ZOS_JoBurba wrote: »Hey everyone,
Just wanted to stop in and put some detail and context around the in-game announcements this weekend. Like Gina said - it's once a day on each server in 3 languages. (5 languages? We don't even speak 5 languages) Tomorrow is the last day of this and really the last day of the WBW.
In our experience, whenever we do anything that has a limited way for folks to get something cool in-game people get really upset if they miss their chance to get it. We are using several methods to make sure everyone knows, but people don't always read their emails, they pay zero attention to the patcher or login screen messages (click click click START GAME!) and we wanted to do our best to make sure people who want the leopard senche could get it.
Now, could we do this smarter? In-game email or something like that? We would love to, but currently we don't have that ability. We have heard your feedback and will be working on smarter messaging for future events but for this weekend, this is what we are going with. There aren't very many of these special events and we want to make sure people have a chance to participate. We felt it was the least disruptive being only once per day but most effective given the tools we have now.
As always, thanks for the feedback. Without you playing the game and giving feedback we wouldn't have come as far as we have in the last year. Just please, keep it constructive, keep it factual, and be understanding of the fact that it is a game full of varied people with varied interests and desires. The 3 second sever message that you might twitch at is the one message that let another player know he could get a sweet sweet senche-leopard. He's only jealous of your senche-tiger he can't get after all.
While you are kicking it around... how about making the in-game mails come from some character or NPC in game.. "Hi, this is the stablemaster from Belkarth. I hear you are jealous of the Senche-Tigres your fellows have been riding. I have a DEAL FOR YOU...." Something like that. Sadly, the in-game mail is also likely to be ignored/not read, so your short, MOSTLY un-obtrusive announcements are probl the best way to handle it.
I honestly don't think anyone would have been upset about in-game mail.
Which actually would have worked better than the popup because everyone is guaranteed to see the mail.
Except for the fact that it has not only been once a day.
pugyourself wrote: »
You don't have the ability to send an in-game email? Huh? You send them for other things. Why can't you send them for this? Honesty is appreciated.
ArcanusMagus wrote: »
I saw it twice last night and once already this morning, all three incidents on the NA server. This quoted statement is a lie, intentional or not.
ZOS_JoBurba wrote: »Hey everyone,
Just wanted to stop in and put some detail and context around the in-game announcements this weekend. Like Gina said - it's once a day on each server in 3 languages. (5 languages? We don't even speak 5 languages) Tomorrow is the last day of this and really the last day of the WBW.
In our experience, whenever we do anything that has a limited way for folks to get something cool in-game people get really upset if they miss their chance to get it. We are using several methods to make sure everyone knows, but people don't always read their emails, they pay zero attention to the patcher or login screen messages (click click click START GAME!) and we wanted to do our best to make sure people who want the leopard senche could get it.
Now, could we do this smarter? In-game email or something like that? We would love to, but currently we don't have that ability. We have heard your feedback and will be working on smarter messaging for future events but for this weekend, this is what we are going with. There aren't very many of these special events and we want to make sure people have a chance to participate. We felt it was the least disruptive being only once per day but most effective given the tools we have now.
As always, thanks for the feedback. Without you playing the game and giving feedback we wouldn't have come as far as we have in the last year. Just please, keep it constructive, keep it factual, and be understanding of the fact that it is a game full of varied people with varied interests and desires. The 3 second sever message that you might twitch at is the one message that let another player know he could get a sweet sweet senche-leopard. He's only jealous of your senche-tiger he can't get after all.
if they REALLY wanted to make sure people got it, it wouldn't be limited To such a shot window.
Likely it is, just look at all the QQ from players who feel their I'm-so-special status was destroyed when a Senche was added to the Store, or last year when Steam offered a unique pet (which ofc is now in the Store), or the beta-testers who whined aboyut their special monkey no longer being so special .. and the list goes on.
Then why do these limited events at all, though? Is it that profitable to have a few players have something unique others will never be able to get?
fromtesonlineb16_ESO wrote: »Likely it is, just look at all the QQ from players who feel their I'm-so-special status was destroyed when a Senche was added to the Store, or last year when Steam offered a unique pet (which ofc is now in the Store), or the beta-testers who whined aboyut their special monkey no longer being so special .. and the list goes on.
5. I believe you meant "server" not "sever" messages, though the messages sure do sever immersion.
So much this, and then some.6. Your marketing department should know better. I cannot believe the reaction seen here is a surprise to anyone with a degree in marketing, or basic consumer behavior knowledge. I truly hope you take the words of your players, your customers, to heart and bring together every decision maker who is responsible for this advertising to create a marketing plan. It seems like your current plan of throwing everything against the wall to see what sticks is not working.
if they REALLY wanted to make sure people got it, it wouldn't be limited To such a short window.
ZOS_JoBurba wrote: »Hey everyone,
Just wanted to stop in and put some detail and context around the in-game announcements this weekend. Like Gina said - it's once a day on each server in 3 languages. (5 languages? We don't even speak 5 languages) Tomorrow is the last day of this and really the last day of the WBW.
In our experience, whenever we do anything that has a limited way for folks to get something cool in-game people get really upset if they miss their chance to get it. We are using several methods to make sure everyone knows, but people don't always read their emails, they pay zero attention to the patcher or login screen messages (click click click START GAME!) and we wanted to do our best to make sure people who want the leopard senche could get it.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »We want to make sure everyone is aware that the Senche-Leopard is available - and only for a short time - so nobody misses out on the opportunity.
MercyKilling wrote: »I haven't seen any ingame advertising going on.
But then, I haven't logged in for a few days. No problems for me.
I want to address some points here.
1. You are incorrect that people pay "zero attention to the patcher". It is a wealth of information, that I myself, a player, pay attention to on a regular basis.
2. You don't have the ability to send an in-game email? I find this hard to believe as there is an addon for this, and you are capable of sending other types of in-game emails just fine.
3. If you have heard our feedback, then you did not listen. Your players were very vocal about their dislike of these messages for Pet Day, and yet here we are again. We keep telling you to use your loading screens, you know that time where we are doing nothing but staring at the loading icon and rereading that hint for the 100th time?
4. Your closing line cinched the deal for me; I will not be purchasing the senche-leopard. You are borderline trolling and baiting with a line like that. Some players are hurt that they paid a lot of money for preordering the Imperial edition, for supposed "exclusive" items (to only see them in cash shop later) and faithfully paid for months on end - for a game that went B2P - and then for whatever reason may have missed a month so they did not receive the tiger. Other players may have received the tiger, still continue to pay, and their immersion is completely broken by obtrusive yellow letters in 3 languages splashed across the center of their screen daily. Perhaps your most loyal players who received the tiger thought that it would be exclusive don't care for the daily reminder that anyone can now purchase a reskinned senche in the cash shop. You are brushing your players off with a 'oh they're just jelly of your senche' mentality, and that is simply not the case.
5. I believe you meant "server" not "sever" messages, though the messages sure do sever immersion.
6. Your marketing department should know better. I cannot believe the reaction seen here is a surprise to anyone with a degree in marketing, or basic consumer behavior knowledge. I truly hope you take the words of your players, your customers, to heart and bring together every decision maker who is responsible for this advertising to create a marketing plan. It seems like your current plan of throwing everything against the wall to see what sticks is not working.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys, thanks for your feedback. We want to make sure everyone is aware that the Senche-Leopard is available - and only for a short time - so nobody misses out on the opportunity. We only plan on messaging this once per day, and want to hit each language (EN, DE, and FR) as these are multilingual megaservers.
Hey guys, thanks for your feedback. We want to make sure everyone is aware that the Senche-Leopard is available - and only for a short time - so nobody misses out on the opportunity. We only plan on messaging this once per day, and want to hit each language (EN, DE, and FR) as these are multilingual megaservers.
No ...Nononono, Zenimax .. you are not kindly reminding us of an opportunity .. you are advertising a paid service, full screen, breaking the immersion of everyone trying to enjoy the game ..
You are not helping us "not missing out" .. you are trying to milk us for money.
I can't believe I saw this .. even free Koreans MMO don't pull that kind of stinking trick.
Once per day is already too much .. desist, and NEVER EVER do that again, please.
ZOS_JoBurba wrote: »As always, thanks for the feedback. Without you playing the game and giving feedback we wouldn't have come as far as we have in the last year. Just please, keep it constructive, keep it factual, and be understanding of the fact that it is a game full of varied people with varied interests and desires. The 3 second sever message that you might twitch at is the one message that let another player know he could get a sweet sweet senche-leopard. He's only jealous of your senche-tiger he can't get after all.
You know, it's sad that stunts like this have to make "marketing" look bad.
I have a marketing degree and have been working in digital marketing for 10 years. At the agency I work for, we put a lot of thought into our campaign strategy, segmentation, personalization...and most of all how to deliver our client's message to the end user. I'd say "delivery" of the message is about half of what we do.....because getting that right is so important.
It's crap like this that makes marketing professionals look bad. Honestly, the way ZoS handled this is kind of a joke, and it's really pathetic.
Instead of posting a 15% off coupon for the Leopard on Twitter, Facebook, G+ (ya people actually use that), Instagram, Vine, etc... (which would have been really easy) and making people HAPPY about getting a deal and selling a ton of leopards.... they do this crap and *** people off.
Seriously, whoever is running their marketing department needs to be reassigned. Maybe the mail room would be a better fit.
Some players are hurt that they paid a lot of money for preordering the Imperial edition, for supposed "exclusive" items (to only see them in cash shop later) and faithfully paid for months on end - for a game that went B2P - and then for whatever reason may have missed a month so they did not receive the tiger. Other players may have received the tiger, still continue to pay, and their immersion is completely broken by obtrusive yellow letters in 3 languages splashed across the center of their screen daily.