Ugh, how nauseatingly sycophantic. You're a marketers wet dream. ZOS is a business, and like any business they need to please their customers. If they acted as arrogantly as you suggest they should, ignoring customer feedback because those peasants weren't grateful enough, they'd go out of business very quickly.
Ugh, how nauseatingly sycophantic. You're a marketers wet dream. ZOS is a business, and like any business they need to please their customers. If they acted as arrogantly as you suggest they should, ignoring customer feedback because those peasants weren't grateful enough, they'd go out of business very quickly.
Elijah_Crow wrote: »
Please link your posts complaining to youtube for advertising. While your at it, what about all those emails you send to countless tv and radio stations complaining that you're going to stop listening or watching unless you get your way.
The hard truth is that ESO can embrace this monetization model and advertise occasionally to its players. Do you want to see the game continue? I do and I will support this kind of advertising to their customers. You are lucky they have chosen to limit it at all.
Elijah_Crow wrote: »
So ZOS listens to the loud minority on the forums and stops marketing to their players. Crown store sales are down, layoff's ensue and new management takes over and realizes changes are needed to be financially viable. They begin to add gear and lock boxes to the Crown Store. All loading screens are replaced with Crown Store loading screens. When you log in the Crown Store is open on your screen by default, items in the store become better than player crafted items...
ZOS is a business and if you want the game to continue as it is, an occasional system message about cosmetic items is what you should be embracing. The alternative you won't enjoy as much. It's amazing how short sighted people can be.
SWTOR anyone?
Nice straw man. The choice isn't between these system messages and SWTOR. There is ZERO need for them to flash these messages across the screen and annoy everyone. They have said countless times in the past that player immersion is a top priority. They have limited numerous *standard* MMO features because of immersion. Now suddenly that is thrown out the window to hawk trinkets in the crown shop? It's absurd. Oh and if you think ESO isn't heading in that direction regardless you are in denial.
This is also a two way street. They may sell a few crowns with ads but every time they annoy masses of people they will also lose subs. I'm sick of it and realize that this game isn't going to get better. They have shown that this is just going to continue and get worse. I have paid them a sub for over a year but no more. Not spending any more money on this game.
Nice straw man. The choice isn't between these system messages and SWTOR. There is ZERO need for them to flash these messages across the screen and annoy everyone. They have said countless times in the past that player immersion is a top priority. They have limited numerous *standard* MMO features because of immersion. Now suddenly that is thrown out the window to hawk trinkets in the crown shop? It's absurd. Oh and if you think ESO isn't heading in that direction regardless you are in denial.
This is also a two way street. They may sell a few crowns with ads but every time they annoy masses of people they will also lose subs. I'm sick of it and realize that this game isn't going to get better. They have shown that this is just going to continue and get worse. I have paid them a sub for over a year but no more. Not spending any more money on this game.
Elijah_Crow wrote: »
So ZOS listens to the loud minority on the forums and stops marketing to their players. Crown store sales are down, layoff's ensue and new management takes over and realizes changes are needed to be financially viable. They begin to add gear and lock boxes to the Crown Store. All loading screens are replaced with Crown Store loading screens. When you log in the Crown Store is open on your screen by default, items in the store become better than player crafted items...
ZOS is a business and if you want the game to continue as it is, an occasional system message about cosmetic items is what you should be embracing. The alternative you won't enjoy as much. It's amazing how short sighted people can be.
SWTOR anyone?
WraithAzraiel wrote: »
Can I have your stuff?
Also, people keep tossing around terms like "straw man" and "ad homnonominominid" and the like and I don't think all of them have a grasp on what these terms actually mean.
Defintion from one of my text books. Beyond Feelings: A Guide to Critical Thinking by Vincent Ryan Ruggiero
"To commit the error of straw man is to put false words in someone else's mouth and then expose their falsity, conveniently forgetting that the other person never said them. To avoid this error, be scrupulously accurate in quoting or paraphrasing other people's words!"
Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.
SuraklinPrime wrote: »It didn't ruin my day but it bugged the frelling heck out of me. I pay a sub anyway and am buying mounts and costumes already simply because they are sort of fun. But huge yellow messages in multiple languages while I play is more liable to stop me buying things out of obstinacy....
Huggernaut wrote: »
Once per day, is 1 times too many PER DAY.
It's very simple,
- you make a sticky on the forums (which you have)
- you have a "featured" button in the store (which you do)
- Lastly, and this is the only other acceptable thing ... you make a splash screen when you login that adverts any current event running as well as as any current store promo, this should be able to be closed with a single click. DO NOT, make this show up when you close the game. This only angers people. When they want to quit, they want to quit.
those are the only 3 acceptable practices when it comes to advertising in online games.
learn em & love em folks.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys, thanks for your feedback. We want to make sure everyone is aware that the Senche-Leopard is available - and only for a short time - so nobody misses out on the opportunity. We only plan on messaging this once per day, and want to hit each language (EN, DE, and FR) as these are multilingual megaservers.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys, thanks for your feedback. We want to make sure everyone is aware that the Senche-Leopard is available - and only for a short time - so nobody misses out on the opportunity. We only plan on messaging this once per day, and want to hit each language (EN, DE, and FR) as these are multilingual megaservers.
Elijah_Crow wrote: »
Elijah_Crow wrote: »Wow. Just wow. The Audacity to believe you can dictate to ZOS how they can and cannot market.
This...this is your complaint? You group are lucky they have more patience than I or I would have just ended your ability to play the game for approaching this with the kind of attitude the OP displayed.
Onebitsoul wrote: »I haven't even seen this once.
Well you just missed it, because they did it again on the EU server five mins ago. Clearly they don't learn.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys, thanks for your feedback. We want to make sure everyone is aware that the Senche-Leopard is available - and only for a short time - so nobody misses out on the opportunity. We only plan on messaging this once per day, and want to hit each language (EN, DE, and FR) as these are multilingual megaservers.