Maintenance for the week of July 1:
• NA megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Update 6 Testing Suggestions and Feedback Wanted

  • Cinbri
    Why you compare scales with nerf immovable? Scales has only dk so it gave them big disadavantage. Immovable is skill for all classes. And after buff system added, it is impossible to stack defense buffs.
    Edited by Cinbri on February 3, 2015 2:53PM
  • Siluen
    Going to nitpick here, but...


    Why not give the hood Naryu actually uses on her crown-store costume? (It's called Naryu's Assassin Armor at least) I prefer it greatly over the hood it has now. :)
  • arnaldomoraleseb17_ESO
    Cinbri wrote: »
    Why you compare scales with nerf immovable? Scales has only dk so it gave them big disadavantage. Immovable is skill for all classes. And after buff system added, it is impossible to stack defense buffs.

    I am not talking about armor buff, I am talking about being immune to CCs 100% of the time. This is a broken mechanic.
    Debon Templar VR14 Thorn Blade (EU)
    Gaunnes DK VR14 Haderus (EU)
  • Cinbri
    Cinbri wrote: »
    Why you compare scales with nerf immovable? Scales has only dk so it gave them big disadavantage. Immovable is skill for all classes. And after buff system added, it is impossible to stack defense buffs.

    I am not talking about armor buff, I am talking about being immune to CCs 100% of the time. This is a broken mechanic.

    Without CC immunity with new system of buffs, this skill will be useless. just 1 more useless skill. and CC break immunity give you almost the same, ofc if you not wasting stamina on block.
    Edited by Cinbri on February 3, 2015 3:08PM
  • Darkonflare15
    Cinbri wrote: »
    Cinbri wrote: »
    Why you compare scales with nerf immovable? Scales has only dk so it gave them big disadavantage. Immovable is skill for all classes. And after buff system added, it is impossible to stack defense buffs.

    I am not talking about armor buff, I am talking about being immune to CCs 100% of the time. This is a broken mechanic.

    Without CC immunity with new system of buffs, this skill will be useless. just 1 more useless skill. and CC break immunity give you almost the same, ofc if you not wasting stamina on block.
    People always screaming a skill is useless even though some one will find a use.
  • Cinbri
    no cc imunity, no synergy in armor buff with new system. @Darkonflare15 how it will be usefull, with argumentation pls. I heared enough of so called "clever" phrases without arguments
  • lindavanbezooijen
    Soul Shriven
    I don't understand why the guar mount has to cost so much more crowns then the normal mounts do. Why not make all mounts the same price! If a guar mount will cost 1300 of 1500 crowns i will get for a one month membership, i think its to high in price. 900 crowns for the normal mounts i think is a better price.
  • arnaldomoraleseb17_ESO
    Cinbri wrote: »
    Cinbri wrote: »
    Why you compare scales with nerf immovable? Scales has only dk so it gave them big disadavantage. Immovable is skill for all classes. And after buff system added, it is impossible to stack defense buffs.

    I am not talking about armor buff, I am talking about being immune to CCs 100% of the time. This is a broken mechanic.

    Without CC immunity with new system of buffs, this skill will be useless. just 1 more useless skill. and CC break immunity give you almost the same, ofc if you not wasting stamina on block.

    OMG dude... I am not saying that ZOS should remove CC immunity, I am saying that ZOS should change the current mechanic because its completely broken. I don't think Immovable will be useless if ZOS change the current mechanic. An skill that protect you for 2 CCs (3 if you wear heavy armor and unstoppable morph) and give you armor buff for X secs isn't an useless skill.

    What I can't understand is how people like you are defending broken mechanics where all people is completely immune to CCs all the time. This skill makes CCs useless in the same way Impenetrable trait makes crit builds useless in 1.5.

    What people want is more viable builds, and right now the only viable build is use your stamina to keep immovable up all the time and spam dmg shields.

    Immovable makes useless these skills/mechanics:

    -All CCs.
    -Blocking (why do you need block if you can keep your stamina to use immovable and spam dmg shields?)
    -Break free (Why will you invest skill points or craft sets to reduce break free cost if you can be immune to CCs all time?
    - Any other skill that gives major armor buff (Why will you use a skill that gives major armor buff if you can't stack this bonus with immovable, and all we know that Immovable is a "must have" if you wanna do PvP effectively).

    So right now we have one skill (Immovable) that makes many other skills/mechanics useless and its OK for you.......
    Edited by arnaldomoraleseb17_ESO on February 3, 2015 3:51PM
    Debon Templar VR14 Thorn Blade (EU)
    Gaunnes DK VR14 Haderus (EU)
  • Cinbri
    Many opinions exist, for now most of people talking about cc stunlocks,not about instant cc immune. I not defending what you called "broken mechanic", i just dont wanna see useless skills. Btw i like your idea how to change it, but still need some change for Immovable Brute morph too. Kinda weird in 1.6 patchnotes IB sayed to reduce price of break free, but immovable grants you cc immunity -.-
    Edited by Cinbri on February 3, 2015 3:49PM
  • Darkonflare15
    Cinbri wrote: »
    Many opinions exist, for now most of people talking about cc stunlocks,not about instant cc immune. I not defending what you called "broken mechanic", i just dont wanna see useless skills. Btw i like your idea how to change it, but still need some change for Immovable Brute morph too. Kinda weird in 1.6 patchnotes IB sayed to reduce price of break free, but immovable grants you cc immunity -.-

    You do not need a argument for something that is not concrete. No point in arguing with a person who does not have full grasp at what they are talking about.
  • arnaldomoraleseb17_ESO
    Cinbri wrote: »
    Many opinions exist, for now most of people talking about cc stunlocks,not about instant cc immune. I not defending what you called "broken mechanic", i just dont wanna see useless skills. Btw i like your idea how to change it, but still need some change for Immovable Brute morph too. Kinda weird in 1.6 patchnotes IB sayed to reduce price of break free, but immovable grants you cc immunity -.-

    Oh sorry, I though you was defending how Immovable works right now. Immovable Brute morph is useless atm because all people is able to keep up CC immunity 100% of time, if not this would be a great morph.
    Debon Templar VR14 Thorn Blade (EU)
    Gaunnes DK VR14 Haderus (EU)
  • Cinbri
    You do not need a argument for something that is not concrete. No point in arguing with a person who does not have full grasp at what they are talking about.
    So in topic "suggestions and feedback" you can post only something like "No point in arguing"? ok, go on.
  • Cinbri
    @arnaldomoraleseb17_ESO I thinking ZOS removed but then added back cc imunity to immovable in a couple hrs before release it on pts (afraid of negative feedback i guess), thats why in patchnotes Immovable Brute reducing CC break cost. And if cc imunity will be removed IB will be viable morph. It also shows that they already had an idea how to change it
    Edited by Cinbri on February 3, 2015 4:11PM
  • beautycutie87
    Update 6 Testing Suggestions and Feedback

    I have a few minutes this morning while the PTS is offline for maintenance and therefore am going to
    describe how testing for update 6 has been going. I am going to try and go question by question as suggested
    on the forum but will skip what I have not yet been able to test since I did start with a new character from
    the beginning to get the full affect of an Update 6 character. I will complete a great deal more testing in
    future as time goes on and will continue to report back during maintenance times or atleast attempt to do so.
    I find this process so rewarding with a game I love so much to be able to play and explore but as well provide
    opinions on how the system has worked out for myself thus far. So on we go...!

    Testing Suggestions

    1. Trial (Still to be tested), Dragonstar Arena (Still to be tested)
    I was able to hop into Cyrodil on a few evenings last week to try out the new abilities and game balance.
    I was able to work with a six or seven person group that I joined to defeat some connected Keep areas including
    a farm and a mine. I found that the animations with AOE abilities were more stabilized. I found that getting
    to the areas with my new mount Midnight Horse was fun and easy to do. I did have alot of fun in Cyrodil and
    always do especially using battlefield machines which make me feel empowered on the battle field.
    Small complaint as always with Cyrodil is logging in and out frequently when in groups. I attempted to test
    the system with the developers last night but after gathering all my gear and being logged off and on a few times
    when reaching Cyrodil, I sadly gave up. I think if I would have logged on to Cyrodil earlier in the afternoon I
    may have been able to circumvent this problem so in future I will do so.
    2. I was able to use my main character from the Live megaserver to play around with the new Champion System to
    allocate different points, but I believe I still have much to learn about this system. As this system seems
    so different from the skill points system, I find myself trying to max out different aspects while still
    worrying that I may not have enough points in the end to try to add many champion aspects from the system to
    my build. I am going to continue to use this system with my testing character to try to better understand
    to learn how to use this to enhance my skill building more in future. I am realizing as well the more I test
    that my main character maybe not fit for the Update 6, which is exciting because it means I may have to again
    start over with this amazing game to build the right character for all the aspects of the more fully rounded
    3. Streaming Trials and Delves (still to be tested)
    4. Glenumbra and Auridon Delves (still to be tested)
    Stonefalls Delves: I have been able to notice some changes to the lengths of these delves and have found it
    to be enjoyable. I like being able to gain further XP from these areas which my character spends daily time in.
    I enjoy being able to really explore the storylines in the delves as well, it really enhances the regional
    plot lines. The stories of Elder Scrolls are interesting to read and interact with again and again, the
    growth of delves enhances those stories.
    5. Orc armor (still to be tested)
    Redguard armor looks more heroic. I really have enjoyed the antiqueness of the Redguard armor in the game
    this is the set i have never dyed because the armor itself as you build it (Heavy Armor) looks perfectly
    suited to the character and the interactions (Dragonknight). I find the adjustments to this armor have made
    it look more heroic which really enhances the look.
    6. New Tutorial: In starting my testing character I absolutely loved the new tutorial. I thought it gave more
    of a relationship with Lyris, that I think was already well developed for myself but enhanced this relationship
    even more so. I find that killing her, leading up to Molag Bal is never an option because I feel such a connection
    with her, from her storyline. I really enjoyed the new tutorials for weapons in this area to, there have been
    changes I feel in the last bit for blocking and power attacks, so to go through this tutorial again has definitely
    helped me alot.
    7. Provisioning Skill Line: Starting with my test character again to develop the provisioning skill is fun this time
    and a little more challenging. I do find that I have a little bit less slots in my bag and bank taken up by
    provisioning parts, however if you do not start thieving early in the game I find that attaining recipes is
    difficult especially for the early recipes. However being able to buy the food you want at the Chef and/or Brewer.
    I find that the menu options for the Chef and/or Brewer are simplified and that prices are reasonable for the area
    you are in.
    8. In-Game Events
    My attempt with Cyrodil I did explain in question 1. I really enjoyed testing the Crown Store last evening as well.

    Feedback Wanted
    Justice System
    1. Being able to commit crimes greatly added to my level of enjoyment, I found myself with some moral choices
    especially in Stonefalls not wanting to rob the Argonians but picking specific Dunmer High Houses that made
    me alittle bit angry with the storyline to absolutely pilfer.
    2. The most satisfying thing about the Justice System is being able to rob alot of the houses with ease. The
    least satisfying thing about the Justice System as always is having to be very careful with pickpocketing
    it really is a technique in all of the games that you have to be so good at to get right.
    3. Looking at the Legerdemain skill line it feels that you are appropriately rewarded for the activity you complete
    as well as the achievements for this category, I do find myself wishing their was a skill to add to the bar for
    this skill line as well though I do not know what maybe the skeleton key makes a reappearance or something I am not
    4. I did not find that others players participating in the Justice system were disruptive to city experience. In fact
    I find it amusing to watch the other players try and fail to rob particular in city merchants or guards. I watch for
    their technique as well to see what I can learn for future activities. I did not feel being able to kill NPCs disrupted my own
    enjoyment of the city environment, but do feel a moral concern somehow with the killing of the Argonian merchants in
    Stonefalls, even by others players I am unsure why.
    5. I averaged about 500G per hour with completion of Justice activites after carefully choosing who to rob and when.
    6. For myself robbing High Dunmer houses seem to be very profitable with the many Bank notes I have been finding in
    different chests and drawers. I find pickpocketing to be the least profitable for myself because I haven't perfected the
    technique yet.
    7. I find it exciting that picking my times and exits and cautiously watching where guards are means I have had no
    punishment as of yet. I am sure as times goes on I will be able to better understand the punishment system to better review,
    but hopefully not.
    8. The process to fence a stolen item is very clear with the fences UI. Although I have had many other players question
    where the fences are located and how to get to them. The symbol for fencing may be needed to make more clear. I usually
    sell off the items, I have bought back a few recipes, but I find that selling the items directly off gives me a clear profit.
    9. It is very clear when you are and are not being witnessed committing a crime especially with the placements of guards,
    how the guards turn or do not turn, and the hidden icon when sneaking.
    10. The mechanics of pickpocketing I have not been clear with yet, I think it will take a lot of practice to understand this
    but that is not unusual for Elder Scroll games thus far.
    11. The bounty UI elements are clear in the bottom right of the screen especially in the red font. However I have been thus far
    fortunate not to acquire one yet.
    12. I do not think finding a fence is clear at all yet for the countless players who come into the game and ask where the fences are
    and how to get to them. I was able to find the fence easily but I think it will take time for other players to notice the symbol.
    13. Skill Advancement (stilled to be tested)
    14. Legerdemain Skills (stilled to be tested)
    15. Outlaw Refuges (still to be tested)
    16. It is easy to distinugish between selling and laundering stolen items, it seems easy to buy the items you want back at a reasonable discount.
    17. Other players did not hinder my ability to profit from Justice activities, in fact I think it enhances the profitability. I wonder if
    I was able to connect with other places to rob some banks etc. if the profit might be a good share for us.

    Champion System (still to be tested)

    Gameplay and Abilities (still to be tested)

    Game Re-balance (still to be tested)

    New Combat Animations
    1. I think the combat in general overall feels more fluid. I am still having trouble with a two-handed ability that launches me
    forward in first-person, but overall other than that ability the combat has been more fluid and I have had less problems with dying
    to being frozen while playing. It is unusual that I play in first person I realize, I just find it easier with the two handed weapon to
    specify who I am targeting with my abilities. With my test character that will change however as I gain more AoE abilities to add to the bar
    with bow addition in future.
    2. Combat does feel more responsive without becoming lagged or frozen quickly.

    1. The new system overall feels simplified which is nice because there was just so much to finding the different ingredients previously and
    remembering at times while in delves etc. which ingredients you needed to pick up and which ones you did not need at different times. This
    system seems to take less ingredients for each recipe and new ways to use the same ingredients has made this system easier to understand.
    2. The system makes alot more sense, being able to find the correct ingredients for your chosen character's needed recipes is much easier with the new system.
    3. Looking at my main character for the provision transition, it does seem that many of the recipes have been simplified and are easier to
    make with the little space the character does have for picking up ingredients for the recipes.
    4. I was not able before to keep too many ingredients in my inventory due to space I find now that I am able to pick up those ingredients I need
    and have more space left over.
    5. I feel the revamp has given both character significantly more bank and inventory space.
    6. I feel the new recipes are easy and fit the characters they are being used for. It is very nice to be able to center on one recipe for the
    whole game system rather then to try to remember what you need from the different regions you are in.
    7. The subcategories make sense for adding to stamina, magicka or health, it makes things simpler for making these recipes absolutely.
    8. I find that I am able to obtain many more ingredients from critters which is good because it does add to not having to
    purchase some of these items in game.
    9. Brewing has been simplified as well, I do enjoy using brewing drinks as dungeons continue.
    10. I find the Justice System has had no impact on my provisioning.
    11. I do feel that right now if you start off with no recipes you may need to steal in order to find those recipes or
    maybe purchase them from a trade guild. I still find ingredients though in the areas where stealing is not applicable.
    12. I have been able to find a few recipes, not the ones I need for the character right now. But I find that purchasing
    from the Chef and/ or Brewer at this point is inexpensive and easy as well.
    13. Crafting writs are very rewarding with what you receive back in terms of gold, crafting experience, and blacksmithing tools to use.

    Crown Store
    1. I think many of the items are amazing, the mounts, pets, and costumes add some fun and richness to the game. I think the consumables could definitely change
    how easy it is for the casual player to be able to enjoy the areas of interest to them. It will allow for more group
    interactions because more players will be ready for group trials, dragonstar arena or cyrodil.
    2. I did not notice any broken items.
    3. The store seemed well organized and it seemed easy to preview some of the collections as well. In future I look forward
    to purchase some of the pets.
    4. I'd love to see a dragon mount in the store. I would never want to see pets or mounts that are totally out of the realm of Elder Scrolls.
    5. All of my pets have converted correctly, my goodness I did not realize how many I had until I saw them all together. I would maybe like to see this for the maps
    I have so many from the imperial edition it would be nice to get them out of the inventory too.

    New Tutorial in Coldharbor (still to be tested)

    Armor Set Polish
    1. Orc armor (still to be tested)
    Redguard armor looks more heroic. I really have enjoyed the antiqueness of the Redguard armor in the game
    this is the set i have never dyed because the armor itself as you build it (Heavy Armor) looks perfectly
    suited to the character and the interactions (Dragonknight). I find the adjustments to this armor have made
    it look more heroic which really enhances the look.
    2. The update definitely kept the spirit of the armor and enhanced the heroic look of the armor.
    3. No missing pieces that I have noticed yet.
  • Joy_Division
    A few things I dislike about the Justice system:

    * It is way too easy to commit crimes accidentally.
    - I casted rapid regeneration and suddenly I was a criminal to be killed on sight. Umm...
    - I was testing out the new heavy attack animation to get a sense of the feel and graphics and I hit something or someone even though I wasn't aiming at anyone.

    * I get it that this is probably a byproduct of the mischievous fun we used to have in places like Raw'l were we would spam our spells. While I know there are people out there that despised the harmless spontaneous enjoyment we had creating an impromptu magical carnival or sorts, I for one will be sad to see this part of ESO gone.

    That being said, a prospective law abider in the Justice system should not have to worry about a muscle spasm inadvertently sending them on a criminal path.
    Criminal activities should have a "hard" targeting mechanism such that a player should have to specifically tab-lock or something like that to the person they intend on assaulting, the item the intend on stealing, the criminal they intend on healing, etc.

    * I think the guards should be killable. I get it, they are invincible for balance reasons. That doesn't mean you can't get the same game balance by not being able to kill them. If the whole point was to prevent a group of players from exterminating a city's law enforcement and then going on a loot and pillage spree, this can still be achieved: just have more, tougher guards respawn (i.e. specially trained reinforcements arrive).

    I for one enjoy in game "impossible" challenges that were not intended by the game designers to overcome. Make these guards hard to kill...really hard...but make it so we can do it. For those who played Dragon Age, the Ser Cauthrian fight was exceedingly difficult and "supposed" to be played out that the Protagonist was either captured or surrendered. But good players could and eventually did defeat her and it was one of those videogame mini-orgasmic feelings of accomplishments that make playing them so worthwhile. I really think it would be cool to have youtube videos of would be criminals trying to one up each other on how many guards they can kill and how long they can last.

    Edited by Joy_Division on February 3, 2015 5:39PM
  • Blackmoon777

    Remove "Fishes" from merchants in towns, this food ingreadient should be only avaiable form fishing in my opinien
  • bosmern_ESO
    The templar abilities unstable core and rune focus should be changed to completely new abilities.

    -Unstable core rarely works (and from what I hear it can be CC broken) and when it does the damage doesn't do nearly enough It seems like a decent ability but its very, and I mean VERY situational, mainly because It's only 1 target.

    My suggestion is that a complete new ability comes into place. My idea would be a sphere that bends light around it to be cast out of the templar and move out 10 meters, For every enemy it passes through it would apply minor fracture and minor breach and deal 1000 flame damage. If it passes through an ally it would give them a minor protection buff.

    The morphs for the ability could be
    1. no longer applys minor fracture and minor breach to enemy, instead it does major mangle and gives allys major protection buff, but no longer deals damage.
    2. Sphere circles the templar dealing increased damage but no longer debuffs enemies and grants caster minor force.

    For Rune focus, I believe that templars should get a companion ability. All classes have one except Templars (it seems like out of all classes, templars would be 2nd to have one).

    The reason why Rune focus isn't as good as it should be, is because it makes the templar more stationary, this is bad in Pve and PvP wise. In both you have to be on your toes and be ready to move quickly, either out of a bosses attack or an enemy ultimate.

    Tempalrs should get a sun orb to float slightly above them. The orb would grant allies with
  • agabahmeatshieldb14_ESO

    Champion System
    • How fast are you gaining champion points per hour and/or per day? Does this cadence feel good?

    One idea I had for increasing Champion Point acquisition was this: rather than limiting Champion Points to being earned exclusively by experience points, have them also be tied to completing certain content.
    • One Champion Point for completing each chapter of Cadwell's Silver and Gold, i.e. for completing the main quest of each of the 5 zones per Alliance
    • One Champion Point for completing a Veteran Undaunted Pledge
    • One Champion Point for completing the quest in the Trials--Aetherian Archive, Hel Ra Citadel, or Sanctum Ophidia
    • One Champion point for completing Dragonstar Arena on normal mode, possible two points for completing Dragonstar Arena on veteran mode

    I've felt from the start that the idea of having Champion Points be acquired at a pace of roughly 1 an hour was way too slow. With 3600 Champion Points available, and when each point invested after the first five gives minuscule returns, that's just a mind-boggling grind. If we reduce that grind by 75% we're still left with a 900 hour grind, which is way more reasonable while still being substantial enough to keep people playing.

    I feel like being able to get one point for a 30 minute Undaunted Veteran Pledge, or a 20 minute Trial run, or an hour-long Dragonstar Arena run, would be a nice little added bonus. This would all be parallel to points earned by experience points, so not replacing earning Champion Points through experience but augmenting it instead.

    People that do more PvP than I do can chime in on achievements that might work like this for the AvA system (to similarly reward those who don't want to PvE).
  • CitraBenzoet_ESO
    My main concern is where are my recipes?

    I logged into PTS to find that my v9 character was now in possession of v10 food ( i couldn't use) that was v5 on live. And that I did not have any "equivalent" v5 recipes in my characters brain. I didn't have all the blue and purple recipes available in live but i had a good handfull. On live i could make at least 1 v5 purple food that affects health/magicka/stamina, on PTS1.6 only green single effects foods and drink. Not cool. Why have a lvl 50 provisioning skill if when you add this patch it becomes useless until i find replacements. Give me my copy of the Joy of Cooking back!

    Tl;Dr: my consummate honey brittle turned into something else i couldn't use, and i couldn't make anything equal to it. :(
    DC- Sir Citra Benzoet v15
    The Psijic Order - 0.016%
    Mara's Moxie
  • F7sus4
    Since when 3-traits-only crafted set should be better than rare trials' gear?!

    You probably didn't even notice that it's now more profitable to go with 3-4 pieces of Twilight's Embrace set rather than 3-4 pieces of Aether (Wise-Mage), didn't you? How is the trials' set a reward anymore?

    A 1%+1% Spell Critical?! Like 2%+2% nerf in 1.6 was already not stupid enough. Acalculia finesse. What do you guys, actually, get paid for?! :#

    Edited by F7sus4 on February 4, 2015 11:29AM
  • Sheaden

    Damage Shields are proving to be exceptionally overpowered in PVP. Damage overall between Magicka and Stamina builds is looking far more balanced as of 1.6 however Magicka builds have a distinct defensive advantage over their Stamina-based counterparts in PVP. Either Magicka based shields need to be nerfed or Stamina based builds need to have similar access to damage shields that utilize stamina as their primary resource.

    Dragonknights definitely need a stamina based morph of Lava Whip seeing as how it is the only true single target DPS class ability Dragonknights get.

    Light armor reduces magicka cost of magicka abilities 3% per piece of light armor worn. i.e. 21% cost reduction for magicka abilities (7 piece light). This is fine!

    Medium Armor reduces Stamina cost of Stamina abilities 3% per piece of medium armor worn. i.e. 21% cost reduction for stamina abilities (7 piece medium). This is fine!

    Heavy armor- Change the "constitution" perk in heavy armor so that it reduces the cost of BOTH stamina and magicka based abilities by a maximum of 1.5% per piece of heavy armor worn. i.e. 10.5% reduction to the cost of magicka and stamina abilities (7 piece heavy). PLEASE MAKE THIS HAPPEN!

    Seriously, without this change to heavy armor, VERY few players are going to actually wear full 7 piece heavy armor. This change makes heavy armor more versatile for tanks who need to utilize class and weapon abilities to be effective, and also opens up more build variety for us as players.

    Just a few things right off I would love to see balanced. Keep up the great work!
  • iqoologiceb17_ESO
    Insta killed by world boss with 31769 dmg (patch 1.6.1) ?! Is this bug or a feature ? :)

    Edited by iqoologiceb17_ESO on February 3, 2015 11:33PM
    PC EU
  • Shikardos
    Very nice staminaChanges in some morphs NB skills like Assassins blade, Teleport Strike, Veiled Strike ... but i dont undestant why Death Stroke still use Magicka in both morphs?it is exactly the same ability like Veiled Strike used in melee. it looks as you have not completed idea NB StamaClassSkill . Remake some one stamina morph in death stroke would be logical for perfect stamina build in solo target...

    PS and dont listen ManaRestroFanboys who write bad reviews about stamina changes in ClassSkills ;)
    Edited by Shikardos on February 4, 2015 5:16AM
  • Aleraon
    So this happened in Daggerfall :smiley:

    And in Riften it seems we have to "Steam" our way into lockboxes :wink:
    Edited by Aleraon on February 4, 2015 5:25AM
    (EU/AD) CP501 Razum-dah - Khajiiti Templar Healer
    (EU/AD) CP501 J'Kara Silverclaw - Khajiiti Dragonknight tank
    (EU/AD) CP501 Rajhiin - Khajiiti stamina Nightblade
    (EU/AD) CP501 Draven Corvillian - Breton magicka Nightblade
    (EU/AD) CP501 Sinderian Nightflame - High Elf magicka sorcerer
    (EU/AD) CP501 J'zargo Silverclaw - Khajiit stamina Templar
    (EU/AD) CP501 Ariella Nightshade - High Elf Magicka Nightblade
    (EU/AD) CP501 Ri'shada - Khajiit Stamina Sorcerer
    (EU/AD) LVL29 Valeon Indoril - Dark Elf Magicka Dragonknight
    *The Queen stole this one's moonsugar candies lol*
  • agabahmeatshieldb14_ESO

    • How does the new system feel overall?
    • Does the system make more sense?
    • If you’re using a copied character from the Live megaserver, did you find the transition to the new system relatively painless?
    • Are all items from previous provisioning accounted for in your inventory?
    • Did you feel the provisioning revamp has significantly impacted your inventory?
    • How do you feel about the new recipes?
    • How do you feel about the new paradigm for how food and drink, plus their subcategories, are broken down?
    • How does brewing compare to what you experienced to the live game in terms of benefit?

    Overall, I like the new system. I wouldn't say it makes MORE sense than the system on live, but it definitely makes as much sense. It's more streamlined and a little more efficient.

    The transition to my characters on live was painless. All previous ingredients are accounted for.

    The revamp impacted my inventory a bit, it freed up maybe 6 vault spaces. I wouldn't call this significant, but it's a nice little bonus.

    The new recipes are nice, although I do miss my Fortified Sweetrolls. The breakdown of food and drink is fine, and I like the ingredient system with meat/vegetables/fruit.

    Brewing is still, as far as I can see, useless in comparison to cooking. The stat food gives such incredible benefits to every build, while beverages give a little tiny boost. I really do think the only way Brewing will be useful is if the bonuses stack.

    As far as cost, the increase in material prices with 1.6.1 was too extreme, in my opinion. 10 gold per ingredient was a little low, but 150 gold is way, way too high. 25 gold might be more reasonable, with 50 gold at the outer boundary. The price is ~67 gold on live from a Grocer, and that's only one ingredient out of 4. Some of us don't want to steal, so with all the barrels and crates in town being effectively removed from the loot table, we'll have to buy more ingredients. Increasing the price to 150 gold really feels like punishment.
  • Aleraon
    So single ingredients now cost 150g meaning that provisioners will have to pay around 45 - 60k for 3 - 4 stacks of ingredients, maybe more to craft recipes that require it? Seriously guys that's a lot of gold. New players are not going to be able to afford to level their provisioning craft without having to resort to stealing and fencing items to make money, whether they want to or not.

    75g per ingredient is more than enough, slightly higher than currently on live, and while that would still equate to 7500k per 100 stack of ingredients it would at least be a bit more reasonable for everyone, not just max level players who may have saved enough gold to throw at it. Please amend this change guys.

    Another thing that needs to be fixed is the usefulness of max level hirelings. Not everyone wants to do crafting writs. Reducing the already slim chances of getting gold tempers etc through maxed out hirelings in order to force people to do the crafting writs certainly isn't the way forward. Please return our hireling to their former glory and allow people to decide for themselves whether they actually want to do crafting writs or not without feeling as though they're being shoehorned into doing them.
    (EU/AD) CP501 Razum-dah - Khajiiti Templar Healer
    (EU/AD) CP501 J'Kara Silverclaw - Khajiiti Dragonknight tank
    (EU/AD) CP501 Rajhiin - Khajiiti stamina Nightblade
    (EU/AD) CP501 Draven Corvillian - Breton magicka Nightblade
    (EU/AD) CP501 Sinderian Nightflame - High Elf magicka sorcerer
    (EU/AD) CP501 J'zargo Silverclaw - Khajiit stamina Templar
    (EU/AD) CP501 Ariella Nightshade - High Elf Magicka Nightblade
    (EU/AD) CP501 Ri'shada - Khajiit Stamina Sorcerer
    (EU/AD) LVL29 Valeon Indoril - Dark Elf Magicka Dragonknight
    *The Queen stole this one's moonsugar candies lol*
  • Cinbri
    I don't know why but i suffering from 1sec delay on implementing any action after push buttons (mount, dismount, break free, all abilities, weapon swap and all other). pts is unplayable for me.
  • Fecius

    Hi there. Well, first of all I want to say that in overall I like all that was done in 1.6 patch, but with some exceptions. New systems are cool and fun to play with: Champion, Justice, Provisioning (bevereges a still low competitive in PvE - they wont give dmg, heal or other). All of this is nice.

    I'm a PvE player. So I've mainly w8ed a EU characters copy to test more details - cause my EU char has all PvE stuff I needed for tests including sets of Infallible Aether, Vicious Ophidian and Eternal Yokeda from Serpent Normal with some parts of HM version of same sets.

    Well, 1st of all, after 1st Vet dung I can say that it's nice. Light armor is now rly a bit of glass cannon, and it's interesting to play. We've spent almost same time for killing all, so I guess its ok. But I had not much time yet, so I've tested only 1 classic sorc live build.

    But here are some things I didn't like at all:

    1. Panacea of Spell Power is now useless in PvE and it's strange... No one in PvE will use it to get that crit and spell power buff, when u can use Surge, Entropy or Inner Light. But this was a common difference a good raider form a bad one - those top Alchemy potions use.
    2. Sanctum Ophidia Difficult Mode sets (Set of the Infallible Aether (HM) for example) are best on Live 1.5.8 and trash on 1.6.1). I can offer you some screenshots a bit later. Now I can just describe the problem I've notised.

    Talking about Infallible Aether Set (Normal and Difficult versions) as an example:

    Serpent Normal loot has same amount of magica as gold craft enchantment. Ok, you can say that u get all those set bonuses u can't get anywhere else. It’s acceptable, but still not that good difference in my personal opinion.

    But: Serpent Difficult loot has all same bonuses like Normal and just 10 more Magica on infused big part (head or chest) comparing with Normal or craft.

    Is this a joke?! Ok, when it is 9 magica difference on live 1.5.8, it's ok. In terms where every 10 Magica over 2700 is great. But now I have 28600 magica and 10 Magica difference on BEST enchantment vs CRAFT enchantment is NOTHING! 28600 or 28610... Who cares. No one will go wipe on Serpent HM for nothing, spending time to get this "best" loot with trash random trait.

    We’ve killed SO HM for 6 times and got 2 quest reward. From 8 loot chances I got only 1 item with correct trait. I've spent on it about 9 hours, 600 Spell Power Potions. And I'm sure, I’m lucky, because the chance to get BIS loot is low cause of trash random trait. If nothing changes after PTS on live 1.6.1 I’ll go and spent 2 min on craft a set 10 magica less benefit and pretty close set bonuses. And it would be with correct traits with 100% chance. So, what's the point to farm SO HM?

    I still hope u have some massive reasons to do this (but I really can’t see any at all, and you can explain this) or it’s just a sad little mistake and will be fixed before it goes live.

    I will give more feedback as I have, and I will post some SO loot comprarison screenshots as I prepare them properly.
    - Looking for Progress PvE Guild!
    - Ex Ætherius Eight / Ætherius Raid PC EU
    - World First Sanctum Ophidia Difficult Mode (1.5.8 at January 21, 2015)

    - PvE Dunmer Magicka Sorcerer
    - YouTube

    - Under sun and sky Outlander, we greet you warmly!
    - Под этим Солнцем и небом мы тепло приветствуем тебя!
  • Navaya
    I have noticed that some skill/spells get different stealth bonus damage.
    Tested with a few abilities:

    Incapacitating Strike Base dmg = 8855, Stealth dmg = 11238

    Ambush Base dmg = 4424 , Stealth dmg = 16175

    Focused Aim Base dmg = 8286, Stealth dmg = 15558

    On Live server right now Ambush(magicka build ofc) never do more stealth dmg than Snipe (stamina build).
    So do each ability have it's own stealth dmg bonus now?
    Edited by Navaya on February 4, 2015 10:07AM
  • Darkonflare15
    Grim Focus does not show when the skill is over. I will pop it on and there is no sound or visual cue that shows when this skill timer is off. Another thing is the skill time is too short to use the spectral arrow. I think the skill will be better if you can either make the time longer on the skill or make the charges on the skill a lot less than 8. This skill also needs a visual cue to let us know that the spectral arrow is up. So many times I get the spectral icon just to forget I had or I realize too let and the time runs out.
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