this is what happens when there is no sub fee, is what he meant.
people wanted it, now they got it.
reap what you sow
Wooooooow. A couple second notification comes up in a game that is FREE TO PLAY. Even if it is an attempt to sell their product. Wouldnt you want them to make some money so you can continue to play this game? Thats how a cash shop works. You dont have to purchase it, I didnt. Dont plan on purchasing anything actually but at least I have the common sense to realize they have to sell something.
Honestly, people will find ANYTHING to complain about. Amazed. Keep on, keepin' on internet heroes. You live amazing lives.
Wooooooow. A couple second notification comes up in a game that is FREE TO PLAY. Even if it is an attempt to sell their product. Wouldnt you want them to make some money so you can continue to play this game? Thats how a cash shop works. You dont have to purchase it, I didnt. Dont plan on purchasing anything actually but at least I have the common sense to realize they have to sell something.
Honestly, people will find ANYTHING to complain about. Amazed. Keep on, keepin' on internet heroes. You live amazing lives.
You know, this idea is awesome! People'll get notified that something's waiting to get their attention, but they'll look at it in their own time.[*] Put it in a notification stating that there are new items in the crown store.
Here's why it really bothers me...<snippage>
ESO is my favorite restaurant, and I just got served some really bad food
you're playing a free game, so get used to advertising or go play a subscription based game
xMovingTarget wrote: »
Still wondering about who wanted it. Ppl I know wanted it to stay sub only. Like myself too.
Zo$ forced b2p on us. Not because ppl wanted it.
Yeah, because veryone unanimously campaigned for the removal of sub fees. Yes, that's how it was.
I certainly didn't, so am I allowed now to complain, oh lord?
ZOS_JoBurba wrote: »Hey everyone,
Now, could we do this smarter? In-game email or something like that? We would love to, but currently we don't have that ability. .....
ZOS_JoBurba wrote: »We have heard your feedback and will be working on smarter messaging for future events but for this weekend, this is what we are going with.
1. You are not everyone. Many people simply click play without looking.
I'm surprised people are more angry about the on-screen message than such a narrow window of availability of the Leopard Senche. As a Day 1 subscriber, I'm more than a little annoyed that I just blew my stack of 4k Crowns a week before this unannounced, limited-time mount came out. Now I have 2 horse mounts, 1 guar mount, and a panther pet I could have waited to get anytime instead. Now I have to throw down $25 on top of my $15 a month to get a limited time mount that's available for less than a week? That just isn't right. This is bad business practice ZOS. You can't just do these limited time, over such a short period of time, and not give us some kind of announcement. I defended you ZOS over what you did with the Imperial Edition, but you're sure making it hard to defend your cash grabs.
ZOS_JoBurba wrote: »In our experience, whenever we do anything that has a limited way for folks to get something cool in-game people get really upset if they miss their chance to get it.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys, thanks for your feedback. We want to make sure everyone is aware that the Senche-Leopard is available - and only for a short time - so nobody misses out on the opportunity. We only plan on messaging this once per day, and want to hit each language (EN, DE, and FR) as these are multilingual megaservers.
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »
It is possible we will offer the Senche-Leopard mount again at some point. If we release something in the Crown Store that we intend to not bring back, we'll state as much.
farrier_ESO wrote: »
Thank you for these ads - and it's not often I say that about advertising.
My seeing the ads caused my wife to log in to buy it, which in turn got my wife playing again (thank you!). We gamed together until 3am, for the first time in nearly year. HAPPY!
So, your ads got one sale from me (subscription points), and another from my wife (cash), won a player back, and made another happy. Good work to your marketing team
ZOS_JoBurba wrote: »Hey everyone,
Just wanted to stop in and put some detail and context around the in-game announcements this weekend. Like Gina said - it's once a day on each server in 3 languages. (5 languages? We don't even speak 5 languages) Tomorrow is the last day of this and really the last day of the WBW.
In our experience, whenever we do anything that has a limited way for folks to get something cool in-game people get really upset if they miss their chance to get it. We are using several methods to make sure everyone knows, but people don't always read their emails, they pay zero attention to the patcher or login screen messages (click click click START GAME!) and we wanted to do our best to make sure people who want the leopard senche could get it.
Now, could we do this smarter? In-game email or something like that? We would love to, but currently we don't have that ability. We have heard your feedback and will be working on smarter messaging for future events but for this weekend, this is what we are going with. There aren't very many of these special events and we want to make sure people have a chance to participate. We felt it was the least disruptive being only once per day but most effective given the tools we have now.
As always, thanks for the feedback. Without you playing the game and giving feedback we wouldn't have come as far as we have in the last year. Just please, keep it constructive, keep it factual, and be understanding of the fact that it is a game full of varied people with varied interests and desires. The 3 second sever message that you might twitch at is the one message that let another player know he could get a sweet sweet senche-leopard. He's only jealous of your senche-tiger he can't get after all.
Silverangel wrote: »This is so unbelievably bad that I can't believe anyone is here defending this.
This erases any faith I had in this company, for even greenlighting this. This garbage is the reason I never played Neverwinter after beta.
Just so disappointing to see Zenimax/Bethesda stoop so low. If I see this in game, I will uninstall on the spot, just like with Neverwinter.
I'm just waiting for the rage thread a few months from now when this mount returns for round 2.