PTS Patch Notes v1.6.2

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
We will be performing maintenance on the PTS on Tuesday at 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC).
  • Alcast
    Class Representative
    Nova cost reduced and CC immunity during Puncturing Strikes? My Templar is very happy.

    mine is not because they reduced the *** dmg from 170 to 140% :( - Builds & Guides - Sets, Skills, Guides & News - Discord, Telegram & Twitch Command Bot

  •  pvpaddict42
    Looks like sorc's take another hit: Decreased the damage of Force Shock and Crushing Shock by 10%.

    Because those destruction staff skills are certainly only used by sorcs.
  • Robbmrp
    Joejudas wrote: »
    Still no fixes to end game raid armor or the amount of exp lowered for a cp. Why am I still playing this game

    This didn't fix that? All of the Crit %'s were halfed so this should have set them back at the original %. I'm at work so I can't check the PTS yet...DOH!

    Item Sets
    Doubled the Critical Strike and Spell Critical values for all item set bonuses.
    NA Server - Kildair
  • Father
    @ZOS_GinaBruno what about Blur and Elude bug? making staff users heavy attack do 40k dmg?!?!?
    Edited by Father on February 10, 2015 9:02PM
  • Kragorn
    Dracane wrote: »

    Uhm I think, it now applies CC immunity to the targets, to finally stop the OP stunlock.
    So, another nerf due to PVP QQ that has a negative effect on PVE .. seems par for the course round here.
  • Lionxoft

    Any time table on the fix for Syphoning attacks not proc'ing when attacking someone wearing a damage shield? What about constitution passive not granting resources when shielded? Was that included in the change to ultimate gain?

    It's been months where this has been a problem without a fix.
  • cozmon3c_ESO
    they can only do so many changes in one week guys, lets see where the balance is at and go from there.
    Guild UMBRA Chapter Lead
    ~Leper Si -V14 Sorcerer~
    Youtube Channel - Leper
  • Joejudas
    All items folks. Read it. It says all items. Meaning Trials gear is still inferior to crafted. So this fixes nothing.
  • xherics

    This is a weapon ability, not a class ability. And spamming one ability, that has very good range, a fast animation, and multiple debuffs was basically overpowered. Fantastic change.

    You know, ZOS does not care about sorcs, we have only this ability to do any proper DPS if we do not want to have boring 6 toggles grandma's pet farm build..
    Guild: HODOR - EU - Ebonheart Pact
    Char: Leliana fxn (Sorc) and Nuria fxn (DK)
    World first Sanctum Ophidia Time trial achievement unlock with my Sorcerer (v1.5.7)
    World second Sanctum Ophidia Hard Mode achievement unlock with my Sorcerer (v1.5.8)
    Pre-nerf Dragonstar Arena Hard Mode Conqueror with my Sorcerer

    "Sorcerer is for me a definition of the highest level of magician, what does not mean pets, but pure magic, pure spells.
    Pure magic from the heart, through the blood, to the last hairbreadth...
    Sorcerer means the highest magic killer with pure magic, not the weakest grandmamma's pet farm."

    11.02.2015 - Magicka Sorcerer RIP - What? Sorcerer and not using spells/magicka?
    19.02.2015 - Sorcerers, we have a new hope!
  • Alphashado
    I like a lot of the changes, I feel like Crushing Shock's change was a tad unfair and I hate to see Shifting Standard get its cost increased.

    Otherwise, things seem ok. May test one of those templates.

    I agree about the Crushing Shock nerf. Not sure what they are thinking here. It wasn't OP and it is/was a staple of most casting rotations. It's not like Sorcs or Templars were melting things with CS. The initial nerf in 1.6 was enough.

    Unless they are nerfing it because they are replacing the old crit values.. Even then, 10% seems extreme to say the least.

  • OtarTheMad
    Joejudas wrote: »
    All items folks. Read it. It says all items. Meaning Trials gear is still inferior to crafted. So this fixes nothing.

    Crafted gear should be better otherwise why even bother having crafters? Not everyone loves diving into dungeon after dungeon or trial after trial just to keep up with the best gear. You want some of the best gear just craft it. Dropped gear is still very good, just look at the prices for Footman, Warlock, Healer etc.

  • RinaldoGandolphi
    I gotta ask, they nerf Crushing Shock because they say its OP (In reality CS is one of the skills that has more counters then most other skills in the game), but its perfectly fine that I can't bash interrupt Wrecking Blow or Resto Staff Heavy Attacks?.

    Theres logic for ya!
    Rinaldo Gandolphi-Breton Sorcerer Daggerfall Covenant
    Juste Gandolphi Dark Elf Templar Daggerfall Covenant
    Richter Gandolphi - Dark Elf Dragonknight Daggerfall Covenant
    Mathias Gandolphi - Breton Nightblade Daggerfall Covenant
    RinaldoGandolphi - High Elf Sorcerer Aldmeri Dominion
    Officer Fire and Ice
    Co-GM - MVP

    Sorcerer's - The ONLY class in the game that is punished for using its class defining skill (Bolt Escape)

    "Here in his shrine, that they have forgotten. Here do we toil, that we might remember. By night we reclaim, what by day was stolen. Far from ourselves, he grows ever near to us. Our eyes once were blinded, now through him do we see. Our hands once were idle, now through them does he speak. And when the world shall listen, and when the world shall see, and when the world remembers, that world will cease to be. - Miraak

  • prototypefb
    Exstazik wrote: »
    Decreased the damage of Force Shock and Crushing Shock by 10%.-RIP MAgicka sorc build

    Dexterity: This passive now grants a higher Critical Strike rating to physical attacks, and was changed to be approximately on par with the Spell Critical Rating gained by the Light Armor passive Prodigy.
    -RIP magicka builds
    @ZOS_GinaBruno medium already have 1,4 more weapon DMG then light users have spell power.Now You give medium another boost and just garbaged Crushing Shock to surge and bow.\

    1.6.2- 2h+med or leave GJ

    fact that melee have to get close to deal dmg makes that number balanced, melee should deal more dmg cause it's melee, bows are nerfed in line with staffs(more or less) and it should be that way, for the sake of balance and viabilities of weapons, this was elder staff online for way too long, it will be true elder trolls online now ;P
  • Emma_Overload
    SO if ZoS won't fix Critical Surge so that it heals properly, can they at least EXPLAIN why they're doing this?

    From looking around the forums, I've noticed that Nightblades are also feeling some pain from certain nerfs to their class abilities. I get the impression that ZoS is deliberately sabotaging abilities that synergize with AOE effects, as well as the AOE damage skills themselves (e.g. Wall of Elements).

    AGAIN, why are you doing this?
  • sabresandiego_ESO
    Crushing shock nerf is one of the best things in the patch notes. The ability was blatantly overpowered, and now should be more in line with the 10% nerf.

    1. It snares you

    2. It puts a dot on you

    3. It interrupts you

    4. It does great damage, and can be spammed

    5. It has massive range

    6. It has a quick animation

    7. Its easy to use, much easier than using melee abilities which require positioning, often dangerous positioning.

    10% is a very small adjustment. The ability remains one of the best in the entire game, particularly in pvp. Stop looking through biased lenses and embrace changes that improve the game, even if they happen to make you "slightly" weaker.
    Edited by sabresandiego_ESO on February 10, 2015 9:13PM
    Ali Dreadsabre -Necromancer
    Ali Sabre -Nightblade
  • Turelus

    Any class can heal in pvp. Vigor is a stamina based aoe heal located in the Alliance Assault line. Anyone with the appropriate rank can take it. Also of course, anyone can use a resto staff.

    That's quite a high rank requirement though, meaning you would still need to grind a solid 20 something ranks to gain your heal.
    Also I believe his complaint was that every class other than the NB has solid shield/heal skills while the NB is basically forced into the resto staff off hand to gain these abilities, so yes you're correct anyone can use a resto staff, but most NB have to use resto staff for those options.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Darlgon

    Are these typos?
    Combat & Gameplay
    • Monsters and NPCs will no longer be able to land Critical Hits.

      Justice System
      • You will now receive infamy for stealing gold.

    I mean.. talk about a PVE mob nerf..

    and... You get infamy "WHEN SEEN" stealing gold?
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • Ace_SiN
    One day I will read some patch notes and the Werewolf will no longer make me weaker for using it.. One day..

    Can we at least get a timer increase and ultimate decrease next patch? There's nothing that you could change about those values that would make us OP or even stronger than most builds.
    King of Beasts

  • xherics
    Crushing shock nerf is one of the best things in the patch notes. The ability was blatantly overpowered, and now should be more in line with the 10% nerf.

    1. It snares you

    2. It puts a dot on you

    3. It interrupts you

    4. It does great damage, and can be spammed

    5. It has massive range

    6. It has a quick animation

    7. Its easy to use, much easier than using melee abilities which require positioning, often dangerous positioning.

    10% is a very small adjustment. The ability remains one of the best in the entire game, particularly in pvp. Stop looking through biased lenses and embrace changes that improve the game, even if they happen to make you "slightly" weaker.

    Sorry, but you are somebody who does not know anything about PvE or playing the sorcerers... If ZOS do balance the PvE, especially the sorcerers, nobody will care about this nerf... but no, they are just nerfing out the sorc from the game...
    Guild: HODOR - EU - Ebonheart Pact
    Char: Leliana fxn (Sorc) and Nuria fxn (DK)
    World first Sanctum Ophidia Time trial achievement unlock with my Sorcerer (v1.5.7)
    World second Sanctum Ophidia Hard Mode achievement unlock with my Sorcerer (v1.5.8)
    Pre-nerf Dragonstar Arena Hard Mode Conqueror with my Sorcerer

    "Sorcerer is for me a definition of the highest level of magician, what does not mean pets, but pure magic, pure spells.
    Pure magic from the heart, through the blood, to the last hairbreadth...
    Sorcerer means the highest magic killer with pure magic, not the weakest grandmamma's pet farm."

    11.02.2015 - Magicka Sorcerer RIP - What? Sorcerer and not using spells/magicka?
    19.02.2015 - Sorcerers, we have a new hope!
  • Darlgon
    Faulgor wrote: »

    Okay, who is responsible for this? Who gave this kind of "feedback"?

    The different entrances to the refugees were awesome, especially that they corresponded perfectly to the overworld. If you left the refuge through a gutter or well, that's exactly were you would end up. Guess they have to change all areas now or they don't make sense anymore ...

    I agree.. no way in [snip] a theif or outlaw is ONLY gonna have two entrance/exits. They felt right with four.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Cursing & Profanity]
    Edited by ZOS_ShannonM on February 11, 2015 7:02PM
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • prototypefb
    All_Bizniz wrote: »
    seems like a legit patch. The people are speaking and the DEVS are listening. Still though.... shields need some work. and meteor is still ridiculous. K thanks

    meteor is stil reflectable/blockable
    SO if ZoS won't fix Critical Surge so that it heals properly, can they at least EXPLAIN why they're doing this?

    From looking around the forums, I've noticed that Nightblades are also feeling some pain from certain nerfs to their class abilities. I get the impression that ZoS is deliberately sabotaging abilities that synergize with AOE effects, as well as the AOE damage skills themselves (e.g. Wall of Elements).

    AGAIN, why are you doing this?

    crit surge the way it was before was way too powerfull, with changes in impenetrable pvp would give back same heals as pve used to , meaning OP stuff, had to be nerfed!
  • Flaminir
    Crushing shock nerf is one of the best things in the patch notes. The ability was blatantly overpowered, and now should be more in line with the 10% nerf.

    1. It snares you

    2. It puts a dot on you

    3. It interrupts you

    4. It does great damage, and can be spammed

    5. It has massive range

    6. It has a quick animation

    7. Its easy to use, much easier than using melee abilities which require positioning, often dangerous positioning.

    10% is a very small adjustment. The ability remains one of the best in the entire game, particularly in pvp. Stop looking through biased lenses and embrace changes that improve the game, even if they happen to make you "slightly" weaker.

    All your 7 points are technically correct....

    But now please show me as a magicka PvE Sorc where I can do comparable sustained DPS to the other classes? (& for the love of god don't say pets!!!!).

    Crushing shock was never OP.... nobody has asked for this... because PvE Sorcs relied on this so heavily nerfing it is a massive kick in the sweetrolls!!!
    Edited by Flaminir on February 10, 2015 9:21PM
    GM of the Unholy Legacy
    Sorcerer Flaminir (Magicka) / Staminir (Stamina)
    Templar Elixiia (Magicka/Healer) / Lotti Velooni (Magicka)
    DragonKnight Xalora Flaminar (Tank) / Unholy-Dragon-Toad (Tank)
    Nightblade Aimee Owlious (Magicka) / Myttens (Stamina)
    Warden: Frosti-Tute (Magicka/Healer) Boops-Many-Snoots (Stamina/Tank)
  • jcaceresw
    • Moved the Imperial Race and Any Race, Any Alliance to the ‘Upgrades’ category.

    Will you put that "Any Race, Any Alliance" ability to be sold in the Crown Store? I haven´t seen this ability that was only provided for those who pre-ordered the game long time ago.
  •  pvpaddict42
    Turelus wrote: »

    That's quite a high rank requirement though, meaning you would still need to grind a solid 20 something ranks to gain your heal.
    Also I believe his complaint was that every class other than the NB has solid shield/heal skills while the NB is basically forced into the resto staff off hand to gain these abilities, so yes you're correct anyone can use a resto staff, but most NB have to use resto staff for those options.

    No one else gets on demand stealth either unless its in a bottle and that has a significant cooldown and uses up your potion ability as well. I realize that NBs are still unhappy with where Shadowcloak is but having played one its still very powerful if used well not to mention the fear mechanic that only NBs get.
  • xherics
    Hey there, @jdyatespreub18_ESO. First, welcome back! We are very much listening to the feedback provided by you and all ESO players in-game, on the forums, and across our social channels. Your impressions are incredibly important, especially while we have content on PTS before pushing the build live. This is also why we held several PTS events last week to help test new systems and hear your thoughts. We've made many adjustments based on player feedback, which you'll continue to see in our incremental patches on PTS, and of course on live.

    Keep on testing and sharing your thoughts with us!

    It does not seems to, that you are doing the described methods... Another nerfs to Sorcerers, what we never wanted and suggested...
    Guild: HODOR - EU - Ebonheart Pact
    Char: Leliana fxn (Sorc) and Nuria fxn (DK)
    World first Sanctum Ophidia Time trial achievement unlock with my Sorcerer (v1.5.7)
    World second Sanctum Ophidia Hard Mode achievement unlock with my Sorcerer (v1.5.8)
    Pre-nerf Dragonstar Arena Hard Mode Conqueror with my Sorcerer

    "Sorcerer is for me a definition of the highest level of magician, what does not mean pets, but pure magic, pure spells.
    Pure magic from the heart, through the blood, to the last hairbreadth...
    Sorcerer means the highest magic killer with pure magic, not the weakest grandmamma's pet farm."

    11.02.2015 - Magicka Sorcerer RIP - What? Sorcerer and not using spells/magicka?
    19.02.2015 - Sorcerers, we have a new hope!
  • jelliedsoup
    Hmmm it appears the intention may be to nerf bows. Damn.
  • Siluen
    Reduced the number of entrances to Outlaws Refuges based on your feedback. There is now one entrance outside the city, and one inside the city limits.

    ... I will find the person that gave this feedback, stab them, and will do my best to still find a refuge.

    (I do not like this change)
  • asteldian
    A 10% nerf to a skill that gets used as part of a rotation and the world is ending? My Temp just had 30% knocked off his damage skill :(
  • prototypefb

    No one else gets on demand stealth either unless its in a bottle and that has a significant cooldown and uses up your potion ability as well. I realize that NBs are still unhappy with where Shadowcloak is but having played one its still very powerful if used well not to mention the fear mechanic that only NBs get.
    fear is not exclusive to NB, correct me if i'm wrong but i recall( well, don't recall names of skills, sorry) 2 more skills with fear and at least 1 was available to every1. i'm sure some1 can clarify this.
    i just looked up undaunted skills tangling webs synergy have fear, and Werewolf Roar have fear aswell, so there you go, both non exclusive to NB
    Edited by prototypefb on February 10, 2015 9:32PM
  • sabresandiego_ESO
    Sorcerrors were not nerfed, destruction staff was. And it was a small change to make the skill more balanced.

    Sorcerror class skills have some good dps right now, and its all ranged. My main is a sorc.

    The main problem with sorcs at the moment is that stamina options really suck.
    Ali Dreadsabre -Necromancer
    Ali Sabre -Nightblade
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