second time gate. However, if they don't fix it, then it should be nerfed and the 2 pc replaced with something else.
Did zos really say they can't reproduce it though? That's absolutely hysterical haha.
So why does it only work with some skills? does not work with any dualwield abilities for example. It is definitely not intended. And IF Molag Kena wouldn'T wipe out your Major Buff when it proccs it would still be worth it to procc it via 2 Light attacks.
My point is: Fix both bugs affecting his set and it will work as intended and be useful but not overpowered.
There is no bug. I don't know who of your test subjects told you this, but it's definately not the case. It does not remove major sorcery.
I tested it in any possible way you told me, the result is always the same: The damage is increased as expected and no buff is removed.
And Molag Kena is not overpowered. It comes with a significant cost increase. i'm using it since a very long time and know how impactful it is. Its cost increase is in fact more impactful than the damage increase, which isn't even thaaaat significant.
Being able to proc it with weaving is exactly what makes this set usefull. if I always have to stop my rotation to perform 2 light attacks, this will kill my dps rather than buffing it. You as a DPS should know this
Wether it is useful or not is not the point. I'm pointing out it does not work as intended and not as it is written down in its tooltip and that's it. Don't see this as an attack to your build or whatever. This is about a mechanic not working as described. It says consecutive and this is not true.
If it was meant to be working like this then why does it only work with a portion of skills and not with all skills? Why does it work with Wrecking Blow and not Flying blade? Because as @Gilliamtherogue pointed out the hit checks are faulty and some skills are not considered as hits although they are hits. That is the main issue here.
So Zenimax has 2 solutions here:
1. Make it weavable with all skills and change the tooltip to describe that it can be weaved (somehow).
2. Make it not work with weaving
The second issue with the Major Sorcery being more effective if applied AFTEr the procc has been confirmed by atleast 3 players ... I'll try it later aswell to confirm.
I don't know, if this was mentioned in this thread, but it was mentioned some times in other threads
Molag Kena's set procs on ranged light attack weaving. Which of course is pretty mean, because melee fighters can not enter the overload mode that easily.
Ranged weavers can simply do their normal rotation and activate it. I think it's better to disable the activation on weaving. This allows to time it a bit better. It's pretty expensive and there are situations, where you want to decide, if you need this overload right now or not, because you have to spare ressources. You simply light attack 2 times and proc it, allowing you to have better control over it and especially over your ressources.
wenxue2222b16_ESO wrote: »Two bugs that are annoying the fur out of this one.
The fishing bug where no more than two people can fish at the same hole or some of them end up getting nothing. This is really messing up our guild fishing night right now.
The one where this one keeps getting stuck in third person after using a wayshrine and cannot pop back into her own fur until she again uses a wayshrine.
Yours with paws
Santie Claws
Just wondering. Are you aware you are not a Khajiit in real life? I've always been wondering and also thought about the possibilties of you being an actual cat playing the game.
Dagoth_Rac wrote: »
OK. I spam Critical Rush like a squirrel on crack. Maelstrom Arena looks like a pinball game with me bouncing between enemies. But I never get stuck. I do, however, routinely go straight through the enemy bodies and come out the other side. Which is a huge annoyance when you need to kill stuff fast. That second I spend spinning around to target the enemy with Biting Jabs or Executioner or Dawnbreaker or whatever is a complete waste.
Flying creatures tend to be the worst with this (the harpies in Orsinium are particularly frustrating), but it can happen on other enemies, too.
Anyone else experience that?
Just wondering. Are you aware you are not a Khajiit in real life? I've always been wondering and also thought about the possibilties of you being an actual cat playing the game.
NeillMcAttack wrote: »On PS4. You can not search any guild bank for anything under, Crafting->Clothier-> then the UI bugs out and always only searches Motifs. Can not search for any category under clothier except motifs.
I have tried it in numerous different guild stores. In numerous different regions always the same issue.
It appears that the Molag Kena 2 piece set bonus can be procced while weaving Force pulse, leading to 100% uptime of the Molag Kena bonus.
Thus the expected Spell Damage with the Molag Kena 2 piece set bonus constantly active with Surge is 3572. This can be increased further with spell power enchantments on the jewellery. Magicka and Health should be approximately 40.3k and 14.4k, respectively.
HeroOfNone wrote: »Has anyone here seen high damage still hitting with corrosive armor up? The skill is suppose to cap @ 3% of your max health but last night, with full heavy armor and 41-43k health I 2as still getting hit with heavy attacks around 2-3k, other skills 3-4k, and wreaking blow at 5k. The cap should be 1230 to 1290, but it's hitting double that (shown I'm the death recap, no need for an addon)
Wouldn't be so annoyed if folks weren't hitting through heavy armor like it was light with 32k mitigation.
I can try to highlight a video on this, but don't want to if others already have the leg work done.
In the death recap damage from the same skills is summed up so that might be the issue here. Although I think this might have happened to me too. It's always hard to say if it's not recorded.
In the death recap damage from the same skills is summed up so that might be the issue here. Although I think this might have happened to me too. It's always hard to say if it's not recorded.
The guys bolt escaping up to the rafters in cracked wood cave are not having that issue.
DeanTheCat wrote: »@Xantaria
This one has provided a small .gif of himself reading military strategy
Also included: A picture of his friends playing chess
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Regarding the issue with Molag Kena proccing, we were incorrect that this was something we couldn't reproduce (blame Monday?). This has been bugged internally, and we're working on a fix for it. Sorry for the confusion!
NeillMcAttack wrote: »On PS4. You can not search any guild bank for anything under, Crafting->Clothier-> then the UI bugs out and always only searches Motifs. Can not search for any category under clothier except motifs.
I have tried it in numerous different guild stores. In numerous different regions always the same issue.
Ask yourself, would you rather a nice healthy game with minimal bugged sets, or builds running cheese builds all the time one shotting and what not?
Looks like there's now going to be another useless undaunted 2pc bonus incoming.back to nerienith lol
Would it be possible to add wherever it's appropriate the issues with Break-Free as a separate and distinct issue? I and a lot of folks I run with have been noticing this for quite some time - you have plenty of Stamina, yet break-free does not work.
It may be related to the cc immunity issue (and I did not that you mentioned something about the break-free animation under the cc immunity point), as it seems to happen most often when you're getting hit with multiple cc's (be they roots, stuns, knockdowns, etc), but this really needs looking into above and beyond cc, as I've had it happen with only one cc applied and yet break-free still doesn't go off. I've also had it go off after several hits on the key (as opposed to just one).