I am managing to login for a little bit at a time again now. It's still tedious. Somehow I do not think removing Vet ranks is the answer. We desparately need new content to explore.
I am managing to login for a little bit at a time again now. It's still tedious. Somehow I do not think removing Vet ranks is the answer. We desparately need new content to explore.
They need to either increase the level cap and keep trials and all that *** to max level or make the cap level 50 and compensate those who dredges through V ranks with CP.
Not that hard really.
compared insane amount of XP you needed to gain veteran ranks before the 1 million experience points you need now are nothing.
thats just being silly. its all about how you can get the xp required not about how much numerically that is
sure vet lvls are 1mill.. when i went from vet 10-12 on my first toon. i did it in 2 hours the first day craglorn came out before they fixed Kardala about 3 days later.. that was about 11 million in 2 hours.
now to get the same vet 10-12 would take me about 20 hours i guess. even tho its only 2 million xp
so should i come on here are and tell folk "hey its all good its only 2 million xp now" ?
You are 100% correct in the fact that it does take longer to earn the XP however now if you do all of silver and gold you will be VR14 long before finishing craglorb.
Honestly I don't see why everyohas such.a hard on for horizintal progression. When 50 becomes level cap that just means no more actual progress It will feel like inward is accomplishing nothing at all.
No you won't. People are finishing Gold at VR10 or 11, and there's not enough quests in Craglorn to get 3 ranks unless you're dutifully doing repeats every day.
compared insane amount of XP you needed to gain veteran ranks before the 1 million experience points you need now are nothing.
thats just being silly. its all about how you can get the xp required not about how much numerically that is
sure vet lvls are 1mill.. when i went from vet 10-12 on my first toon. i did it in 2 hours the first day craglorn came out before they fixed Kardala about 3 days later.. that was about 11 million in 2 hours.
now to get the same vet 10-12 would take me about 20 hours i guess. even tho its only 2 million xp
so should i come on here are and tell folk "hey its all good its only 2 million xp now" ?
You are 100% correct in the fact that it does take longer to earn the XP however now if you do all of silver and gold you will be VR14 long before finishing craglorb.
Honestly I don't see why everyohas such.a hard on for horizintal progression. When 50 becomes level cap that just means no more actual progress It will feel like inward is accomplishing nothing at all.
No you won't. People are finishing Gold at VR10 or 11, and there's not enough quests in Craglorn to get 3 ranks unless you're dutifully doing repeats every day.
Isn't the last zone from caldwells gold a V10 zone?
After V10 you can do Vet dungeons, trials and pvp. That's about it, there is no other content,
compared insane amount of XP you needed to gain veteran ranks before the 1 million experience points you need now are nothing.
thats just being silly. its all about how you can get the xp required not about how much numerically that is
sure vet lvls are 1mill.. when i went from vet 10-12 on my first toon. i did it in 2 hours the first day craglorn came out before they fixed Kardala about 3 days later.. that was about 11 million in 2 hours.
now to get the same vet 10-12 would take me about 20 hours i guess. even tho its only 2 million xp
so should i come on here are and tell folk "hey its all good its only 2 million xp now" ?
You are 100% correct in the fact that it does take longer to earn the XP however now if you do all of silver and gold you will be VR14 long before finishing craglorb.
Honestly I don't see why everyohas such.a hard on for horizintal progression. When 50 becomes level cap that just means no more actual progress It will feel like inward is accomplishing nothing at all.
No you won't. People are finishing Gold at VR10 or 11, and there's not enough quests in Craglorn to get 3 ranks unless you're dutifully doing repeats every day.
Isn't the last zone from caldwells gold a V10 zone?
After V10 you can do Vet dungeons, trials and pvp. That's about it, there is no other content,
I am V4. I'd be pretty sad and upset if they removed Vet ranks. If the main complaint is because of alts, maybe it would be better to implement a system with x% more XP for vet levels. Have it be a super high amount. Maybe with a toggle for us to turn it off back to normal XP gain for those of us who just love to level or grind.
I am managing to login for a little bit at a time again now. It's still tedious. Somehow I do not think removing Vet ranks is the answer. We desparately need new content to explore.
They need to either increase the level cap and keep trials and all that *** to max level or make the cap level 50 and compensate those who dredges through V ranks with CP.
Not that hard really.
They already did that. We got our 70 CP with 1.6.
Aldcompared insane amount of XP you needed to gain veteran ranks before the 1 million experience points you need now are nothing.
thats just being silly. its all about how you can get the xp required not about how much numerically that is
sure vet lvls are 1mill.. when i went from vet 10-12 on my first toon. i did it in 2 hours the first day craglorn came out before they fixed Kardala about 3 days later.. that was about 11 million in 2 hours.
now to get the same vet 10-12 would take me about 20 hours i guess. even tho its only 2 million xp
so should i come on here are and tell folk "hey its all good its only 2 million xp now" ?
You are 100% correct in the fact that it does take longer to earn the XP however now if you do all of silver and gold you will be VR14 long before finishing craglorb.
Honestly I don't see why everyohas such.a hard on for horizintal progression. When 50 becomes level cap that just means no more actual progress It will feel like inward is accomplishing nothing at all.
No you won't. People are finishing Gold at VR10 or 11, and there's not enough quests in Craglorn to get 3 ranks unless you're dutifully doing repeats every day.
Isn't the last zone from caldwells gold a V10 zone?
After V10 you can do Vet dungeons, trials and pvp. That's about it, there is no other content,
Which is not enough, saying there needs to be more content past V10 to level to V14
I agree
compared insane amount of XP you needed to gain veteran ranks before the 1 million experience points you need now are nothing.
thats just being silly. its all about how you can get the xp required not about how much numerically that is
sure vet lvls are 1mill.. when i went from vet 10-12 on my first toon. i did it in 2 hours the first day craglorn came out before they fixed Kardala about 3 days later.. that was about 11 million in 2 hours.
now to get the same vet 10-12 would take me about 20 hours i guess. even tho its only 2 million xp
so should i come on here are and tell folk "hey its all good its only 2 million xp now" ?
You are 100% correct in the fact that it does take longer to earn the XP however now if you do all of silver and gold you will be VR14 long before finishing craglorb.
Honestly I don't see why everyohas such.a hard on for horizintal progression. When 50 becomes level cap that just means no more actual progress It will feel like inward is accomplishing nothing at all.
No you won't. People are finishing Gold at VR10 or 11, and there's not enough quests in Craglorn to get 3 ranks unless you're dutifully doing repeats every day.
Isn't the last zone from caldwells gold a V10 zone?
After V10 you can do Vet dungeons, trials and pvp. That's about it, there is no other content,
Yea that sounds great and is what most players are expecting with VR removal. I wouldn't hold your breath.Why not?
Trial leaderboards are based on TIMES, which are improved through character progression like CP and gear. So yes, why bar a fresh 50 from joining Trials, it's not as though they are going to be a real threat to those on the leaderboards.
However, even running Trials at a slower pace, they gain necessary experience (both the points and ACTUAL experience learning the fights) and a chance at improving their gear, thus improving their times.
That is progression.
Yeah the players who think being lvl50 will automatically make you ready to go trials are going to be sorely disappointed. Lvl 50 is like day one in this game even if they remove vet ranks. You'll just be grinding for CPs instead of VR to be capable of entering trials. That means grinding in the vet dungeons until you have the experience and CPs to approach trials. Nothing different than it is now, just a different name and appearance.
If you want VR gone it's replacement will be just as long to get you to trials if not longer. It's a business, they're not going to go and reduce the amount of time it takes to complete the game will they? just think about it.
If your complaining now about the length of time it takes you need to find a way to enjoy it or maybe this game isn't for you. The only players removing vet ranks helps are the ones who already have a lot of CPs. Those who aren't vet and have very little CP will still have the long road ahead.
Yea that sounds great and is what most players are expecting with VR removal. I wouldn't hold your breath.Why not?
Trial leaderboards are based on TIMES, which are improved through character progression like CP and gear. So yes, why bar a fresh 50 from joining Trials, it's not as though they are going to be a real threat to those on the leaderboards.
However, even running Trials at a slower pace, they gain necessary experience (both the points and ACTUAL experience learning the fights) and a chance at improving their gear, thus improving their times.
That is progression.
ZOS stated that the Silver and Gold zones would remain 50+ and 50++ zones, craglorn and trials would be considered 50+++ zone/instances. So you think a fresh lvl 50 will get meaningful experience from entering a 50+++ zone right out of the gate?
Maybe experience in wiping a lot.
Yea that sounds great and is what most players are expecting with VR removal. I wouldn't hold your breath.Why not?
Trial leaderboards are based on TIMES, which are improved through character progression like CP and gear. So yes, why bar a fresh 50 from joining Trials, it's not as though they are going to be a real threat to those on the leaderboards.
However, even running Trials at a slower pace, they gain necessary experience (both the points and ACTUAL experience learning the fights) and a chance at improving their gear, thus improving their times.
That is progression.
ZOS stated that the Silver and Gold zones would remain 50+ and 50++ zones, craglorn and trials would be considered 50+++ zone/instances. So you think a fresh lvl 50 will get meaningful experience from entering a 50+++ zone right out of the gate?
Maybe experience in wiping a lot.
ZOS also stated that they have a lot of different options on how they want to handle the removal of VR ranks, and to my knowledge haven't said anything about settling on a specific one.
So speculating about how the 50+ and 50++ zones might work w/out having a clue what the framework is going to be seems a bit... silly?
There are plenty of reasons, many of which have been stated right here in this thread and the many others. Not the least of which is the fact that they HAVE been doing exactly that for 6 months now.
There can still be progression w/out the VR system.
What a ridiculous strawman argument.