RoxyPhoenix wrote: »Dude, you should be working at NASA.. or maybe you already are...and all those calculations mean nothing when you got a 3 year old on your back yelling I WANT A DINOSAUR!
But.. good job I suppose.
he should be working over eric wrobel. :P
RoxyPhoenix wrote: »
Eric is a Lead Combat Designer, which means he makes up all the skills and combat interactions, however I don't think he got diagrams popping up in his head. That job relays on the shoulders of all the coders, IT brainiacs trying to fallow their boss instructions, sometimes resulting in errors.
Funny... just like for most of us: you work your hands to the bone for 8h a day and your boss sits there thinking of new ways to make your job harder
Septimus_Magna wrote: »Amazing work, this gives a lot of insight in the right gear and CPs for magicka builds!
One thing you might have overlooked is the use of a master destro staff for the scalding mages setup. This lowers the spell dmg a bit because its max v14 instead of v16 and you need to sacrifice the weapon enchant, but it increases max magicka which will increase dmg. Again, great stuff! I hope the combat team sees this.
CheeseDivinity wrote: »Meanwhile I dual wield on my sorc because it looks cool..
Unfortunately we don't get free master weapons in the PTS thus I have no idea what the stats are. If you happen to have the stats for it could you please let me know?
Septimus_Magna wrote: »
As mentioned by Ahzek above the loss of 200 spell dmg wont make up for 900 increased magicka. Im kinda surprised the difference between spell dmg from v14 and v16 weapons is so big tbh.
For max spell dmg on the DW bar you could also consider:
2x molag kena's
5x scalding mage
2x cyrodiil's light (rings)
3x willpower (2x sword/staff + necklace)
This would reduce spell dmg and magicka by a bit (diff between v16 and v14 jewelry) on the destro staff bar but you would get an extra spell dmg bonus on the DW bar.
As was already stated in the post above yours, DW will give another SD bonus anyway, using Torug's Pact swords.
Following a few test on the PTS 2.1.2, I would like to share some formulas for a magicka based sorcerer which can be extended to other magicka based classes. Using these formulas, I will suggest desirable equipment in the PTS to increase damage.
All testing was done on the PTS 2.1.2 a few days before the 22<sup>nd</sup> August 2015. The majority was performed in Cyrodiil with the aid of a second account. Note that all tooltip damage is halved in Cyrodiil because of Battle Spirit. This occurs before any other calculations. Damage was recorded with FTC. My bars are set up similar to that in the thread [2.0.9] Endgame PVE Sorcerer DPS by Dymence.
Stat Pool
The cumulative percentage increase of pool, %CP, is approximately
Cumulative percentage increase of pool=Number of champion points in 1 colour^0.56
Stat Pool=((Base+AP+Gear)*%CP)+Food+Mundus(Divines))*Skills
AP is the number of points spent in Health, Magicka or Stamina multiplied by 122 for health or 111 for Magicka and Stamina. For Magicka, the following skills have been tested to be additive, Bound Aegis, Inner light, Gift of Magnus, Magicka Controller, Undaunted Mettle.
Base Pool at V16 is 8744 for Health and 7958 for Magicka/Stamina. This value is the same for a V14 on Live.
This formula is the same on Live. Here is an example calculation for my Magicka pool on my V14 Breton Sorcerer on Live. My gear gives me 7410 Magicka. This includes enchantments and set bonuses. I have 62 points in Magicka giving me 6882 Attribute Points. I’m using Lillandril Summer Sausages which increase Magicka by 4635. I have 70 points in the Mage giving me a %CP of 11%. I’m using the Mage mundus stone which provides 1280 Magicka (20 Magicka per level). I have 2 Gold and 2 Purple divines making my divines bonus 1.28. I have Bound Aegis and Inner light activated and I have the passives Gift of Magnus, Magicka Controller and Undaunted Mettle. I have 2 Mages Guild abilities slotted thus
Magicka Pool = ((7958[Base] + 6882[Attribute] + 7410[Gear]) * 1.11 [%CP] ) + 4635[Food] + 1280[Mage mundus] * 1.28 [Divines] ) * ( 1 + 0.08[Bound Aegis] + 0.05 [Inner light] + 0.1 [Gift of Magnus] + 0.04 [Magicka Controller] + 0.06 [Undaunted Mettle]) = 41191
My actual Magicka pool is 41190.
Spell Damage
The tooltip spell damage is calculated as follows
Spell damage=(Gear+Apprentice(Divines?)+Molag Kena [2P]+Scathing Mage[5P]*(Surge+Expert Mage+Offensive scroll bonus)
The Apprentice mundus provides 167 spell damage at V16. Since I did not have access to divines equipment I could not verify where the Divines bonus occurs.
Spell tooltip value
By testing some spells it seems that the spell tooltip value is approximately
Where a varies for different spells and b is roughly 10.5 for a number of spells
Using the equation for Stat Pool and Spell Damage, we can decide on using the Mage or Apprentice Mundus.
The Apprentice Mundus provides 167 Spell Damage. With 2 Mage abilities slotted (Bound Aegis and Crystal Frags) and Surge casted (Surge is on my second bar), this gives 207 Spell damage (167*1.24) which in turn is equivalent to 2174 Magicka.
The Mage Mundus provides 1320 Magicka. Assuming a total bonus of 1.33 from skills and passive, this leads to a Magicka bonus of 1755.
Thus the Apprentice Mundus is preferred.
Since V16 sets offer either 129 Spell Damage or 967 Magicka, following a similar path we end up with conclusion that Spell Damage stacking is still favourable to Magicka stacking
Spell resistance and penetration
Your spell resistance as shown in the tooltip can be calculated as follows
Spell resistance=(Gear+Resolve[Heavy Armour Passive])*Spell Resist CP+Spell Resist[Breton Passive]+Spell Warding[Light Armour Passive]+Armour Master [5P]
The amount of mitigation provided by Spell Resistance is as follows
Percentage Mitigation=Spellresistance/(TargetLvl*10)*(Penetrating Magic[Destructive Staff Passive]+?Sharpened trait)-AttackerFocus/(AttackedLvl*10)-c*Spell Erosion CP
I was unable to test whether Penetrating Magic and Sharpened were additive or multiplicative because I did not find a Sharpened staff. I tested with a Sharpened dagger and greatsword. The base focus is 100 and is increased to 4984 with the Concentration passive (Light Armour Passive). The coefficient c appears to be 0.12 and Spell Erosion is the % taken from the tooltip. The effect of Major Breach from Weakness to Elements and its morphs and presumably Pierce Armour is to reduce Spell Resistance by 5280. The passive Shield Expert increases the tooltip value of your shield.
The focus value provided by Harven’s Extended Stats did not prove correct when even one point was put into Spell Erosion.
Effect of other CPs on damage
Elemental Expert and Thaumaturge are multiplied to the tooltip value before mitigation. Elemental Expert and Elemental Talent (Altmer passive) stack multiplicatively. Hardy, Elemental Defender and thick skinned are applied after mitigation. Thick Skinned stacks additively with Elemental Defender and Hardy
Here is an example in Cyrodiil. I am using a V16 Altmer sorcerer and casting force pulse on a target with 21511 spell resistance and 40 points in Elemental Defender(13.2%). The tooltip value of force pulse is 2058. I have 75 points in Elemental Expert (20.4%) and 25 points in Spell Erosion (9.5%). I also have 3 points in Elemental Talent and 2 points in penetrating magic. My focus is 4984 (no points in Concentration)
Damage=2058/2[Battle Spirit] *1.204[Elemental Expert]*1.04[Elemental Talent]*(1-%Mitigation)*(1-0.132[Elemental Defender])=887
%Mitigation=21511/660*0.9[Penetrating Magic]-4984/660-0.12*9.5
The actual damage is 890.
These equations can be used to decide on how to spread out points in the Warrior and Mage constellations.
Above, I have drawn a surface plot of the damage as a function of Elemental Expert and Spell Erosion. The damage points are only calculated for valid percentages. If you are focused on maximizing elemental or magical damage, it is always better to put points into Thaumaturge or Elemental Expert instead of Spell Erosion irrespective if you are playing an Altmer. If you are intending to optimise both your elemental and magic damage then things get trickier because you need to first determine the ratio of elemental to magic damage and optimise between the two. Note that 1 point into Elemental Expert and Thaumaturge is at worst equal to 2 points into Spell Erosion. Thus never put points into Spell Erosion. As a rough estimate, the damage contribution of Crystal Fragments and occasionally Velocious Curse is around 15-20% thus the majority of points should be placed in Elemental Expert.
It is reasonably clear that Hardy and Elemental Defender are much more efficient than points in Spell Resist. I cannot think of many strong DOT spells so would not recommend Thick Skinned. In PVE, Bastion is superfluous though it is favoured in PVP but I did not test the impact of Battle Spirit on Bastion.
Spell cost reduction
Spell cost=(Base-Flat CR)*(1+0.25*(Lvl-1)-%CR+Molag Kena[2P])*(1-Magician)
Again level is 66 for a V16. For skills, I have tested Evocation (Light Armour passive), Magicka mastery (Breton passive), Unholy knowledge (Sorcerer passive, Dark Magic) and Mage adept (Mages Guild passive, only applies to Mages Guild ability).
Magicka recovery
Magicka recovery=(Base+Gear)*(Arcanist)*(Spellcharge[Altmer Passive]+Major Intellect)*Magicka Controoler*(Magicka Aid[Support Passive]+Recover[Light Armour Passive])
where the Base Magicka recovery is 514 at V16. I was unable to test the Magicka recovery provided by Vampirism as it is unlevelled in the PTS.
In order to determine the balance between Arcanist and Magician, you must first determine your average Magicka usage per second and subtract your Magicka recovery. This can be accomplished by fighting a long boss and looking at your combat log to determine the number of spells casted and the cost of each. Naturally, it is desirable to obtain a positive value (net Magicka drain per second) that allows your Magicka to completely empty in approximately 90 seconds (the length of the majority of boss fights). Additional Magicka recovery or Spell cost reduction is then superfluous. Note that in longer boss fights your healers will most likely support you with either Elemental Drain or Siphon Spirit thereby alleviating any Magicka problems.
Other Passives
A 2H sword with 2 points in the Heavy Weapons passive results in 5% increased damage reflected in the spell tooltip.
Dual wielding swords with 2 points in blade and blunt leads to a 5% increase in the spell damage component for the swords.
For example, using two swords with a tooltip value of damage of 442 each results in 530 Spell Damage (442*1.2) on the Character sheet. But with 2 points in blade and blunt this is increased to 556 Spell Damage (442*1.2*1.05).
While 2H Greatsword offers the greatest increase to Spell Damage the extra set bonuses possible with dual wielding must be considered. This consideration can be made as follows
DW Tooltip=a (M+10.5*SD_DW)
2H Tooltip=1.05*a (M+10.5*SD_2H)
and Boost=Surge+Expert Mage
Using arithmagic
2H Tooltip-DW Tooltip=0.05aM+0.525a*SD_gear+11.025a*Boost(2H_dmg-(DW_dmg*1.2+129/1.05)
Note that the value of a is positive and can be ignored in determining whether 2H Tooltip – DW Tooltip is positive or negative
Giving some exemplary values for legendary equipment at V16, M ~ 40000, SD<sub>Gear</sub> ~ 1300, 2H<sub>dmg</sub> = 1571, DW<sub>dmg</sub> = 1335, Boost = 1.3 shows that 2H provides superior tooltip values.
Gear choice
It would seem the PTS offers a few suggestive sets to the calculative Sorcerer
2 piece Molag Kena
4 piece Overwhelming Surge
3 piece Willpower jewellery
2 piece Torug (1 Armour, 1 Weapon)
Weapons are a destruction staff and 2H Greatsword
I do not feel that the 5 piece Overwhelming Surge bonus is beneficial for a Sorcerer since Sorcerers typically weave Force Pulse with an attack and only occasionally cast Crystal Fragments or swap to their secondary bar for buffs and DOTs. But the Overwhelming Surge 5 piece set bonus seems extremely promising for the Magicka Templar that spams Puncturing Sweep and in general uses a lot more Class skills.
The Spell Damage of this set is estimated to be 2275 without casting Surge and the Molag Kena 2 Piece bonus activated.
It appears that the Molag Kena 2 piece set bonus can be procced while weaving Force pulse, leading to 100% uptime of the Molag Kena bonus.
Thus the expected Spell Damage with the Molag Kena 2 piece set bonus constantly active with Surge is 3572. This can be increased further with spell power enchantments on the jewellery. Magicka and Health should be approximately 40.3k and 14.4k, respectively. This is estimated using the Crown Fortifying Meal which provides 3885 Health and 3570 Magicka/Stamina.
2 piece Molag Kena
5 piece Scathing Mage
3 piece Willpower
Non-set staff and 2H Greatsword
This set yields around 14.4k Health and 40.3K Magicka at 100 CP. Again higher Spell Damage is possible by using spell power enchantments on the jewellery. With the Molag Kena and Scathing Mage set bonuses activated this leads to 3524 Spell Damage.
For this set, we need to choose between the Thief, Apprentice and Shadow mundus stones. In addition to deciding between Nirnhoned and Precise. Nirnhoned always gives larger Spell Penetration values than Sharpened and is preferred. Here, I am assuming that the Spell Penetration conferred by Nirnhoned and Sharpened work in the same way.
Let us begin by estimating the proc chance of the Scathing Mage by obtaining the highest possible spell critical. The maximum spell critical achievable is most likely 67.1% (10% base + 10% Prodigy + 10% Inner light + 6.3% Scathing Mage set bonus + 11.8% Thief mundus + 12% Spell precision + 7% Precise trait).
It appears that the Scathing Mage set cannot be proced by DOTs and cannot be re-proced while it is active. It can be proced by the initial cast by subsequents DOTs do not seem to proc it.
A rough test suggest that I can accomplish 14 Force Pulse and 13 light attacks in 18 seconds without doing any other things like proccing Crystal Frags or swapping to my secondary bar to buff myself or drop some DOTs. This turns out to be about ~1.5 attacks per second. The probability that any attack will proc Scathing Mage is 0.1*Spell Critical. This means that in 50% of all cases the Scathing mage set will proc in
Time_50% = 0.66 s * ln(0.5) / ln (1-0.1*SC) = 6.58 s
The proc duration for the Scathing Mage is 6 seconds. Based on this estimate, the average Spell Damage is 3184 (Max SD is 3524 when proced and 2874 when not proced).
If we swap to the Shadow or Apprentice stones, Time_50% is increased to 8.04 s. The average Spell Damage for the Shadow stone is 3151 and 3361 for the Apprentice stone (Max SD 3734, Min SD 3084). But here we have neglected the role of the increased critical damage and the possibility that Elfborn will surpass the effectiveness of Thaumaturge or Elemental Expert.
Critical damage
The base critical damage is 0.5 and is raised by the Shadow mundus (+12% Critical damage) and Elfborn which stack additively. This formula may require correction.
Critical damage=1.5+Shadow+0.5*Elfborn
Critical damage is the final calculation thus is applied after all forms of mitigation making it much more effective against targets with low resistance.
Let us suppose we have no points in Elfborn to evaluate the effectiveness of the Apprentice, Shadow and Thief Mundus stones. The the average spell damage as calculated above is used and a Magicka of 40k is assumed.
Avg Dmg_App=a(M+10.5*SD_App )+0.5*SC*a(M+10.5*SD_App )
Avg Dmg_Sha=a(M+10.5*SD_Sha )+0.5*SC*a(M+10.5*SD_Sha )+SC*Shadow*a(M+10.5*SD_Sha )
Avg Dmg_Thf=a(M+10.5*SD_Thf )+0.5*SC_T*a(M+10.5*SD_Thf )
Thus the Shadow mundus stone appears to be the most effective for the Scathing mage set for the given parameters.
How does the Scathing Mage set with the Shadow mundus compare to the Overwhelming Surge Set (OSS) and the Apprentice Stone?
Avg Dmg_OSS=a(M+10.5*SD_OSS )+0.5*SC_OSS*a(M+10.5*SD_OSS )
where SC_OSS = 0.49
As for the calculations for the Scathing Mage set, we have assumed the use of a Precise weapon. Thus the Scathing Mage set appears to be the most promising set in the PTS.
Precise or Nirnhoned?
Based on the previous conclusion that the Scathing Mage is the most promising set, we set out to decide whether a Nirnhoned or Precise weapon is favoured. This is a rather tedious section where the Damage with a Nirnhoned and Precise weapon are calculated and then the Average damage is taken into account to include the spell critical rating and finally this is performed for a range of tooltip damage values on a broad range of spell resistance. The preceeding formulas should allow anyone to recreate the following result for some typically encountered values. It shows that nirnhoned is superior when the target’s spell resistance is high and the tooltip damage is high.
Unfortunately we don't get free master weapons in the PTS thus I have no idea what the stats are. If you happen to have the stats for it could you please let me know?
I tested StamReg and MagReg Formulas the last Patch, but with the new one it seems that Champion Passives doesn´t increase the boost of used drinks.
Stamina Reg:
(Base + Set) * Passives * ChampionPassives + (Drink * Passives)
Staminareg formula is different from magickareg formula.
It´s a nerf!
hammayolettuce wrote: »Making a V14 template will give you most of the masters weapons and a few other sets you don't get on the V16 templates.
I totally forgot about drink haha.
I added the new formula including drinks
Magicka recovery=((Base+Gear)*Arcanist*(Magicka Aid[Support Passive]+Recover[Light Armour Passive])+Drink)*(Spellcharge[Altmer Passive]+Major Intellect+Magicka Controller + Vampire)
Yea drinks are not boosted by Arcanist.
Following a few test on the PTS 2.1.2, I would like to share some formulas for a magicka based sorcerer which can be extended to other magicka based classes. Using these formulas, I will suggest desirable equipment in the PTS to increase damage.
All testing was done on the PTS 2.1.2 a few days before the 22<sup>nd</sup> August 2015. The majority was performed in Cyrodiil with the aid of a second account. Note that all tooltip damage is halved in Cyrodiil because of Battle Spirit. This occurs before any other calculations. Damage was recorded with FTC. My bars are set up similar to that in the thread [2.0.9] Endgame PVE Sorcerer DPS by Dymence.
Stat Pool
The cumulative percentage increase of pool, %CP, is approximately
Cumulative percentage increase of pool=Number of champion points in 1 colour^0.56
Stat Pool=((Base+AP+Gear)*%CP)+Food+Mundus(Divines))*Skills
AP is the number of points spent in Health, Magicka or Stamina multiplied by 122 for health or 111 for Magicka and Stamina. For Magicka, the following skills have been tested to be additive, Bound Aegis, Inner light, Gift of Magnus, Magicka Controller, Undaunted Mettle.
Base Pool at V16 is 8744 for Health and 7958 for Magicka/Stamina. This value is the same for a V14 on Live.
This formula is the same on Live. Here is an example calculation for my Magicka pool on my V14 Breton Sorcerer on Live. My gear gives me 7410 Magicka. This includes enchantments and set bonuses. I have 62 points in Magicka giving me 6882 Attribute Points. I’m using Lillandril Summer Sausages which increase Magicka by 4635. I have 70 points in the Mage giving me a %CP of 11%. I’m using the Mage mundus stone which provides 1280 Magicka (20 Magicka per level). I have 2 Gold and 2 Purple divines making my divines bonus 1.28. I have Bound Aegis and Inner light activated and I have the passives Gift of Magnus, Magicka Controller and Undaunted Mettle. I have 2 Mages Guild abilities slotted thus
Magicka Pool = ((7958[Base] + 6882[Attribute] + 7410[Gear]) * 1.11 [%CP] ) + 4635[Food] + 1280[Mage mundus] * 1.28 [Divines] ) * ( 1 + 0.08[Bound Aegis] + 0.05 [Inner light] + 0.1 [Gift of Magnus] + 0.04 [Magicka Controller] + 0.06 [Undaunted Mettle]) = 41191
My actual Magicka pool is 41190.
Spell Damage
The tooltip spell damage is calculated as follows
Spell damage=(Gear+Apprentice(Divines?)+Molag Kena [2P]+Scathing Mage[5P]*(Surge+Expert Mage+Offensive scroll bonus)
The Apprentice mundus provides 167 spell damage at V16. Since I did not have access to divines equipment I could not verify where the Divines bonus occurs.
Spell tooltip value
By testing some spells it seems that the spell tooltip value is approximately
Where a varies for different spells and b is roughly 10.5 for a number of spells
Using the equation for Stat Pool and Spell Damage, we can decide on using the Mage or Apprentice Mundus.
The Apprentice Mundus provides 167 Spell Damage. With 2 Mage abilities slotted (Bound Aegis and Crystal Frags) and Surge casted (Surge is on my second bar), this gives 207 Spell damage (167*1.24) which in turn is equivalent to 2174 Magicka.
The Mage Mundus provides 1320 Magicka. Assuming a total bonus of 1.33 from skills and passive, this leads to a Magicka bonus of 1755.
Thus the Apprentice Mundus is preferred.
Since V16 sets offer either 129 Spell Damage or 967 Magicka, following a similar path we end up with conclusion that Spell Damage stacking is still favourable to Magicka stacking
Spell resistance and penetration
Your spell resistance as shown in the tooltip can be calculated as follows
Spell resistance=(Gear+Resolve[Heavy Armour Passive])*Spell Resist CP+Spell Resist[Breton Passive]+Spell Warding[Light Armour Passive]+Armour Master [5P]
The amount of mitigation provided by Spell Resistance is as follows
Percentage Mitigation=Spellresistance/(TargetLvl*10)*(Penetrating Magic[Destructive Staff Passive]+?Sharpened trait)-AttackerFocus/(AttackedLvl*10)-c*Spell Erosion CP
I was unable to test whether Penetrating Magic and Sharpened were additive or multiplicative because I did not find a Sharpened staff. I tested with a Sharpened dagger and greatsword. The base focus is 100 and is increased to 4984 with the Concentration passive (Light Armour Passive). The coefficient c appears to be 0.12 and Spell Erosion is the % taken from the tooltip. The effect of Major Breach from Weakness to Elements and its morphs and presumably Pierce Armour is to reduce Spell Resistance by 5280. The passive Shield Expert increases the tooltip value of your shield.
The focus value provided by Harven’s Extended Stats did not prove correct when even one point was put into Spell Erosion.
Effect of other CPs on damage
Elemental Expert and Thaumaturge are multiplied to the tooltip value before mitigation. Elemental Expert and Elemental Talent (Altmer passive) stack multiplicatively. Hardy, Elemental Defender and thick skinned are applied after mitigation. Thick Skinned stacks additively with Elemental Defender and Hardy
Here is an example in Cyrodiil. I am using a V16 Altmer sorcerer and casting force pulse on a target with 21511 spell resistance and 40 points in Elemental Defender(13.2%). The tooltip value of force pulse is 2058. I have 75 points in Elemental Expert (20.4%) and 25 points in Spell Erosion (9.5%). I also have 3 points in Elemental Talent and 2 points in penetrating magic. My focus is 4984 (2 points in Concentration)
Damage=2058/2[Battle Spirit] *1.204[Elemental Expert]*1.04[Elemental Talent]*(1-%Mitigation)*(1-0.132[Elemental Defender])=887
%Mitigation=21511/660*0.9[Penetrating Magic]-4984/660-0.12*9.5
The actual damage is 890.
These equations can be used to decide on how to spread out points in the Warrior and Mage constellations.
Above, I have drawn a surface plot of the damage as a function of Elemental Expert and Spell Erosion. The damage points are only calculated for valid percentages. If you are focused on maximizing elemental or magical damage, it is always better to put points into Thaumaturge or Elemental Expert instead of Spell Erosion irrespective if you are playing an Altmer. If you are intending to optimise both your elemental and magic damage then things get trickier because you need to first determine the ratio of elemental to magic damage and optimise between the two. Note that 1 point into Elemental Expert and Thaumaturge is at worst equal to 2 points into Spell Erosion. Thus never put points into Spell Erosion. As a rough estimate, the damage contribution of Crystal Fragments and occasionally Velocious Curse is around 15-20% thus the majority of points should be placed in Elemental Expert.
It is reasonably clear that Hardy and Elemental Defender are much more efficient than points in Spell Resist. I cannot think of many strong DOT spells so would not recommend Thick Skinned. In PVE, Bastion is superfluous though it is favoured in PVP but I did not test the impact of Battle Spirit on Bastion.
Spell cost reduction
Spell cost=(Base-Flat CR)*(1+0.25*(Lvl-1)-%CR+Molag Kena[2P])*(1-Magician)
Again level is 66 for a V16. For skills, I have tested Evocation (Light Armour passive), Magicka mastery (Breton passive), Unholy knowledge (Sorcerer passive, Dark Magic) and Mage adept (Mages Guild passive, only applies to Mages Guild ability).
Magicka recovery
Magicka recovery=((Base+Gear)*Arcanist*(Magicka Aid[Support Passive]+Recover[Light Armour Passive])+Drink)*(Spellcharge[Altmer Passive]+Major Intellect+Magicka Controller)
where the Base Magicka recovery is 514 at V16. I was unable to test the Magicka recovery provided by Vampirism as it is unlevelled in the PTS.
In order to determine the balance between Arcanist and Magician, you must first determine your average Magicka usage per second and subtract your Magicka recovery. This can be accomplished by fighting a long boss and looking at your combat log to determine the number of spells casted and the cost of each. Naturally, it is desirable to obtain a positive value (net Magicka drain per second) that allows your Magicka to completely empty in approximately 90 seconds (the length of the majority of boss fights). Additional Magicka recovery or Spell cost reduction is then superfluous. Note that in longer boss fights your healers will most likely support you with either Elemental Drain or Siphon Spirit thereby alleviating any Magicka problems.
Other Passives
A 2H sword with 2 points in the Heavy Weapons passive results in 5% increased damage reflected in the spell tooltip.
Dual wielding swords with 2 points in blade and blunt leads to a 5% increase in the spell damage component for the swords.
For example, using two swords with a tooltip value of damage of 442 each results in 530 Spell Damage (442*1.2) on the Character sheet. But with 2 points in blade and blunt this is increased to 556 Spell Damage (442*1.2*1.05).
While 2H Greatsword offers the greatest increase to Spell Damage the extra set bonuses possible with dual wielding must be considered. This consideration can be made as follows
DW Tooltip=a (M+10.5*SD_DW)
2H Tooltip=1.05*a (M+10.5*SD_2H)
and Boost=Surge+Expert Mage
Using arithmagic
2H Tooltip-DW Tooltip=0.05aM+0.525a*SD_gear+11.025a*Boost(2H_dmg-(DW_dmg*1.2+129/1.05)
Note that the value of a is positive and can be ignored in determining whether 2H Tooltip – DW Tooltip is positive or negative
Giving some exemplary values for legendary equipment at V16, M ~ 40000, SD<sub>Gear</sub> ~ 1300, 2H<sub>dmg</sub> = 1571, DW<sub>dmg</sub> = 1335, Boost = 1.3 shows that 2H provides superior tooltip values.
Gear choice
It would seem the PTS offers a few suggestive sets to the calculative Sorcerer
2 piece Molag Kena
4 piece Overwhelming Surge
3 piece Willpower jewellery
2 piece Torug (1 Armour, 1 Weapon)
Weapons are a destruction staff and 2H Greatsword
I do not feel that the 5 piece Overwhelming Surge bonus is beneficial for a Sorcerer since Sorcerers typically weave Force Pulse with an attack and only occasionally cast Crystal Fragments or swap to their secondary bar for buffs and DOTs. But the Overwhelming Surge 5 piece set bonus seems extremely promising for the Magicka Templar that spams Puncturing Sweep and in general uses a lot more Class skills.
The Spell Damage of this set is estimated to be 2275 without casting Surge and the Molag Kena 2 Piece bonus activated.
It appears that the Molag Kena 2 piece set bonus can be procced while weaving Force pulse, leading to 100% uptime of the Molag Kena bonus.
Thus the expected Spell Damage with the Molag Kena 2 piece set bonus constantly active with Surge is 3572. This can be increased further with spell power enchantments on the jewellery. Magicka and Health should be approximately 40.3k and 14.4k, respectively. This is estimated using the Crown Fortifying Meal which provides 3885 Health and 3570 Magicka/Stamina.
2 piece Molag Kena
5 piece Scathing Mage
3 piece Willpower
Non-set staff and 2H Greatsword
This set yields around 14.4k Health and 40.3K Magicka at 100 CP. Again higher Spell Damage is possible by using spell power enchantments on the jewellery. With the Molag Kena and Scathing Mage set bonuses activated this leads to 3524 Spell Damage.
For this set, we need to choose between the Thief, Apprentice and Shadow mundus stones. In addition to deciding between Nirnhoned and Precise. Nirnhoned always gives larger Spell Penetration values than Sharpened and is preferred. Here, I am assuming that the Spell Penetration conferred by Nirnhoned and Sharpened work in the same way.
Let us begin by estimating the proc chance of the Scathing Mage by obtaining the highest possible spell critical. The maximum spell critical achievable is most likely 67.1% (10% base + 10% Prodigy + 10% Inner light + 6.3% Scathing Mage set bonus + 11.8% Thief mundus + 12% Spell precision + 7% Precise trait).
It appears that the Scathing Mage set cannot be proced by DOTs and cannot be re-proced while it is active. It can be proced by the initial cast by subsequents DOTs do not seem to proc it.
A rough test suggest that I can accomplish 14 Force Pulse and 13 light attacks in 18 seconds without doing any other things like proccing Crystal Frags or swapping to my secondary bar to buff myself or drop some DOTs. This turns out to be about ~1.5 attacks per second. The probability that any attack will proc Scathing Mage is 0.1*Spell Critical. This means that in 50% of all cases the Scathing mage set will proc in
Time_50% = 0.66 s * ln(0.5) / ln (1-0.1*SC) = 6.58 s
The proc duration for the Scathing Mage is 6 seconds. Based on this estimate, the average Spell Damage is 3184 (Max SD is 3524 when proced and 2874 when not proced).
If we swap to the Shadow or Apprentice stones, Time_50% is increased to 8.04 s. The average Spell Damage for the Shadow stone is 3151 and 3361 for the Apprentice stone (Max SD 3734, Min SD 3084). But here we have neglected the role of the increased critical damage and the possibility that Elfborn will surpass the effectiveness of Thaumaturge or Elemental Expert.
Critical damage
The base critical damage is 0.5 and is raised by the Shadow mundus (+12% Critical damage) and Elfborn which stack additively. This formula may require correction.
Critical damage=1.5+Shadow+0.5*Elfborn
Critical damage is the final calculation thus is applied after all forms of mitigation making it much more effective against targets with low resistance.
Let us suppose we have no points in Elfborn to evaluate the effectiveness of the Apprentice, Shadow and Thief Mundus stones. The the average spell damage as calculated above is used and a Magicka of 40k is assumed.
Avg Dmg_App=a(M+10.5*SD_App )+0.5*SC*a(M+10.5*SD_App )
Avg Dmg_Sha=a(M+10.5*SD_Sha )+0.5*SC*a(M+10.5*SD_Sha )+SC*Shadow*a(M+10.5*SD_Sha )
Avg Dmg_Thf=a(M+10.5*SD_Thf )+0.5*SC_T*a(M+10.5*SD_Thf )
Thus the Shadow mundus stone appears to be the most effective for the Scathing mage set for the given parameters.
How does the Scathing Mage set with the Shadow mundus compare to the Overwhelming Surge Set (OSS) and the Apprentice Stone?
Avg Dmg_OSS=a(M+10.5*SD_OSS )+0.5*SC_OSS*a(M+10.5*SD_OSS )
where SC_OSS = 0.49
As for the calculations for the Scathing Mage set, we have assumed the use of a Precise weapon. Thus the Scathing Mage set appears to be the most promising set in the PTS.
Precise or Nirnhoned?
Based on the previous conclusion that the Scathing Mage is the most promising set, we set out to decide whether a Nirnhoned or Precise weapon is favoured. This is a rather tedious section where the Damage with a Nirnhoned and Precise weapon are calculated and then the Average damage is taken into account to include the spell critical rating and finally this is performed for a range of tooltip damage values on a broad range of spell resistance. The preceeding formulas should allow anyone to recreate the following result for some typically encountered values. It shows that nirnhoned is superior when the target’s spell resistance is high and the tooltip damage is high.
For players with high magicka 2H will offer better results than dual wielding even taking into the account a set bonus of 129 SD.
It seems that the previous post is suggesting taking 2 Cyrodiil rings and 3 Willpower (1 necklace, 2 swords) over my proposed 3 Willpower and 1 non-set greastsword. The former setup confers 2 SD and 1 Magicka set bonus. The latter provides 1 Magicka and 1 SD set bonus. Note that since Cyrodiil rings will only come in V14, 2 Torugs sword and 3 Willpower will be preferred over 2 Cyrodiil rings and 3 Willpower. I believe the crafting bonus is being removed ie. crafted and dropped gear will have equivalent set bonuses.
Then the question is how does a 2H compare to DW with that extra 129 spell damage (1 SD set bonus). I calculated that in my original post where I have taken into account the passive Blade and Blunt (DW) and Heavy Weapons (2H)
DW Tooltip=a (M+10.5*SD_DW)
2H Tooltip=1.05*a (M+10.5*SD_2H)
and Boost=Surge+Expert Mage
Using arithmagic
2H Tooltip-DW Tooltip=0.05aM+0.525a*SD_gear+11.025a*Boost(2H_dmg-(DW_dmg*1.2+129/1.05
I estimate that at V16, Magicka will be about 40K and SD_Gear (the spell damage from other sources not including your weapon) is around 1900( = 1.3 [Surge+5 Expert Mage] * (129*2 (Willpower,Molag Kena 1P] + 688 [Molag Kena, 2P] + 516 [Scathing Mage, 5P]) at this values 2H is outperforms dual wielding.
Dual wielding with the extra 129 spell damage becomes preferred at lower Magicka. As example, dual wielding is preferred over 2H when you have 27K magicka and 1327 SD.
The figure I generated above shows the cutoff point. If your spell damage and magicka is in the magenta then you should consider 2H. If it is in the cyan then maybe try out dual wielding