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I can't do it... I can't level anymore. Please remove the Veteran Ranks now instead of waiting.

  • Endenium
    I, for one, would like to hear some more realistic alternatives to the Vet system.

    What would work in its place?

    Should we throw it out entirely?

    Or can we just increase mob XP so people can grind like they seem to enjoy doing already?

    Double, triple quest XP?

    I don't know. You tell me.
  • Xandryah

    I can't comment on the Cyrodiil balance really because I rarely PvP but players are already scaled in Cyrodiil so it's not really so it's not really something to consider as it's already in place. Whether or not the scaling formula is working is another matter. I'm sure further tweaks are in order and I don't think a V1 character (that will obviously have far less CP) should ever be completely equal to a V14. There still needs to be progression and something to strive towards IMO. Not to say that a V1 should have no chance against a V14 but a diminished chance is certainly expected IMO (even with scaling) because that person has fewer CP and less character development.

    In my defense I never used the word "bruh" and I still think dropping people to 50 won't work (or won't work well) which my suggestion clearly demonstrates. ;)[/quote]

    i once fought against a lvl 18 Templar and i was a veteran 14 Nightblade in purple gear.... and i had to fight maybe 3 very long minutes maybe 5, it was endless , he was probably a healer, but it was so 1000% disencouraging to see how my NB was struggling...and the skills were the "classic" ones... i had a decent and competitive Nightblade as far as i can judge (this is out of question in my opinion).... that "balance" really was disencouraging, plus all those many my 3-seconds-deaths without a chance to learn anything or to have a 2nd chance because once you are dead in Cyrodil you are dead for another 10 miles run...

    well , i just hope the game gets better ....

  • Vivecc
    @Xandryah by yerself a MOUNT then you dont need to run :D

    and in general (but only my lil opinion) i´m fine with the vet- System and the leveling and the xp gains.
    i made ALL my vet lvl in cyrodiil but 10-11 i grinded in craglorn. Must be even easier right now, cuz much more xp than at my time.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Trolling & Baiting]
    Edited by ZOS_EveP on April 23, 2015 9:57AM
  • Rhajin
    I agree with this post. All I want to do after I got to what should be max level (50) I just want to PvP and run dungeons and trials and do pledges, but now that I have to basically level through 2 whole alliance zones which is like getting 2 more characters to level 50, but instead I'm wasting my time with one character.. Wtf zenimax?
  • Cagro
    I too agree with this post. Please remove veteran's levels.
  • NewBlacksmurf
    Endenium wrote: »
    So Ive read most of the comments on this thread, and from what I see the argument is dominated by those of us that realize that leveling from v1 to v14 is a slow and painful process. It takes too long and requires too much repetition to achieve the goal in mind.

    Now on the other side of this are people who have nothing more insightful to argue than "so what? if you don't like it, don't play it."

    When I hear that, I cant help but imagine a wheezy, nasally sounding kid with 10,000 pimples, pushing up his glasses with his finger, then crossing his arms as if he has said anything relevant whatsoever in any way possible.

    Now please, allow me to answer that most ridiculous of questions and that most absurd rhetoric. With caps lock, of course.





    Ok? Do you get it now?

    We want this game to be FUN. Not a giant money pit. Not a time vortex that just sucks our souls away right along with our youth..

    We all put money into this game. Therefore, we should all get a say in how it is managed and how it is developed. That is the very reason ZOS created the forums for us.

    So if your only argument in support of the redundant and arduous, obnoxiously long journey from v1 to v14 is to tell people to stop playing, then you shouldn't be too surprised when they actually do quit playing. Actually, a lot of us did. ZOS had to drop the subscription model just to get people back into it. But if you think that subscriptions are the only reason that people quit playing, then you're crazy.

    People play video games for FUN. Amusement. The thrill of overcoming a challenge in a stimulating and entertaining way.

    Nobody plays a video game to get headaches and start growing gray hair.

    And even though we realize that there are some redeemable qualities in the current vet rank system, in the end, its simply too painful to endure - 8 times over for those of us who want to use all 8 of our character slots.

    Since when did gaming become a full time job?

    It shouldn't be that way.

    So stop fighting us on the issue and JOIN us.

    THIS! Minus the insults but otherwise, great comment
    If we are all on the same page, we can get ZOS to listen to us and give us the game that we want.

    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • Naivefanboi
    When you remove vet levels please delete my account thanks.
  • Genomic
    When you remove vet levels please delete my account thanks.

    But you've been playing the game for ages with the knowledge that they intend to remove vet levels...
  • EQBallzz
    Genomic wrote: »
    When you remove vet levels please delete my account thanks.

    But you've been playing the game for ages with the knowledge that they intend to remove vet levels...

    We also played for ages with the knowledge that they would never switch from subs or that they were tracking our XP. Who can believe anything they say now?
  • Genomic
    EQBallzz wrote: »
    Genomic wrote: »
    When you remove vet levels please delete my account thanks.

    But you've been playing the game for ages with the knowledge that they intend to remove vet levels...

    We also played for ages with the knowledge that they would never switch from subs or that they were tracking our XP. Who can believe anything they say now?

    Well yeah, but that's kind of the reverse of vet level removals. They were silent about B2P until the last minute. With vet levels they've said all along their plan was to remove them. I don't understand how people could be upset if ZOS actually did something they said they'd do.
  • Khami
    bg22 wrote: »
    I literally cannot stand to level to max again. I'm VR3 (gained V1-V3 doing solo PvP in Cyrodiil) and I cannot PvE for more than 30 seconds without losing complete interest so much so that I either re-enter Cyrodiil, or exit the game.

    I know they plan to remove the Veteran Ranks in June, but why wait..? Just do it. I cannot push myself to go through another 100 levels worth of content for a second time...

    No video-game should be painful in any aspect, and V1-V14 is just that, painful.

    It does NOTHING good for the game. It creates GIGANTIC gaps between players, nothing more, nothing less. That is simply it. A gap creating element.

    People who are really only interested in PvP become frustrated because they are nearly worhtless until around V10, and simply feel turned off to the game because they have to PvE.

    Players who want to complete in the PvE that really matters (once you've loyally defended your alliance), only want to get sweet gear from dungeon runs (trials, etc.) and compete for top times, raid with friends, etc..

    But they're forced to become a traitor and defend the other alliances (which many of us dispise).

    ZoS... Please just remove them now. It does NOTHING to help your game. In fact, it really, really just hurts it.

    I think this is ZOS version of gear progression. This game lacks one big time. The drops from the Undaunted quests are utter junk.
  • BloodStorm
    Turn vet levels into regular levels. Vet 14 becomes 64 and next DLC max is 70. Other ES games do this and I think vet levels were put in place to try and make the game appear different than other games , but different is not always better.
  • NadiusMaximus
    They can't.

    Gear sets and stats would get toooooooooo screwed up.
  • MrDenimChicken
    When 1.6 came out, I came back and started playing both ESO and GW2 as a noob in both. I actually had fun while leveling. I couldn't decide on which game I wanted to be my main game between ESO and GW2 at first. But just hearing about leveling in veteran ranks really dissuades me from becoming invested in the game.

    The whole concept just sounds horrible, and just hearing about it is enough to make me switch over to GW2 and not touch ESO, despite liking the pve aspect on the way to endgame. Getting one level per zone and grinding through the OTHER realm's quests?? And trash mobs become more of a chore to kill? That just sounds like it would become pure work, with little feeling of character development.

    I'm not sure if this is violating any rules, talking about liking another game more. It probably is. But I just wish ESO knew that their game has potential. They just get in their own way by holding on to some really poor design decisions, which as we see with some games, like Diablo 3, can really be fixed for the better.
  • Eliteseraph
    The entire leveling curve and exp gains for vet levels are built around a subscription model. You can virtually FEEL the slowdown that's the hallmarks of a game that makes money the longer you play it.

    In light of the non-subscription model that ESO now uses, what purpose does the ridiculous grind of vet levels and CP gain serve? Profits from the current model primarily come from the Crown store and DLC purchases, not from subscriptions. The need to slow people down in order to extend subscription revenue no longer exists.

    I get that the console release is the primary focus of Zenimax right now. But what it feels like is that the current game is being neglected. I really hope that once the console version is released Zenimax can move on to making the game better overall.

    Because right now I can't even think of a good reason to log in and play. Alts are a monstrous waste of time. Grinding vet levels is as well, since we know they're going away. Player vs Door is dull and boring. With the GW2 expansion on the horizon, I'm finding it very difficult to stick around this game, or give it any more of my money and time unless things get drastically better soon.
    Edited by Eliteseraph on April 19, 2015 9:26AM
    "What a sad world we live in, where politeness is mistaken for weakness." - Usagi Yojimbo
  • Heromofo
    In the latest eso live they again stated that veteran levels are going soon. My guess is all focus is on console version atm then after it will go with the dlc or update.
  • Heromofo
    I just hope they stop this working for the enemy crap with it lol. After hitting 50 i dont want to help the enemy at all if i want to do there quests i will make a character on that side. Infact that is the best 3st reason to want to level alts lol.
  • KontrolledKhaos
    I really hope ZOS fired whichever genius employee came up with vet levels. Anyone who is so stupid and shortsighted enough to conceive such an atrocious system does not deserve to continue working in the game industry.
    Edited by KontrolledKhaos on April 19, 2015 10:07AM
  • EQBallzz
    When 1.6 came out, I came back and started playing both ESO and GW2 as a noob in both. I actually had fun while leveling. I couldn't decide on which game I wanted to be my main game between ESO and GW2 at first. But just hearing about leveling in veteran ranks really dissuades me from becoming invested in the game.

    The whole concept just sounds horrible, and just hearing about it is enough to make me switch over to GW2 and not touch ESO, despite liking the pve aspect on the way to endgame. Getting one level per zone and grinding through the OTHER realm's quests?? And trash mobs become more of a chore to kill? That just sounds like it would become pure work, with little feeling of character development.

    I'm not sure if this is violating any rules, talking about liking another game more. It probably is. But I just wish ESO knew that their game has potential. They just get in their own way by holding on to some really poor design decisions, which as we see with some games, like Diablo 3, can really be fixed for the better.

    So you don't think vet levels are giving any feeling of character development but you are comparing it to GW2? A game that has almost no character development? Where everyone is equal from the start and all gear is essentially identical and you get the 5 skills you will use forever by the time you hit 30? Or maybe you think character development is getting new cosmetic outfits? That's a strange sense of character development you have there.
  • Eliteseraph
    GW2 is mostly a skill based game. You as the player get better instead of just smashing your enemies with superior levels or gear. That's miles ahead of what other MMOs do.

    All the depth of GW2 is in the possible builds and roles. Its not simple tank/heal/DPS.
    "What a sad world we live in, where politeness is mistaken for weakness." - Usagi Yojimbo
  • NewBlacksmurf
    BloodStorm wrote: »
    Turn vet levels into regular levels. Vet 14 becomes 64 and next DLC max is 70. Other ES games do this and I think vet levels were put in place to try and make the game appear different than other games , but different is not always better.

    No to changing any character max levels
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • idk
    bg22 wrote: »
    I literally cannot stand to level to max again. I'm VR3 (gained V1-V3 doing solo PvP in Cyrodiil) and I cannot PvE for more than 30 seconds without losing complete interest so much so that I either re-enter Cyrodiil, or exit the game.

    Even with the recent increase to PvP XP going solo PvP in Cyrodill is extremely slow XP. The worst way to try to level a character sans standing still in a city.
  • Aevric
    GW2 is mostly a skill based game. You as the player get better instead of just smashing your enemies with superior levels or gear. That's miles ahead of what other MMOs do.

    All the depth of GW2 is in the possible builds and roles. Its not simple tank/heal/DPS.

    And that's why I quit GW2 less than a month after launch. Completely boring. MMO's and "twitch" combat are a horrible combination. If I wanted a "twitch" game, I'd buy a console and play an FPS.
    Not to mention that their "new content" mainly consists of seasonal/holiday events that last a week or so, then disappear.
  • EQBallzz
    Aevric wrote: »
    GW2 is mostly a skill based game. You as the player get better instead of just smashing your enemies with superior levels or gear. That's miles ahead of what other MMOs do.

    All the depth of GW2 is in the possible builds and roles. Its not simple tank/heal/DPS.

    And that's why I quit GW2 less than a month after launch. Completely boring. MMO's and "twitch" combat are a horrible combination. If I wanted a "twitch" game, I'd buy a console and play an FPS.
    Not to mention that their "new content" mainly consists of seasonal/holiday events that last a week or so, then disappear.

    I couldn't agree more. That game was boring. No character progression. I would also argue it is not a skill based game because there is no trinity. It's nothing more than a bunch of DPS mashing buttons and dodging AE circles endlessly and mindlessly. Those big dragon events were laughable. No skill whatsoever. Just a mass zerg of players. Is it even possible to lose one of those? i doubt it. Dungeons were nothing more than ppl dying repeatedly and running back over and over. I actually liked the atmosphere and graphics of GW2 but the progression and lack of trinity killed it for me. No healing or tanking = boring pile of crap.
  • Davadin
    bg22 wrote: »
    Elder_III wrote: »
    VR 1-14 is a complete and utter breeze now. It is not hard or tedious it's just something that the instant gratification generation is too lazy to put the effort in to do it. Man up and do it or don't complain that you're character is weaker. If it's that unappealing for people then it's obvious they picked the wrong game.

    Yeah, it's a breeze if you're unemployed and single.

    Other than that it takes forever man.

    But on a different note, other than time... It's just the simple fact that I (and a LOT of other ppl) don't want to help the other factions man.. That just makes the time sink 10x worse.

    I'm married, full time jobs and a very active 3 yr old, in midst of finding new property to move and financing and all that crap.

    I spent 1hr at least, sometimes 2hr every night (except weekends?).

    Took me a couple enjoyable and fun weeks to go through VR for a new char.

    What's the problem here? That the content is so boring that you sleep on your keyboard? Because all you want to do is the "end game" raiding and gears looting?

    It's not a time sink. It's content. If you don't like it, then you're playing the wrong game.

    Man up, boy.

    Damn, MMO players who wants to enjoy end-game only kinda tick me off.

    Maybe it's Monday morning. Maybe I haven't had my coffee.

    PS: As a Nord, I'm VERY loyal subject to the Pact, and I feel your pain of not wanting to help the other alliance. In fact, that is the biggest motivator for me to keep playing PvP.
    But sometimes you gotta man it up and try to look at things differently, adjust your expectation and figure out cost vs benefit... then just try to enjoy it.
    Edited by Davadin on April 20, 2015 2:39PM
    August Palatine Davadin Bloodstrake - Nord Dragon Knight - PC NA - Gray Host
    Greymoor 6.0.7 PvP : Medium 2H/SnB The Destroyer
    Dragonhold 5.2.11 PvE : Medium DW/2H The Blood Furnace
    March 2021 (too lazy to add CP) PvP: Medium DW/Bow The Stabber
  • nastuug
    Davadin wrote: »
    bg22 wrote: »
    Elder_III wrote: »
    VR 1-14 is a complete and utter breeze now. It is not hard or tedious it's just something that the instant gratification generation is too lazy to put the effort in to do it. Man up and do it or don't complain that you're character is weaker. If it's that unappealing for people then it's obvious they picked the wrong game.

    Yeah, it's a breeze if you're unemployed and single.

    Other than that it takes forever man.

    But on a different note, other than time... It's just the simple fact that I (and a LOT of other ppl) don't want to help the other factions man.. That just makes the time sink 10x worse.

    I'm married, full time jobs and a very active 3 yr old, in midst of finding new property to move and financing and all that crap.

    I spent 1hr at least, sometimes 2hr every night (except weekends?).

    Took me a couple enjoyable and fun weeks to go through VR for a new char.

    What's the problem here? That the content is so boring that you sleep on your keyboard? Because all you want to do is the "end game" raiding and gears looting?

    It's not a time sink. It's content. If you don't like it, then you're playing the wrong game.

    Man up, boy.

    Damn, MMO players who wants to enjoy end-game only kinda tick me off.

    Maybe it's Monday morning. Maybe I haven't had my coffee.

    PS: As a Nord, I'm VERY loyal subject to the Pact, and I feel your pain of not wanting to help the other alliance. In fact, that is the biggest motivator for me to keep playing PvP.
    But sometimes you gotta man it up and try to look at things differently, adjust your expectation and figure out cost vs benefit... then just try to enjoy it.

    This is probably the best response so far.
  • Varicite
    Davadin wrote: »
    bg22 wrote: »
    Elder_III wrote: »
    VR 1-14 is a complete and utter breeze now. It is not hard or tedious it's just something that the instant gratification generation is too lazy to put the effort in to do it. Man up and do it or don't complain that you're character is weaker. If it's that unappealing for people then it's obvious they picked the wrong game.

    Yeah, it's a breeze if you're unemployed and single.

    Other than that it takes forever man.

    But on a different note, other than time... It's just the simple fact that I (and a LOT of other ppl) don't want to help the other factions man.. That just makes the time sink 10x worse.

    I'm married, full time jobs and a very active 3 yr old, in midst of finding new property to move and financing and all that crap.

    I spent 1hr at least, sometimes 2hr every night (except weekends?).

    Took me a couple enjoyable and fun weeks to go through VR for a new char.

    What's the problem here? That the content is so boring that you sleep on your keyboard? Because all you want to do is the "end game" raiding and gears looting?

    It's not a time sink. It's content. If you don't like it, then you're playing the wrong game.

    Man up, boy.

    Damn, MMO players who wants to enjoy end-game only kinda tick me off.

    Maybe it's Monday morning. Maybe I haven't had my coffee.

    PS: As a Nord, I'm VERY loyal subject to the Pact, and I feel your pain of not wanting to help the other alliance. In fact, that is the biggest motivator for me to keep playing PvP.
    But sometimes you gotta man it up and try to look at things differently, adjust your expectation and figure out cost vs benefit... then just try to enjoy it.

    It's rehashed content. That you are forced to do.

    Multiple times.

    It IS a time sink and there's literally no reason for it. It wasn't even intended to be this way, but beta testers (an EXTREMELY small subsect of the actual player base) complained that they didn't want to roll alts to see the other faction's storylines, and voila:

    The Champion System was born.

    Plenty of people manned up by finding other games that aren't needlessly tedious to play, just like plenty of people came back when it went B2P, realized it still sucks to grind V1-14 and left again.

    The Champ System is going. Period. That's still the plan, which they confirmed again recently.

    Sometimes you gotta man up. And sometimes you gotta realize that *** ain't sunshine.
  • wraith808
    Varicite wrote: »
    It's rehashed content. That you are forced to do.

    Multiple times.

    It IS a time sink and there's literally no reason for it. It wasn't even intended to be this way, but beta testers (an EXTREMELY small subsect of the actual player base) complained that they didn't want to roll alts to see the other faction's storylines, and voila:

    The Champion System was born.

    Plenty of people manned up by finding other games that aren't needlessly tedious to play, just like plenty of people came back when it went B2P, realized it still sucks to grind V1-14 and left again.

    The Champ System is going. Period. That's still the plan, which they confirmed again recently.

    Sometimes you gotta man up. And sometimes you gotta realize that *** ain't sunshine.

    That goes both ways. Merely removing the VRs isn't going to do anything for the perceived problems. Who knows what the end game is? The best result would be to unlock content and allow for a equitable experience gain from progressing in different ways. Removing VRs by itself addresses none of the underlying issues. VR is just a scapegoat.
    Quasim ibn-Muhammad - VR 12 Redguard Dragon Knight
    Taladriel Vanima - VR 5 Altmer Nightblade
    Ambalyo iyo Bogaadin - VR 1 Redguard Sorceror
  • Sphinx2318
    Keep Vet Ranks and re-introduce grinding areas. problem solved
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