The costume system could be really great in ESO. It needs to cater to the more classic Elder Scrolls styles though or cool end game styles. Ebony Armor(Skyrim), Imperial Dragon Armor and Nightingale/DB armor costumes would be a good start.
newtinmpls wrote: »
As a total nit-pick, Ebony is not from Skyrim the place (though clearly it appeared in Skyrim the game) it's a sacred substance mined in Morrowind and I abhor that it shows up in places like Auridon. Granted, I have my own personal take on why "mining" is so weird in this game (having to do with damage caused by the attempted planemeld) but that's way off topic.
Err.., thank you for suggesting the option I had already flagged in the last sentence, I guess...
I had intended that implicit in my response would be the idea that there was a contradiction in ZOS's approach that I hoped could be reconciled without my dropping my sub.
Apologies if that was not more readily comprehensible.
Also, does Ebony ore actually show up in Auridon? Ebony ore is lv46-50 material right? Auridon is either a lv3-15ish, vr1 or vr6 zone isn't it?
Ah yeah it was a question towards ZoS and not towards the guy you quoted. Didnt get that.
Anyway ESO are free to play now if you choose it to be so I just dont get why people are crying so much.
If I choose to continue paying monthly for a newspaper that cost x amount once then free forever people would think I was odd.
If im raging at adds in the paper and think since I actually, out of free will, pay xtra for the free paper I deserve special treatment people would call me nuts.
Do the ads in the newspaper cover the story you are reading?
ThyIronFist wrote: »It's an absolute disgrace to be honest, I'm mostly a PvPer, but still, have been a loyal subscriber since the game launched but haven't bother logging in the past week, the game is laggy and PvP is an utter joke, both performance and balance wise.
Now we'll get no content until "after console release settled down".
ZOS' response?
"Better spam some more Crown Store messages so you can give us money for a product that doesn't work, oh and by the way, thanks for a year of beta testing for us! Here is your senche tiger! Yay!"
If I ever see a game that has the "Zenimax Online Studios" labeled onto it, I'll make sure to stay away from it with a 10 foot pole.
ZOS_JoBurba wrote: »Hey everyone,
Just wanted to stop in and put some detail and context around the in-game announcements this weekend. Like Gina said - it's once a day on each server in 3 languages. (5 languages? We don't even speak 5 languages) Tomorrow is the last day of this and really the last day of the WBW.
In our experience, whenever we do anything that has a limited way for folks to get something cool in-game people get really upset if they miss their chance to get it. We are using several methods to make sure everyone knows, but people don't always read their emails, they pay zero attention to the patcher or login screen messages (click click click START GAME!) and we wanted to do our best to make sure people who want the leopard senche could get it.
Now, could we do this smarter? In-game email or something like that? We would love to, but currently we don't have that ability. We have heard your feedback and will be working on smarter messaging for future events but for this weekend, this is what we are going with. There aren't very many of these special events and we want to make sure people have a chance to participate. We felt it was the least disruptive being only once per day but most effective given the tools we have now.
As always, thanks for the feedback. Without you playing the game and giving feedback we wouldn't have come as far as we have in the last year. Just please, keep it constructive, keep it factual, and be understanding of the fact that it is a game full of varied people with varied interests and desires. The 3 second sever message that you might twitch at is the one message that let another player know he could get a sweet sweet senche-leopard. He's only jealous of your senche-tiger he can't get after all.
Yes, I'd like to see fine-tuning on costumes. I will never use the bits we can get by stealing, as they have no armor value, and can't be dyed.
I honestly have yet to see the ad's only ones i see are when i launch the game and that is it (i am a sub). I see the screenshots, and honestly the TOP of your screen where said txt appears is the least used. I have played games where the whole damn window is taken up by the ads just to get you to see them.
I have a serious question for you... what did you expect when the game went f2p?
The issue in this thread is what Zenimax should be paying the most attention to, they lose customers every day due to the horrible performance players experience. As a paying customer I want to be kept updated on what Zenimax is doing regarding this game breaking performance issue! It has 20.4K views and 423 replays from players, 1 replay from Zenimax same day the thread was created!
I am sorry if this is out of context with the topic of this thread, and for being the elephant in the room by bringing this up. But when I saw this detailed replay to such an minor issue (imo) I could not resist the urge to say something.
newtinmpls wrote: »
As a total nit-pick, Ebony is not from Skyrim the place (though clearly it appeared in Skyrim the game) it's a sacred substance mined in Morrowind and I abhor that it shows up in places like Auridon. Granted, I have my own personal take on why "mining" is so weird in this game (having to do with damage caused by the attempted planemeld) but that's way off topic.
ZOS_JoBurba wrote: »Hey everyone,
blah blah blah...
Now, could we do this smarter? In-game email or something like that? We would love to, but currently we don't have that ability.
Rune_Relic wrote: »
Considering its B2p and not F2p..and the fact the subscription is still intact...and the fact ZOS director implicitly emphasized the point the they only incorporated the B2p model because of the console payment issues,
all led us to believe this would remain essentially a sub model with a crown store.
Alas, silly us. Suckered again. Doh!
SteveCampsOut wrote: »
You can blame the whole play through all three factions that was added later for this one. There is no ebony mining in Auridon if you start out in AD.
newtinmpls wrote: »As a total nit-pick, Ebony is not from Skyrim the place (though clearly it appeared in Skyrim the game) it's a sacred substance mined in Morrowind and I abhor that it shows up in places like Auridon. Granted, I have my own personal take on why "mining" is so weird in this game (having to do with damage caused by the attempted planemeld) but that's way off topic.
If you think ESO ingame ads "cover" the gameplay I would guess you need a new pair of glasses? You not serious are you?
Which is why I didn't want F2P.
Especially when Matt Frior said they'd shut the servers down before going F2P.
lordrichter wrote: »
Urban myth.
Charging a flat monthly (or subscription) fee means that we will offer players the game we set out to make, and the one that fans want to play. Going with any other model meant that we would have to make sacrifices and changes we weren't willing to make. - Matt Firor
"And it's important to state that our decision to go with subscriptions is not a referendum on online game revenue models. F2P, B2P, etc. are valid, proven business models - but subscription is the one that fits ESO the best, given our commitment to freedom of gameplay, quality and long-term content delivery. Plus, players will appreciate not having to worry about being "monetized" in the middle of playing the game, which is definitely a problem that is cropping up more and more in online gaming these days. The fact that the word "monetized" exists points to the heart of the issue for us: We don't want the player to worry about which parts of the game to pay for - with our system, they get it all."