I know, it set in the second I saw the post. I just don't understand how this company thinks. It had a sub model, released lackluster content, uses cash shop to catch up on lost funds and will then give people an ultimatum on dlc; pay overpriced in cash shop or sub.
rajaniemiorama_ESO wrote: »I know, it set in the second I saw the post. I just don't understand how this company thinks. It had a sub model, released lackluster content, uses cash shop to catch up on lost funds and will then give people an ultimatum on dlc; pay overpriced in cash shop or sub.
7788b14_ESO wrote: »Limited time offers don't mean the same same thing as one time offers or limited time offers brought back by special demand or discounted limited time offers brought back by special demand. Like someone else said you will probably see that mount again.
Dekkameron wrote: »I am curious as to "how limited" it is.. Like.. Can i wait till the start of next month when i get more crowns for being a sub or will it be gone by then?
The fiends!
Actually, this was very clearly explained.Dekkameron wrote: »I am curious as to "how limited" it is.. Like.. Can i wait till the start of next month when i get more crowns for being a sub or will it be gone by then?
The fiends!
CombatBeard wrote: »I think it looks ugly and I'm glad. Can't beat the tiger.
Dekkameron wrote: »I am curious as to "how limited" it is.. Like.. Can i wait till the start of next month when i get more crowns for being a sub or will it be gone by then?
The fiends!
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »The Senche-Leopard mount will be available for a limited time from April 16th through April 20th, as detailed in the post we made today. It is possible we will make it available again in the future.
Read that as WILL come back. You just know it's going to happen.
@Dekkameron The Senche-Leopord is only available April 16-20.. it will be pulled from the crown store during Monday's maintenance.
Jessica HAS stated it MAY come back in the future. Source
CombatBeard wrote: »I think it looks ugly and I'm glad. Can't beat the tiger.
WraithAzraiel wrote: »
Until they release a white tiger.
Fleshreaper wrote: »"Limited time offer", is certainly open to interpretation. Which is why it is a successful marketing ploy because it implies that it will "only" be available for a limited time and never again. Then when it is offered again, for a lower price, those that purchased it the first time, feel they are getting cheated.