Nerfing Crushing shock - ok. It was kinda too strong, still is I'd say. People just spam it.
I am a foremost sorcerer player. Did this affect us a lot? Yes. But, it's a good nerf. Sorcerers need something of their own added into the game. Some spell should be altered or something. There aren't many single target spells we could use as a main DMG output. Most of them deal dmg on low targets or after some time. Crystal Fragment is awesome, but it's magicka hungry.
In every TES game mages were a powerful wielders of flame, frost and thunder. We are yet to see even a glimpse of other two elements. Also, there's no trace of "alteration" school. I know this isn't a regular TES game, but hopefully, the future will bring us the glory that Sorcerers deserve. Hopefully, a new skill tree.
Another thing, we should be allowed to be 100% magic dependent and not use weapons at all should we choose so.
Khivas_Carrick wrote: »Don't say that now, people might flip their lids at you
Though that would certainly be good news I would really like to see some evidence that that is in fact the case.Khivas_Carrick wrote: »Magicka is even with melee in terms of damage in PvE and PvP, it's all in how you play.
So you just came to whine about Sorcerers with nothing to substantiate your claims. How does that make you any better?prototypefb wrote: »sorcs have nothing to cry about tbh, seems like ppl are crying just to get OP builds and faceroll everything.
i rather see balance/diversity in the game, idc if ppl throw virtual feces at me xD
Yeah I would say it would be a real safe bet that you would get the same results from any class when someone that plays a different class makes unsubstantiated claims directed at them with the sole intention of getting a rise out of them. It's called Trolling. Has there ever been a class in any MMO that hasn't got upset when that occurs? Templars of course included.Khivas_Carrick wrote: »Don't say that now, people might flip their lids at you
prototypefb wrote: »
it's barely a nerf, bringing OP skill in line to other skills.
skill is riddiculously cheap and effective compared to most other similar skills.
Nightreaver wrote: »
I think the issue there is that other classes do have other spammable instant cast abilities to compare and bring it inline with. Sorcerers don't.
Khivas_Carrick wrote: »
This isn't your garden variety mmo bud, the lighter the armor past heavy does not increase your dps anymore. Hell even WoW stopped doing that, same with swtor. Here in ESO heavy means tank, medium means melee, and light means ranged, most of the time, but even without the common archetypes, range should equal less damage but more range and mobility and cc, while melee equates to high risk high reward.
Sorry to say, but both are equal. This goes beyond just numbers.
prototypefb wrote: »
sorcs have nothing to cry about tbh, seems like ppl are crying just to get OP builds and faceroll everything.
i rather see balance/diversity in the game, idc if ppl throw virtual feces at me xD
HyperToxic wrote: »
Did you consider Bow? Bow is ranged and uses medium...
True on paper, false in the tests.Nightreaver wrote: »Heavy armor undeniably has the advantage in defense and survivability over Light while providing nothing in the way to increase DPS
Light armor most certainly has the advantage in providing greater DPS over Heavy while having no passives to increase survivability
This is a place for discussion. Discussion, by any means, depends on unlimited thesis, to try to reach to a synthesis. It is not logical to call "irrelevant, do not answer" on what we discuss for 2 reasons:
1- discussion is a collection of many thesis as I said before, where it would not be possible to limit them, as far as they are connected, or you will connect by any means.
2- how can you find it irrelevant or missplaced, talking about WW-1, where you actually discuss WW-2?
Anyways, I am glad my respondent was aware of these, unlike your self.
True on paper, false in the tests.
The adjective "undeniably" won't make it undeniable just by stating so.
Heavy = god-like Spell Resistance and Armor, decent DPS.
Light = 200% glass-cannon, with just a bit better DPS, and a bit more sustainability.
You can solo first AA boss in Heavy Armor, you die to Wasps in Light Armor. Fair enough for some, I guess.
dylanjaygrobbelaarb16_ESO wrote: »
I disagree, If someone comes on and talks about the game climate before bash was completely nerfed, what they are saying is irrelevant, the game has changed and the context does not make sense, its no longer in play as an issue. so if you talk out of context you run the risk of being irrelevant.
arguing about group composition because of how people play in 1.5 is irrelevant, the game is different by a long shot. its not the same as comparing world wars, the devs rewrite the code in the game and the past does not necessarily effect the future, unlike actual history; at least come up with an analogy that is not irrelevant.
Since by definition dedicated healers aren't supposed to take much damage then I'd say the answer is unchanged from 1.5; neither in 1.5 nor 1.6 do Medium or Heavy armours help a healer I'd say.So dedicated healers? Light, med, or heavy, or do we know yet?
Waiting to see if I have to start over from my Level 20 Templar Mage or not.
Since by definition dedicated healers aren't supposed to take much damage
Since by definition dedicated healers aren't supposed to take much damage then I'd say the answer is unchanged from 1.5; neither in 1.5 nor 1.6 do Medium or Heavy armours help a healer I'd say.