Thank you! I added that for now but I'd like to know if you made sure it's not an AddOn causing this issue?
I'm not quite sure about it. But I can say that I updated every addon I have to the current patch version. I'll try to check the default settings in the evening and then give you a feedback.
@Xantaria Should this list include:
- Being kicked out of game for no reason back to login screen
- When logging out of a character (toon swapping) being kicked out of IT and sent to Rivenspire?
VaxtinTheWolf wrote: »According to Combat Scrolling text this little issue is still coming up from months ago, now that I am back playing casually.
Nightblade: Sap Essence And Evasion
-Use Blur(Or morphs), then spam Sap essence(You don't need a target)
Occasionally, using FTC combat log, You'll get a dodge prompt and evade the self heal portion of the skill.
On a different Nightblade I activated Double Take and let Rally + Vigor tick for over 2 minutes and never got a dodge prompt.
Doge.. Dodge.. Hm..
Edit: You also begin to generate ultimate when you doge like this.
In-combat bug
Needs no explaining... present for >1 year.
With IC patch, DW now has major brutality available, so I'm not using Rally anymore and that certainly helps as HoT's are the major source of this problem.
Charging Maneuver
seldomly works for me.. haven't tried since IC since I used the free respec to get rid of it.
Shuffle + Cloak visual bug
reported on PTS beginning august, still present in IC live:
will be a major problem for Console players once they get IC, since they don't get addons to help them keep track like we do.
In-combat bug
Needs no explaining... present for >1 year.
With IC patch, DW now has major brutality available, so I'm not using Rally anymore and that certainly helps as HoT's are the major source of this problem.
whiteshadow711jppreub18_ESO wrote: »
I noticed since I moved away from Rally (2H heal and Major Brutality buff) and use Vigor now, since the HOT is quick (5 sec's), because of this I don't really get the In-Combat bug anymore, or that it's much, much less noticeable. Being a Nightblade and trying to escape is much easier now since the "In-Combat bug" in the past has gotten me killed alot when I couldn't get back to Sneak.
bumping this for visibility. The Agility bug with medium armor is absolutely killing my Stam DK right now.
Nightblade siphoning tree : siphoning strikes morph siphoning attacks does not generate ultimate upon skill activation as it should when you have the passive soul siphoner in siphoning tree.
I guess this is from when the skill was a toggle.
Reported it ingame aswell.
Added! Thanks!
There have been issues with this buff disappearing sometimes in the past ... was it a one time issue or is it always like that for you and / or other people aswell?
Saint_JiubB14_ESO wrote: »
No it is constant, if I am in the districts no health buff, but in the sewers health buff, everyday since the patch went live. I think some others in my guild have it too, but so many people spend so much time in the sewers I don't know if they would notice.
Agility bug should be fixed for next update (v2.1.6) according to ESO Live.
UI - full health bar flashing
I've not figured out how to reproduce this reliably, my current guess is it happens when I die with some health buff (max/regen/hot?). You need to make the health bar visible, so eat some health food, or take an Ayleid well. The red glow flashes approximately every second, out of combat, non-stop. You can get rid of it e.g. by jumping off a tower... maybe any health loss would do... I have to try ravage health potion
Ok.. checking if this is a bug.. but.. my hireling only brings me tier 9 mats, even tho I am level 10 in cloth/smith/wood VR16. My guildies are getting tier 10 mats.
Here's some of my experiences:
1. Health bar is randomly broken, in PvE areas, cities, etc. It goes back to normal after you activate a buff. Goes back when the buff ends.
2. Shield icon stays even though you don't have it one on. Usually happens in PvP (very often), and can only be fixed if you leave Cyrodiil or relog.
3. Being Eclipsed, breaking free doesn't always respond. Your character will more than likely light attack, then block right after.
4. Snipe animations still hitting you even though you already rolled or gained distance from the attacker.
5. Coldharbor impact circles
6. Wrecking Blow...
Your hirelings will not bring you mats that came out with IC DLC. Your guildies should not be getting those.
I get one ingot or one cloth in my hirelings (IC content). Rarely but I and guildies do.
I get one ingot or one cloth in my hirelings (IC content). Rarely but I and guildies do.