PTS Patch Notes v1.6.2

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
We will be performing maintenance on the PTS on Tuesday at 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC).
  • Slurg

    Its the same person that removed the sweetrolls...

    And made a carrot cost 150 gold

    This person is more destructive than Molag Bal himself... ;)

    Strange things started to happen to the game around the time Sheogorath's eyes went all white. Maybe we've got some kind of possession situation going on at ZOS headquarters.

    Hey, it's as good a theory as any!
    Happy All the Holidays To You and Yours!
    Remembering better days of less RNG in all the things.
  • xherics
    For sure, answer from developers to a typos problems, but not regarding the nerfs and game broking related questions, facts, asks...
    Edited by xherics on February 10, 2015 10:00PM
    Guild: HODOR - EU - Ebonheart Pact
    Char: Leliana fxn (Sorc) and Nuria fxn (DK)
    World first Sanctum Ophidia Time trial achievement unlock with my Sorcerer (v1.5.7)
    World second Sanctum Ophidia Hard Mode achievement unlock with my Sorcerer (v1.5.8)
    Pre-nerf Dragonstar Arena Hard Mode Conqueror with my Sorcerer

    "Sorcerer is for me a definition of the highest level of magician, what does not mean pets, but pure magic, pure spells.
    Pure magic from the heart, through the blood, to the last hairbreadth...
    Sorcerer means the highest magic killer with pure magic, not the weakest grandmamma's pet farm."

    11.02.2015 - Magicka Sorcerer RIP - What? Sorcerer and not using spells/magicka?
    19.02.2015 - Sorcerers, we have a new hope!
  • Blackmoon777
    weapon Glyph of Hardening > got nerfed to something like 300, before (patch 1.6 and 1.6.1) was 1000, and on live is now 200 (so should be about 2000 on pts)

    and i dont see anything about it in patch notes
  • Exstazik
    1. do not listen to the community
    2. the future (without listening)

  • olsborg
    You keep nerfing the wrong part of sorcs.. their damage isn't what's making them the best 1v1 class.. it's the shield.

    lol, sorcs are one, if not the weakest class...

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • WraithAzraiel
    Darlgon wrote: »

    Silly, they went to the wayshrine, just like you do when you die, and reported it on the way back.

    Hah, if only.
    Shendell De'Gull - V14 Vampire Nightblade

    Captain of the Black Howling

    "There's no such thing as overkill..."

    "No problem on the face of the Earth exists what can't be fixed with the proper application of enough duct tape and 550 cord."

  • billcage
    Dark Magic

    Exploitation: Removed the graphical effects from this passive due to it being too difficult to notice and causing performance issues.

    "This is very good improvement about graphic optimization.I hope that after 1.6 update there wont be anymore fps-lag issues at Cyrodiil."
  •  pvpaddict42
    fear is not exclusive to NB, correct me if i'm wrong but i recall( well, don't recall names of skills, sorry) 2 more skills with fear and at least 1 was available to every1. i'm sure some1 can clarify this.
    i just looked up undaunted skills tangling webs synergy have fear, and Werewolf Roar have fear aswell, so there you go, both non exclusive to NB

    Fear is exclusive to the NB as a class skill. I pointed it out since the original post was dismissing the point about common pool skills that could be had. Can't have it both ways. Either you are including common pool skills or you are limiting it to class skills to present your argument.
    Edited by pvpaddict42 on February 10, 2015 10:10PM
  • Gandogal
    Everyone whos arguing that crushing shock was not OP before seems to be talking about the live server - and doenst realize that it fixes the balance in the 1.6 enviroment.

    As a dedicated sorce i like this change. CS was extremely powerfull with the new, higher base damage. Especially having the class abilities scale with the same attributes CS needs, new options are available - notably integrating crystal fragmetns in the rotaion (which also has a reduces cooldown now).

    A CS rotations generates a lot of CF procs. this combination was OP.

    Also, nerving CS is an opportunity to finaly build more exciting rotations..
    Edited by Gandogal on February 10, 2015 10:12PM
  • xherics
    Exstazik wrote: »
    1. do not listen to the community
    2. the future (without listening)

    ZOS® Standardized practices under © and images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSfHtd2dsDFfuzFtNp8HeVHrDYBt6A-YCCF4KBj6w3ADJtdMiylMQ in all the world.
    Edited by xherics on February 10, 2015 10:15PM
    Guild: HODOR - EU - Ebonheart Pact
    Char: Leliana fxn (Sorc) and Nuria fxn (DK)
    World first Sanctum Ophidia Time trial achievement unlock with my Sorcerer (v1.5.7)
    World second Sanctum Ophidia Hard Mode achievement unlock with my Sorcerer (v1.5.8)
    Pre-nerf Dragonstar Arena Hard Mode Conqueror with my Sorcerer

    "Sorcerer is for me a definition of the highest level of magician, what does not mean pets, but pure magic, pure spells.
    Pure magic from the heart, through the blood, to the last hairbreadth...
    Sorcerer means the highest magic killer with pure magic, not the weakest grandmamma's pet farm."

    11.02.2015 - Magicka Sorcerer RIP - What? Sorcerer and not using spells/magicka?
    19.02.2015 - Sorcerers, we have a new hope!
  •  pvpaddict42
    WebBull wrote: »
    Seems like Bat Swarm is really the only Ult left for DK's in PvP. Odd thing is that Bat Swarm should have been the Ult nerfed!

    How you arrive at this I am not sure. All of the DK ultimates have good abilities and uses. I'm sure DKs aren't happy the costs went up, but standards are strong. Templars have been dealing with a 300 point cost ultimate since launch and are only now getting it moved in line with other similar level ultimates. Seems mostly like DKs are simply spoiled since they've had it so good for so long. I get it, it's pretty common. DK is still a solid and fun class with good abilities.
  • Exstazik
    xherics wrote: »

    ZOS® Standardized practices under © and images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSfHtd2dsDFfuzFtNp8HeVHrDYBt6A-YCCF4KBj6w3ADJtdMiylMQ in all the world.


  • RoyJade
    But without pets, Sorc have the worst dps in pve. They were the worst class in 1.6, 1.6.1 nerf the only useful ultimate (I don't speak about pvp), and the 1.6.2 cut their poor dps more or less by 5%. And with pets, they aren't good either.

    Yes, CS need a nerf, but please boost sorcerers abilities. Give them good dot or some powerful channeled ability, who will be useless for pvp but powerful in pve.
  • xherics
    Gandogal wrote: »
    Everyone whos arguing that crushing shock was not OP before seems to be talking about the live server - and doenst realize that it fixes the balance in the 1.6 enviroment.

    As a dedicated sorce i like this change. CS was extremely powerfull with the new, higher base damage. Especially having the class abilities scale with the same attributes CS needs, new options are available - notably integrating crystal fragmetns in the rotaion (which also has a reduces cooldown now).

    A CS rotations generates a lot of CF procs. this combination was OP.

    Also, nerving CS is an opportunity to finaly build more exciting rotations..

    GO and TEST the PTS! You wont get more than 8k DPS; while all other classes do 12-15k DPS!
    Guild: HODOR - EU - Ebonheart Pact
    Char: Leliana fxn (Sorc) and Nuria fxn (DK)
    World first Sanctum Ophidia Time trial achievement unlock with my Sorcerer (v1.5.7)
    World second Sanctum Ophidia Hard Mode achievement unlock with my Sorcerer (v1.5.8)
    Pre-nerf Dragonstar Arena Hard Mode Conqueror with my Sorcerer

    "Sorcerer is for me a definition of the highest level of magician, what does not mean pets, but pure magic, pure spells.
    Pure magic from the heart, through the blood, to the last hairbreadth...
    Sorcerer means the highest magic killer with pure magic, not the weakest grandmamma's pet farm."

    11.02.2015 - Magicka Sorcerer RIP - What? Sorcerer and not using spells/magicka?
    19.02.2015 - Sorcerers, we have a new hope!
  • Vis
    Will people stop crying nerfs for sorcs already. If you have not figured it out yet, I will let you in on the joke:

    If you are a DK: spam scales
    If you are a Templar: spam Eclipse
    If you are a Sorc: spam BOL
    If you are a NB: spam cloak, or if stamina spam dodge <--- Granted a little more complex

    I do not want any other classes nerfed. That is not my point. I grew out of that phase a while ago. Just remember that nerfs affect more than you sometimes mean it to.

    I play a DK, templar, and sorc. And I really really really want to keep my sorc viable past 1.6.

    Edit: not asking for a buff either right now. But if you are going to nerf the dps, and leave us with the most reflected skill in game ... please at least allow us to keep our shields as is.
    Edited by Vis on February 10, 2015 10:23PM
    v14 Sorc Vae Exillis
    v14 DK Costs
    v14 NB 'Vis
    v14 Temp Fiat Lux

  • Taonnor

    Are you serious?!

    Decreased the damage of Force Shock and Crushing Shock by 10%.

    So new Trials Meta:


    Gildenleiter von Lux Dei (EU/AD). Offizieller Gildenspotlight für ESOTU!
    Guild leader of Lux Dei (EU/AD). Official Guild Spotlight for ESOTU!

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    Taonnor Annare, Sorcerer
    Thao Annare, Nightblade
  • WebBull

    How you arrive at this I am not sure. All of the DK ultimates have good abilities and uses. I'm sure DKs aren't happy the costs went up, but standards are strong. Templars have been dealing with a 300 point cost ultimate since launch and are only now getting it moved in line with other similar level ultimates. Seems mostly like DKs are simply spoiled since they've had it so good for so long. I get it, it's pretty common. DK is still a solid and fun class with good abilities.

    I think you missed my point. I agree DK's are still a solid class in PVP, never stated otherwise. However with the cost and other nerfs to their Ult's (it's not just costs that have changed), Bat Swarm will be even more prevalent in PvP which is a problem.
  • Petros
    Phase: Adjusted this passive so you will gain Armor and Spell Resistance for three seconds after roll dodging.

    Are you f'ing kidding me?!?!?
    "Our light will bring the dawning of a new hope!" ~ Petros Fordring -The Order of Mundus
    - VR16 Imperial Dragonknight (DC -NA) & The One Handed Tank
  • Gandogal
    xherics wrote: »

    GO and TEST the PTS! You wont get more than 8k DPS; while all other classes do 12-15k DPS!

    i did 10-12k dps on 1.6.1... and that without necro set.
    Edited by Gandogal on February 10, 2015 10:43PM
  • Petros

    Stop using "based off your level or rank instead of your maximum health"!

    Switch it back! You're screwing the game!
    "Our light will bring the dawning of a new hope!" ~ Petros Fordring -The Order of Mundus
    - VR16 Imperial Dragonknight (DC -NA) & The One Handed Tank
  • Petros
    "Reduced all item set bonuses to your maximum health to (1.1 * base) from (1.5 * base) to match base stat changes."

    ZOS, you're screwing the Tanks over, stop it!
    "Our light will bring the dawning of a new hope!" ~ Petros Fordring -The Order of Mundus
    - VR16 Imperial Dragonknight (DC -NA) & The One Handed Tank
  • tinythinker

    • Nova: Decreased cost of this ability and its Morphs to 250 Ultimate from 300 Ultimate.
    • Total Dark (Eclipse morph): The upgrade text now properly describes this ability.
    • Healing Ritual: Increased the heal value from this ability by approximately 70%.

    I am sure other people reported/requested these things as well but it's still cool seeing them listed in the patch notes. :)
    Experienced, new, returner? Help keep ESO's community strong ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ -- share what you love about the game, offer constructive feedback, and make friends.ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ

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    Support Mudcrab Mode for ESO (\/)!_!(\/) - part joke, part serious, all glorious! You butter be ready for this
  • Cody
    guards were not fooled by my shadow cloak to begin with......

    but oh well!:D Im just glad I wont lose gold by dying anymore. I don't have a problem with consequence in death... but it takes quite a bit to build up gold by being a thief, and losing 2 hours progress in 5 minutes is a real bummer.
    Edited by Cody on February 10, 2015 11:01PM
  • Emma_Overload
    xherics wrote: »

    GO and TEST the PTS! You wont get more than 8k DPS; while all other classes do 12-15k DPS!

    This is so TRUE. With a Crushing Shock build, my Sorc only got 7000 DPS without ultimates, spell crit pots or other gimmicks. Adding 2 pets brought the average up to 8000 DPS. Yet I was able to hit 9000 DPS only after switching to a Bow/Snipe build.

    Crushing Shock did not need to be nerfed. Its only real advantage over Crystal Shard was spell cost, anyway. And Lord knows Sorcerers don't need any more nerfs!
    Edited by Emma_Overload on February 10, 2015 11:04PM
  • ForKristSake
    This massive meltdown some people experience is rather fun to watch. Perhaps your sense of entitlement is what's OP.

    But some serious comments regarding the Justice System:
    Many of the changes you have made in this update so far work wonderfully. Narrowing down the entrances to two for each Outlaw Refuge was brilliant:
    1. It's easier to keep track of where you are going when inside the refuge, meaning I go one way to the city and the other to leave it (Although an icon that is visible while looking at the zone map rather than city map to mark the "outside the city" entrance would be very helpful)
    2. It adds to the challenge of getting back to the Refuge with your stolen goods, which seems to have been the point. Awesome idea.

    My only concern is that the bounty seems to have been substantially decreased for multiple murders. I remember it being much more expensive in 1.6.1 to just go on a murdering spree. In my opinion, it should be very expensive.

    Also, for provisioning, am I missing something or is there nowhere to buy game, meats, and poultry? I see the other ingredients, but all of the meats seem to be absent from the food vendors.

    On another note, I can finally punch the bard singing that "Red Diamond" song, and they stop singing. I thank you so much for that.

  • Holycannoli
    Stamina sorcerers are officially dinosaurs. Extinct.

    Thanks a ton ZOS. My only high level character is no longer viable anywhere.
  • ginoboehm
    That would be a typo. Good catch!

    Yeah new content in ESO that must be a typo
    Edited by ginoboehm on February 10, 2015 11:20PM
  • Bloodfang
    xherics wrote: »

    GO and TEST the PTS! You wont get more than 8k DPS; while all other classes do 12-15k DPS!

    I can't even do 8k burst DPS on my Templar Tank ;)
    Edited by Bloodfang on February 10, 2015 11:27PM
  • nilldax
    Sad is that there is nothing about dodging heavy attacks from 2h and destro staff - during dodge damage was insanely high (20k at least) with "dodge animation". This was affecting Evasion, Blur skill and sometimes Hist Bark. Even dodge roll cant protect from heavy attack of that weapons...

    What is more, some players "suffered", bugged 2h damage multiplier where Wrecking Blow was one-hit kill:
    I was "marked" and with this i had 10k armor... and Brawler (sorry for no screenshot)

    Or not mentioned, at all, strange flying corpses (only in case that death of object was during "movement"):

    Nothing about "flying DK" too...

    Writing anything about drunken Nord in wedding dress, or inserting image of it, is just pointless :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  • Wratun
    Soul Shriven
    Nice notes, Thanks. Hope to see some changes to Bound Armor & morphs of that ability, (cosmetically) It would be great, not to look as silly as it currently makes most sorcerers do. Letting people put costumes on without the buff of Bound Armor and its morphs dropping from your character would be a great improvement. I know many Sorcerers & Sorceresses feel the same.
    Wratun - PC - EU - Aldmeri Dominion - Templar.
    Wratun Dreloth - PC - EU - Ebonheart Pact - Sorcerer.
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