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• NA megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
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Update 6 Testing Suggestions and Feedback Wanted

  • Alphashado
    Could you please take a serious look at installing target dummies. At least on the PTS. These are found in most successful AAA MMOs. They would be an invaluable tool, not only for the players benefit, but also yours.

    Finding a group on the live server is challenging sometimes, and finding one on the PTS is even harder. So it's very difficult and frustrating for players to find targets that allow us to test sustained builds.

    This would be a small thing with giant value. You would see a dramatic increase in player contributed data as well.
    Edited by Alphashado on February 13, 2015 1:42PM
  • Ageless
    I did appreciate the animation when breaking the Prophet out of his glowing ball.
    You've seen those new smoking and fire breathing skulls on the wall just as you enter the prison of the Prophet? Had me mesmerized for a couple of moments. :)

    As I burn down and murder, I know that God forgives.
    'Spite all the things I've done my soul yet forever lives.
    And all those caught in the shadow of my wings have cause to fear.
    I swear on all I've done, no evil shall linger here.

  • WraithAzraiel
    Sooooo how come I'm still getting a bounty and wanted level increase when I murder someone behind closed doors of a house into which I've broken?

    All the witnesses are dead, why is this a still a thing?

    Will this continue to be a thing, @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ ?
    Shendell De'Gull - V14 Vampire Nightblade

    Captain of the Black Howling

    "There's no such thing as overkill..."

    "No problem on the face of the Earth exists what can't be fixed with the proper application of enough duct tape and 550 cord."

  • Enodoc
    Sooooo how come I'm still getting a bounty and wanted level increase when I murder someone behind closed doors of a house into which I've broken?

    All the witnesses are dead, why is this a still a thing?

    Will this continue to be a thing, @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ ?
    Did you one-shot them? If not, doors aren't soundproof. Someone will have heard the screams :wink:
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord -
  • Perichor
    i think one great idea for a change in this game would be to create
    not just two options for morph

    one that scales off of stamina and the other magicka

    for example Unstable Flame and Searing Strike

    the one that scales off of stamina is unstable flame
    it has a bigger DoT

    the one that sclaes off of magicka is Searing Strike
    it has a heal at the end of the duration

    why not make both unstable flame and searing strike a alternate stamina/magicka options

    so the stamina DKs dont have to be forced to pick the DoT morph
    and the magicka DKs dont have to pick the heal morph

    just make it all around even for any style of game play

  • Ageless
    1.6.2, switching from contents of chest to inventory works, but switching back from inventory to contents of chest does not work anymore. Same as in 1.6.1

    As I burn down and murder, I know that God forgives.
    'Spite all the things I've done my soul yet forever lives.
    And all those caught in the shadow of my wings have cause to fear.
    I swear on all I've done, no evil shall linger here.

  • Exstazik
    Make Endless Flurry scale from stamina.Sorc need stamina finisher
  • Merlin13KAGL
    The new first person knockback animation is interesting - you get thrown back and camera view tilts to the if you've actually been knocked back.
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • ForKristSake
    Please, ForKristsake, can you make it keybindable to toggle Autoloot (including autosteal)? This is absolutely necessary for any good thief. Often you go through a building and scout the drawers (just open, don't take) for anything good. Second, you pop an invisibility tripot and steal everything you can in 11 seconds (15 sec if you have maxed Medicinal Use in Alchemy). But turning on and off auto loot and/or autosteal with a keybinded button is....uh....key. I ain't got time to be going into the Pause Menu every time I have to morph from "good citizen" to kleptomaniac.

    Please, if you don't do this I will have to go all Tarantino and kill everyone in the Wayrest Inn. Nevermind that a 4700g bounty is not worth 1500g worth of tomatoes and're not listening! There will be much bloodshed. Those poor poor RPers in Wayrest Inn will have to self-narrate while navigating around a killing field of dead NPCs. Do it for the children.

    Just keybind auto loot already. Perty perty please. (Unless it is already and I just missed it. In that case, me dumb).
  • Cinbri
    My thoughts after playing 1.6.2: First of all, it is super buggy. Not just "flying" dks bug wasn't fixed (try use talons while eclipsed), but now hp desync bug (killing enemy when he has 95%hp is super weird), spell reflection bug when it trigger hp desync and reflected spells don't deal damage, bugged damage (3kk damage O_o) and armor modifiers (in heavy armor receiving same numbers of damage from stamina based skills as in light armor like 35k crit from Flying Blade while in heavy armor and Major Resolve buff without impenetrable). Those should be fixed first.
    Templar's Jabs change- it seems that removal of stunlock possibility and decreasing damage looks OK to prevent trolling with jabs, however in duels for "paladin-style" templars it is useless skill now; not coz it bad for burst damage, but decrease solo-target damage and receiving cc imunity after 1 sec knockback is too much. No need to block or cc break or cast immovable now to counter this, you just get CC imunity for free after someone will use jabs on you. Skill change that helping enemy instead of you :neutral_face:
  • Aquanova
    I just tried update 1.6.2 and I gotta say I was initially worried about the so called nerfs to my DK, but after trying it out, man, all I gotta say is good job ZOS, you guys pulled it off. Amazing that with only the 70 cp you gave to vr14's and wow, what a difference. I'm a mage build and against critters around reapers marsh, man I do alot more dmg it seems, and I love some of the changes you made to skills like eruption which does aoe dmg now and rapid maneuvers which was pretty useless until it could be morphed to retreating. To many things to say, so I'll just sum it up. Good job, keep it up and release it soon!
  • Perichor
    A better change to reflective scale is not to reduce the amount of projectiles it can reflect but maybe a better idea is to give it the streak treatment and double the cost if recast too quickly

    just an idea
  • Ageless
    Something that I found in 1.6.1 and have now confirmed in 1.6.2
    There are Covenant Incendiaries in Bleak Rock that ignore you when you attack them. I can even approach them real close and although they show the red alarm circles around their heads, they do not attack me.

    Not all incendiaries react this way, but most around the central plaza (with the statue of the ax wielding figure) will ignore you when you attack them.

    Standing real close to one, waiting for him to 'normalize', he will then recognize you as a threat and attack you. But not before, and not if you attack him first.


    As I burn down and murder, I know that God forgives.
    'Spite all the things I've done my soul yet forever lives.
    And all those caught in the shadow of my wings have cause to fear.
    I swear on all I've done, no evil shall linger here.

  • Navaya

    Something tells me that 2h sneak attacks is a bit to strong
    Edited by Navaya on February 11, 2015 5:06PM
  • angelyn
    @ZOS_GinaBruno / @ZOS_JessicaFolsom Could someone check if vampires taking more fire damage in 1.6 than 1.5 is intended or perhaps an oversight? Initially raised in this thread.Perhaps the scaling of the enchants needs looking at? (comparisons in this thread)
    DeLindsay wrote: »
    Weapon Glyphs have an ICD of 8 seconds not 4. One thing about that I've always been bugged with is that there's no SD Glyph like the WD Glyph we already have.
    angelyn wrote: »
    [*] I will be switching all my fire resist glyphs to spell resist/armour since elemental resistance specific glyphs scaled much less (180% vs 600%) I suspect that they nerfed this so much because Vamps have had 10% reduction in fire damage. So technically, vamps have had no change from 1.5 because their enchants will probably give at least 10% less protection than they did in 1.5. Perhaps vamps will now be even more vulnerable to fire, due to this.
    1.6.2 nerfed Fire Resist Glyph even further to just over 2K for VR10-14 Legendary, but they also nerfed Resist all to just over 1K. That's a value of roughly 3.5% Fire Resist, or a bad joke basically. On Live right now the Flame Glyph is 1550 with a 3250 hard cap for Resistance making 1 single Fire Glyph reach Fire Resist hard cap (in Light or Heavy Armor). On PTS right now, even with the 40% weakness instead of 50%, it looks like Vampires are going to take FAR more damage from Fire than Live.

    It would take all (3) Fire Glyphs (10.5%) and all 24 starting points spent in the Elemental Defender Star in The Lady constellation (9.2%) to get close to the value of a SINGLE Fire Glyph on Live, which is 23.8%. It will actually take 41-44 points in Elemental Defender + the (3) Glyphs to be exactly the value of that Glyph on Live or 88 points and no Glyphs. Granted we'll have 10% less weakness.
    Calculations all in the quotes but essentially:
    On PTS right now, even with the 40% weakness instead of 50%, it looks like Vampires are going to take FAR more damage from Fire than Live.

    It would take all (3) Fire Glyphs (10.5%) and all 24 starting points spent in the Elemental Defender Star in The Lady constellation (9.2%) to get close to the value of a SINGLE Fire Glyph on Live, which is 23.8%.

    And while they are looking at it could they check if there is indeed an undocumented nerf to Dark Elf Fire resist as suggested in this thread

    *EDIT for correction
    DeLindsay wrote: »
    BTW, the exact value of the nerfed VR10-14 Legendary Fire Resist Glyph on 1.6.2 is 2183, just slightly less than 3.5% Fire resist. Resist all, and Armor, is now 1116. ZoS even said that specific resistance Glyphs would be twice as strong as Resist all, even that's untrue. Double 1116 is 2232 not 2183. Yes it's a very small variance but still an incorrect statement.
    Edited by angelyn on February 12, 2015 12:08PM
  • Enodoc
    Feedback on 1.6.2:
    • Reducing the number of entrances to Outlaws Refuges was a good move, but I'd rather have 3 entrances than 2.
    • Still waiting for Active Effects to list active buff/debuff effects from the new buffs/debuffs.
    • I assumed it was a bug that would be fixed, but I am still seeing no gameplay difference between the "Disreputable" and "Notorious" infamy levels. The hint text for "Notorious" says guards "will actively seek to arrest you", and "some citizens will refuse to speak with you". Neither of these things seem to be happening. The guards are minding their own business unless you go right in front of them, and merchants are still talking to you. Notorious needs to mean something, and it should definitely include denial of service. (Currently, only Fugitive seems to result in denial of service.)
    • As mentioned before, there needs to be a UI difference between Notorious and Disreputable as well. If they are supposed to result in a change in NPC behaviour, a permanent UI marker showing which state you are in would be beneficial. See example (quoted below).
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Left to right, Disreputable, Notorious, Fugitive.
    The grey hand represents the fact that you are a petty criminal. The white masked face represents the fact that you are a known outlaw who is visible to the guards. The red sword, as before, represents kill-on-sight.

    I think by making a change such as this, your current [infamy] level is more easy to see at a glance compared to what the current design offers.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Exstazik
    Feedback:let sorcerer to use synergy from atronach by himself
  • Blastmab14_ESO
    I found it lol I was looking for a spot to post my comment!

    I notice the town guards are op and even can't be killed? Doesn't this break lore? Yes It does. We should be able to kill guards. How else do you think the Dark Brotherhood will be able to contact me??? while I'm sleeping or approach me??? make guards killable...IF! there not going to be already...(I have some faith in Zenimax) WHY escape when you should be able to kill them? Just think about it how can normal guards kill one as powerful as you? They can't it would take about "5" of them! kill all the guards then let them send bounty hunters after you npc and player bounty hunters. So I guess you would have to instance guards so players that kill them are just instance to them so other players won't get to kill or steal with out consequences from guards unless in group. Now thats fun! Oblivion style and Skyrim style. Bet money thats what most players want! thats why we love Oblivion, Skyrim, and others give us the freedom to Kill EVER ONE!! merchants are understandable; not killable! Thanks! thats all I want from justice in update 6!

    siide note: Realism - A guard killed me then I pick pocketed him and stole something which was ok I was looking for the 600g he took from me it wasn't there! but I got a item worth 100g. I want my gold back also make if you die from guards and they take your gold make it pickpocketable it can get trickly if you was fight more then 3 might just get caught and be in a worse situation than before! NOW THATS FUN!!!

    also!!! (I don't know if its already not in) you need a peek pocket skill which allows you to peek before stealing :blush: The ones playing on consoles will love you even more!! if YOU! Zenimax do this I see Alots of Moolah! money! Dólares, долларов, Dollars...No sry I see alots of Ulysses in Zenimax future MILLIONS! but its not about the money is about player freedom hehe! :smiley: DO IT! WORK ON IT! NOW GET IT DONE AND BUG FREE BEFORE CONSOLE LAUNCH! that way everyone is happy console and computer players and ZeniMax Media Inc the poeple at ZeniMax Media Inc and those guys in Business Suits will be very happy! :smiling_imp:
    Edited by Blastmab14_ESO on February 11, 2015 8:08PM
  • Blastmab14_ESO
    xaraan wrote: »
    Feedback so far:

    Justice System -- Having a Heal over time going on someone and then they attack a citizen and you immediately turn into a criminal. -- I think there should be a middle ground here. You obviously don't want people healing the enemies with no repercussions, but this is a recipe for trolling IMO and a little extreme in most situations. I don't know if the cops shoot the paramedics if they try to help hurt criminals out there on the east coast, but there should probably be a buffer on healing before you turn criminal. -- judging from how powerful the guards are, a small heal won't help a criminal anyway.

    which brings me to...

    Justice System - guards. I didn't pick a fight, but I watched about fifty players get slaughtered by guards. It looked like noob non-vets fighting v14 emporers in cyrodiil it was so one sided. Seems like they are a bit too powerful. I mean, if they are that strong, why did I have to kill molag bal - go send a few of them. Or why am I fighting in Cyrodiil - again, just send a few of them in there to clean it up.

    Animations --

    Some of the new standing animations are nice! I like the resto staff and fire staff standing positions and the new crouch for stealth.

    Nightblade animation -- BLUR, everytime you do anything when blur is active you have a chance to trigger the animation - shouldn't you only be dodging enemy attacks? Why am I making the dodging motion when I throw down my ultimate, or circle of protection or try to taunt?? Sometimes it's hard to tell when an attack triggered b/c the dodging animation goes off and you wonder if whatever you cast did or not. (This was one reason I liked blur (miss chance instead of dodge) before over evasion and a reason i quit using hist bark - this animation is horrible and needs work).

    Nightblade animation -- SIPHON STRIKES -- this is the third or fourth time I've talked about this in as many patches. This has been a problem since you guys first did the weapon caching thing back around when you released armor dye patch. Problem - the glow from the power on the weapon stays after switching weapons. So, if you have a bow out and switch to dual wield, you see a big glowing bow shaped red streak hovering in front of your face and left hand where the bow was being held. When you switch back to bow, you know have two little glowing weapon effects on both hands instead of the bow. This happens on every weapon type - I've been between staves, sword/shield, daggers, bow, etc. It also happens on expert hunter, but since that isn't a toggle isn't as noticeable. Other players cannot see this, only the caster, it looks normal to everyone else (just like after weapon caching first came out and you couldn't see a newly equipped weapon in your hand, but other players could). Not the biggest deal in the world, but it's been unfixed long enough I think. Just change the power to show only glowing hands or something if you can't fix the weapon glow.

    Provisioning -- I found it odd that tomatoes didn't become tomatoes in the new system, but they became a different rare ingredient, so I guess all is fair. Just weird.

    Enchantments -- The enchantment to potion power increase changed to only give you an increase in how long the potion lasts and not in overall effectiveness. I didn't see this in notes (could have missed it), so should probably be in the notes if it's not.

    Racial changes -- Thought I saw you say there were no racial changes, but there are. Argonian potion passive is different and a few others seems to have changes to the % of bonus.

    Nightblade passive change -- CATALYST-- was changed and not in patch notes. Originally it 'increased potion effectiveness' (and was good) now it just gives you bonus ultimate after drinking a potion -- ok I guess, but not nearly as useful. Anyway - should be in notes it hasn't been added yet.

    LOAD SCREENS - Getting extremely long loading screens when porting, whether walking through door with loading screen or traveling. Had to alt/f4 several times and relog.

    CRITICALS -- Seems like crit on weapons took a pretty good hit, my crit dropped over 15% from live to pts with exact same setup gear and passive wise. Not sure if intentional, but seems like quite a bit of a drop.

    GROUPING -- cannot invite players to group from guild list anymore. I saw that you cannot travel to players in your guild, only on your friends list now. But you should definitely be able to group with players in your guild and send invites from that list.

    That's all I can recall for the short time I played tonight. Will post more as I test.

  • F7sus4
    @ZOS - FEEDBACK ON 1.6.2:

    Nightblade class - Transfer passive:
    1 Ultimate point every 6 seconds LITERALLY means 10 more Ultimate points per minute with Siphoning spamming. So this is one more drop of Veil of Blades every 25 minutes. Do you do math, sometimes? :\

    (Tip 1: There should be 2 seconds cooldown at worse, and no cooldown at best - just as it was before. The Ultimates aren't ground-breakers anyway.)
    (Tip 2: There should be 2 Ultimate points gain - at this moment, there's no difference between 1 and 2 Skill Points invested in Transfer passive now, it gives only 1 Ultimate in both cases.)

    Nightblade class - Impale:
    You didn't need to stealth-nerf the damage. The short range of the ability made it inferior to Endless Fury/Mages' Wrath anyway, now it can't even do enough damage to be worth slotting along with regular damage abilities. It's crippling to nerf execute ability for any DPS class.

    Nightblade class - Magicka builds (general):
    As already said, you should not decrease the cost of Funnel Health/Swallow Soul, but increase its damage. This class needs more DPS, not sustainability. Magicka Nightblades do less DPS than Heavy Armored Dragonknight now. That's brilliant, thank you ZOS! :D
    Edited by F7sus4 on February 11, 2015 10:34PM
  • Ageless
    Low level food shouldn't all give the same value for different levels.
    At the moment in 1.6.2, level 1 food will in lots of cases give the same strength magicka/stamina as level 5 food.


    I probably should also wonder why level 1 food is worth 1 gold and level 5 food is worthless, but I'll leave that for a rainy day. :)

    As I burn down and murder, I know that God forgives.
    'Spite all the things I've done my soul yet forever lives.
    And all those caught in the shadow of my wings have cause to fear.
    I swear on all I've done, no evil shall linger here.

  • Ageless
    Bal Foyen, end-fight. When choosing the docks and winning there, I notice that the cheering that used to be chipper and loud and done by all surviving NPCs, is now diminished to one or two NPCs clapping and cheering and their sound being very quiet. Cannot hear them even standing right beside them. That with volume settings for all but footsteps set to 100.

    But then, in the past when you then traveled from the docks to Fort Zeren, everyone would be dead there. Not anymore. Apart from one or two dead bodies, everyone seems to be alive. Even Darj.

    So what is this about? Was the 'fight one scene and feel sorry you couldn't do anything about the other scene' too heavy, too dark? Or is this last quest now so bugged in 1.6.2 that it doesn't finish correctly?
    Edited by Ageless on February 11, 2015 11:46PM

    As I burn down and murder, I know that God forgives.
    'Spite all the things I've done my soul yet forever lives.
    And all those caught in the shadow of my wings have cause to fear.
    I swear on all I've done, no evil shall linger here.

  • SirEwan
    Please, please, please pay more attention to what you are doing to Sorcerers. I'm beginning to think that ZoS doesn't even play their own game. Having set all the records that I have set in PvE I have done so on my DK with my guild running 3/2/1 Templars and the rest DKs (maybe a NB or two at times). There is seriously something wrong with this. Class balancing, and especially the extreme weakness of Sorcerer at the moment is unacceptable.
    Sorcerer Master Class.
    PC Master Race.
  • OtarTheMad
    angelyn wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno / @ZOS_JessicaFolsom Could someone check if vampires taking more fire damage in 1.6 than 1.5 is intended or perhaps an oversight? Initially raised in this thread.Perhaps the scaling of the enchants needs looking at? (comparisons in this thread)
    DeLindsay wrote: »
    Weapon Glyphs have an ICD of 8 seconds not 4. One thing about that I've always been bugged with is that there's no SD Glyph like the WD Glyph we already have.
    angelyn wrote: »
    [*] I will be switching all my fire resist glyphs to spell resist/armour since elemental resistance specific glyphs scaled much less (180% vs 600%) I suspect that they nerfed this so much because Vamps have had 10% reduction in fire damage. So technically, vamps have had no change from 1.5 because their enchants will probably give at least 10% less protection than they did in 1.5. Perhaps vamps will now be even more vulnerable to fire, due to this.
    1.6.2 nerfed Fire Resist Glyph even further to just over 2K for VR10-14 Legendary, but they also nerfed Resist all to just over 1K. That's a value of roughly 3.5% Fire Resist, or a bad joke basically. On Live right now the Flame Glyph is 1550 with a 3250 hard cap for Resistance making 1 single Fire Glyph reach Fire Resist hard cap (in Light or Heavy Armor). On PTS right now, even with the 40% weakness instead of 50%, it looks like Vampires are going to take FAR more damage from Fire than Live.

    It would take all (3) Fire Glyphs (10.5%) and all 24 starting points spent in the Elemental Defender Star in The Lady constellation (9.2%) to get close to the value of a SINGLE Fire Glyph on Live, which is 23.8%. It will actually take 41-44 points in Elemental Defender + the (3) Glyphs to be exactly the value of that Glyph on Live or 88 points and no Glyphs. Granted we'll have 10% less weakness.
    Calculations all in the quotes but essentially:
    On PTS right now, even with the 40% weakness instead of 50%, it looks like Vampires are going to take FAR more damage from Fire than Live.

    It would take all (3) Fire Glyphs (10.5%) and all 24 starting points spent in the Elemental Defender Star in The Lady constellation (9.2%) to get close to the value of a SINGLE Fire Glyph on Live, which is 23.8%.

    And while they are looking at it could they check if there is indeed an undocumented nerf to Dark Elf Fire resist as suggested in this thread

    Probably easier to cure your Vampirism.

    I liked Batswarm on my Sorc because it was an offensive ultimate and with a fire glyph the fire damage wasn't that bad. But Now? Batswarm isn't worth the damage I'm taking in PvP and I certainly can't afford to be a Stage 4 Vamp pretty much ever anymore. But Overload seems okay now and Meteor is great until they nerf it (please don't)

  • Siluen
    Would it be possible to swap Magicka Detonation and Vigor around in their Alliance war skill-line? Vigor is a skill a lot of people are really looking forward to, but the grind there is rather hefty. It being swapped around would still require level 7 in the Assault skill-line and thus you need to get to First Sergeant first, but at least it would be a bit closer. :)
  • Exstazik
    Sorc breton:

    Forse pulse:1689*3=5067+2128 (if chilled/burned/etc.)
    Crystal Fragment:8436 (10123 if proc)
    Pulsar 3392
    Sorc Redguard:

    Acid spray 3961+2112 (over 5 sec)=4383 every 1 sec +snare 40%
    Poijon Injection 3601+5655 (over 10 sec)=925,6 every 1 sec
    Focused aim 9 000 (+15% from long range+if crit ~15k)

    ZOS need better to learn mathematics....
  • Helluin
    Siluen wrote: »
    Going to nitpick here, but...


    Why not give the hood Naryu actually uses on her crown-store costume? (It's called Naryu's Assassin Armor at least) I prefer it greatly over the hood it has now. :)

    I wrote the same feedback about this costume, it's better with the hood in the image (usual LA Breton/Akaviri hood or whatever it is).
    "... and the blue fire of Helluin flickered in the mists above the borders of the world, in that hour the Children of the Earth awoke, the Firstborn of Ilúvatar."
  • angelyn
    OtarTheMad wrote: »
    Probably easier to cure your Vampirism.

    I liked Batswarm on my Sorc because it was an offensive ultimate and with a fire glyph the fire damage wasn't that bad. But Now? Batswarm isn't worth the damage I'm taking in PvP and I certainly can't afford to be a Stage 4 Vamp pretty much ever anymore. But Overload seems okay now and Meteor is great until they nerf it (please don't)
    @OtarTheMad I was nearly ready to throw my dunmer sorc vamp out the window (and my toys out of my cot)until @DeLindsay did some Optimistic Calculations on champion points/fire resist. Basically give up on fire resist glyphs unless they fix them, and it is possible to get fire resist in CP, but you will have to focus your first however many champion points on that. So there is hope!I'm going to give that a try :D
    Edited by angelyn on February 12, 2015 12:16PM
  • Joy_Division
    Biting Jabs: From one ridiculous extreme of perma-stun to the other: granting an opponent CC immunity for a minor bump. Simple solution, make the last jab something worthy of crowd control effect.

    Healing Ritual: The amount of healing wasn't really the problem with this spell. The cast time and short range means good healers are still going to always slot healing springs instead of this. Just make it a channeled heal with a longer range already.

    Meteor: I still think this should not be reflectable.

    Wall of Elements: I still think you ruined this spell. As it didn't stack damage, there was no compelling reason to restrict users to one wall. And with its meager damage output, a very compelling reason to allow users to at least hit multiple targets with it.

    Sanctum Ophidia: I still think the trial was nerfed. The bosses HPs scale lower than is standard and I trust the judgement of my GM who has just about spends every night in this trial. If we are not going to have new content, you shouldn't nerf this.
  • pppontus
    Sanctum Ophidia: I still think the trial was nerfed. The bosses HPs scale lower than is standard and I trust the judgement of my GM who has just about spends every night in this trial. If we are not going to have new content, you shouldn't nerf this.

    It is horribly nerfed.. really sad.
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