Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Update 6 Testing Suggestions and Feedback Wanted

  • Wabice
    When we're selling/laundering, we need some kind of undo function for selling. It doesn't have to be anything longer term like the current merchant buyback function, just enough to when I notice I sold instead of laundered I can say "wait, I didn't mean to do that". I've accidentally sold a number of odd things that were less than blue quality I intended to keep by laundering them. On a side note the interfaces between the two are almost identical.
    Wabice - Brotherhood of Tartarus (BOT)
    - In times lost to history, was a Namira of the 0.016%. Now a First Generation Werewolf for the Daggerfall Covenant.

    And Never Forget: Credits Text 1, Credits Text 2, and Credits Text 3 of the Credits Header team for their unacknowledged part in the glorious history of ESO development!
  • dylanjaygrobbelaarb16_ESO
    Digiman wrote: »
    Why is it that Heavy armor's bracing gives its buff if you have 5 more pieces, where as with light armor and medium we need full set to achieve this from what the tool tip says?

    Eitherway its seems like your obviously favoring Heavy Armor over others for PvP now.

    This game is not PvP only. Heavy armor is used to tanks in pve you know. 5/5 set bonus is good because you may add 2 light for magicka regen or 2 medium for stamina or mix to get undaunted +% stats bonus. In pve stamina build dps run with full medium same with magicka build and light. If you want to be more tanky pick heavy for PvP. if you want to be pure glass canon go full light or medium. I not see problem here. If they can do it (stamina build users with heavy armor in pvp), I do not see why you cant. Just sacrafice some dps for more defens. And why i not seen your " nerf light armor "post when /even now in live/ you rock in full light armor and shield (and yes you was more tanky than heavy armor users and you dish their dps x X)

    you missed the point, they changed the set equip bonus from 5/7 to 7/7. but only for medium and light. dosent seem fair reguardless if its pp/ pve
  • Khivas_Carrick
    I've been told that armor bonus issue is merely a matter of a Dev typo
    Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop!
  • Gyudan
    Daily Veteran pledge - Fungal Grotto Veteran (with hardmode)

    - DK tank heavy armor
    - Templar healer
    - Nightblade DPS funnel
    - Sorcerer DPS pets
    (all using templates, some unmorphed skills and 70 CP)

    - The various mob groups seem much harder to kill than on live. The spiders hit even harder than before. We wiped several times.
    - The bosses seem much easier, way too much imo. The boss right before Vila Theran was particularly weak.
    - The Daedric Spider boss still bugs if the tank taunts it on the bridge. Nobody gets dragged into the portal and it
    - Sorcerer pets are useless against Vila Theran, they stand in the AOE and die quickly.
    - The droprate of dungeon sets seems to have been increased a lot. We received a destro staff (enervation), a 2H mace and 2 medium pieces of those sets that were supposedly rare. Hidden Buff? It's too easy to get them now ...
  • EnOeZ
    Hi ZOS,

    One thing I would like to highlight here regarding stamina builds : the change to (some) abilities to scale on stamina in GREAT for us BUT... now we have in much more builds a "dead magicka pool" were magicka comes in no use for us at all.

    And now that I theorycraft many builds with excellent stamina morphs become suboptimal because of this contrary to magicka users who still use their resource do dodge and block.

    Similarly, since we put even more burden on our Stamina pool, we will have even less available Stamina resources to counter hard and soft CCs. I highlighted this problem on a thread here, where it is paramount regarding the traditional, old school Warrior Archetype with (physical) melee weapon builds and heavy armor in player vs player environment :
  • Aziz006
    EnOeZ wrote: »
    Hi ZOS,

    One thing I would like to highlight here regarding stamina builds : the change to (some) abilities to scale on stamina in GREAT for us BUT... now we have in much more builds a "dead magicka pool" were magicka comes in no use for us at all.

    And now that I theorycraft many builds with excellent stamina morphs become suboptimal because of this contrary to magicka users who still use their resource do dodge and block.

    Similarly, since we put even more burden on our Stamina pool, we will have even less available Stamina resources to counter hard and soft CCs. I highlighted this problem on a thread here, where it is paramount regarding the traditional, old school Warrior Archetype with (physical) melee weapon builds and heavy armor in player vs player environment :
    I dont know what class you are but as NB my magicka is really valuable even if I have only 11k magicka
  • Esha76

    Here is my take on the basics, so far, as requested in your initial post. I'm afraid I have not had the chance to experience any group content, so this only pertains to the new systems and PvE world experiences. Put in spoiler as it is a very long copy/paste.

    Hello. I am not a numbers guy, nor am I hardcore end game content person. But as someone who enjoys operating in the basic game world, this is my take on the basics I have experienced them so far. So far, I’m pretty excited about 1.6.

    Justice System
    • Did being able to commit crimes add to your level of enjoyment?

    Very much. I have spent hours just running through knocking over towns. Running from the Fuzz is a blast. I love there is an achievement for that to.

    • What was the most and least satisfying thing about the Justice system?

    I’m not big on murdering innocents. Breaking into some houses, some are so small the second you enter the house you are instantly spotted (despite being in stealth), to be instantly detected upon entrance. It seems some houses are intended to force the player to kill the residents. I don’t know if that is intentional.

    • Did the Legerdemain skill line feel appropriately rewarding for the activity?

    I find it interesting and look forward to ranking up in it.

    • Was the Justice system clear in what you could and could not do? If not, what was not readily apparent?

    I have had no issues understanding how this works.

    • Were other players that were participating in the Justice system disruptive to your experience in a city? Did you feel being able to kill NPCs disrupted your own enjoyment of the city environment?

    I haven’t noticed any issues. Kinda funny watching other players booking from the Fuzz to.
    • How much gold are you averaging in total after an hour of Justice activities?

    I’d say a couple of thousand an hour. I pull a lot of blues from the safe boxes, even a purple once I sold to a fence for 2700. I find it a nice way to generate a good amount of gold, quickly, by interacting with the game rather than just selling stuff on guild stores.

    • Which Justice activities seem to be the most and least profitable and effective?

    So far opening safe boxes. Despite being a Bosmer NB in 7/7 medium, I still get pinched trying to pickpocket people. I’m really not interested in murdering innocents, so I have pretty much stayed to knocking over banks/castles/houses.

    Did you find murder and/or theft to be justly punitive?

    Very much. I like how when you refuse a guard, you’re instantly notorious..

    • How clear is the process to fence a stolen item, and how you use the system for profit?

    I had no issues. Seems clear to me.

    • Is it clear when you are and are not being witnessed committing a crime?
    Seems clear to me.

    • Are the mechanics of pickpocketing clear?

    Yes. But I’m apparently pretty bad at it. I get pinched almost every time.

    • Are the bounty UI elements clear?

    Clear to me.

    • Is the recourse for paying your bounty when you are kill on sight and finding a fence clear?

    Clear to me.

    • How was the cadence of skill advancement?

    I have no issues with it. I guess in about 2 hours I have made it into Legerdemain 4.

    • Were the legerdemain skills desirable and effective?

    Up to 4 it has seemed nice. Though it would be nice to have a skill point to spend at Rank 4. Spend a point at 3 then nothing until 5. Minor thought, won’t cry if it stays the same.

    • Were you able to find Outlaws Refuges when needed?

    Yep. I really like how these are laid out. Occasionally stumbled on these when in a bind which adds to the experience.

    • Was it easy to distinguish between selling and laundering stolen items?


    • Were other players able to hinder your ability to profit from Justice activities?


    The only issue I have found when dealing with guards, is if you get pinched inside a building. Once in combat, you can’t use the door to run out. I got nabbed in a Mage’s guild, and luckily was able to book upstairs and use a portal to Eyevea to dodge the guard. Lucky for the portal, otherwise that was going to be certain death.

    It would be nice to see if there are achievement rewards (dye and/or title) for the legerdemain achievements.

    I can see justice system becoming redundant and boring quickly. Something like daily missions added to be added would be nice, however I expect that is what the imminent Thieves Guild will be for.

    Champion System

    • Do you feel choices and what you focus on are more important?

    Yep. I find the inspiration gain point to be too high up the ladder. I expect crafters who reach the point of being able to unlock that passive will most like be at 50, or close to it.

    • How fast are you gaining champion points per hour and/or per day? Does this cadence feel good?

    I have spent more time in Justice activities, but in retrospect, it does seem to be a bit of a crawl.

    • How is the overall difficulty compared to what’s currently on the Live megaservers?

    I find these champion passives give my characters a little more of an edge. Easy for the most part if you’re paying attention… but if you falter, or break concentration, you’re still going to die.

    • Are there things in the system that you are looking forward to?

    A lot of the high end passives are certainly things to striver for. Especially those crit increases.

    • Was there anything not worth spending points in?

    Inspiration gain. Too high up on the ladder. Merchant Favor – repairs are pretty cheap as it is. I’d never consider putting a point in there. Master Gatherer – Never one did I feel I needed to speed up gathering. I’ll never consider putting a point into this one. Shadowstrike – Really only useful for NBs.

    • How does light, medium, and heavy armor feel now in terms of balance?

    I like it.

    • How does enlightenment feel?

    I don’t really notice it, but I haven’t don’t much in the way of grinding/leveling.

    • Is the UI easy to navigate?

    I’d like to see the top navigation window at the top of the screen be available in the champion system screen.

    • Is the UI missing anything that you need? Are you missing critical UI elements while in the Champion UI window?

    See above.

    • Is regular PvE content more difficult?

    No. Easier. I haven’t done any trials or trials though. Easier in reference to the open world.

    • How do dungeons (both regular and Veteran) and Trials feel compared to what’s currently on the live megaservers?

    N/A – haven’t played on PTS.

    • Can you still complete Trial runs?

    N/A - Same

    • Is it fun to spend Champion Points on non-veteran characters?


    Gameplay and Abilities

    • Do you like the new abilities, specifically the new class and AvA abilities?

    NB’s Grim Focus does make a difference with that buff. The spectral bow is only useful against boss/longer fights as you’ve pretty much killed whatever basic enemy you’re fighting way before that 8th hit. Seems fine to me as is though.

    New Templar ability is fantastic. However I am noticing a big 1-2 second delay before the character fired it off.

    • Do you like the new buff/debuff system?

    Seems clear to me. I don’t anticipate any issues in adapting to it.

    • Do you think there too many synergies on the screen? Do they feel more useful/powerful?

    Haven’t experience on PTS yet.

    • Are the synergies more exciting to use now? Do you think there are too many/not enough synergy prompts available?


    • How do you feel about the revised AOE caps and new ultimate generation?

    I am not noticing much of a difference in ultimate generation, but again, I have not done any group/dungeon content yet.

    • Now that the meatbag catapults no longer stack with other healing debuffs, do they still feel too powerful?

    Have not done PTS PvP

    New Combat Animations

    • How does combat in general feel overall?

    I find it to be an improvement. I’m not taking hits when standing outside of the red cones/circles any more. Swapping weapons seems to be working better so far.

    • Does combat feel more responsive?

    So far, yes.


    • How does the new system feel overall?

    I’m sure you guys removed a ton of ingredients from the game, but it doesn’t feel like it. Actually, I have had to buy more bank space on the PTS. I imagine I will only need to keep the ingredients for purple VR10 recipes and trash the rest.

    • Does the system make more sense?

    I’m not feeling all that much different about it. The cooking menu certainly certainly makes more sense and easier to navigate.

    • If you’re using a copied character from the Live megaserver, did you find the transition to the new system relatively painless?


    • Are all items from previous provisioning accounted for in your inventory?

    Seemed to be for me.

    • Did you feel the provisioning revamp has significantly impacted your inventory?

    Yep. Still too many ingredients.

    • How do you feel about the new recipes?

    Seem good to me. But as I am not familiar with the number scale, I am unsure if those buffs are truly that great. Look like it, but I’m not a numbers person anyway.

    • How do you feel about the new paradigm for how food and drink, plus their subcategories, are broken down?

    Much easier to navigate.

    • If you obtained ingredients from critters, how did it feel?

    Have not.

    • How does brewing compare to what you experienced to the live game in terms of benefit?

    Seems to me to be no different. Considering increase magika and stamina incrases the effectiveness of a spell/ability – It seems to me food is still way better than drinks.

    • Can you still rank up in provisioning with the Justice System?

    I imagine so… how would justice prevent me from provisioning? Stealing those ingredients, and having to launder them can get pricy and take up a lot of laundering spots for the day.

    • Did you feel you needed to steal in order to be an effective provisioner?

    I noticed grocers selling the ingredients needed, I’d just go buy them from there if still there at live.

    • Were you able to reasonably find recipes?

    So far haven’t found anything better than green recipes, and I have spent a lot of time stealing in VR 6,7,8,9,and 10 zones.

    • How was your experience with crafting writs, if you performed any?

    I noticed next to no difference. I had read somewhere that there were going to be new writs for completed crafters… I assume that’s a later update? I do like the idea of hirelings having a lower return for an increase in writs and refinement… But this still feels to be a waste of time and mats for equipment crafters. Perhaps I am missing something, or RNG has not liked me.

    Crown Store

    • What do you think about the offered mounts, pets, costumes, polymorphs and consumables?

    Unable to access.

    New Tutorial in Coldharbour

    Have not tried.

    Armor Set Polish

    • What did you think of the new Redguard and Orc armor?

    Not happy with the conservative heavy female Orc armor. I’d like to have the option to still have the current look. Otherwise I am not opposed to the changes.

    • Did the update keep the spirit of the armor?

    Seems so to me.

    • Were there any old pieces that you miss?

    Heavy Female Orc chest piece. Please leave as it is, or an option to be able to craft it as it is along with the new one.

    In a thread arguing about this, I wrote an idea about being able to obtain a race's "Alternate" motifs. A crown purchase or find in the world... But each race could have an alternate motif look. This way one can have the new conservative look, and the option of still being able to craft the seductive look as well. Alternate motifs for all races could be very interesting.

    "There is no moisture in your angry stares." - Laughs-at-All
    "I don't know why I bother guarding you horrible people." - Orama Sadas
    "Scales here is about to have a really bad day..." - Valeric
    "Just tell me what you're doing here before I turn your heart into a tomato..." - Sereyne
    "Break those rocks! Dig those ditches! Why??? Because I want you to!!!" - Ifriz the Unraveller
    "There are worse masters than I. Far worse." - Molag Bal
    "I humiliated the Daedra in Mehrunes Spite." - You, when turning in a specific Undaunted Daily.
    "I'm not finding you very pleasant!" - Adla the Brewer
    "Old Ri'hirr likes his birds slow and stupid!" - Old Ri'hirr
    "When things get dirty... Oh, I get so flustered." - Meredil the Archivist
    "Too many Argonians about these days..." - Davon's Watch Guard (though I think this one has been removed from game)
  • Tess_Phyreforge
    Having Issue with ALL my mounts showing Bags, I like to change up the style and of my Mounts and I don't like the bags showing on on every mount I own, give us a way to toggle the bags or just remove them all together.

    if your going to force if to have bags then make the bags a lot smaller and flat so that blend more into the horses saddle.

    I love the stolen clothes and wish they didn't go in the armor slots, Maybe in the future add 4 costume slots for clothes, a slot for a Tops, Pants, Shoes and Head, just in case you added some nice Circlets *hint* hint*

    So far I love the 1.6 and the feel of the game and what it will offer us in the future.
  • Runkorko
    Digiman wrote: »
    Why is it that Heavy armor's bracing gives its buff if you have 5 more pieces, where as with light armor and medium we need full set to achieve this from what the tool tip says?

    Eitherway its seems like your obviously favoring Heavy Armor over others for PvP now.

    This game is not PvP only. Heavy armor is used to tanks in pve you know. 5/5 set bonus is good because you may add 2 light for magicka regen or 2 medium for stamina or mix to get undaunted +% stats bonus. In pve stamina build dps run with full medium same with magicka build and light. If you want to be more tanky pick heavy for PvP. if you want to be pure glass canon go full light or medium. I not see problem here. If they can do it (stamina build users with heavy armor in pvp), I do not see why you cant. Just sacrafice some dps for more defens. And why i not seen your " nerf light armor "post when /even now in live/ you rock in full light armor and shield (and yes you was more tanky than heavy armor users and you dish their dps x X)

    you missed the point, they changed the set equip bonus from 5/7 to 7/7. but only for medium and light. dosent seem fair reguardless if its pp/ pve

    You cant ask them to alow you to top dps metter and to be damn tanky at the same time. If you want dps go 7/7 medium light, if you want pure tank but not dps at all go 7/7 heavy, if you want to be decent, mix them. You cant have all, face it. No more to say.
  • ZoM_Head
    I know ultimate now relies on 3 ulti every second for 8 seconds after a light or heavy attack, but as a tank:

    - I get ulti from blocking in 1.5 (no longer in 1.6)
    - I gained 2 ulti for every target hit using carve/cleave 2H morph ion 1.5 (now it is adds 1 ulti extra no matter how many targets hit).
    - It can be very tricky to light attack and block quickly to keep the ulti regen going. I can not imagine light attacking trial bosses like the warrior or Mantikora (that deal 5K dmg), one sec lag delay and im dead.
    - Werewolf Ulti regen now is removed, you gain 3 seconds more in ww form when ww ulti is slotted. 1.5 you gained 6 ulti once every 3 seconds when you take damage.

    Basically as a tank, while taking any kind of damage i get no ulti at all, even bashing does not generate any ultimate. You are forcing the tanks to now light/heavy attack once every 8 seconds to keep regenerating ultimate, when it is all about defense.

    Ulti regen is slower in 1.6, that is fine, but to completely remove ulti regen from blocking as a tank and adding 1 extra ulti for 8 seconds (making it 4 ulti every second for 8 seconds) when hitting multipul targets with a big and slow 2H weapon makes no sense as a heavy armour 2H/1H tank user, the same applies to WW, 400 ulti to get ww? seriously? with the current system in 1.6?
    Edited by ZoM_Head on January 30, 2015 6:15PM
    mDKs still need a lot of love!
  • Jennifur_Vultee
    I liked most of the Wailing Prison, I did not like having weapon choice taken away and the first time through missed the weapons I could pick up. The Undercroft feels too linear and dumbed down, I preferred it when it had more tunnels.

    I do love the new Daedric bound armor, it looks great now.

    I don't like the stats bloat, the numbers were fine before. For example instead of 27954 health it could be 2795.4, I could live with that. People can still see that if they get a .6 increase it will visibly increase the skill...yes its a lower number but not everyone needs or wants to deal with 687,207 health to feel powerful and alive in a game.

    The justice system is ok, it just limits some of us in "play the way you want". In Khenarthi's Roost at the bank I was upstairs, I looked at a strongbox to see its contents and the guy sweeping saw a 67 gold bounty. I decided to kill him Skyrim witness, no crime and racked up a kill on sight bounty of like 500 gold...looted the strongbox because I already had a kill on sight bounty. To avoid the guards I simply stood in the room and waited, the guy I killed respawned and started sweeping again like nothing happened. 25 minutes or so later my bounty was 0 gold and I could have killed him again and relooted the respawned strongbox. After exiting the bank I was a model citizen again with stolen goods from the strongbox and I got away with murder. If there's no witnesses left alive why do I have a bounty? What the local guards have is a murder mystery but nobody saw me do it. Telepathy I guess.

    Looks like enchants and our attribute stats were nerfed pretty hard so we have to claw our way back by grinding the Champion points just to be were we were before.

    I don't like the new wood colleting sound effect, it seriously sounds like the skeleton sound effect from Minecraft. Please make go away its annoying.

    The new one handed staff animation is ok for light attacks, but with heavy attacks it looks less like you're pushing the staff forward and more like flailing it hoping it'll hit something. The new heavy attack honestly it looks more like a frightened amateur trying to use a staff rather than someone who's trained in its use.

    If staves are going to be one handed now can we please equip a shield or one handed weapon the other hand like other Elder Scrolls games? With a second weapon equipped right mouse button is the left handed attack and left +right mouse becomes block instead of bash. So by choosing to equip a second weapon you sacrifice the ability to bash.
    "Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters." – Albert Einstein

    Treat a customer fairly and they will remember you. Treat a customer poorly and they never forget.

    Imperial City: Zerg, gank or die.
  • xaraan
    3rd round of testing (from last night):

    Yesterday I mostly focused on my Stamina Nightblade DPS build, working with guildies to maximize our DPS output and see what rotations work best. So this will be more in depth about that one thing than my previous write-ups.

    (Now, I also have to say we are talking long boss fights, using Blood Spawn to test, not group fights or short fights where burst damage and/or AoE gets your dps up really high.)

    Sorc pet build and DK stam builds both did really really well DPS wise. With non pet sorc and templar dps builds coming in a bit behind them. So far my NB stamina build is lagging far behind them (haven't tested a magicka build yet). Bow is extremely lackluster now, the worse it has ever been (and I've used a stamina bow nightblade since launch). I ended up going with DW after watching the bow underperform quite a bit. (If you choose to listen to my comments, you'll have to take my word that I have a decent gear setup here and know my stamina build pretty well).

    Problems seem to be

    1. resource management -- using siphoning strikes isn't as good of an option now with soft caps remove, it's too much of a drop in DPS to activate and you might as well just weave in more heavy attacks or drop a weapon damage enchant or two for cost reduction or recovery instead of using that. Also with the changes you've made to what blocking or using other stamina related moves cost it kills stamina more than ever -- these should not have been nerfed just to make us spend champ points to get back to the same level we were at before (there for not getting more powerful with CS, but just getting back to same place we were before 1.6 -- that's a cheap move zos). Again, I'll also say that potion cooldowns should not have been changed to 45 seconds (at least for pve).

    2. Buffs -- yes, we get the minor buff from the new spectral bow thingy (and the bow it changes to does decent damage when it's ready) but there really isn't a big buff to add. Not like watching some of the other classes that boost their dps using larger buffs or pets, or a mix of powers. Our best buff seems to come from using Mark Target, which is useless since it doesn't give you the buff until after you've killed the target - not very handy on a boss fight. The debuff it adds is decent, but with a tank taunting with Pierce Armor it's an overlapping and therefore not used debuff. So in the end I found very little class wise to buff my damage to keep up with other classes (the non-class skills we all have access to and they can use as well, which means it doesn't help me catch up).

    in the end...

    I don't feel like the Stam Nightblade DPS is horrible, it's serviceable and will get your through content. But I do feel much more like I did at launch, where you have to juggle this perfect storm of powers to do adequate dps while the other classes can lazily equal your output.

    Also, I have to say that healing options for us are still horrible. If you are magicka based I'm sure the heals from sap and funnel jump up quite a bit, but for tanks and stamina based our options are bleh class wise. Perhaps having the heals hit harder initially and not scale up as much with magicka/spell power investment - just scale the damage for those folks - that would keep magicka builds from getting crazy heals, but still make those powers useful to the other two playstyles.

    Other Feedback:

    My NB Tank however, I'm liking. Much better mix of powers there. Still, would like a better single target heal for a NB not spec'd into magicka, but not bad really.


    The new stamina based daedric armor for Sorcs, OMG, so beautiful. Love having the two versions of that spell for sorcs now, very cool idea to make the stamina based version the beefier one.
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • Merlin13KAGL
    Digiman wrote: »
    Why is it that Heavy armor's bracing gives its buff if you have 5 more pieces, where as with light armor and medium we need full set to achieve this from what the tool tip says?

    Eitherway its seems like your obviously favoring Heavy Armor over others for PvP now.

    This game is not PvP only. Heavy armor is used to tanks in pve you know. 5/5 set bonus is good because you may add 2 light for magicka regen or 2 medium for stamina or mix to get undaunted +% stats bonus. In pve stamina build dps run with full medium same with magicka build and light. If you want to be more tanky pick heavy for PvP. if you want to be pure glass canon go full light or medium. I not see problem here. If they can do it (stamina build users with heavy armor in pvp), I do not see why you cant. Just sacrafice some dps for more defens. And why i not seen your " nerf light armor "post when /even now in live/ you rock in full light armor and shield (and yes you was more tanky than heavy armor users and you dish their dps x X)

    you missed the point, they changed the set equip bonus from 5/7 to 7/7. but only for medium and light. dosent seem fair reguardless if its pp/ pve
    I've been told that armor bonus issue is merely a matter of a Dev typo

    @dylanjaygrobbelaarb16_ESO‌ , as @Khivas_Carrick‌ indicated:

    It is a typo. Full set is 5 or more. Heavy specifies it this way, LA and MA are this way, just not explicitly listed.

    Pick a bonus that requires a full set while wearing 4 pieces, add the 5th piece and the bonus will appear.

    Alternate, wear 7, remove 2, notice nothing change (regarding the last two passives)
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • EsORising
    DDuke wrote: »
    400k XP for 1 CP is too much....

    Don't worry, you'll be able to purchase XP boosters from Cash Shop to help with that soon...

    10% boost isnt really a whole lot, espically considering how many points you need to get to the top teir skills. Were talking about VR 14 x 10 here. I'm still glad the system is in place to reward us for the grind.
  • Khivas_Carrick
    aka You only need 5 pieces of medium and that's it thankfully.
    Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop!
  • EsORising

    Vampire Skill line

    Vampiric drain - new change that is suppose to allow a 17 sec 40% increase in movement does not work. Animation works but skill does not increase speed.

    Feed - Works in sneak but does not work while in shadowy disguise; icon pops up that states pressing X will feed on Npc but skill will not work.

    - Justice System
    Definitely a much needed improvement for ESO and unique mechanic to make the game interesting. It's awesome to walk into town seeing 10 dead npc's; knowing the killer might still be nearby.

    Killing and stealing is just to fun, but really wish there was a dark brotherhood and theives guild along with skill lines. All the other mechanics of this system worked pretty well.

    The idea of laundering stolen items is still a mystery to me. Is there a reason for paying more to launder Something?

    This might be a problem exclusive to me but Guards seem to create lag spikes when they are about to kill me and sometimes the death menu pops up while I am still alive. I am perfectly smooth in game 50-70+ fps but for some reason guards tend to lag me which is a huge problem considering i usually have 20k bounty and lose it all when i get killed becuse of lag spikes.

    Champion Points
    - With only 45 points it's very hard to really test the boundries and stat increases with the champion system. There should be a period of time where champion points are given to test the boundries and upper levels of the champion system. I doubt anyone has 120+ points. With a v7, v3,50,50 I only got 45 points. Seems like someone would need 3 vr 14's to get to the higher rewards for 1 constallation.

    - Enlightenment feels great, really hoping crowns can keep it going because I would feel it was a waste of time to play without enlightenment.

    Champion System UI is great and very traditional to the Elder scrolls series with is a plus but some of the higher level rewards like gathering bonuses seem kinda of out of place or useless from some. I.E. Theif skill line has more to do with gathering than crit and sneak.

    Champion System High points bonus seem unrewarding. Increased run speed 2% 120pts? 10% less for armor repair. Also shadow rank has more to do with shopping and gathering than it does to do with stealth.

    - attack speed: would be nice to see an attack speed or significant run speed bonus in the champion system.

    Gameplay and Ability

    Combat response is 10x more responsive. This could be increased performance due to the lack of people on the server but enemy skills are easily dodged by moving out of the way which is a current problem on the live server. Dodge is also more effective and responsive. I hope this is something that stays when the server goes live and has the entire community on it adding latency. This is such a great thing for rouges because now increased movement speed makes sense to use and circling a mob or char to dodge actually works. This was a much needed and effective change.

    Assasin and shadow skills
    Awesome balances vastly improved balance between stamina and magic. Now attack skills use stamina such as, concealed strike, final blow, which makes skill usage managble and makes stamina builds viable.

    Werewolf Skillline
    New passive buff to increase werewolf timer works great and is a much needed improvement to the werewolf timer.

    Although new system is great it leaves me to wonder what is going to happen to the other 3 mounts i paid for and purchased and leveled since day 1. They have just dissapeared in the pts. Also the mount i have was not my max level mount how will the system choose which mount to keep when 1.6 is live.

    - PVE content in Craglorn is impossible for a v7 in medium. I used to be able to get away with a few kills. Normal PVE difficulty has increased but not impossible.

    -Off Balance Off balance created by veiled strike/concealed strike does not allow player to knock down with heavy attack. Is this part of the game design or a bug that shows the animation but does not have the effect? If this is on purpose, what does Off balance from concealed strike actual do?

    2 very dissapointing changes for rouges is the change toSparks and - Haste skill Sparks no longer blinds the enemy but insted replaces it with a low damage low proc skill. Also what is considered in area attack? AOE? 90% of the time a mob or player will not use an AOE to proc this skill. This would only be used in mass pvp and what is the range on this skill since more than half the AOE attacks are ranged abilities.
    - Haste skill
    change to assasins will is very dissapointing..Now the Nightblade has zero attack speed buffs and is left with a skill not worth using. Rouges should at least have one speed buff or some way to increase attack speed. To use 8 "regular attacks" to proc the assassins will spectral bow is pointless because the mob or person is probably already dead and player can do 3-4x more damage with other skills in the time it takes to proc that skill using basic attacks.
    This seems to be going the opposite direction from what a rouge should be and has always been, by taking away speed & dodging and trading it for skills that people don't want on their skillbar. This is a significant nerf for rouge classes. These 2 skills are completely useless and makes me wonder why ZoS took 2 very popular and commonly used rouge based skills and rendered them useless. Not only are the new skills undesirable but they replaced 2 of the most commonly used skills the nightblade and dual weilding characters utilized.

    Assasisn's will - Sometimes does only half damage advertised. This is the last skill aquired by the assassin class which should be a reward and not somthing you wish you can delete from your skill menu because is crowds all the skill you will actually use.

    Twisting Path - radius is smaller now, this under utilized skill needed improvement not a nerf.

    Medium armor feels squishy. Consdering all the Crit rebalnces and nerfs its interesting choice.

    Critical defense notes is unclear. It stats crit bonus's can be reduced to 0... Does that mean crit dmg will not exisit and it will only do base damage?

    Edited by EsORising on January 30, 2015 11:46PM
  • XGP
    The overall values for the following topics need to be improved.

    The consistency of the regen Glyphs for jewelry in my opinion are not scaling properly. The values from the live server for glyphs currently are 18-20 regen for stamina magicka or health for jewelry. The values from the PTS server glyphs currently are 56-59 regen for stamina magicka or health for jewelry. Compared to the rest of the pts server, the values are not scaled evenly among the majority of the stats.

    Regen changes for jewelry for PTS should scale 5 times the value of the live server to make regen enchantments for jewelry more consistent for the patch.

    Current regen for live server: 18-20 should be increased to 90-96 regen.
    The change will help promote better scaling for regen as a whole with the increase of the current stats.

    Spell damage and weapon damage currently on live server is 20-22 for enchantments on jewelry.The current bonus on pts is 48 for enchantments on jewelry. The values on pts should be 5 times of the live server to make things scale more efficient. My suggestion is to make the base value for weapon and spell damage 100-108 value for enchantments for jewelry

    Attribute points: the overall values on the live server and PTS need to be improved.
    Live: Health 15 points for each Attribute point
    PTS: Health 122 points for each attribute point
    Live: Stamina 10 points for each attribute point
    PTS: Stamina 111 points for each attribute point
    Live: Magica 10 points for each attribute point
    PTS: Magica 111 points for each attribute point

    As seen above, the points values don’t match. My suggestion is to raise health points given from Attributes from 122 on pts to 152 to make the overall values more consistent.

    These change will help promote more balance in base stats. The current PTS is a little unblanced with base stats.

  • gradius_ESO
    I like the new champion system. I'm an altiholic so being able to share the perks with all my toons is great.

    I don't like the new art for the Redguard med and especially light armor. It used to look unique and mysterious with multi layered details now it just plain and resembles Breton too much. Really doesn't keep with the spirit of the original design. What was wrong with the original?

    I like the new animation for the staff stances.

    I don't like how when you draw them from off your back they shrink by what looks like a foot and a half. These are power ornamented mage staves not walking sticks. They should appear to be as tall as the player and they are when they're sheathed.

    I like the new Redguard heavy helms look. Much better than the alien motorcycle helmets like before. Now fix the eye holes on the Nord and High elven so we can see their eyes again and we'll be set.

    I don't like the new Redguard heavy pants. Before they had metal plates down the side that went with the theme of the armor. Now they're just puffy leather cargo pants. Also the belt buckle doesn't line up with the belt anymore which is just odd.
    Edited by gradius_ESO on January 30, 2015 8:57PM
  • Cinbri
    Gyudan wrote: »
    - The Daedric Spider boss still bugs if the tank taunts it on the bridge. Nobody gets dragged into the portal and it
    ZOS please fix it first. I tired of exploiters who using this bug, and when you forcing them to fight like men, they wiping like children.
  • Cuyler
    IMO, pts v14 templates should have access to everything if @ZOS would like a worthy test of its new systems. That is:

    1. Way more than 70 CPs. More like 1000 CPs.
    2. Fully leveled skills with morphs available.
    3. Availability to all legendary/v14 crafting materials, sets, traits, enchants, motifs, produce and reagents etc.
    4. ?
    Guild: STACK n BURN (gm) PC - NA
    CP 810 18 Maxed Characters:
    "How hard can u guar?" - Rafishul[/spoiler]
  • agabahmeatshieldb14_ESO
    Gameplay and Abilities
    • Do you like the new abilities, specifically the new class and AvA abilities?

    As far as Dragonknight abilities go, there are two changes I really don't like:

    1. Fiery Chains -- The way this ability now pulls you to mobs that are immune to CC. This is not a good change, in my opinion. Not only will it allow for exploiting with Immovable players and guards in PvP, but it makes Chains a much less reliable and way too risky option for PvE content.

    2. Ash Cloud -- Losing the miss chance debuff on this ability is a loss for tanking DKs. The damage on the ability is lackluster, and the ground targeting makes it clunky and slow to use. Before, it was a great utility ability that was useful for multiple builds in many situations. Now it's a weak damage ability that will not be used very often.

    I'm really enjoying the other changes, though. I very much like the Execute from Fiery Weapons. Inferno is fun but the cost needs to be reduced, I think.
  • michaelhintz99ub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    It's annoying that there are only three ways to decrease sneak radius, or just improve your skill.

    Medium Armor passives
    Racial Skills (only the Bosmer and Khajiit- AD boss thieves)
    Night Mother's Embrace

    I was hoping there would be something in the Shadow tree. Perhaps not radius, perhaps it would do something along the lines of-

    Decrease NPC Field of View
    Decrease chance/radius of being detected by the guards (or NPCs in general) if in a populated area
    Increase movement speed while hidden
    Increase stamina/magicka regen while hidden
    (I think the first two would make sense as the buffs you get for investing points in the tree and the last two as ones you can put points into)

    Also regarding the Justice system-

    Many of the houses in DC cities (Wayrest, Daggerdall) have many small houses that can be broken into. These houses are insanely small, yet some of them contain three NPCs! There's barely enough for them to live like that! Anyway, reduce the NPCs there, or make them all sit at a table in the corner, eating diner or cooking.

    Also while going in houses, and I'm not sure if this is intentional, but NPCs detect you really really fast. It's impossible to pickpocket them!

    The way that houses are laid out should also be looked at, many have only one avenue up and that is mega boring. Think Dishonored or Oblivion. Some houses might have cellars and some might have balconies. Perhaps some even have cellars connected to the cities sewer system, and if you went into the sewer (and got past the vicious goblins and mudcrabs and skeever (oh my!) Oblivion style) you could break into the house through there! Of course this wouldn't work for Wayrest because of the dungeon, but y'know.

    Essentially make the game have more vertical challenges. It's what makes a good stealth game great.

    I'd like it if Guards showed up swiftly to deaths that were witnessed, or if the victim cried for help. What would be really great is if you left a "blood trail" and some guards hunted you for a period. Or your weapon is stained with blood for a few seconds. Heh, that would encourage mage assassins and/or hand-to-hand! Perhaps going in rivers would cleanse you, or jumping off roofs would make the trail hard to follow. It would keep murderers from just waltzing into houses at least after slaughtering the town square's citizens.

    Another note in the same idea, merchants should periodically check their safe boxes. Then if you can steal from them they'll flip their *** and you'll have to GTFO!

    Guards do not call other guards to help. They just chase you down and try to heroically catch the bad guy solo. Which they can actually do because they're badass DKs, but still, camaraderie is cool.

    That's all I have for now. Time to see how far I can level ledgerman today...
  • angelyn
    Just seen latest ESO live and want to say -Thank you @ZOS_GinaBruno for taking the feedback left by many players about sorcerers 1.6, into consideration.
  • michaelhintz99ub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    EsORising wrote: »

    This might be a problem exclusive to me but Guards seem to create lag spikes when they are about to kill me and sometimes the death menu pops up while I am still alive. I am perfectly smooth in game 50-70+ fps but for some reason guards tend to lag me which is a huge problem considering i usually have 20k bounty and lose it all when i get killed becuse of lag spikes.

    It's not exclusive to you, personally I think the lag comes from the guard taking all your stolen goods. The sudden change in inventory creating the lag.

    Here's the thing though: you were not killed because of the lag. You were already dead. Guards have TONS of DPS. Insane amounts really, but of course that's needed.
  • Enodoc
    Tutorial Feedback
    The new Wailing Prison is pretty good. However I do not like the fact that everyone is forced to use a greatsword at the start; it would be much better if there was one of each type of weapon available. I enjoyed the changes to the fighting tutorial and the fact that stealth is now introduced for the Sentinels, and lockpicking for the Undercroft door. However, there is nothing telling you how to use the lockpick. The Undercroft itself is a bit boring now that it is mostly linear and devoid of most traps. That previously presented a good challenge, and I think the multiple routes to the exit were more fun to explore. There also appears to be less loot available within the Undercroft and the subsequent areas, meaning players will have less of a start into the economy.

    Justice System Notes
    I am not noticing any particular difference between the Disreputable and Notorious bounty levels. Notorious is supposed to have guards "actively seeking" for you, but in Belkarth at least, they're just going about their business and arrest you if you get too close, exactly like they do when you are Disreputable. There needs to be more difference between these levels; either have guards actively searching for you at Notorious, like the pop-up suggests (or make it so they don't accost you when Disreputable, meaning you would have to turn yourself in).

    I said I would upload some pictures for ideas to make these three different levels of infamy more obvious. Here they are:
    Left to right, Disreputable, Notorious, Fugitive.
    The grey hand represents the fact that you are a petty criminal. The white masked face represents the fact that you are a known outlaw who is visible to the guards. The red sword, as before, represents kill-on-sight.

    I think by making a change such as this, your current bounty level is more easy to see at a glance compared to what the current design offers.

    Skill Balance and Buffs
    I'll let others comment on the actual effectiveness of these; what I personally would like to see is all buffs and debuffs currently on your character listed in the Character sheet Active Effects. What is Active Effects for if not to show this sort of thing? This applies to all buffs that you apply to yourself, buffs that allies apply to you, or debuffs that enemies apply to you.

    In the Active Effects, they would be listed with their lore-names "Major Maim", "Minor Brutality", etc, and their tooltips would show their effects: "Reduces damage dealt by 30%", "Increases weapon damage by 5%", etc.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • haidlir1983
    I played in my NB Assassin and i like it so far, im not crazy about some Champion passives in the Thief zone, some feel like not worthy of expend 120 points in a constellation to get them. I also don't like the our new potion passive,
    the increased effectiveness was (in my opinion) way better.
    The new Haste, i like better than the old one but i feel 8 hit is little to much, maybe 5 will be good.
    Bosmer NB - Ecclair
    Dark Elf - Templar - Haildir
  • HeroOfEvbof

    Heat cools off way to fast. I break in to someone's house, murder them, loot them and then loot a couple dressers and the Heat has dropped to disreputable by the time I leave the house.

    Also - the bounty is useless deterent.
    After I murder someone I incur a bounty somewhere around 65g. I loot two items off them each worth 30g and then search the house and might get an item worth 180g or more, if not at least 30g. Thus it is a guaranteed profit to murder someone in their house and head for the refuge.

    Speaking of loot - what the dickens are these things that are worth 180g or more. I looted a piece of junk that I sold to the fence for 270g. I cleaned out the upper floor of the Inn in Rawl'kha as well as the bedroom in the Fighters Guild and Mages Guild and easily made a quick 900g or so - not even including the kiosk value of the recipe and motif which I laundered for a mere 14g each.
    apud me omnia fiunt Mathematicè in Natura - Rene Descartes
  • Joejudas
    it takes way to long to gain a cp point on the pts currently. 400k at the rate we are gaining exp isnt acceptable. ill be an old man before i see any amount of cp to make a difference
  • Gyudan
    I think that the sell value of stolen items is too high. This is probably the most effective way to farm gold now and it's available for level 3 characters, which unbalances gold gathering in early game.
    I remember back in March when I was selling crafted food/drinks to NPC traders (pre-nerf) just to make a few hundred golds and that was fun. With the current system, new players will get gold way too easily imo.
    Also ... did you plan for bots farming it? :(

    You have forgotten to adjust the Dungeon and Cyrodiil Damage Achievement numbers
    With the new character numbers, we do about 10x more damage now, but the achievements still use the old values.
    I ran a single veteran dungeon and dealth over 6 million damage (as DPS, skipping a large part of the dungeon), which is over 60% of the highest achievement for damage in dungeons. Is this intended? :neutral_face:
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