ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
Outlaws Refuges
- Reduced the number of entrances to Outlaws Refuges based on your feedback. There is now one entrance outside the city, and one inside the city limits.
Right now I'm preparing a big High End PvE future discussion thread on base of 1.6.0-1.6.2 patchnotes and some Aetherius Eight tests.
What about Sorcs. I see now only one way for DPS Sorcs and it's not magica but stamina.
Pet builds in High End PvE? No. It's boring, it gives you 0 flexibility to use anything else.
We have some nice spells, it's true. Other spells became much better in 1.6 for Sorcs. But mostly in PvP. So as im not a PvP player, I almost hate PvP... So, i dont care about some spells improvements at all and im pissing of those nerfs in sake of PvP.
But we still have no a single rotation filler spam spell in our skillset. C.Fragment? No, definitly not. 1.3 sek cast time and about 6500 dmg vs 1 sek cast time Uppercut with 8500 dmg in trash-gear! Definitly not worth in PvE to use anything that makes ur dmg lower.
And now C.Shock became even weaker.
With 70 CP we got about 8-9k dps with C.Shock and frangments on proc in 1.6.1... and... 11-16k+ Uppercut 1 button spam dps!!!! DMG depends of enemies.
Look. It's for NB, but it's same for any class.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2tejxZBA_o
Melee having a bit more dps than range makes sense. Though many of you are missing some of the great advantages to weapon melee dps ... it's not reflectable, not absorbed by many skills (e.g. ball of lightening, harness magicka), it's much cheaper than magicka equivalents, and added bonus cannot be interrupted. I don't have to worry about my wrecking blow flying back into my face all the time.
Actually, for me it does NOT make sense. Melee players do risk more, but they tend to wear medium/heavy armour, which greatly enhances their survivability (especially with the changes to damage/armour on PTS). Ranged players, especially sorcs, get next to no armour at all and are still targetable by mobs with ranged/AoE attacks. People talk about this as if ranged players just kept away from the fight all the time while doing insane damage - that does not happen.
End-game PvE is trials/vet dungeons, and for those the single most important thing is DPS. If a class or type of player is prevented from having even close to as much DPS as another, they tend to become pretty rare in trials. I've already posted about this before 1.6 was even on PTS: in the EU server, over 50% of players in top trials teams were DK, only about 10% were sorcs, about half the teams didn't have a single sorc. Is this really what you want?
I sincerely hope ZOS will address PvE concerns at least with the same priority as PvP concerns before 1.6 goes live. Right now, it seems all the changes to 1.6 have been an answer to PvP.
You go fight the Mantikora and see if you can DPS constantly in melee.
Pro tip: you can't.
If melee wasn't higher DPS there would be no reason at all to be melee as you would overall do less DPS in every single fight as you have to move more and lose time where you can't hit the boss at all.
No class can DPS constantly. That is obvious for me. Which makes sorc DPS all the worse, because it's low in perfect conditions - flawless spell weaving, pots always up, etc - but it's even lower when you have to do the normal stuff - dodge, block, swap bars, etc.
Do you disagree that sorcs have the lowest sustainable DPS of all classes BY FAR? I'm not talking about a 10-20% difference to melee builds like some people suggest. The actual difference is much larger than that.
I disagree so much you couldn't even believe it. Sorcs have the highest ranged DPS by far, and in the Mantikora fight the highest DPS of all was a Magicka Sorc. If you can't see this, I'm sorry but you're the one who's broken, not your class. Melee does higher DPS but can't DPS on the move, makes them about equal, on Manti a slight advantage to range.
***Our DKs doing easily on the live server 1,3-1,6k sustain dps for 300+ seconds on Mantikora... Sorc max 1,2k if NO LAG or misclick or etc, so in PERFECT condition and rotation, what is bcs of the lag almost not possible during the evenings... ;-)
I wasn't talking about live ffs. We're in a god damn thread about the PTS, what did you think? Sorc is the highest ranged DPS on the PTS, at least I haven't seen any RANGED pull anything higher of any class.
Also 1,2K max on live on a Sorc is ***. You should be able to do that and take a nap at the same time tbh..
I am not gonna comment on your PTS opinions.
But for your comments about live;
Enlight me please. How a sorcerer is doing 1,2k sustain (long term) DPS, yet taking a nap (means you claim they can go even more)? How come there is not a single video showing a sorcerer doin this? If you claim these are secrets of good players, which cannot be shared, or video prooved, no further comments...
DPS for 31,4 seconds is just a BURST DPS! Show me more than 1,2k for 300 and more seconds, then you are the god of the sorcerers ;-)
But I know, that neither you and nobody can show more, legit and proper dps on sorcerer. If you are the best, as you think, go and make a video of your awesome 300+ seconds DPS.
Also on the PTS, show more DPS than DK on Mantikora if you think, you are the best on the world ;-)
prototypefb wrote: »
and yet you stay far away from opponent, away from most danger, and have lot more options in a fight.
Magicka builds are still ahead of stamina, maybe not in damage(arguably) anymore but overall, you still can spam more great range and high damage/utility skills/damage shields and keep stamina bar near full most of the time for protection as backup.
Melee range got often limited access to heals, their main resource bar is also used for blocking/roll dodging/interrupt/CC break etc.
20-30% more damage output with miles higher risk of death is what is should have been since launch of the game.
Sadly I don't have anything more at the moment than an old picture from a quick DPS test I did but at least I can give you that
I can do much more than this today and sustained, as you can see I have 142 ultimate so I can pretty much chaincast Atronachs. By using pots this goes even higher.
1,2K DPS is what I get when I'm running Negate and can't use my ulti at all (last boss vet dsa for example).
Thanks for that fair/respectfull reply.
I will gladly accept your screenshot as a proof. I just wonder how you sustain your magicka for long term?
As for me it is always difficult while trying to get high DPS values... always need to use symmetry/dark deal/mana pots, hence have to spent time, hence reduced DPS, hence never able to get more than 900 DPS in long term runs... There is also not enough ulti to cast attronach's next to eachother in long run...
In any case, I will believe you do better than me.
Thanks for that fair/respectfull reply.
I will gladly accept your screenshot as a proof. I just wonder how you sustain your magicka for long term?
As for me it is always difficult while trying to get high DPS values... always need to use symmetry/dark deal/mana pots, hence have to spent time, hence reduced DPS, hence never able to get more than 900 DPS in long term runs... There is also not enough ulti to cast attronach's next to eachother in long run...
In any case, I will believe you do better than me.
Take into account that Sorcs are still key for PvE and PvP encounters for their UTILITY apart from their DPS (see the importance of Negate rotations for example).
I disagree so much you couldn't even believe it. Sorcs have the highest ranged DPS by far, and in the Mantikora fight the highest DPS of all was a Magicka Sorc. If you can't see this, I'm sorry but you're the one who's broken, not your class. Melee does higher DPS but can't DPS on the move, makes them about equal, on Manti a slight advantage to range.
Joy_Division wrote: »
The burden of proof is on you. Sorry, I don't buy a 30 second burst vs a trash mob target. Many high end raid guilds looking for a speed run will not allow sorcerers in an SO run. If your Live build is so good, not posting a video demonstrating it is possible to match the DPS of other classes is utterly selfish and just makes you all talk. Please, by all means, shut us and me up. Just do a non speed run and record it.
And, even if you can get 1.4-1,5 against Mantikora like a DK, you're aren't finished. DKs can get upwards of 7K against the troll trash which is critical if a guild wants to break 33 minutes.
PS. Give us target dummies already..
There is pretty much the main issue in your logic: You dont understand that players talking about sustained damage in high end fights are not talking about perfect conditions like target dummies provide (or fights which go jsut as long as an ultimate holds.....).
Go and make > 1.100 dps on the serpent or the manticore while "taking a nap" while also being involved in the mechanics of the raid. Other classes do that at ease.
Uhh yea but u cant proove ur awesomeness anyways so well...