ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys, thanks for your feedback. We want to make sure everyone is aware that the Senche-Leopard is available - and only for a short time - so nobody misses out on the opportunity. We only plan on messaging this once per day, and want to hit each language (EN, DE, and FR) as these are multilingual megaservers.
you're playing a free game, so get used to advertising or go play a subscription based game
I pay $15/month, but if this keeps up, I'll go to the free version. It certainly made me decide to NOT buy the mount. I would call that marketing fail.
you're playing a free game, so get used to advertising or go play a subscription based game
you're playing a free game, so get used to advertising or go play a subscription based game
We’re building a game with the freedom to play – alone or with your friends – as much as you want. A game with meaningful and consistent content – one packed with hundreds of hours of gameplay that can be experienced right away and one that will be supported with premium customer support. […] We are already working on content that will roll out to players after ESO’s launch. New quest lines, skills, zones, dungeons -are already in the pipeline. These things, in addition to our end-game content, PvP, and extraordinary customer service, are all part of making sure we’re delivering on that premium service – and that the player feels like they are getting their money’s worth. We won’t know the exact schedule until after ESO launches, but our target right now is to have new content available every four to six weeks.
you're playing a free game, so get used to advertising or go play a subscription based game
you're playing a free game, so get used to advertising or go play a subscription based game
QuadroTony wrote: »author if you quitting - can i take your stuff?
It's not free. You have to buy the box and some people have subbed for over a year plus getting the Imperial Edition ($260), not to mention our time invested into accounts and communities. This is quite blatantly a disrespect to the community of subs.
Thats a truth with modification. I returned to this game because it cost me nothing to do so. If you are still subbed it is because you choosed to be. You could be playing it for free with a press of a button.
And as far as communities goes: I am not so sure one can say investing in them hold much relevance really, since its kind of something people choose to do out of fun/interest or other selfcentered needs really. I wouldnt expect a bage or special treatment from the company for such a thing anyway.
Thats a truth with modification. I returned to this game because it cost me nothing to do so. If you are still subbed it is because you choosed to be. You could be playing it for free with a press of a button.
And as far as communities goes: I am not so sure one can say investing in them hold much relevance really, since its kind of something people choose to do out of fun/interest or other selfcentered needs really. I wouldnt expect a bage or special treatment from the company for such a thing anyway.
ZOS_JoBurba wrote: »Hey everyone,
Just wanted to stop in and put some detail and context around the in-game announcements this weekend. Like Gina said - it's once a day on each server in 3 languages. (5 languages? We don't even speak 5 languages) Tomorrow is the last day of this and really the last day of the WBW.
In our experience, whenever we do anything that has a limited way for folks to get something cool in-game people get really upset if they miss their chance to get it. We are using several methods to make sure everyone knows, but people don't always read their emails, they pay zero attention to the patcher or login screen messages (click click click START GAME!) and we wanted to do our best to make sure people who want the leopard senche could get it.
Now, could we do this smarter? In-game email or something like that? We would love to, but currently we don't have that ability. We have heard your feedback and will be working on smarter messaging for future events but for this weekend, this is what we are going with. There aren't very many of these special events and we want to make sure people have a chance to participate. We felt it was the least disruptive being only once per day but most effective given the tools we have now.
As always, thanks for the feedback. Without you playing the game and giving feedback we wouldn't have come as far as we have in the last year. Just please, keep it constructive, keep it factual, and be understanding of the fact that it is a game full of varied people with varied interests and desires. The 3 second sever message that you might twitch at is the one message that let another player know he could get a sweet sweet senche-leopard. He's only jealous of your senche-tiger he can't get after all.
TD5160_ESO wrote: »
Don't speak for everyone. I am not disappointed at all. Seriously, this fanbase has some the most entitled group of fans I have met. Not all, but definitely a lot.
Elijah_Crow wrote: »Please link your posts complaining to youtube for advertising.
Only ads I care to check are on the launcher. I can tolerate it as text in the chat (periodically). Heck, I wouldn't mind seeing what's on sale buying going to some writ board. That's ok too.
None of those are immersion breaking or distracting from the actual gameplay experience.
Hey guys - you may think I'm mad, but listen - here's a thought, just a weird, crazy idea of mine: Why not make the mount available forever rather than arbitrarily limiting the supply?
- More long-term sales by all kinds of collectors and completionists than in a week, even when factoring in the BUY NOW OR ITS GONE pressure
- No one will miss out, even if they can't play for whatever within this week
- No need at all for annoying system messages
- No big threads of people complaining about any of the above
But, you know, that's just me being totally crazy and irrational.
Love how people complain about everything, they need to allow those who do not go to the forum or the website to know that there is a limited time offer in the shop. ALSO i have only had this msg pop up ONE TIME. compared to other "f2p" games like swtor that throws it in your face every time you try to get more then 350k credits. i will take the once a day.
@Rial Putting things behind the arbitrary limited time wall forces the interested players to open their wallets and buy more crowns instead of letting their Crowns accrue from subscribing and then making the purchase. Not everyone saves their crowns for something worthy. I agree that limited time shenanigans might not be very player friendly for reasons you stated but it's definitely friendly for them while they line their pockets.
Valen_Byte wrote: »http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/164507/are-on-screen-advertisements-for-the-crown-store-acceptable#latest
Dont just speak your minds....Go vote.
In this case, the best way to vote is with your wallet.
We wanted nothing of the kind. ZOS sprung that one on us like Ambush.
Know what you're talking about before you post please.