PTS Patch Notes v1.6.2

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
We will be performing maintenance on the PTS on Tuesday at 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC).
  • ItsMeToo
    Outlaws Refuges •Reduced the number of entrances to Outlaws Refuges based on your feedback. There is now one entrance outside the city, and one inside the city limits.

    Please put them all back in the game. If you ever implement the PvP part of the JS, there will be grieving caused by people standing outside of these few exits killing players as they leave or try to enter.

    Put wayshrines in the Outlaw Refuges to help keep grieving under control.
    FYI - There is no such thing as 'night capping' in a world wide MMO.
    FYI - There was no paid Beta. When they launched the game the Beta was over, even if you don't think it was.
    FYI - It's B2P not F2P. There is a difference.
    FYI - It doesn't take any player skill to mash keys or buttons in this game. The ones that stay alive longer have the better internet connection and speed.
    FYI - The game is not broken, it still works. It just has 'bugs' that need to be fixed.
    Balance is a "Bad" thing.

    Example: There were hundreds of Jedi and only two Sith in Star Wars. The Jedi wanted, "Balance in the Force" and they got it. Now there are only two Jedi and two Sith.

    Balance is a "Bad" thing.
    Is the glass half full or half empty?
    I say, "Get a smaller glass."
  • Beleron
    So they adjusted the hp bonus from set pieces? TO BE LESS? so we STILL HAVE OUR INSANE DMG and got LESS HP...

    Zos, you are NOT seeing the main problem here.

    You 100% need to make people choose between either high crit multiplier amounts, or high crit chances. So you can do crazy crits, but there rare, or crit allot, but you do 1.5x normal dmg, not 5x normal dmg.

    Also the justice system STILL has guards that TRANSCEND daedric lords like molag bal. There too strong. You need an actual military force hunting for you, not 1 guard being stronger then a daedric prince.

    You need things to scale off more than 3 damn stats. Force people to pick and choose. Not blow everything into magica.....
    Regen needs to be more important, pots need to be less important.
    Crit multiplier needs to be more important, and we need to be forced to actually build it up, in exchange for higher crit chance.

    Oh and you take things that scale off max hp, and make it scale off your lvl and rank ? ok now theres REALLY no point to having high hp. Nothing scales off it, and those with high magica 1 hit you no matter what.

    ZOS your making small tweaks. THE PROBLEMS ARE NOT SMALL. You need BIG tweaks.

    As for the OP bubbles and shields. Make there actual amount scale off your max hp. If you stack magica, ok, you can cast it more often, and keep re casting when it breaks. If you have high hp, it lasts longer and is stronger. Not its all off your magica so its freaking huge and too easy to keep re casting.
    All bubbles that only effect 1 person, needs to make all regen ZERO when its active. To force you to toggle between the bubble and keeps your resources.
    All that removing the fact, that it stopped all regen of the user, when you cast it, did, was dumb it down.
    Edited by Beleron on February 11, 2015 12:09AM
  • DeLindsay
    Transfer shows the exact same values now for 1/2 and 2/2, which is 1 Ultimate per 6 seconds.
  • Joy_Division
    Taonnor wrote: »

    Are you serious?!

    Decreased the damage of Force Shock and Crushing Shock by 10%.

    So new Trials Meta:


    What do you mean new? It's been like this since December...
  • Mix
    Hmmm gonna have to go on a crime spree and see how only 2 refuge entrances works out. I did enjoy the design before and I didn't find it confusing. I admit I did find spots where I could get a bounty and go to a refuge and not risk passing a guard, but not being able to get to a refuge without passing a guard while having a bounty...doesn't that also defeat the purpose of the refuges?

    I love whoever said that npcs tell the guards who killed them on the way back from the wayshrine after rezzing:D Seeing as the npcs are all named that makes perfect sense! Epic!
  • Gyudan
    Decreased the damage of Force Shock and Crushing Shock by 10%.
    This change is also affecting the other morph of Force Shock: Force Pulse. Was this intended?
  • Joy_Division
    I knew people in general were self-interested, biased, and generally reluctant to objectively analyze stuff that directly affected their livelihood, worldview, or entertainment.

    But sometimes these forums are ridiculous. I mean I STILL read complaints about the nerf that prevented people from sneaking faster than a sprinting horse...are you joking?

    Saber Ali is right. Crushing Shock is one of the best skills in the game. It does everything with little opportunity cost. It is also - contrary to what many sorc posters think - NOT their skill! The very fact that every competitive magicka build and their mother used it should clue any objective observer that the skill is too good in relation to the alternatives. Your build was nerfed? You aren't a special flower, we all have to adjust. If you really want the Devs to take your feedback seriously stop given them ridiculous feedback and trying to say CS was fine and dandy when it completely blows away every ranged attack option.

    CS is easily the skill I have used the most often playing the game the past 4 months and I say FINALLY. I'm tired of my rotation being CS-CS-CS-CS-CS-CS-CS-CS-CS...

    If actual SORCERER DPS is still a problem in 1.6 going forward...and if the duelers on the PTS are to believed it is the opposite (although I'm dubious of their claims because 75% of them are self-interested non-sorcerers)...then this should be the feedback that is submitted in a clear, concise, and objective matter. Specifically feedback that is not reliant on a skill that has nothing to do with sorcerers and one that is so much better than alternatives that it is the only viable choice.
    Edited by Joy_Division on February 11, 2015 12:28AM
  • david.haypreub18_ESO
    Sallington wrote: »
    "Puncturing Strikes: Reduced the damage of this ability’s single target damage to 140% from 170%. This ability also now applies CC immunity."

    But no CC immunity for Talons?

    Ain't it the truth.

    Templars are 'just slower... by design'
    Yes, Gina actually said that (at least regarding Rushed Ceremony) right here:
    VR 16 Templar (retired until Templars get fixed)
    VR 16 Sorcerer
    38 Nightblade
    24 DK
  • timidobserver
    I kind of like that the guards are all basically Walker Texas Ranger. It makes crime more subtle since you can't just murder all of the guards and then go about your business stealing everything in sight.
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • Ysne58
    I think the decrease in entrances to the outlaw refuges, particularly in the large cities is a mistake.
  • LonePirate
    Crafting & Economy
    • All foods previously known as tacos have been changed to pasty, and sake has been changed to mazte.

    There's at least one item in the game where sake was not changed to mazte.


  • Ashtaris

    Because those destruction staff skills are certainly only used by sorcs.

    OK, then name another major DPS class skill that Sorcs can use? Crystal Frags don't count because of the cast and proc times required. Huh? Why are you so silent?

  • RoyJade
    CS needed a nerf, but sorc need a huge boost who affect them only in pve (and not only magicka sorc, but also stamina sorc). Actually, it's the worst class of the game who suffer the most about CS nerf.
    Who say "hitting a head horse" ?
  • Vyle_Byte
    You say 'based on feedback', I'd like to know where you get this feedback you speak of. Because from where I sit, I see what PLAYER feedback is and its pretty much the opposite of what you do.

    Seriously. Stop telling us that things are based on what we want. Its not true and it really pisses off your loyal customers who ARE STILL HERE.

    Also, what the hell ever happened to ' we are going to buff not nerf ' The nerfs are friggin ridiculous. You have pretty much buried the Sorc and DK classes ( im not a dk, dont even like them BUT STOP NERFING ALREADY!) so, seriously, what the frack are you guys doing to our beloved game?! You cant nerf entire classes into the ground and expect people to be happy and still want to play.


    Member of the Old Guard
    Mother of the Byte Family
    Vyle Byte||Ivana Byte||Vyible Byte||Hakate Vampler Former EMPRESS BWB||Haan Zolo {Retired} (He swung first)||Lunari ||Wardyn Chalyk Tahno||Dirti Dianah||Bonnie||
    Viva la Byte
  • LuxanQualta
    Reducing the number of entrances to outlaw refuges is a big mistake in my opinion. The way it was with four to six entrances made it exciting and added value. Having only two entrances makes escape too hard and takes the fun out of it. And for RP value, two entrances just takes the realism out of it - what kind of crooked outfit would limit themselves to one entrance to their lair in a town? They'd have to be pretty stupid.

    If people were complaining about all the entrances being confusing, you could fix that with in-game labels or tool-tips on maps to indicate where various entrances led from within the refuge. It isn't necessary to nerf the entrances to make it less confusing.

    Bring back the whole outlaw refuges and dump the nerfed versions.
  • Ageless
    Yes, I am really missing the entrance to the refuge in Davon's Watch harbour. Was easy to use Liezl to go back to DW, then just hop into the grate there. Now I have to travel through the whole town.

    As I burn down and murder, I know that God forgives.
    'Spite all the things I've done my soul yet forever lives.
    And all those caught in the shadow of my wings have cause to fear.
    I swear on all I've done, no evil shall linger here.

  • dylanjaygrobbelaarb16_ESO
    Suntzu1414 wrote: »
    Regarding Enchants:

    Spell and Weapon Enchants (for jewelry) were significantly nerfed (800% comparatively). Would there be any chance, in leveling these equal to other SET buffs (e.g. Magus Set).

    The time needed to learn and craft these, is considerable.

    Please advise.

    The balance here is changed take it as an opportunity do do other things with jewels. I love its no longer a must to have increase power on jewels.
  • PlagueMonk
    AGAIN, not a SINGLE damn bug I found was fixed or suggestion changed. The suggestions are, of course subjective and can't be expected but to not fix the bugs??? /sigh

    Here let me re-post everything......

    150201-001320 Shadowy cloak and Dark cloak STILL do not work in combat! Mobs of all types completely ignore the fact I have turned invisible. How am I supposed to attack from stealth or get away???! Really defeats my Master Assassin passive :persevere:

    One prime example is these new guards. I should, as a rogue type, be ABLE to elude capture much easier than other classes. So the fact that guards completely ignore invisibility is beyond stupid.

    Addendum: SO glad Zenimax went out of their way to make sure this didn't work (even though the guards never had a problem pulling me out of invisibility)

    You continue to nerf Cloak but refuse to actually FIX the damn thing. F-A-I-L.

    150201-001350 Assassination passive, Pressure Points not working correctly. You can clearly see I have 2 Assassination abilities slotted but it only registers one (included a SS)

    (failed to record #) Assassination passive, Master Assassin stun +100% is not working. With this passive and attacking from stealth with ambush I should be stunning for 2 secs. Doesn't work, never has.

    Also the Ult Incapacitating Strike "should" stun for 7 secs because of this passive but again never worked (partially be cause the cloak fails to WORK in combat and most non-trash mobs are immune) An Ult SHOULD work on bosses.

    (failed to record #) The potion ability "vanish" displays a 12.5 secs (was 9 before I invested in potion effectiveness)

    When I use the potion however I stealth for a split second and pop right back out. The other 2 effects (spell crit and health seem to be working. (included SS)

    There some reason why a POTION can stealth me for 4x longer than my own class stealth???

    - Incapacitating Strike (with it's 3.5 sec stun if lower health is STILL an ultra lame ability) Either this stun needs to actually work on every damn boss in the game or it needs to be replaced with something, oh I don't know....USEFUL.

    - When we select an ability to morph it would be nice to know if we have already morphed this ability or both and by how much. I have trained and re-trained so many times I have lost track of what I have trained. This should not be a guessing game!

    Please include either a mouse over or include where the current morphs are in the morph window.

    - The New Skill Grim Focus, there some reason why I would either need 8 light or heavy hits? Heavy hits sake like 3x longer to execute and you really telegraph the blow. The light number should be reduced to 6 and heavy should be 3 in 20 secs.

    - There some reason why my Argonian racial for potion effectiveness was changed? We were told you would not be altering racials but yet.........and this isn't even in the patch notes, imagine that.

    - With new way damage is calculated, Siphoning Attacks 22% damage hit is WAY too costly for the return now. It should be more like 8-10%. You already punish us for having to take up a slot, why the excessive hit to damage?

    - I'm sorry but drinks are STILL pretty worthless and have not been "brought in line" with food, as you claim. the values would need to be 2-3 times higher for people to even consider them. (currently the V10 version is, by live conversion +14 instead of 8)

    - You turn my rare pepper old and provide me with no other rare equivalent like Tomatoes or Oats? That is just plain wrong. If anything it should be turned into Frost Mirriam.

    - Currently reputation dissipates way too quickly. I can be KOS and just by hanging around for 15 mins, be back to good standing? These times should be more like hours. if you choose to steal, there needs to be a bit more severe of a penalty that the slap on the wrist time. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

    - The CP award of 70 for V14s (which really means 33-34 pts per area) is still WAY below what we need even come close to what you took away and locked behind a CP point wall. This number needs to be closer to 70 PER area for a total of 210. I'm not even sure that would do it considering diminishing returns but it would be a start.
  • glak
    Cannot make VR14 Torug's Pact precise lightning staves, so not just affecting restoration staves. Resets back to VR9 mats count upon submit and creates the VR9 version. Replicated issue 100% for 3 times, once without any addons enabled.
    All weapon and armor crafts seem to be affected this way, tried to craft samples of those not mentioned in the patch notes.
    Edited by glak on February 11, 2015 3:34AM
  • Zyle

    Has there been any discussion on the hike in ingredient prices? Are you guys planning on keeping it like it currently is at 150g?

    676 CP
    Zyle - LVL50 Stamina Nightblade - Former Emp AS - VMA Clear (Flawless)
    Joven - LVL50 Hybrid Templar
    Adion - LVL50 Stamina DK
    Radac - LVL50 Magicka Sorcerer
    Vanikath - LVL50 Magicka DK
  • glak
    Cinbri wrote: »
    I am templar, and wanna say - serioulsy, stop nerfing dks.
    I've never seen a game's pet class nerfed with so much prejudice. Paul Sage, where are you?
  • whitebeard00
    Please reconsider the visual effect of Inferno. What is the with the swirling balls around characters (i.e. Inner Light)??? Very distracting and annoying, makes it impossible to enjoy playing a character with these effects. At the very least make it optional or only visible to other players. The glow/flames are very cool, but please cut those balls! Thanks!
  • Kromwell63
    Deeply disappointed by the removal of entrances to the outlaws refuges. Had loved the placing and design of all of them, and was growing to have favorites, such as the one on the west side of mournhold, where I could creep up a rock face and sneak around the back of a building to the entrance. For me, even though they all led to the same refuge, the different entrances made it feel like each led to a different den of outlaws, made the citys seem larger. I enjoyed this and hope you reconsider and put them back as they were, thank you.
  • Preyfar
    I hate this number system so much. Everything feels so weirdly bloated and pointless now.
  • Alphashado
    Strange that outlaw dens were reduced in number based on "feedback". I don't recall seeing any threads on this forum indicating people thought there were too many of them, so people must have been submitting /feedback in game?

    I'm not sure what the concern would be. Especially since we aren't even close to implimenting pvp yet. I would love to see some of this feedback.
  • Runkorko
    woodsro wrote: »

    Oh where do i begin....lets see here

    Blazing Sheild
    Defensive Posture
    Reflective Scales

    There's 5 counters to Crushing Shock, 2 of them available to any can anyone say a skill that has 5 direct hard counters is OP?

    This is not to mention LOS, as their isn't a single place in Cyrodiil where a tree, rock, hill, etc doesn't exist that can be used to LOS your opponent and set up attacks to kill them.

    You say embrace changes that make me weaker? OK i want Wrecking Blow to be able to be interupted with Bash...instead of making me stand their and watch you wind up for eternity, unable to bash, and forced to BE, roll or Block...same with Resto Heavy Attacks...i want CS and bash to interrupt will make a better game right?

    this works both ways...but we both know Stamina users will never give that up...its only embracing changes for a better game, when its not nerfing your class and spec.

    Annulment - MUST have atleast 5 light aromr equiped and must be magicka build to get use for this one
    Blazing Sheild - mus be a templar
    Defensive Posture -1h and shield
    Reflective Scales- nerfed to the ground, high mana cost, MUST be dk / magicka build/ easy to counter/ and now to be honest will be used mostly in duels:) "just w8 and see"
    Eclipse- must be a templar

    sooo because of ONE skill, which ALL sorc use(but no, this not make him unbalanced they just love this skill) all bow/dw/2h users must pick 1h and shield or change to mana build ?I hope you know Annulment, Blazing Sheild, Reflective Scales and Eclipse wont help you much if you use stamina build yes ?
    -10% is nothing. STOP whining.
  • HyperToxic
    I’m putting together mathematical proof that Spell Critical sourced from gear is no longer desirable on 1.6.2

    I did some testing with different gear combinations with Crushing Shock and charted Max Magicka and Spell Damage to the stated tooltip damage for Crushing Shock. I found the coefficients that are used to calculate the damage for Crushing Shock. The calculations were performed on a V14 in absence of any Champion Points and were verified on various classes.

    The formula that I discovered is: ((Spell Damage * 0.318571) + (Max Magicka * 0.031129)) * 3 = Crushing Shock Damage. This formula is linear and should be easily accurate within 1% on any character.

    Now that we know the coefficients for Max Magicka and Spell Damage we can easily see which set bonuses contribute most to our damage output. 177 Spell Damage contributes 56.3871 damage to Crushing Shock. 911 Magicka contributes 28.3585 damage to Crushing Shock. In testing Spell Critical I found that gear that provides 664 Spell Critical Rating adds 3.5% Spell Critical to a V14 character. Considering that 3.5% Spell Critical gives a chance of doing a (unmodified) bonus of 50% damage when criting – what you will find is that 3.5% Spell Critical gives an average chance of doing 1.75% more damage per second.

    Spell Critical is percentage based and if we want to compare it to our linear counter parts (Max Magicka and Spell Damage) we need to formulate a base damage for Crushing Shock. For this I selected my V14 Imperial DK with 31 points in Magicka and 31 points in Health. He is fully geared in 5 Infallible Aether and 2 Valkyn Skoria's and has 3 Wrath of the Imperium. This represents the live (1.5) average PVE spell damage DK build. On 1.6.2 his Max Magicka is 16290 and Spell Damage is 1519 this yields a Stated Crushing Shock damage of 991 * 3 = 2973. Now given that Spell Critical is 50% bonus damage 3.5% of the time, the average DPS increase would be 52.0275.

    In the end it looks like Spell Damage has a greater contribution to damage than Spell Critical and there are more sources of gear with Spell Damage (to name a few, Adroitness, Cyrodill’s Light, Worm’s Raiment, Torugs Pact, Syrabane, Burning Spell Weave and Martial Knowledge).

    Spell Damage 177 (54.38 damage)
    Spell Critical (52.02 damage)
    Max Magicka 911 (27.36 damage)

    PVE DPS Characters have no reward for completing difficult content... Is this what is desired?

    Does doubling Critical from 1.6.1 to 1.6.2 make a difference? Not really.

    Is end game Trial gear still going to suck? Yes. Decide for yourself.
    Edited by HyperToxic on February 11, 2015 5:42AM
    V14 Sorc / V14 Templar / V14 Dk / V5 NB

  • Runkorko
    Vis wrote: »
    Will people stop crying nerfs for sorcs already. If you have not figured it out yet, I will let you in on the joke:

    If you are a DK: spam scales
    If you are a Templar: spam Eclipse
    If you are a Sorc: spam BOL
    If you are a NB: spam cloak, or if stamina spam dodge <--- Granted a little more complex
    Do you know the diference between defensive and dmg ability spam? I doubt it!
  • ForKristSake
    Kromwell63 wrote: »
    Deeply disappointed by the removal of entrances to the outlaws refuges.

    I disagree, not with you but just everyone who thinks like you ;). I like the difficulty of getting to the refuge (which by the way you don't have to worry about if you just don't get caught in the first place). You just have to see the pattern of guards and work your way through the city; similar to the strategy used when timing the stealing of items around guards and NPCs. Sometimes you don't see a guard when turning around a corner and you get caught, pay a fine, and lose your goods. That's just the risk of thievery.

    Semi-related: Making the ingredients 150g ea (about which multiple people have complained) was also a good move, while somewhat painful to accept. But now you walk into an Inn and much of what is visible is valuable in some way. The recipe I have needs tomatoes and corn, so I look for those. People will need ingredients as well as the contents of drawers, wardrobes, etc. Players will need to learn how to procure it without being seen in the first place, or if you are seen and receive a bounty you have to try to make it back to the Refuge.

    The devs have made logical decisions that finally make thievery and cooking valuable skills again. I hope they keep it like this. Thank you.
  • Soulac
    Why did you nerfed the percentage reduction of non champion passives and armor sets?
    My light Armor passives clearly says reducing Magicka Cost of spells by 3% per piece of light Armor.
    Actually I only get 2.6%. It's not much difference if you wear one piece, but with full light Armor and Seducer as example it's clearly a huge difference.

    Same with medium armor and the Dodge roll reduction passive, which actually grants you 3.5% reduction per piece.
    R.I.P Dawnbreaker / Auriel´s Bow
    Member of the Arena Guild and the overpowered Banana Squad.
    Nathaerizh aka Cat - Nightblade V16 - EU

    - Meow -
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