Kingdinguhling wrote: »JoseDelgadoCub17_ESO wrote: »You can grind a VR every two hours... idk the complaint.
In correct.... they have nerfed everything it takes 6-8 hours to get a full VR rank
Here you can grind VR 1-14 and get around 800k xp/hour if you are in a grp. If you play solo you will get around 500k-600k xp/hour
liquid_wolf wrote: »The veteran ranks are a lie.
You see them, you progress in them, and all the time you feel like you HAVE to do it to be competitive. You die in PvP to a VR14? It must be your lower veteran ranks. You can't get into a dungeon for dailies? It must be your lower veteran ranks. You can't farm as fast or as much as everyone else? Must be your lower veteran ranks.
And then you finally hit VR14... and you realize nothing changed. You still die in PvP, you still can't find a group for dungeons, and you still can't seem to farm as well as others.
Then you make another character, try playing that up to VR14... but as you level you know it isn't going to make a difference. That steep climb all the way from VR1 to VR14 isn't going to get you anything.
Oh you know there are SOME improvements... VR14 has a benefit... but it isn't the benefit you think it should be. It isn't like in every other MMORPG where levels = power.
That is why VR14 is a lie... because it doesn't make a difference, yet we still need to climb it. What is the point? Why bother?
Just get rid of the veteran ranks and remove that black spot from the game. They are not worth keeping around.
geoffreyb14_ESO wrote: »I have another thread (one of many) on this same issue.
My simple solution is not to remove veteran ranks, but to lower the xp required to gain each rank equal the amount of xp needed to go from 49-50. Essentially, VR14 becomes level 63. No other changes to the game are required. It can probably be done in a hotfix. Problem solved. Should have been done months ago.
geoffreyb14_ESO wrote: »I have another thread (one of many) on this same issue.
My simple solution is not to remove veteran ranks, but to lower the xp required to gain each rank equal the amount of xp needed to go from 49-50. Essentially, VR14 becomes level 63. No other changes to the game are required. It can probably be done in a hotfix. Problem solved. Should have been done months ago.
Kingdinguhling wrote: »SuraklinPrime wrote: »LOL - if getting to VR14 is a problem you will really love doing it over 100 times to grind CPs.
Also you will find that any level will create gaps between players, that is what they are for... So you have progress and a reward for the progress.
This just reads like "I want stuff without matching effort".
Buy an offline game, use the cheat codes to avoid playing the content... Job done, you're welcome.
NO one wants something for nothing ... if this truly your view you really haven't read anything.
Your just angry you got to VR14 and they are planning on removing them. remember you got 70 champion points for your accomplishments and should have only got 36. Also the game isn't the same as when you prolly lvled. they have nerfed every exploit into the ground. you really can only grind which takes 6-8 hours a lvl. or Quest which takes around the same.
I played some of the hardest MMOs to date and I I loved them for there grouping. Take FFXI - Took years literally for your first 75. You had to group in parties of 6 and grind mobs. You had to do multiple story lines to get access to each endgame scenario. you had to shout for parties no group finder for XPing or Quests and they had lvl caps so the Quests where still incredibly hard. And you lost XP if you died. but you know what the game was fun and incredibly rewarding.
this is just painfully boring now.
If you think leveling takes too much time then you should have been here several months ago when it took millions of xp just to go from vr 13~14. That was just for one level. For every level it was something like 500k worth of xp added each time.
I never skipped quests, never grinding dungeons or bosses, never used a single exploit and finally at Vr 14 I was at 28 playtime days. To break up the monotony I farmed materials and capped all crafts out, worked on achievements such as
collecting 1000 treasure chests and refined 10,000 stacks of materials, etc. I was able to farm so much material that I ended up with over 25 stacks of tri~pots! not to mentions made a hell of a lot of gold.
For my second character it took me 18 playtime days, I did everything exactly the same and the only thing that was different was that Xp had all already been revamped at only needing a million a level. I know I could have easily got to Vr 14 in several days or less but in the end I ended up with more crafting materials, tri~pots and gold than I will probaly ever use in the rest of my time playing this game.
In other words leveling up to me puts more strain on your mind than anything. You can either hate it, love it, tolerate it or become a robot and just go, go,go. Finding other things in game to work on while I farmed xp helped me with the monotony
and I didn't feel like such a robot while playing. I never ever level up more than two characters on any mmorpg I play. Getting one capped out takes long enough. But I always do two so I have a class to fall back on if one gets nerfed.
Anyways...from my experience I didn't find getting VR14 to be as tedious the second time as it was the first time when I needed a bagillion xp to level. Oh yeah also I didn't run out of quests and never not once did I do a single Craglorn Quest.
max.ascione99nrb18_ESO wrote: »When did ZOS say they were going to remove VR ranks, can someone give me a link?
ZOS_MariaAliprando wrote: »Greetings! I am Maria Aliprando, Gameplay Designer on the Champion System.
We are hard at work on it and I’m here to answer a few of your questions. Most of these questions were also asked during our Guild Round Table in the last two days.
How will the current system change when the Champion System gets introduced?
The Champion System will introduce new past lvl 50 progression for your account where previously there was only an increase in Veteran Ranks and Attributes. The Champion System allows you spend points in the constellations to earn powerful passives such as giving your bash a chance to snare targets, reduce the amount of damage you take from flames or leech health on critical strikes.
What happens to the Veteran Ranks we currently have VR1-12?
We want to remove the Veteran Ranks from the game and rely on the more active progression provided by the Champion System. However, when we release the Champion System we will continue to maintain Veteran Ranks. We have several options as to how we will remove Veteran Ranks but all of them require time and careful planning. In the meantime, we are making Veteran Ranks earned by XP and reducing the overall time it takes to get a Veteran Rank. We are also rewarding an Attribute Point and a Skill Point each time you reach a Veteran Rank.
What happens to the Skill Points from VR1-12? Are they carried over to the CS instead?
The Skill Points we reward will not be removed from you! You will continue to have the same amount of Skill Points you do now. The Champion System does not reward any Skill Points, only gaining Veteran Ranks does. When we take out Veteran Ranks we will make sure that anyone that didn't make it max Veteran Rank will still rewarded with those Skill Points.
Does everyone that is a Veteran Rank get lowered back to lvl50? Or are the Ranks staying, but only being changed to lvl 51, 52, etc instead?
Similar to an answer before, we just don’t know yet.
Should players that are VR1+ still work towards VR12 or should they just wait until the new changes.
Continue to play! We are tracking your XP as you advance your way through Veteran Ranks and even past VR14. When the Champion System comes out we will reward you points right away based on the amount of XP you have earned up to a cap. In general, most people won’t reach the cap and we do not know what that cap is yet. We're still working out that value and making sure to take a look at the XP you all are earning.
Even if they get rid of VR ranks and I hope they don't you still will NEVER be able to compete with ppl who play a lot. Nor should you. We all grinded one way or another and if you don't want to don't do it or better yet don't play. A vr1 should not be able to compete with a vr14 and even if they remove VR ranks there will still be a huge gap and that VR 14 was once a vr1 and he or she once grinded too. If you are bored go play another game and if you are a casual player that's fine but don't think that your logic or desires applies to me or other hard core players. I play a lot and want to keep playing I like pvp and am 9.5 assault and support. There are ppl who are 10 and they have three abilities I don't have they have an advantage over me. Waahhhh they play more than me and may or may not be better. I think leveling alliance ranks is tough but guess what it's a game of hundreds of hours or a thousand and you should not insist ZOS dumb down things to suit you. Go alpha Camelot unchained or something. I have not finished silver or even started Gold in PVE and that must be ZOS's fault as well. I should be able to get through the content in an afternoon or ZOS should change it. Go watch tv or wash your car.
Ahh you just agreed with me you buckled down and did it and grinded it out and you are obviously not a casual player. If you were bored you would not have grinded out that many characters. So after a year they have nerfed all kinds of stuff and yet seems they did not hold you back from leveling sooo many toons. BTW as for your personal dig grinding is not an actual skill.
If you think leveling takes too much time then you should have been here several months ago when it took millions of xp just to go from vr 13~14. That was just for one level. For every level it was something like 500k worth of xp added each time.
I never skipped quests, never grinding dungeons or bosses, never used a single exploit and finally at Vr 14 I was at 28 playtime days. To break up the monotony I farmed materials and capped all crafts out, worked on achievements such as
collecting 1000 treasure chests and refined 10,000 stacks of materials, etc. I was able to farm so much material that I ended up with over 25 stacks of tri~pots! not to mentions made a hell of a lot of gold.
For my second character it took me 18 playtime days, I did everything exactly the same and the only thing that was different was that Xp had all already been revamped at only needing a million a level. I know I could have easily got to Vr 14 in several days or less but in the end I ended up with more crafting materials, tri~pots and gold than I will probaly ever use in the rest of my time playing this game.
In other words leveling up to me puts more strain on your mind than anything. You can either hate it, love it, tolerate it or become a robot and just go, go,go. Finding other things in game to work on while I farmed xp helped me with the monotony
and I didn't feel like such a robot while playing. I never ever level up more than two characters on any mmorpg I play. Getting one capped out takes long enough. But I always do two so I have a class to fall back on if one gets nerfed.
Anyways...from my experience I didn't find getting VR14 to be as tedious the second time as it was the first time when I needed a bagillion xp to level. Oh yeah also I didn't run out of quests and never not once did I do a single Craglorn Quest.
Look man... They lowered the xp needed but DESTROYED the xp gained per quest, per mob, per dolmen, per delve, etc.
I was here. Leveling was a breeze. It's painful, long, terrible, boring, and a one-way street right now.
Drop the whole "I had to walk up hill both ways to school" crap. Leveling was literally 10x easier to put up with before.
Lack comprehension skills I'm neither for or against dropping VR ranks and frankly I could care less.
What I posted was my own experience. If you don't like it well I really don't care. You can complain or cry all you want but the fact is that it took me longer to hit vr 14 on my NB before all the xp was reduced to what it is now. 28 playtime days on my NB. 18 playtime days on my DK. Maybe It is harder for you cause your living up to your name too much bg22 or should I say
baby gamer22.
firstdecan wrote: »I_killed_Vivec wrote: »1. I'm not sure Vr levels will ever be removed, because I don't see how they can do it without screwing it up.
2. I seriously doubt removing Vr levels will solve the underlying issues that are caused by the lack of new content. The partial justice system can only keep one's interest for so long.
This is it in a pragmatic nutshell.
Look at it from the ZoS viewpoint - they add VR because otherwise people "finish" too soon and have nothing to do. They add Craglorn because people who have finished have nothing to do. They add CP and Justice because people who have reached VR14 and finished Craglorn have nothing to do. But now the game is buy to play and people are busy grinding CP.
And we are ALL waiting for new content...
If they wanted real PvE longevity, they would have procedurally generated content. Instances delves for a variable number of people that takes some time to explore.
You could honestly just scale everyone back to lv50. Yes, I do understand exactly how much this would shake things up by removing crafting mats and a sense of progression, but this would hardly be the first time ZOS has done something like this.
Just hear me out. Barring the frustration that some players will undoubtedly feel at losing those 14 ranks, ZOS has stated implicitly that you would still not be losing the skill points gained from advancing through the Veteran ranks.
With everyone as a level 50, Cadwell's Almanac then becomes a CHOICE for those who wish to experience the other factions' storylines, a huge source of skill points, and most importantly a method of advancement for gaining CP.
If you dislike this, you could still PvP or AoE grind, but w/out the huge artificial gap between 50 and endgame, one could start obtaining the gear that they need to participate in OTHER endgame activities like Trials much sooner.
But what about progression? Trials would be rewarding powerful Season gear, giving players a much-needed carrot for their now-empty sticks and for those just hitting the endgame scene, previous Season's gear would be obtainable in a much easier fashion so they would no longer be barred from playing the game how they like.
And of course, there IS the Champ system that is supposed to allow players more flexibility in how they spec their characters. I personally would have liked to see a cap on the total number of CP a character could use, making the system one of horizontal progression rather than an extremely long vertical one, but it is still rather new.
Again, I DO understand the frustration at losing perceived progression in the Veteran system, but the whole system is just an artificial gating tool that serves more to separate players (and cause them to leave entirely) more than anything else. While its concept may be sound, the simple reality of the situation is that Veteran ranks are driving much of the player base away. I'm reluctant to hold on to any vestige of this debacle.
I honestly feel that the game as a whole will be SO MUCH better for everyone once it's been cleansed of the VR system and there is much more actual CHOICE brought back to a game founded on that very principle.
You could honestly just scale everyone back to lv50. Yes, I do understand exactly how much this would shake things up by removing crafting mats and a sense of progression, but this would hardly be the first time ZOS has done something like this.
Just hear me out. Barring the frustration that some players will undoubtedly feel at losing those 14 ranks, ZOS has stated implicitly that you would still not be losing the skill points gained from advancing through the Veteran ranks.
With everyone as a level 50, Cadwell's Almanac then becomes a CHOICE for those who wish to experience the other factions' storylines, a huge source of skill points, and most importantly a method of advancement for gaining CP.
If you dislike this, you could still PvP or AoE grind, but w/out the huge artificial gap between 50 and endgame, one could start obtaining the gear that they need to participate in OTHER endgame activities like Trials much sooner.
But what about progression? Trials would be rewarding powerful Season gear, giving players a much-needed carrot for their now-empty sticks and for those just hitting the endgame scene, previous Season's gear would be obtainable in a much easier fashion so they would no longer be barred from playing the game how they like.
And of course, there IS the Champ system that is supposed to allow players more flexibility in how they spec their characters. I personally would have liked to see a cap on the total number of CP a character could use, making the system one of horizontal progression rather than an extremely long vertical one, but it is still rather new.
Again, I DO understand the frustration at losing perceived progression in the Veteran system, but the whole system is just an artificial gating tool that serves more to separate players (and cause them to leave entirely) more than anything else. While its concept may be sound, the simple reality of the situation is that Veteran ranks are driving much of the player base away. I'm reluctant to hold on to any vestige of this debacle.
I honestly feel that the game as a whole will be SO MUCH better for everyone once it's been cleansed of the VR system and there is much more actual CHOICE brought back to a game founded on that very principle.
pecheckler wrote: »I don't get it. Going through the storyline, cadwell's silver and gold, I am a full 3 levels ahead of the zones which i'm in, and I typically miss 25% of the quests in a zone. Haven't even reached gold yet. There is plenty of quest/story content to level to VR14 without grinding. What is this complaint even about? What is the basis?
Do people just want to be instantly leveled to VR14 to they can compete in PvP?
If that's so, then maybe Zenimax should have done the same as the geniuses at ArenaNet did with guild wars 2, and completely segregate PvP with the same pool of select-able stats/builds/equipment as everyone else. Equal footing, no advantages besides player practice and skill. No PvP game which grants a stat advantage to players who invest more hours or dollars has ever been respectable. Which is exactly why the champion point system is the wrong direction to go for ESO PvP. Why do you think MoBA games and shooters are so hugely popular? They are fair, like sports. Each match begins on an equal footing. A player who hasn't played in a year can jump right in and compete.
No PvP-loving ESO player returning after 6 months can just jump right back in and compete, not without a disadvantage.
pecheckler wrote: »I don't get it. Going through the storyline, cadwell's silver and gold, I am a full 3 levels ahead of the zones which i'm in, and I typically miss 25% of the quests in a zone. Haven't even reached gold yet. There is plenty of quest/story content to level to VR14 without grinding. What is this complaint even about? What is the basis?
Do people just want to be instantly leveled to VR14 to they can compete in PvP?