1) Sorc need finisher for stamina (endless furry for ex.)
2) 2h staff should give the same spell power as other 2h weapons since melee 2h/dual wield bypass 20% armour and staff only 10%.So melee will be still better with such change.
3)ZOS need introduce 1h staff with DMG equal 1h sword/mace/dagger.
1h staff will get СС skills,do less damage,mb even less range; while 2h will get more damage,more range.So you will be able to choose more dps or more survival.
1) Sorc need finisher for stamina (endless furry for ex.)
2) 2h staff should give the same spell power as other 2h weapons since melee 2h/dual wield bypass 20% armour and staff only 10%.So melee will be still better with such change.
3)ZOS need introduce 1h staff with DMG equal 1h sword/mace/dagger.
1h staff will get СС skills,do less damage,mb even less range; while 2h will get more damage,more range.So you will be able to choose more dps or more survival.
lordrichter wrote: »Regarding the reduced Refuge entrances.
I have not surveyed all of the places where they exist, and it will take some time to do this, but I think that, overall, the reduction from 4 entrances was necessary. This will make it more challenging and be more like what I envisioned when they were first mentioned. That said, I would rather see 1 or 2 inside the city depending on how the city is laid out. Crime ridden cities like Riften, especially with the canal dividing the town, would have one on the island and one on the other side of the canal. Wayrest and Mournhold are just huge cities and would easily have two entrances inside the walls.
I just recommend that they look at the individual cities and think more about how a criminal could be served by entrances. If there are choke points that a criminal would have to pass through (gates, bridges, etc) and there is a reason why the criminal would be passing through those trying to get to an entrance, then an entrance would have been added to bypass those choke points.
So, in summary, rather than there just being a blanket 1 inside and 1 outside, the Refuge layout should adapt to the location in a few cities.
Can all the sorcs in this thread please show a ranged build that does more damage than a Sorcerer?
I get that you want to do the same DPS as melee but from range so that you can be safe and land even higher numbers as you don't have the same mechanics issues as the melee, but I don't have any sympathy for that.
Melee > range because in actual boss fights melee needs to move with the boss etc. which makes it more dangerous and much harder to pull off.
Honestly this linking youtube videos with 12 second bossfights that don't even fight back needs to stop, you're becoming like those people who hit 30K DPS on nomeg and thinks they do 30K sustained DPS.
I'm just saying, if you don't give actual examples with good builds in real fights, no one is going to listen to you. If you have a legitimate complaint, give some proper feedback. "Sorc nerfed /cry, sorc ded, surge broken" is not feedback, it's QQ, and you will not gain anything by doing this.
I have a Sorc too, I'd like to hear legitimate concers but all the whining in this subforum at the moment is making me want to renounce it as I don't want to be associated with this ***.
Sorry guys, but this is awful and everyone outside the PTS-forum-Sorc-club can see just how toxic this discussion has become. It sure isn't going to get ZOS to listen to you.
Ranged have less then half the armor of you melee range DPS and do about 3k less DPS. I am sorry if that seems ridiculous. Also, sorcs are meant to be the high of magic, we don't choose that class to play with daggers. We have Nightblades for that.
Ranged have less then half the armor of you melee range DPS and do about 3k less DPS. I am sorry if that seems ridiculous. Also, sorcs are meant to be the high of magic, we don't choose that class to play with daggers. We have Nightblades for that.
ForKristSake wrote: »
I disagree, not with you but just everyone who thinks like you. I like the difficulty of getting to the refuge (which by the way you don't have to worry about if you just don't get caught in the first place). You just have to see the pattern of guards and work your way through the city; similar to the strategy used when timing the stealing of items around guards and NPCs. Sometimes you don't see a guard when turning around a corner and you get caught, pay a fine, and lose your goods. That's just the risk of thievery.
Semi-related: Making the ingredients 150g ea (about which multiple people have complained) was also a good move, while somewhat painful to accept. But now you walk into an Inn and much of what is visible is valuable in some way. The recipe I have needs tomatoes and corn, so I look for those. People will need ingredients as well as the contents of drawers, wardrobes, etc. Players will need to learn how to procure it without being seen in the first place, or if you are seen and receive a bounty you have to try to make it back to the Refuge.
The devs have made logical decisions that finally make thievery and cooking valuable skills again. I hope they keep it like this. Thank you.
Okay, who is responsible for this? Who gave this kind of "feedback"?
The different entrances to the refugees were awesome, especially that they corresponded perfectly to the overworld. If you left the refuge through a gutter or well, that's exactly were you would end up. Guess they have to change all areas now or they don't make sense anymore ...
Agree.No, my feedback said that I LIKED this feature! I thought the different entry points to the refuges were very nicely done and I am sad to see them go.
Fixed a number of issues that were causing missing or incorrect facial animations to play during conversations and bard songs.
@ZOS_GinaBruno ... use these posts as our feedback instead of the one or two people who thought it needed to change
I am seeing many " Agree's"
Meh. You're still just saying things. Give me some actual boss fight numbers and I'll believe melee is so superior. I've already done a lot of stuff on the PTS, like Sanctum Ophidia and funny enough the highest DPS on the Mantikora was a Magicka Sorcerer. Because he didn't have to move back and forth even close to as much as me on Stamina melee.
Actual. Real. Numbers. Until then.. you're just speculating.
lol Do you want me to take pictures for your convenience so you don't have to run your own tests? I gave you a simplification of the numbers we've obtained through theorycrafting and testing on the PTS against mobs and against trial bosses. If you choose not to believe, that is your problem.
Currently magicka builds have several disadvantages, we are forced into an armor that only give us stats, no protection, yet we do less DPS then those using medium armor and weapon attacks.
And with every patch, they nerf magicka users a little more and buff weapon users. Look at the changes to light armor and the changes to medium armor.
Whether it is a Melee build or a Ranged build is completely irrelevant. The ONLY thing that should be considered is a comparison of DPS at the end of an encounter.Can all the sorcs in this thread please show a ranged build that does more damage than a Sorcerer?
I agree that Melee DPS should be greater than Ranged DPS to compensate for the additional difficulty melee players face....but only to the point where melee DPS matches Ranged DPS at the end of the encounter.I get that you want to do the same DPS as melee but from range so that you can be safe and land even higher numbers as you don't have the same mechanics issues as the melee, but I don't have any sympathy for that.
Melee > range because in actual boss fights melee needs to move with the boss etc. which makes it more dangerous and much harder to pull off.
If there is any validity in what you say then back up. Not by cherry picking fights that best support your position but across several encounters.I'm just saying, if you don't give actual examples with good builds in real fights, no one is going to listen to you. If you have a legitimate complaint, give some proper feedback. "Sorc nerfed /cry, sorc ded, surge broken" is not feedback, it's QQ, and you will not gain anything by doing this.
Actual. Real. Numbers. Until then.. you're just speculating.
Sustain DPS? NP here it 2h OP
Wreckling blow cost-1050
regen 1097