Maintenance for the week of July 1:
• NA megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Update 6 Testing Suggestions and Feedback Wanted

  • Prizax


    Don't know if this was already said but as you can see there is NO "(4 item)" bonus...
  • newtinmpls
    The new armors - worse.
    Tenesi Faryon of Telvanni - Dunmer Sorceress who deliberately sought sacrifice into Cold Harbor to rescue her beloved.
    Hisa Ni Caemaire - Altmer Sorceress, member of the Order Draconis and Adept of the House of Dibella.
    Broken Branch Toothmaul - goblin (for my goblin characters, I use either orsimer or bosmer templates) Templar, member of the Order Draconis and persistently unskilled pickpocket
    Mol gro Durga - Orsimer Socerer/Battlemage who died the first time when the Nibenay Valley chapterhouse of the Order Draconis was destroyed, then went back to Cold Harbor to rescue his second/partner who was still captive. He overestimated his resistance to the hopelessness of Oblivion, about to give up, and looked up to see the golden glow of atherius surrounding a beautiful young woman who extended her hand to him and said "I can help you". He carried Fianna Kingsley out of Cold Harbor on his shoulder. He carried Alvard Stower under one arm. He also irritated the Prophet who had intended the portal for only Mol and Lyris.
    Order Draconis - well c'mon there has to be some explanation for all those dragon tattoos.
    House of Dibella - If you have ever seen or read "Memoirs of a Geisha" that's just the beginning...
    Nibenay Valley Chapterhouse - Where now stands only desolate ground and a dolmen there once was a thriving community supporting one of the major chapterhouses of the Order Draconis
  • dylanjaygrobbelaarb16_ESO
    angelyn wrote: »
    angelyn wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌ @ZOS_EricWrobel

    Feedback on the loss of stats due to someone deciding that I am "ranged"(PVE).

    There has been much talk of ranged players and melee players and how ZOS is possibly thinking it should affect your DPS/other stats (with ranged providing less of X than melee). I'm not sure if this is the approach you are going to take, however this is some feedback

    The assumptions that I'm coming across is that people who use staves only play at range(and the inevitable assumption that they are probably magicka players). This isn't correct. There a skill on the Destruction staff which only works if you are in melee range-Ie Impulse.

    If any magicka people use the impulse skill at all, then they will play both in melee range and at a longer range. So I don't think that a staff is strictly an "range" weapon, and surely if that's the things are going, then do bows have the same stats(ie DPS/spell power/weapon power?) as staves? ( I don't know if bows have a close range ability like impulse)

    And that's assuming that magicka players use staves only..however magicka players could equip any weapon, which may require range(bow), melee(2 hand) or staff(both melee range and long range)

    On a side note if I am a destruction staff user in light armor, I am doing well providing DPS and surviving at melee range. Therefore, I do not think that I should be penalised in DPS/protection etc because someone assumed that the weapon I equipped or the class that I am is ranged, and that because of that, I need to do less damage and die easier as I will never be in melee range,experiencing the same risk as someone who is "melee". Personally as a sorcerer using destro staff(both class and weapon assumed to be ranged) I spend a large (if not the majority)amount of time in melee range ie crit surge/impulse/thundering presence combination, since there are more AOE PVE than single target situations in the game (eg typical dungeon). In addition, there could be people using a ranged skill like a melee eg crit surge/lightning flood/thundering presence combination. So if you are going to base stats on dividing your players into ranged or melee, make sure that the division is accurate.(Although I don't see how that would be possible anyway)

    So as long as there is a skill on the weapon/class tree that requires you to be in melee range(example Impulse on Destruction staff, Thundering presence on sorc tree and any similar skills on Bow etc), I don't think it is fair that the weapon/class should be lesser in some way(IE less DPS etc) simply because it is assumed that it is a ranged only weapon/class.

    With the way the weapons/classes are now, I think stats should be comparable. However if you are going down the route of"ranged players" have reductions in DPS/protection/stats etc due to the fact that they are assumed to be ranged(and have no risk), then any time they are within melee distance to an enemy they should be getting a bonus,since they are taking the same risks as someone else, and getting less stats as a reward.

    And quoting from another thread -I'm still mega confused as to why a staff will provide less spell power than a sword..

    No, not quite. Thundering Presence is a tanky move meant for tanks or melee fighters. Second, impulse is an AoE attack, and a god damn powerful one at that. It's trade off for being so strong is that it's built for a melee approach, usually after a team has grabbed everything up and there's a healer there to save your ass. Or as a tank, a player could easily use impulse to do the aforementioned aggro grabbing.

    Basically what I'm saying is your argument is full of holes and is you're using melee stuff as a caster, it's going to be hard.
    My arguement is that if ZOS indeed want to base certain stats such as DPS etc on Melee Vs Range (which they are not doing, since they said in the Live stream that they want to make all damage per second equal across the classes) then they can't do that fairly or accurately with the game in it's current state.

    Again, until a person's class and weapon and any skill trees they have access to have no close range skills, you can't call them ranged. Conversely, until a person's class,weapon and any skill trees accessed contains no long range spells, you can't call them melee. You don't know what skills people are using so you can't tell them to take a reduction in stats, simply because you assume(basing your assumption on either their class or their weapon) that they play a certain way(whether it is the optimal way or not), and neither can ZOS unless they are really, really strict and limit a player to only have access to ranged or close range abilities but never both, so that they can fairly differentiate who fits in the close range pile and who fits in the long range pile.

    That's actually rather fair, I'll give you that. However it doesn't change the fact that stamina melee is still at a massive disadvantage to Magicka ranged if the numbers are exactly the same, and that's why they're different.

    ? what. except that all the stam melee can equip a bow on the other bar and have the longest range in the game..... what specifically is the disadvantage? I dont see it, medium stamina is good and has 2/3 more resistances! you cant just ignore that any medium stam build can slap a bow on off bar and be very effective at range. medium is looking to greatly overshadow light and heavy, if nothing changes ,prepare for serious fotm medium builds.
  • ForKristSake
    Okay, devs, so here's a scenario I encountered that seems quite problematic.

    If you get a bounty for whatever reason and get caught, the guards will not take from your bank. So the first thing I do is go thieving with no gold on me. What are they going to do, right? I steal some stuff, get caught, and I cannot pay the bounty (that choice is in red font). So I am forced to flee, they kick my ass, yada-yada-yada, I'm back at the wayshire, and I still have 250g bounty. So I figure I'll go to the bank, get money, and pay off at the fence or to a guard. I walk in the bank, where guards abound, one sees me and asks for bounty, I can't pay, I get my ass kicked again, and back at the wayshire. Meanwhile, I can't even sell anything to a regular merchant cause I've got a bounty.

    Now I am forced to either 1) steal my way out of infamy (steal and sell to the fence until I can pay the bounty) or 2) beg friends for gold, or 3) go read lore in a corner for an hour until the bounty dies down. If one of you made it this way on purpose, to you I say BRILLIANT! Cause trust me...when 1.6 launches, I want so bad to hear some idiot complaining in zone chat that the first thing he did after downloading the update was go on a murder spree and rack up 7k gold in bounty only to realize he's got 480g on him. I love a good indentured servitude story just as much as the next guy, still seems like you might need to change it.

    So can you please give an option to pay the bounty using gold from the bank?
    If not...well hey, at least I know now not to do it.
    Edited by ForKristSake on February 16, 2015 6:58AM
  • Khivas_Carrick
    angelyn wrote: »
    angelyn wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌ @ZOS_EricWrobel

    Feedback on the loss of stats due to someone deciding that I am "ranged"(PVE).

    There has been much talk of ranged players and melee players and how ZOS is possibly thinking it should affect your DPS/other stats (with ranged providing less of X than melee). I'm not sure if this is the approach you are going to take, however this is some feedback

    The assumptions that I'm coming across is that people who use staves only play at range(and the inevitable assumption that they are probably magicka players). This isn't correct. There a skill on the Destruction staff which only works if you are in melee range-Ie Impulse.

    If any magicka people use the impulse skill at all, then they will play both in melee range and at a longer range. So I don't think that a staff is strictly an "range" weapon, and surely if that's the things are going, then do bows have the same stats(ie DPS/spell power/weapon power?) as staves? ( I don't know if bows have a close range ability like impulse)

    And that's assuming that magicka players use staves only..however magicka players could equip any weapon, which may require range(bow), melee(2 hand) or staff(both melee range and long range)

    On a side note if I am a destruction staff user in light armor, I am doing well providing DPS and surviving at melee range. Therefore, I do not think that I should be penalised in DPS/protection etc because someone assumed that the weapon I equipped or the class that I am is ranged, and that because of that, I need to do less damage and die easier as I will never be in melee range,experiencing the same risk as someone who is "melee". Personally as a sorcerer using destro staff(both class and weapon assumed to be ranged) I spend a large (if not the majority)amount of time in melee range ie crit surge/impulse/thundering presence combination, since there are more AOE PVE than single target situations in the game (eg typical dungeon). In addition, there could be people using a ranged skill like a melee eg crit surge/lightning flood/thundering presence combination. So if you are going to base stats on dividing your players into ranged or melee, make sure that the division is accurate.(Although I don't see how that would be possible anyway)

    So as long as there is a skill on the weapon/class tree that requires you to be in melee range(example Impulse on Destruction staff, Thundering presence on sorc tree and any similar skills on Bow etc), I don't think it is fair that the weapon/class should be lesser in some way(IE less DPS etc) simply because it is assumed that it is a ranged only weapon/class.

    With the way the weapons/classes are now, I think stats should be comparable. However if you are going down the route of"ranged players" have reductions in DPS/protection/stats etc due to the fact that they are assumed to be ranged(and have no risk), then any time they are within melee distance to an enemy they should be getting a bonus,since they are taking the same risks as someone else, and getting less stats as a reward.

    And quoting from another thread -I'm still mega confused as to why a staff will provide less spell power than a sword..

    No, not quite. Thundering Presence is a tanky move meant for tanks or melee fighters. Second, impulse is an AoE attack, and a god damn powerful one at that. It's trade off for being so strong is that it's built for a melee approach, usually after a team has grabbed everything up and there's a healer there to save your ass. Or as a tank, a player could easily use impulse to do the aforementioned aggro grabbing.

    Basically what I'm saying is your argument is full of holes and is you're using melee stuff as a caster, it's going to be hard.
    My arguement is that if ZOS indeed want to base certain stats such as DPS etc on Melee Vs Range (which they are not doing, since they said in the Live stream that they want to make all damage per second equal across the classes) then they can't do that fairly or accurately with the game in it's current state.

    Again, until a person's class and weapon and any skill trees they have access to have no close range skills, you can't call them ranged. Conversely, until a person's class,weapon and any skill trees accessed contains no long range spells, you can't call them melee. You don't know what skills people are using so you can't tell them to take a reduction in stats, simply because you assume(basing your assumption on either their class or their weapon) that they play a certain way(whether it is the optimal way or not), and neither can ZOS unless they are really, really strict and limit a player to only have access to ranged or close range abilities but never both, so that they can fairly differentiate who fits in the close range pile and who fits in the long range pile.

    That's actually rather fair, I'll give you that. However it doesn't change the fact that stamina melee is still at a massive disadvantage to Magicka ranged if the numbers are exactly the same, and that's why they're different.

    ? what. except that all the stam melee can equip a bow on the other bar and have the longest range in the game..... what specifically is the disadvantage? I dont see it, medium stamina is good and has 2/3 more resistances! you cant just ignore that any medium stam build can slap a bow on off bar and be very effective at range. medium is looking to greatly overshadow light and heavy, if nothing changes ,prepare for serious fotm medium builds.

    Nah dude, medium heals are terrible, as are damage shields. In PvP they may rock, but in PvE they're pretty even if not just a wee bit slacking. Takes a good player to make stamina shine.

    Then again, any of these builds won't work if the player is a scrub XD I suppose a few tweaks are in order but from what I'm seeing, the goal here is to have Magicka be easily killable but having loads of utility and AoE.

    Stamina feels like it has moderate utility and decent not-dying, but physical weapons offer obvious melee awesomeness but kinda lack in a variety of utility, or rather it used to. 1.6 made Stamina even with Magicka, but I'll wait to see it in real time practice if it's really leaps and bounds ahead of Magicka and light like everybody keeps saying
    Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop!
  • Enodoc
    Okay, devs, so here's a scenario I encountered that seems quite problematic.

    If you get a bounty for whatever reason and get caught, the guards will not take from your bank. So the first thing I do is go thieving with no gold on me. What are they going to do, right? I steal some stuff, get caught, and I cannot pay the bounty (that choice is in red font). So I am forced to flee, they kick my ass, yada-yada-yada, I'm back at the wayshire, and I still have 250g bounty. So I figure I'll go to the bank, get money, and pay off at the fence or to a guard. I walk in the bank, where guards abound, one sees me and asks for bounty, I can't pay, I get my ass kicked again, and back at the wayshire. Meanwhile, I can't even sell anything to a regular merchant cause I've got a bounty.

    Now I am forced to either 1) steal my way out of infamy (steal and sell to the fence until I can pay the bounty) or 2) beg friends for gold, or 3) go read lore in a corner for an hour until the bounty dies down. If one of you made it this way on purpose, to you I say BRILLIANT! Cause trust me...when 1.6 launches, I want so bad to hear some idiot complaining in zone chat that the first thing he did after downloading the update was go on a murder spree and rack up 7k gold in bounty only to realize he's got 480g on him. I love a good indentured servitude story just as much as the next guy, still seems like you might need to change it.

    So can you please give an option to pay the bounty using gold from the bank?
    If not...well hey, at least I know now not to do it.
    They have said they will put a banker in the Outlaws Refuge in the next patch who will still talk to you despite your bounty.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • byrom101b16_ESO
    I play a Light Armour wearing magicka-based Sorcerer and have no alts. I don't like running pets, and from what I hear they are riddled with problems in Trials etc due to Boss, add and heal targetting issues.

    So you can imagine how I feel about the inexplicable nerfs to both the armour I want to use (relative to other armours) and the class I want to play, as well as the guild abilities I am currently forced to use as the main dps, sustain and survivability skills of my class are so poorly designed.

    Significant reductions in LA armour rating, Sorc shields (now can be critted into irrelevance), abilities that were already expensive made more so, nerf to staff dps which embarrassingly was better than any Sorc dps skill, making Negate hands-down the worst ultimate in the game... the list goes on. And all this against a class that was already at the bottom of Trial dps scores and had worst survivability in terms of self-heal.

    And please don't tell me the 1 second Crystal casting time is somehow a fix to it's uselessness in PvP, it just means I get it back in the face faster when I face one of the endless swarms of Scales-spamming DK's.

    If there is an easily used, endlessly useable mightily effective defensive ability in the game you want to nerf to death - that's the only one on the A-list, in case you missed it!

    None of this would make me angry if there was the time to fix the many basic errors made, but you've painted yourselves into a corner with massive fundamental changes to the game far too close to the console release deadline.

    I had intended to continue my sub, but as I have a hectic RL and no time or desire to grind out a new class, I will vote with my feet unless you make the Sorc competetive again by fixing the various issues that have been pointed out to you repeatedly, and which thusfar you have taken two patches so far to make progressively worse...

    ... and I don't want to wait for future patches post live 1.6, there is no reason I should be punished for not being a 24/7 player with no alts to jump to.
    Edited by byrom101b16_ESO on February 16, 2015 12:20PM
  • Tanis-Stormbinder
    @byrom101b16_ESO I agree with you, if the Sorc class isnt fixed by live I have a decision to make.
    Edited by Tanis-Stormbinder on February 16, 2015 12:50PM
  • Merlin13KAGL
    How about reverting the magicka morphs back to magicka morphs and adding a passive that allows stamina use instead?

    Having more stamina options is great, except that it effectively cuts the magicka morph options in half.

    And break up the Surge morphs in a way that makes sense.

    +10% healing is nothing.

    Make the base skill +minor Weapon, +minor Spell.

    Make the morphs + Major Weapon or Spell.

    40% healing across the board.

    Presently, Power Surge is the only choice - 10% additional healing with a broken cooldown does not justify losing +10% Spell Damage.
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • dylanjaygrobbelaarb16_ESO

    I play a Light Armour wearing magicka-based Sorcerer and have no alts. I don't like running pets, and from what I hear they are riddled with problems in Trials etc due to Boss, add and heal targetting issues.

    So you can imagine how I feel about the inexplicable nerfs to both the armour I want to use (relative to other armours) and the class I want to play, as well as the guild abilities I am currently forced to use as the main dps, sustain and survivability skills of my class are so poorly designed.

    Significant reductions in LA armour rating, Sorc shields (now can be critted into irrelevance), abilities that were already expensive made more so, nerf to staff dps which embarrassingly was better than any Sorc dps skill, making Negate hands-down the worst ultimate in the game... the list goes on. And all this against a class that was already at the bottom of Trial dps scores and had worst survivability in terms of self-heal.

    And please don't tell me the 1 second Crystal casting time is somehow a fix to it's uselessness in PvP, it just means I get it back in the face faster when I face one of the endless swarms of Scales-spamming DK's.

    If there is an easily used, endlessly useable mightily effective defensive ability in the game you want to nerf to death - that's the only one on the A-list, in case you missed it!

    None of this would make me angry if there was the time to fix the many basic errors made, but you've painted yourselves into a corner with massive fundamental changes to the game far too close to the console release deadline.

    I had intended to continue my sub, but as I have a hectic RL and no time or desire to grind out a new class, I will vote with my feet unless you make the Sorc competetive again by fixing the various issues that have been pointed out to you repeatedly, and which thusfar you have taken two patches so far to make progressively worse...

    ... and I don't want to wait for future patches post live 1.6, there is no reason I should be punished for not being a 24/7 player with no alts to jump to.

    one of the main reasons that dk and nb are so far ahead in dps is becuase they stand the best dps ults 3/4 of the time, its a huge boost in dps for them. rebalancing the ults and nerfing ult generation should go a long way towards bringing class dps closer together because they will no longer just stand in standards/veils all day out dpsing everyone else. also for templars getting an execute will go a long way.
  • haidlir1983
    Im loving the new SPARKS, but i will like to see BLOOD CRAZE, working in all types of foes, is such wonderful skill, but only work in half of the foes of the game, is such a waste of damage and self-heal =(
    Edited by haidlir1983 on February 17, 2015 1:27PM
    Bosmer NB - Ecclair
    Dark Elf - Templar - Haildir
  • ArconSeptim
    With the justice system you need to increase the stolen loot value at least for 40% than it is now.Because of the bounty is insane and it goes down slowly people can understand that but as a thief you have to get something worth out of it, and you are in constant danger of getting caught or killed by the law, in future enforcers now only pve guards.Make that and increase the daily fence interaction for at least 50 more.
  • WhiskeyJac
    i am sorry if the question has already been asked , does weapon damage still determine the damage done by spells using magicka (weapon skills or class skills) ?

    nvm read the patch notes again
    Edited by WhiskeyJac on February 17, 2015 7:48PM
  • Atarax
    Navaya wrote: »
    I have noticed that some skill/spells get different stealth bonus damage.
    Tested with a few abilities:

    Incapacitating Strike Base dmg = 8855, Stealth dmg = 11238

    Ambush Base dmg = 4424 , Stealth dmg = 16175

    Focused Aim Base dmg = 8286, Stealth dmg = 15558

    On Live server right now Ambush(magicka build ofc) never do more stealth dmg than Snipe (stamina build).
    So do each ability have it's own stealth dmg bonus now?

    That would suck if they're adding hidden bonuses. We need more transparency, not less, if we're going to offer meaningful feedback.

    50 Bosmer Nightblade
    50 Breton Sorcerer
    50 Dunmer Dragonknight
    50 Imperial Templar
    50 Khajit Nightblade
    50 Imperial Dragonknight
    50 Altmer Sorcerer
    50 Argonian Templar

    Discussions of Interest:
    Class Balance in 1.6
    Quest Choices
    Request to Reinstate Night's Silence and Dark Stalker stacking
  • Prizax
    Stealth bonus damage is just so beautiful...
  • ShiftControl
    Attention ZOS!!


    -Once players become Thief they should be invisible while stealthed, to other players just like in Cyr to enemies. I would use same mechanics. It would illuminate lots of trolls.
    -The loot from pickpocketing its been nerfed to oblivion as of now it just not worth to be a thief.
    -You guys should adda "Slave races" they would become a mount they would carrie us on their shoulders, they should be able to carrie loot, and we should be able to sent them to the bank everyone once a while.
    Illuminating Underground entrances its one of the worst idea Thiefs needs as many as possible.

    I know some crying babies said its confusing for those I suggest google map then Why are you ppl listening to crying babies?
  • Syntse
    With 1.6.3. the character selection screen seems to do weird stuff. Needs more testing tho.

    First when I opened PTS after the update my first char had the gear on but all char customizations were missing it was plain white to start with khajiit. Going to my next char it was ok, going back to first the customizations were back. Now started to select other chars as well. Some of them randomly had no customizations and going back and forth they randomly appeared and disappeared. Also for some chars it didn't even load the char to the view. So something doesn't seem to be right there.

    Going to see this more today if it happens again or if it was just random occasion, since didn't have too much time yesterday to play around. Just something that might want to take a look at.
    Syntse Dominion Khajiit Dragonknight Stamina Tank [50]
    Ra'Syntse Dominion Khajiit Nightblade Magica DPS [50]
    Syntselle Dominion Dark Elf Dragonknight Magica DPS [50]
    Syntseus Dominion Imperial Templar Healer [50]
    Syntsetar Dominion High Elf Sorcerer Magica DPS [50]
    Friar Tuktuk Daggerfall Brenton Templar Healer [50]
    Syntseyn Ebonheart Brenton Nightblade Magica DPS [50]
  • Cinbri
    Infinite block bug, invisible hp bar bug, "flying" dk bug still there, templar charge so-called "bug" still there, r.i.p.ed templar jabs (just remove knockback and CC immunity from it), stacking while casting Solar Barrage, super big damage from nb sneak attacks (ambush 30k! damage without impenetrable), many wrong tooltips, UI bug (if you use inventory or map or whatever while riding forward, after closing it you will be kicked back to location when you opened menu), Empower buff doesn't work properly with aoe attacks
    Edited by Cinbri on February 19, 2015 9:19AM
  • Rebeccas04nub18_ESO
    Downloaded the 1.6.3 and it had some kind of slow motion bug that caused an entire system slow down. It high jacked settings so that everything on my computer was running in slow motion. ESO itself was basically unplayable with an insane amount of slow-down, like running through wet cement. I never got on the PTS after the download after seeing all the bugs on character copy on my husband's computer. Luckily he was able to figure it out since I'm clueless on stuff like that.

    I won't be getting on PTS anymore for this update, but something isn't right. I really hope when this goes live that the major game breaking bugs are worked out.
    Wicked Felina/ Khajiit NB DC
  • Perichor
    here is a good idea instead of making unstable flame (the better morph) to stamina DKs
    why not make multiple morphs a magicka and stamina based unstable flame so you dont just kick one of the best magicka dot abilities in the DK class skills

    or simply just put the same value DoT skill into the two handed or sword and board lines as a whole new skill

    because i know this just made alot of magicka DKs ANGRY

    you basically just gimped unstable flame for magicka builds for the sake of stamina builds
    and quite frankly if eso's aim is to make more options for players

    you dont go about doing that by just eliminating certain skills (as far optimizing goes) by giving them to stamina

    ambush for nightblades


    please before this thing goes live
    Edited by Perichor on February 19, 2015 1:02PM
  • Ukuu
    Soul Shriven
    Heavy attack from stealth with twohanders hit to hard. I managed to onehit giants in Rift.


  • DeLindsay
    I submitted an in game (PTS) bug report as well as posted a Thread HERE that the 1.6.3 Nirnhoned changes aren't in 1.6.3. As far as my testing could show, Nirnhoned is identical in 1.6.3 to Live 1.5.8, as is Reinforced. The patch notes stated that Nirnhoned was increased to be 50% stronger than Reinforced.

    Legerdemain activities need to have XP attached to them. I detailed the values in THIS post to further bring that activity in line with other methods of gaining XP. Also, there has been many request for a Skyshard to be added to each Outlaw's Refuge to help offset the 16 points added for Legerdemain as well as the 8 points (including morphs) added to Alliance War. ZoS said a long time ago with new content comes more available Skill Points.
  • ToRelax
    While testing damage shields and crit I stumbled across a bug with Mage's Fury:

    The base ability (and maybe the morphs, too) neither crit nor proc Crystal Fragments.

    Well, at least I hope it's a bug...
    The Covenant is broken. The Enemy has won...

    Elo'dryel - Sorc - AR 50 - Hopesfire - EP EU
  • prototypefb
    Distant shout from darkness:
    ''For fairness sake, help me crawl out of this hole in the middle of Tamriel! 'The one that breathes fire', fear my power and mayhem i could cause if i ever get out of the pit...
    Not long ago, my friend 'Helping hand' got supercharged on solar power and rose from dirt nearby to go toe-to-toe with the gods of arena.
    I sit in the pit and see my shadow image and it talks back in loud voice of other, more distant, friend, who believes is here with me... however, this is just a powerfull magic...he was once here, when he, along with 'The one that breathes fire' dug this pit for me and my friend.
    I wish i could help myself and dig out of the hole(if my soul wasn't swallowed and drained last time i faced cluster of bubbles) like other 3 have but Meridia would not surround me with her protection....''
  • thedragonlorddnub18_ESO
    I try to create a character. Every time I change anything on the face, I become bald and all hair styles are colored gray.
  • david.haypreub18_ESO
    Vigor is too strong of a heal, and too hard to get. Make it heal for less and make it easier to get, or you're really drawing a line between dedicated PvPers and everyone else.

    Sorcerors need some luv.

    Please change Puncturing strikes to give a snare or root. With Blinding Flashes removed, the Templar now has no AoE CC. Changing Puncturing Strikes to give CC immunity seriously undermines the skill. So kill two birds with one stone: Make Puncturing Strikes not give a knockback, but rather a snare or root.
    Templars are 'just slower... by design'
    Yes, Gina actually said that (at least regarding Rushed Ceremony) right here:
    VR 16 Templar (retired until Templars get fixed)
    VR 16 Sorcerer
    38 Nightblade
    24 DK
  • Ysne58
    I left feed back in game and also posted under the patch notes. Please take another look at the fighters guild shield spell (I use the turn undead morph). Nightblades do not have anything in regular skills that provides a shield. This spell no longer protects the caster, just anyone else in the circle. Please revert this back so that it also protects the caster. I'm sure I'm not the only one who needs this.
  • Ageless
    I see there's no Outlaw Refuge in Skywatch, Audiron. Is that by design?


    As I burn down and murder, I know that God forgives.
    'Spite all the things I've done my soul yet forever lives.
    And all those caught in the shadow of my wings have cause to fear.
    I swear on all I've done, no evil shall linger here.

  • Siluen
    Siluen wrote: »
    The things you have to make for the crafting writs are based on the skillpoints you have invested. If you invest a skillpoint that enables you to make linen items in your Clothier skill-line, that is what you're going to have to make for your writ.

    For example, I have my blacksmithing maxed out and was able to craft voidsteel items, yet when I respecced and did not put the points back in, my blacksmithing crafting writ asked for iron items.

    In short, it is best not to invest the point in being able to craft, for example, linen items until you are actually willing and able to craft them. :)

    It's not the only problem.
    My main character is now VR2 and can craft up to calcinium/kresh/birch (aka my level). I'm doing the writs asking for those (because I don't want to have to run several zones away to get the components for an armour/weapon writ) and I have to bring the quests back to Coldharbour where only ebony/yew can be found.
    Meanwhile, enchanting wise, I craft level 7 potency runes and my writs are sending me to craglorn. But if it asks me to bring a blue rune, it's always a level 5 potency rune (aka Pode) which I can't find any more as it's too low level.

    And hubby as a crafting alt which is a level 9 sorcerer but maxed out in enchanting and she cannot get the max-level writs because she's too low level adventuring-wise (char does have the ports to Coldharbour and Craglorn). Imo, players should get an option to choose which zone they want to bring back the items in (and the best would be to be able to choose from several level-ranges too).

    I have actually noticed this on one of my alts as well now, slightly different situation, but same problem. Her provisioning is at 50, she has all the relevant skillpoints invested, but when I pick up a crafting writ, it is for low level stuff. It is a real pain in the behind to constantly have to get different mats than you have in stock.
  • Wylander
    Pls ZOS extend the Tooltips in Char screen.

    I have no idea hat 10000 armor and Spell resistance dose actuale mitigate.

    So pls extend the Tooltip by this way eventually

    "XXXXX Armor decrease your physical damage taken by enemy for XX,YY%"

    And pls give us back good old numbers like 3% crit insteed on +649 crap things.
    As new and old player i don't wanna do all the time the math while playing the game.
    It's a game and not higher algebra lesson.
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