Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Update 6 Testing Suggestions and Feedback Wanted

  • Ysne58

    I think it's too linear. I hate that 2h weapon. I would choose resto staff. Others want other choices.

    Justice System

    I don't think the cool off is too fast.
    I don't like that screen freeze when the guard kills me.
    There is an issue with disguises bringing up the hidden icon when we aren't really hidden. As I have said before, this will be especially confusing to new players. The part of the Stros M'kai can actually break, which I have reported in another post here and as a bug.

    Champion system.

    The passive for insight needs to be much lower on that tree. By the time most people get it, they will probably be maxed out in crafts. This has been commented on by several others.
  • xaraan
    Day 4 testing:

    Shorter time today, and I missed ESO live due to dr. apt :( - but a few thoughts:

    You should offer a respec of attribute points as well as skill points when you roll this out. People are going to need to rebalance that as well because of changes you guys have made to the system. (Mainly the way you've changed health, but the way all the stats work without soft caps, etc.)

    AoE circle -- I don't really care for the shrinking circle thing that was added to stuff like Caltrops and Healing Springs.

    Did I mention previously about not being able to invite players to group from your guild list? If not, that is a poor move, defeating one of the conveniences of the reason for being in a guild with people.

    The toggle to turn the inner light rotating ball off should apply to you as well, not just to others using the power.

    I think the amount of light attacks need to proc the spectral bow for the new NB power should come down by 1 or 2 attacks and/or the time increased.

    Trophies should be in the U menu, not eventually, but when it rolls out. It's as crazy as overlooking shield dying when you guys rolled out dye.

    I kind of feel like you should refund a portion of the money to players when they lose their mounts. I have 8 characters all with 43K horses (some with two of them). Not like I'm hurting for money, but I get tired of feeling ripped off every time you guys change a game system.

    Heat wears off to quickly when you are wanted IMO.

    You are having the same issue you guys had when you tried the anti-farming stuff when dwemer motifs rolled out - once you go in a house and look in containers, everything else is empty. Considering how few spots there are to search stuff without stealing now that should be fixed. I can get not wanting refarming of the same spot, but if I go into two different places one should be empty just b/c i searched the other.

    On my Stamina NB from yesterday's post, I managed to work my DPS up a bit, but still lagging several thousand dps behind DKs, Templars and Sorcs in that department (as are the other few NBs in the guild testing right now). I still think there should be a better buff, like Reapers doing more than it does (having it do the same thing as the tanks taunt and the heal/buff after death makes it useless for raiding).

    Not on the game this moment: but there is a blue food that has a misprint. It says increases health and stamina by 3K-ish and increases stamina by 3K-ish making it look like it buffs stamina twice.

    Still haven't earned a CP after four days of running dungeons (even while being enlightened quite a often). I'm wondering if the whole "balanced how to earn points across every activity" applies to end game raiders. Seems like questing, pvp and grinding are the ways to go for points.

    Random thought (and I apologize in advance to more casual players still leveling, but end-game rant coming) -- I heard a couple comments after ESO Live about content coming or not coming after console launch -- we should not have to wait until 2016 for content. You guys need to have new zones/dungeons/something for end game every other month, you've had a year to work on stuff. So I'm not sure what was said on the show today, but don't rely on the cash shop and remaining subs to keep you in business for another year without content. I know a lot of the end game guys, guys that are paying to test your game for you right now that won't stick around without content - we've already waited long enough. Even when the CS comes out we'll have little to do but repeat stuff for months. I want your game to survive, but hearing stuff like that worries me.

    Edited by xaraan on January 31, 2015 5:21AM
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • dylanjaygrobbelaarb16_ESO
    Digiman wrote: »
    Why is it that Heavy armor's bracing gives its buff if you have 5 more pieces, where as with light armor and medium we need full set to achieve this from what the tool tip says?

    Eitherway its seems like your obviously favoring Heavy Armor over others for PvP now.

    This game is not PvP only. Heavy armor is used to tanks in pve you know. 5/5 set bonus is good because you may add 2 light for magicka regen or 2 medium for stamina or mix to get undaunted +% stats bonus. In pve stamina build dps run with full medium same with magicka build and light. If you want to be more tanky pick heavy for PvP. if you want to be pure glass canon go full light or medium. I not see problem here. If they can do it (stamina build users with heavy armor in pvp), I do not see why you cant. Just sacrafice some dps for more defens. And why i not seen your " nerf light armor "post when /even now in live/ you rock in full light armor and shield (and yes you was more tanky than heavy armor users and you dish their dps x X)

    you missed the point, they changed the set equip bonus from 5/7 to 7/7. but only for medium and light. dosent seem fair reguardless if its pp/ pve

    You cant ask them to alow you to top dps metter and to be damn tanky at the same time. If you want dps go 7/7 medium light, if you want pure tank but not dps at all go 7/7 heavy, if you want to be decent, mix them. You cant have all, face it. No more to say.

    looks like you missed the point too, you only have to go 5/7 with heavy but you have to go 7/7 with both others. heavy never needs the 7/7 to get the perks from heavy.
    edit: people have stated they tested and this is a ui error, all are 5/7
    Edited by dylanjaygrobbelaarb16_ESO on February 2, 2015 4:44PM
  • MurrayJnr
    Soul Shriven
    I'd like to post some thought I've had of PTS.

    For the most part I really like the changes that have been made and am thoroughly enjoying the addition of thieving and murdering.

    I have some criticism of some of the changes.

    This change effectively makes this passive feel like a gimmicky novelty item. Incredibly lackluster. I understand that it had to be changed to prevent it from becoming to OP running along side the champion system, but to completely change it from potion effectiveness to a small handful of ultimate points is odd. Nightblades are a unique class as they lack a class based heal that doesn't require being surrounded by 6 angry melee based enemies. (Although the effectiveness of the Sorc dark exchange is a topic for another discussion). I've always felt that the catalyst passive giving potion effectiveness was a great compensation for the class and great for utility potions like speed boost.
    My suggestion would be to return this passive back to potion effectiveness, but perhaps at a reduced percentage to maintain balance. 8% at rank 1 and 15% at rank 2 would be much better received. Alternatively if this passive is going to stick with giving free ult, it needs to be improved massively. At least +10 ult at rank 1 and +20 ult at rank 2.

    Has been brought up a couple of times but I will address it again. I understand this change was included to give stamina based options to morphs to class abilities. I really think this morph needs to go back to magicka. As a gap closer it is a little odd to convert one of the morphs to be stamina based when the other 2 class gap closers (DK chains and Templar Spear charge) are both magic based gap closes with both morphs retaining their status as magicka based. More odd is why it is needed to give a stamina based option for a gap closer when there are already great gap closer options. 2Hand comes with crit charge, 1H+S comes with the shield charge, bow for obvious reasons doesn't want a gap closer and while dual wield does not have a gap closer, they do have a stamina based weapon skill that works at range. To be honest, it feels as though ambush as stamina based is being directed at a very specific dual wield build. This leaves a magicka based NB's a little stuck. All 3 of our ultimates require being in melee range, our best CC is PBAoE, Veiled strike is melee, 1 of our 2 aoe's is PBAoE and the other is an area just in front of us, likewise with destro staff abilities and finally a morph is required to get the execute out of melee range. Ambush is quite critical to our magicka based builds, especially any single target builds, and it seems unjustified to take it away to add a choice that is simply unnecessary. Even as an opener, NB's have the stamina based option of suprise attack.
    My suggestion would be to switch ambush back to being magicka based and pretend this never happened.

    Sorcerer Class
    Problems with the class have been brought up in this thread several times so I'll simply add that I'm finding the class to be under performing compared to others.

    It seems the cost of it has gone up considerably. I think a happy medium between what it is on live and what it is currently on PTS would be more balanced.
  • Joejudas
    Did you take the ability to transport to player from the guild roster out of the game ? If you did that needs to be in the patch notes please. Its not currently available in the pts
    Edited by Joejudas on January 31, 2015 8:44AM
  • Atarax
    With Update 6 being our largest update yet, we wanted to provide some suggestions on where to focus your testing, and some specific feedback we’re looking to gather that would help us the most. Thanks in advance!

    • Play through a Trial, Dragonstar Arena, or hop in Cyrodiil and try out the new abilities and game balance. Be sure to also pay attention to the new combat animations while you play.

    New animations are nice, haven't made it into Trial, Dragonstar, or Cyrodiil yet, will update when I get to that; just realized I'm 4 champion points short of max though so need to go out and earn a little more exp on my VR14.
    [*] Use your copied character from the Live megaserver or use a character template to play around with the new Champion System and allocate different points.

    Overall the Champion System is a welcome addition, and works well as envisaged, needs some refinement here or there, but others are commenting on this. The rate of earning exp toward champion points is too low unless you're grinding though. Exploring, doing delves, questing, grinding, PvP, crafting, dungeons, arena, and raids should all generate champion points at similar amounts of time invested.
    [*] Check out the new, larger delves in Glenumbra, Stonefalls, and Auridon.

    Pending. Will update once done.
    [*] Preview the polished version of Redguard and Orc armor.

    I like the new styles with the exception of the Reguard legs. It would be better if they were in some kind of metal hakama; given the strong influence of sword combat in the culture I think that would go well, otherwise, the old legs were better.
    [*] Pretend that you’re a new player that’s never seen ESO before, and run through the new tutorial. Make believe is fun!

    Did this, and I like the new tutorial much better now, the touches to ambiance were nice, as were giving more gameplay tips (lockpicking and surprise attacks) will be helpful to new players.
    [*] Start at the beginning of the Provisioning skill line and level up to explore the new changes.
    [*] Participate in our scheduled in-game events on the PTS, like running a Trial or battling in Cyrodiil!

    Pending. Will try to join some events, but I play from Asia so the hours don't usually work.

    Justice System
    • Did being able to commit crimes add to your level of enjoyment?

    Yes. Justice system will be great fun and set ESO apart from other MMOs once it's fully implemented. Having a lot of fun sneaking about stealing things even as it is.
    [*] What was the most and least satisfying thing about the Justice system?

    The most satisfying thing about the Justice system so far is the additional freedom, interactivity, and immersion the system brings. Being able to play as a thief and skill up in Legerdemain is fun. Having NPCs feel more alive is fun. Being able to kill them or steal from them is fun. Etc. etc. Can't wait for thieves guild, dark brotherhood, etc. etc.

    The worst part about it is that you can accidentally trigger fights with NPCs fairly easily. This will take some getting used to.
    [*] Did the Legerdemain skill line feel appropriately rewarding for the activity?

    Somewhat. The reduced cost of stamina for sneaking is appropriate, as is increasing the success chance for lockpicking and pickpocket. However, the capstone passive for reducing the cost of fines seems mediocre. It would seem more appropriate / rewarding if this passive reduced detection radius while stealthed.
    [*] Was the Justice system clear in what you could and could not do? If not, what was not readily apparent?
    Yes. the in-game prompts are helpful, although the glowy aura is oddly enticing and tempts you to fire arrows at NPCs just so you can loot that yummy glowy aura.
    [*] Were other players that were participating in the Justice system disruptive to your experience in a city?

    Nope. It's good having it be interactive.
    Did you feel being able to kill NPCs disrupted your own enjoyment of the city environment?

    No, but only because I understand the system prevents you from killing merchants, quest NPCs, and other important NPCs. If you were able to kill those then I would constantly be worried about killing an NPC I would need later. It seems to work well the way it's been designed.
    [*] How much gold are you averaging in total after an hour of Justice activities?
    [*] Which Justice activities seem to be the most and least profitable and effective?

    Not sure, I'm just enjoying being able to engage in the activities. Will try to pay more attention.
    [*] Did you find murder and/or theft to be justly punitive?
    Nope, but then again, I haven't gotten caught yet ;)

    [*] How clear is the process to fence a stolen item, and how you use the system for profit?
    [*] Is it clear when you are and are not being witnessed committing a crime?
    [*] Are the mechanics of pickpocketing clear?
    [*] Are the bounty UI elements clear?
    [*] Is the recourse for paying your bounty when you are kill on sight and finding a fence clear?
    [*] How was the cadence of skill advancement?

    Pending, will update later.

    [*] Were the legerdemain skills desirable and effective?

    See answer above. Restating here. The reduced cost of stamina for sneaking is appropriate, as is increasing the success chance for lockpicking and pickpocket. However, the capstone passive for reducing the cost of fines seems mediocre. It would seem more appropriate / rewarding if this passive reduced detection radius while stealthed.
    [*] Were you able to find Outlaws Refuges when needed?
    [*] Was it easy to distinguish between selling and laundering stolen items?
    [*] Were other players able to hinder your ability to profit from Justice activities?


    Champion System
    • Do you feel choices and what you focus on are more important?

    [*] How fast are you gaining champion points per hour and/or per day? Does this cadence feel good?

    Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy too slow for the activities I've engaged in so far (crafting, questing, exploring). I've been on the test server most of the day and still haven't earned a point.
    [*] How is the overall difficulty compared to what’s currently on the Live megaservers?

    [*] Are there things in the system that you are looking forward to?

    Yes. In order of anticipation:
    1. Removal of Veteran Ranks
    2. Additional power from new passives
    3. Additional skill points
    [*] Was there anything not worth spending points in?
    [*] How does light, medium, and heavy armor feel now in terms of balance?
    [*] How does enlightenment feel?

    [*] Is the UI easy to navigate?

    [*] Is the UI missing anything that you need? Are you missing critical UI elements while in the Champion UI window?

    Nope, I like the UI.
    [*] Is regular PvE content more difficult?
    [*] How do dungeons (both regular and Veteran) and Trials feel compared to what’s currently on the live megaservers?
    [*] Can you still complete Trial runs?

    [*] Is it fun to spend Champion Points on non-veteran characters?

    Yes, I love this feature. Particularly given that some abilities are gated behind classes (unlike other Elder Scrolls games where a single character could eventually do everything), so we're liable to create alts, I love that I don't have to start over entirely from scratch. It would be great if you made learned motifs account-wide as well.
    Gameplay and Abilities
    • Do you like the new abilities, specifically the new class and AvA abilities?

    Somewhat, the new AvA abilities rock. There are issues with the class ability changes. I will be putting comprehensive feedback here:
    [*] Do you like the new buff/debuff system?

    Yes. It's more transparent so should ultimately make balancing things and theorycrafting easier.
    [*] Do you think there too many synergies on the screen? Do they feel more useful/powerful?
    [*] Are the synergies more exciting to use now? Do you think there are too many/not enough synergy prompts available?
    No, still not enough synergies in general, particularly for some classes. Synergies, when they are there however, seem useful. Moar plz.
    [*] How do you feel about the revised AOE caps and new ultimate generation?
    Revised AOE caps=awesomesauce
    Revised ultimate generation= DO NOT LIKE, I prefer the old system, this revamp makes ultimates a lot less fun, should have been balanced to increase the rate at which laging builds could generate ultimate, not nerf everyone who had figured out how to build quickly. See this thread for further comments:
    [*] Now that the meatbag catapults no longer stack with other healing debuffs, do they still feel too powerful?
    No comment.
    Game Re-balance
    • How do Trials and dungeons feel with and without the use of Champion Points?
    • How does overall balance feel in instanced areas, especially in Dragonstar Arena?
    • How does regular PvE content feel with and without the use of Champion Points?

    Pending. But initial thought is that, without Champion Points, the content is maybe a tad too difficult.
    New Combat Animations
    • How does combat in general feel overall?
    • Does combat feel more responsive?

    Awesome. Yes. Well-done. Luv it. Now if only you guys would open up your pipeline to Singapore so I didn't have 300ms ping constantly.
    • How does the new system feel overall?
    • Does the system make more sense?
    • If you’re using a copied character from the Live megaserver, did you find the transition to the new system relatively painless?
    • Are all items from previous provisioning accounted for in your inventory?
    • Did you feel the provisioning revamp has significantly impacted your inventory?
    • How do you feel about the new recipes?
    • How do you feel about the new paradigm for how food and drink, plus their subcategories, are broken down?
    • If you obtained ingredients from critters, how did it feel?
    • How does brewing compare to what you experienced to the live game in terms of benefit?
    • Can you still rank up in provisioning with the Justice System?
    • Did you feel you needed to steal in order to be an effective provisioner?
    • Were you able to reasonably find recipes?
    • How was your experience with crafting writs, if you performed any?

    Crown Store
    • What do you think about the offered mounts, pets, costumes, polymorphs and consumables?
    • Did you notice any of the items broken in any way?
    • How does the feel and flow while using the store feel?
    • What are some things you’d like to see in the store? Is there anything you’d never want to see?
    • Did your existing pets convert correctly in the new collections UI?

    New Tutorial in Coldharbour
    • How does the new tutorial feel? Do you feel like you’re learning more?
    • Did you come out of the tutorial with a character that can perform well in the game world? Did you feel you had enough armor, a high enough level, and proper knowledge?
    • How do new systems like Champion Points and Provisioning feel with a new character going through the tutorial?
    • Does the new tutorial perform well? Did you notice any lag?

    I thought it was great. Probably the best tutorial I've played in an MMO and I like all the subtle little changes. It's perfect from my playthrough.
    Armor Set Polish
    • What did you think of the new Redguard and Orc armor?
    • Did the update keep the spirit of the armor?
    • Were there any old pieces that you miss?

    See comments above. Restated here. I like the new styles with the exception of the Reguard legs. It would be better if they were in some kind of metal hakama; given the strong influence of sword combat in the culture I think that would go well, otherwise, the old legs were better.

    Just want to add. Other changes I like:


    Great change. I love the way horses work now. I also like that outfits don't take up space anymore. Please add disguises to this, and all those little trophy's we get from completing quests.
    Edited by Atarax on January 31, 2015 9:12AM
    50 Bosmer Nightblade
    50 Breton Sorcerer
    50 Dunmer Dragonknight
    50 Imperial Templar
    50 Khajit Nightblade
    50 Imperial Dragonknight
    50 Altmer Sorcerer
    50 Argonian Templar

    Discussions of Interest:
    Class Balance in 1.6
    Quest Choices
    Request to Reinstate Night's Silence and Dark Stalker stacking
  • Squa
    Ive been playing around on the PTS for a little, and there are a few things that really stick out to me.

    First, enlightenment. That whole mechanic just blows. If it was based on some other thing besides time then maybe... but couldn't the xp cost of CP just be reduced and have the same effect...

    Second, the guards. I actually think they are pretty neet, and I like that they don't auto kill you. What is bad is that they can see through invisibility and that they cause lag right before they kill you, which prevents me from using potions or skills to prevent said death. Also, it might be more fun to have the guards be knockoutable, but very strong, or something like that. Might make the immersion aspect better.

    Last, stealth. I play on a character who is basically maxed in stealth. Before 1.6, I could sneak up on enemies no problem. After, I find it very easy for me to be detected. Also, when pickpocketing, the npcs can find me very very quickly. I don't know if this is intended or not, but I preferred being stealthy.

    One more thing, but its not really a complaint, just an observation. I find that my auto attack damage has become much more significant, while my skill damage as become underwhelming. I am not weaving in skills to boost damage, not weaving in attacks. I don't know if this is good or bad, intended or unintended.
    Squa Zer (v14 NB NA)
  • Caroloces
    I have noticed that " Petrify" now has a slight delay for about a second and a half before it applies the effect.

    I've just been testing this same ability. There is a delay, but I've also noticed that sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. I was doing shield assault, pierce armor, and then petrify on a number of enemies, and sometimes petrify did not do anything at all.

    Went back in, and tested again and found that I got "Target is Immune" message when it wasn't working. But this same enemy, a moment later, is not immune because I do Petrify again and it does take effect. It would be helpful to understand how this mechanic works. Why is the enemy "immune" at one moment, and then not "immune" at another?
    Edited by Caroloces on January 31, 2015 9:53PM
  • Enodoc
    New loading screens, @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ ? That's not in the patch notes... :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: They look pretty nice.
    What zones have new loading screens? I see the Wailing Prison and Bangkorai both do; what else? Do they cycle with the old ones, or are they replacements?
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  • Caroloces
    Tested Circle of Protection in Fighter's Guild abilities. The patch notes say it give major fortitude buff, but I don't see it in tooltip, and it certainly didn't seem to happen in fight. The only thing mentioned in tooltip was that allies get minor protection.
  • Khupa
    I will write my opinion on Justice System.

    Did being able to commit crimes add to your level of enjoyment?
    What was the most and least satisfying thing about the Justice system?
    Loot was great. Having no CC immunity after breaking guards snare was least satisfying. Do somebody saw the RANGE of those guards.
    Did the Legerdemain skill line feel appropriately rewarding for the activity?
    Yes on some of them. NO the one you brake locks... Really I never try to brake locks because of the lower chance and that would make a lot of noise
    Was the Justice system clear in what you could and could not do? If not, what was not readily apparent?
    Yes, I understand of try to make the Guards like GOD so players like me don't go on a serial killing rampage, But really why not make them that when one finally got them to 0 Health just have a 30's Stun to recoup their health. Their RANGE, really I had to use even Speed Potions, brake CC's , run some more get CC again brake to be able to escape.
    Were other players that were participating in the Justice system disruptive to your experience in a city? Did you feel being able to kill NPCs disrupted your own enjoyment of the city environment?
    No and No again. But notice that some safes were getting "Rob" by a invisible player that you can "see it" moving invisible, It was moving so fast that by the time I got half way to the door of the next building, he pass me and got in.
    How much gold are you averaging in total after an hour of Justice activities?
    I was having fun, so I didn't pay attention.
    Which Justice activities seem to be the most and least profitable and effective?
    Lockboxes seem to be the most profitable and hence they are placed in visible locations. But I fail More on 85% chance than on 60% chance when pickpocket npc's.
    Did you find murder and/or theft to be justly punitive?
    NO... If one want to be "assassin" No mater if there is a witness or No witness you get a bounty. There is No CSI in Tamriel at the moment, so if one goes to a house and eliminate a NPC there should not be any Bounty. And I did some one shot to a npc and still got a bounty.
    How clear is the process to fence a stolen item, and how you use the system for profit?
    Very clear.
    Is it clear when you are and are not being witnessed committing a crime?
    NO. In some areas, the npc don't see you at all, in other at soon you are at "medium range" they are already "aware" of you even when you been hiding the hole time. The eye is almost close, you are behind them and they still see you. is funny when npc's are "sleeping" in a bed and still they are aware of you.
    Are the mechanics of pickpocketing clear?
    Yes, But there are situations that they are aware when you been hiding behind them.
    Are the bounty UI elements clear?
    Is the recourse for paying your bounty when you are kill on sight and finding a fence clear?
    How was the cadence of skill advancement?
    Slow... I spend hrs getting the 25k bounty out the safes I found and only got to lv 5
    Were the legerdemain skills desirable and effective?
    Some of them yes, the one that brake locks in my opinion is a waste
    Were you able to find Outlaws Refuges when needed?
    Yes and NO, I particularly appreciate that they are normally located close to a wayshrine. NO because there was just 1 Outlaws Refuges per map area.
    Was it easy to distinguish between selling and laundering stolen items?
    After reading Yes
    Were other players able to hinder your ability to profit from Justice activities?
    The only time I saw something strange was that invisible player "stealing" the safes and the guards or any NPC not even noticing that he was there. The reason I know because you can ear when somebody is braking a safe and then you see something moving like is in rapid maneuvers "you see the sides but not the toon" . So in my opinion somebody is already using some kind of add on.

    Maybe if used shadow play to caught and show what was the situation I was witnessing.
    Edited by Khupa on February 1, 2015 3:00AM
  • Khupa
    WOW, This Champion system, really nerfed the abilities or power of the toon.

    STAMINA MANAGEMENT -- I was never had a problem with dodge rolls, blocks, etc. using stamina and was able to manage to use my abilities and do all those things while keeping my stamina in an alright place. Now that those abilities are costing so much more, whether it was the 'sale' price for the champion system or not, it drains stamina way too much. If I block a few shots in PvE, I have hardly any stamina left to attack with.

    POTION COOLDOWN -- WTH. 45 seconds is too long, especially when you combine it with all the other nerfs to potions, even with a longer time on the secondary effects.

    ONLINE FRIENDS -- It never leave.

    LOAD SCREENS -- Way too long, I force crash the game each time it passes 3 minutes.

    CHAMP POINTS -- 400k for 1 CP!!! The abilities were nerfed to use the champion points and really one would have to max out almost everything in the champion system to be at par wit the type of toon is playing today. All my toons are weak comparing what I play right now. My Vr14 SORC will be for crafting only due to the changes so no more play time with him.

    CRITICALS -- Seems like crit on weapons took a pretty good hit. My V14 NB went from 61% to 35.9% in PTS. My gear set critical drop from 4% weapon critical to 2%. Night Mother Gaze set (3/5)= 4% Weapon critical, Hunding's Rage set (5/5)= 4% Weapon Critical, Ravage Set (3/3)= 2% Weapon critical, Carnage (3/3) Increase Weapon critical by 125.9%, Pressure point = Increase Critical Strike by 419?, 2 EA Swords each wit 3.5% critical... Those numbers are not even close what I read on the changes.

    Safe Boxes -- I notice that the higher is to brake "master" the less goodies they have. I got more Blue items on "easy" Safe boxes (normally 1 or 2 blue items) than on "master" safe boxes ( I only got 1 green item on them, and already opened a few of them and each was the same disappointment).

    Silver Bolts -- That 80% damage reduction for a mere 30% chance is not working at all. I was using Camouflaged Hunter and was Sneaking, got close to a vamp in PVP and used Silver Bolts, not once but until my stamina was wasted... The lower I got his health was 50% and I was out of stamina. It may work in PVE, but NOT in PVP.

    Sneaking in PVP -- The NPC's in the res, can see you even when they are not even agro on you on open fields.

    Meteor -- Somebody send a meteor on me, I started blocking right away, I took ZERO damage, didn't Fly and didn't drop my Stamina at all. Even the Scorched ground did nothing when I walked over. Maybe a bug?

    I will continue later...
    Edited by Khupa on February 1, 2015 9:48AM
  • nukeemstudiosub17_ESO
    ZOS_GinaBruno!! please read

    The one thing i noticed so far is that the new AOE alliance assault skill is COMPLETELY OP. Everyone in Cyrodill on the PTS is SPAMMING this. Needs mosr than a cast time needs a cool down as well IMHO. You try to test new class skills in a battle and get 4 people hitting you with this new AOE bomb just obliterating everything. I got killed and it was 5 different people hitting me with the new AOE bomb. Not mad cause i got killed lol just reporting on the new changes. PvP will likely now just be spamming this skill in skirmish formation . With a skill that powerful there has t be some kind of cool down. PLEASE do Something to make it NOT be the only skill that has to be used. Its such a powerful skill that you have to have limits to how many times you can use it. And possibly drawbacks

    On the CP system: First, This is really messed up BTW, You nerf our skills when you introduce the CP system but dont give us enough CP to compensate for the changes? One would think since i worked so hard to get my character to this level, that Any points I spend from the inception of the new program should make my character stronger not fight to get it back to where it was. You should not have made us weaker to feel like we get a benefit out of the CP system!

    IMO you are not giving enough CP to people who have put in more time than everyone else. People that have only been playing two months grinding toons up to v14 should NOT be getting the same CP as someone like myself who had been here since early release. Coming into the game this late people cant expect to be as good or have characters as strong as people who have worked on them for months. Grinding quests, dungeons etc.....

    My suggestion is every account should be awarded CP based on how long their account has been consecutively active. Since you cannot accurately track the XP as you said, I think you should find some way to reward players for how much time we have put in to the game. Say 10 CP for every month a player has been subscribed. This would at least make players feel like they have wasted their time.
    Wit the current system someone who came in two months ago and hasn't put half the time into the game as others is going to be at an equal level. That just doesn't seem fair.

    My take on the NB: My main Class
    PLEASE change some of the NB skills.
    Many of the single target skills are fine. Could use a bit of tweaking but are OK.

    Examples: Ultimate-Veil of Blades is ok but NBs lack a Real Powerful game breaking ult. IMO Every other class has a more damaging or effective ult's than NBs.
    Siphoning strikes: Replace with

    Agony - Remove and replace with viable skill
    Give NBs a powerful single target ranged attack that siphons stamina alone. A morph that allows to switch to siphoning mana. Other morph siphons both but at reduced damage.

    Siphoning attacks- Remove the damage reduction(NO other class has skills that replenish their resources, that have drawbacks to them. And it doesn't even restore resources with every attack that's penalty enough already already )

    Funnel health & swallow soul- Should return more health . NBs dont have any shields, or strong self heals like other classes. We need something! Also another problem is that the spell is not a projectile, however DK reflective scales reflect our ONLY real self heal. Correct me please if I'm wrong but the funnel health is not a projectile. At least the animation looks as though there is no solid form to it. A Projectile Is a solid object propelled at a target. As apposed to Crystal frags>magic skill that forms magic solid projectiles that can be reflected.

    Sap essence/power extraction- Should be more powerful in its base form. Considering it is the ONLY good AOE a NB has that's worth anything. IMHO the rest of that skill is awesome!

    Path Of Darkness-Replace with a better AOE. Pretty much a useless skill
    Suggestion: A CC root with moderate damage that gives a synergy to the group to siphon speed.

    I am sure there are others will update as i think of them.

    Last : PLEASE FIX the current state of Stealth. This is horrible! There might as well be no stealth anymore! I do not understand why it was changed. You added a new skill in the alliance tree to deal with stealthy players. Why change how stealth works then?

    I love the way cyrodill looks now. Everything looks more crisp.
    Many things seem smoother such as setting up siege, and attack animations.
    I have not gotten into any large scale battles yet however all i have seen in battles are people spamming that new AOE bomb. I hope something is done about this. Please do something to prevent this skill from being the ONLY skill needed to play the game.

    One other thing that IMHO would help the game is making a separate bar for CC break and Roll dodge called Adrenaline. This would possibly allow stam builds to actually start to be viable in PvP. Making them able to focus there stam management for blocking and using stam based abilities.

    Please change these things while you have the chance. As it stands, Everyone I have talked to and play with is disappointed so far with new patch and feel cheated. And most of my guild has been paying members since early release.

    PLEASE do not get me wrong it shows great promise!! Some, many improvements I think have been for the better.

    My Other issues with CP system :

    1. Just make sure loyal players feel rewarded (with the amount of CP Earned for someone who has been here longer and is V14 should be more than someone who has only been here 2 months and has a V14 character. In that time difference there is NO possible way someone who has only been here for 2 months with a V14 could have earned as much equivalent CP As others.)

    3. Fix stamina balance issue
    4. Dont nerf our characters so it makes it feel like the CP sytem works.( You ALMOST had a good character balance worked out! not perfect but was on the right track, this new system again IMHO is a set back in terms of class balance
    5. Make CP skills more important. Some look like they are pretty useless.(will post list as to which IMHO could be changed.)

    Edited by nukeemstudiosub17_ESO on February 1, 2015 7:51PM
  • Brizz
    Found a bug with both or either Critical Charge and/or Brawler.

    I think that Critical Charge is unintentionally gaining stealth attack bonus, and I think that Brawler is unintentionally doing all its DOT damage instantly.

    Ticket# 150131-001388

    More testing on this soon - Will post it here

    EDIT: Unable to recreate. Player said was using Grim focus, Rally, Ambush, Critical charge and brawler.
    :.,_,.:*"'"*:.,_,.:*"'"* Guild of Shadows *"'":.,_,.:*"'"*:.,_,.:
    Briizz - v14 EP Werewolf Nightblade <Former Emperor - Chillrend NA>
    Brizz The Elder Dragon - v14 EP Dragon Knight
    Brizz - v12 DC Nightblade <Former Emperor - Celarus NA>
    Brizeer - v4 Stamina Sorcerer - Prophet of Zazeer-Destroyer of Buff Severs and Eater of Sweet Rolls-
    Watch LIVE @
  • Aziz006
    Brizz wrote: »
    Found a bug with both or either Critical Charge and/or Brawler.

    I think that Critical Charge is unintentionally gaining stealth attack bonus, and I think that Brawler is unintentionally doing all its DOT damage instantly.

    Ticket# 150131-001388

    More testing on this soon - Will post it here

    EDIT: Unable to recreate. Player said was using Grim focus, Rally, Ambush, Critical charge and brawler.
    This reminded me the bug from update 1.3. one-shotting anyone with critical charge
    Edited by Aziz006 on February 1, 2015 5:38AM
  • Blackmoon777
    Champion passive: "Mighty" (Mage > Ritual)

    dont increas physical weapon dmg that we see in skill tooltip window - dont change any numbers that indicates that we do more dmg with physical skills
    (was testing it on 1h and shield abilities - runsuck , shield charge , and new NB stamina skills - ambush, surprise atack)

    in comperation "Elemental Expert" (Mage > Apprentice) increase fire dmg shown in skills tooltip window (tested on Solar flare)
  • ShiftControl
    I'm strictly working on Justice System. My personal opinion:
    Did being able to commit crimes add to your level of enjoyment?
    -not under current mechanics

    -What was the most and least satisfying thing about the Justice system?
    -The guards are insane, they can perform all kind of abilities out of range
    -They are way to powerful imo a skilled VR 10+ should be able to kill a guard.
    -As it is now it is not worth to be a criminal you loose period THERE IS NO FUN
    -Defensive moves eats up stamina and can't do nuttin except die.
    guards should be killable just make them rapid respawn.

    Did the Legerdemain skill line feel appropriately rewarding for the activity?
    -the skill line is lame

    Was the Justice system clear in what you could and could not do? If not, what was not readily apparent?
    -yes it is

    Were other players that were participating in the Justice system disruptive to your experience in a city? Did you feel being able to kill NPCs disrupted your own enjoyment of the city environment?
    -You definitely can troll. I was about to pick pocket a NPC and some guy just killed it in the main time

    How much gold are you averaging in total after an hour of Justice activities?
    -minus 12K in 1 hr
    Which Justice activities seem to be the most and least profitable and effective?
    -as of now none of the activities paying off, Only reason I killed a npc because I got attacked by it

    Did you find murder and/or theft to be justly punitive?

    How clear is the process to fence a stolen item, and how you use the system for profit?

    Is it clear when you are and are not being witnessed committing a crime?
    -Regardless not been seen by any npc bounty added except when i was looting bags and such.

    Are the mechanics of pickpocketing clear?
    -it is but to slow process

    Are the bounty UI elements clear?

    Is the recourse for paying your bounty when you are kill on sight and finding a fence clear?

    How was the cadence of skill advancement?
    -thats just fine

    Were the legerdemain skills desirable and effective?
    -it is lame

    Were you able to find Outlaws Refuges when needed?
    -not at 1st but after I found one it was clear where should look for then in other cities

    Was it easy to distinguish between selling and laundering stolen items?

    Were other players able to hinder your ability to profit from Justice activities?
    -yes as I said I was in the process of pick pocketing and the particular npc got killed by a troll, thats very doable since the pickpocket is a slow process

    What was the most and least satisfying thing about the Justice system?
    -As it is now the whole process is meaningless, we will go broke in a day or 2

    Edited by ShiftControl on February 1, 2015 6:34AM
  • EsORising
    Gyudan wrote: »
    I think that the sell value of stolen items is too high. This is probably the most effective way to farm gold now and it's available for level 3 characters, which unbalances gold gathering in early game.

    It should be high considering the risk you can lose more than gain if you get caught by the guard. Plus there is a daily limit. Also don't forget when this thing is fully implmented players will be able to attack you as well. It won't be so easy on a server with a bunch of people.
    Edited by EsORising on February 1, 2015 7:52AM
  • EsORising
    Justice system suggestion:9ade366f10a89bc940cd00e2ec197d.png

    NPC's including the guard don't respond to dead bodies. A NPC can be standing in a pool of 6 bodies and act like nothing is going on. They should at least pull out their weapon and guards should start moving faster or something.

    Edited by EsORising on February 1, 2015 8:02AM
  • EsORising

    Were other players able to hinder your ability to profit from Justice activities?
    -yes as I said I was in the process of pick pocketing and the particular npc got killed by a troll, thats very doable since the pickpocket is a slow process

    How? I had like 30k bounty and asked some guy if he could kill me. He could not attack me.

  • EsORising
    Please bring haste and sparks back because the skills that replaced them are trash. Assassins will and deadly cloak got to be the worst skills in the game. One needs a AOE to proc and deal little dmg and the other needs 8 basic attacks to do avg damage. You replaced 30% atk spd boost and 4sec 100% miss for those lame skills no one wants on their skill bar? Now there isn't one single atk speed buff or blinding skill that is essential for a rouge class. I don't remember anyone complaining about those skills or yelling nerf, those were the 2 of the most used skills. Why work so hard to make something worse.
    Edited by EsORising on February 1, 2015 8:16AM
  • Cinbri
    @EsORising you knew that sparks is CC ability, and thus it is useless in pvp, right? And new Blade cloack is not, mean usefull ability. Personally, thinking of switching back to dual maces only coz this new skill
  • bovardjeff_ESO
    just two things.
    first: please return potions to what they were before! I hate that they give regeneration now instead of a flat amount of resource like before. its fine in itself but since its considered as the major regeneration I cannot use it in conjunction with restoring aura to regain health or stamina quickly.
    2nd point: unnerf restoring aura please!! :frowning: it used to allow me to have decent stamina regeneration without needing more medium pieces..hell I even had decent regen when in full heavy armor but now im maxed out at about 800 ish stamina regen with aura in effect and having a regeneration for stamina enchant on my ring.
    OH and one final point
    please return vet rank twelve unassailable sets to us! since last update I cannot find it anywhere only the vet rank 10 green pieces I saw it in update 6 and I wanna use it please return it or someone tell me where to find the set at vr 12 and blue jewelry thanks
  • ShiftControl
    EsORising wrote: »

    Were other players able to hinder your ability to profit from Justice activities?
    -yes as I said I was in the process of pick pocketing and the particular npc got killed by a troll, thats very doable since the pickpocket is a slow process

    How? I had like 30k bounty and asked some guy if he could kill me. He could not attack me.
    What I mean they kill my subject not me

  • timidobserver
    My feedback so far

    Champion System-
    A. Go through every passive in the Champion System and add at least two more sentences. Include information about scaling, if any of the passives that do damage scale at all, and if so which stat they scale with. Add information about duration for anything that has a duration.

    B. Some of the champion point passives are really bad. Either replace or buff some of them.
    For example:
    -Wind Running(Lover): A 2% movement bonus is pretty insignificant for 120 points. It should be 5-8% at a minimum.

    -Riposte: Returning 28 damage when blocking a melee attacking is very poor considering that most people will have between 25000 and 35000 health now. It should return at least 200-600 damage.

    -Reinforced currently gives a 131 point damage shield every 20 seconds. Again people have between 25000 and 35000 health now and do between 5000 and 20000 sustained dps and can burst up to 40000+ dps. This damage shield should be at least 2-5k considering the lengthy cooldown.

    -These are only a few examples. Go through and make sure that every Champion Point passive has appropriate numbers considering the new health and damage numbers.

    -Radiant Aura: Currently this skill provides no benefit to the caster when used. Any castable skill should benefit the caster. This skill used to compare to green dragon blood. Green Dragon Blood had a superior self heal, but this skill had the superior regeneration. Now that this skill provides the nearly the same regeneration as green dragon blood, so it should have a heal attached to it or something else.

    -Focused Charge: Remove the global cooldown from the end of this ability. If that would make the ability too powerful, just replace the ability. The cooldown is killer, particularly if there is lag, which there almost always is in Cyrodil these days.

    -Eclipse: Remove the ability to CC break it or add a CC to it so that it is actually a CC. Players using immovable shouldn't be immune to this ability. Significantly reduce the cost.

    -Healing Ritual: Remove this skill from the game please and replace it with something else. Nothing you can do to this skill will make it okay. Don't reduce the cool down by .1 seconds or .2 seconds and then mark it fixed. Just delete it and replace it.

    -Dark Flare: This skill has subpar performance. I really hate crushing shock builds, so I'd really like to be able to use Dark Flare for primary dps. Adjust this skill to do competitive dps. Adding a dot too it might help. Also make the 20% extra damage only apply to skills. Currently light attacks eat the +20% damage buff.

    -Solar Barrage: I'd rather use this skill than Elemental Ring, but Elemental Ring does much more dps. Please adjust this skill to be in line with elemental ring with regard to damage. Alternatively, make it comparable to the DK ability talons for CC.

    -Nova: Put the ultimate cost of nova somewhere around where banner, veil, and meteor are at. The performance of Nova does not warrant the massive ultimate cost it has in 1.6.

    -I don't have a Sorc, so I don't know exactly what you can do to fix them. However, I am tired of drowning in Sorc tears, so do something.

    -Other stuff-
    -Trial gear has been made significantly less useful. That is not good for endgame. Reduce the Champion System passives that increase crit to 8% or 10% and put the crit back on gear.

    - Make the gear set pieces dropped in hard mode trials/vet dsa are distinctively better than what is dropped in normal mode.
    -You shouldn't make a habit of nerfing racial bonuses like Argonian. Unlike skills and gear, you can't change your race on a whim. It is a one time decision.

    -Do a better job of including really important stuff like "we nerfed the crit from all set bonuses in the game" in the patch notes.

    -Decrease the champion points required to obtain a CP or increase the XP granted from doing things. You said you were aiming for 1 hour per CP, but it is currently about 3-4 hours.

    -Finally, I recommend putting impenetrable back the way it was.
    Edited by timidobserver on February 1, 2015 8:51AM
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • Aziz006
    My feedback so far

    Again people have between 25000 and 35000 health now and do between 5000 and 20000 sustained dps and can burst up to 40000+ dps.
    Wut ? 40k DPS ? Dude you dont need exaggerate that much to justify yourself. Just say 15k we will believe
    Edited by Aziz006 on February 1, 2015 9:16AM
  • Navaya
    Feedback on the justice system:

    It's waaaay to easy to steal or to get away and I can imagine sorcs to have the absolute easiest way to get away with thier bolt escape.
    So make it harder to steal, make the guards shout for more guards.

    About the lockpicking, so far it seems it's only up to chance and that it's gonna be alot easier when the Skill line for pickpocket is leveled up.
    So maybe make the pickpocket even harder, but add a new element to increase the chance of pickpocket. Like, add a poisonous food/drink recipe that we can give to NPCs which will in turn make them walk away a bit get sick and puke which will be our queue to take all thier belongings.

    It would be amazing if we could even steal from enemies out in the wild too.
    Edited by Navaya on February 1, 2015 10:56AM
  • Demeos
    [Justice System]

    Did being able to commit crimes add to your level of enjoyment?
    • Yes.

    What was the most and least satisfying thing about the Justice system?
    • Most Satisfying: Stealing from merchant lock-boxes.
    • Least Satisfying: Trying to pickpocket in crowded/semi-crowded areas. Especially when there was a mix of npc's you could use these skills on and quest/merchant/background npc's that you couldn't (like cats, dogs, etc causing me to continuously be seen).

    Did the Legerdemain skill line feel appropriately rewarding for the activity?
    • I've only unlock 1 level of the first 2 skills so far but, I'd say they've felt rewarding without being overly so.

    Was the Justice system clear in what you could and could not do? If not, what was not readily apparent?
    • I've yet to come across a situation where I couldn't eventually figure out what I could or could not do.

    Were other players that were participating in the Justice system disruptive to your experience in a city?
    • For a freshly made character, having high-leveled players come in and kill whomever you're trying to steal from was very disruptive and I could see it as something that could potentially be abused.

    Did you feel being able to kill NPC's disrupted your own enjoyment of the city environment?
    • Yes and no. On one hand, I can see this mechanic being abused by players as a form of griefing other players who are trying to pickpocket npc's. On the other hand, those npc's don't take long to respawn.

    How much gold are you averaging in total after an hour of Justice activities?
    • Between 500 and 1k. Sometimes more if I'm really lucky.

    Which Justice activities seem to be the most and least profitable and effective?
    • Most: Pickpocketing and Stealing from containers.
    • Least: Murder.

    Did you find murder and/or theft to be justly punitive?
    • I found theft to have too harsh a penalty (auto-kill-on-sight to guards) even if that harshness didn't last long. On the other hand, murder was not only far easier to do, but far easier to get out of any repercussions for doing so.

    How clear is the process to fence a stolen item, and how you use the system for profit?
    • The process itself is clear enough, but finding the npc to sell/launder your stolen goods to was kinda hidden between regular merchants and player-guild merchants.

    Is it clear when you are and are not being witnessed committing a crime?
    • Yes and no. Do cats and dogs count as witnesses? What about non-killable npc's? It's clear when an npc has spotted me. It's just unclear as to which one's count as a witness.

    Are the mechanics of pickpocketing clear?
    • Not entirely. I found out by pure chance that's there's a small window of opportunity that'll present itself at regular intervals that increase your odds of successfully picking a pocket.

    Are the bounty UI elements clear?
    • The meter on the bottom-right corner wasn't clear at all. I knew red meant kill-on-sight to guards. That's as much as I could ascertain. I'm guessing it's supposed to be a time-gauge to how long that state will last, but no idea how long that time frame is.

    Is the recourse for paying your bounty when you are kill on sight and finding a fence clear?
    • Not without reading the patch notes. When I'm trying not to get caught or am otherwise preoccupied, I'm not reading onscreen texts because there just isn't enough time to do so safely.

    How was the cadence of skill advancement?
    • From what little of it I experienced, I thought the sequence at which you could gain access to each skill was appropriate to progression.

    Were the legerdemain skills desirable and effective?
    • I guess. NPC's you can't picketpocket or kill may or may not have something to do with whether I can get caught. Not sure if they factor in or not because I've never run into a situation where there wasn't a mix of both killable and non-killable npc's. But I do know that non-killable npc's can cause your stealth eye to open completely. It feels like there are two different types of stealth eyes. The original one meant solely for combat between enemies and the new justice stealth eye. It's a bit difficult to tell which one is being affected at any given time let alone whether one will have an effect on the other or not.

    Were you able to find Outlaws Refuges when needed?
    • Yes, however the Refuge entrance just outside of the starting city in Glenumbra wasn't working. No interaction prompt appeared.

    Was it easy to distinguish between selling and laundering stolen items?
    • No. It wasn't too difficult, but it wasn't apparent at a glance either.

    Were other players able to hinder your ability to profit from Justice activities?
    • Other than being able to kill npc's before you pickpocket them or picking them before you do, no.
    Edited by Demeos on February 1, 2015 12:45PM
  • angelyn
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Tutorial FeedbackJustice System Notes
    I said I would upload some pictures for ideas to make these three different levels of infamy more obvious. Here they are:
    Left to right, Disreputable, Notorious, Fugitive.
    The grey hand represents the fact that you are a petty criminal. The white masked face represents the fact that you are a known outlaw who is visible to the guards. The red sword, as before, represents kill-on-sight.

    I think by making a change such as this, your current bounty level is more easy to see at a glance compared to what the current design offers.
    Perfect @Enodoc -I see what you mean now about changing the icon in the middle. It doesn't look too different from what they have now (No immersion-dissolving ambulance lights or anything), but at the same time offers instant visibility to your criminal status, which is also easy to understand.

    +1 @ZOS Devs, please take this suggestion into consideration.
    Edited by angelyn on February 1, 2015 1:33PM
  • angelyn
    Here is my feedback on the new tutorial:
    How does the new tutorial feel? Do you feel like you’re learning more?
    Tutorial is much improved. Yes, but more is needed;see critical feedback.
    Did you come out of the tutorial with a character that can perform well in the game world?
    See critical feedback.
    Did you feel you had enough armor, a high enough level, and proper knowledge?
    I think more potions/food should be available and less provisioning ingredients,worms and gnawed bones.
    How do new systems like Champion Points and Provisioning feel with a new character going through the tutorial?
    They don’t seem to be relevant yet.
    Does the new tutorial perform well? Did you notice any lag?
    Yes it performed well and I didn’t notice any lag.


    The Wailing Prison seems much more like a sadistic prison now. I particularly like how some prisoners are being tortured. The dejected stance and apathetic stares of the prisoners really shows that they have given up hope. This adds to the idea that Molag Bal is lord of brutality and domination.cQCvTnI.jpg?1tBcOcEb.jpg?1
    Bleeding Forge Scene:
    Fantastic Scene here! After the prisoner got thrown on the spike I heard whimpering noises while looking for loot. I was surprised to find out that the impaled man was still alive! (Well, alive as you can be in Coldharbour) Again, this all adds some cruelty to the dimension. As does the humans steaming in cages.tvJ4oNn.jpg?1New Loading Screen:
    Beautiful!Never thought I would say Molag Bal is beautiful.rDlgWWc.jpg?1Warded Door:
    I was merrily going round killing feral shrivens when this voice boomed out of nowhere and frightened me to death! Nice touch there.

    Floor Rune:
    I can’t remember if this was here before, but it’s stunning!SOO8rPv.jpg?1The Prophet Scene:
    This scene is much improved both in the content and in the visuals. Fighting daedra and then closing pins is a helpful preparation for Dolmens later in the game.TUiUQtQ.jpg?1U24Cvqc.jpg?1Molag Bal:
    Holy sh*t this will scare a new player immensely. My character looked dwarfed by him and if I didn’t know I’d be killing something else, I’d be soiling my soul shriven skirt that I have to face Molag Bal.lrFaR0Y.jpg?1Blue “freeze” screens:
    These are a fantastic idea. It’s good to slow the game down when learning new things for the first time.

    This area particularly feels less like a maze. I think that keeping traps, but making the design simpler will help new players.

    She is much more engaging and prompts many times for the player to follow. This adds a sense of urgency and helps the player know what to do next. I can’t remember if she used to be so witty but my new favourite line is: “Who taught him to fight?-the god of self-punishment?”


    Combat Tutorials:
    The game relies heavily on looking for visual cues during combat. Therefore, I was surprised that some of these are not shown to new players. In addition, some other vital controls were left out.
    • AOE visual cues: A perfect time to show players this, would be when they encounter a Feral Soul Shriven or Clannfear for the first time. Both of these use AOE damage attacks, which have the red shape on the ground. However, at no point was the player instructed to avoid these. I pretended that I had never played an ESO game or an MMO before, so I stood in these.
    • Enemy Heavy Attack Visual Cues: It should be explained to players what one of these looks like, so that they know what to look for. Ideally, this should be included within the block tutorial.
    • Enemy Disoriented Visual Cues: This is optional as to whether to include, but after a successful block of a heavy attack the enemy is disorientated. This is a perfect time to attack.
    • Dodging: Again, this is a very important tool for a player, which was left out. This could be included as a way to avoid an AOE attack. For instance “ Dodge the vomit from the Soul Shriven.
    • Jump: I left the tutorial without knowing how to jump.

    If I was a brand new player, I would have left the tutorial without knowing how to open my inventory. In the very first room, players are instructed to loot items. However, no instructions are given thereafter on how to view items they have picked up and then use them. There are many useful items within the prison that will help players fight the enemies. Telling them how to view/equip/use these items is essential.I suggest that after looting an item some text is displayed as follows:

    • First item looted: You have found an item. "To view items that you have picked up, press “I” to view your inventory”
    • First Armour/Apparel looted: “You have found armour, this can be equipped within the inventory screen”
    • First Weapon looted: “ You have found a weapon, this can be equipped within the inventory screen”
    • Food: “You have found food, which can be eaten to increase your base stats for a period of time. This can be eaten from the inventory screen.”
    • Potions: “You have found a potion, these can be used within the heat of battle to top up health etc. You can equip these via the quickslot function in your inventory screen.”

    Lockpicking Tutorial:
    This is a step in the right direction. However, no instructions are given to players on how to pick the lock. Some basic instruction is needed here, or perhaps Lyris can give a demonstration and then the player can lockpick the next door. Also what happens if you run out of lockpicks?

    Tutorials in general:
    Doing something successfully once is generally not enough to learn a new skill. This applies to the lockpicking and combat tutorials.

    Specifically for combat tutorials-Perhaps the blue freeze frames could appear with every enemy (or the first 5 enemies fought), at vital moments, but only within the tutorial zone. For example:

    When an enemy launches an AOE attack, the blue freeze screen could appear saying something like “The red circle on the ground represents an area of effect attack. If you stand in this area you will suffer additional damage to your health. Move out of the area now to avoid damage”. The player could then dodge out of the area, assuming they have already been taught how to do this.

    When an enemy launches a heavy attack, the blue freeze screen could appear saying something like “The enemy is charging a heavy attack, if you don’t avoid this attack you will suffer additional damage to your health” The player could then block or dodge the attack, assuming they have already been taught how to do this.

    Character Attributes:
    I played through the tutorial twice and seemed to get two different screens when I looked at the character screens. One of them says "stamina increases your effectiveness with feats", which isn't very illuminating to players. I think the other window is better.6KThEBn.jpg?1One Final Thing:
    Er..what in Tamriel is this person doing?Gnwpkm2.jpg?1TLDR:
    The tutorial is vastly improved, however some core instruction, particularly related to combat, is not included in the tutorial.
    Edited by angelyn on February 1, 2015 4:38PM
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