Maintenance for the week of July 1:
• NA megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Update 6 Testing Suggestions and Feedback Wanted

  • Assilma
    I deeply regret having to say this, and really didn't want to be so negative about this update, but after having played on the PTS a few times, I feel that so much is just so fundamentally wrong and broken that it's incredibly difficult to appreciate any of the new and potentially exciting content.

    Most of the new animations, including just basic combat do not feel any more responsive, but more robotic, lifeless and ridiculous. I don't know if anyone is seeing the restoration staff heavy attacks that I am, for example? My resolution is completely bugged and cannot be set to anything resembling the clarity I am used to on the live server, and everything looks blurry and half finished. Completely intuitive systems (10% spell crit = 10% spell crit) have been replaced with considerably more awkward and bizarre things (2099 spell crit...???), a tonne of my favourite skills have been nerfed to the ground (I'm playing nightblade), my character swings her sword every time she uses invisibility (Wtf?) and just absolutely everything seems massively downgraded, broken, half finished and the whole thing has been virtually unplayable for me.

    It sincerely feels like you've taken a game at state 1.5, and hurtled it back into the Beta phase, where everything is still under development, the entire mechanics are subject to complete alteration, nothing is fixed and everything is half finished.

    If it's like this when it goes live, I don't know if I'll be sticking around and I really, really, really committed to this game. Many of my friends are saying similar things.
    I'm back!
  • Ysne58
    Ageless wrote: »
    I see that when opening a chest, then going into my inventory that then trying to switch back to the chest contents -- without having to exit inventory and reopening the chest with 'E' -- doesn't work anymore. Intentional or a bug?

    I reported this in game as a bug.

  • Gandogal
    anyone else having problems with some champion system points not getting unlocked although u put the appropriate number of points in that skill line?
  • Reman
    If you do a bit of calculation u will find that the championsystem is realy easy to max out. There are 36 Skills with 100 Points maximum --> 3600 CP. For every CP 200 kXP makes a Summ of 720.000.000 XP or 720 MXP. Sounds realy much but hardcore players will get about 700k-1MXP/h or more with grinding or trail speed runs over and over again or whatever. So in 30 days of pure gaming you are done. For realy hardcore players this will may be 3-4 real months and for normal progress maybe gamers maybe 6-8 months but within a year everybody (how is intresstet in getting it) has all points in your Championsystem is useless. So please the effects less double the points and one CP for 500k
  • X3ina
    Reman wrote: »
    If you do a bit of calculation u will find that the championsystem is realy easy to max out. There are 36 Skills with 100 Points maximum --> 3600 CP. For every CP 200 kXP makes a Summ of 720.000.000 XP or 720 MXP. Sounds realy much but hardcore players will get about 700k-1MXP/h or more with grinding or trail speed runs over and over again or whatever. So in 30 days of pure gaming you are done. For realy hardcore players this will may be 3-4 real months and for normal progress maybe gamers maybe 6-8 months but within a year everybody (how is intresstet in getting it) has all points in your Championsystem is useless. So please the effects less double the points and one CP for 500k

    Lol, do u know how much exp does the trial run gives now ? :) We tried it once and it gave us (enlightened) pure 56k exp (mobs + bosses + quest) so as u say calculate for yourself 56/4=14k exp normally. And its not that simple as it was on live.

    SW GoH > ESO
  • F7sus4
    Fecius wrote: »
    a tonne of my favourite skills have been nerfed to the ground (I'm playing nightblade)

    It sincerely feels like you've taken a game at state 1.5, and hurtled it back into the Beta phase, where everything is still under development, the entire mechanics are subject to complete alteration, nothing is fixed and everything is half finished.
    This is, unfortunately, true.

    ZOS, you completely wrecked Magicka NB builds. We were supposed to cast Ultimates more often than the rest of the classes, but you nerfed the mechanic to death (Transfer massive), as well as the Ultimates (Veil of Blades). We now, literally, have nothing in the hand. Funnel Health/Swallow Soul spam backed with Degeneration/Entropy and Crippling Grasp? Well, now even FULL TANKING full-heavy armored Templar can do better DPS. Was that your goal?

    You said there are gonna be buffing-system instead of nerfing with 1.6. All I see is, actually, massive random nerf. You're just brilliant, as always!

    So essentially, "thank you" for wasting almost a year of my game-play with this - now worthless - character.
    Edited by F7sus4 on February 9, 2015 1:00AM
  • Velcon
    Vigor(all morphs) heals miss when nb cloak(all morphs) are used.
    Can not gain ultimate when attacking damage point shields.
    Weapon swap does not work as smooth as on live. After a dodge roll I have to wait 2-3 seconds before I can swap weapon.
  • Suntzu1414
    Vigor (in Alliance skill line) need to be more accessible.
    Handing it out, at level 10, is a little...much.

    If you playing pvp, enough, to get to level 10.

    you don't need heals. Please consider other players and classes, that need heals, and could use vigor.

    Kill Well
    DC - NB VR15 - Khajit - DW / S+B / Bow
    DC - NB VR 15 - Wood Elf - S+B / Resto
    DC - TP VR 15 - Brenton - Resto / Dual Wield
    DC - SC VR 12 - High Elf - Desto / Dual Wield
    EP - TP VR 5 - Nord - 2hd / 2hd
    EP - DK 20 - Imperial - S+B / Desto / Bow
  • hazune
    What is needed is a replacement for the Equilibrium stamina. Users Magic skills can indefinitely due to spam skills Equilibrium which translates into greater dps. Until you commute or morph one skill to recover stamina. There you will find never in this game balance.

    Some sugestion?
    Polska Gildia - Ebonheart pact
  • dylanjaygrobbelaarb16_ESO
    Aquanova wrote: »
    ZOS! What's up with this f----n patch you just released on the pts? It just erased my character and started me in the prison! I'm not gonna start a new character just to test this stuff out. FIX THIS CRAP!

    if you had a clue this is what you would know. the patch didnt delete the characters, it was done on purpose as they stated: NA deleted and EU uploaded for 1.6.1
    also you would be aware that you need to select the template you want in the upper left corner of character creation.
    did you seriously just put zero effort in and get mad and swear them? turns out your the problem.
    If you put zero effort in to understand whats going on, what could you possibly contribute to the pts?
  • dylanjaygrobbelaarb16_ESO

    Pls increas bonus to +5% or +10%, +2% for "120 champion perk" is really small bonus


    +10-15% maybe instead of 5%?


    So if i understand it corectly if i press block i am geting 279 dmg shield once every 20 sek,
    so it is like 28 dmg shield now on live? or should it be 2790 becouse if it is 279 once every 20 sek when bloking it is veeeeeery low bonus (if any)
    sek question for how long i got that dmg shield? So long as i got block stance? Or if i drop block next shield can be activated after 20 sek? Description of that perk is confusing.


    they should NOT be increased, there are already tones of people complaining because they cant imagine a game where its possible to beat another player with that insurmountable 2% running speed advantage until they grind out all the points and even the score....
  • EnOeZ
    We still cannot fight in Heavy+Stamina+Melee... since we have just no resource to and all the resource management techniques like heavy attack are not realistic in a PVP front-line environment.

    Breaking roots AND CCs AND using abilities are just FAR TOO MUCH for the current almost inexistant HA Stamina resource management, making heavy still the least survivable ARMOR in PVP.

    The resources you have far much define your ability to survive and dish out damage than just the BORING set of passives of HA. If you want to die frequently, and not even be a damage threat at all go Heavy+Stamina.

    Still DESPERATELY waiting an answer from ZOS on Heavy dramatic, melodramatic, catastrophic, disappointing, saddening and "death-calling" resource Management issue in Melee Stamina PVP, that is getting even worse with 1.6, despite CS.

    Even with many sacrifices, including 1/3 of abilities slots so get stamina back (Green Dragon Blood, +2 earthen hearts abilities) + legendary stamina enchants in jewelry, stamina caped and regen caped, and being Werewolf and Redguard, eating epic food and drinking literally thousands of Stamina potions a month you do not get enough to even come close to other armors regeneration and sustainability.

    In Heavy, the lack of resources kill
    • kill you
    • kill skill (no skill without resource)
    • kill enjoyment
    • kill fun
    • kill your groups too since they could have survived if you could have just been able to pull another ability or two
    • kill your play time since you die so fast from lack, starvation I should say of resource

    Plz ZOS, is there ANY Heavy Armor PVP discussion in the design team at all ?

    There is still NO SCENARIO in PVP where Heavy, Stamina, Melee would do better than Medium, Stamina, Melee. NOT A SINGLE ONE. Since the best thing you could do is activate defensive abilities and maneuvers or kill your threats which are all done MUCH BETTER in Medium.

    We do not get the point of Heavy the way you design it, apart from PVE Tanking. Are your plans are to maintain it eternally as the no-PVP armor ? Do you have plans to move out resource management from armor type ? Do you assess a change in CC break mechanics, perma root, and Stamina drain of melee weapon builds, especially those who have no stamina back from their armor but need it the most (heavy melee weapons players who have chose their armor to play in the front line) ?

    as heavy, we pay the
    _ higher price on damage (lowest)
    _ higher price on mobility (MA)
    _ higher price on penetration (LA)
    _ higher price in overall sustainability
    _ even higher price in overall survivability since it is much more resource-defined than mitigation-defined. Therefore, in this field too, Heavy is still the WORST ARMOR TO HAVE IN PVP.

    Why choose Heavy Armor in PVP, still in 1.6 ?

    Plz check this thread for details :
  • ashlee17
    Reguarding the changes to racial pasives.

    A fair solution for all...

    Since many racial pasives have been changed several times already since the beginning of ESO I think it would be fair to offer all players a way to change their native racial pasives.

    I propose that zos give all characters the ability to unlock and "channel the spirit" (aka passives) of another race.

    This would allow any race to use the passive a of any other race in place of their own, while retaining the "look" of there original race.

    The different racial passives could be unlocked though a series of quests or as an addition to the champion system.

    It would work in a similar style to Mundas stone effects.

    As the changes have affected all characters this option should be avalible to all, though a way to speed up the unlock "could" be sold though the cash shop.

    This might be a fair solution to the problems that have arisen by zos continually changing racial pasives now and into the future.

    Thanks for reading. We have a verry passionate community here on the forums so please be kind to my humble idea
    Administrator of More Than Fair Guild- North American Server- Come and Join us for a fun and friendly experience - 480+ members and great trader location- all factions welcome - mail me @ashlee17 in game for an invite.
    Join the crusade for better guild management tools!
    Please comment and support this cause!
  • Fecius
    Plz, do not nerf Sanctum Ophidia that hard way. 17kk HP is nothing in compare with players scales. It's about 2.4kk HP on live now, if im correct. So it's 1.1kk HP nerf that u "forgot" to mention in patchnotes. Not hard and cool any more...
    - Looking for Progress PvE Guild!
    - Ex Ætherius Eight / Ætherius Raid PC EU
    - World First Sanctum Ophidia Difficult Mode (1.5.8 at January 21, 2015)

    - PvE Dunmer Magicka Sorcerer
    - YouTube

    - Under sun and sky Outlander, we greet you warmly!
    - Под этим Солнцем и небом мы тепло приветствуем тебя!
  • Mix
    New prov system:

    Definitely helped my inventory out and it is nice to be able to make lower level food for friends without needing special ingredients only found at low levels.

    The provisioning writs at 5/6 and 6/6 skill appear to be wrong as they don't use food/drink which those levels of skill unlock.

    Using stolen ingredients in Provisioning right away as you don't have to launder them, but for laundering they are very reasonably priced.

    I do love the new food/drink names although not sure how lore-friendly some of them are.

    You do need to use your imagination for some of the recipes. Honey Nut Treat uses Melon and Millet if i recall:p For the most part though they are straight-forward.

    After Laundering provisioning ingredients they don't automatically stack with the ingredients you have in your bag, although you can manually stack them.

    Justice System:

    Overall I have found this to be incredibly fun:D

    For npcs being murdered: it only gets a bit weird when the body of said npc isn't completely looted and persists when the npc respawns. So you have the npc walking around AND their corpse (or sometimes corpses!) on the ground still.

    The gold/bounty penalty for murder seems very low. I know we get the "kill on sight" reputation, but my bounty doesn't seem to go up appropriately for having just slaughtered someone!

    NPCs in houses: getting negative reputation and a bounty for killing npcs who have no direct contact with a guard seems odd. Like in Skyrim after "last witness killed" I think the bounty/rep should go away as no one would know WHO murdered them.

    If possible, it would be handy to be able to see the "eye" when you have a container open. There are some places where the npcs move/turn quite quickly and since you cannot see if you are undetected with a container open you can sometimes get caught:p

    I really enjoy the "Flavour" text on the stolen items and that the green and blue are location specific. It does feel like some of those items should be trophies with a /use though:p I really wanted to be able to have my model ballista actually fire at critters!

    Bards are really heartless:p You can murder someone in front of them and they just keep playing/singing away!


    Loved the new tutorial. Excellent job and makes the player execute the move as instructed before moving on. Only thing I would change is to add a weapon rack to the Forgemaster's area so players can pick up the weapon they want without relying on RNG to loot one in the Tower of the Eyes area.
  • Drazhar14
    There is a bug with Evil Hunter. When using dual wield and swapping to another weapon with Evil Hunter active (in my case the bow), the weapon effects still appeared in each hand as if I was still holding two swords with my bow out. When I swapped back to dual wield, the weapon effect only appeared on my left sword and the right one had nothing. Swapping back to bow causes both effects to appear in each hand again. It seems to somehow reverse itself.
  • Assilma
    Drazhar14 wrote: »
    There is a bug with Evil Hunter. When using dual wield and swapping to another weapon with Evil Hunter active (in my case the bow), the weapon effects still appeared in each hand as if I was still holding two swords with my bow out. When I swapped back to dual wield, the weapon effect only appeared on my left sword and the right one had nothing. Swapping back to bow causes both effects to appear in each hand again. It seems to somehow reverse itself.

    Yes, Siphoning Attacks (nightblade skill) has had exactly the same animation issue since release :(
    I'm back!
  • jelliedsoup
    Don't make bow as shite as when the game was released.
  • jaibierwb17_ESO
    Ageless wrote: »

    So if it can be made a choice to start completely anew, that would be nice. Oh and when you do, give everyone who wants to a starter of 10,000 gold of course. Or a pack-horse. ;)

    It already is a choice - Delete your old characters and roll new ones if you really want. The rest of us will keep our levelled characters, thank you very much.
  • Cinbri
    Solar Flare and it morphs' Major Empower buff don't working with channelled skills like jabs.
  • Exstazik
    Champion Points should be given not only by EXP
    I want to be rewarded CP by achievements the character have.(something like 10-50 achievements=1CP)
    Edited by Exstazik on February 10, 2015 10:11AM
  • Enodoc
    Exstazik wrote: »
    Champion Points should be given not only by EXP
    I want to be rewarded CP by achievements the character have.(something like 10-50 achievements=1CP)
    Hey now that's an interesting idea. In addition to what I said before about giving out CP progress from APs and Inspiration, having CPs progress based on achievement points would be good. (I'd rather it be based on achievement points rather than number of achievements, since that is more representative of the effort put into achieving the achievement.)

    So if you add that to my previous list:
    Enodoc wrote: »
    • 1 CP every 240,000 XP (rather than 400,000 XP; that's too high)
    • Enlightenment gives 3x XP (instead of 4x; that's too much difference)
    • Higher XP reward (4x current) for Cadwell, Pledges, DSA and Trials
    • XP from Justice System lockpicking (doors and safeboxes) and pickpocketing (only if not caught)
    • CP gain from crafting (eg, 1 CP-tick for 10 Inspiration)
    • CP gain directly from AP (eg, 1 CP-tick for each AP)
    • CP gain from Achievements (eg, 499 CP-ticks for each achievement point; that's about 1 CP for every 800 achievement points)
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • ArconSeptim
    Edited by ArconSeptim on February 10, 2015 2:45PM
  • kojou
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Exstazik wrote: »
    Champion Points should be given not only by EXP
    I want to be rewarded CP by achievements the character have.(something like 10-50 achievements=1CP)
    Hey now that's an interesting idea. In addition to what I said before about giving out CP progress from APs and Inspiration, having CPs progress based on achievement points would be good. (I'd rather it be based on achievement points rather than number of achievements, since that is more representative of the effort put into achieving the achievement.)

    So if you add that to my previous list:
    Enodoc wrote: »
    • 1 CP every 240,000 XP (rather than 400,000 XP; that's too high)
    • Enlightenment gives 3x XP (instead of 4x; that's too much difference)
    • Higher XP reward (4x current) for Cadwell, Pledges, DSA and Trials
    • XP from Justice System lockpicking (doors and safeboxes) and pickpocketing (only if not caught)
    • CP gain from crafting (eg, 1 CP-tick for 10 Inspiration)
    • CP gain directly from AP (eg, 1 CP-tick for each AP)
    • CP gain from Achievements (eg, 499 CP-ticks for each achievement point; that's about 1 CP for every 800 achievement points)

    +1 For me on this as well... that would give me almost 14 CPs since I have 11,180 Achievement Points. :)
    Playing since beta...
  • b-l-a-d-eb16_ESO
    What do you think what people should do in 1.6 getting CP? You nerf all grindspots. People get out of quests. Do you really want to force people to repeat trials/dungeons again and again and again? You should leave enough space for people to make XP for CP and leave some possibilites to play solo for maybe 1 hour or 2 without the need to search for an grp for half the already force people to do the same again and again and again by doing daily pledges...


    you can nerf grindspots... but let them at a level its still okay to grind. it shouldnt be overpowered like rkundzelft but it should still be a playstile.... "hey i have 30 minutes what can i do?" .. ill go kill some mobs make some XP and Money... and later when i have more time i can make a trial maybe....


    But it will end in - "hey i have 30 minutes what can i do? nothing .... killing mobs is useless, and there is not enough time to do anything else this game offers to continue in my character progress"


    You killed the freedom to run around and explore some stuff by introducing dailys and stuff ..... now its -> Daily -> Trial -> Wayne rest of the world?

  • b-l-a-d-eb16_ESO
    did I mention 400k XP is INSANELY high for 1 CP? has anyone else tried to get one yet? its hopeless. 1 hour of gameplay estimate was SO FAR OFF

    Its not. Some people get 4-5 per hour until they nerf these spots. If they decrease the XP people who know some grindspots that are left will grind to CP cap before they remove it. The XP System like it is now is completely crap... you get low xp for trials hardmodes vetdungeons ... you get 15 XP from some V14 mobs... HI 15 XP??? Its not balanced.... and i have the feeling it never will be.

    It seems .... Nerfing grindspots > creating balanced spots

  • Whilhelmina

    How does the new system feel overall?
    The sorting of the recipes is somewhat better as there are more types and it's level-sorted within the types.
    The fact that all names are different and the new number of components is a massive pain.

    Does the system make more sense?
    The recipe sorting makes more sense.
    The fact that any white meat animal will give white meat is somewhat easier than tracking chickens for capon meat, goats for goat meat, pigs for pig milk and pork and so on. It was doable anyway.
    The fact that we now have 6x3 primary components for food + 6 additives + a purple one (and the same for drinks) makes no sense at all. it's the same as before but instead of having sta/health/magicka sorted by secondary, it's now sorted by primary, nothing changed and we have to save more items to be able to level up and do writs instead of getting rid of the old-tier stuff when starting a new one.
    In the end, the system makes sense, but the reason why the system was changed doesn't make sense.

    If you’re using a copied character from the Live megaserver, did you find the transition to the new system relatively painless?
    After a long time sorting old items and new items and finding that extra-rare items are now used all the time, then finding that some purple VR10 drinks come from old level 35 recipes, the transition is all but painless.

    Are all items from previous provisioning accounted for in your inventory?

    Did you feel the provisioning revamp has significantly impacted your inventory?
    Yes, for the worse.
    Previously, I could only save the items from the levels I was in and skip the rest. I had extra components for blue/purple stored away on another alt. Now I'll have to retain all 50 items in my bank.
    If somebody was keeping all the food/drink items in one inventory (with a horse and max bag space ^^), then it's better. It wasn't my case.

    How do you feel about the new recipes?
    Names are better. Items used are more logical. I like the flavour of them.
    I hope you'll remember to bring back in game some previously missing recipes (aka that never dropped or were removed), like the "saltrice slurry recipe".
    One thing: there are currently no "old converted" recipes that use fish but the purple ones. I hope you added new recipes that do use fish in top tiers.

    How do you feel about the new paradigm for how food and drink, plus their subcategories, are broken down?
    The fact that there are 7 categories is easier to find the items.
    btw, UI-wise, it would be better if we could expand and collapse a subactegory by clicking on the name and not just expand. If you have lots of recipes it's a pain.

    If you obtained ingredients from critters, how did it feel?
    er, same as before?
    A bit easier as we only have to track a type ("poultry", "small game", "game", white meat" and "red meat") instead of having to track a specific animal. Flavour-wise it's not widely different, but it is easier to hunt for crafting.

    How does brewing compare to what you experienced to the live game in terms of benefit?
    I didn't see a difference. The regen value went up, but the max value for the character went abysmally up so, in the end, there isn't a noticeable change.
    I thought we could now drink and eat which would give more importance to brewing. If you can't do both, players will only use one.

    Can you still rank up in provisioning with the Justice System?
    That one will be a pain. You basically have to steal to get components and the main way to get recipes is to check dressers and such in towns. The main problem will be to get recipes,e specially if you don't want to be a criminal.

    Did you feel you needed to steal in order to be an effective provisioner?
    You can't provision, get items and get recipes without stealing.

    Were you able to reasonably find recipes?
    Same drop as before in dressers in my experience (if you steal that is). The fact that they are now tied to the level of the zone and NOT to the level of the character is a massively-huge improvement (thanks a LOT)

    How was your experience with crafting writs, if you performed any?
    Forgot to check and my character is now wiped :/

    Recipes are cute. Components are nice, level change is good. It seems fine even if most of the changes weren't needed imo.

    For testers, I put up with hubby a component conversion, purple recipe conversion, component list and recipe list table (both in english and german) as an excel file, if anybody is interested.
  • Ageless
    Playing 1.6.2 with a new character, so started in Coldharbour, I haven't even passed the river here yet, but am already lugging around 21 lockpicks. A tad too many for my liking.

    Have just rescued the Prophet and went through all containers there: 34 lockpicks.
    Leaving Coldharbour with 44 lockpicks. You know how long it took before you got yourself your first lockpick in Skyrim?
    Edited by Ageless on February 11, 2015 12:03AM

    As I burn down and murder, I know that God forgives.
    'Spite all the things I've done my soul yet forever lives.
    And all those caught in the shadow of my wings have cause to fear.
    I swear on all I've done, no evil shall linger here.

  • Aquanova
    Aquanova wrote: »
    ZOS! What's up with this f----n patch you just released on the pts? It just erased my character and started me in the prison! I'm not gonna start a new character just to test this stuff out. FIX THIS CRAP!

    if you had a clue this is what you would know. the patch didnt delete the characters, it was done on purpose as they stated: NA deleted and EU uploaded for 1.6.1
    also you would be aware that you need to select the template you want in the upper left corner of character creation.
    did you seriously just put zero effort in and get mad and swear them? turns out your the problem.
    If you put zero effort in to understand whats going on, what could you possibly contribute to the pts?

    @dylanjaygrobbelaarb16_ESO‌ No *** brainiac! Read my post after that ! Oh, and WATCH OUT!, I swore again, welcome to the land of Working men;)
    Edited by Aquanova on February 11, 2015 5:05AM
  • Elsonso
    Tutorial Comments

    Community Manager Note: This has been written in /feedback.

    Overall, I like the new tutorial. It is on the right track and much better than before, especially in the Forge area. That said, I wonder if anyone else thinks these things need to be addressed.

    The tutorial did not cover looting chests, urns, etc for updated weapons and armor. For the most part, a new player will reach the end of the Wailing Prison wearing and using the exact same equipment they started with. This does not have to be. The tutorial could cover looting, including looting the very armor they wanted to automatically equip everyone with in Update 5, as part of the progression of the tutorial.

    The Tutorial did not cover Inventory. Even if they collect armor and weapons, the tutorial does not lead them to use it.

    The reduced number of chests means that it is likely that desired equipment will not be found by someone going through the Wailing Prison directly. Even with looking around, the reduced number of chests means that it is harder to obtain the weapon you want or armor that covers everything. Currently, most chests are off the path of light.

    The tutorial did not cover dodge, which is handy against several of the attacks, including the final boss.

    The missing flame atronachs cover a form of attack that is no longer in the tutorial. When they die, they have an AoE explosion. I remember this being unexpected when I first started playing the game and that stuck with me.

    I did appreciate the animation when breaking the Prophet out of his glowing ball.

    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
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