davedwildebeast wrote: »
Its the same person that removed the sweetrolls...
And made a carrot cost 150 gold
This person is more destructive than Molag Bal himself...
Nivzruo_ESO wrote: »You keep nerfing the wrong part of sorcs.. their damage isn't what's making them the best 1v1 class.. it's the shield.
Silly, they went to the wayshrine, just like you do when you die, and reported it on the way back.
prototypefb wrote: »fear is not exclusive to NB, correct me if i'm wrong but i recall( well, don't recall names of skills, sorry) 2 more skills with fear and at least 1 was available to every1. i'm sure some1 can clarify this.
i just looked up undaunted skills tangling webs synergy have fear, and Werewolf Roar have fear aswell, so there you go, both non exclusive to NB
- do not listen to the community
- the future (without listening)
Seems like Bat Swarm is really the only Ult left for DK's in PvP. Odd thing is that Bat Swarm should have been the Ult nerfed!
Everyone whos arguing that crushing shock was not OP before seems to be talking about the live server - and doenst realize that it fixes the balance in the 1.6 enviroment.
As a dedicated sorce i like this change. CS was extremely powerfull with the new, higher base damage. Especially having the class abilities scale with the same attributes CS needs, new options are available - notably integrating crystal fragmetns in the rotaion (which also has a reduces cooldown now).
A CS rotations generates a lot of CF procs. this combination was OP.
Also, nerving CS is an opportunity to finaly build more exciting rotations..
pvpaddict42 wrote: »
How you arrive at this I am not sure. All of the DK ultimates have good abilities and uses. I'm sure DKs aren't happy the costs went up, but standards are strong. Templars have been dealing with a 300 point cost ultimate since launch and are only now getting it moved in line with other similar level ultimates. Seems mostly like DKs are simply spoiled since they've had it so good for so long. I get it, it's pretty common. DK is still a solid and fun class with good abilities.
GO and TEST the PTS! You wont get more than 8k DPS; while all other classes do 12-15k DPS!
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
- Nova: Decreased cost of this ability and its Morphs to 250 Ultimate from 300 Ultimate.
- Total Dark (Eclipse morph): The upgrade text now properly describes this ability.
- Healing Ritual: Increased the heal value from this ability by approximately 70%.
GO and TEST the PTS! You wont get more than 8k DPS; while all other classes do 12-15k DPS!
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »That would be a typo. Good catch!
GO and TEST the PTS! You wont get more than 8k DPS; while all other classes do 12-15k DPS!