RAGUNAnoOne wrote: »This is a cosmetic but I am sure one style could have barbs
OP. I demand nerfs.
RAGUNAnoOne wrote: »
*nerfs Cazzys characters to lv5 stats* what you didn't say what you wanted to be nerfed you just demanded a nerf
tinythinker wrote: »Can I put barbed spikes on the end for a lash attack?
dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »
Didn't skyrim actually have a tail lash attack?
willymchilybily wrote: »and here i thought the Angonian's tail fell off as defence mechanism....who knew
Maybe there's some crazy huge artery that is in their tail and if it gets cut they bleed out and die.
But if THAT were the case wouldn't we see Argonian tail armor?
Since there ISN'T armor on Argonian tails it would be safe to conclude that they aren't overly concerned with protecting their tails.
Since they aren't concerned with protecting their tails... I think it's not too far a leap to conclude that they do, indeed, grow back. If they didn't, I would think they would want to protect them.
We really don't know. There was an awesomely entertaining thread concerning Argonians growing back tails here: http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/152501/argonian-if-we-lose-our-tail-does-it-grow-back/p1
In it I actually said:
I prefer the ability to cut the disgusting tails of the human wantabes
Argonians make me feel physically ill when I see them, and the cats? Strangely aroused then disgusted at myself.
Dont give the tail guys buffs, check em over the bridge in a bag or make an omelette out of the eggs
RAGUNAnoOne wrote: »
whats the excuse for khajiit then? last time I checked cats don't grow them back.
RAGUNAnoOne wrote: »
whats the excuse for khajiit then? last time I checked cats don't grow them back.
TheShadowScout wrote: »Tail armor would make a good deal of sense. For argonians anyhow, their tail is muscular enough to make an armored sheath plausible.
Khajiit... well... a slim catty tail is not all that well built for armoring, I could see khajiit warriors cutting off their tails as to not give opponents an advantage in battle, and then wearing their stumpy tails as badge of honor...